User Manual v1.0 - Shakmat Modular

Two outputs and five different rhythmic flavors
multiply by a load of “algo-rhythmic” processing to
result in a practically infinite number of polyrhythms. That’s the fundamental formula that
produces the Knight's Gallop principle: a dual
trigger generator providing sequences according to
tables and modes.
The source tables contain patterns such as the
Euclidean polyrhythms, and the modes allow the
user manipulate and mangle those patterns according to different algorithms. As the module has two
outputs, it is a very powerful instrument to create
diversified and instantaneous polyrhythms.
Clock input
Length CV input
Reset input
Trigger Out 1
Pulses CV input
Trigger Out 2
Length potentiometer
Modes & Tables LEDs
Length+ LED
Pulses potentiometer
Sub-modes LEDs
Mode button
Table button
+/- Shift buttons
First of all, the module needs to be fed by a clock
signal via its Clock input . The sequence generated by Out 1
is determined by four parameters :
Table type , Length , Pulses & Shift .
The Length potentiometer
adjusts the sequence
length from 1 to 8 steps. By pressing the Mode
& Table buttons
together, the length range can
be set from 1-8 to 9-16 steps, while in 9-16 range,
the Length+ LED
is on.
The Pulses potentiometer
sets the number of
hits in the sequence. Turned fully counter clockwise
it mutes the outputs and as the potentiometer is
turned clockwise, the number of hits distributed
across the sequence increases.
Length & pulses parameters also have dedicated
CV inputs
The shift parameter can be adjusted with the -/+
Shift buttons . Press + once to shift the sequence
one step forward and – to shift it one step
The module also has a Reset input , allowing to
restart the sequence at its first step.
The module contains 5 tables with different
feelings. When switched on, it starts on the third
table, the Revised Euclidean one.
To know which set of table is used, press the Table
button . The Mode & Table LED column
indicates the selected table number by blinking. To
navigate through the tables keep the Table button
pressed and use the + & - buttons .
01. Divider Sequences
This table is constituted of sequences made of
different clock dividers tha lead to very straight,
military patterns. For example, here are the 8
steps sequences :
02. Classic Euclidean
The table provide the classic Euclidean feeling. The
algorithm creating the sequences places pulses
accross the sequence with the most constant
distance between each pulse.
03. Revised Euclidean
We found the classic Euclidean sequences groovy
but not enough. A lot of those sequences got a
syncopated feeling which is great for bouncy /
tribal rythms. But some of them kill the groove as
the 8 steps long one with 4 pulses in it :
Another problem of the euclidean patterns is, for
example, that 12 steps long sequence with 2 pulses in it :
is actually the repetition of two 6 steps long
sequence with 1 pulse in it :
So we edited the tables, hit by hit, to avoid those
little dead spots. For example, the L= 8 & P = 4
sequence is now :
and the L = 12 & P = 2 is now :
04. Anti Euclidean
Euclidean patterns lead to almost identical
distances between pulses.
Anti Euclidean
patterns are the opposite : made to maximize the
distance difference between pulses. Unlikely Euclidean patterns, they are more unpreddictable and
not unifomely distributed across the sequence.
05. Split Sequences
The algorhythm creating this table split the
sequence in two equally long parts. While the
Pulse value is increasing, the alogorithm fills the
first one according to the classic euclidean feeling
until the first part is fully filled. Then, it fills up the
second part with a different feeling (reversed and
As output one, the second output
is also generating patterns according to the table type and the
Length, Pulse and Shift values but those patterns
are modified by algorithms determined by the
selected mode.
The Mode LEDs
show the current mode. To navigate through the modes press the Mode and +/buttons .
Each mode contains several Sub-modes, to navigate through them, press the Mode button .
A. Main Mode (MN)
The Main mode contain four utility modes:
SM 01
LEDs (E)
Out 2 gives a pulse every first step of the
SM 02
No Shift
LEDs (E)
Out 2 is the same as Out 1 but not affected by the
shift parameter.
SM 03
LEDs (E)
At each step, if Out 1 is delivering a pulse, Out 2
won’t . If out 1 is not delivering a pulse, out 2 will
provide one.
SM 04
LEDs (E)
Out 2 is playing the same pattern as Out 1 but
read backward.
B. Compute (CP)
As Out 1 is generating a L long sequece with P
pulses in it, Out2 will provide another sequence
withdrawed from the same table but with different
lengths and pulses density.
Out 2 is reading the sequence with half the pulse
and the same length as the one played by Out 1.
e.g. : Out 1 : P=4 & L=11 > Out 2 : P=2 & L = 11
SM 01
L & P/2
LEDs (E)
Same principle with different math.
e.g. : Out 1 : P=4 & L=13 > Out 2 : P=2 & L = 7
SM 02
L/2 & P/2
LEDs (E)
Same principle with different math.
e.g. : Out 1 : P=9 & L=12 > Out 2 : P=6 & L = 8
SM 03
2L/3 & 2P/3 LEDs (E)
Same principle with different math.
e.g. : Out 1 : P=5 & L=16 > Out 2 : P=3 & L = 11
SM 04
L-P & P/2
LEDs (E)
Note : In this mode, the sequence played by Out 2
is automatically reseted by the one played by Out 1.
C. Random (RD)
This mode adds randomness to the second output 1.
SM 01
No Random LEDs (E)
Out 2 & Out 1 are the same, no randomization.
SM 02
Soft Fill
LEDs (E)
Out 2 is the same as Out 1 but is randomly reading
the L/2 & P/2 associated sequence.
SM 03
Hard Fill
LEDs (E)
Same principle as the previous Sub-mode but with a
higher probability to read the associated sequence.
SM 04
Full Random LEDs (E)
Out 2 is playing a randm sequence, the probability to
get a hit at each step is controlled by the Pulses value.
D. Dual Mode (DL)
In this mode, Out 1 & Out 2 can be set independently.
SM 01
Out 2
Set the second output
LEDs (E)
SM 02
Out 1
Set the first output
LEDs (E)
Note : The potentiometers have to reach the
previously set value to be effective, until that they
are disabled to avoid value skips when switching
from a Sub-Mode to another. This feature is shown
causes the Length+ to flash. In this mode, CV inputs
are disabled.
E. Record (RC)
This mode allows to record sequences with the + & buttons. There is only two Sub-modes : Play and Rec.
SM 01
LEDs (E)
The pattern played on the - button is assigned to
Out 1 and the one played with the + button to Out
2. Both sequences are quantized by the module.
SM 02
LEDs (E)
The recorded loops are played.
Note : The Pulses potentiometer have a specific
behavior in this mode. Turned fully counter
clockwise, it mutes the outputs as in the other
modes but turned fully clockwise it causes the
outputs to roll (delivering a trigger at each step).
You can control this behavior with the Pulses CV
The Knight's Gallop requires a standard 2x5 pin
eurorack connector. Make sure the red stripe on
the ribbon cable is oriented on the -12V side of the
Technical Information
Size: 8 hp
Depth: 25 mm
Current Draw: 22 mA @ +12V / 0 mA @ -12V
Input Voltages: 0 - 5V
Output Voltages: 0 - 5V
Product design and engineering:
François Gaspard
Product and brand design:
Steve Hackx / MadeInside™
Beta Testers:
Hugo “Ucture” Ficher, Bj_gzp, Supercrysalis, Harold
Osica, Mudd Corp & Nicolas Ripit.
Many thanks to Erik Lukac for the precious advices.