Complete Procedure for Upgrading Controller Software (VCS 4.100

HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise
Virtual Array updating product software guide
(VCS 4.100)
Part number: 5697-7055
First edition: October 2007
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About this guide
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Intended audience . . . . . . .
Document conventions and symbols
Rack stability . . . . . . . . .
HP technical support . . . . . .
Product warranties . . . . . . .
Subscription service . . . . . .
Documentation feedback . . . .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
1 Getting started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Software compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Pre-upgrade tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Upgrading the Enterprise Virtual Array . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Upgrade paths . . . . . . . . . . . .
Upgrading in an HP Continuous Access EVA
Downgrading the Enterprise Virtual Array .
Required documentation . . . . . . . .
Required kits . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
Checking the storage system hardware . . . .
Migrating to HP Storage Essentials . . . . . .
Monitoring storage system stability . . . . . .
Backup all storage system data . . . . . . .
Saving storage system configuration information
Step 1. Checking the health of the Enterprise Virtual Array .
Step 2. Disabling ISEE and SNMP . . . . . . . . . . .
Disabling ISEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 3. Clearing storage system passwords . . . . . . .
Clearing the password on the OCP . . . . . . . . .
Disabling password access in HP Command View EVA
Step 4. Halt all host access to the storage system (optional)
Step 5. Upgrading system software to VCS 4.100 . . . . .
Upgrading controller firmware . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 6. Upgrading disk drive firmware . . . . . . . . .
Upgrading the firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Upgrading firmware on an individual disk . . . . . .
Step 7. Entering storage system passwords . . . . . . . .
Entering the password on the OCP . . . . . . . . .
Enabling password access in HP Command View EVA
Step 8. Resuming storage system operation . . . . . . .
. . 11
. . 11
A Worksheet and checklists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
1 ..Hardware Folder Properties page
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 ..Checking operational states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 ..Controller Events (Initialized system) page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 ..Hardware Folder Properties page
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 ..Checking operational states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 ..Controller Events (Initialized system) page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 ..Initialized Storage System Properties page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 ..Code Load Storage System-Page 1 window
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 ..Code Load Storage System-Page 2 window
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 ..Validating code segments complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11 ..Initializing firmware code load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12 ..Storage system updating firmware
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13 ..Verifying VCS version after upgrading
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14 ..Code Load Selection window — disk drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
15 ..Code Load Disk Drives — Page 1 window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16 ..Code Load Disk Drives — Page 2 window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17 ..Code Load Disk Drives — status window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18 ..Code Load Disk Drives — Page 3 window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
19 ..Enable Password Access to a Storage System page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 ..Document conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 ..VCS 4.100 Upgrade Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 ..Required documentation
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 ..VCS 4.100 software compatibility
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 ..Pre-upgrade task overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 ..System software upgrade steps overview
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 ..Software Version Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 ..VCS 4.100 Pre-upgrade task checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 ..VCS 4.100 System Software Upgrade Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 ..System software code segment descriptions
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
About this guide
This guide provides information to help you:
• Upgrade the Enterprise Virtual Array Virtual Controller Software
• Upgrade supporting components, such as HP Command View EVA and other management
This guide does not provide information about upgrading or changing the Enterprise Virtual Array
The procedures in this guide are for upgrading from VCS 4.00x to VCS 4.100.
Intended audience
This guide is intended for those upgrading the EVA 3000/5000 system software and supporting
management software who are experienced with the following:
• HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Arrays
• SANs and storage systems
• HP StorageWorks Command View EVA
• HP OpenView Storage Management Appliance (if used)
Document conventions and symbols
Table 1 Document conventions
Blue text: Table 1
Cross-reference links and e-mail addresses
Blue, underlined text:
website addresses
Bold text
• Keys that are pressed
• Text typed into a GUI element, such as a box
• GUI elements that are clicked or selected, such as
menu and list items, buttons, tabs, and check boxes
Italic text
Text emphasis
Monospace text
Monospace, italic text
• Code variables
• Command variables
Monospace, bold text
Emphasized monospace text
File and directory names
System output
Commands, their arguments, and argument values
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in bodily harm or death.
Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in damage to equipment or data.
Provides clarifying information or specific instructions.
Provides additional information.
Provides helpful hints and shortcuts.
Rack stability
Rack stability protects personnel and equipment.
reduce the risk of personal injury or damage to equipment:
Extend leveling jacks to the floor.
Ensure that the full weight of the rack rests on the leveling jacks.
Install stabilizing feet on the rack.
In multiple-rack installations, fasten racks together securely.
Extend only one rack component at a time. Racks can become unstable if more than one component
is extended.
HP technical support
For worldwide technical support information, see the HP support website:
Before contacting HP, collect the following information:
Product model names and numbers
Technical support registration number (if applicable)
Product serial numbers
Error messages
Operating system type and revision level
Detailed questions
About this guide
Product warranties
For information about HP StorageWorks product warranties, see the warranty information website:
Subscription service
HP recommends that you register your product at the Subscriber’s Choice for Business website:
After registering, you will receive e-mail notification of product enhancements, new driver versions,
firmware updates, and other product resources.
Documentation feedback
HP welcomes your feedback.
To make comments and suggestions about product documentation, please send a message to All submissions become the property of HP.
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
About this guide
1 Getting started
This chapter provides information about required kits and reference documentation. Please ensure that
you have met the outlined requirements and possess all of the required materials before you begin
the installation procedures outlined in this guide.
A software version worksheet and upgrade checklists are provided to collect important
information and track your progress as you perform the procedures in this guide. See
“Worksheet and checklists” on page 41.
Upgrade paths
The upgrade paths to VCS 4.100 are listed in Table 2.
When upgrading to VCS 4.100, the following conditions must be met:
• Upgrading to VCS 4.100 should only be performed by HP service-trained personnel. Contact HP
Customer Services for assistance in upgrading the storage system to VCS 4.100.
• The storage system must be at VCS 3.028, VCS 3.110, VCS 4.001, VCS 4.004, VCS 4.005 or
VCS 4.007 to upgrade to VCS 4.100.
• Upgrading to VCS 4.100 from VCS 3.110 or earlier must be done offline (all host I/O halted).
The online upgrade option is not supported for these upgrades.
• Upgrading to VCS 4.100 from VCS 4.007 or earlier can be done online or offline (all host
I/O halted).
Table 2 VCS 4.100 Upgrade Paths
Current VCS Version
Upgrade Path to VCS 4.100
Upgrade method supported
Upgrade directly to 4.100
Upgrade directly to 4.100
Upgrade directly to 4.100
Online or offline
Upgrade directly to 4.100
Online or offline
Upgrade directly to 4.100
Online or offline
It may be necessary to restart the HP Command View EVA service on the management server to resume
management of the array after an upgrade from VCS to 4.100.
Upgrading in an HP Continuous Access EVA environment
The following restrictions apply when upgrading to VCS 4.100 on EVA 3000/5000 storage systems
running HP Continuous Access EVA:
• The upgrade process should be completed within one week (168 hours) from the start of the
first upgrade of an array to the conclusion of the upgrades on all other arrays with a direct
or indirect CA relationship to the first array.
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
• Ensure that all storage systems involved in a DR relationship are fully functional. See
“Step 1. Checking the health of the Enterprise Virtual Array” on page 24.
• When using multiple HP Continuous Access EVA relationships, make sure the following conditions
are met:
• Not more than two EVA 3000/5000 VCS versions (either 4.007, or 4.100) are running.
• All EVA 4000/6000/8000 storage systems must be running XCS 5.1xx or later.
• If you need to update both VCS and XCS, do not attempt to upgrade both simultaneously.
Complete the upgrade one family of firmware before upgrading the other.
• Suspend DR group replication for the duration of the upgrade process on the destination, even if
the intersite links are not available.
• Do not create or delete DR groups or add members or remove members from DR groups when
any storage system in the HP Continuous Access EVA relationship is still on VCS 4.007 and
others are on VCS 4.100.
A code load of one controller forces both controllers on a storage system to reboot. If the controller being
upgraded is used as a destination for replication I/O, the source controller logs new I/O while the
destination controller reboots. After completing the firmware upgrade of the destination then resume
the replication to allow the controller to perform a merge. Wait for the merge to conclude after a code
load, or wait three minutes—whichever is longer—before performing the code load on any other storage
system(s) in the relationship.
Downgrading the Enterprise Virtual Array
Downgrading while retaining existing data is supported from VCS 4.100 to any earlier version of VCS
4.00x firmware.
Downgrading while retaining existing data from VCS 4.100 to any earlier version of VCS firmware
is not supported. Downgrade is only possible on an uninitialized storage system.
Contact your HP-authorized service representative for more information on VCS downgrades.
Required documentation
Table 3 lists documents that will be required when performing the system software upgrade. If you do not
have copies of these documents, use the listed URL to obtain the latest versions.
Getting started
Table 3 Required documentation
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array release notes
(VCS 4.100)
Click Disk Storage Systems under Storage,
and then select either HP StorageWorks
3000 Enterprise Virtual Array or HP
StorageWorks 5000 Enterprise Virtual Array
under EVA Disk Arrays.
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array user guide (VCS
This guide contains complete information on the storage system.
Click Disk Storage Systems under Storage,
and then select either HP StorageWorks
3000 Enterprise Virtual Array or HP
StorageWorks 5000 Enterprise Virtual Array
under EVA Disk Arrays.
HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Online Firmware Upgrade
Best Practices
Click Disk Storage Systems under Storage,
and then select either HP StorageWorks
3000 Enterprise Virtual Array or HP
StorageWorks 5000 Enterprise Virtual Array
under EVA Disk Arrays.
• HP StorageWorks Command View EVA user guide
• HP StorageWorks Command View EVA installation guide
• HP StorageWorks EVA software compatibility reference
• HP StorageWorks Storage System Scripting Utility reference
These documents provide complete information on installing, configuring,
and using HP Command View EVA.
See Table 4 on page 15 for minimum and recommended versions.
Click Storage Software under Storage, and
then select HP StorageWorks Command
View EVA Software under Storage Device
Management Software.
Operating system connectivity documentation.
This is available for each supported operating system and includes an
Installation and reference guide and associated release notes.
Click Disk Storage Systems under Storage,
and then select either HP StorageWorks
3000 Enterprise Virtual Array or HP
StorageWorks 5000 Enterprise Virtual Array
under EVA Disk Arrays.
HP StorageWorks EVA replication software consolidated release notes
See Table 4 on page 15 for minimum and recommended versions.
This document provides information about HP Business Copy EVA, HP
Continuous Access EVA, and HP Replication Solutions Manager.
Click Storage Software under Storage, and
then select HP StorageWorks Continuous
Access EVA Software under Storage
Replication Software.
Required kits
Before you begin the Enterprise Virtual Array upgrade, you must have the following kits:
• HP StorageWorks EVA 3000/5000 Series 4.1 Controller Media Kit. In addition to documentation,
this kit contains the HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array System Software VCS 4.100 CD.
• HP StorageWorks Command View EVA media kit. The contents of this kit are described in the HP
StorageWorks Command View EVA kit contents.
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
Getting started
2 Software compatibility
The Enterprise Virtual Array uses several management software applications. When upgrading,
ensure that all the software and firmware versions are compatible. Table 4 identifies the required and
recommended versions of the management software.
• For complete details on EVA software compatibility, see HP StorageWorks EVA software compatibility
reference. See Table 3 on page 13.
• If earlier versions of any of the components listed here are being used, they must be upgraded.
• Use the Software Version Worksheet provided to collect important information as you perform the
procedures. See “Worksheet and checklists” on page 41.
Table 4 VCS 4.100 software compatibility
HP StorageWorks EVA3000/5000
Series 4.1 Controller Media Kit
Required for EVA3000 and EVA5000.
Required with VCS 4.100 if you are using an
SMA to manage the storage system.
HP StorageWorks Command View EVA
• HP StorageWorks Business Copy
• HP StorageWorks Continuous
Access EVA
Required with VCS 4.100.
HP Business Copy EVA and HP Continuous
Access EVA are optional replication features.
You must purchase a license to access these
Proper capacity license is required to use HP
StorageWorks Command View EVA.
HP StorageWorks Replication Solutions
Manager (RSM)
3.0 or later
HP OpenView Storage Management
Appliance software
An interface that offers enhanced
management capability of both local
and remote replication. RSM includes
management capability for both HP
Continuous Access EVA and HP Business
Copy EVA environments.
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
Software compatibility
3 Pre-upgrade tasks
Before upgrading the system software, there are a number of tasks that can be performed prior to
beginning the upgrade. Performing these tasks prior to, rather than as part of, the upgrade will minimize
the time to perform the upgrade.
These tasks required differ depending on your system configuration. They focus primarily on upgrading
components to ensure they meet the supported configuration for VCS 4.100. Table 5 provides an
overview of the pre-upgrade tasks.
Table 5 Pre-upgrade task overview
When to
Checking the storage
system hardware
20 minutes
1–2 weeks prior
to the upgrade.
Provide enough
time to order
and replace
any failed
Migrating to HP
Storage Essentials
Any time prior to
the upgrade
Begin monitoring
storage system
30 minutes
48 hours before
the upgrade
As close as
possible to the
10 minutes
As close as
possible to the
Backup storage
system data
Saving storage
system configuration
Things you will need
• HP Storage System Scripting Utility (SSSU).
This is included with HP Command View EVA.
• HP StorageWorks Storage System Scripting
Utility reference. See Table 3 on page 13.
Checking the storage system hardware
Estimated time to complete: 20 minutes
When to perform: 1–2 weeks prior to the upgrade. Provide enough time to order and replace any
failed components.
Before upgrading your Enterprise Virtual Array, you should check the operation of the storage system
hardware and replace any failed components. This ensures the storage system will be operating properly
when the upgrade is performed. This task should be performed far enough in advance to give you time to
order and replace any failed hardware components before beginning the upgrade.
1. Open HP Command View EVA and click the icon of the storage system you want to upgrade.
Check for hardware errors.
a. Check the Hardware folder in the Navigation pane. If there are any hardware caution or
warning conditions, HP Command View EVA displays the appropriate icon over the folder.
b. Click the Hardware folder to expand the navigation tree.
The Hardware Folder Properties page opens. The Operational State field indicates if there is a
hardware problem.
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
Figure 1 Hardware Folder Properties page
If a problem is indicated, continue to expand the navigation tree under the Hardware folder,
until you see a hardware component icon with an attention or warning icon on it.
d. Click the component icon to display the properties page. The Operational state field indicates if
there is a hardware error.
Figure 2 Checking operational states
2. Verify that there are no hardware components in the Unmappable Hardware folder.
a. Expand the navigation tree under the Hardware folder in the Navigation pane.
b. Click the Unmappable Hardware folder.
Hardware components can be placed in the Unmappable Hardware folder for several reasons.
For example, hardware components can be placed in the Unmappable Hardware folder, when
the I/O modules on a disk enclosure are not working, the controllers restart, or there is a
hardware failure. If there are any hardware components listed under this folder, determine why
they are listed there and fix the problems.
3. Replace any hardware components that have failed.
Pre-upgrade tasks
If you must replace any components, see the HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array user
guide for replacement instructions. See Table 3 on page 13 for the link to this guide.
Migrating to HP Storage Essentials
Estimated time to complete: Varies
When to perform: Any time prior to the upgrade
If you are using HP SANworks Network View software or HP OpenView Storage Area Manager (including
Storage Node Manager), it is recommended you migrate to HP Storage Essentials. Contact your
HP-authorized sales or support representative for more information on migrating to HP Storage Essentials.
Monitoring storage system stability
Estimated time to complete: 30 minutes
When to perform: 48 hours before beginning the upgrade
The storage system configuration should be stable for 48 hours before beginning the upgrade. Check the
status of the array to ensure it is stable and then continue monitoring status until the upgrade begins.
1. Open HP Command View EVA and click the icon of the storage system you want to upgrade.
2. Using HP Command View EVA, examine the controller event log and check for any critical events.
a. Select the icon of the storage system you want to upgrade in the Navigation pane.
b. Click View Events.
The View Events page opens.
Click Controller Event Log.
The Controller Events page opens in a new browser window.
d. Check the Severity field to determine if any unexpected Critical events
have occurred.
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
Figure 3 Controller Events (Initialized system) page
If Critical events have occurred, perform the steps outlined in the corrective action codes to
correct the problems. In some cases, it may be necessary to call your HP-authorized service
representative to fix the problem.
3. Verify that no changes to the storage system configuration are in progress. For example, you should
not be in the process of creating a virtual disk. Configuration changes should not be made within 48
hours before beginning the upgrade.
• The leveling process does not impact the upgrade. If leveling is in progress, the upgrade
can be performed. The leveling will be suspended during the upgrade and resumed
when the upgrade is complete.
• Make sure you suspend any processes or applications that may change the storage
system configuration. For example, backups, creating or deleting snapshots, etc. Stop
any SSSU scripts that may be scheduled to run automatically.
• Proactive event notification can be used to alert you if a critical event occurs during the
48 hours before the upgrade.
Backup all storage system data
Estimated time to complete: Varies
When to perform: As close as possible to the upgrade
Before beginning the upgrade, it is recommended that you perform a full verified backup of all storage
system data. Although not required, it is always good practice to back up your data before performing
major operations such as software upgrades. The backup should be scheduled as close to the upgrade
process as possible.
If you would like more information on establishing and implementing good backup procedures for the
EVA storage system, contact your HP sales representative.
Pre-upgrade tasks
Saving storage system configuration information
Estimated time to complete: 10–15 minutes
When to perform: As close as possible to the upgrade
Before beginning the upgrade, the current configuration information should be collected and saved. This
information can be used to restore the existing configuration if necessary. The configuration data is saved
to a series of files stored in a location other than on the storage system. HP Storage System Scripting
Utility (called the utility) is used to collect configuration information.
This procedure can be performed from the Storage Management Appliance or management server
where HP Command View EVA is installed, or any host running the utility to communicate with the HP
Command View EVA.
You will need the IP address or name of your management server to run the utility.
1. Double-click the HP Storage Systems Scripting Utility desktop icon to open the utility. When
prompted, enter Manager (management server name or IP address), User name, and Password.
2. Enter LS SYSTEM to display the arrays managed by the management server.
3. Enter SELECT SYSTEM system name, where system name is the name of the storage system.
The storage system name is case sensitive. If there are spaces between the letters in the name, quotes
must enclose the name. For example, SELECT SYSTEM “Large EVA”.
4. Enter CAPTURE CONFIGURATION, specifying the full path and filename of the output files for
the configuration data.
The configuration data is stored in a series of from one to five files, which are scripts. The file names
begin with the name you choose, with the restore step appended. For example, if you specify a file
name of LargeEVA.txt, the resultant configuration files would be LargeEVA_Step1A.txt,
LargeEVA_Step1B, etc.
The contents of the configuration files can be viewed with a text editor.
5. Enter exit.
You cannot use the utility to restore a configuration that contains disk drives of different capacities.
You must manually restore that type of configuration. See the “Restoring an array configuration with
different disk sizes and types” section in HP StorageWorks Storage System Scripting Utility reference
for more information
You can run the CAPTURE VALIDATE command for each of the files generated by the CAPTURE
CONFIGURATION command to determine if the file has been modified since the initial capture.
For more information about using the utility or using the CAPTURE commands, see the HP StorageWorks
Storage System Scripting Utility reference. See “Required documentation” on page 12 for the link to this
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
Pre-upgrade tasks
4 Upgrading the Enterprise Virtual
The following steps guide you through the process of upgrading the system software. Make sure you
follow them carefully and in the specified order. Table 6 on page 24 provides an overview of the upgrade
tasks. Make sure you have all the items specified before beginning the upgrade.
The online upgrade procedure is supported when upgrading from VCS 4.00x. The online upgrade
requires a 60 second controller resynch during which the storage system is unavailable. Applications
must be able to accommodate this interval.
The upgrade procedure contains the following steps:
Step 1. Checking the health of the Enterprise Virtual Array, page 24
Step 2. Disabling ISEE and SNMP, page 27
Step 3. Clearing storage system passwords on the HSV controllers, page 27
Step 4. Halt all host access to the storage system (optional), page 28
Step 5. Upgrading system software to VCS 4.100, page 28
Step 6. Upgrading disk drive firmware, page 33
Step 7. Entering passwords on the HSV controllers, page 37
Step 8. Resuming storage system operation, page 39
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
Table 6 System software upgrade steps overview
Time required
Step 1. Checking the
health of the Enterprise
Virtual Array
20 minutes
Step 2. Disabling ISEE
and SNMP
15 minutes
Step 3. Clearing storage
system password
10 minutes
Step 4. Stop all host I/O
(optional - only necessary
when performing an
offline upgrade)
Varies. Must be
performed for each
host accessing the
storage system.
Step 5. Upgrading system
software to VCS 4.100
30 minutes
Step 6. Updating disk
drive firmware
30 minutes to 3
hours, depending
on the number
of disk requiring
Things you will need
HP StorageWorks EVA3000/5000 Series 4.1 Controller
Media Kit
Disk drive code bundled image, which can be
downloaded from the following website:
This may be
done ’online’ with
reduced I/O to the
Step 7. Enable storage
system password
10 minutes
Step 8. Resuming storage
system operation
30 minutes
Step 1. Checking the health of the Enterprise Virtual Array
Estimated time to complete: 20 minutes
Before upgrading your Enterprise Virtual Array, you should perform a final check of the overall status of
all components. The pre-upgrade checks should ensure that the storage system is ready for upgrading,
but the storage system status should be checked again.
1. Open HP Command View EVA and click the icon of the storage system you want to upgrade.
Check for hardware errors.
a. Check the Hardware folder in the Navigation pane. If there are any hardware caution or
warning conditions, HP Command View EVA displays the appropriate icon over the folder.
b. Click the Hardware folder to expand the navigation tree.
The Hardware Folder Properties page opens. The Operational State field indicates if there is a
hardware problem.
Upgrading the Enterprise Virtual Array
Figure 4 Hardware Folder Properties page
If a problem is indicated, continue to expand the navigation tree under the Hardware folder,
until you see a hardware component icon with an attention or warning icon on it.
d. Click the component icon to display the properties page. The Operational state field indicates if
there is a hardware error.
Figure 5 Checking operational states
2. Verify that there are no hardware components in the Unmappable Hardware folder.
a. Expand the navigation tree under the Hardware folder in the Navigation pane.
b. Click the Unmappable Hardware folder.
Hardware components can be placed in the Unmappable Hardware folder for several reasons.
For example, hardware components can be placed in the Unmappable Hardware folder, when
the I/O modules on a disk enclosure are not working, the controllers restart, or there is a
hardware failure. If there are any hardware components listed under this folder, determine why
they are listed there and fix the problems.
3. Using HP Command View EVA, examine the controller event log and check for any critical events.
a. Select the icon of the storage system you want to upgrade in the Navigation pane.
b. Click View Events.
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
The View Events page opens.
Click Controller Event Log.
The Controller Events page opens in a new browser window.
d. Check the Severity field to determine if any unexpected Critical events
have occurred.
Figure 6 Controller Events (Initialized system) page
If Critical events have occurred, perform the steps outlined in the corrective action codes to
correct the problems. In some cases, it may be necessary to call your HP-authorized service
representative to fix the problem.
If any critical events have occurred, do not proceed with the upgrade until the situation
has been resolved.
4. Verify that no changes to the storage system configuration are in progress. For example, you should
not be in the process of creating a virtual disk. Configuration changes should not be made within 48
hours before beginning the upgrade.
• The leveling process does not impact the upgrade. If leveling is in progress, the upgrade
can be performed. The leveling will be suspended during the upgrade and resumed
when the upgrade is complete.
• Make sure you suspend any processes or applications that may change the storage
system configuration.
• Proactive event notification can be used to alert you if a critical event occurs during the
48 hours before the upgrade.
Upgrading the Enterprise Virtual Array
Step 2. Disabling ISEE and SNMP
Estimated time to complete: 15 minutes
To avoid the generation of unnecessary events and alerts during the upgrade, you should disable ISEE
and SNMP while performing the upgrade.
Disabling ISEE
If you are running ISEE, disable it as follows to avoid generating unnecessary alerts during the upgrade:
1. On the management server, open a command window.
2. Enter the following command to stop ISEE:
3. Enter the following commands to stop and restart WEBES:
C:\>net stop desta_service
C:\>net start desta_service
4. Enter Exit.
Step 3. Clearing storage system passwords
Estimated time to complete: 10 minutes
This step is only required if you have password protection on the storage system.
If you use passwords on the HSV controllers, clear the passwords before you upgrade HP Command View
EVA. You can reestablish the passwords after you complete the HP Command View EVA upgrade. Use
the following procedure to clear the storage system passwords on the HSV controllers.
When you clear a system password on the controller, you must also disable password access from the HP
Command View EVA used to manage this storage system. The two work in conjunction with one another.
Clearing the password on the OCP
Using the Operator Control Panel (OCP) on the HSV Controller:
1. Press
to leave the default display.
2. Press
three times to scroll to System Password.
3. Press
to select System Password.
4. Press
to display Clear Password.
5. Press
to select Clear Password.
6. Press
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
7. Press
to clear the password.
The password is cleared. The system automatically returns to the default display (WWID).
8. Disable password access to this storage system in HP Command View EVA.
Disabling password access in HP Command View EVA
Estimated time to complete: 10 minutes
To disable password access to a storage system in HP Command View EVA, perform the following steps:
1. Start HP Command View EVA in your browser.
2. Click Server Options in the Session pane.
The Management Agent Options page opens.
3. Click Storage system password access.
The Storage System Password Access page opens.
4. Click Disable.
The Disable Password Access to Storage System page opens.
5. Select the storage system World Wide Node Name from the drop-down list.
Make sure you select the storage system from which you cleared passwords using the
OCP on the HSV controller.
6. Click Disable Password.
A confirmation box opens.
7. Click Yes to disable the password.
Step 4. Halt all host access to the storage system (optional)
Estimated time to complete: Varies. Must be performed for each host accessing the storage system.
Online upgrade is supported from VCS 4.00x. Because of the minimal disruption to system operation,
the online procedure is recommended. If the upgrade will be performed offline, all host I/O to the
storage system must be stopped. Stop all applications accessing the storage system and shutdown
hosts if necessary.
An online upgrade requires a 60 second controller resynch during which the storage system is
unavailable. Make sure all applications and operating systems can accommodate this interval when
performing on online upgrade.
Step 5. Upgrading system software to VCS 4.100
Estimated time to complete: 30 minutes
Upgrading the Enterprise Virtual Array
Before upgrading the system software, ensure that the storage system configuration is stable and is not
being changed in any way. If any configurations changes are in progress, monitor them using HP
Command View EVA and wait until they are completed before proceeding with the code load.
Upgrading controller firmware
To upgrade the controller firmware:
1. Open HP Command View EVA in your browser.
2. In the Navigation pane, select the storage system you want to upgrade.
The properties window for the selected storage system opens.
Figure 7 Initialized Storage System Properties page
3. Click Code load.
The Code Load Storage System-Page 1 window opens.
Figure 8 Code Load Storage System-Page 1 window
4. Insert the installation CD-ROM.
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
5. Click Browse and select the file containing version VCS 4.100 of the storage system software from
the installation CD-ROM:
• EVA3000 – Select either the \\HSV100\4100\100_4100.SSS or \\HSV100\LATEST\HSV100.SSS file (the files are identical).
• EVA5000 – Select either the \\HSV110\4100\110_4100.SSS or \\HSV110\LATEST\HSV110.SSS file (the files are identical).
6. Click Next Step.
The Code Load Storage System-Page 2 window opens listing any pre-update application notes.
Read them before continuing.
Figure 9 Code Load Storage System-Page 2 window
7. Click Next Step.
The new storage system software is copied to the controllers and validated. A progress page opens
and is updated as the code segments are validated. For a description of each code segment, see
Table 7 on page 31.
When the code validation is complete, the Code Load Storage System-Page 3 window opens.
Upgrading the Enterprise Virtual Array
Figure 10 Validating code segments complete
Table 7 System software code segment descriptions
Before text
Text file with information about the new code and upgrade requirements.
Displayed by HP Command View EVA and not sent to the controller.
Information file
File stored on the controller's card describing contents of this superfile.
Battery image
Firmware for battery backup system for cached data.
Glue image
Firmware for the GLUE chip FPGA, stored in EEPROM.
CBIC image
Firmware for the CanBus Interface Chip (drive shelf out-of-band communications
chip) PIC (8-bit) processor chip.
Event text file
File enabling HP Command View EVA to translate binary event data to text. Not
sent to the controller.
EMU image
Firmware for the Drive Shelf Environmental Monitoring Unit (EMU) module. Stored
on the controllers program card and contains the image for the CTS I/O module.
Boot image
Initial Firmware that the controller's main processor (PPC) runs after reset or
Functional image
After text
EVA firmware that is upgraded and provides support for all EVA functions.
Text file with information declaring that upgrade has completed and describing
and post-upgrade requirements. Displayed by HP Command View EVA and not
sent to the controller.
8. Click Finish.
The following confirmation message opens.
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
9. Click OK to upgrade the system software on the controllers. Click Cancel to stop the code load
process and return to the Storage System Properties window.
The upgrade process begins and the Initializing firmware code load page opens. See Figure 11.
This page is displayed until the controller code load is complete and the controllers restart. During
this interval both controllers resync and begin operating on the new firmware code. Once the resync
is complete, the controllers begin processing host I/Os.
Additional code within the storage system is now updated, which can take up to 10 minutes to
complete. This includes firmware on the EMU and I/O modules in the disk enclosures. During this
interval, the Storage System Updating Firmware window opens. See Figure 12.
Figure 11 Initializing firmware code load
Figure 12 Storage system updating firmware
10. When the firmware upgrade is complete, the Initialized Storage System Properties window opens.
Verify the version of the storage system software. It should be 4.100.
Upgrading the Enterprise Virtual Array
Figure 13 Verifying VCS version after upgrading
Step 6. Upgrading disk drive firmware
Estimated time to complete: Varies depending on the number of disk drives that require upgrading and the
I/O load on the storage system. It can take 30 seconds to 3.5 minutes per drive to upgrade the firmware.
The firmware on all disk drives can be upgraded online.
Although it is not required that the disk drive firmware be upgraded at the same time as the system
software, it is strongly recommended that you perform the two tasks together. The disk drive firmware
supplied with the system software upgrade complements the operation of the controller firmware and for
the best results the two should be used together.
You will need the correct disk drive firmware bundled image file to update the drive firmware. The disk
drive firmware file can be downloaded from the following web site:
Be sure to observe the following cautions when upgrading disk drive firmware.
• Do not power off any components or perform controller resynchs or reboots during an upgrade.
• Do not perform HP Continuous Access EVA copy/merge activities across sites, site failovers, cloning,
or grouping or ungrouping of disks during an upgrade.
• Do not add to or remove members from DR groups during upgrade.
Upgrading the firmware
This procedure assumes you are using HP Command View EVA 7.0.1.
Upgrade the disk drive firmware after you upgrade the system software.
1. If you have not already done so, download the disk drive firmware file from the following web site:
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
a. When you download the file from the web, the file is downloaded as a zip file. Store the file
to a local directory.
It is recommended that you use the default directory of C:\Program
Files\Hewlett-Packard\Sanworks\CodeLoad. If you use a different
directory, you will have to enter the complete path when identifying the location of
the firmware files.
b. Double-click the zip file to extract the bundled image file. When extracted, the file type is
an executable.
2. Open HP Command View EVA.
3. In the Navigation pane, select the storage system being upgraded.
4. Click Code load.
The Code Load Selection window opens.
Figure 14 Code Load Selection window — disk drives
5. Select Code Load Disk Drives On Line and click Select.
The Code Load Disk Drives On Line - Page 1 window opens.
Upgrading the Enterprise Virtual Array
Figure 15 Code Load Disk Drives — Page 1 window
6. Enter the path to the folder containing the extracted bundled image files.
7. Click Next step.
The Code Load Disk Drives On Line - Page 2 window opens. The table indicates which disk drives
require firmware upgrades.
Figure 16 Code Load Disk Drives — Page 2 window
8. Click Next step.
The disk drive code load operation begins. A status page opens indicating the progress as each
disk drive is upgraded.
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
The disk drives are upgraded sequentially. Depending upon the I/O load on the storage
system, it can take 30 seconds to 3.5 minutes per drive to upgrade the firmware. The status
is updated at 45 second intervals, so you must wait to see which disk drives are complete.
Figure 17 Code Load Disk Drives — status window
9. When all the disk drives have been upgraded, the Code Load Disk Drives On Line - Page 3 window
opens indicating the drives that have been upgraded successfully. Click Finish.
Upgrading the Enterprise Virtual Array
Figure 18 Code Load Disk Drives — Page 3 window
Upgrading firmware on an individual disk
If it is necessary to upgrade the firmware on an individual disk, the firmware and installation instructions
can be downloaded from the following web site:
Step 7. Entering storage system passwords
Estimated time to complete: 10 minutes
This step is only required if you use password protection on the storage system.
Use the following procedure to add a password to the HSV controller pair.
When you add a system password to the controller, you must also enable password access in HP
Command View EVA. The two work in conjunction with one another.
Entering the password on the OCP
Using the following procedure to enter the password on the storage system controllers. The password
can be entered from either controller.
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
Using the OCP on the HSV controller:
1. Press
to leave the default display.
2. Press
three times to scroll to System Password.
3. Press
to select System Password.
4. Press
5. Press
6. Press
to accept YES and go to step 7.
7. Press either
to select an uppercase or lowercase character.
to accept a character and select the next password character. The character display
8. Press
changes to an asterisk.
9. Repeat step 7 and step 8 for the remaining seven characters.
10. Press
to accept the password.
The password is changed. The system automatically returns to the default display.
11. Enable password access to the storage system in HP Command View EVA.
Enabling password access in HP Command View EVA
Estimated time to complete: 10 minutes
After entering a password on the OCP, you must enable password access in HP Command View EVA. To
enable password access to a storage system, perform the following steps:
1. Start HP Command View EVA in your browser.
2. Click Server Options in the Session pane.
The Management Agent Options page opens.
3. Click Storage system password access.
The Storage System Password Access page opens.
4. Click Enable.
The Enable Password Access to a Storage System page opens.
Upgrading the Enterprise Virtual Array
Figure 19 Enable Password Access to a Storage System page
5. Select the World Wide Node Name of the storage system for which you want to enable password
6. Type the password in the Password and Confirm password fields.
Make sure you use the same password you entered into the HSV controller OCP.
7. Click Enable Password.
A message box opens.
8. Click OK.
HP Command View EVA enables password access to the storage system.
Step 8. Resuming storage system operation
Estimated time to complete: 30 minutes
After the storage system software and disk firmware have been successfully upgraded, the storage system
can be returned to normal operation.
1. Using Command View EVA, check the overall status of the storage system to
ensure there are no problems. For instructions on checking the status, see
“Step 1. Checking the health of the Enterprise Virtual Array” on page 24 .
2. If you performed an offline upgrade, restart any host servers that were shutdown for the upgrade.
Restart applications accessing the storage system.
3. Enable SNMP if necessary.
4. If you are running ISEE, enable it as follows:
a. Save and clean application eventlog file.
b. On the management server, open a command window.
Enter the following command to start ISEE:
d. Enter the following commands to stop and restart WEBES:
C:\>net stop desta_service
C:\>net start desta_service
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
Upgrading the Enterprise Virtual Array
A Worksheet and checklists
This appendix includes the following items to facilitate the upgrading process:
• Software Version Worksheet - use Table 8 on page 41 to record the necessary software version
information and track your product upgrade.
• VCS 4.100 Pre-upgrade task checklist - use Table 9 on page 42 to identify and track the progress
of the required prerequisite tasks.
• VCS 4.100 System Software Upgrade Checklist - use Table 10 on page 43 to track the progress of
the system software upgrade steps.
As you perform the procedures in this guide, use Table 8 in this appendix to record the necessary
software version information and track your product upgrade.
Table 8 Software Version Worksheet
Current Version
Required Version
Version After
Storage Management
Appliance Software
HP Command View
Internet Browser
HP Business Copy
EVA license key
HP Continuous Access
EVA license key
Controller Software
EMU firmware
Replication Solutions
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
Table 9 VCS 4.100 Pre-upgrade task checklist
Check storage system hardware
… Check hardware status using Command View EVA .
… Check hardware components in the Unmappable Hardware folder
… Replace hardware as needed.
Upgrading to HP Storage Essentials
… Install HP Storage Essentials if necessary
Backup storage system data
… Backup all data
Monitoring storage system stability
… No critical events entered in the controller event log
… Storage system configuration is stable and no configuration changes are in progress
… Monitoring stability
Saving storage system configuration information
… Capture configuration information using SSSU
… Store configuration locally (not on storage system)
Worksheet and checklists
Table 10 VCS 4.100 System Software Upgrade Checklist
Step 1. Check storage system health
… Command View EVA indicates no hardware problems
… No hardware components in the Unmappable Hardware folder
… No critical events entered in the controller event log within the last 48 hours
… Storage system configuration is stable and no configuration changes have been made within the last 48
Step 2. Disable ISEE and SNMP
… Disable ISEE (if used)
… Disable SNMP
Step 3. Clear storage system passwords (if used)
… Clear OCP password
… Disable password access in Command View EVA
Step 4. Halt al host I/O (optional)
… Halt all I/O
Step 5. Upgrade system software
… Upgrade VCS system software
Step 6. Upgrade disk drive firmware
… Upgrade disk drive firmware
Step 7. Enable storage system passwords (if used)
… Enter OCP password
… Enable password access in Command View EVA
Step 8. Resume storage system operation
… Enable SNMP (if used)
… Enable ISEE (if used)
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
Worksheet and checklists
agent options, using, 28
array, checking for errors, 17, 19, 24
audience description, 7
backup, 20
hardware errors, 17, 24
obtaining, 8
technical support, 8
Initialized Storage System Properties page, 29
checking EVA health, time estimate, 17, 19, 24
checking hardware status, 17, 24
Code Load Storage System-Page 1, 29
Code Load Storage System-Page 2, 30
Command View EVA
checking hardware, 17, 24
disabling passwords, 28
enabling passwords, 38
Controller Event log, 19, 26
Controller Events page, 19, 26
controller events, checking log, 19, 25
document, 7
text symbols, 8
corrective action codes, 20, 26
Critical event check, 19, 25
Disable Password Access to Storage System
page, 28
disabling passwords, 28
conventions, 7
providing feedback, 9
reference, 12
Enable Password Access to a Storage System
page, 38
enabling passwords, 38
EVA, health check, 17, 19, 24
firmware tracking, 41
kits, required, 13
kits, software, 13
l, 38
Management Agent Options page, 28
adding passwords, 37
clearing passwords, 27
online upgrades, 29
password protection, 37
password protection, removing, 27
prerequisite documents, 12
rack stability
warning, 8
reference documents, 12
required kits, 13
software kits, 13
software tracking, 41
storage system
checking hardware, 17, 24
checking status, 17, 19, 24
passwords, 38
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 4.100)
Storage System Password Access page, 28
Subscriber’s Choice, HP, 9
symbols in text, 8
technical support
HP, 8
text symbols, 8
time estimate
adding passwords, 37
checking EVA health, 17, 19, 24
clearing passwords, 27
disabling password access, 28
enabling password access, 38
tracking software versions, 41
unmappable hardware folder, 18, 25
upgrade preparation, 17, 19, 24
upgrade process
overview, 17, 23
online, 29
upgrading worksheet, 41
URLs, reference documentation, 12
minimum version before upgrade, 13
upgrading online, 29
View Events page, 19, 26
rack stability, 8
HP Subscriber’s Choice for Business, 9
worksheet, software, 41
World Wide Node Name, using, 39
WWN, 39