Career and Technical Education (CTE) Levy Recalculation Web-Based Reporting System User’s Guide Updated July 2016 Table of Contents Purpose.........................................................................................................................................................4 124D.4531 CAREER AND TECHNICAL REVENUE. .................................................................................4 Subdivision 1. Career and technical revenue. ........................................................................................4 Subd. 1a.Career and technical levy. ....................................................................................................5 Subd. 1b.Career and technical aid. ......................................................................................................5 Subd. 2.Allocation from cooperative centers and intermediate districts. ........................................ 5 Subd. 3.Revenue guarantee. ................................................................................................................5 Subd. 3a.Revenue adjustments. ..........................................................................................................5 Subd. 4.District reports. .......................................................................................................................5 Subp. 4a.Career and technical education. ..........................................................................................6 Subp. 31.Secondary career and technical education. ........................................................................ 6 3505.2500 INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM APPROVAL. ........................................................................... 6 UFARS PROGRAM DIMENSIONS ...............................................................................................................7 UFARS OBJECT CODES .............................................................................................................................9 Secondary Career and Technical Education Staffing Worksheet ............................................................. 10 Secondary Career and Technical Education Program Budget Worksheet ............................................... 11 Part 1 MDE Secure Login ............................................................................................................................13 User Roles and Responsibilities: ............................................................................................................. 13 Directions for a New User - ......................................................................................................................14 MDE Secure Login – User Authorization Agreement Page ...................................................................... 14 User Registration Profile Page .................................................................................................................15 User Registration Profile Complete Page................................................................................................. 16 User Registration Website Access Request Page.................................................................................... 16 MDE Secure Login –User Request Access - Select District(s) ................................................................. 17 Application Request Confirmation Page................................................................................................... 17 Directions for Users with access to other MDE password-protected websites.......................................... 18 Directions for a Forgotten Password ........................................................................................................ 18 Directions for User to Update Profile Information or Change Password ................................................... 20 User Profile Page.....................................................................................................................................20 Modify Profile Confirmation Page.............................................................................................................21 Change Password ...................................................................................................................................22 Change Password/Enter New Password ................................................................................................. 22 2 Part 2 District User’s Guide .........................................................................................................................23 User Roles and Responsibilities: .............................................................................................................23 General Information/District Selection ...................................................................................................... 24 Select Fiscal Year and CTE Program ...................................................................................................... 25 Cost Allocation to Other Districts .............................................................................................................25 Budget Entry Process – Classroom Support ............................................................................................ 27 Budget Entry Process – Contracted Services .......................................................................................... 29 5-Year Curriculum Plan ...........................................................................................................................31 CTE Programs – Additional Classroom Support ...................................................................................... 32 Budget Entry Process – Budget Summary ............................................................................................... 32 Budget Entry Process – Submit Budget/Expense .................................................................................... 33 Part 3 District Administrator’s Guide ............................................................................................................35 User Roles and Responsibilities: ............................................................................................................. 35 Login........................................................................................................................................................35 CTE Program Budget Review-CTE Programs Submitted......................................................................... 36 CTE Program Budget Review – Line Item Budget ................................................................................... 37 CTE Program Budget List/Budget Submission......................................................................................... 38 CTE Budget Submission/Confirmation ..................................................................................................... 38 APPENDIX I. CTE Staffing Budget Worksheet ............................................................................................ 39 APPENDIX II. CTE Levy Quick Step Guide Sheet....................................................................................... 39 APPENDIX III. Career and Technical Education Program Code and UFARS Program Code ...................... 39 APPENDIX IV. CTE Levy Reporting Timeline.............................................................................................. 42 APPENDIX V. Career and Technical Education Contact Information .......................................................... 43 3 Purpose This manual is designed to assist school districts to meet data reporting requirements for career and technical education programs as they access career and technical education levy revenue. Minnesota Statute § 124D.4531 governs the career and technical education levy. Please note that important changes to the levy formula were enacted by the 2013 legislature – effective in the 2014-15 school year (Fiscal Year 2015). MN Statute for Career and Technical Education Levy 124D.4531 CAREER AND TECHNICAL REVENUE. Subdivision 1. Career and technical revenue. (a) A district with a career and technical program approved under this section for the fiscal year in which the levy is certified is eligible for career and technical revenue equal to 35 percent of approved expenditures in the fiscal year in which the levy is certified for the following: (1) salaries paid to essential, licensed personnel providing direct instructional services to students in that fiscal year, including extended contracts, for services rendered in the district's approved career and technical education programs, excluding salaries reimbursed by another school district under clause (2); (2) amounts paid to another Minnesota school district for salaries of essential, licensed personnel providing direct instructional services to students in that fiscal year for services rendered in the district's approved career and technical education programs; (3) contracted services provided by a public or private agency other than a Minnesota school district or cooperative center under chapter 123A or 136D; (4) necessary travel between instructional sites by licensed career and technical education personnel; (5) necessary travel by licensed career and technical education personnel for vocational student organization activities held within the state for instructional purposes; (6) curriculum development activities that are part of a five-year plan for improvement based on program assessment; (7) necessary travel by licensed career and technical education personnel for noncollegiate creditbearing professional development; and (8) specialized vocational instructional supplies. (b) The district must recognize the full amount of this levy as revenue for the fiscal year in which it is certified. (c) The amount of the revenue calculated under this subdivision may not exceed $17,850,000 for taxes payable in 2012, $15,520,000 for taxes payable in 2013, and $20,657,000 for taxes payable in 2014. (d) If the estimated revenue exceeds the amount in paragraph (c), the commissioner must reduce the percentage in paragraph (a) until the estimated revenue no longer exceeds the limit in paragraph (c). 4 Subd. 1a.Career and technical levy. (a) For fiscal year 2014 only, a district may levy an amount not more than the product of its career and technical revenue times the lesser of one or the ratio of its adjusted net tax capacity per adjusted pupil unit in the fiscal year in which the levy is certified to the career and technical revenue equalizing factor. The career and technical revenue equalizing factor for fiscal year 2014 equals $7,612. (b) For fiscal year 2015 and later, a district may levy an amount not more than the product of its career and technical revenue times the lesser of one or the ratio of its adjusted net tax capacity per adjusted pupil unit in the fiscal year in which the levy is certified to the career and technical revenue equalizing factor. The career and technical revenue equalizing factor for fiscal year 2015 and later equals $7,612. Subd. 1b.Career and technical aid. For fiscal year 2014 and later, a district's career and technical aid equals its career and technical revenue less its career and technical levy. If the district levy is less than the permitted levy, the district's career and technical aid shall be reduced proportionately. Subd. 2.Allocation from cooperative centers and intermediate districts. For purposes of this section, a cooperative center or an intermediate district must allocate its approved expenditures for career and technical education programs among participating districts. Subd. 3.Revenue guarantee. Notwithstanding subdivision 1, paragraph (a), the career and technical education revenue for a district is not less than the lesser of: (1) the district's career and technical education revenue for the previous fiscal year; or (2) 100 percent of the approved expenditures for career and technical programs included in subdivision 1, paragraph (a), for the fiscal year in which the levy is certified. Subd. 3a.Revenue adjustments. Notwithstanding subdivisions 1, 1a, and 3, for taxes payable in 2012 to 2014 only, the department must calculate the career and technical revenue for each district according to Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 124D.4531, and adjust the revenue for each district proportionately to meet the statewide revenue target under subdivision 1, paragraph (c). For purposes of calculating the revenue guarantee under subdivision 3, the career and technical education revenue for the previous fiscal year is the revenue according to Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 124D.4531, before adjustments to meet the statewide revenue target. Subd. 4.District reports. Each district or cooperative center must report data to the department for all career and technical education programs as required by the department to implement the career and technical revenue formula. Subd. 5. Allocation from districts participating in agreements for secondary education or interdistrict cooperation. For purposes of this section, a district with a career and technical program approved under this section that participates in an agreement under section 123A.30 or 123A.32 must allocate its revenue authority under this section among participating districts. 5 Minnesota Revisor Rule 3505.1000 Subp. 4a.Career and technical education. "Career and technical education" means organized educational programs, services, and activities which are related to the preparation of individuals for paid or unpaid work or for additional preparation for a career requiring technical competencies or a postsecondary or higher education advanced degree. Subp. 4b.Career and technical instructional program. "Career and technical instructional program" means an educational activity or a series of instructional components designed to meet the program objectives for the period of instruction. Subp. 4c.Career and technical program advisory committee. "Career and technical program advisory committee" means a group of persons with competence or interests in an occupational field related to the program being served, selected for offering advice to teachers or administrators regarding career and technical education. At least 50 percent of the members shall be representatives of a directly related business, labor, or industry. Subp. 31.Secondary career and technical education. "Secondary career and technical education" means programs for grades 9 through 12 that meet the requirements of part 3505.2500, items A to C, and work experience/career exploration programs. 3505.2500 INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM APPROVAL. The commissioner of education shall approve programs on the following basis. Approval shall be on the basis of a complete program as defined in part 3505.2550. The local education agency shall provide evidence that its curriculum is designed to meet career and technical objectives which shall include: A. In-depth exploration of occupations to assist in the career planning process; B. Development of occupational competencies designed to be recognized for advanced placement in postsecondary programs; and C. Development of occupational competencies necessary to enter an occupation. Each program shall have a career and technical program advisory committee to advise the teacher, the local authorized administrator, and the local board; the advisory committee shall meet at least two times a year. For information regarding Career and Technical Education program approval, refer to the career and technical education section of the MDE website: Minnesota Department of Education Website Career and Technical Education or contact program staff listed in Appendix V of this manual. A list of all career and technical education programs that may be approved appears in Appendix III. Regular career and technical education expenditures should be reported through UFARS as follows: Fund Program Finance Object Course 01 301 through 399, 610 830 140, 143, 185, 305, 365, 366, 394, 369, 433, 490 Not Required 6 UFARS PROGRAM DIMENSIONS Appropriate expenditures under the career and technical levy are limited to those reported using the following UFARS Program Codes: 301 Agriculture Education Courses providing learning experiences concerned with developing knowledge, understanding and skills in agricultural subjects. Report agricultural education programs for students prior to grade 9 or for which there is no state approval under Program Dimension 211. 311 Distributive Education (Marketing) Courses and learning experiences pertaining to employment that directs the flow of goods and services from the producer to the consumer. Emphasis is on the development of attitudes, skills and understanding related to marketing, merchandising and management. Report distributive education programs for students prior to grade 9 or for which there is no state approval under Program Dimension 215. 321 Health Occupations Education Courses and learning experiences designed to develop knowledge and skills required in the supportive services to the health professions. Instruction is organized to prepare pupils for assisting qualified personnel in providing diagnostic, therapeutic, preventive, restorative and rehabilitative services. Includes care and health services to patients. Report health occupations programs for students prior to grade 9 or for which there is no state approval under Program Dimension 240 or 211. 331 Personal Family Living Science (In-Home) – Family and Consumer Sciences Courses of instruction concerned with work in a home environment. Includes relationships among family members and the managing of family resources. Report family and consumer sciences programs for students prior to grade 9 or for which there is no state approval under Program Dimension 250. 341 Business and Office Education Courses of instruction in selected office or business occupations in public and private enterprises or organizations. Report business programs for students prior to grade 9 or for which there is no state approval under Program Dimension 215. 7 351 Technical Education The study of the underlying sciences and mathematics inherent in a technology, and the methods, skills, materials and processes commonly used in a technology. A planned sequence of study leading to extensive knowledge in a field of specialization is typical. Report technical education programs for students prior to grade 9 or for which there is no state approval under Program Dimension 255. 361 Trade and Industrial Education This program is involved in a wide range of trades and industrial occupations, both skilled and semiskilled, and may involve apprenticeships. Report trade and industrial programs for students prior to grade 9, general technology education programs, or programs for which there is no state approval under Program Dimension 255. 365 Service Occupations/Occupational Home Economics Courses of instruction in child care/guidance and education occupations, fashion and apparel, foods, grooming, housing, and tourism occupations. Programs include instruction in safety, decisions in the use of energy, self-concept, work attitudes and behaviors. Report service occupations programs for students prior to grade 9 or for which there is no state approval under Program Dimension 250. 371 Related Subjects/Diversified and Interrelated Occupations Related subjects include those which cannot be assigned to any of the above programs, as they serve all programs (e.g. industrial communications). Diversified and interrelated occupations include combinations of subject matter and learning experiences related to the performance of various skills in a variety of career objectives. Emphasis is on the development of attitudes, skills, and understanding related to the career objectives of the pupils. Report related education programs for students prior to grade 9 or for which there is no state approval under Program Dimension 211. 380 Special Needs Activities which serve handicapped, economically or academically disadvantaged pupils in career and technical education. Includes both special programs and support services for pupils enrolled in a regular career and technical program. 399 Career and Technical – General Consists of all learning experiences related to career and technical education unable to be classified to the specific programs defined above. 610 Curriculum Consultant And Development Include professional and/or technical assistance in curriculum consultation and development. This includes preparing and utilizing curriculum materials, training in the various techniques of stimulating and motivating pupils, and instruction-related research and evaluation done by consultants. 8 UFARS OBJECT CODES Appropriate expenditures under the career and technical levy are limited to those reported using the following UFARS Object Codes: 140 Licensed Classroom Teacher Include salaries of appropriately licensed teaching personnel whose duties include direct student instruction on a regular and systematic basis. Salary amounts in addition to the basic classroom teaching salary should be recorded in Object Code 185, Other Salaries. 143 Licensed Instructional Support Personnel Include salaries of all licensed auxiliary personnel supporting the teacher/student learning relationship or assisting individual students. Technical tutors would be examples of licensed auxiliary personnel for career and technical education programs. 185 Other Salary Payments Include all stipend compensation which is hourly based or event-based not described above. Include all compensation for employees which is beyond the basic contract, e.g. career and technical education student organization advisor pay, extended year assignments, etc. 305 Consulting Fees/Fees For Services Include expenditures for purchased services if not enumerated by other object codes in this series. Services might include a guest speaker or community expert. 365 Interdepartmental Transportation Chargeback Include expenditures incurred to reclassify the costs incurred by the district’s transportation department in providing transportation services to the programs receiving their service. For career and technical education, this is limited to staff travel. (Please refer to Object Code 365 in the UFARS manual for additional information). 366 Travel, Conventions and Conferences Include expenditures incurred for the cost of transportation, meals, hotel, registration fees, and other expenditures associated with travel and attendance at conventions and conferences. It would also include expenditures incurred for the costs associated with travel by licensed CTE staff between instructional sites, and travel to community instructional sites (work sites for students involved in supervised work-based learning activities. For career and technical education, this is limited to in-state travel. 394 Payments for Educational Purposes to Other Agencies (Non-School Districts) Include payments made for students to any other public or private agencies (other than school districts) for contracted services, e.g. payments for career and technical education services purchased from other educational agencies, special vocational assessment for learners with disabilities, etc. 396 Salary Purchased from Other Minnesota School District Include payments made to other school districts for the salary of licensed teachers or related service providers who are working in your district but employed by another district. 433 Supplies and Materials - Individualized Instruction Include expenditures for individualized instructional supplies and materials that are unique to the career and technical education program and are not common to the general operation of the school. 490 Food Expenditures for all purchases of food for all uses excluding milk not used in the preparation of food. Purchases of food for the food service program must be associated with Program Code 770, Food Services. Purchases of food for instruction use should be associated with the appropriate CTE program. 9 Instruction Worksheets for the Development of Career and Technical Education Budgets Two worksheets are provided to assist districts in the preparation of budgets for calculation of career and technical education levy authority. These are: Secondary Career and Technical Education Staffing Worksheet (Appendix I) and Secondary Career and Technical Education Program Budget Worksheet (Appendix II). It is recommended that a district complete these worksheets before submitting budget or expenditure information on the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Levy Recalculation Web-Based System. A district must submit an estimate of planned expenditures to qualify for the Career and Technical Education Levy, even if the amount of that levy would be based on a factor other than approved expenditures. Secondary Career and Technical Education Staffing Worksheet District Identification District Number: The 4-digit district identifier, e.g. 0006 (South St. Paul) District Type: The 2-digit type identifier, e.g. 01 (independent school district) Program Identification Information • Program Name: From the list in Appendix III. Be certain to include only programs for which you have state approval and that are serving students in grades 9-12. • OE Program Code: The 6-digit occupational education code for your state-approved program from the list in Appendix III. • UFARS Program Code: The 3-digit UFARS Program Code that corresponds to the OE Code from the table in Appendix III. Program Staffing Information • Name of staff member: Name of the individual providing direct instructional services in this program. This name should match the entry in the state’s Teacher Licensing database (see Minnesota Department of Education Website link to Teacher Licensure) • Check one: Teacher/Technical Tutor: Identify whether the named staff member is a teacher or a licensed technical tutor within the program. You will note the Paraprofessional is included on the drop down list in the system but it is not allowable and will soon be removed. Please do not use. • File Folder Number: The 6-digit file folder number from the Teacher Licensing database. • Base Salary: The base salary for the individual from the district’s master agreement. Do not include benefits, salary for extended time, or salary for additional assignments. Benefits are not an allowable expense for the calculation of a district’s career and technical levy. Extended time and some additional assignments would be included as additional salary below. • Assigned hours per day: List the assigned instructional hours per day including all teaching assignments (both within the career and technical program and other teaching or non-teaching assignments) and preparation time. Do not list hours for after-school time or extended activities. • Assigned hours within this program: List the instructional hours assigned to this program. Do not list preparation time, instruction in other programs, or other duty assignments (supervision, etc.). 10 • Assigned hours for teacher preparation per day: List the amount of preparation time assigned each day for all assignments, both within the program and otherwise. The allowable preparation expense for this program will be calculated as the ratio of (assigned hours within the program) divided by (assigned hours per day minus preparation time) times (preparation hours). • Extended days: List the number of days beyond the full teacher contract for which the teacher is hired to provide service for this program. Extended days are generally allowed for work-based learning coordinators to establish worksite agreements or for laboratory instructors to prepare their laboratories for instruction at the beginning of the year. • Extended salary: List the salary for extended days appropriate for this program. • Student Organization Advisor Salary: List any salary addition paid for advising career and technical student organization activities. • Salary for additional assignments: List any salary for other additional assignments associated with this program and describe the additional assignment. Do not list salaries that are general in nature (e.g. department head, general supervisory responsibilities, etc.) or salaries for curriculum development. Curriculum development salaries should be reported as an expense under program code 610 and only when associated with an approved 5-year curriculum development plan. Secondary Career and Technical Education Program Budget Worksheet District Identification District Number: The 4-digit district identifier, e.g. 0006 (South St. Paul) District Type: The 2-digit type identifier, e.g. 01 (independent school district) Program Identification Information Program Name: From the list in Appendix III. Be certain to include only programs for which you have state approval and that are serving students in grades 9-12. OE Program Code: The 6-digit occupational education code for your state-approved program from the list in Appendix III. UFARS Program Code: The 3-digit UFARS Program Code that corresponds to the OE Code from the table in Appendix III. Program Budget Information Object Codes 140, 143 and 185: See separate Secondary Career and Technical Education Staffing Worksheet Object Codes 365/366: Identify the budgeted amounts for staff travel associated with the program. Allowable travel expenditures may occur as four types: 1. Travel between instructional sites: Include travel by licensed career and technical education teachers for teaching assignments between one or more sites during the school day. Travel may be between multiple instructional sites within a district or to community instructional sites, most commonly worksites of students participating in work-based learning programs. Do not include travel to get supplies or materials for a program or for other activities not associated with direct instruction. 2. Interdepartmental transportation chargeback: Include expenditures incurred to reclassify the costs incurred by the district’s transportation department in providing transportation 11 services to the programs receiving their service. This is limited to licensed staff travel. For additional information please refer to Object Code 365 in the UFARS manual. 3. Professional development: Include travel for professional development activities that do not grant collegiate credit for participation. Include mileage, registration, meals, lodging and other usual expenses associated with non-collegiate professional development. Do not include the costs of texts or materials that become the property of the instructor. 4. Student organization activities: Include travel expenses associated with instructor participation at in-state activities of career and technical student organizations that enhance learning. Include mileage (if not transporting students), registration, meals, lodging and other usual expenses associated with supervision of in-state career and technical student organization activities. Do not include student expenses or student transportation. Do not include mileage for social functions that do not have an instructional component. Do not include costs associated with student organization activities occurring out of the state. Object Code 305/394/396: Identify contracted services that supplement instruction and have been approved by the state. Services supported under these contracts must be provided by a public or private agency other than a Minnesota school district or cooperative center and must enhance instruction. Such contracts might include: a. Contracts or honoraria for guest speakers or supplementary instruction providers who do not replace the instructor for the time spent in instruction. b. Educational services that prepare students for competitive employment or postsecondary career and technical education participation if not supported by another funding stream. c. Contracted mentoring relationships between appropriately licensed career and technical education teachers and college faculty necessary under a formal concurrent enrollment arrangement. Do not include expenses for student participation under the postsecondary enrollment options program (PSEO) or for the costs of certification exams, advanced placement tests or other activities that provide a direct transferable benefit to individual students. A copy of a contract between the school district and the provider must be submitted to the state for approval of contracted services under the CTE levy. Object Code 433/490: Include the costs of specialized instructional supplies necessary for the operation of the program. Individualized instructional supplies and materials are those that are unique to the career and technical education program and not common to the general operation of the school or other educational programs within the school. Include items that are unique to the program (e.g. welding rods for a welding program, printer cartridges for a business education program where such use exceeds that of most educational programs). Do not include general supplies (paper, markers, etc.). Do not include supplies whose cost will be recovered by resale (e.g. construction materials for a student-produced home, supplies for a food preparation program where products are sold to the student body or general public). Program Code 610: Curriculum development expenditures may be approved if part of a 5-year plan for curriculum improvement approved by the department. The five year plan must be submitted to the department for approval. Amendments are required if the plan or time lines deviate from the approved plan. The plan must identify a formal process involving teachers, administrators, business and industry, and the community. North Central evaluation, Career and Technical Education evaluation, or other evaluation process may be used. Expenditures must be used to develop a career and technical education (CTE) curriculum and may include curriculum writing time and non-instructional activities (curriculum consultation, evaluations, meetings, preparation time, and expenses) by a licensed CTE teacher. Do not include indirect costs such as heating, lighting and administrative expenses. 12 Allocated Costs from Cooperative Districts Cooperative and intermediate school districts must complete career and technical education budgets but, because they have no direct levy authority, must allocate costs to participating districts for the purpose of levy calculation. Allocation must be on the basis of participation or other agreed-upon method. The cooperative district is responsible for identifying a per-district percentage allocation so that appropriate levy calculation may occur. The percentage allocation is rounded to two digits, and must total 100%. A district receiving levy revenue on the basis of this calculation must forward that revenue to the cooperative district. For the purpose of levy calculation, cooperative districts must identify expenditures on the same basis as independent school districts. Part 1 MDE Secure Login Standard CTE Levy System User’s Guide User Roles and Responsibilities: • A User can register for access to a specific MDE Application as a new registrant. (User has never had a login or access to MDE password-protected Websites). URL: Minnesota Department of Education website link to access electronic login Registered Users can request access to the CTE Levy application – same URL as above. • User can access the Secure Login Welcome page for the CTE Levy application – same URL as above. • User selects the district(s) they are responsible for maintaining. • User accepts the privacy/confidentiality agreement. • User can reset a forgotten password (only if a Forgotten Password Retrieval Question and Forgotten Password Retrieval Answer was provided during initial registration setup.) • User can change their password. • User can update their contact information. 13 Directions for a New User (Unregistered for an MDE Password-Protected Website) MDE Secure Login Welcome Page If you have not previously registered for an MDE password-protected website, follow the Instructions below: 1. On the Secure Login Welcome page, go to the third section under the heading bar: New user? and select the click here link. This link will start the registration process by first displaying the Site User Authorization Agreement and then the User Profile Entry page. MDE Secure Login – User Authorization Agreement Page 2. Read the User Authorization Agreement and select I Accept to continue the registration process. Note: If you decide not to register with MDE at this time, click the I Decline and then close your browser. 14 User Registration Profile Page 3. Enter the following information on the User Registration Profile Page: • First Name • Last Name • Full Name (this box will fill in from your first and last name) • Email • Phone • User ID (Minimum 8 characters) • Password (Minimum 8 characters with at least 1 Capital letter; case sensitive) • Re-enter Password • Password Retrieval Question • Password Retrieval Answer Note: It is very important to enter a forgotten password retrieval question and retrieval answer. MDE staff does not have access to passwords. If you do not enter a password retrieval question and retrieval answer, there is no way to re-set a password if it is forgotten. 4. Select the Save button on the bottom of the screen. 15 User Registration Profile Complete Page 5. The Profile Complete Confirmation page will display. Click the Request Application Access button on the bottom of the screen. User Registration Website Access Request Page 6. Select the Role of CTE District User, CTE MDE User (MDE only), CTE District Administrator or CTE Finance User (MDE only) by clicking on the radial button next to the appropriate role and select the Submit button. Note: The CTE District User is the person who will enter the budget and expenditure data into the system. It is strongly recommended that this person be the Business Manager or Designee. The CTE District Administrator is the superintendent or designee. The MDE User and Finance Users are internal to MDE. 16 MDE Secure Login –User Request Access - Select District(s) 7. Select the District (from the left box) that you are responsible for by clicking on the district to highlight it. 8. Select the top right-pointing Double Arrow Selection button between the two boxes to move the district to the selection box on the right. 9. If you are a District User responsible for more than one district, continue selecting districts as in the steps above and when finished, click the Submit button. The District Administrator must have a separate user id and password for each district for which they are responsible. Note: If you have selected a district that should not be in the selection group box, select the district to highlight it and use the left-pointing Double Arrow Selection button between the two boxes to remove the district from the selected districts box. If more than one district should be removed from the selection box, click the Reset button at the bottom of the page to start over. Application Request Confirmation Page 10. A confirmation page confirms that the request for access to the CTE Budget application was successful. Close out your browser. You will receive an email notification within 24 hours of your request. 17 Directions for Users with access to other MDE password-protected websites MDE Secure Login Welcome Page Directions for a Forgotten Password MDE Secure Login Welcome Page 1. Under the second section on the Welcome screen Forgot your Password? select the click here link. Forgot your log in or password to the CTE levy MDE Link 18 Forgotten Password User ID Page 2. Type your User ID in the box and select the Submit button. 3. Type the answer to your Challenge Question in the Password Retrieval Answer box. The answer needs to match the original answer you entered when registering with MDE for a user account. The answer is case-sensitive. 4. Select the Submit button. 5. Enter a new password in the Enter new password box and retype it in the Retype password box. 6. Select the Save button. You will receive a confirmation that your password has been changed. 7. Select the Back button to return to the Log in page. 19 Directions for User to Update Profile Information or Change Password MDE Secure Login Welcome Page 1. Under the fourth section heading bar on the Welcome screen View your user account: click on the click here link. This will take you to the User Profile Page where you can select Update Profile or Change Password. User Profile Page 2. Select the Update Profile button. 20 3. Make changes as necessary to your Name, Email Address or Phone Number. 4. Select the Save button to update the profile information. Modify Profile Confirmation Page 5. A confirmation page is displayed confirming that the User information has been successfully changed. 6. Click the OK button to return to the User Profile page. 21 Change Password 1. Select the Change Password button to change your current password. Change Password/Enter New Password 2. Under the first section heading bar Your Existing Password: type your current password in the Old Password entry box. 3. Type the new password in both the New Password box and the Re-enter New Password box for validation purposes. 4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen. You will receive a message indicating that your password has been changed. 22 Select the Back button to go back to the Login page. Part 2 District User’s Guide CTE Levy Web-Based Reporting System User Roles and Responsibilities: The District User is the person who will enter all CTE Program Budget data. It is strongly recommended that this person be someone in the Business Office. If this is not possible, it is VERY IMPORTANT that the information is reviewed by the Business Office before it is submitted to the Superintendent and/or MDE for approval. There should be only one District User identified per district for the CTE Levy System. 5. User opens a browser window and accesses the URL Website for the CTE Levy Login page and logs in using User ID and password. 6. User is able to access the CTE Levy Reporting System User’s Guide for information about the web reporting system. 7. User reads the General Information for referral to resource information supporting the CTE Levy system. 8. User reads the Announcements Page to obtain important information for the CTE Levy system and MDE contact information. 9. User is able to select the appropriate district and fiscal cycle. 10. User is able to enter program budget/expenditure data for each approved CTE program area. 11. User is able to submit each program budget to the superintendent or designee for approval. 23 General Information/District Selection 1. After logging into the CTE Levy System application, the General Information/District Information screen is displayed. 2. Select your district from the drop down list and ensure that all contact information is filled in. 3. Select the Next button to go to the Program Budget page. This is where you will select the fiscal year and approved CTE Program for which the budget and/or expenditure data will be entered. 24 Select Fiscal Year and CTE Program 4. Select the drop down box to select the appropriate fiscal year. 5. Select the drop down box to select the CTE Program. 6. After selecting both, select the Next button and the Cost Allocation to Other Districts screen is displayed. 7. If no Cost Allocations to other districts – go to Classroom Support Tab after selecting NEXT button. Cost Allocation to Other Districts 7. Cooperative and Intermediate Districts will enter the member district % breakdown for each of their member districts. (ISD’s will not have this option and will be instructed to select the Next button to continue.) 25 8. Select the District from the drop down list and enter their % allocation in the box to the right. 9. Select the Add/Update button. The allocation will appear in a table under the first section, Cost Allocations to Other Districts, after each entry is added. 10. Repeat these steps for each district you wish to add making sure they total 100%. 11. Select the Next button to start entering the budget data. Note: On this screen the left navigation bar is displayed for the first time. However, it is best to navigate through the system for the first time using the Next button. The General Information link is the first link from which you selected your district. You should only need to go back to that link if you need to change the district for which you wish to report. The Program Selection link may be used when you have completed the budget entry process for your first Program and you wish to select a new Program. 26 Budget Entry Process – Classroom Support Please read detailed steps below to clarify questions. 27 1. Enter in the proper licensure “active, “renewal” or “waiver” for the staff you are entering information on correct Yes or No radial button for each of the first three entries. 2. Enter the File Folder # for each licensed staff serving in the selected CTE Program. 3. Select Teacher or Technical Tutor from the Area of Licensure drop down list. You will note that Paraprofessional is included on the drop down list but it is not allowable and will soon be removed. Please do not use. 4. Enter the additional information fields: 5. Base Salary: Enter the Actual salary - do not include fringe benefits or extended time 6. Hours per day: Include the total of teaching hours including prep time and other student contact hours 7. Assigned Hours in this Program Per Day - ONLY include the hours per day in teaching this CTE Program. 8. Assigned Hours for Teacher Preparation Per Day – The total hours assigned for prep for the full day. The system will calculate the amount of prep time to be allocated to the CTE program. 9. Extended Days – Enter days assigned beyond the regular teaching contract 10. Extended Salary – Enter the additional salary beyond the regular school year. Select the Add/Update button after each entry to add a new staff person. Each time you Add/Update an entry, the staff person will be added to a table that will appear under Section One, Classroom Support. 11. If any Travel or Contracted Services add those on the Approved Expense Amount. 12. Select “SAVE” 28 13. If you have contracted services complete the Contracted Services detailed information. Budget Entry Process – Contracted Services 1. Enter Contracted Services data in the space provided, beginning with the Contractor ID#. Use the Tab key to move through the fields. 2. Select the Add/Update button after each entry. Each time you Add/Update an entry, the entry is added to a table that will appear under the first section, Contracted Services. Note: For each Contracted Service request you must attach a copy of the contract using the General Attachments link on the left navigation bar. 29 30 5-Year Curriculum Plan 1. Enter the data in each of the fields in the format identified, and complete the checklist. 2. Attach the 5 yr. plan or amendment, as applicable. It is only necessary to complete the 5 year curriculum plan if you are reporting expenditures for program code "610" on the budget information page. 3. Select the Next button to go to the Budget Information page that displays the summary of the Program budget by object code. 31 CTE Programs – Additional Classroom Support Enter each additional CTE Program and continue with CLASSROOM SUPPORT FOR EACH TEACHER FOR EACH PROGRAM AREA. When all CTE Approved Programs and actual budgets have been entered, continue with the final step of Expenditure Entry Process for the Administrator to approve it. Budget Entry Process – Budget Summary You will note that the fields have been populated with a summary of the data previously entered. 1. Select the Save button to save the Program budget. 2. Once you are certain that your Program budget is final and you are ready to submit to the District Administrator for review, select the Submit Budget link on the left navigation bar and the Submit Budget/Expense screen will display. Note: You must select the Save button before trying to Submit Budget/Expense. 32 Budget Entry Process – Submit Budget/Expense 3. Select the Submit Budget button to submit to the District Administrator for approval. Once the budget is submitted the screen will appear with a notification to indicate that the “Budget is submitted successfully.” 4. Once all CTE Program budgets have been submitted, you should contact the District Administrator to indicate that all CTE Program budgets have been submitted for their approval. At that time, the District Administrator will log into the system to review, approve and submit all of the CTE Program Budgets to MDE. 5. Expenditures will be reported through the Budget Information page on the left navigation bar. 33 If all information is entered, click the “Submit Expense” tab for the Administrator to approve. 34 Part 3 District Administrator’s Guide CTE Levy Web-Based Reporting System User Roles and Responsibilities: The District Administrator is the superintendent or designee, which, in some cases, may be the Licensed CTE Administrator. There should be only one District Administrator identified per district for the CTE Levy System. 1. User opens a browser window and accesses the URL Website for the CTE Levy Login page and logs in using User ID and password. URL: Log into the CTE Levy Website at the MDE 2. User is able to access the CTE Levy System User’s Guide for information about the web reporting system. 3. User reads the General Information for referral to resource information supporting the CTE Levy system. 4. User reads the Announcements Page to obtain important information for the CTE Levy system and MDE contact information. 5. User is able to select the appropriate district and fiscal cycle. 6. User is able to review program budget/expenditure data for each approved CTE Program area. 7. User is able to submit each CTE Program budget to MDE for approval. Login 8. After signing on to the CTE Levy System application, the CTE Program Budget Review screen is displayed. 35 CTE Program Budget Review-CTE Programs Submitted 9. This screen will show all of the approved CTE Program Budgets that have been submitted by the District User for your approval. 10. Select the Program Budget Year from the drop down box and select the Submit button. The list of Program budgets submitted by the District User for that year will be displayed. 11. To review the budget breakdown for each individual Program, select the Program Code that precedes the Program Name. This will display the line item budget (for that Program), as submitted by the District User. 36 CTE Program Budget Review – Line Item Budget 12. After reviewing the Program Budget, select the Back Admin button to return to the submitted Program Budget list. Note: If you need to look at more detail on the Program Budget you may select the links identified in the left navigation bar. However, if you do so, there is no easy way to get back to the approved Program Budget list and you will have to sign out and sign back in. In some cases the Back button on your browser may take you back to the list but is not recommended because it may generate a system error. If that happens you will need to start over at login. 37 CTE Program Budget List/Budget Submission 13. Follow the above steps for each Program budget that you wish to review/approve. 14. Once ALL Program Budgets have been reviewed, select the Budget Approved button to submit to MDE. It is very important to review ALL Program budgets before you select the Budget Approved button. The Budget Approved button should only be used one time. CTE Budget Submission/Confirmation 15. After clicking on the Budget Approved button, you will receive a message on the screen to indicate that the Budget is submitted to MDE for Review. 16. MDE staff will review all Program Budgets that are submitted and will notify districts if there are questions or concerns. 38 APPENDIX I. CTE Staffing Budget Worksheet Secondary Career and Technical Education Staffing Budget Worksheet – please see attached link to use this document. Secondary Career and Technical Education Staffing Budget Worksheet APPENDIX II. CTE Levy Quick Step Guide Sheet FY 16 CTE Levy Quick Step Guide Sheet CTE Levy Quick Step Guide Sheet APPENDIX III. Career and Technical Education Program Code and UFARS Program Code CTE Program Code 000110 000670 000710 000745 000750 000755 UFARS Program Code 030 371/380 380 371 380 380 000756 380 000790 001050 009090 009095 371/380 371 371 371 CTE Program Local District Career and Technical Education Admin. Career Accommodation Specialist Career and Technical Education Evaluation Work Experience – Disadvantaged Work Experience – Handicapped Work Experience/Career Exploration (WE/CEP) Work Experience/Career Exploration (WE/CEP) Disadvantaged Technical Tutor Employment Placement Diversified Occupations Diversified Youth Apprenticeships Agriculture CTE Program Code 010001 010200 010300 010500 010600 019090 019095 019901 019910 UFARS Program Code 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 CTE Program Agricultural Exploration Agribusiness Management Agricultural Mechanics Technology Horticulture and Landscaping Management Forestry and Natural Resources Management Agricultural Cooperative Work Experience Agricultural Youth Apprenticeship Agricultural Combined Program Animal Science and Technology Marketing CTE Program Code 040800 049090 049095 UFARS Program Code 311 311 311 CTE Program Marketing Occupations Marketing Occupations Marketing Youth Apprenticeship 39 Health CTE Program Code 070101 070208 070300 070303 070907 079090 079095 UFARS Program Code 321 321 321 321 321 321 321 CTE Program Dental Assisting Allied Health Health Sciences and Technology Education Nursing Services Emergency Medical Services Health occupations Co-Op Program Health Occupations Youth Apprenticeship Family and Consumer Sciences CTE Program Code 090101 UFARS Program Code 331 CTE Program Family and Consumer Science Service Occupations CTE Program Code 090201 090204 090301 090401 099090 099095 UFARS Program Code 365 365 365 365 365 365 CTE Program Early Childhood, Guidance, and Education Careers Creative Design Careers Hospitality Service Careers Law Enforcement Careers FACS Service Occupations Co-Op Programs FACS Service Occupations Youth Apprenticeship Business CTE Program Code 140100 140120 140200 140710 149090 149095 UFARS Program Code 341 341 341 341 341 341 CTE Program Accounting Banking and Finance Data Processing Occupations Administrative Support Occupations Business and Office Cooperative Programs Business Youth Apprenticeship Trade and Industrial CTE Program Code 170100 170300 170301 170302 170303 170321 170322 170400 UFARS Program Code 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 CTE Program Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Service Truck Driving Auto Body Mechanics Auto Mechanics Vehicle Services Occupations Metals/Fabrication Occupations Auto/Truck Service and Repair Aviation Occupations 40 CTE Program Code 170700 170900 170100 171016 171200 171300 171500 171502 171512 171710 171720 172302 172306 179090 179095 UFARS Program Code 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 351 361 361 361 361 CTE Program Commercial Art Commercial Photography Construction Occupations – General Construction Occupations – Finishing Truck/Diesel Mechanics Drafting/CAD Occupations Electronics Communications Technology Occupations Information Technology Manufacturing Technology Principles of Career and Technology Education Machine Shop Occupations Welding Occupations Trade and Industrial Co-Op Programs Trade and Industrial Youth Apprenticeship 41 APPENDIX IV. CTE Levy Reporting Timeline July 15, 2016 - Actual expenditures submitted for 2015-2016 school year September 15, 2016 – Final date to submit actual expenses for 2015-2016 September 25, 2016 - Comparison reports generated October 28, 2016 – CTE actual expenses and UFARS data are complete and matched October 28, 2016 - Final UFARS data submitted October 31, 2016 - Final Levy Adjustment determined for 2015-2016 April 15, 2017 – Anticipated Budget submitted for 2017-2018 July 15, 2017 - Actual expenditures submitted for previous fiscal year (2016-2017) September 15, 2017 – Final date to submit actual expenses for 2016-2017 September 25, 2017 - Comparison reports generated October 31, 2017 – CTE actual expenses and UFARS data are complete and matched October 31, 2017 - Final UFARS data submitted October 31, 2017 - Final Levy Adjustment determined for 2016-2017 Spring 2018 - Budget submitted for 2018-2019 42 APPENDIX V. Career and Technical Education Contact Information Paula Palmer, Director, Office of Career and College Success 651-582-8737, Michelle Kamenov, Supervisor Career Development and Technical Education 651-582-8434, Debra Blahosky, Office of Career and College Success, Administrative Support Staff 651-582-8334, Kari-Ann Ediger, Program Improvement/Results Measurement 651-582-8269, Joel Larsen, Agriculture/Agribusiness 651-582-8396, Jean Kyle, Business and Marketing 651-582-8514, Michael Mitchell, Health Sciences/Service Occupations/Work-Based Learning 651-582-8513, John Rapheal, Trade and Industrial/Technology Education 651-582-8682, Jennifer Norton, Office of Career and College Success, Administrative Support Staff 651-582-8333, April Schnell, Career Development/Work-Based Learning 651-582-8840, Maxine Peterson, Family and Consumer Science Specialist 651-582-8421, 43