Integrated Facades Symposium Building Facades: Integrating Comfort and Energy Performance Pacific Energy Center, SF, April 21, 2010 Defining and Measuring Performance For High Performance Buildings Stephen Selkowitz Building Technologies Department Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory SESelkowitz@LBL.GOV Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory All new commercial construction will be zero net energy by 2030 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Driving Building Energy Use to “Zero” Reducing Commercial Building Energy Use Index (EUI) from 90kBtu -> 15kBtu Where we are today: average of stock What we’ve proven we can do: Measured case studies Where we would be if all buildings were built to current code Where we could be with current technologies + PV, wind, Biofuels “Net Zero Energy Building” Where we need to be for Lawrence Berkeley “net-zero-National ready” Laboratory 3 U.S. Refrigerator Energy Use vs. Time: Conclusion: its possible to reduce energy use by >75% and reduce costs! United States Refrigerator Use v. Time 2,000 25 20 1,400 1,200 $ 1,270 Refrigerator Size (cubic feet) 15 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 10 Energy Use per Unit Refrigerator Price in 1983 Dollars $ 462 5 Conclusion: Policy + technology + standards works 0 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Refrigerator volume (cubic feet) 1,600 19 47 19 49 19 51 19 53 19 55 19 57 19 59 19 61 19 63 19 65 19 67 19 69 19 71 19 73 19 75 19 77 19 79 19 81 19 83 19 85 19 87 19 89 19 91 19 93 19 95 19 97 19 99 20 01 Average Eerngy Use per Unit Sold (kWh per year) 1,800 Fenestration Impacts on Building End Use Energy Consumption 5 Buildings consume 39% of total U.S. energy • 71% of electricity and 54% of natural gas 42% 67% Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Building Innovation “Game Changers” for ZEB 6 Assumed: cheap, long lasting, reliable, specifiable, affordable, green, …. MATERIALS AND SYSTEMS LIFE-CYCLE OPERATIONS • Smart Glass/Dynamic Facades • High R Windows, Insulation • Thermal Storage • 200 lumen/watt lighting • Daylight integration • Dimming, Addressable Lighting Controls • • • • Task Conditioning HVAC Climate Integrated HVAC Building- and Grid- Smart electronics Electrical Storage • • • • • • Building Life Cycle Perspective Benchmarks and Metrics Building Information Models (BIM) Integrated Design Process and Tools Building Operating Controls/Platform Building Performance Dashboards • Understanding Occupants • Facility Operators Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory ❏ ❏ ❏ 1973: Typical Window: ❏ clear, single glazed, ❏ double or storm window in north, ❏ Uaverage = .85 BTU/hr-F-sq.ft. 2003: Typical Window: ❏ 95% double glazed ❏ 50% have a low-E coating ❏ 30-65% energy savings vs. 1973 ❏ Uaverage = .45 BTU/hr-F-sq.ft. 2030: Future Window: ❏ Zero net energy use (typical) Net winter gain; 80% cooling savings Uaverage = .10 BTU/hr-F-sq.ft. Dynamic solar control ❏ ❏ ❏ 2010 Cost = $20B What if all windows in commercial buildings were replaced with...? Today's Tech. Today's Typical Product Future Technologies Current Stock Dynamic Low-e Highly Insulating Dynamic Saves $15B Heat Cool " " with Integrated Façades Lighting Potential -1.3 -1.0 -0.7 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.7 1.0 Annual Primary Energy Consumption, Quads 1.3 Building Envelope as Dynamic Filter Air Velocity Dust, Dirt Rain Humidity Air Velocity Exterior Climate Temperature Outdoors Large dynamic ranges Highly variable over time Humidity Indoor Env. Temperature Indoors Limited dynamic ranges Controlled over time Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Vision: “Zero-Energy Building” Facades: Energy Losers --> Neutral --> Suppliers Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory DOE Multiyear Performance Goals Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 3 Pathways for Use of Glass in Commercial Buildings • Just meet the code – Small Windows, prescriptive properties, e.g. double – No special shading or daylighting • Conventional “good” solutions: (prescriptive packages) – – – – – Modest sized windows, skylights Double glazing Spectrally selective glass Manually operated Interior shading On-off lighting controls • Architectural Solution with “Transparent Intelligent Façade” – – – – – – Highly glazed façade; extended daylighted zone Reliable tools reduce risk High Performance technology with Systems Integration Dynamic, smart control- automated shading, dimmable lights Economic from Life cycle perspective Optimized for people and for energy, electric demand Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Annual Source Energy Use Upper: Cooling Energy vs. Solar Aperture Lower: Lighting Energy vs. Effective Aperture Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Definition of a “Smart”, “Dynamic” Building Skin Interior or exterior sensors that measure relevant quantities that are used by the controller Operable façade components: Motors or actuators for shading devices, lightredirecting elements, operable windows, or switchable glass coatings Control algorithms: Accepts input from sensors or computations then determines how to position the operable façade components Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Challenges! Glass is “cheap” and “robust” Dynamic Building Skin Issues: • Complexity – Design – Installation – Operations • Cost – $$ • Robustness, Reliability – Routine change, e.g. aging component – Unexpected change, e.g. sensor failure Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory • Highly insulating systems — Reduces winter heating loads — Multiple technologies for glass • Aerogel • • Vacuum glazing Multipane, low-E gas fill — Better Frames — Climate dependence — Cost • Dynamic windows for daylight - solar control — Dynamic optical switch from high transmission to low transmission — Reduces summer cooling load; reduces glare — Multiple technologies • Electrochromic, thermochromic, photochromic, LCD,… — Integration with window, building — Cost • Air Flow/Ventilation Control — HVAC/Cooling — Comfort page 19 Insulating Windows Can Become Energy Producers in Cold Climates Annual Heating Energy Balance Single Glaze: U = 1.1 Double Glaze: U = .5 Double, Low “e” U = .3 -.4 (Energy Star) Window U = .1 - .2 (Triple or Vacuum) - Loss Window U < .1 + Gain 1973 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Minneapolis: Heating Climates: static high solar, hi-R (U=0.1 Btu/h-ft2-F) can meet ZEH goals Annual energy use vs. window properties Minneapolis, MN - Combined Annual Heating and Cooling Energy (MBtu) 1 single clear 145 0.8 140 135 0.7 130 125 120 U-factor U 0.6 115 double clear 110 0.5 105 100 high gain low-e Ar double 0.4 95 low gain low-e Ar double, typical Energy Star 0.3 low gain low-e Ar triple 90 85 moderate gain low-e Kr triple (acrylic center layer) 0.2 target performance region 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 75 energy ws use o d in w energy provide s w o d win 0.6 SHGC SHGC 0.7 0.8 80 70 0.9 1 Combined Annual Heating and Cooling Energy (MBtu) 0.9 Residential Energy Use (MBTU/yr) vs Window Thermal Properties (U, SHGC) Specific windows plotted on map of iso-energy use House with no windows uses 82MBTU Riverside CA - Mixed Climates: static medium solar, hi-R (U=0.1 Btu/h-ft2-F) can meet ZEH goals Annual energy use vs. window properties Riverside, CA - Combined Annual Heating and Cooling Energy (MBtu) 1 single clear 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 0.8 0.7 U-factor U 0.6 double clear 0.5 high gain low-e Ar double 0.4 low gain low-e Ar double, typical energy star 0.3 low gain low-e Ar triple 0.2 moderate gain low-e Kr triple (acrylic center layer) target performance region 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 SHGC 0.6 SHGC 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Combined Annual Heating and Cooling Energy (MBtu) 0.9 Residential Energy Use (MBTU/yr) vs Window Thermal Properties (U, SHGC) Specific windows plotted on map of iso-energy use Daylighting • Improve distribution of light within the room to reduce glare, • Increase room cavity brightness, • Increase %year daylit to reduce electric lighting energy • Architectural strategies • Light-redirecting technologies • Energy savings strategies GTU Library, UC Berkeley Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Day)Lighting Control Elements A Systems Integration Issue ballast controller ballast lamp sensor Selec + Sdaylt Ambient Illum Fluorescent Light Task Illum View Daylight Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Good Lighting Controls (Daylight Dimming) Work Daily Energy Use (6 A.M to 6 P.M.) kWh/12 hr/zone 40 G South Daylit J North Daylit Reference H 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 HH H H H HH H H H H H H H H H H HH H H H H H HH H H HH H H HH H H H HH H H H HH H H H HH H HH H H HHH H HH H H H H H H H H HH HH H H H H HH HH H H HH HH H HH H H HH HH HH HH H H H H H H HH HH H H H H HH H H H H HH H H H H H H HH H H H H H H HH H H H HH H H H H H H H HH H HH H H H H H H H H H HH HH H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H HHHH HH HH H H H H HH HHHH HH H HH H H HHH HH H HHHH HH H 40-60% Savings 40-80% SavingsG G GGG G G G J GGG G GG GGG G G GG G JG G G G G G G G G JG G J GGG G GG GGG G G GG GGGG G G G GG G JGJJJJJ JJG J JG J G GG JJJJJJJG G G G G G G G G G G JJJJJJG G G G G G G G JG JJJJG GG G G G G G J G G G G GGGJ G G G G G G G G G J G G G G G G J J J G JG JG G G G G G G G G G G J G G G G J G JJ GJG GGG HG GG G G G G G G G G G J G J G G G G G G G J G G G G J J J J GGG GG G G G G G JJ JJJJJJJJ J GG G G JJ JJ JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ JG JG GG GG G GJG GGGG G GG GGG G G GGG G GG GG GG GG JJJJJJJ J J G G GGGG GGGGGG G GG JJJ J G G G J G G G G G G J G G G J J G G G J J G GG G G G G G GG G GG JJ J G J JJJJ JJJ JJJJJ JJ J JJ J J J J J J JJ JJJJ J J JJ JJJJJJJJ J JJJ J JJJ JJJ JJ JJ J J JJJJJJJJ JJJ JJJ J J J JJJJJJJJJ JJJJJJJJJJJJ JJ JJJJ G J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J JJ J G J J J J G J J J J J J J J JG J J JJJJJJJ J G JG J J J 0 H JG H 0 50 100 150 H 200 Day of Year 1990 H JG H 250 300 H 350 Data from advanced lighting controls demonstration in Emeryville, CA (1990) !!! Energy Use before retrofit: After retrofit: South zone: North zone: Dimming is 3% of lighting sales Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory “In God We Trust”, All Others Bring Data An understanding of what to do in the future should be built on a foundation what works and how well, either based on, or derived from, measured performance. Design intent, expectations, and wishful thinking will not reduce energy and carbon use Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory LBNL Glazing/Shading “User Facilities” • • • • • • • • • Façade test facility/testbed Mobile Thermal Test Facility IR Thermography chamber Large integrating sphere Optics laboratory Scanning Goniophotometer HDR Imaging Field Data Collection systems Commissioning systems • Virtual Building Controls Testbed • Lighting controls laboratory Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory LBNL Façade Testbed Facility Highly instrumented, assess occupant response as well as energy balance 2003-2006 Electrochromic windows w/ daylighting Industry Advisory Group: Manufacturers Glazing, Shading Framing, Lighting Controls Designers Architects, Engineers Specifiers 2007-2009 Automated Shades w/ daylighting Owner/Operators Public, Private Utilities Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Automated daylight blind: concave-up slats with mirrored coating in upper zone and light grey finish in lower zone Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Time Lapse of Interior Room Luminance with Dynamic Shading Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory LBNL Integrated Building Systems User Facility 6 New Testbeds under Development LBNL Net‐Zero Energy Buildings User Facility Concept 4th Floor E q u ip m en t Ro o m #1 Integrated Building Systems Testbed #5 3rd Floor Intelligent Building Controls Testbed Ground level #3 Roof Systems/ Skylight Testbed #2 #6 #4 Façade/ Low Energy/Low Demand Daylighting HVAC Systems Systems Integration Testbed Integration Testbed Building Interiors Integration Testbed #7 Virtual/Hybrid Building Controls Testbed #8 Virtual Design Environment Testbed Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Pilot Demonstration: Emerging Integrated System • Site: conference room in DOE building; retrofit • Monitoring underway • Separate control of view and daylight • Electrochromic Windows: – Automated control – Manual override • Lighting controls: – DALI dimmable ballasts – Architectural scenes, occupancy, daylight controls Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Managing glazing and lighting for Electric Load Management Typical commercial building load profile 30000 30000 25000 25000 A/C 20000 15000 20000 Peak demand reductions during curtailments Lighting: Air conditioning:25% Other: Dimmed lighting 15000 Lighting 10000 75% 10% A/C 10000 Other 5000 Other 5000 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Time of Day 17 19 21 23 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 Time of Day Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 19 21 23 Exploring Intelligent Control Systems Task Requirements Dynamic Window (active control of daylight, glare, solar gain) User Preferences Interior Conditions Smart Controllers Lighting Systems (with dimming ballasts, sensors) Weather Conditions Load Shedding/ Demand Limiting Signal Sensors, meters,… Energy Information System Building Performance (cost, comfort, operations) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory H V A C Building Controls Virtual Testbed (BCVTB) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Active Fenestration Control is key to Cooling Strategy Morphosis/Arup design/GSA Owner Outcome: “Class A” office building; • Comfortable work environment • First cost savings, operating savings • Key: quantify performance and risk Status: Occupied 2007 Extensive Energy design assessment • Extensive climate, energy modeling • Comfort analysis under peak conditions • CFD modeling for air flow details — Orientation, section, plan optimized — Automated operable windows and night vent cooling — Exposed concrete ceiling stores “coolth” — No mechanical cooling for perimeter offices in tower page 36 — Control system development, testing — Commissioning process developed — Post-occupancy evaluations planned Testbeds - > Market Impact Owners program: • • Highly glazed façade gives workers views and allows the city to see “news” at work But glare, cooling, visibility etc Need/Goal: • Develop integrated , automated shading and dimmable lighting system — Affordable, reliable and robust • Transform the market- push these solutions toward widespread use Challenge: • • page 37 How to develop a workable, affordable integrated hardware/software solution How to “guarantee” that such a solution will work in practice Renzo Piano/ Fox & Fowle/ Gensler/ Flack+Kurtz/ Susan Brady Lighting Façade Layers External layer: Fixed -- Shading, light diffusion Glazing layer: Fixed -- Low-E, spectrally selective - thermal control - solar gain control -- Frit - solar, glare control Internal layer: Dynamic -- Motorized Shade system -- Solar control -- Glare control Façade Layers: Floor to Floor floor to desk desk to head head to ceiling plenum Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory North A • Shading, daylighting, employee feedback and constructability: ~4500 sf mockup • Concerns with glass facade: — Window glare (Tv=0.75) — Control of solar gain/cooling — Daylight harvesting potential • Real sun and sky conditions near construction site, 12-month monitored period page 39 B • Automated Shaded • (Multifunctional) • Dimmable lighting • Addressable • (Affordable) (1/3 original cost estimate) • (Multifunctional) Occupied 2007 New York Times office with dimmable lights and automated shading High Performance Windows need Skilled Architects & Engineers • Do architects and engineers have the expertise and/or tools to “optimize” designs of intelligent facades? • Other impacts: – Specification – Construction – Commissioning and Acceptance – Occupant training – Facility manager training Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory culation ording to metric acteristics) Software Tools Download from Optics IGDB (Window Glass) (Specular Glass Data Source) calculation THERM (Window Frame) calculation CGDB WINDOW (Complex Glazing Data Base) Design / Simulation Tools DOE-2, EnergyPlus Radiance (Whole Window) COMFEN (Whole Building Commercial) RESFEN (Whole Building Residential) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Modeling Visual Performance and Comfort RADIANCE simulation of conventional and electrochromic windows for different day types and seasons in Phoenix, Arizona. Façade Design Tool COMFEN: Estimating Energy and Daylighting Impacts in Early Design Sample Output Overview Performance Relative Cost Energy Thermal Comfort Benchmarks Design Advisor Façade Gain Daylight Penetration Advanced Façade and Daylighting Systems • Tremendous exploratory phase in progress in real projects – What works, how well, how to improve? • Dynamic, Responsive systems essential – Maximize energy performance and satisfaction – Static systems inadequate, particularly with large glass area • Areas for Innovation with integration: – Sun control, daylight control, glare control – Ventilation, Air flow- heat extraction – Sensors and controls • Key Issues: – Glass Area “Debate”- optimal size?? – Engineering vs Occupant Comfort, Satisfaction – Design -> engineering -> installation – Performance feedback: Operations --> Design – Tools for Design, Analysis, Optimization Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – Cost, Reliability Facades and Zero Energy Building Performance Issues • Importance of Building Controls – “Smart” controls – Self-diagnostic – Learn from occupants – Address “Conflict”: Occupant- owner-utility • Dynamic Load management – Electricity cost and availability – Rethink relationship of building to “grid”, autonomy • Occupant issues – Better environments for people – How do people interact with their built environment? • Understanding and quantifying costs and risks Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Commercial Building Performance Issues, Trends, Needs Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Information Technology-based Building Life-Cycle Performance View Interoperable Tools, open building information model BIM Metrics, Maintenanc e& Operations Automated Diagnostic Tools buildingSMART International Alliance for Interoperability IAI Program Requirements Retrofit Tools Building Information Model Information Monitoring & Diagnostic System Energy Analysis And Design Tools Commissionin g Tools & Active Tests Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Web-based Decision Support Tool “Action-oriented benchmarking” extends whole-building benchmarking Whole Building Energy Benchmarking Action-Oriented Energy Benchmarking Investment-Grade Energy Audit Screen facilities for overall potential Identifies and prioritizes specific opportunities Estimates savings and cost for specific opportunities Minimal data requirements (utility bills, building features) Requires sub-metered end-use data; may require additional data logging Requires detailed data collection, cost estimation, financial analysis Highly applicable for RCx and CCx Necessary for retrofits with capital investments Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Making Performance Visible Ex: European building energy certificates • Display energy certificates based on actual energy use, not just theoretical. We need to save real, not virtual emissions. • Transparency between expectations and outcomes. • Multiple performance indicators • California is launching similar initiatives, e.g. AB1103 • Subtleties: – Asset Rating – Operational Rating Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Life-Cycle Owner Costs in Perspective % of 30-year Total Owner Cost • • • • Design Fees: Construction: Annual operations: Staff Salaries <1% 4% 12% 84% Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Annual Energy Costs in Perspective Cost / Sq. M. Floor -Year • • • • • Energy Cost: $20.00 Maintenance: $30.00 Taxes: $30.00 Rent: $300.00 “Productivity” $3000.00 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Importance of Comprehensive Balanced Program People Technology Policy Process Markets Economics Solutions fail without this balance Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Approaching a Zero Energy Future • “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." – Henry Ford • The best way to predict the future is to invent it – Alan Kay • Think Big, Start Small, Act Now Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Information Resources Stephen Selkowitz Building Technologies Department Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Building 90-3111 Berkeley, CA 94720 USA E-mail: More Info: New York Times project Advanced Facades project Commercial Web Site Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory