Sister Nibedita Govt. General Degree College for Girls Hastings House, Alipore, Kolkata-700027 Tender No..255...../SNGGDCG/..................... Date. 16/07/16 QUOTE AS PER OUR SL. NO LAST DATE OF SUBMISSION: 23/07/16 sealed quotation are invited for the following item 1. Desktop, CPU, Printer, UPS of reputed brands (DELL/HP/LENOVO) (i3, ITBHDD, 4GB RAM.) 2. Refrigerator (290 L) SAMSUNG/ LG/ GODREJ. 3. Digital Balance (Wensar) 4. Chenometric Balance with weight box 5. Vortex (Remi) 6. Water bath (stainless steel; 6holes) & oil bath 7. Hot air oven (18’’x18’’x12’’)(Inco) 8. Shaker incubator (Remi) 9. Colorimeter (digital). (Systronics) 10. Microscope (D-tech Instavision Compound Microscope) 11. Tape Recorder 12. Homogeniser 13. Visualiser 14. LED screen (LG/ SAMSUNG/ SONY) 15. DVD- player cum writter (SONY) 16. Sound system (Frontech) 17. Digital Camera ( Olympus) 18. Glucometer 19. Topographical Map (plain & plateau) 20. Glass wares of Borosil (R), Borosil Glass, Riviera, Duran, Merck, Westco, Neutral Glass etc. (Discount of printed price as per company catalogue inclusive of VAT and other taxes on each item should be clearly stated) 21. Plastic items. Plastics waves of Tarson, Poly lab, local made (Discount of printed price as per company catalogue inclusive of VAT and other taxes on each item should be clearly stated) 22. Chemicals of Emark India, BDH, LOBA, SRL, Hi-Media, Spectrochem, Qualigen, Sigma/ Aldrich/Ranbaxy etc. (Discount of printed price as per company catalogue inclusive of VAT and other taxes on each item should be clearly stated) 23. Rocks Hand Specimens (Igneous): Granite (3 types), Basalt, Dolerite, Gabbro, Granodiorite, Syenite, Nephelene Syenite, Aplite, Anorthosite, Pyroxene, Rhyolite, Lamprophyre, Andesite small, Diorite small, Volcanic tuff, 24. Rock Thin Sections (Igneous) for Microscopic Studies 25. Rocks Hand Specimens (Sedimentary): Sandstone ( 3 types), Limestone ( 5 types), Arkose, Breccia, Shale ( 2 types), Conglomerate, Coal, Lignite 26. Rock Thin Sections (Sedimentary) for Microscopic Studies 27. Rocks Hand Specimens (Metamorphic): Quartzite, Marble, Schist, Phyllite, Gneiss, Laterite, Slate, Amphibolite, Khondalite, Charnokite, Garnet Mica Schist, Kynite Schist, Biotite Schist, Hornblende Schist, Calc Sillicate Rock, Gondite, Banded Gneiss, Pegmatite, Hypersthene Granulite, Granite Gneiss 28. Rock Thin Sections (Metamorphic) for Microscopic Studies 29. Monocular Petrological Polarising Microscopes 30. Optics for Petrological Polarising Microscopes 31. Accessory Plates for Petrological Microscopes 32. Optics: 4 Objectives (Self Centered and Strain Free) 4X, 5X, 10X and 45X or 40x of Own Make (Superior), 2 Huyghenian Eye Pieces 10X (Cross Hair) and 15X 33. Geological Hammer all Steel with Fibroplast Handle 34. Texture Collection of Rocks in Thin Sections (Igneous, Sedimentary & Metamorphic) 35. Thin Sections of Minerals (Prepared Slides) 36. Mineral Hand Specimens (5 cm x 7 cm approx.) 37. Transparent Plastic Crystal Models DANA 38. Digital pH meter with Electrode Model 335 39. Digital Conductivity -TDS Meter with Cells and Temperature Probe Model 307 40. P-N Junction Diode Experiment SetWith –Digital voltmeter (2V/20V), Ammeter (200mA), 0-15v. Variable D C power supply, variable load resistance 41. Bridge Rectifier Experiment Set With digital Voltmeter, Milliameter,Variable load resistance, C-filter, π filter, Diode, Fixed/Variable -AC supply (12-0-12, 15-0-15) 42. Zener Diode Experiment SetWith –Digital voltmeter (2V/20V), Ammeter (200mA), 0-15v. Variable D C power supply, variable lord resistance 43. Transistor Experiment SetWith Digital voltmeter, Ammeter, Microammeter, 0 – 4V. & 0 – 15V. two DC variable power supply, Fabrication/Bread board. 44. Logic Gate Exp. SetWith- + 5 volt DC supply, 6 high low Input, 6 transistor backup Output LED terminal, Digital voltmeter, Bread board, Clock pulse Generator, Manual trigger(+ & -), Variable continuous pulse 45. LCR Experiment set With 0 – 12V./p-p/100KHz oscillator with digital frequency counter, True RMS AC millivoltmeter range – 200mV/2V/20V,L C R bank 46. Voltmeter to Ammeter conversion experiment set With 0 – 10V. course fine variable DC power supply, Analog voltmeter, Analog ammeter/micro ammeter, 4 nos resistance bank. 47. OP-AMP Experiment Set (With ±12 volt, ±.33v, ±.22v, ±.10v, ±.05v, digital volt meter 2v/20v range, 10K pot, bread board. for inverting, non-inverting, adder, buffer, sub tractor expt.) 48. Moment of Inertia Expt. Setup-INCO/DEVCO 49. Rigidity of Modulus(Dynamic method)-INCO/DEVCO 50. Refractive index of liquid by travelling Microscope-Setup-INCO/DEVCO 51. Young Modulus Apparatus (Flexure method)-INCO/DEVCO 52. Determine the coefficient of Viscosity of water by Poiseuille’s method-INCO/DEVCO 53. Determination of the surface tension of water by capillary rise method.-INCO/DEVCO 54. Stefan’s law verification-Apparatus 55. Determination of the focal length of a concave lens by auxiliary lens method or by combination method.-(Complete with Optical bench(Stainless steel),Lamp house, lens holder, Lens Skin, Cross wire etc.)-INCO/DEVCO 56. Determination of the horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field using a deflection and an oscillation magnetometer-INCO/DEVCO 57. Determine the unknown resistance by Carey Foster Bridge Carey Foster Bridge-(Wooden C.P) (Complete Set)-DI/Friends/INCO 58. Measurement of current flowing through a resistor by using a potentiometer (measuring drop of potential). Verify the- result with the help of a milliammeterComplete Set 59. Oscilloscope - 30MHz (Dual trace) With component tester & Digital frequency counter Model no. – SM-410D-Scientific 60. Newton’s ring apparatusCompact, steady, easy to handle, all component, microscope also provided with XY-Z movement with Sodium lamp house with power supply- (PHILIPS) Sodium lamp 35W. (PHILIPS)-INCO/VEVCO 61. Polarimeter with Half shade device or Biquartz-INCO/DEVCO 62. Spectrometer (complete set with sodium vapour Lamp and voltage source) (Both small and Big diameters, vernier division = 60) Scale value should increase anticlockwise-INCO/DEVCO 63. Travelling Microscope INCO (Two - motion) 64. Helium lamp + high voltage Source(PHILIPS) 65. Complete Set of Callendar and Barne’s Expt.Method-INCO/DI/Friends/Oxford 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. Complete Set of Lee’s and Chorlton’s Expt.Method-INCO/Friends/DI Plug Commutator (Brass-Heavy type ) One way and two way key(Brass-Heavy type) Breadboards-Wish Carbon resistors LED Diode (different nos) Transistors (different nos) IC-chips (different nos) Breadboards-Wish Connecting Wires Wire Cutter Tweezers 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. Rheostat(of different ranges) Milliammeter (of different ranges both AC and DC-Analog/Digital)-Oxford Voltmeter (of different ranges both AC and DC-Analog/Digital)-Oxford Multimeter-Metravi Spirit level(2”/3”) Spirit lamp Soldering iron with soldering wire and paste Resistance Box(0-10k ohm) Fractional Resistance Box SEALED ENVELOPE SHOULD BE MARKED PRINCIPAL, SISTER NIBEDITA GOVT. GENERAL DEGREE COLLEGE FOR GIRLS, HASTINGS HOUSE DATE FOR OPENING QUOTATION:- 26/07/16 Principal