DARTMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL 2013-2014 555 Bakerville Road, Dartmouth, MA 02748 (508) 961-2700 Fax (508) 961-1620 http://dartmouthps.dhs.schoolfusion.us ACT/SAT CEEB: 221-640 Kerry A. Lynch, Principal Christopher L. Boyle, Dean of Students Marissa Logue, Associate Principal Joanne Desmarais, Dean of Students Michael P. Martin, Dean of Students SCHOOL Dartmouth is a suburban coastal community located in Southeastern Massachusetts. Bordered by the historic whaling community of New Bedford to the east, Fall River to the north and Westport to the west, Dartmouth is approximately 60 miles south of Boston and 30 miles east of Providence, Rhode Island. Dartmouth is the fifth largest town in the Commonwealth. Dartmouth High School is a four-year comprehensive high school accredited by NEASC and The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Enrollment: 1124 Free/Reduced Lunch: 19% 2013 Graduating Class: 245 Faculty: 96 School Year: 2 semesters, 4x4 block schedule Length: 180 days Ethnicity Profile African American Asian Hispanic White 2.3% 3.9% 1.2% 91% Class of 2013 Future Plans 4-year college or university 2-year college 68% 22% Guidance Counselors Nicole Heath (G-McD) Jodi Newbury (Pe-Sout) Eric Silva (A-Con) Leanne Soulard (Coo-F) David White (McG-Ped) Daniel Wright (Souz-Z) nicoleheath@dartmouthschools.org jodinewbury@dartmouthschools.org ericsilva@dartmouthschools.org leannesqueglia@dartmouthschools.org davidwhite@dartmouthschools.org danielwright@dartmouthschools.org GPA AND CLASS RANK Dartmouth High School calculates an unweighted GPA and a weighted class rank for each student at the end of the sixth semester. The GPA is calculated using a 4.33 scale. Class rank is determined using a weighted grade point average, which is not reported on the transcript. The formula used to determine a weighted GPA is the unweighted grade point average times the level weight assigned to the course divided by the amount of credit for the course. Therefore, the more difficult the course and the higher the grade, the larger number of quality points earned. COURSE LEVELS AND WEIGHTS Dartmouth High School offers three levels of academic coursework: Advanced Placement Honors and Dual Enrollment College Preparatory GRADING SYSTEM A+ 97-100 C+ 77-79 A 93-96 C 73-76 A- 90-92 C- 70-72 B+ 87-89 D+ 67-69 B 83-86 D 65-66 B- 80-82 F Failure I Incomplete NCA No Credit Awarded CURRICULUM Dartmouth High has worked diligently to build a curriculum that suits the needs of every student. While the highest achieving students take advantage of extensive Honors and Advanced Placement course offerings, Dartmouth’s college preparatory curriculum ensures that all students graduate with 21 st century skills that are required for success in a variety of post-secondary settings. The Program of Studies may be found on our website under the Guidance tab. Advanced Placement Courses These are college level courses offered in the high school setting. Students enrolled in AP courses are expected to take the College Board Advanced Placement examination in May. Advanced Placement coursework is offered in the following subjects: Biology, Calculus AB, Chemistry, Computer Science, English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, Environmental Science, Human Geography, Psychology, United States Government and Politics, United States History, World History, Spanish, Statistics*, and Studio Art. *Not offered in 2013-2014. Honors Courses These are courses with an above average level of work and expectations designed for students who are able and willing to meet the challenge of more in-depth and/or accelerated courses. These courses offer good, sound college preparation at a level acceptable to any institution of higher learning. College Preparatory Courses These are courses which offer good, sound college preparation at a level acceptable to any institution of higher learning. Dual Enrollment Students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher are eligible to participate in dual enrollment courses at UMass Dartmouth or Bristol Community College. These course are weighted at the honors level. Graduation Requirements Students must earn at least 28 credits to graduate (one credit per full semester course). All students must meet the following requirements: 4 credits 3 credits 3 credits 3 credits English Math Science Social Studies 1 credit 2 credits .5 credits .5 credits 10 credits Unified Arts/Music Physical Education Health Freshman Seminar Electives Senior Internship Program Seniors in good academic standing may elect to complete a one semester supervised internship in their chosen career field. Students must produce a portfolio of artifacts documenting their experience. TEST DATA SAT Reasoning Test - 204 Seniors Dartmouth High Critical Reading 500 Mathematics 522 Writing 486 Massachusetts 515 529 509 Average SAT Reasoning scores for students who also took Subject Tests – 31 Seniors Critical Reading 597 Mathematics 635 Writing 583 Subject Test Biology E Chemistry Literature Mathematics Level 1 Mathematics Level 2 Physics Spanish U.S. History World History No. Test Takers 1 17 7 19 9 1 1 13 2 Mean Score Not reported* 626 584 645 649 Not reported* Not reported* 657 Not reported* *The College Board does not provide mean scores for tests with fewer than five test takers. 2013 Advanced Placement Exam Scores AP Test No. Test Takers Biology Chemistry Calculus AB English Literature Environmental Science Human Geography Psychology 40 22 23 13 19 48 25 % of students with a score of 3 or higher 65 68 68 92 47 83 100 AP Test No. Test Takers Spanish Language Studio Art 2D Studio Art 3D Studio Art Drawing Statistics U. S. History 9 9 1 4 45 26 % of students with a score of 3 or higher 11 100 100 50 64 81 COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES ATTENDED BY CLASS OF 2013 Below is a partial listing of colleges Dartmouth High School students are attending this fall: Amherst College Berklee College of Music Boston University Bridgewater State University Drexel University Elon University Fitchburg State University Fordham University George Washington University Mass College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Miami University New York University Northeastern University Providence College St. Michael’s College Stonehill College The Ohio State University University of Massachusetts Amherst University of Massachusetts Boston University of Massachusetts Dartmouth University of Massachusetts Lowell University of Maine University of Rhode Island University of Southern California University of Vermont University of New Hampshire Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Westfield State University Worcester Polytechnic Institute