3038 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 55, NO. 8, AUGUST 2008 Control of High-Speed Solid-Rotor Synchronous Reluctance Motor/Generator for Flywheel-Based Uninterruptible Power Supplies Jae-Do Park, Member, IEEE, Claude Kalev, Member, IEEE, and Heath F. Hofmann, Member, IEEE Abstract—A hybrid controller, consisting of a model-based feedforward controller and a proportional–integral feedback compensator, for a solid-rotor synchronous reluctance motor/generator in a high-speed flywheel-based uninterruptible power supply application is proposed in this paper. The feedforward controller takes most of the control output of the current regulator based on the machine model, and the PI controllers compensate the possible inaccuracies of the model to improve the performance and robustness of the complete control system. The machine current tracking error caused by parameter inaccuracy in the model-based controller is mathematically analyzed and utilized to dynamically compensate the estimated flux linkage to eliminate the steady-state error in current regulation. Stability analysis is also presented, and it can be seen that the regulation performance and robustness of the system are improved by the proposed hybrid controller. Simulation and experimental results consisting of a flywheel energy storage system validates the performance of the controller. Index Terms—Flywheel, model-based control, synchronous reluctance motor, uninterruptible power supply (UPS). N OMENCLATURE ∆irs ∆λra ∆vsr [Lr ] [Ls ] [M ] [Rr ] J ωre A λr r λr s ĩr s ṽsr irs Current error vector in rotor reference frame. Flux linkage estimation error vector in rotor reference frame. Voltage command error vector in rotor reference frame. Lrd 0 Rotor inductance matrix . 0 Lrq Stator inductance matrix. Mutual inductance matrix. Rotor resistance matrix. 0 −1 Rotation matrix . 1 0 Electrical rotor angular velocity. Full-order system matrix of the synchronous reluctance machine. Rotor flux linkage vector in rotor reference frame. Stator flux linkage vector in rotor reference frame. Stator current command vector in rotor reference frame. Stator voltage command vector in rotor reference frame. Stator current vector in rotor reference frame. Manuscript received February 28, 2007; revised January 7, 2008. First published February 22, 2008; last published July 30, 2008 (projected). J. Park and C. Kalev are with Pentadyne Power Corporation, Chatsworth, CA 91311 USA (e-mail: jaedo.park@pentadyne.com). H. F. Hofmann is with The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 USA. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2008.918583 vsr x Ki Kp Ls Rs Stator voltage vector in rotor reference frame. Machine state vector. Integral gain in feedback compensator. Proportional gain in feedback compensator. Stator leakage inductance. Stator resistance. I. I NTRODUCTION U NINTERRUPTIBLE power supply (UPS) systems have been widely utilized to improve the electric power quality for critical loads. For anomalies such as interruptions or sags, a UPS supports the load using its stored energy. The energy storage device for UPS systems has historically been the lead-acid battery. However, recently, there has been great interest in finding alternatives for lead-acid batteries due to their operating/ maintenance cost and environmental impact. Advances in power electronics, magnetic bearings, and high-strength carbon fibers have resulted in flywheel energy storage systems that can be used as a substitute or supplement for lead-acid batteries in UPS systems [1]–[5]. High-power flywheels can provide backup power to handle the majority of power disruptions that last for 5 seconds or less [1] and still have time to cover longer outages until a backup system can cover the full load. Flywheels can also be used in conjunction with batteries. This can reduce the number of short charge/discharge cycles of the batteries, which greatly extends their lifetime. It also improves the battery reliability and preserves the battery capacity for longer disturbances. Synchronous reluctance machines have advantages as a motor/generator in flywheel energy storage systems due to the zero “spinning” losses when no torque is being generated by the machine, as opposed to permanent magnet machines with a stator iron. Furthermore, the rotor of a synchronous reluctance machine design can possess excellent structural integrity if the rotor saliency is created by alternating layers of magnetic and nonmagnetic metals connected by a high-strength bonding process, such as brazing. However, when such a rotor is utilized for the machine, the conventional synchronous reluctance machine models become inaccurate, particularly for the case of steep torque changes, because the flux dynamics of the rotor due to eddy current flow are not taken into consideration [6]. Feedforward current regulators for electric machines are one solution for high-speed applications, as typical feedback regulators can be problematic in field-oriented control due to the speed dependence of the machine dynamics. A sufficiently 0278-0046/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIV OF COLORADO DENVER. Downloaded on September 24, 2009 at 18:07 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. PARK et al.: CONTROL OF SYNCHRONOUS RELUCTANCE MOTOR/GENERATOR FOR FLYWHEEL-BASED UPSs accurate model of the machine can make a model-based feedforward controller a reasonable approach, as the stability issue becomes avoidable due to the inherently stable machine dynamics. It has been shown that the conventional model of the synchronous reluctance machine, which does not consider the rotor flux dynamics, can create a current overshoot during transients when used in a current regulator, as the predicted back electromotive force (EMF) is much higher than the actual back EMF of the machine. This makes it problematic to utilize the conventional model to design a model-based controller for a machine with a conducting rotor. This issue has been resolved in the authors’ previous work [6]. Although the model utilized in the feedforward controller describes the machine well, the feedforward controller relies heavily upon accurate knowledge of the parameters for good performance. However, practically, it is hard to measure all parameters exactly. Some of them may be difficult to measure, and initially measured parameters can easily vary with operating conditions such as temperature and the nonlinear magnetic properties of the iron in the machine. A feedforward-controlled system generates inaccurate output if the parameters are not correct and does not take into account unmodeled dynamics or disturbances. As a result, the efficiency will be non-optimal, because the actual operating point of the machine will be off from the commanded one if the parameters are inaccurate. Furthermore, the inverter may trip at high power levels if the erroneous operating point requires a higher than necessary current to generate the desired torque. This can cause problems for some critical operating conditions unless the current error is eliminated properly. A hybrid controller which incorporates a feedback PI compensator into a model-based feedforward controller to improve the performance and robustness of current regulation for a highspeed solid-rotor synchronous reluctance machine is proposed in this paper. The machine current tracking error caused by the parameter mismatch is mathematically analyzed and is utilized to dynamically compensate the estimated flux-linkage to eliminate the steady state error in current regulation. Stability analysis is also performed, and it will be shown that the regulation performance and robustness of the system are improved. The proposed controller yields an improved transient response for a fast-changing torque command with the model, as well as good tracking performance from the PI regulator. This is particularly desirable for applications such as flywheel-based or flywheel–battery hybrid energy storage systems, because fast response is an important performance factor of UPS systems, and improved tracking performance yields better efficiency. The proposed controller has been experimentally validated with a solid-rotor synchronous reluctance motor/generator based flywheel energy storage system. II. M ODEL -B ASED F EEDFORWARD C ONTROLLER [6] A. Continuous-Time Model The feedforward controller which is utilized in this paper is based on the machine model presented in [6]. The equivalent circuit model is shown in Fig. 1. Unlike the equivalent-circuitbased models in previous studies [7]–[9], this model takes the 3039 Fig. 1. Equivalent circuit model of synchronous reluctance machine in synchronous reference frame. dynamics of the rotor flux-linkage into account and, therefore, better represents the flux behavior in the machine. This allows a significant improvement on transient response, particularly for the solid-rotor synchronous reluctance machine whose rotor currents, generated by the flux-linkage dynamics, are not negligible [6]. The machine is modeled in the rotor reference frame by direct and quadrature windings and is similar to the case of squirrel-cage induction machines, yet includes a magnetic saliency of the rotor. The dynamic expressions for the machine in the rotor reference frame are given as follows: 2 Rr r M dλra irs =− (1) λa + R r dt Lr Lr −1 2 dirs M M2 r irs −ωre J = Ls − vs − Rs + Rr dt Lr Lr Rr r M 2 r r i + λa + λa × Ls − Lr s Lr (2) where λr = M λr . a Lr r (3) B. Feedforward Controller Implementation It is straightforward to build a sufficiently accurate machine dynamics model for a flywheel system, due to its slowly varying speed. Hence, a reasonably accurate command voltage for the given current commands can be determined from the model. The voltages for a current ĩrs and resulting flux linkage λ̂ra are given as 2 ṽsr = Rs ĩrs + ωre J Ls − M ĩrs + ωre Jλ̂ra Lr d M 2 r r + ĩs + λa . (4) Ls − dt Lr It has been found that sufficient performance can be achieved by neglecting dynamic terms and approximating the stator voltage as follows: ṽsr = Rsĩrs + ωre J Lsĩrs + λ̂ra . (5) Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIV OF COLORADO DENVER. Downloaded on September 24, 2009 at 18:07 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 3040 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 55, NO. 8, AUGUST 2008 Note that measured stator leakage inductance Ls is utilized in the controller instead of [Ls − (M 2 /Lr )]. This is because both the direct and quadrature values of [Ls − (M 2 /Lr )] are approximately equal to the stator leakage inductance Ls and, hence, can be estimated, as well as the stator resistance Rs , through terminal measurements of the stator with the rotor removed. The flux-linkage vector λ̂ra can be estimated by numerically integrating (1) using command currents t 2 Rr r M r ĩr dt. − (6) λ̂a = λ̂a + Rr s Lr Lr −∞ The inverse of the rotor time constants [Rr /Lr ] and the rotor “excitation” resistance [Rr (M/Lr )2 ] can be obtained experimentally, as discussed in [6]. When incorrectly estimated, flux-linkage values λ̂ra are utilized to calculate command voltage as in (5), an erroneous command voltage ṽsr is generated ṽsr = vsr + ∆vsr M 2 r r r ĩ + λ̂a . = Rs ĩs + ωre J Ls − Lr s (12) (13) This voltage error will result in a stator current error. The relationship between flux-linkage estimation and the current can be determined from the command values in (13) and the actual values from the command in (5), and the steady-state error of the machine current caused by mismatched parameters can be represented as follows: −1 M2 ωre J∆λra . (14) ∆irs = Rs I + ωre J Ls − Lr III. PI F EEDBACK C OMPENSATOR B. Feedback-Compensator Implementation A. Error Caused by Parameter Mismatch Among the three sets of direct and quadrature parameters and the scalar parameter required for the model used in the controller, it has been assumed that [Ls − (M 2 /Lr )], which can be approximated by the stator leakage inductance Ls , and Rs have exact values in this paper. However, the other parameters containing [Lr ] and [M ] and [Rr ] will vary due to nonlinear magnetics and rotor temperature, respectively. Equation (6) is used to estimate the flux-linkage. If an error exists in the time constant and/or excitation resistance, the estimated flux-linkage will have the following additive error term: r r λ̂a = λ̂a0 + ∆λ̂ra t Rr − + ∆1 λ̂ra0 + ∆λra = Lr −∞ 2 M + ∆2 ĩrs dt + Rr Lr (7) (8) where λ̂ra0 represents the right amount of the flux linkage for the given current command. Then, the error in the flux-linkage estimation can be separated as ∆λ̂ra = t −∞ Rr r −[∆1 ]λ̂a0 − + ∆1 ∆λra + [∆2 ]ĩrs dt. Lr −1 where the term Rs ωre J∆irs is included in an attempt to decouple the direct and quadrature dynamics. With the addition of this feedback compensator, the control performance can be improved by compensating the deviation of model parameters from the actual machine. The model-based controller generates most of the control output and has already resolved the overshoot issue of the solid-rotor synchronous reluctance machine [6]. Hence, the feedback can have reduced gain so that it can be less sensitive to noise or random errors and have less of an impact on the stability of the system. In order to reduce the number of states in the system, the integral part of the PI regulator can be integrated into the flux estimator (6) as follows: r λ̂a = (9) t −∞ 2 Rr r M ĩr + K ∆ir dt. − λ̂a + Rr i s s Lr Lr (16) The block diagram of the feedback compensator with the model-based feedforward controller is shown in Fig. 2. Differentiating yields Rr d r r ∆λa = −[∆1 ]λ̂a0 − + ∆1 ∆λra + [∆2 ]ĩrs . dt Lr In steady-state, the error of the current is proportional to that of the estimated flux-linkage, which comes in turn from parameter errors, as shown in (14). Hence, a flux-linkage compensator using a PI regulator is given as follows: Ki r −1 ∆λa = Kp + J∆irs (15) ∆irs − Rs ωre s (10) Assuming steady-state operation, the error terms of the fluxlinkage estimation become dc offsets. However, it is difficult to tell which parameter is incorrect from the output, because the errors are a combination of parameters, current, and flux-linkage −1 Rr ∆λra = − [∆1 ]λ̂ra0 − [∆2 ]ĩrs . (11) + ∆1 Lr IV. S TABILITY A NALYSIS A. Feedforward Control The state variables of the machine are defined as T x = λrad λraq irsd irsq . (17) Moreover, the machine dynamics equations of (1) and (2) can be represented in matrix form in (18)–(20), shown at the bottom of the next page. Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIV OF COLORADO DENVER. Downloaded on September 24, 2009 at 18:07 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. PARK et al.: CONTROL OF SYNCHRONOUS RELUCTANCE MOTOR/GENERATOR FOR FLYWHEEL-BASED UPSs Fig. 2. Block diagram of the feedback compensated model-based control system. Fig. 3. State-space diagram of the feedforward control system. 3041 From the controller equations represented in (5) and (6), the following matrix notation has been used: Rr  = − (21) Lr 2 M (22) B̂ = Rr Lr Ĉ = ωre J (23) M2 D̂ = Rs I + ωre J Ls − . Lr (24) Thus, the complete system dynamics are given by x˙ x A 04×2 B 04×2 ṽsr = + ˙r ĩr . (25) 02×4  02×2 B̂ λ̂ra λ̂a s The state-space diagram is shown in Fig. 3. Because the voltage command vector ṽsr is synthesized based on the estimated flux-linkage vector λ̂ra and the current command vector ĩr s ṽsr = Ĉλ̂ra + D̂ĩrs . (26) Equation (25) can be further simplified as follows: x˙ x A BĈ BD̂ r ĩs . + ˙r = 02×4  B̂ λ̂ra λ̂a A= − Ls − B= 0 − Rr Lr M2 Lr (27) Rr Lr The eigenvalues of (27) are shown in Fig. 4. The system is stable, but it can be seen that the eigenvalues move toward the origin and increase in the imaginary direction as the rotor speed is increased. 2 Rr LMr 2 −1 M Lr Ls − Fig. 4. Eigenvalues of the feedforward-controlled system when the speed of the machine is increased from 0 to 50 000 r/min. Arrows denote increasing rotor speed. − ωre J −1 2 M2 − Ls − Lr Rs + Rr LMr − ωre J Ls − −1 T C = [0 I] Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIV OF COLORADO DENVER. Downloaded on September 24, 2009 at 18:07 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2 (18) M Lr (19) (20) 3042 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 55, NO. 8, AUGUST 2008 Fig. 5. State-space diagram of the feedback compensated system. Flux compensation. B. Feedback Compensation Actual measured current values are extracted from the machine state vector x by matrix C; therefore, the current error vector can be given as ∆irs = ĩrs − Cx. (28) Taking the PI-compensator output and decoupling term into consideration, the system dynamics are given by x˙ = Ax + Bṽsr = (A − BĈFC)x + BĈλ̂ra + B(D̂ + ĈF)ĩrs (29) where ṽsr = Ĉλ̂ra + ĈF∆irs + D̂ĩrs −1 J. F = Kp I − Rs ωre (30) (31) The state-space diagram is shown in Fig. 5. With the integrator part of the controller incorporated with the flux estimator, as shown in (16), the complete control system with the PI compensator can be represented in matrix form, as shown as follows: x˙ x B(D̂ + ĈF) r A − BĈFC BĈ ĩs . r + ˙r = −Ki C  λ̂a B̂ + Ki I λ̂a (32) Fig. 6 shows the eigenvalues of the compensated system with Kp = Ls and Ki = Ls . It can be seen that the highly speeddependent eigenvalues of the system have significantly faster decay rates than the feedforward system. V. C OMPARISON W ITH V OLTAGE -C OMPENSATION S CHEME The estimated flux-linkage, including the PI-compensation term, will eventually be utilized to determine the voltage command through the model in the feedforward controller. By changing the placement of PI regulator and decoupling terms, it is possible to implement a voltage-compensated current regulator. This configuration becomes a conventional feedback cur- Fig. 6. Eigenvalues of the feedforward-controlled system with compensator when the speed of the machine is increased from 0 to 50 000 r/min. Case of Kp = Ls and Ki = Ls . Arrows denote increasing rotor speed. rent regulator and additive feedforward compensation, which is shown in Fig. 7. The output of the PI feedback compensator, which is stator voltage command, will be given as M2 r r = K + Ki + ω J L − (33) ṽPI ∆irs ∆ i p re s s s Lr where the term ωre J[Ls − (M 2 /Lr )]∆irs is included in an attempt to decouple the direct and quadrature dynamics. As well as this PI regulator output, the feedforward compensation voltage calculated from the model is added to the command ṽsr = ṽ PI + Rsĩrs + ωre J Lsĩrs + λ̂ra . (34) The state-space diagram is shown in Fig. 8. Taking the PI-regulator output and decoupling term into consideration, the system dynamics will be given as x˙ = Ax + Bṽsr = (A−BFC)x + BĈλ̂ra + B p + B(D̂ + F)ĩrs (35) Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIV OF COLORADO DENVER. Downloaded on September 24, 2009 at 18:07 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. PARK et al.: CONTROL OF SYNCHRONOUS RELUCTANCE MOTOR/GENERATOR FOR FLYWHEEL-BASED UPSs Fig. 7. Block diagram of conventional current-feedback controller with feedforward compensation. Fig. 8. State-space diagram of the feedback-compensated system. Voltage compensation. 3043 where ṽsr = Ĉλ̂ra + p + F∆irs + D̂ĩrs M2 F = ωre J Ls − + Kp I. Lr (36) (37) The dynamics of the compensator can be derived as follows: p˙ = Ki ∆irs = −Ki Cx + Kiĩrs . (38) Therefore, the complete control system with the PI compensator can be represented in matrix form as ˙ x x A−BFC BĈ B λ̂˙r = 02×4 λ̂r  0 2×2 a a −Ki C 02×2 02×2 p p˙ B(D̂ + F) ĩrs . (39) + B̂ Ki I Note that the flux-compensation scheme, as opposed to the voltage-compensation scheme, has two less integrators. Figs. 9 and 10 show the eigenvalues of the flux-compensated and voltage-compensated system at 50 000 r/min with varying gains. Kp and Ki have been varied from zero to Ls and to Rs for flux and voltage compensator, respectively. The poles with zero gain of Figs. 9 and 10 are different because of the decoupling terms. It can be seen that the oscillating mode in the flux-compensation scheme has a lower oscillation frequency and faster decay. Fig. 9. Eigenvalues of the feedforward-controlled system with flux compensator when the PI gains are increased from 0 to Ls at 50 000 r/min. Arrows denote increasing gain. VI. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS To validate the theory, experiments using the proposed fluxcompensated current regulator are performed on a 120 kW 4-pole solid-rotor synchronous reluctance machine. The rotor consists of alternating layers of a ferromagnetic and nonmagnetic material. The machine parameters are shown in Table I. This machine is a part of a flywheel energy storage system manufactured by Pentadyne Power Corporation that is capable Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIV OF COLORADO DENVER. Downloaded on September 24, 2009 at 18:07 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 3044 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 55, NO. 8, AUGUST 2008 Fig. 11. Experimental setup of flywheel energy-storage system. Fig. 10. Eigenvalues of the feedforward-controlled system with voltage compensator when the PI gains are increased from 0 to Rs at 50 000 r/min. Arrows denote increasing gain. TABLE I MACHINE/CONTROLLER PARAMETERS Fig. 12. Experimentally measured flux linkages in synchronous reference frame. Offsets due to the remanent magnetization can be seen. (a) λrsd . (b) λrsq . of providing 120 kW of dc electrical power for up to 20 s over a speed range of 25 000–54 000 r/min. The machine is driven by a three-phase inverter, and the proposed control algorithm, which has been shown in Fig. 2, is implemented in a DSP-based controller. Analog/digital converters sample machine currents synchronously with the center-based pulsewidth-modulated generator, which operates at a switching frequency of 18 kHz. Analog low-pass filters with 128 kHz bandwidth are applied to reduce the effects of noise and ripple. The sampling/calculation delay and input/output filtering should be carefully considered for discrete-time controller implementation, because these can result in an inferior performance or poor stability margin, particularly due to the low switching-to-fundamental frequency ratio. Delays should be compensated properly, as discussed in [6], for the feedforward controller. The proposed current regulator is then used as an inner regulator in a bus voltage control algorithm, similar to that presented in [10]. The bus voltage regulator generates the torque command for the machine so that the dc power to the load can be controlled. It is not necessary to regulate the machine speed in this configuration. The block diagram of the experimental system is shown in Fig. 11. The machine model utilized in the proposed controller accommodates the rotor flux dynamics to avoid the huge overshoot in fast torque transient [6]; hence, the model-based part generates most of the control output, and the feedback compensator only generates a relatively small corrective component to the command voltages. The feedback gains can be readily tuned experimentally to obtain the desired performance. First, the proportional gain that compensates about 80% of the error without integral gain was determined. Subsequently, the integral gain was increased to find the value that eliminates the steadystate error properly. The controller was able to avoid too much overshoot while quickly eliminating the offsets from parameter inaccuracies. The proposed model-based feedforward controller assumes linear magnetic behavior, meaning that the flux-linkages of the machine are linearly related to the currents. In practice, however, this relationship is nonlinear. While saturation of the machine iron is one possible nonlinear effect, in the system under study, this effect is not significant in the operating range of the machine due to the relatively large air gap. Another nonlinear magnetic property which has more of an effect on the system under study is the remanent magnetization of the iron in the rotor of the machine, which is shown in Fig. 12. Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIV OF COLORADO DENVER. Downloaded on September 24, 2009 at 18:07 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. PARK et al.: CONTROL OF SYNCHRONOUS RELUCTANCE MOTOR/GENERATOR FOR FLYWHEEL-BASED UPSs Fig. 13. Experiment: 150 A step commands in synchronous reference frame at 35 000 r/min. Model-based controller. Offsets due to the remanent magnetization can be seen. Upper: direct-axis. Lower: quadrature-axis. (a) Command current ĩrs . (b) Actual current irs . Fig. 14. Experiment: 0–300 A ramp commands in synchronous reference frame at 35 000 r/min. Model-based controller. Errors due to the remanent magnetization can be seen. Upper: direct-axis. Lower: quadrature-axis. (a) Command current ĩrs . (b) Actual current irs . This creates errors in the current tracking that are particularly important at relatively low power levels. Although these errors can be removed by incorporating the nonlinearity into the machine model, this phenomenon is left unmodeled so that it can be utilized to validate the performance of the feedback compensator. As expected, when using only the model-based controller, the system shows offsets/errors in current tracking when a step current command of 150 A and a ramp command from 0 to 300 A were applied to the system. The results are shown in Figs. 13 and 14. This is most likely because the remanent magnetization is not considered in the model. However, the error can be effectively removed by the proposed hybrid controller, as shown in Figs. 15 and 16, because the PI controller compensates the unmodeled nonlinearity. 3045 Fig. 15. Experiment: 150 A step commands in synchronous reference frame at 35 000 r/min. Model-based controller with flux-based PI compensator. The offsets are removed by the PI compensators. Upper: direct-axis. Lower: quadrature-axis. (a) Command current ĩrs . (b) Actual current irs . Fig. 16. Experiment: 0–300 A current commands in synchronous reference frame at 35 000 r/min. Model-based controller with flux-based PI compensator. The errors are removed by the PI compensators. Upper: direct-axis. Lower: quadrature-axis. (a) Command current ĩrs . (b) Actual current irs . VII. C ONCLUSION In this paper, a hybrid controller consisting of a model-based feedforward controller and a PI feedback compensator for a solid-rotor synchronous reluctance motor/generator has been proposed. The proposed control scheme has been applied to a motor/generator in a high-speed flywheel-based UPS system. It has been shown that the proposed hybrid controller with PI feedback compensator, in addition to the model-based controller considering flux dynamics in the solid-rotor scheme, easily compensates errors in the flux-linkage estimator caused by inaccurate parameters or unmodeled dynamics, as well as improves the regulation performance for the current commands and the stability of the system. Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIV OF COLORADO DENVER. Downloaded on September 24, 2009 at 18:07 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 3046 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 55, NO. 8, AUGUST 2008 R EFERENCES [1] “Flywheel Energy Storage,” U.S. Department of Energy, Rep. DOE/ EE-0286, Sep. 2003. [2] B. Roberts and J. McDowall, “Commercial successes in power storage,” IEEE Power Energy Mag., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 44–50, Mar./Apr. 2005. [3] J. M. Guerrero, L. G. de Vicuna, and J. Uceda, “Uninterruptible power supply systems provide protection,” IEEE Ind. Electron. 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Jae-Do Park (S’04–M’07) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, in 1992 and 1994, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, in 2007. From 1994 to 2001, he was a Research Engineer with LG Industrial Systems, Anyang, Korea. Since 2004, he has been with Pentadyne Power Corporation, Chatsworth, CA, where he is currently a Controls Software Engineer. His current interests include flywheel energy storage systems, power converters, and ac machine drives. Claude Kalev (M’93) received the degree in electronic engineering from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Since June 2002, he has been the Vice President of the Electrical Engineering Department, Pentadyne Power Corporation, Chatsworth, CA, which he cofounded when the company was incorporated in 1998. His interests include high-speed rotating machinery, magnetic-bearing-system development, high-vacuum systems, and molecular drag pump design. Mr. Kalev is a member of Tau Beta Pi and the Golden Key Honor Society. Heath F. Hofmann (M’89) received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 1992 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1997 and 1998, respectively. He is currently an Associate Professor with Pennsylvania State University, University Park. His research area is in power electronics, specializing in the design and control of electromechanical systems. His specific interests include energy harvesting (i.e., the generation of electricity from one’s environment), flywheel energystorage systems, and electric drives for electric and hybrid electric vehicles. Dr. Hofmann was the recipient of a Prize Paper Award (First Prize) by the Electric Machines Committee at an IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting in 1998. Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIV OF COLORADO DENVER. Downloaded on September 24, 2009 at 18:07 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.