Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Dr. Yoshiyuki SHOW
Professor, Chairman
The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Tokai University established
in 1943. Our department has contributed to academic and research programs in Tokai
University and has been prosperous. Today there are over 10,000 alumni and alumnae of
our department in worldwide the electrical and electronic engineering field. Our mission
is guided by an emphasis on teaching and research grounded in basic studies and
practical applications of electrical and electronic science and technology. Our department
consists of 9 professors, 1 associate professors and 1 junior associate professor. Each
facility member has high potential in both education and research. They have been
playing a role in development of Electrical Energy/Power Engineering, High-Voltage
Engineering, Electro-Magnetic Machines, Control Systems, Medical Electronics,
Electrical/Electronic Circuits, Semiconductor/Electronic Devises, Electrohydrodynamics,
Electric Vehicles, Fuel Cells, and Solar Cells.
Our department offers a spectrum of gradate programs at the Ph.D. and M.S. levels. The
faculty members bring the students to the classroom extensive instructional and research
experience, which contribute to the dynamic learning experience. Our graduate cause is
one of the most successful research programs in Japanese universities. 60% of graduate
students make a presentation of their research results at various international conferences
in their 2 year M.S. program.
Special Field: Electric power system engineering, Meta-heuristics technology
Dr. Hidenori AOKI
Topics 1: Voltage and reactive power control by meta-heuristics
Topics 2: Service restoration problem in distribution power system using improved GA
(1)Voltage and Reactive Power Control in Power Systems by Genetic Algorithm Considering System Decomposition and
Control Process:This paper presents a new approach to optimal voltage and reactive power control based on a genetic
algorithm (GA), and attempts to shorten the time of the GA, which calculates the control process. For this purpose, a
network is decomposed into subsystems by means of region/area information, and the control counts of the controller are
considered in the voltage and reactive power control.
(2)Service Restoration Problem in Distribution Power System:The service restoration problem in distribution power
system has already been conducted with regard to this issue, for purposes such as the minimization of unrecovered load and
power-supply loss, consideration of priority sections, and preparation of switching procedures. However, since this
involves application of a number of methods, the related algorithms are complex. In order to resolve this issues we first
apply GA as an optimization method for investigation purposes, to simplify the algorithms used. Next, to confirm this
proposed method’s effects in reducing computing time, we consider the efficacy of the proposed method by using smaller
numbers of generations and individual sizes than have been used in the past.
Phone: +81-463-58-1211 ext.4016 FAX: +81-463-59-4014
Special Field: Optical communication, Opto-electronics
Dr. Masaki ASOBE
Topics 1: Low noise phase sensitive amplifier (PSA) for high capacity optical communication
Topics 2: Generation of optical comb and their frequency stabilization
Topics 3: Highly sensitive gas detection using mid-infrared laser
(1) Conventional optical amplifier degrades the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the input by 3 dB even in a ideal case. In
contrast, PSA enables amplification without SNR degradation. Applications of the PSA in optical communication are
examined theoretically and experimentally.
(2) Semiconductor laser, which is used in optical communication, exhibit fluctuation of the optical frequency. This will
be vital issue in future optical communication. We are studying generation of optical comb and stabilization of their
frequency, which will be useful as absolute optical frequency standard.
(3) Various environmental gases exhibit strong absorption in mid-infrared wavelength range. We are studying highly
sensitive real-time detection of hydrocarbon gases such as Formaldehyde which is known as a causative agent of sick
house syndrome. Medical application of the gas detection are also examined.
E-mail: Phone: +81-463-58-1211 ext.4066 FAX: +81-463-59-4014
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Special Field: Thin Film Solar Cells
Topics 1: Multi-junction thin film solar cells, Development of narrow and wide energy gap materials
Topics 2: Plasma process for semiconductor material, Control of plasma density and potential
Solar energy is one of the most important candidates to solve energy crisis and environmental problems. In order to
realize the future society based on renewable energy, it is necessary to develop the advanced solar cells that have higher
energy conversion efficiency and reasonable price. In our group, the improvement of optical and electrical performance in
solar cells have been pursued for further utilization of sun light by investigating new materials and solar cell structures.
We propose thin film crystalline silicon-germanium (c-SiGe) as the bottom cell materials of multi-junction solar cells,
and successfully produced the c-SiGe films with identical crystalline orientation by solid phase crystallization. The cSiGe have controllable energy gaps which are suitable to give proper light absorption in bottom cells and is appropriate
for high efficiency multi-junction solar cells. We also investigate wide gap materials as the front cell materials by
developing the new sputtering method with controlled plasma density and potential. We conduct the low-damage
fabrication of Si-based and ZnO-based wide energy gap materials with this new sputtering method.
Phone: +81-463-58-1211 ext.4030 FAX: +81-463-59-4014
Special Field: Fundamental and Applications of High-Voltage Phenomena
Dr. Ryu-ichiro OHYAMA
Topics 1: Visualization of Electrohydrodynamic Phenomena and Applications of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma
Topics 2: Degradation Diagnosis of Electrical Power Machines
(1) Electrohydrodynamics (EHD): Electrohydrodynamically induced phenomena in gas-phase fluid are momentum
transfer effects of single sign ions on the neutral gas in and surrounding the discharge region. In this work, the
EHD fluid motion of stratified dielectric liquid exposed to AC gas-phase corona discharge is experimentally
obtained and the velocity distribution measured by the particle image velocimetry is numerically analysed.
(2) Atmospheric pressure plasma has recently attracted significant interests. In novel gas stream exposed to dielectric
barrier discharges (DBD), the atmospheric pressure plasma has been frequently observed as bullet or plume of
traditional discharge travelling fast. In this work, a device of atmospheric pressure plasma source was
experimentally constructed by a coaxial arrangement with a discharge electrode and a glass tube of 6 mm in an
inner diameter.
(3) The insulation endurance for service life is designed in conformity to the specifications with the minimum 30 years.
In this work, an investigation on residual life diagnosis system of electrical power machines was conducted in the
purpose of predicting the insulation deterioration accidents.
Phone: +81-463-58-1211 ext.4021 FAX: +81-463-59-4014
Special Field: Electronic Materials (Fabrication, Characterization and Application)
Topics 1: Transparent conductive oxide (TCO) film
Topics 2: Oxide film with metal-insulator transition
Several oxide materials have promising properties for electrical, optical and thermal applications. Feasibilities of these
materials have been accelerated by thin film fabrication technologies. Materials we investigate now are mainly titanium
oxide and vanadium oxide films. Titanium oxide is known to be useful for variety of applications, such as electrical
dielectrics, optical coatings and photochemical materials. Recently, Nb-doped titanium oxide showed high conductivity,
collecting much attention as new transparent conductive oxide (TCO) film. We fabricated sputter deposited Nb-doped
titanium oxide film and investigate both electrical and optical properties with the aim of application to next generation
TCO. Vanadium oxide shows striking property as phase transition from insulator to metallic at relatively low
temperature. This transition is controllable not only by temperature but also by applied voltage. Thus we study
mechanism and controllability of the transition of vanadium oxide film with the aim of applications to switching and
sensor devices. We also study sputtering process itself to fabricate thin films with desired properties as mentioned above.
Phone: +81-463-58-1211 ext.4102 FAX: +81-463-59-4014
Special Field: Electric Vehicle, Solar Car, Energy Conversion and Storage
Dr. Hideki KIMURA
Topics 1: High Efficiency Blushless DC Motor Using Iron Based Amorphous Core
Topics 2: Application of Electric Double Layer Capacitors
As one means for solving problems such as fossil fuel depletion and the carbon dioxide gas control, electric vehicles and
solar cars were made. These cars have been achieved super low consumption power by several technologies.
(1) Electric Vehicle: To decrease the consumption power, a small sized and light weight electric vehicle (EV) has been
made by carbon fiber reign forced plastic (CFPP). High efficiency brushless DC motor using iron based amorphous core
and electric double layer capacitors are mounted on the EV. This EV can run by using only 72W (almost same as 0.1 PS)
power at the present time. This performance is corresponding to the world record of the consumption power for electric
(2) Solar Car: As the solar car can run using only solar power, it is called as "ultimate eco-car". We made ten solar cars
since 1992. "2009 and 2011 World Solar challenge" was held on Australia. In these races, we developed new solar cars
"Tokai Challenger" and became winner.
(3) Energy Conversion and Storage: For the purpose of the increase in energy efficiency, "hybrid energy storage system"
consist in batteries and electric double layer capacitors (super capacitors) has been developed and tested on the solar car
and electric vehicle.
Phone: +81-463-58-1211 ext.4092 FAX: +81-463-59-4014
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Special Field: Electronic device engineering, ULSI process technology
Topics 1: Advanced nonvolatile memory (NVM) technology
Topics 2: Dielectric degradation in thin insulating films for ULSI applications
His current research interests include
(1) the development of novel charge trap dielectric films for advanced nonvolatile memories (NVMs),
(2) the study on origin and nature of charge trap centers in dielectric thin films for NVMs,
(3) modeling of dielectric degradation in thin insulating films for ULSIs, and
(4) the development of deposition technologies for low temperature growth of thin dielectric films for ULSIs.
Phone: +81-463-58-1211 ext.4100 FAX: +81-463-59-4014
Dr. Kiyoteru KOBAYASHI
Special Field: Application of carbon materials into clean energy technologies
Dr. Yoshiyuki SHOW
Topics 1: Fuel Cell
Topics 2: Electrical Double Layer Capacitor
My research interest is the application of carbon materials such as carbon nanotubes and amorphous carbon films into the
clean energy technologies. I currently study the following research.
(1) Deposition technique of carbon materials by CVD method
Deposition technique of carbon nanotube (CNT) and amorphous carbon films has been studied. Developed deposition
technique is enable to grow the CNT at low temperature of 500oC. This technique is basis of my research. and is applied
into the following research projects
(2) Development of bipolar plate for fuel cells
Metal bipolar plate coated with amorphous carbon film has been developed. This bipolar plate increases the output power
of fuel cells.
(3) Development of electrical double layer capacitor (EDLC)
Electrical double layer capacitor has been developed using CNT. The CNT decreases the series resistance of the EDLC.
This EDLC shows low energy loss during the charge and discharge process, because of low series resistance.
E-mail: Phone: +81-463-58-1211 ext.4023 FAX: +81-463-59-4014
Special Field: Medical Engineering
Topics 1: Development of the assist system for the visually impaired
Topics 2: Analysis of the multi-channel EMG
My recent study is the development of assist systems with independent walking for the visually impaired. Because,
there are many visually impaired persons in Japan. Most of them are elderly and cannot walk without help of others
even if they know how to use a white cane. Now, we are developing two types assist system for the visually
impaired. One is the navigation system for outdoor use. This system can navigate the visually impaired user by using
GPS like as a car navigation system. The other is a route guidance system by using an intelligent white cane that can
track colored guide lines on the floor and inform an user of the route to the destination. Multi-cannel EMG is also
my recent study field. In this study, multi-channel EMG is measured from a forearm and analyzed. Using our
analyzing method, we can recognize 18 hand motions including 10 finger movement, and the recognition rate of this
method is greater than 97%.
Dr. Kazushige MAGATANI
Phone: +81-463-58-1211 ext.4024 FAX: +81-463-59-4014
Special Field: Electric Machinery, Power Electronics, Electric Vehicle
Topics 1: Control of induction, PM and reluctance motors.
Topics 2: PWM inverter and DCDC converters
(1) ELECTRIC MOTORS : The research covers broad type of motors and their control. Development of next
generation motors focuses on a motor with soft magnetic powder core (SMC) without permanent magnet. The target
of the next generation motor is a "green motor" for the natural resource and the recycling of the material.
Development of high speed reluctance motor will be applied to an integrated rotor of the flywheel for the energy
storage system.
(2) POWER ELECTRONICS : The research subjects are all from actual industrial requirements. The problem of high
frequency leakage current from PWM inverter at the Integrated Grounding System of the building requires immediate
solution. Two phase, four switch inverter drive of three phase motor realizes a low price inverter for home appliances.
(3) ELECTRIC VEHICLE : The research covers application of power electronics on all electric vehicles, not only cars,
but, trains, folk-lift truck, ships, and various industrial vehicles. The application of EV batteries for tram car realizes
the train system without wiring.
Small size, high efficiency buck-boost dc/dc converter is used for low voltage
battery drive of high voltage motor on the vehicle.
Dr. Masayuki MORIMOTO
Phone: +81-463-58-1211 ext.4020 FAX: +81-463-59-4014
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Special Field: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), RF/microwave engineering
Topics 1: Development of new radiated RF immunity/susceptibility test method
Topics 2: EMC problem of RF/microwave circuit
Recently, the flood of digital-electronic devices and mobile-data terminals causes a lot of serious problems of
electromagnetic (EM) environment. To solve the EMC problems, we are working on the following researches.
(1) Radiated RF immunity/susceptibility test: To control the malfunction of electronic equipment in the complicated-EM
environment, it is important to clarify the immunity to the external-EM field. A new radiated radio-frequency (RF)
immunity/susceptibility test method using rotating-EM field is examined and proposed.
(2) EMC problem of RF/microwave circuit: To improve the immunity and signal integrity of the electronic circuit in the
external-EM field, the coupling of the external field to a transmission line is examined theoretically and experimentally.
Phone: +81-463-58-1211 ext.4082 FAX: +81-463-59-4014
Dr. Kimitoshi MURANO
Associate Professor
Special Field: Power System Engineering
Topics 1: Power System Planning, Operation and Control
Topics 2: Effective Utilization of Renewable Energies
In the energy policy of Japan, nuclear power generation had been depended on as stable power sources. However, it is
difficult to meet future electric power demands continuously. Japanese need to search for new clean energies instead of
nuclear energy. Under such situation, power utilities in Japan have to supply electric power to demands stably. Therefore,
power utilities as power suppliers and system operators play an important. On the other hand, renewable energies are paid
attention to for alternative energy of fossil fuels. Unfortunately, the output of these new energies is unstable, they behave
as disturbances from the operator’s point of view. Our research is aim at supplying stable electric power to demands under
interconnecting and control renewable energies.
Phone: +81-463-58-1211 ext.4057 FAX: +81-463-59-4014
Dr. Masachika ISHIMARU
Junior Assoc. Prof.
Special Field: Signal Processing, Wireless Power Transfer, Wireless Communication
Topics 1:High Efficiency of Wireless Power Transfer with Data Communication
Topics 2:Signal Processing for OFDM System
Wireless power transmission research has been receiving a great deal of attention in recent years. In resonant-type
wireless power transmissions, energy is transferred via air coils. However, the resonant frequency is dependent on the
distance between the coils at the transmitter and the receiver. In my research, the use of OFDM modulation for
transmitting data in wireless power transmission systems through circuit simu lations and experiments is investigated.
E-mail: Phone: +81-463-58-1211 ext.4096 FAX: +81-463-59-4014
Dr. Mamiko INAMORI
Junior Assoc. Prof.
Special Field: Solar cells, Renewable Energy Storage Systems
Dr. Tetsuya KANEKO
Junior Assoc. Prof.
Topics 1: Electricity storage systems with solar power generation
Topics 2: Crystalline Si solar cell fabrication using inkjet printing
Renewable energy originated from natural resources such as sunlight and wind has attracted much attention recently due
to demand for a solution of global sustainability. Especially in Japan, installation of solar power generation systems has
rapidly increased during recent years. Because output of photovoltaics is unstable due to weather dependency however,
there are growing concerns about negative effects on power grid stability. To suppress a variation of PV system output,
connection of energy storage systems to the PV systems is beneficial. We have studied the energy storage systems using
rechargeable batteries to connect to the PV systems in order to utilize for the increase of solar power generation capacity.
In crystalline Si solar cells fabrication, many production equipments relatively expensive are required in each fabrication
step such as thermal diffusion, anti-reflection layer deposition and metal contact formation. If equipment cost of solar cell
production is reduced, revitalization of studies about new materials for solar cell application could be expected. Printing
techniques are one of the low-cost fabrication method in solar cell fabrication. We propose low-cost fabrication of
crystalline Si solar cells using inkjet printing technique.
Phone: +81-463-58-1211 ext.4052 FAX: +81-463-59-4014
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Special Field: Semiconductor engineering, Plasma applied engineering
Dr. Hiroshi KUWAHATA
Junior Assoc. Prof.
Topics 1: Fabrication of titanium dioxide (TiO2) photocatalyst thin films and their applications
Topics 2: Applied research using atmospheric-pressure plasma jet
(1) We are making TiO2 thin films using a reactive RF magnetron sputtering apparatus. The crystal structure and atomic
bonding state of TiO2 thin films are analyzed by atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The TiO2 thin film is used as a photocatalyst; when it is irradiated with ultraviolet
light, the substance that is in contact with the film is oxidized and decomposed. We are studying the decomposition of
harmful organic compounds in wastewater using this TiO2 photocatalyst thin film.
(2) We are studying (i) the surface modification of solids, (ii) the inactivation of bacteria, and (iii) the decomposition of
harmful organic compounds in wastewater using an atmospheric-pressure plasma jet. The plasma jet emitted in air reacts
with oxygen and water molecules in air to generate reactive oxygen species, such as oxygen radicals, ozone, and hydroxyl
radicals, which oxidize and decompose target substances. We are (i) analyzing the change in atoms and molecules on a
solid surface by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS), (ii) observing the change in the shape of
bacteria by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and (iii) evaluating the decomposition process of organic compounds in
wastewater by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
Phone: +81-463-58-1211 ext.4032 FAX: +81-463-59-4014