Previous Menu IN N ‘2NDEMC0, CONGRATULATIONS on your purchase of the Ademco vi876 System! Th purpose of these Installation Instructions is to give you a brief overview Adernco vIu76 system, and provide instmctions for installing a basic system. As always, ADEMCO im there for YOU! Our SALES and TECHNICAL SUPPORT SM to ●ssist you in any way they can, eo don’t hesitate to call, for any reason! lk8t&aat2MJucnl “ of the are eager Suppolt: 141@-64&7492 (3 anMp.m E.S.TJ Wedanlstlkchlud “ Suppon: l-@O-fSS-9468 (3 anL-6p.nLP.S.TJ PLEASE, Before you call Technical Support, be sure you have: Checked all wiring connections and ties. Determined that the power supply ●nd backup battery are supplying proper voltages. “ Verified your programming information where applicable. ● Noted th~ proper model n&nber of this producg and the vereion level (if known) along with any documentation that came with the produck ● Your Ademco customer number sdor company name. Having this information handy will make it easier for us to serve you quickly and effectively. ● “ 4@% CONGRATULATIONS, I I and WELCOME JWOAIZD! FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, two eaeily removable Programming Forms have been included at the center of thie manual. I ADEMCO LIMITED WARRANTY --’~ -f-g&-ygp~&ggp sYee8etw Yoric117slo~ ~~ ~~ —--wMld-rse’w),waeenwey, mdtobetwetrm-h 1 - wti~*dwtim* 18mmmkz-~-e-ma, bmmtMm Memoo-shnlp, br12nlanttBhom- eferiplndpucheee mkee9leinadMon amm*zM*. M~Mbw*mwH, *b**de.ti-~@w lebor,enyproductwhich upmvednotincon@moewih&lereepdkahe orproueedeteotb h~ewdmedw unti-. -wltiwmdtiti ew~wtimhm~--~-=-viadbymy'oneothualenA&mofUaoryeeruioe.Fcrwamtyemvine,ree#nProalctcwwmden PM@48~F=Ww, way,syeeaetNewYofkl17sl. 16sEileen THEREARENOWARRANTIES, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, OFMEROHANTASl~.ORFITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, WHICHEXTENDBEYOND THEDESCRIPTION * THEFACEHEREOF. INW CASESHALlSELLER SEEU&M& OFTHISORANYUIMERWARR4NTY. A-E ~ ANY00NSEOUENTIAL ORINOIDENTMDAMAGESFOR SREACH IMPUED, ORUPONANYOTHERSASIS OFLMSILJWWHATSOEVERi EVENIFTHEWSS~ DAMAGE ISCAUSED 6YTHESELLER’S M NEGWENGE ~ FAULT. roventanypuwnelh jufy seBer&eenotrepmenthetute produmiteeliemeYmtbeawwo-edw ~m,tmepmduuswsp ~~h~mmwv~er . ~erhmmtepnx-tsh~m —~—w —~~~. ~ eimnn?ayantJf IeducehfiekcfaburDhv. mbbwr,ww-f---* Underetuldehetapropedy hemmdnmhimad wa~wmwd-wwktibmmwwqbmaPrwk5n2malunl, butaienotinauena 00NSEOUENTLY, SELLER SHALLHAVENOUASUJTY _ ANYPERSONAL INJURY. PROPE~ DAMAGE OROTHERLOSS cult. HOWEVER IF SELLERtS HELDLtASLE~R DIREOTLY ORlNDlSMEDONACLAIM THEPRODUCTFAILED~ GIvEWARNING REoTLY, FORANYLOSSORDAMA=ARISING UN=R THISLthSTED WARRANIYOR OWERW=i REGARDussmcAusEoRoR1PRICEOFTHEP~~TUCWJWJHAUHAU= GIN,SELLER’S MAXIMUM LIASILITY SHALL NOTINANYCASEEXCl=STHEPURCHASE REMEDY AGAINST SELLER IIw “wumtY w+my PI-WC ~ THECOMPLETEANDEXCLUSIVE dthiilhimdwmrentyismnhdmd lne&byselkon thkc#ochcLNO~OrdMeti,-W*i,tib~ -2- CONTENTS Lknbd w.v ............e.......e........................................ 2 Oonoml lnh* ..................................... ..................... 9 ~~ ~....~...................................~ &rSolsaim....................................... 4 ZanoTypaA~ Wkdoss as ................................................................. 5 4-W U........................................................ 6 m ~ ............................................................ MountingUu condo(t) ..................................................... Pfogmmmhgh Sualdv. .. ............. ........................ ......................... : ......................................................... ls ti8afin .................................................................. s S &.=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: \ Cm?adml m Fw~ ............................................................... 10 ThoLimiIuion8d his Ahnn *sm. .................................. a Dlogromo Instdlii ha Lod (M ~ .................................................6 lnudlh6AdDmco8#mf6 uld4261Tqpslu ......................... 7 Imtdhg Adunco*16 Ch#I & Abno......................... 7 ........................................................... 12 .................................................. 17 Tmnsmiaors ....................... t6 DIPTdos br W- GENERAL INFORMATION TheAdernco vf8f6 is a mkrcpmcessor-based se- . rnatbnwhichhas been programmedwill not be bst inthe eventof a oorrptetebss of power. The system provides communicatbn capability (central station reporting,etc.) over existingtelephone lines. In addition,it can be upbaded, downtcaded,or contmtledvia yourcomputerand Hayes modem. This system includes an alarm output rated at 2 amps. Throughout tho manual, whorover referenco Is made to Alarm Output Ratings, they ● ssumo a fully charged battery ta connected unless the UL ret)ng b stated. The batte~ is periodicallytested automatically,and if it canmt sustaina bad, a bw batterymessageis dsptayedandcan be repwtedto the centralstatbn. ZONE CHARACTERISTICS Zones 1-4: not present Zones 5,6: Wtred Progmmmable Zones. EOLR supenrised,N.O. or N.G. sensors,300-500 rnsecresponse. Zone 7: Console Panic. 24hr zone, programmsbteforsitent,audible,auxilia~,orfh. zone 8 Duress (see Usets Manual). Zone 9: Tamper. Wlrelesa Zones. Up to 16 total can be used with the 4281 receiver provided.Zone ID assignments can be in the 19=63 range. Any 5700 series transrnttterscan be usedto makeup the wiretesszones. This inctudeswlndowhborunits,smoke detectors, PIRs, and pank keys. The selectbn of a partkular transmitterand ttszone assignmentdefinesits systemcharacteristics. curitycontrolwhich provides2 wired zones, amf in ccnjunctbn wtth its accompanyingNo. 4281H RF Receiver,up to 16 wireless(RF) zones.(tfa 4261Lor 4261M RF Recehmris usedinstead,ontyupto 4 or 8 wireless zones respectively can be supported.). Not.: For brevity,subsequentmienw%xmherein to the RF Receiver wi// be indicatedby “4281=unless otherwiseindicated. The security control is housed in a wall-mountsd mOtatCSbin6tmeasuri~ 12-l& (318mm)wide X 141/2 (366mm) high x 3“ (76mm) deep, and can be used with a consoleequippedwith a muttifunctiin 12-key digital keypad and a numerk and fixed EngtishstatusLCD disptay(4127). Optiinatly,a No. 4137 may be used, or a No. 5330 AJphs Console (selectfor Vectordevke, es descrbed in the 5330’s installationinsbuctbns)maybe usedwiththe control to provide programmable English language zone descriptorsand statusindications.The systemmay abo be armed and disarmed using a No. 5727 WirelessKeypad. Connectbns to the securttycontrolare made via a 21-terminatconnectorbtockwhkh is used to interface to the wired hops, ptug-intransformer,telephone line, remote console(s), external alarm sounder(s), etc. The securitycontrolcan be easily programmed from any of the above remote consoles. Programmed options to establish specifk atarmand reportingfeaturesare storedin etectricatty erasable, non-volatiteEEROM memory.This means that the unit can be reprogrammed many times (untikeunits equippedwith PROMS) and that infor- AND CONTROL via16 can be rernotetyprogrammed The Memo from an IBM compatiblePereonstComputer(PC), a Hayes Modem,and Ademco’sV-UNK@Software. Programmingthe Ademco vis16 froma remotebcatbn is protectedagainstComprombeby someorwattemptingto defeat the system,using muttiilevelsof securityprotectbn: 1. Socurlty Code Handahak@: An 8-digit download ID code must be matched between the Adernco v1876 and the downbader. 2. Site Inltlated Remoto Progmmmlng: The instalteror subscriberinitiites the calbsck from the subscriberpremises(by pressingMASTER CODE + # + 1). Atl parameters can then be ~tinbm~aes the phone lines using a per. 3. StatIon Inltlated Remote Progmmmlng: The operatorcattsthe sitefmm yourofficeto initiate the downbad call. The Adernco via76 hari~ up and thencatlsbackthe PC viathe prepwramm~ telephone number. The unit can upbaded, downbaded, or controlled fromyouroffii. 4. Data Encryption: Data passed between the PC and the Adernco via16 is encryptedfor securitysothat it isverydiffiitt fora foreigndevice tappedintothe phonelineto take over communicatbnand substitutesystemcompromMg informatbn. -3- soundedand the proper dialer repotts are sent to the oentralstatbn. The consofeswill beoomeactive after the downbad communkatbn is terminated. The detansdOpemtbnof the downloadfu@ons is oovered in the installation Instructions for the 4130PC Downbadng SoftwareDiskette. Equlpmont Roqulrod At tho prSM18S8: ● Adernco *18 and Consofe. At tho InStQllOr’s offioalhoma: . ArI IBM PC conqMNM8computer,a Hayes brand Smartrnodem 1200 (Level 1.2 or higherextemat or Level 1.1 or higherinfernal styfe), No. 4130PC DownloadingBoftware Oiskette(Rev. 1.73 or higher),and 8P Pfopffateinterconm%ngcables. Programming: The downbading system can perform many functkms when in communicatbnwith the controlunit. Besides uploadingand downloading,the status of the systemcan be obsetvedand varbus oommands can be initiied. Notes: After the ~rnco via76 and the PC have establishedvalid oomnmmicstion, each consoleon the systemwiflbecomeHive andwilldbptay%G. The Ademco via16, however,witl stiflbe acannfng itszones andtookingforatanns. ffansfarmdoesoe our, after oommnmication is broken off, sisrms are Romoto Progmmming Advisory Not@s: Alarm and trouble reporting may be detayed during the time that the system and the Downbaderare iinksdto each otherfottowinga vafkf exchangeof oodes, but the proper msssagewill get throughto the Central Statbn after the tfnkfsbroken. ● Keypad entriesare ignoreddurfngthe time irk tervalstatedabove. ● A copyof the programdownbadsd may be pr& duoed from the IBM PC COMpStfb10 00MpUter, using the produot’sintemai repott generator, when an opfbnal prfnteris connected(oonsult your PC manualfor properprinterand oonnectbns). ● Proorsm Downbad ~ess than 45 secon& foraoon@eteprogmm. ● ZONE TYPES AVAILABLE FOR SELECTION openingsor troubles(such as sensorrnatfunotions or foil breaks). During the armed state (r’@f’0~Me anatarm. 6. 24=hour Want Alarm. This type ge~ralty assfgnedto a zone oontsinfngan Emergenoy buttonthat is designedto initiatean atarmreport to the CentralSfatbn, butwhichpnxtuoesno b cd displaysorsfarmsounds. 7. 24-hour Audlbfs Alarm. This type atso assignedto a zone containingan Emergencybutton,butwhichwfifinftfsteansudibteafanninedditbntosnalann reporttothe Csntnsfsfafkm. 8. 24-hour Auxllfsry Afsnn (Console sounder onty).Thistype sssbned to a zone CX)ntsinhg a buttonfor use in personalemergencies,or to a zone oontainfngmonitoringdevfoessuchas water sensors,terrpsraturesensors,etc. Designed to hitbte an alarm rspwf to the CentraiSfsfion onlyprovidesConsolewarningsoundsand atsmldiepbya. 9. Stmervlaad Ftrs (aiarm on shorf/troubieon op6n) Fire zone may not be bypassed.Only usable on Zone S or -Console Panic In the wired system, or on oertain zones of the wireless system. By using the 4261 recefver and the appropriate 5700 seriestrartsmftters, all of the abovezonetypes are avaitableforfhe vdraiessportionofthe system. For each zone used,one of the fotbwingzone types mustbe Setected: o. Zone Dlsablod 1. Entw/Exit Burglary. Assignedto sensorson doorsthroughwhichentry and exttwifinormaify take pfacewhenthe systemis armed. 2. not used 3. Perimeter Burglary. Normaifyassignedto ail ~=rsf~xterbr doors and wfndows requiring 4. interior, Foliower. Delayed aiarm only if the Entry/Exitzone is fautted first: otherwise,pr& duces an instantalarm.Assignedto zone covering an area such as a foyer or bbby through which one must pass upon entry to reach the keypad to disarmthe system. Designedto provide Insta% intrusionalarm in the event an intruder hicwson the premisesprbr to the system being armed or gains aooess to the premises throughan unprotectedarea. s. Troubie by Day/Alarm by Night. Can be assigned to a zone which ocmtainsa foil-pmt---rw~(wtbasom),ortiaia zone coveringa %ensitii- area suchas a stock room,drug euppfyroom,e% or OtfWroonttied access area where fmmediatenotifiiin of an entryis desired.Duringthe disarmedstate(day), the systemwifl providefatcheciConsoieannunciation(and oentralstatbn report,if desired)of 4- ~ WIRELESS Gonoral In addltbn to 2 wired zones, the Ademoo vfa16, in oon@cttonwith its4281 moeiver,carI provideup to 16 wlrebss zones. A wireless keypad (5727) also oanbe usedwiththe system. The 4281 receiverwfli normallybe mountedwfthfn the ~rnco vla16’a cabinet (see Page 7), buf it oan, instead,be installedremotety,in its own housing. The 4281 recognizesalarms,statusmmsagas and keypadoontmlmessagesfrom5700 SeriesWinless Transmitters operating at 345 Mhz (315 Mhz for Canadian versbn). These messagesare prooessad and relayedto the controlpanelvia a 4 wireconnectbn to the oontrot’sremoteoonsoleterminals.The 4281‘s RED, BLACK YELLOW, and GREEN W&SS are oonnectadinparalteiwiththe oonsolswirl~. The 4281 oan reoeivosignals fromwimlasstranstiters within a nominal range of 200 feet. See SPECllWA77Wfor a listof avafbbb tmnsrMters. Note: The 4281’s DIP swttchmustbe setfora reoeiver addressof “1=,as desorfbedin the 4281% hstructbns. Wlroloss $upewlslon Each transmitter(except 5701 and 5727) b supervisadby aohsok-inaignatthatissent totharaceivar at 70-90 mfnuteintends. If at leastone check-inis not raoeived from a transmitterwithin a predeterminedintervat,the transmitternurrberand ~HECK witlbe displayedon the console. Each transmitter(inctudtng5701 and 5727) is also supervisedfor bw batteryoomfitbnsandwitftransmit a bw batterystgnatto the 4281 whenthe batteryhas approximately30 daYSof Me remaining. Not.: Nterabwordaad battefyis_, adfvate the transmitterand enter fhe saourity oods+ OFF to dearths SyStSm’S nnwnoryof the * Batte~ stgnat. The 4281 itselfis cornrnunkationwith the reoeiveris interrupted,or valid RF signalsfrom ZONES wireless transmitters are not received wtthin 12 hours,a tamperreport(Zone9) willbe generated. House Identlflcatlon The 4281 respondsonty to transmittersset to the sameHouseID (01-31...aeethe DIP swft& tabfeson P. 18) as programmedfn the A&n@ via16(see fnld ●24). This preventsinterferencefrom transmitters in other namby systems.To make sure that a House ID fs ohoaenthat is not in use namby, oond;ct~ $Eif~fede test described under . Transmlttor Idontlflcatlon Eachtmsmttter has ttsownuniqueID nu~rwhich is DIP swltohprogrammablein each unit (except wirebss keypads,whbh are ffxsdat ID 00). Wheneveratmsmhbntakas pfaoe,whetharforanatarm, fautt,ohaok-fn,or bw battery,the ID rxxnberIs sent abng with the messageto the 4281 which, fnturn, relaysthis informatbnto theoontml,whfoh displays the oondftbnand zone numberon the oonsole. TransmitterID rangesto be used for varfouszone types are gfven h the programmingsectbn (f&Ids “76 to “92). DIP switchsettingtables are shownon P. 18. Not.: Transmittersset for an ID of 32 through4? will have a 3-minute look-out between transmissbna@ conservebatterytffe. Advlsorles 1. If the 4281 reoefveris to b mountedremotely (not in the control’scabfnat),place it in a high, --edafeafwbsst reu@bn. 2. Do not bcata receiveror transmitterson or near metal ob@ta. This will deoreasarange andor btodctmwmbabns. 3. Beforemountingtmnamhterspermanently,conduct GONO Go Tests to verifyadequate signal strength(see TESTING WE SYSTEhfJand reorientor ndooatetransmitters if ~v. 4-DIQIT SECURITY CODES Maator SeourttyCod. The instaiferprograms the Master Code hitiatiyas part of the progmmming prooedurs (see “Progmmmingthe SecurityContmP). The Master oods psnnitsre+r$ryfntothe pmgmmhg modesndaiso afbwsacoessbthe rmrmslfunotbnsoffhesystem. [ 1[ 1[ II 1 ~r~(u~W. assignedduringprogramming. i-r=~ ~ * (prevents m-entry into ~ mods with Masteroods). ●99 (aiiows re-entry into programming modewithMaster oode). By exitingwith “88, the only methodof getting back into the programmingmode from the consoie is to completelydepower the Wstem and Mow the wooadure noted in &mb;bn on “Progra~ng the Seowtty . “98 The Masterseourityoodeosnbeusedto_up tOthfOSSOOOndSfy00dS6; it OSnSiSObIBUSOdtO* move ail seoondary oodes fmm the system (~. Seoondaryseourityoodes are asalgned by Master code as foibws: Master Code + CODE key+ User # (2 -4) + Seoondarycods The systemwili emit a singlebeep when eaoh secentered. OndsrY~ bsen sucoessfutly Not.: Whena saoondsryoodeis inadvertetiiy~ peated for different users, or one users cods is anothefs duress oode, the bwsr usernunber wifltakepriority. individualwmndary eacaJrity odes m be dalsted byusar#l (wthMasterCode) asfofiow MastarCode+CODE key+ Usar#(2-4) Not.: Ail security codas, master and secondaty, pennitaooessto fhesystemtoranning,dis-9 @@. fNSTALLING TNE LOCK (IF USED) ~-tab ~~ti use Adenwo No. P3422 cam lack and No. P3422-1 Push-on Ciip (RetainerClip). 1. Remove the oabinet rmwr. ff is easlty removablefor Uti-a n aervidngandis easi(yreinsfawd. 2. Remove the took knmkout from the controi oabinet oovar.lnsertths keyintoths &ok. Posit&nthe &&in the hole makingoertainthatths latch wiii matuj contaotwith the latch braoket when the door is dosed. 3. Whiie hoiding the iock steady, insert the retainer ciii into the retainer sbts. P&Won clip as illustratedto facilitateeasyremovaf. II Wby~2~hti~rs~.) L Note: BEFORE MOtJNltNG TNE CIRCUIT BOARD(S) be sure to remove the appropriatemetal knockMs fromthe osbinet.DO NOT AlllEMPT TO REMOVE THE KNOCKOUTS AH’ER THE CIRCUiT BOARD(S) HAVE BEENINSTALLED. INSTALLING Adwnco triaf6 AND 4281 CIRCUIT BOARDS TOOETNER, IN TNE SAME CABINET 1. Hsngtwo Sh@ (bkk) mOUllthfJ dips (Provided)onthomieed csbinottsbs,es shovminDetsilBsIrigM. 2. Inaort tho top of tho 4281 board (removed from its own cue se describedin ifs instruction)W th. stote st the topof the csbinet(SOSDetsil A). Mskosure thst the bosrd rests on the OormctW of tebs. 3. Swing tho base of tho board into the mountingdips end eeourethe 428t to tho csbinot with the ampsnying ecrews(see DetailB). 4. Insertthe top of tho Ademco via f 6 bosrdintothe etothlthed~sndpodtiontwo~(red)dipe mthobweredge 5. 6. 7. II IkEdl=w = mu MD -$/ #NIEMNA + AL o GRWNOIMG mu c sloEvlEwof LoNcMnuulwccuPs .’ ● ?’ . . AN?R%cl Gm&NbJllmllmlmc+ INSTALIJNQ THE Adernco tda76CIRCUIT BOARD ALONE (WiTH~THE -1 IN THE CONTROL’SCABINET) 1. Hang two long mounting ciips (provided) on the raised oabinet tabs (see iower detaii side view at right). 2. insert the top of the cirouit board into tha siots at the top of the cabinet. Make sure that the board rests on the OorrectW (s66 the upper detailsideviewat righf). 3. Swingth6 base of the board into the mountingciiis and secure the board to the cabinetwifhthe aooo-ing screws (as illustratedin towerdetaii). ● Smulrww tmm’rMoInmlocws ofthebosrd(HDaSilc). Swing thisbosrdhmpie cesndeeoureit withtwosdditionsfeorews. Insert on. of ths * groundinglugs (suppliedw&hthe 4261), vis one of the holes inthotopof thoosbinet#intothe Wr-hsnd terminalof one of the twe 8ntenna Mocks (at the upper edge of the 4281 boud). secure ktotheoebinet* with ono of the screws provtded, es shown in Detdl 0. Do the ssme ● the othersntonnabtock Insertone of the 4281* two ●tennss intob btodt’e@Mandtefrninef snd tightenbothscrews. M“ DHAL81WWIW a6mmnDmsmlED Wmuon oErNL&tw @ -7- LaaDlolNmacuM WIRING CONNEOIIONS (See Summary of Conneotlons Olagram on Pago 17) IMPORTANT: Do not oonneot the battery, or ‘plug In tho AC traneforwmr, until ●ll Othar wlrfng connactlons havo been oompletod. Grounding tho Syatom Terminal21 is the earth OIOUndoonmtion point In orderforthe protectivedevioesInthk productto be effeothre, the designatedterminalmustbe terminatedin a good earth ground.The followingare exanples of good earth groundsavaliableat lnos Mallatbm: Metal odd water plpw Use a non-oorrosivemetal strap firrnfyscouredto the pipe to which the lead is electrioaltyoonnactedand seourad. AC powor outlet ground:Availablefrom 3-prong, 120VAC poweroutletsonly.To test the integrityof the ground terminal,use a 3-wire ckouit tester with neon ~ indicators, suoh as the UL Usted Ideal Model 61-035, or equivalent,avaitabteat mostelecMcaisupplyatoms. TERMINALS 1 &2 AC Imut from No. 1321/TF2 WO-itI trSIUi- fonne~,in U.S.A. (l&5VAC, 25VAj NOTE: In Canadianinstallations,a 1321CN transformernust be used. 3: Alarm relay output(+), 12VDC, 2.OA maximum (600nA rnaxAlarmphJsAu I%wer, @r UL us890). 4: Alarm OutpuUAuxUiary Power/VWedFka/Con5 6 7 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: SOW4281(BLACKlead). Ground(-) Retumt. Auxiliary/WiredFire/ConeoW4281 (RED) Powm +12vDcet500mA Insx.t Data In fromConsote/4261(GREEN)t. Data Out to Consold4251 (’YELLOw)t. mt Usd mt used mt used mt used mt used mt used WiredZone 5. When thm zone, or zone 6, Is used, a 1,000 Ohm EOLR shouldbe wiredbetween the farthest sensor oonnected to the zone terminalandthe lowsideof the zone. 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: Zones5 emf6 Return. WkedZone 6 (S0S zone 5). Ha@set (llP). Handset(RING). lnconMlgPhoneLine(TtP). Inoonhg PtmneLine(RING). EARTH GROUND (a omoer earthorounctrrwst thesysteriifrom lightbe providedto Pro’t&t ningandaktmatatk dkohafgedamage). t Home run each oonsoteindividually,If possible (eaohAdemm5330Consok used nurstbeonan individualhome run). Use no more than 220’ of #22wireor5500f#18 wlm. Wamlng: To prevent the risk of electricalshock, discom@the teleptumelineattheTelcoMbefore Sewioingthe unit. RED LEAD: Battery(+). When AC is present, 13.8VDC is beingdevelopedto reohsrgea gel lead aoidbatteryand when AC is abseru,12VDC ourrent is drawnfromthe battery.Batterybad reversalwill Mowthe batteryfuse. BMCK LEAD: Battery (-). MOUNTING l’NE 4127 CONSOLE(S) 1. Separate the consolefrom its backplateby removalof thetwoscravvs onthetopandbottom Ddges. 2. Use the backplateto rnak the posifiins on the wattfor the sorew mountingholes and the outwt for the intertaoewiring.Use wait anchorsfor Iheaorews andmake theout+utinthewall no largerthan indicatedon the template.l?w backptate is designed to be directly mountedto eiIhera singleor doublegang elactrM box. 3. Pultthe bterfaoe wiring in the wall throughthe NJ&out. “ 4. Passthe interfaoewiringthroughfheopeningin the baokpkte and then mountthe baokplateto thewaasutfewilh soraws. 5. Splioethe interfaoewlrtngto the oonsolewires, Insulated sotdertess wire splices (such as AdemcoNo. 311) maybe Usedfor splicing. 6. Attaohthernainbodyoftheoonsole tothewallmountedbaokpfate.The consolek pmperiyattached when it k screwedto the backpfateby top and bottomsorefws. ~ PROGRAMMING lHE SECURITY CONTROL Iwtaibr Optbnsare storedin non-removable,eiectrlCatlye-, nomwktila EEROM memory?These optbns nwstbe pmgmmmdforthe partioutarinstak latbntoestaMeh itsepadfioatannandmp@ingfea ~~res~m~ti~ murot maybe programmedfrom . When programming,the fietd mmlwr will be disP&yad on the LCD disphy; also, ~ entry is dsKm= h b keyed in. After progmming, vatues that have bean entered in eaoh field oan be reviewedand, Bneoeaaay, modlfbd. “Not.: It la poaslbisto programthe systemat any time-even atthahwtalbtspre mtaesprbrtotheae tuat installation.Simptyappty powertemporalityto the controlandthen programthe unilas desired. When programmingfrom the conaote,note the fotIowing: 1. Enterthe Programmingmodeby simuttansousty depressing the r] and [#] keys wtthln 80 seconds ●fter powor Is ●pplled to the Control, or subeaquenttyby keyingthe oods 4 + 1 + 1 + O followed by depression of CODE + O keys. Once a Master oode Is programmed, use It instead of 4110 to gain access to the Programming mode. /f the w~ -exuadpmvioualyW“ng a ●98, & M pmvernem infofhe ~ng mde Qytheuseoffhe Master Cods+ CODE+ o. 2. Immediately following entry Into the program mode,20witl redisplayed. (lla533000nsoteis used, 00 wltl be dbplayed. Enter ●2Oto ~ the programming start point). Following the above display,the systemis readyto aooeptentrbs for Address20. To programa data field, key ~ plusAddreee (for exanple, “21), then make the requiredentry. To sImpty revbw a data field, key [S] plus 3. Address. When a data fbld hae been oompbtety pm- granrned, thacxmaobwilt nonnalty~ttwaa times and than ~W pmcaed to, and diepiay, the next data field addressto be pgrammed (unot, key~pklstha addressofths nextfbtd to be prograrrsnad). thatyou etierinthedata 4. tfthe~ofdiglta field Is teasthan the maximm permllted(forexample, phone nunber), then the oonsotawill display the last data entered. To next data fietd addressto be programmedmust then be entered (for exampte,●42). 5. If an addressis irrpmpertyentered,the console will display EE. Simptym-enter ● or # plusthe number. The fotbwingis a descriptionof oomrnandsnacesSafy forprogramming: FUNCTtON ENTER PROGRAMMING MODE PROCEDURE 1. POWER UP, thendepress n and [Q simultaneously within50 secondsof powering up. OR 2. Inttially,Key: 4 + 1 + 1 + O plus CODE key + O. OR 3. AfterMasterCodeisomgramrned,key: M“er Coda + CODE key + O. (flwwasusedtoe xitpreviousiy,metlmd1 abovemustbe uaedtoenterthe pmgrammode again.) ●99 (attowsm-emytopmPROGRAMMING ~-*TyW3 MODE entrymethodabove) “98 (MitJts m-entryto pro=w~ M TYPS3 ADVANCETO FtELD ~ + ADDRESS(e.g. 21, 35,52, eto.). PROGRAMFIELD ~ + ADDRESS,folbwed bydataentries. ERASEFIELDS ~+ ADDRESS+ fl (OW appliesto Addresses40 thru43 and 84.) READFtELD: [#j + ADDRESS SPECIAL MESSAGES OPEN CIRCUtT (no conununbation between the Consoteandthe Contmt). ERROR (progmm ant~ mistake, re+mterthe daa). ERROR(using4281L). tt a 4281L isusadinstead of the 4281H and if anythingis programmedinfblds%0to*91, theoonsotewitl disptayE4 and the cotiml witlbe disabled, sinoethe 4281L does not use those fields. Onty00/00 shouldappearin “80to %1. ERROR hJsbm4281M). Ma 4281M is used insteadoi the_4281Hand it anything is programmed infietds“84to “91,the consolewill d-lay E8 and the controlwill be disabled, sinoethe 4281M does not use thosefields. Only00/00 shouldappearin ●84 to ●9I. After powering up, AC, dl (disabled) and NOT READY will be d~ayed afterapproximately4 seconds.This will raven to READY in sppx. 1 minute, whichatbws PIRS, etc. to stabilize.To bypassth~ delay,press:#+ o. -9- SPECIFIC ADDRESS PROGRAMMING INSTRUCTIONS Not.: The tollowtng shows Factory Defautt Settings wtthln braokots: [ ] l~Ep~~-’3~~”Eo’”~ DIALER PROQRAMMING ~-) PABX ACCESS CODE [ 1[ 1[ 1[ 1 Enter4~@s~tfore~ PABX digit needed to aooess an outside fine.To sidpthisfield,enter ●. if ● k entered, SYSTEM ARMING ~@*24) “ 20 MASTER SECURITY CODE [4~1][110] Enter 4 digits,O-8 (entryof ail 4 ismardatory). Useof a~intheiatil posftiin inhibits the Ambush featura. QUICK ARM ENABLE ●21 ● [0] Enter lforenabiedorOtordkabled FORCED BYPASS ENABLE [0] Enter lforenabiedorOfordksbied RF RECEIYER HOUSE 10 CODE [00 ] Enters houseiD of 01-31. 23 “24 ZONE ●29 ● 30 ●4O RESPONSE PROGRAMMING “41 “~”3S FIRE TIMEOUT DISABLE [0] Enter 1 to dsabfe the aoundertirnaout 111 Nota:Back-uP raPortfn9(80sik sfsmsdet0 the secondary phone number if no forfireor Obenabiait. ALARM BEU TIMEOUT [1] Externalaounderwiiishutoffaftertfme allotted. Enter1 digit. Notirnaout =0 4 minutes =1 8 minutes =2 12 minutes =3 ●42 admwbdgmant is moefvedafter6 attempts totheprimay number)iaautomatioon~if thersisaaemndmy phona~. SECONDARY PHONE NO. (Iii[]lltltltltlt][]tl[l See above. End field by enterino“43 if not To dear entriesm-mtiid, ~ ●42. fiited. “43 SUBSCRIBER ACCT. No. [15][15][15][15] Enter digits O-9; #+1 1-B; #+12=C; #+13-D; #+14-E; or#+15-F. Erbr ● as the 1= ENTRYEXIT, _ 3- PERIMETER, Sur@ary 4- lNTERiOR, FOLLOWER,Bu@ary 5- TROUBLE BY OAY/AiARM BY NiGHT,Bu@ary 6-24 Hr (Sib~) 7=24 Hr (AWibia) 6-24 Hr(Aux) 9= FiRE, Fields%5,%7&%2 on!y ● 35 RESPONSE TYPE FOR ZONE S [9] Enter1 U@, ●36 RESPONSE TYPE FOR ZONE 6 “30 1[1[1[1[1[1[1[ Enterupto 12 di@s, O-9.Do notfiii unused srmoea.Endfield by entering●42 if rmttilted. to dear enirieafromfield,~ ●41”. fourth digit ffa3cfigit scotno. (for3+ldMr fapmm-) omtkfim aoct no. for nos. 0000digit of s 4+t 0289. End field by entering ●44 if only 3 2- not used 37 no PABX nunber wifibe dialedand nothing willappearin thisfield. Ed fieldby entering ●41 if not fiiied. To dear entrfesfrom field, press“40’. PRIMARY PHONE NO. [1[1[1[ Use the followlng tablo of zone types for progmmmlng ●ddressee “36=”37 & -2. 0- Zone Disabled ● . P] Enter 1 digit RESPONSE TYPE FOR ZONE 7 (Console Panic) [6] Enter1 digit Onfy zone types 0,6,7SS applicable. ENTRYI EXIT DELAY [2] Systemwillwaitthe time aiiottedbefore soundingalarm uponentering.Enter1 dw. (i%itdefay= Entry deiaypius 15aeconds) o0 Seoonds 1 = 20 Seconds 2. Wseoonds 3 = 45 Seoonds -10- ~~ ●44 yeueed. To dear erWieafrom field, . REPORT FORMAT [O] DaterrrWewhiohf onnatktobeusadto reporttooelWaiatation.ErWrldi@. 0=3+1; 4+1 ADEMCOiSStardad l=3+l;4+l Rsdk*~ 2-4+2 ADEffiOLo SpSad~ 3=4+2 RadionicsStandad 6 = 4+2 ADEMCO Express 7- AOEhfm Contad iD Reporting 8= 3+1: 4+1 ~EMco bLO~~)@8nded 9.3+l;4+l~ (Enter *asthe4th di9itof*43 if3+l dialer rqorting is to be used.) oalmu8donPaSDll* * Ademco FIELD SVSTEM wkf6 PROGRAMMING FORM FUNCTION PROGRAMMED VALUES ARMIN@ ~2D-*24) ❑ oon “20 MASTERBEOUWIYCODE “21 aflcKARMEfwLE q-J “23 FORCEDBYPASSENARLE to “24 ff RECEfVER~ ZONE RESPONSE D CODE PROGRAMMING DISABLE “29 FIRE~ “30 AIARM BELLTIKOW Enter4 dQit8,0-9,l-yos O.m,l -p ~rj Enter01+1 t+OUSCID ~29-%S) ta tt ❑ O.m,l .y@g 0=~l=4~2=8mti3-12mh ~ ON o (orUndefklod) . h Db8bfod 1 = ENTRYEXIT,BurgImy 2-notusod “35 ZONESRESPWSETYPE c1 ●33 Z0NE6REW0NBElVPE u. “37 ZONE7~lYPE “33 ENTRYDELAY DIALER PROGRAMMING “40 ● 6.24 W (Siint) 7=24 Hr(Audibfe) 3- PERIMETER~~ 4- fNTERtORmLLOWER Sumlwy 8-24 Hr(A@iwy) 9- FlRE(Fii”35, %7&*92 only) CONSOLEPANtc.onlyZOnotypos0,6,7, a, 9 appfidfo. 0.0Mc;lm20~2.30~3-45sac EXmDOlay.Em b+15sac P40-*4S) PABXACCESSCODE proa$ing “41 ❑ tta LOS “35=”37 6 “92 5 (and pm Enter4 dii, 0-9. Wfaworthin!4 di@s OfltWOd, Clclno 41, if cntoringrroxtfioid).To ctur ●ntriu fromfiokf,press“40”. PRfMARYPHONENo. QngnDnqnnnnoE*r.~12d@~~9 Donotfill unuoadspacos.Bfowort 12 dqits ●ntorod,an pros8ing“ (andpras a To dear ontria fromiii, press●41*. “44 ~ FOMAAT r] ml ml ml Fl c1 o.3+t,4+l AoEMmL4ssTAtlloAm6ormddilwd=4+2ADEwExPRE3s 1.3+1,4+1RAot@lrcssfANMm 7=AoEhK0mwftD~ 2.&3 ADEMoDtJSsfANMRo s.4+2RADlUwSsTANMuo SYSIEM SELECT ~1 if ●ntorhqrwxtfafd). m ForAcaNo.s224,snt9c~ml PorA@ No.122,Wlmc OXitby ttu#@nLBta “45 -E “46 SESCOAMADtONICSSELECT t “47 15 SEC DMLERDELAY(BURG) to “43 24 HR lEST MESSAGE to n a.3+l,4+l AoEw0usExPANoEo 9 D3+1,4+1RADloNtcs EXPANDED lsmTona WAISlino: O= Pub M,l=Tono Dial ifCwa Sta. fSon ●WATSiinc 2= PdsoDW,3=Tom Di81 0- Rdmii (0-9,B+ O= IIO,l=YOS o-rIo,l -yes(uIwTat m@Iw):1- onfy SE=OA (M WXW ~ Oforaflothorformats. Cdeinfidt”64) . OVER+ NU~l) VIA16-PRlm2 (2.. lns8u@bns ‘TO PROGRAM REPORT CODES F R ALARM ‘ SYSTEM STATUS, RESTORE, ANDOXMTR ID; (%5-”91): Wfth ● 3+1 or 4+1 Standard Format: Enter ● cado m the first box: 1-9,0, B, C, D, E, or F. Enter[#+10)for O, [#+ll]for B, [#+121for C, [#+13]for D, [*14] for 5 [-15] forF. I AIO](ti[~lO~h~fti~til~a~ AIO] (not[#+lO~ inths sscondboxwillrnultin automatic advanooto the naxtfiild wltonprogramming. Wtth ●n Expandad or 4+2 Format: Enter odes in both boxos(l@ and 2nd digits)for 1-9,0, or B-F, as de8cribadabove. A [0] (not [#+10~ in tha secmd box wIIIotiiinata tha ●xpandadmaa8ageforthat raport. AIO](not[#+lO]) in~h~witl disabfotfw~ With Adomoo Contaot ID Roportlng: Erhr any d~il (othorthan [O])in the fkstbox,to onablazone to repro(Ontrim intha saXMdboxaawillb ~norad). will dh tha ~tt. A fO](rM [A1O]) in fho w~x I Ex8npks:FW -s (3h@B Oi#t), -. ForoodDs2(lwo@itB), Forcarlos3(Hmuk5n@ ALARM REPORT a19r ●72 BYPASS RESTDRERPTCODE “73 ffi~RPTwoE ●74 LtWBATRESTORE~CODE ●75 RFXMIRIQMTRSTWf~ Il&13 u= .1 TRDuSLESYtiw *1 AlJAMsYmEm&9m. “77 ●78 ●73 r{ “60 ~ m] ●81 ml ●62 Qrlmr pm ~ ●76 ]71 CODES (%S=*S9) Egwnf HEl no mu no ●63 Do 00 00 “64 “66 “66 nn ●67 “66 “89 SYS STATUS RPT CODES (WO=*SS) “80 “60 TRouBLEREfuRTmDE “91 “61 BYPASSREPORT- ●62 AoLoss REPORTmDE ●63 “u “65 ●66 ●67 oPENREPoRTmDE mm no no on no =H’t CLOSE REPORTCODE ?tt 2ndd~itkaut0matimfty 80nt-fh. wrnm bor If axpandd or 4+2 raportingi8 doctad. RFXMTRL~BAT~CODE no “69 GRoLJP~FoR TROUBLE,RF LW BAT,BYPASS o.m, l.yoE ❑ “70 ALARMRESTORERPTCODE o 2nd dwit is automatkafty acnt aa tha 2nd digtt of the zone afann raportode programmedin “55-”59 and ●76-*91, if ●xpandodor&2 reportingk aokctod. “71 TROLJBLEREslORERITOal’E VfAW-PR1/93(80e InMwbrm NtwS-1) Ilr[ His❑ ●82 Ontyzonotypoa0,6,7,8,9 DOWNL-~~-~#) “w lD63(ffusad) appkdds. — g,lQ1gl#JQclJllng8 ● fffaworthan 12 diik niarad, ax~fii by pmui~ “ (and proas85, if ●nteringnext field).To cfoar●rttriaafromfiifd, prasa“94”. ●% on “66 MMEL RE~ q RESTORE RPT CODES ~69=*7S) 14thmhinRmtmol#Tr[ ●96 ●97 Hmcum4Tm~ n O-Diaabk Stdi Miatad Dwnfoad; l-14.nurnbor of rings(l-9, #+lo-lo* till-11, #+12=lz #+13-13, 8+14-14~ 1fkmwwiq machii dafoat(A16-t5) M7MlQES DOWNLOADIO , SUBSCRIBER ACCOUNTNo.FOR WMAL DWNLCMD No ●ntryrquirad. ~m0$@3AM FIELDS To EXIT PROGRAM iMIODE ~s or m} Prasa“26or W3 ffding programming, or naxffield numberffcontinuing. “86 EXfTSP~RAMMlffi MODEand ~ r~*. Maat.rti+Codo+o. “s2 EXITSPROGRAMMINGm mld alknts m-entryby:Ma8torCodo+C0ds+0. Ademco via16 PROGRAMMING FORM FIELD PROGRAMMED FUNCTION VALUES SYSTEM ARMINQ r20-”24) ❑lmlcl ’20 MAsIERsEcuRfwwm ●21 affacARMENAB1.E to O=no,l-yos “23 FORCEDBYPASSENMLE to 0.00,1 “24 WRECEHHOUSE23CODE ZONE RESPONSE ●29 = “30 llrj PROGRAMMING TfhEOUT DISABLE .yo$ EnterO1-31How ID ~%3S) to O-m,l ttn AIARMBEILTlhEOUl Enter4 dgih, 0-3 =* om~lm4ti2-8mh3.12mh ~ r ).znl@ o (or Undafmod ❑ ●35 _E5RESF0WElYFE ●35 zoNE6~lYPE ●37 ZONE7RESPDWE7YFE ●36 ENmY DEIAY DIALER PROGRAMMING “40 ❑, ❑ tin BYDAY ALARMBY NIGk sing. 6-24 Hr (SiloIW) 7.24 Hr(Audibla) 8=24 Hr(Auxkry) 9. Flf?E(Fii”35, Y37&W2 onfy) 5. Dhblod 1 = ENTRYEXK, BUIUIW 2-mtu60d 3= PERfMETEa Bw@my lROlfBLE 00NSOLEPANIC. onfyzollstypao,6,7,8,9 qlplii. O.ouc; l-20q2-auq3-6soc EXtTDday-ENIRYDOky+15sac ~40-”4S) PAsxAccEssm -fW*(mfm41, Donq ff-noxtfhfd). Enter4 dqits, O-2.fffeworthur 4 dvib ●ntorod,axitby odurontrfosfrom field,Pro6s”40”. “41 ●42 “43 FarAa!tNo.123,0ntw~’ ●u ~~T •1 0.3+1,4+ 1ADEWOBSTANMR0 1.3+1, 4+1R4010Mc6srANw 2.&2 AwMc0u6sTANDARo 3=4+2 RADmic6srANMm ttDticw~ /sW70rIa ffCuU. SmBona m m 7{ 6m~=4+3~~~~s 7-~mmom~ 6=3+1,4+1 ADEhK0U5EXPANDED 9=3+1,4+1 RAmNlc55xPANDED WATS fkM: o- Pti~l=Tono Did WATSfine 2= PufsaDd,3=Tone Did “46 FWNESYSTEMSELECT “45 SESCWMAD~lCB “47 15 SEC DULERDEMY~) to 0- fhdionii (O-9,S-F mport’m);1 = SESCOA(0-9 OIl&NPWUIQ) 6okt Ofordl othorformats. O=no,l=ya “46 24HRTEST_= to O=no,l=yos (ontsrTost OodOinfoId”54) VIA16-PRV62 ~ S- ) hbudom M6476-1 t D TO PROGRAM REPORT CODES FOR AMRM, SYSTEM STATUS, RESTOR~ AND XMTR IDs (“55 -”91): With ● 3+1 or 4+1 Standard Format: Enter ● coda inths fiitbmc 1-9,0, B, C, D, E, or F. Enter[#+10]tor O, [#+ll]for B, [*121 for C, [#+13]for D, [8+14]for E, lA15j forF. A [0] (not[8+10])intha fiit boxwilldiwhls ● rqort A [0] (not[#+10~ intha saoondboxwillrasuttin aummatk advarwam ths naxtfmtdwhsnprqarnming. With an Expanded or 4+2 Format: Enter codos in both boxas (lst and 2nd d~its) for 1-9,0, or B-F, aa da. acribodabove. A [0] (not[#+10]) in tha SSCOIld box will ●liminata ths ●X- “72 BYPABSRESTORERPT_ 73 Ac~RPTmDE 00 “74 LOWBATfESlORERPTOODE ~1~1 On -f-qetithatfapm. A [0] (not[#+lO]) in tmfhbOXOS will da tha rafmrL With Ad.moo Contaot ID Roportlng: Enter ●ny d~tt (other than 10)) in the fifst box, to snabls zons to report(entriaainths aboxas winba ignored). 1A !0] (not[Wlol) inths firstbox will diiabb th. fapoft. Ehwb8:ForcodDa(8ingb Dbit),anhc pl rJ I FOroodoa2(lwo Digi@, anmc [m Forcadss2(wxaddm@ AIARW REPORT anw r{ pm ml CODES (%S-”59) ●55 zoNE5AlARMREPoRTcOM ~1-1 ●56 ZONE6AlAFtMREP0RT~ Jll_’J ●89 14thFWXI14TRKV~000E/lrl SYS STATUS RPT CODES (W&OSSl ●6O TFlouBIEREmRTcoDi “61 BYPASSREPORTCODE ●82 AcLossREPoRTm “63 LOWBATREPORTWOE %4 TESTREFORTCODE “6!5 oPENREmRTmoE ●66 CLOSEREPORT00DE ~ “92 zoNEW%P0NSEoFxMfRlD83 (tiuaad) 0nJyzonalypas0,6,7,6,9 a@cabls. DOWNL=O_~;fl ●84 Qlgzgllqtlpltinl . . RFXMTR~BATRPT~ 00 “68 oANcELREFoRTm RESTORE RPT CODES (%9-”7S) 00 “67 “89 GROUPRESTORESFOR n TROUBLE,RFLOWBAT,BYPASS O-no,l. yas “70 ALARMRESTORERPTOOOE m 2nd digitis ●utomaticallyaant as the 2nd digil 01ths zone alarm rsportcoda pmgmmmadin ●55-*59 and “76-”91, il oxpandador 4+2 mPortirlgk Salactad. “71 lROUBLEREsToRERFf Cx30E VIAl&m 1/92@e N247&l) lrr88ucdorM Hfswsr”than12 iiti ●ntamd, ●x&fti by *rig “ (and pmas 85, II ●ntaringnaxtfisld).To ctur triaahornfisld,pmaa“84*. mm 2nd d@ is automaticallyaantaa ths mar numbar Hexpandador 4+2 rsportingis adactad. ~rl ❑ 995 . ●n- RNGDEfCOUNTFOR~ m @Disab&StationtnitidadDm#nM l-14=numbsr d rings(l-9, 8+10-10, *11-11, 8+12.12 8+13-13, 8+14-14); 1Samwdng mtii daiaat(#+15=15) “96 MIALQES DOWNLOADID , SUBSCRIBER ACCWNTND. FOR NITIALDWNLW No ●wry raquimd. “97 zERosALL~FIELDs No ●ntryraquuad. TO EX17 PROGRAM MODE (WS or ~) Pma8●98 or “93if ding programmi~,or rraxtfmid numbarif continuing. “98 EMIS P-RAMMING MODEmd pmwnts ra-antry~ MasterQxJa+ Cods+ O. ●89 EX~ PROGRAMMINGMODEand dmvs m-antry@Mastar-+~+0. hmPqOlo ThORqmrtcOdBsfarAlum, t3ysmrn Bmtu8,Rn8wo,mdRF xMIRlosstmwnh *%velhmlo-#OcdO mnwybo dUiwm9dmmP0rtbwM -hanYofmDmti” *cu&ur8d Tho&land4+18tald9rd lorlnm9~s3(w4)deit wbdbornumbor tia8inehdi@mport* {e.g.A&ml, Tmubk ~, ~ OloM). Th#+18nd4+ls xp@dOdrOm UtwmPrk9 ● s(or4) UamcdbUnullhU,arlda$in@Od ieitr9flartaldD,fotbwai bya Ucand2nowha9elomportoodois m2J(ar4)h@s wtdfakwodb yandlorm!lnbc r(normdytizom mxnbsr)or uarlDmhmdm9mtmport mlJ’w&+fwa&rl*l.pri90 ● 4 *it OubAbU numberand mmdhmlyfolladby erozorrofxmbor @lmmlty)oruarlD. ‘ Ttw AdaB08Contmt lDRspwtlnSWmat wmPr&99a4 digit8ubaibwnUnbw,l diokwelltqdirnr(%arar’mwrOl 3~tiwd,2~W”,d3~~,--iD,w, arBy8wm*wrnMbr. S+ I14+I 4+2 S+*14+3 AdcmoocontMtlDRoportlnewswtdowinO ccccoEEEa3n whuwOCCC: ~tinwrwID bmlat: E.nDwmmnt’,tiR”-r,8tm EEE= Evant~(31wxaJadnd “ NOIE:Fora olm@oaUtd-AadM, I’ot,rmuwansS dtiarwaiwrrlmrxal. QG= Arw8ysoo z= ZWWCUIactlDnwnbor~ undmm, Oruurnumbwforopowdonv. By8mm8ahl$~ (ACLou,W* ●45 ● 46 T0sL*)wnwrlxuoB8hu10mtoamn. P~Nr~Ed~TEM SELECT [ O ] . tl CentralStationRcvris notonWATS line: O= Pu13eDa l= ToneDial HCentralStationRcvrbon WATS line: 2= Puke D@ 3= ToneDial SESCOA/RADIONICS SELECT 1 0 1 O= Radiinics(O-9,B-F reporting) 1- SESCOA (O-9 onlyreporting) ●47 15 SECOND O-NO “48 ;: DELA~ RR #FJ TEST MES~~~[ - BURG [ O ] O] If enabled, code programmedIor field ●64 willbesent approximately 12 hrssftercontrol b programmedor downloaded,and every 24 b-thereafter. O PROGRAM RE SVS7EM STA7US.‘~~%g ANDOXM%iu$#’ (*s$-*sI): Wltha3+l or4+l Stettdard Fartrmti Entar ● codein tlw fhtbox: 1-2, 0, 6, C. D, g or F. Entu (#+10] for O, [#+11] for B, [#+f2] for C, [#+13] tor D, [#+14] for E, [#+lSl forF. AIOl(/tor[#tlOl) httlwf#sttmxwilld-aro@rt A(O](nor[#+lODin thoe@candbox willresu&in automatic advancetottronomfiild wtwnprogramming. With ●n Expended or 4+2 Format: Enter codos in bothboxes(let and 2nd dgits) for 1-9,0, or B-F, as deectibod8bovo. A [0] (not[#+lOl) in ttta 8@c@nd boxwill●lirrim8totho ox~m~ti-r~ A [0](not[#+lO])&thothboxoswilld~tho mpom With Momeo Contact iD Reporting: Enter any dgit (othorth8n [0]) m tho firxtbox, to ●n8bk zono to ropqrt Thisis an ‘onablin~ cod. onlyand iBdhrogerdodin tho actlJ8iropotting tottwantr810ffii. Erttrksifttho boxoswinb igrtorsd. willdis8bb h rwort. A [0](not [#+101)intha fib% Boa axem@Os on progrunming form. ALARM REPORT CODES ~-*S9) ●55 ZONE S ALARM RPT CODE ALARM RPT CODE ●ztxwmxnb@r8kK rl&P]DUas$= Tmpar- 7 8 S y~y ●59 [0][0] -11- ALARM RPT CODE Console Panic ALARM RPT CODE ~ Duress ALARM RPT CODE Tamper wd RF XMTR ID mp~ CODE [o][o]/[o]p] ●79 4th RF XMTR tD /RPRT CODE [0][0]/[0][0] ti:Ma42SlL &ti WwVl&mt~. ●8O Sth RF XMTR tD /RPRT CODE [o][o]/pJp] ●81 8th RF XMTR fD /RPRT CODE [o]p]/[oJ[o] ● 82 7th RF XMTR ID /RPRT CODE Plwl/wl[ol “83 8th RF XMTR ID /RPRT CODE [0][0]/[0][0] ti:lfa4zefMkti w@vf&8mte. ●84 8th RF XMTR ID CODE [0][0]/[0][0] ● 8S 10th RF XMTR ID /RPRT CODE ●78 o] lT RPT CODE ‘o) SN RPT CODE ~2mldlgit=Uaar#) ME RPT CODE mwn $?Mdigit=Uaer#) TRANS. LOW BAT RPT CODE :0] IJCEL REPORT [0][0] CODE “ 86 R~RE REPORT CODES ~6S-*76) (s00 boxabow fio~ “ss1 “69 GROUP RESTORES FOR TROUBLE, RF LOW BAT, BYPASS [O] Enter lforeneMed orOfordkablad ●7O ALARM RESTORE RPT CODE 1ST DIGIT [o](2nddi@ normanyzone#) Whenaettoo, “ 87 “72 “73 ●74 “75 L“7 89 ●91 “ 92 alltmublealntheayatemarematored,~fleld ●82 is enabled. BYPASS RESTORE RPT CODE 14th RF XMTR ID /RPRT CODE Pl[ol/mlPl lSth RF ~ ID /RPRT CODE wl[ol~[olw] 16th RF XMTR ID /RPRT CODE Iol[ol/[ol[ol ZONE RESPONSE OF XMTR ID 63, IF USED [0] 0ntyzomtyPea0,6,7,8,9 @icabla. DOWNUDAD tNFORNIA~N (W@S7) DWNLD PHONE NUMBR “94 1111[1[ [0][0] Ifthelat d@iaaetto o,reporungili disabled. AC RESTORE RPT CODE [0][0] lftheletdigit iaaetto O,raportingis ‘as disabled. LO BAT RESTORE RPT CODE [0] [0] If the let digit la aetto O, reportingh diaablad. RF XMTR. LOW BAT RESTORE ●96 CODE [0] [0) If the mat digil k aet to o, reporting ia dsabled. 101s ● ●9O aiannmstOre 2digitrep0rt iatheaameasthe 2nd d~ Of.the @am reportbeing restored asloundinfields *ss-*s9am176-*1. TROUBLE RESTORE RPT CODE [0] [0] rf the let dgil is eat to o, reporting k disabled. Trouble restore is raported only if RF TRANSMITt’ER IDs AND REPORT (soo RapOrtCadOill@box8bovofti*s5) 88 llth RF XM7R ID /FtPRT CODE [0][0]/[0][0] 12ttI RF XMTR ID /RPRT CODE @l[ol/[ol[ol 13th RF XMTR ID /RPRT CODE Plrol/[olrol ailreatores arediaabled. The2nddi@r#an ●71 ● rollol/lo)Iol CODES ●97 1[1[1[111[1[1[1[1 ErXerupto 12d@lta:04L Dom)tfillwaed p. field by enterfng “.To olear Wltrleafromfiel d,preaaw”. RING DETECTION COUNT FOR DOWNLOADING o. ~~nmaad~ ml 1-14#dringa 1s. anawwingfneohtiu lNITIALfZES DOWNLOAD ID AND SUBSCRIBER ACCT. NO. FOR DOWNLOADING (No entry required) ZEROES ALL PGM FLDS (NoefW fwW ~ EXfT PROGRAM MODE (W8 or W6) Pmas %8 or ●38 if exiting programming,or nexl Field No. If continuing. ●98 EXITS PROGRAMMING MODE and ~~8VW’Jt8 ro-entry by: TR01m12BYMYI ALARMaYralE, aq. 24hr.@Jdlbh) mtw:7BtD %2mnhs Lmodw#4261H~ 1st RF XMTR ID /REPORT CODE “76 [0)[0]/[0][0] ● 77 2nd RF XMTR ID /RPRT CODE [0][0]/[0][0] Masteroode + oode + O ●99 EX~S PROGRAMMING MODE 8110w8 reentry by: MaatOrcode+oode+O ●ti -12- Ademco viaf6 PROGRAMMING FORM FIELD SVSTEM FUNCTION ARMINQ PROGRAMMED P20-”24) “20 MAsrERsEcmnooDE “21 UJIOKARMENABLE ●23 FORCEDBYPASSEMEIE “24 RF REOEHHOUSEDOODE ❑ oon to o.m,l.~ t ❑ O=rn,l .Imr[ ZONE RESPONSE PRMRAMMINQ (%S=a) “29 FE tDo. “30 AlARMBELLTlAE0U7 TlhEOUT DISASLE tt D ●35 ZONE5REW0NSElYPE •1 “36 zoNE6RESP0WElvPE “37 ZONE7~TYPE •1 — ~ ●36 ttn ENTRY DELAY VALUES Enter4 dgits,0-3 EnterOl+l -ID nQl.ya 0=~1-4rr@2m8 mrn3-12mrn [ ZONE TYPES for PROGRAMMING FIELDs “35-”37& ●92[ o(or Unddii ).hm 5 lRousLt BYDAY = AIARM BY NB~, Burg. 6-24 Hr (Wont) 1 = EIORWENT,Burgbry 29mtund 7.24 Hr(AudM@ 8=24 Hr(Auxili@ 3= PERIMETER surg~ 9- FtRE(Fii*35, ~7&T12 CONSOLEPANIO. onfyzomtyposo,6,7,8,9~. 0.osoc;l.20x2.mscq3.4soc EXITDafay9t ENlRYD01ay+15Mc DIALER PROGRAMMIN~ ~40-’48) “40 PAsxAccEssm 4 dqltsontarod, exitby Enter4 digits,0=6.Wfmvwrtlurr nnqq umsshlo* if@ntorin9noxtfi@ L OObrontrin fmnrfiOM, w0s8*40”. -..@ndPrca841. “41 PRNARYFHONENO. qlrlrgJclJlqJpmoci E-r*to12d@$~ ,Ox -w (d P421if ●ntoringmxt field). Dorrotfill unusodspscu. tifowwrt frumfkld, Dross“41*. To dou ●* ● R)rAou No. s2a4,0ntBnp3ilm No.12a, oneKlm ForAcct “45 WEBYSIEMSEI.ECT “46 s~fcs “47 15SECDLAlER~Y(BlJRG) “46 24HRTESTMEB6At= tt ❑ timw SELECTt n to to EmonaWA7S h ffCont.Sts.&90na WATSlk 0- Rdiiia (0-3, w wafting); 1- O=no,l=ya O-m, t.y~(ontorTost -13- m m m ml Y1 O. Puba N, l- Tom Did 2= PuboDish3=Torre Did SESCOA (0-6 only MPortine) SokctOforallotherformats. CodoinfkM*64) DES FOR ALARM ? PRO R M REPORT S?STEM=S?ATUS, REST~% AND XMTR ID; (“5s-’91): Wfth ● 3+1 or 4+1 Standard Format: Enter ● oodo inthe fhatbox 1-9,0, B, C, D, E, or F. Entar[8+10]for O, p+~l] for B, [#+12jfor C, [#+13]for D, [#+141for& [#+151 . AIO](W[wlOBh~f~bx*l~a~ A [0] (nof[&lO]) inthe oooondboxwillraautfin aubmatk advanceto the nextfieldwhenprogramm”ktg. With ●n Expandad or 4+2 Forntati Enter oodos k 6oth boxoa(laf and 2nd dgits) for 1-9, 0, or B-F, aa de Ocribodabove. A [0] (not [~101) in the secondbox will ●liiinata tha ●x pandattmoaaagaforthat raport AIO](m[~lO])htik~wWdtiti~ With Adomoo Contact ID Roportlng: Enter ●n) digft (other than [0]) in tho first~, to ●nabfozone tc repoti(entrioainthe 8acxwrdboxaa will be ignofad). 4261LmrIOrWO*8@’81)- X1’RD/~M mm mu on lam no 00 mm ccl mu mm 00 mu Elm no 00 no “76 “77 “78 “78 “60 orrmc\71 Forcklde82(rwolx@s), Forc9d082(HoYakh@OrrmcIpm ALARM REPORT CODES f%6=”S9) r( “81 mrj ●62 “63 ●55 “84 ●56 “66 ●57 “66 “87 “56 “66 ●59 “89 SYS STATUS RPT CODE6 (+CkB) “20 “60 TRofJBLEREPoRrmDE “91 “61 BYPABBREPORTCODE ●22 ●62 AOLOBSREPORTCODE “63 LOWBATREPORT~ Onlyzonotypaa0,6,7,8,@-. DOWNL~~O~~7) “w “64 TE3TREFORTCODE “6s OPENREPORTOoDE “66 OLosE REFoRTmDE ttt 2nddwtfiaautonmicany ‘aontastho uaornurn- rrtorup to 12 dqita, O-9.Do notfill unuaad~. tffowarthan 12 dgita ●nterad, oxftfiifd by proaaing “ (and proaa85, if enteringnext field).To dear ●ntr’ioafromfiald,Draaa●24”. ●65 “67 ●66 “% RPT CODES ~69-*76) GmfJPREsmREs FoR TROUBf&RF LOWBAT,BYPABS O=rro,l. “70 RtNGDErmuNTFoRDmmmD8@ O=D- RES TORE n - — pnnnnnnnnam barif@andador4+2~ ngiaadactod. “69 ZONERESPONBEOF_063(haadI •1 “97 yaa Bt@fon-d Down&. n l-14-nurnbor ofrinp (1-8,8+10-10,8+11-11,*12-12 *13-13, 8+14-14);la-anoworing rndlim dafa (8+16-15) lNfmL=BDOWMOAD fD, suB3CR@ER ~fWNo. FORNMM DWNLOAl) No●ntryroquirad. zERoBALL~FfELDB No.ntry required. TO EXIT PROGRAM MODE (W8 or W9) or nextfmld Praaa●36 or ●89 if oxltingprogramming, numbaritoontinuirtg. “98 EWTSPROGR4MMtNGMODEand X* mw:-r-+codo+o. ●99 EXEfSP-RAMMING MODEand dbws ra-a@yby:MaaterCoda+ Ooda+O. AtARMFEBToRERPTmDE 2nddigitm automaticallysent aa the 2nd digit of the tine afarrnrapoficode pmgrammodin %5-*59 and “76-”91, if ●xpandad or 4+2 reportingia Oabctad. —— “71 -14- - TESTINQ THE SYSTEM After inatattatbnis oompteted,the SecurftySystem Shoutdbe Oarefutlyteated. 1. With the System in the d~rrnad state, check that atl zones are intact. tf NOT READY is disptayed, press the ~ key to disptaythe faulted zone(s). Restorefaultedzone(s)if necessary,so that READY is disptayed.Fauttand restoreevery sensorindfviduaftyto assurethat tt fs being monitoredbytheayatem 2. Enter the eeourtty code and press the TEST key. The external sounder (if used) shwfd aoundforl aeoondandthen tumoffeachtimea COntaOt b iauttad.A teat reportShdd be trammitted (If programmed) to the Central Statbn immediately.ff the backupbattetyis disolwged or missing, the external sounderwill not turn on and a LOW BA~ERY repodwiltbe transntftted insteadof a TEST report.The keypadwitlbeep onoe par rnlnuteto indkate thatthe systemfa in the Teat Mode. Atsrm moaesgos wIII be aont to the oentrsl atatfon during 8tw foltowing toeta 3 snd 4. Nottfy t?t.m that teats wflt be In prmBreaa, 3. Arm the system and fautt one or more zones. After 15 seoomla (if optimal dhbr delay is eeteoted), aitenoe afarm aoutukr(s) by etUedngthe code and preasfng OFF. Check Entry/Exft delay zones. 4. Chaok the keypad-4tttated atarm by prees~ the Panic key pairs - ~ and [#]. ff the system has been programmed for audible emergency, the ooneote will emit a steady alarm sound, and ALARM and 07 witl be displayed. Sitenoe the alarm by entering the securtty code and IXSSairKIOFF. tf the system has been programmed for sitenf a. SNIFFER b. MODE: By pressing security code + # + 2, a house code “sniffer mode is enabfed. The oonsole will display the house code of any RF tranamissbn it reoeives. In ths way, you oan cheek that yw are not usingthe same houseoode as any nearby system (suggested test period: approx. 2 hrs). This mode can be exited by keying the aecurtty code + OFF. TRANSMITTER TEST MODE: “By pressing eecurlty code + # + 3, the consofe will display aftzone n~rs of wireless units programmed into the system. As the system rsoeives a signal from each of the transmitters, the zone number of that transmitter witl disappear from the dsptay. The transmittercodesmay be checkeduponinstallation, or in an ktstatled system, all the wireless addresses shoufd disappear after about 1-1/2 hours. This mode can be exited by keying aecurtty code + OFF. c. GOINO GO TES7 MODE: BY Dressing eecurfty cod. + # + 4, a mode similarti the uaertesf mode(aeourttyoode+ TEST) is entered,but the wirelessreoeivergain is reduced. Checkingtranemfttersin this mode enablesverifyingthat the RF transmission hassufficientsignalamplitudemarginforthe instattedsystem.Exftthe mode by entering securfty code + OFF. Note: tf the battetv standbvoaoaoftvis exceeded duringan AC powe~failura,the s~ern wittautomatiCattyshutifseffoff. TO THE INSTALLER ~U~ maintorianoa and irlapdii tha instdbr and fraquont (at bast mma~) by tastingbytha uaar u. vitalto continuous adefauory Oparation of anyalarmSyatorn. raaponsibility ofdavebp lha installershoukfaasumo tit. eme~enoy, there wilf be m aud~e atarmsor disptaya,but a reportwfll be sent to the oentraf station. 5. Notify the oentrat station that atf teats are finbhed, and vertfyreauttswiththem. 6. To teat the wirelesspart d the systemand the 4261,3 addttbnatteetmodtparaavaifabfe: ing and offoring ● regular maint9nanoa program to h uaor as vmll as acquainting tha user with tha propar operation and limitations of the alarm system and its component patis. Racemmendationsmust be incfuded for a specific program of frequent testing (at baat woldy) to insure tha aysmm’amoper OPOrationat ●ll timaa. ACCESSORIES NO. 1321/TF2 NO. 1321CN BRK PA400B No. 702 No. 740 ProgrammingForm(Pkgof 50). 4-wirabnizafionProductsof CombustbnDefector 4-wire PhotoelectricSmoke BRK 2412 Deteotor 4-wire Photoelectric Smoke BRK 2412TH Detectorw/135°F (57C) Heat Detector see SPECIFICATIONSon nextpage also: vla16-PR BRK 1412 16.6VAC, 25VA Ptug-fnTranafonner(U.SA fmtatkdbns). 16.5VAC, 25VA Ptug4nTransfomter(Oaneden ina@btbns). Pbzoe)eotricAtamtSounder, 90dBoufpuf (mountSh@@egang box). Setfarttained 20 watt Siren (indooror outdood. Extreme!ybud Piezoeteotrio AtarmSounder, 122dB output (ktdooror outdoor). -15- SPECIFICATIONS 4137 REMOTE CONSOLE 1. Physical: 8-2/5” (213mm)W 4-3/49 (121rrsn)H 1-1/10= (26rnm)D 2. Electrical: V$~ ~: :;V~C . Adernco v/af6 SECURITY CONTROL 1.Physlcal: 12-1/2- (318mm)W 14-1/2= (366mm)H 3- (76mm)D 2. Electrical: VOLTAGE INPUT:16.5VAC from p- 25VA trsns- 3. ~~~rface . BLUE: forrner,AdemcoNo. 1321fi2, (i U.S.A.). Note: For Canadian installations,a No. 1321CN tmnsfonnermustbe used. RECHARGEABLE BACK-UP BATTERY: 12VDC, 4AH (Geltypa) AURM SOUNDER: 12V, 2.OAmpoutputcan drive 12V BELLS or can drive one or two 702 (series oonneoted)self-contained20-watt sirens. Do not connecttwo 702s in parallel. AUXILIARY POWER OUTPUC 12VDC, 500mA max. Interruptsfor smoke detector reset. Note: For UL installations, Alarm Sounder plus ~~wti;yar wtrent shouldnot exceed . STANDBYTIME: 4 HRS wtthAuxiliarybad of 500mA (using4AH battery).lo determinetotal standbybattery bad, add 90rnA to total Aux. power outputand remoteoonsolecurrents. FUSES: Battery(3A) No. 90-12 Sounder(2A) No. 80-2 3. Communlcstlon: FORMATS SUPPORTED: Ademco Express, 10 characters/see, DTMF (TouchTone) Data Tones, 1400/2300Hz ACK, 1400Hz KISSOFF Ademco Contact ID Reporting, 10 characterskec.,DTMF (TouchTone)DataTones, 1400/2300Hz ACK, 1400Hz KISSOFF Ademco Low Speed, 10 pulses/see, 1900Hz Data Tone, 1400Hz ACWKISSOFF Radionics/SESCOA, 20 pulses/sec,1800Hz Data Tone, 2300Hz ACWKISSOFF. Can reprf O-9,BF Line Seize: Doubie Pole RingerEquivalence: 0.7S FCC RegistrationNo.: AC 398U46192-AL-E 4127 REMOTE CONSOLE ‘ 1. Physical: 5-5/8” (143mm)W GREEN: YEUOW BLACK: 5330 REMOTE ALPHA CONSOLE (SelectVectorDevke) 1. Phyalcal: 7-3/4” (197nun)W 4i7~,$ (113nun)H . (32mm)D 2. Electrical: VottageIr@: 12VDC CurrentDrain: 105mA 3. Interface Wlrln9: w’lg~ykpwr RED: GREEN: YEUOW. DatsInfromCortml BLACK: Ground 4281H (also 4281M & 4281 L) RF RECEIVER ~m16~_(4~lU@@S,*lGsm4) 1. Physical: 7-3/8” (168rmn)W 4-3/6” (112mn) H 10-7/8= (277mm)H +with antenna 1-7J16* - (37mfnjD 2. Electrical: VCttageInput:12VDC (from00nt~rsremoteooneols connectionpoints) currentDrain:35rnA 3. ;~#ace Wlrlng: 12vCJ?mqM&m PwT GREEN: YEUOW gsta~from Cc@rol BLACK: 4. Range: 200H (60m) nominalindoorsfrom wiretesstranematers (thesotual rangetcbs determined wtth system In TEST mode). WIRELESS TRANSM~ERS for 4281 5701 PanioTransmitter 5706 PhotoelectricSmokeDetector~ransmltter 5711 DccrlWindowTmnsmitter Sdtch 571Wrd Docr/Windowxmtr. Wmeed 5715WH UniversalTmnsmilterWhite) 5715BR UniversalTransmMer(Mow@ 5716 Miniature DoorAWutowTmnsmitter 5742 Bbe Grass JWdii Discrtminatcrflmnsrnitter 5743 Bbe GrassDuaITechnologyGISSSBreak Deteotor/Tmnsmitter Pas6~e Infrared Detectorfimnsrnitter 5775 Wireles6Keypad 5727 Pkgof 8 Magnets(for5716) 5799 4-1 1/1 6“ (119mm) H 7/8” (22rnm) D 2. Electrical: Voltage hwut: 12V M 3. Interface RED: G2,SEN: YE40W: BLACK: Wiring: “ 12VDCiqnJt(+) am w 18VDC inputfromOptbnai No 1350 or 1360 PowerPack Data~ to Control DataInfmm COGroundand (-) aumectbn fmm ;~nal No. 1350 or 1360 Power CuITemDrkin: 20 mA Wiring: 12VDC input(+) auxpar Data Outto Control Data InfromControl Ground -16- 1= I . . ? i’ 0-, I $ 1’ (5 -17- WARNING THE LIMITATIONS OF THIS ALARM SYSTEM AiARM DEVfCS MANUFACTURfN(?C@ [2KtEMCOJ N54?s-1 VW A~*~Y~ 1SS Eiken way, Smeeets Camwe NewYork11791 lWZPllTWAY~~ I -19- DIP SWITCH TABLES FOR WIRELESSDEVICES -18-