newsletter 6.5.16 - Newton St Cyres Primary School


The Newton News

Term 3 Summer Term 1 Week 28 2015-2016

Friday 6th May 2016


Next week is a big week for our Year 6 children as they take their SATS tests, especially this year when the media spotlight has been on the changes that have been made to the curriculum, the testing system and the way that children's attainment and progress is recorded. Whilst these tests are an important part of evaluating what the children have learned over the last four years, what they don't measure is the children's motivation and enthusiasm to learn, the skills they have learned in working together and learning to co-operate or their leadership skills and these are the things that matter just as much as academic progress. So we encourage all our children to do their best and give a good account of themselves but hopefully keep the next few weeks in perspective!

As the reporting of attainment and progress have also changed this year, we will be organising a short meeting for parents of children in Year 2 and Year 6 before reports come home to explain what the external results mean and how they are organised and more information about this will be coming home from each school soon.

Dear Parents and Guardians

We would like to enter some children from Years 4, 5 and 6 into the Exe Valley Challenge. This is a walk from

Isca School around the canal basin. Children in Years 4 and 5 walk 7 miles and the Year 6 children will walk 10 miles. The event is on July 3 rd

, if you would like your child to enter then please pass names onto the office. We will have a look on Friday 12 th

May to see if we have enough entries to make up teams of four. Can I just make you aware that this is also the date of our Newton Revels where the school will be involved with fundraising and organising some sporting events. Unfortunately the children won’t be able to participate in both events.

It is a very important time in school for the children at the moment. Our formal tests for Year 6 take place next week and for Year 2 the following week. Thank you to all of you who have supported the children in the build up to the test (both in school and at home). Can I remind you that it is imperative that all Year 6 children are in for all the tests next week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings).

This morning, we waved off the Year 5 children for their residential to Barton Hall, the weather looks really promising and I am sure that will add to their enjoyment of the exciting activities planned.

Can I remind all Year 5 parents that there will be an assembly about the residential next Friday (12 th

May) at

3pm – you are all welcome to join us.

I do hope you get to enjoy the lovely weather this weekend,

Kind regards


Head of Teaching & Learning

This Week We Would Like to Wish a Happy Birthday to:




Monday Key Stage Two Learning Club PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN LEARNING CLUB TIMES – 3:20-4:30


Key Stage Two Tag Rugby Club (3:20 - 5:00pm)


Key Stage Two Street Surfing 3:30-4:30 (Fee payable)

14 th

April-19 th



Class Two and Three Recorder Club – Mondays

Tuesday – Art Club

Class One and Two Computing Club – Fridays

Thursday Breaktime – Tuck Shop

AFTER SCHOOL CLUB is available at Newton Nippers - daily up until 5pm. Please contact the Office for prices and availability


9 th

May – SATS Week

Friday 13 th

May 2:45 - Year 5 Residential Assembly (parents welcome)

Friday 20 th

May 2:45 - Class 3 Assembly (parents welcome)

Friday 27 th

May 2:45 – Year 6 Residential Assembly (parents welcome)

Friday 10 th

June – Federation Queen’s Birthday Celebration at Thorverton Hall (children only)

Thursday 23 rd

June – SCHOOL SUMMER FAYRE 2:30pm (all welcome)

Friday 1 st

July – Class 2 Assembly parents welcome)

Monday 4 th

July 1:30pm pm– SPORTS DAY at the RECREATION GROUND (standby 5

Wednesday 5

Tuesday 19 th th th


July – Key Stage Two – Kingfisher Award Picnic – at the RECREATION GROUND

July – Whole school summer trip

Thursday 21 st

July- Federation Assembly NSC

Friday 22 nd

July – End of Year Celebration Assembly and Leavers’ Assembly Term End

Wednesday 7

Friday 6 th

-9 th th

September – start of Autumn Term


May Year 5 Residential to Barton Hall £120

Friday 20 th

-23 rd

Monday 11 th

May Year 6 Residential to Grenville House £165

-12th July Year 3 Residential to Escot £75

Newton Nippers News

We have had a short but busy week; exploring various textures and learning more about the sea and its creatures. We have also been taking advantage of the lovely weather that has now decided to grace us with its presence by making obstacle courses outside and looking for worms in the garden! We are still hoping for a volunteer or two that would like to spend some time with us helping to make our garden area into a colourful, aromatic area for us all to enjoy and learn from-no experience necessary, just a joy of gardening!

You may have noticed a Makaton sign stuck on the parent information board in the foyer-Makaton is a language programme using signs and symbols to help people communicate. We will be looking at one sign each week as part of our

Communication and Language area of learning so please join us in this, the children seem to really enjoy it.

Over the next few weeks, up until the end of term in July, we will be sending out some home learning ideas for the children starting school in September. These are just small activities and games that can be played at home, in the car, or on the bus that will help your child in their readiness for school. For the children coming back to us in September you will find an updating form coming home for you to fill in and return as to which sessions you would like for the start of the next school year. To ensure we have the correct contact details could you please fill this in on the form if there have been any changes recently-thank you.

An email was sent out last week to all parents letting you know our new email address -if you have not received this could you please check your junk folders, and let us know if you still didn’t get it-thank you.

TERM DATES 2016 to 2018

Autumn term 2016

Monday 5 th

September to Friday 21 st

October [staff training days 5 th

and 6 th


Monday 31 st

October to Friday 16 th


Spring term 2017

Tuesday 3 rd

January to Friday 10 th

February [staff training day 3 rd


Monday 20 th

February to Friday 31 st

March [staff training day 20 th


Summer term 2017

Tuesday 18 th

April to Friday 26 th


Monday 5 th

June to Wednesday 26 th

July [staff training day 5 th


Autumn term 2017

Monday 4 th

September to Friday 20 th

October [staff training day 4 th


Monday 30 th

October to Friday 15 th

December [staff training days 30 th

and 31 st


Spring term 2018

Wednesday 3 rd

January to Friday 9 th

February [staff training day 3 rd


Monday 19 th

February to Thursday 29 th

March [staff training day 19 th


Summer term 2018

Monday 16 th

April to Friday 25 th


Monday 4 th

June to Thursday 26 th


* to be confirmed by Governors in May 2016

Year 5 off to Barton Hall for their residential weekend


Our amazing walkers, Fred, Dylan, Ben and Joseph just before they finished their 16 mile walk across Exmoor. What a team; we are all so delighted for them. They approached the preparation for the challenging event with diligence, whether map reading, learning their compass skills or during the practice walks whilst building their stamina. They are a real asset to the school; Bear Grylls would be proud! Congratulations boys, you certainly should be very proud of yourselves!

Are there any budding Year 5 girls and boys out there? Preparation for the event begins in the

Autumn term.

Sainsbury’s Vouchers

Please could you send in any vouchers you have at home.

We will be sending off our order very soon.
