Curriculum Vitae - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Curriculum Vitae
Changsheng Chen
School for Marine Science and Technology
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
706 South Rodney French Blvd
New Bedford, MA 02744-1221
Nationality: U.S. Citizen
Phone: (508)-910-6388
Fax: (508)-910-6371
M.S., Ocean University of Qingdao, Qingdao, P.R. China (Marine Meteorology), 1983
M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint
Program (Physical Oceanography), 1989
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint
Program (Physical Oceanography), 1992
Lecturer, 1983-1986: Department of Marine Meteorology and Oceanography, Ocean University
of Qingdao. Research Assistant, 1986-1992; Postdoctoral Investigator, 1992: Department of
Physical Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Assistant Research Scientist,
1992-1994: Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University. Assistant Professor, 19941999; Associate Professor with tenure, 1999-2001: Department of Marine Sciences, University of
Georgia. Professor, 2001-present: School for Marine Science and Technology, University of
Massachusetts-Dartmouth; Adjunct Scientist, 2001-present: Department of Physical
Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Adjunct Professor, 2002-2004.
Synergistic Activities
Chen is a coastal oceanographer who is interested in modeling and observational exploration of
coastal ocean circulation, oceanic frontal processes, turbulent mixing/bottom boundary layer
dynamics, chaotic mixing, western boundary current, internal waves and tides, and
biological/physical interaction. His recent research is mainly focused on the coastal and estuarine
modeling and ecosystem dynamics in the US eastern continental shelf (Gulf of Maine/Georges
Bank and South Atlantic Bight), Great Lakes (Lake Michigan and Lake Superior), Gulf of
Mexico and Texas/Louisiana shelf, Georgia and South Carolina estuaries, East and South China
Seas and Arctic Ocean. He is leader of the Marine Ecosystem Dynamics Modeling Research
Laboratory, School for Marine Science and Technology, UMASSD. In 1999, he was selected as
oversea assessor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Collaborated with R. C. Beardsley, Chen
and his co-workers have developed an innovative unstructured grid, finite-volume coastal ocean
model (FVCOM) for the ocean community. This model is becoming a community model with
applications to academic research and coastal environmental managements.
Ten Selected Publication
Chen, C., J. Qi, C. Li, H. Lin, R. Walker and K. Gates, 2008. Complexity of the flooding/drying
process in an estuarine tidal-creek salt-marsh system: an application of FVCOM. Journal
of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 113, C07052, doi: 10.1029/2007jc004328.
Chen, C., Q. Xu, R. Houghton and R. C. Beardsley, 2008. A Model-Dye Comparison Experiment
in the Tidal Mixing Front Zone on the Southern Flank of Georges Bank. Journal of
Geophysical. Research-Oceans., 113, C02005, doi: 10.1029/2007jc004106.
Chen, C., P.Xue, P. Ding, R. C. Beardsley, Q. Xu, X. Mao, G. Gao, J. Qi, C. Li, H. Lin, G.
Cowles, M. Shi, 2008. Physical mechanism for the offshore detachment of the
Changjiang diluted water in the East China Sea. Journal of Geophysical. Research, 113,
C02002, doi. 10.1029/2006JC003994.
Chen, C., G. Gao, J. Qi, A. Proshutinsky, R. C. Beardsley, H. Lin, G. Cowles and H. Huang,
2008. A new high-resolution unstructured-grid finite-volume Arctic Ocean model (AOFVCOM): an application for tidal simulation. Journal of Geophysical Research, in second
Huang, H. C. Chen, G. Cowles, C. D. Winant, R. C. Beardsley, K. Hedstrom, D. B Haidvogel,
2008. FVCOM validation experiments: comparisons with ROMS for three idealized test
problems. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 113, C07042, doi:
Cowles, G. W., S. J. Lentz, C. Chen, Q. Xu, and R. C. Beaerdsley, 2008. Comparison of observed
and model-computed low-frequency circulation and hydrography on the New England
Ji, R., Davis, C.S., Chen, C. and Beardsley, R., 2008. Influence of local and external
processes on the annual nitrogen cycle and primary productivity on Georges
Bank: A 3-D biological-physical modeling study. Journal of Marine System, 73,
Li, C., C. Chen, D. Guadagnoli and I. Y. Georgiou, 2008. Geometry induced residual
eddies in estuaries with curved channel-observations and modeling studies.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, C01005, doi: 10.1029/2006JC004031.
Chen, C., H. Huang, R. C. Beardsley, H. Liu, Q. Xu, and G. Cowles, 2007. A finite-volume
numerical approach for coastal ocean circulation studies: comparisons with finitedifference models. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 112, C03018,
Chen, C, R. C. Beardsley and G. Cowles, 2006. An unstructured grid, finite-volume coastal ocean
model (FVCOM) system. Special Issue entitled “Advance in Computational
Oceanography”, Oceanography, 19(1), 78-89.
Collaborators during the Last 48 Months: R. C. Beardsley (WHOI), J. Blanton (Skidaway), J.
Churchill (WHOI), C. Davis (WHOI), T. Durbin (URI), R. Houghton (CU-Lamont), R. Ji
(WHOI), C. Kincaid (URI), C. Li (LSU), D. Limeburner (WHOI), A. Pershing (Cornell), A.
Proshutinsky (WHOI), P. Rizzoli (MIT), B. Rothschild (UMASSD), J. Runge (UNH), D.
Townsend (U. of Maine), R. Walker (UGA), Jia Wang at (U-Alaska).
Thesis Advisor and Postdoctoral Scholar Sponsor: Robert C. Beardsley (WHOI)
Graduate and Postgraduate Advisors: L. Zheng (S. Florida Univ.), Dr. R. Ji (WHOI), S. Hu
(UMASSD), Z. Lai (UMASSD), Dr. H. Huang (LSU), Dr. Liuzhi Zhao (UMASSD), Dr. R. Tian
(UMASSD), Dr. M. Hunter (France), Dr. J. Qi (UMASSD), Dr. J. Zhu (China), Dr. Jun Wei
(MIT), M. Jiang (UMASS-Boston)