2004-2005/2005-2006 - Department of Electrical and Computer

D e p t . o f E l e c t r i ca l
&C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g
T aTableOfContents
Welcome News
Curriculum Areas Project Awards Financial Information Student News
Selected Undergraduate Research Projects
Undergraduate Scholarships Degree Programs Fellowships
Ph.D. and M.S. Graduates
NAE Members and IEEE Fellows
Guest Speakers New Faculty Faculty
College of Engineering Awards
Emeritus Researchers
Staff Industrial Board of Advisors In Remembrance 1
ith this report, we would like to share with you the activities and accomplishments of the faculty, researchers, students and staff in the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering during the last two years. While we continued
to be a leader in research and education, we have also made strides in diversity
and outreach, recruited excellent faculty including an Ohio Eminent Scholar and
developed our undergraduate research activities.
Among the highlights of ECE’s accomplishments is that the graduate
program was ranked 19th in the nation by the most recent US News and World
The Department offers an undergraduate degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (B.S.E.C.E.),
with ABET accredited programs in Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering. The undergraduate enrollment currently is about 800 students. The graduate program offers M.S. and Ph.D. degrees, with a diverse
student body of about 300 students. We granted a record number of 38 Ph.D. degrees in 2005-06 and 86 MS
degrees in 2004-05. 186 BSECE degrees were granted in 2005-06.
Like many other institutions, we are facing challenges in a changing world as a result of globalization.
We continue to react to these challenges by redesigning our M.S. and Ph.D. programs, improving our undergraduate programs and capstone design courses, and proactively recruiting excellent and diverse students
while maintaining our high standards and selectivity. In 2006, ECE was named the best minority program in the
College of Engineering. Our B.S. and M.S. graduates are recruited by major companies as well as top graduate
programs. Many of our Ph.D. graduates are faculty members in reputable electrical and computer engineering
programs around the world. We continue to enhance and update our physical facilities and the learning and
research environment.
The Department’s 49 faculty members are active in the areas of Communication, Signal Processing, Real-time Computer Systems, Computer Networks, Computer Vision, Control Systems, Electro-Mechanical
Systems, Electronic Materials and Devices, High Performance Networking and Computing, Intelligent Transportation, Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuit Design, Power Engineering, Wireless Communication and Electromagnetics. Our
annual research funding from external and internal sources is about $16 million. Seventeen of the 49 active
faculty are IEEE fellows and one is a member of the NAE.
Many members of our faculty are active and prominent members of their profession and serve on editorial boards of professional journals, organizational committees of major conferences and in leadership roles in
professional societies. Four of our faculty have won the prestigious NSF CAREER award since 2003.
Several of our faculty also serve in leadership positions at Ohio State. These include Stan Ahalt, Director of the Ohio Supercomputer Center, Steve Ringel, Director of the Institute for Materials Research and John
Volakis, Director of the Electroscience Laboratory.
I hope you will enjoy reading about specific accomplishments as you browse through the pages of this
report. I invite you to also visit our web pages at www.ece.osu.edu.
Füsun Özgüner
Professor and Interim Chair
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
N eN
Desert Buckeyes Team Ends Race in Top 10
Autonomous vehicle shows promise in Mojave Desert competition
ure, there was a starting gate. And a
booming announcer. Even a cheering crowd. But this competition sought
the crossing of the finish line by a driverless vehicle; one that could navigate
itself through treacherous terrain in the
Mojave Desert — and leave transportation as we know it in the dust. The race,
called the Grand Challenge, was held
in October and sponsored by the U.S.
Department of Defense. In the end, the
College of Engineering’s Desert
Buckeyes team drove off with an
impressive 10th-place finish.
The Defense Advanced Research
Project Agency offered a $2 million prize
to the team whose autonomous vehicle
successfully navigated the entire 131.6mile course the fastest within the 10hour timeframe. The Desert Buckeyes
vehicle, called the ION for Intelligent
Off-Road Navigator, traveled 29 miles on
the Mojave Desert course near Primm,
Nev. It negotiated obstacles including a
900-foot climb over a five-mile stretch
near the Lucy Gray Mountain Ridge and
a series of narrow roads and sharp turns
along Roach Dry Lake.
Without having a chance as yet to
retrieve the data from the ION, the Desert Buckeyes team did not know what
caused it to stop. But members still were
pleased with its progress.
“We did better than Princeton,
Cornell, Caltech and UCLA. By and large
it wasn’t a bad showing,” said Ümit
Özgüner, professor of electrical and
computer engineering and Desert Buckeyes team leader.
“People understand that Ohio State’s
College of Engineering is a good place to
go as far as either getting an education
in this area or having research done in
this direction,” Özgüner said. “So from
the prospective student’s or prospective
sponsor’s viewpoint, I think we did well.” The base vehicle for the Desert
Buckeyes ION was a Polaris Ranger 6X6
utility vehicle equipped with all-wheel
drive and drive-by-wire capability to con-
trol the steering, throttle and brakes. The
team was comprised of approximately
30 Ohio State engineering students.
Various sensors, including multiple digital color cameras, laser remote sensing,
Ohio State’s DARPA entrant, pictured here
practicing in the desert, is called ION, Intelligent Off-Road Navigator.
In the 2004 DARPA Grand Challenge, the
OSU Desert Buckeye team
collaborated with Oshkosh truck to
develop TerraMax.
sonar, radar, global positioning systems
and inertial navigation units were mounted on the vehicle. A new radar system
was developed at the college’s ElectroScience Lab. The team’s software ran
on multiple computers and the vision
system was provided by a group from the
University of Karlsruhe in Germany.
The Grand Challenge is a field test of
robotic ground vehicles for the purpose
of advancing autonomous vehicle tech-
The Ohio State University
nology that could one day save lives on
the battlefield. Technology developed for
the DARPA Challenge has applications
for military operations, search and rescue efforts and even automotive use.
At 4:30 a.m. Saturday, Oct.8, the
teams received their “Route Data Definition Files” — that is, the course parameters — in anticipation of the 6:30 a.m.
start. Speed limits on the course ranged
from 5 to 45 miles per hour, fighting to
handle obstacles such as Jean Lake, Las
Vegas Boulevard, three tunnels and Beer
Bottle Pass, the toughest challenge of
the race with its 1.5-mile mountainous
road that could send a wayward
autonomous vehicle plunging 100 feet
over a sheer cliff to the canyon floor
below. The route traversed narrow desert
roads, dry lake beds and treacherous
mountain passes.
This year’s race with its $2 million
prize was won by the Stanford Racing
Team, whose vehicle completed the
course in six hours, 53 minutes and 58
seconds. The 23 vehicles that qualified
for the final race were among 195 teams
from 36 states and four foreign countries that filed applications to compete.
“It was extremely nerve-wracking, exciting, frustrating, biting your nails here
watching a chart,” Özgüner said. “We
were feeling kind of like we were attending a sporting event, but we were just
looking at a bar chart. I’ve never been as
excited watching a bar chart before.”
In addition to Stanford, three other
autonomous vehicles completed the
course within the 10-hour time limit: the
Gray Insurance Co. team as well as Red
Team and Red Team Too, two entries
from Carnegie Mellon University and an
alliance of individuals, non-profits and
for-profits that included students, volunteers and professionals from sponsors
such as Boeing Co., Science Applications
International Corp. and Caterpillar.
News In Engineering: Vol. 77, No. 2
Autumn 2005
Program is Nationally Ranked in Top 20
Ohio State’s Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering has jumped to the 19th position in the latest U.S. News &
World Report’s rankings of the nation’s top professional Electrical/Electronic/Communications schools, as reported
in the 2007 edition of America’s Best Graduate Schools. The department’s advance was five positions over last
year’s ranking of 24th (and from 26th to 24th in the previous rankings) and is the result of assessments by department heads in each specialty area nationally. Rankings were out of 168 schools with Electrical/Electronic/Communications engineering programs.
Software System Views Vital Signs
Remotely During Surgery
software system developed by
electrical and computer engineering professor Furrukh Khan and a
collaborative team of doctors, nurses
and staff is gaining international
attention through two major case
studies and numerous magazine
articles. The collaborative team was
co-directed by Professor Khan and
Dr. Michael Howie, M.D., chairman of
the Department of Anesthesiology.
Together, they developed OR-Eye, a
software system that tracks patient
vital signs, medication and status.
This software eases the responsibilities of anesthesiologists during
ECE Honored for
Minority Program
surgery and helps The Ohio State
University Medical Center accomplish its three-part mission of patient
care, education and research.
A team of about ten ECE students
joined Professor Khan, donning
scrubs and spending hours watching anesthesiologists in surgeries
at Ohio State Medical Center. The
interdisciplinary group of engineers
and physicians was recognized by
the Columbus Technology Council as
an “Outstanding Technology Team,”
making them finalists in the council’s
TopCAT Awards.
We are happy to announce
that ECE won the Best Minority Engineering Program Award
this year. Many faculty and staff
contributed to the success
of our program by mentoring,
recruiting and helping with
retention of minority students
and promoting diversity at
all levels. Special thanks go
to Professor Jose Cruz for
leading the minority program
activities in the department.
New EBL Available for Business
A new multi-million dollar Nanoscale Patterning Laboratory
(http://www.ece.osu.edu/~berger/ebl.html), led by Professor
Paul Berger, opened for general business in January 2006,
thanks to OBOR Hayes Investment Funding and significant support by the OSU Office of Research, College of Engineering and
College of Math and Physical Sciences. To oversee the daily
operation of the new Leica EBPG-5000 electron beam lithography (EBL) system, Ms. Aimee Bross was hired from Triquint’s
EBL group, as a Senior Research Associate. Whether nanometer scale direct write patterning, high resolution photomasks, or
master molds for nanoimprint lithography is needed, this new
facility will meet those needs. It has already demonstrated sub35 nanometer wide metal lines with better yet to come! The
forward thinking that brought this shared-user tool to OSU, and
qualified staffing will propel the State of Ohio nanotechnology
research community.
Aimee Bross presenting to attendees at the Nanoscale
Patterning Lab opening ceremony.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
N e ws
Solar Cell
Research Reaches
Space Station
hree years ago, electrical and
computer engineering and physics professor Steven Ringel and his
team of graduate students readied
solar cells that were to be installed
onto the International Space Station and monitored. However, the
plan was delayed after the Columbia
disaster and other factors. The experiment finally came through with
the space shuttle Discovery’s July
26-Aug. 9 mission. Ringel’s goal was
to create a lightweight, highly efficient energy source that could provide alternatives to the arrays now
powering various space missions.
His Electronic Materials and Devices
Laboratory here at Ohio State grew
crystalline cells from gallium arsenside, a compound semiconductor,
and related materials and grafted
them onto a silicon substrate. MIT
professor Eugene Fitzgerald engineered a silicon-germanium alloy
that bridged the cells and substrate.
Finally, David Wilt, a research scientist at NASA Glenn Research Center
in Cleveland collaborated as well,
constructing Ringel’s solar cells
onto honeycomb platforms. Astronaut Soichi Noguchi then mounted
the cells onto the outside of the
International Space Station where
they will remain for a year. Ringel is
now receiving data from the Space
Station via wireless listening posts.
Once the cells have returned to his
lab, he will continue to test the data
and their condition. Professor Ringel
hopes this experiment will help him
develop self-powered sensors and
systems, and eventually “electric
grid power alternatives.”
Research group completes
deployment of hardware for
NASA aircraft
Professor Joel Johnson’s research group has completed deployment of
hardware they designed and built for NASA’s WB-57 aircraft. The system
is a digital backend for improving the radio frequency interference rejection capabilities of microwave radiometers. A good data set was retrieved
and is in the process of being analyzed. More information can be found
about the aircraft on NASA’s web site at http://jsc-aircraft-ops.jsc.nasa.
Jefferson Science Fellows pictured with Under
Secretary Paula Dobriansky (left) and Dr. George
Atkinson, Science and
Technology Adviser to
the Secretary
Jefferson Science
Fellows Osama Awadelkarim, Kim Boyer,
Paul Davis, Michael
Mauel, Katherine SeleyRadtke. (not pictured:
Claudio Cioffi-Revilla)
Professor Kim Boyer was recently selected as a Jefferson Science
Fellow at the U.S. Department of State. He will spend a year at the
State Department in Washington, and then return to OSU where he
will be on call as a science and technology consultant to the State
Department for another five years. New Algorithm Increases Accuracy
Professor Aleix Martinez and doctoral student Manli Zhu, working with
sponsorship of the National Institutes of Health, have developed a test
which rates how well a particular pattern recognition algorithm will work for
a given application. They discovered what happens to scientific data when
researchers use a less-than-ideal algorithm: They don’t necessarily get
the wrong answer, but they do get unnecessary information along with the
answer, which adds to the problem. Using Martinez’ algorithm, researchers
can run a fast and easy test to find out in advance which algorithms are
best in a particular circumstance. This work may impact research in areas
as diverse as genetics, economics, climate modeling, and neuroscience.
The Ohio State University
By: Pam Frost Gorder
Stealth radar sees
through objects undetected
lectroScience Engineers have invent- The radar can be tuned to penetrate
solid walls - just like the waves that
ed a radar system that is virtually
transmit radio and TV
undetectable because its
signals - so the milisignal resembles random
The radar can be
could spot enemy
noise. The radar could
tuned to penetrate sol- soldiers inside a building
have applications in law
id walls -- just like the without the radar signal
enforcement, the military
waves that transmit being detected, Walton
and disaster rescue.
radio and TV signals said. Traffic police could
Eric Walton, senior
-so the military could measure vehicle speed
research scientist in Ohio
enemy soldiers in- without setting off drivState’s ElectroScience
building without ers’ radar detectors.
Laboratory, said that with
the radar signal being Autonomous vehicles
further development the
technology could even be detected, Walton said. could tell whether a bush
conceals a more dangerused for medical imaging.
Traffic police could
obstacle, like a tree
He explained why using measure vehicle speed
or a gulley.
random noise makes the
without setting off
is inherradar system invisible.
drivers’ radar detectors. ently able to distinguish
“Almost all radio
between many types of
receivers in the world are
of its ultra-wide-band
designed to eliminate random noise so
that they can clearly receive the signal
they’re looking for,” Walton said. “Radio
receivers could search for this radar
and filing cabinets,” he said. So the
signal and they wouldn’t find it. It also
shape of a radar image alone can’t be
won’t interfere with TV, radio or other
used to identify a human. “What tends
communication signals.”
to give a human away is that he moves.
The radar scatters a very low-intensity
He breathes, his heart beats, his body
signal across a wide range of frequenmakes unintended motions.”
cies, so a TV or radio tuned to any one
These tiny motions could be used
frequency would interpret the radar
to locate disaster survivors who were
signal as a very weak form of static.
pinned under rubble. Other radar sys “It doesn’t interfere because it has a
tems can’t do that because they are too
bandwidth that is thousands of times
far-sighted - they can’t see people who
broader than the signals it might otherare buried only a few yards away. Walton
wise interfere with,” Walton said.
said that the noise radar is inherently
Like traditional radar, the “noise”
able to see objects that are nearby.
radar detects objects by bouncing a
“It can see things that are only a
radio signal off them and detecting the
couple of inches away with as much clarrebound. The hardware isn’t expensive,
as it can see things on the surface of
either; altogether, the components cost
he added.
less than $100. The difference is that
means that with further developthe noise radar generates a signal that
radar might image tumors,
resembles random noise, and a comblood
and foreign objects in the
puter calculates very small differences
even measure bone densiin the return signal. The calculations
of medical imaging,
happen billions of times every second
to determine the
and the pattern of the signal changes
The univerconstantly. A receiver couldn’t detect
the signal unless it knew exactly what
random pattern was being used.
Ohio State professor
receives TopCAT
Betty Lise Anderson, professor of
electrical and computer engineering, was named TopCAT Outstanding
Woman of the Year by TechColumbus
for her outstanding achievements in
technology. Professor Anderson conducts research in the general areas
of photonics and optical engineering.
TopCAT stands for Top Contributors
to the Advancement of Technology.
Award winners were drawn from more
than 300 nominations. The Janaury
event was organized by TechColumbus, which was formed in October
from the merger of the Columbus
Technology Council and the Business
Technology Center. It is also linked to
SciTech, the developer of The Ohio
State University’s research park.
TechColumbus’ mission is to accelerate the development of technology
businesses in the region and assist
existing companies to use technology
to become more competitive.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
B.L. Anderson
N e ws
Published Books
Professor Betty Lise Anderson (with Prof. Richard L. Anderson of the University of
Vermont): Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices, McGraw-Hill, 2005. •A solid
understanding of the physical processes responsible for the electronic properties
of semiconductor materials and devices is emphasized.
Professor Kim Boyer (with Profs. Luciano Silva and Olga Bellon of the Federal
University of Parana, Brazil): Robust Range Image Registration: Using Genetic
Algorithms and the Surfact Interpenetration Measure, World Scientific, 2005.
•The focus is on obtaining highly precise, statistically robust alignments among
different views of the same object to avoid modeling distortions.
Professor Mohammed Ismail (with Adem Aktas of Ohio State): CMOS PLLs and
VCOs for 4G Wireless, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. •First book to be
devoted to the subject of CMOS PLL and VCO design for future broadband 4th
generation wireless devices.
Professor Randy Moses (with Prof. Petre Stoica of Uppsala University): Spectral
Analysis of Signals, Pearson/Prentice-Hall, 2005. •Topics include nonparametric spectrum analysis (both periodogram-based approaches and filter- bank
approaches), parametric spectral analysis using rational spectral models (AR,
MA, and ARMA models), parametric methods for line spectra, and spatial (array)
signal processing.
Professor Kevin Passino: Biomimicry for Optimization, Control, and Automation,
Springer, 2005. •The focus lies on verifying correct operation of technologies via
a process of mathematical modelling and analysis complimented by computer
Excerpt from
Taking Control
earching for terrorists, planes scramble
in different directions, surveying the area
from different angles. Trucks and tanks surround the possible locations. Communicating among themselves, the team members
figure out exactly where to find the suspects.
Sounds like a typical military operation,
right? Here’s the catch: None of the vehicles
has pilots or drivers on board.
In the College of Engineering, faculty members are cooperating with other
researchers at the Air Force Institute of
Technology, the University of Cincinnati and
the University of Dayton to figure out how
such a scenario might work. The team forms
the Collaborative Center of Control Science,
established at Ohio State in 2001 to develop
innovative and practical solutions to control
science and technology problems of highest
interest to the U.S. Air Force. The university
team works closely with the Control Sciences Center of Excellence at the Air Force
Research Laboratories Air Vehicle Directorate. Siva Banda, the head of this center, and
his team of researchers oversee the work
and get actively involved in research with the
professors and graduate students.
“To make advances in science and tech-
nology, you need a team. Rarely are great
advances made by an individual,” said Don
Paul, chief scientist for air vehicles in the Air
Force and a member of the university Control
Science Center’s board of directors. “That in
itself is a great accomplishment — to have
teams of people working on a technology set
both in government and at the universities.”
Kevin Passino, the professor of electrical
and computer engineering who directs
the center, said its focus is in three areas:
autonomous air vehicles, aerodynamic flow
problems and reusable launch vehicles for
“The combined Air Force and university team has parallel and complimentary
research efforts in each of these efforts,”
Passino said. “The center is leading the
nation in formulating and solving these challenging problems.”
Paul said the center was started in
response to an Air Force study on managing
its workforce in the 21st century. That study
showed the Air Force could benefit by having
half of its staff be permanent members and
the other half world-class collaborators. The
Air Force intends to use Ohio State’s Collaborative Center of Control Science, set up as
a mirror image of the Control Science Center
of Excellence at Wright-Patterson Air Force
The Ohio State University
By Joan Slattery Wall
Base, as a model to replicate nationwide,
Paul said.
The success of the center, now in its
fourth year of $1 million in annual funding
from the Air Force Research Laboratories
Air Vehicles Directorate and the Air Force
Office of Scientific Research, has generated
more funding through other sources, such
as the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency, NASA, the Dayton Area Graduate
Studies Institute and the National Science
“Once you establish yourself as a leader
in a particular technological area, other
people will come,” Paul said. “That has happened.”
Paul pointed out that the center’s work,
and the autonomous vehicle research in particular, is sophisticated technology that could
eventually affect not just military operations
but also everyday life. Consider autonomous
vacuum cleaners already on the commercial
market, or a lawn mower that could autonomously manicure your yard.
“This technology of machine intelligence
is extremely powerful technology,” Paul
said. “It’s one of the game changers for the
For the complete story, go to http://www.
New ESL Built
By Alumni
s the rapid growth of the ElectroScience Laboratory continues, it is clear that additional
workspace is needed to supplement and replace the outdated
building at 1320 Kinnear Road
that has served as the ESL’s
home for over 50 years. The just
completed $1M renovation will
provide for a temporary transition,
but a new building is necessary to
provide necessary quality facilities for our students and faculty.
Over the past three years, we
have worked with the College of
Engineering to propose and fund
a 45,000 sq. ft. new facility to be
built between the existing parking
lot and Kinnear Road. In addition
to new university space for offices, computing facilities, a multimedia library, and conference
and classrooms, this new building
will offer rentable commercial
space for corporations that wish
to have a close working relationship with ESL and the College of
To highlight ESL’s 50-year
history, its many research innovations, and to honor its many
distinguished alumni and faculty,
the new building will include a historical display area and a Hall of
Fame bridge linking the new facility with the existing building. The
detailed design of the new building is currently in progress with
construction to begin as soon as
sufficient donations are collected.
The estimated cost of the ESL
portion of the planned new building is $3.6 million. Although the
College of Engineering is contributing more than $1 million, $2.2
million of the total amount will be
from generous alumni donations
that were essential before planning could proceed. As of this mo-
ment, about 50% of this amount
has been committed. Additional
alumni and corporate sponsors
have already expressed interest
to providing financial contributions that will guarantee the success of this project and ensure
the preeminence of ESL research
for decades to come.
Sensor Could
Detect Concealed Weapon
Paul Berger, professor of electrical and computer engineering and physics, is head of the team developing a new sensor being patented by Ohio State. This sensor could be used
to detect concealed weapons or help pilots see better through
rain and fog. Instead of generating a signal to detect objects,
Berger’s sensor spots them based on the reflection of natural
radiation. Every object – the human body, a gun or an asphalt
runway – reflects this ambient radiation differently. Berger says
the sensor’s diode is compatible with mainstream silicon. This
would allow computer chip makers to manufacture it cheaply
and easily integrate it with existing technology. Once the sensor
is further developed, it could be used to scan people or luggage
or if it were embedded in an airplane nose, it might help pilots
see a runway during bad weather. Read more about the sensor
at http://researchnews.osu.edu/archive/bakdiode.htm
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
N e ws
Excerpt from
Group Decision Making in Honey Bee Swarms
Thomas D. Seeley, P. Kirk Visscher and
Kevin M. Passino
or centuries, beekeepers
(sufficient number of scouts)
nated the dancing. During the second half, however, one
have known that in late
at one of the nest sites rather
of the sites gradually began to be advertised much more
spring or early summer a strong
than sensing a consensus
than the others and ultimately became the chosen site.
colony of honey
(agreement of dancbees will divide
ing scouts) at the
itself by swarming,
swarm cluster. a process in which
By this quorumthe queen and
sensing hypothesis,
approximately half
a scout bee “votes”
the worker bees
for a site by spendleave their hive to
ing time at it, someestablish a new
how the scouts act
Honey bees employ waggle dances to inform others about food sources, as shown here, but the same dances are
colony; meanwhile
and interact so that
also used to describe the location of nest sites. Here, flowers lie along a line 40 degrees to the right of the Sun as the
bees leave their nest (left). To report this food source, a bee runs through a figure-eight pattern on a vertical comb
a daughter queen
their numbers rise
(center). As she passes through the central portion of the dance, she performs the waggle run, vibrating her body
and the balance of
faster at superior
laterally, and the angle of the run indicates the direction to the food source. The duration of the waggle run relates to
the workers remain
sites, and somehow
the distance to the food source (right). When waggle dancing refers to nest sites, it occurs on the surface of a swarm
rather than on the combs inside a hive.
behind to perpetuthe bees at each site
ate the old colony.
monitor their numThis situation began to change
bers there so that they know
Indeed, during the last few hours of the decision making,
in the 1950s when Martin
whether they’ve reached the
the site that had emerged as the frontrunner became the
Lindauer, a German zoologist,
threshold number (quorum)
object of all the dances. Given the striking way that the
published his seminal paper on
and can proceed to initiating
dances on a swarm come to represent one site and then
house hunting by honey bees.
the swarm’s move to this site.
the swarm moves to this site, it was tempting to conclude
This communication behavior
This hypothesis can explain
that a swarm’s decision-making process is essentially one
allows successful foragers to inthe cases of liftoff with disof consensus building, rather like the arrival of the “Sense
form hive mates of the locations
sent as instances where a
of the Meeting” among Quakers. By this hypothesis, a
of rich food sources through a
quorum was reached at one
scout bee “votes” in favor of a site by dancing for it, somespecific series of movements.
site before the competition
how the scouts act and interact so that gradually their
A dancing bee runs forward
between dancers from differvotes come into agreement in favor of a superior site, and
and performs the wiggle run,
ent sites had eliminated the
somehow the voting pattern of the scouts is steadily monivibrating her abdomen laterally,
dancing for all but one site.
tored so that they know when they’ve reached an agreethen circles back to her start ment and can start acting on their decision. There were,
ing point, producing one dance
For the complete story,
however, two factors that cast doubt on this appealing
go to http://www.ece.osu.
hypothesis. First, neither Lindauer nor we had seen any
In the mid 1990s we decided
edu/~passino/PapersTosign of scout bees polling their fellow dancers, something
to look more deeply at this
Post/GrpDecMakHoneyBeesthat surely they must do to know when they’ve reached
intriguing example of animal
an agreement. Second, both Lindauer and we had ocdemocracy. We worked with
casionally seen a swarm launch into flight without a dance
small swarms of about 4,000
consensus, that is, when
bees and labeled each bee for
there were two strong
individual identification, so we
coalitions of dancers
Fernando Teixeira, assiscould attribute each dance to
advertising two distinct
tant professor, received the
a particular individual and thus
sites. Were these rare
highest award given by the Inascertain her contribution to a
cases of takeoffs with
ternational Union of Radio Sciswarm’s decision making. In a
dissent simply bizarre
ence to a scientist under the
swarm we observed on July 20
anomalies that we could
age of 35. Teixeira received
to 22, 1997, the entire deciignore, or were they valuthe 2005 Booker Fellowship,
sion-making process required
able clues that we should
given triennially to the most
about 16 hours of dance activity
heed? We chose to heed
outstanding young radio scispread over three days. During
them, because we had
in North America by the
the first half of the process, the
long wondered whether
U.S. National
scouts reported all 11 of the pothe essence of a swarm’s
tential nest sites that they would
decision making might
consider, and no one site domibe sensing a quorum
The Ohio State University
Electric Utility Companies Pledge
Support of Power Area
any new,
engineers will be
needed at electric
utility companies
due to the aging engineering
work-force. OSU is
one of a handful
of U.S. universities
that still retains
its emphasis on
Electric Power
and High Voltage
Engineering teaching and research.
In addition, OSU has an excellent High
Voltage Laboratory. The problem was
that in the present financial situation
of state-supported universities in Ohio,
OSU was not able to hire a new faculty
member to replace a retired high voltage
/ electric power area professor, Prof.
Stephen Sebo.
Therefore, the OSU ECE Department
requested the three major electric utility
companies in Ohio, American Electric
Power (Columbus), Cinergy (Cincinnati)
and FirstEnergy (Akron), to consider a
grant to the department. The purpose
of the grant is to support the hiring of a
new faculty member who will be responsible for continuing the teaching and
research in two areas within Electric
Power Engineering. These are the high
voltage area and the power electronics
area as well.
The three major utilities have agreed
on the critical importance of maintaining
a strong academic program (the only one
in Ohio) in the high voltage and power
electronics components in the power
systems area. The ECE Department has
outlined a plan whereby the companies
would jointly contribute 50% of the hiring costs of a new faculty member who
could continue and enhance the teaching and research in this field. The 50%
support would be spread over a five-year
period (2007-2011) after which OSU
would assume the full costs.
The three companies pledged a total
support of $400,000 over a five-year
period. Specifically, the Cinergy Foundation approved a grant of $50,000 in
2005, the FirstEnergy Foundation also
approved $50,000 in 2005, and the
AEP Foundation approved a support of
$300,000 in 2006.
Several people worked towards
this goal at OSU: Deans Williams and
Baeslack, Chairs Zheng and Özgüner,
Corporate Relations Director McSweeny,
and Prof. Emeritus Sebo.
OSU Licenses Wireless
Communications Technology
A new method of space-time coding, codeveloped by the iCORE Wireless Communications Laboratory at the University
of Alberta and Dr. Hesham El Gamal
at The Ohio State University, operates at
efficiencies nearly equal to the known
theoretical limits. Potential applications
for this technology include: high data
rate cellular wireless communications,
ad-hoc wireless networks with multiantenna terminals, portable networks
with multi-antenna systems, and mobile
multi-user networks.
This patent-pending technology
was recently acquired by WebSky, Inc.
through its previous license holder, Strategic Wireless Solutions, Inc.
Runtime Reconfiguration
Optimizes Cutting Edge,
Parallel Processors
Professor Füsun Özgüner and doctoral
student Justin Teller are researching
methods to reconfigure tightly integrated, multi-core processors at runtime. Recent microprocessor trends show that
increasing numbers of processing cores
are being integrated into processors.
Reconfiguring at runtime allows the processor to “learn” higher performance or
lower energy consumption configurations
at runtime, overcoming the difficulty of
efficiently using the resources of new
cutting edge, parallel processors. Runtime reconfiguration can benefit a wide
range of applications, from high performance computing to energy-constrained
embedded applications. The researchers are collaborating with researchers at
the Air Force Research Labs (AFRL) and
at OSU to test the concept on different
applications. The runtime reconfiguration methods being developed are also
being applied to two separate architectures, IBM’s Cell processor and University of Texas at Austin’s TRIPS processor.
Ringel Named as
Director of New IMR
Professor Steven Ringel has been
appointed as Director of the new
OSU Institute for Materials Research
(IMR), a university-wide
institute with
a mission to
promote excellence within
the multidisciplinary materials community
present at Ohio
S. Ringel
State. With
broad faculty
participation, it is expected to provide
coordination, leadership and support for the entire materials research
community. It was established with
a vision of catapulting OSU as one of
the world’s premier materials research enterprise universities.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
C u r r i c u lu m A r e a s
Electromagnetics & Electro-optics
hio State is recognized as one
of the leading institutions worldwide for research in the Electromagnetics and Electro-optics area.
Research in the area covers a broad
range of topics, including electromanetic theory, computational methods,
design of antennas and other RF
and optical components, and applications in sensing, communications, transportation, medicine, and
manufacturing. Coursework begins
with the undergraduate electromagnetics sequence, and then expands
into a large set of electives at the
undergraduate and graduate levels. Examples include courses on
antenna design, wave propagation,
electromagnetic compatibility, radar
systems, and one year sequences on
electromagnetic theory and numerical methods. Courses on optics, fiber
optics, and lasers are also available,
as well as a new offering on integrat-
ed optics. Research groups within
the area include the ElectroScience
Laboratory (ESL) and the Non-linear
RF Laboratory. In recent years, research in the
area has
grown dramatically, including leadership
of an Air-Force
MURI project on the
use of novel
materials for
the design of
conformal antenna arrays.
In addition, recent DURIP and NSF
MRI awards have allowed expansion
of the laboratory’s equipment in the
areas of RF device fabrication and
RFIC development. Area personnel
continue to lead numerous projects
in EM and electro-optics applications
beyond the examples listed here. The
area has also recently grown through
the addition
of Prof. Ron
Reano to the
ECE faculty;
Prof. Reano’s
research interests are in the
area of optical
and wireless
as well as
bionanotechnology and ultrafast electrooptics. For more information, please
visit the ESL website at http://esl.
eng.ohio-state.edu or the Non-linear
RF Lab website at http://www.ece.
he Control group at The Ohio State University, one of the
largest in the nation, conducts interdisciplinary research
in the broad area of systems and control, with application in
aerospace systems, systems biology, automotive systems,
and intelligent transportation. Research in the area include
biologically-inspired decision making, cooperative control
of groups of unmanned aerial vehicles, diagnostic and fault
tolerant control, robust and adaptive nonlinear control, active
flow control, game-theoretical methods in systems and control, large-scale optimization and hybrid systems.
The strong interdisciplinary nature of the activity in the control area is supported by a large number of industrial partnerships, and by participation and close collaborations with
various research centers at OSU, including the Center for
Automotive Research and Intelligent Transportation (CARIT), and the Gas Dynamics and Turbulence Laboratory. The
control group has consolidated in research years a strong
partnership with the Air Force Research Laboratory, through
the creation of the AFOSR/AFRL Collaborative Center for
Control Sciences (CCCS). Established in 2001, the CCCS has
conducted research with the AFRL-VA Control Science Center
of Excellence to develop innovative and practical solutions
to challenging control science and technology problems of
highest interest to the United States Air Force. It has been
actively promoting theoretic and applied research on cooperative control of groups of uninhabited air vehicles, aerodynamic
flow control, and control of reusable air-breathing hypersonic
launch vehicles.
The area offers a very broad range of courses in control,
from the most basic undergraduate ones to graduate courses
in linear systems, digital control, optimal control, nonlinear
systems and control, sliding mode control, decentralized
control, stochastic control, robust control, adaptive control, and
intelligent control.
The Ohio State University
Communications and Signal Processing
hio State offers a vibrant and growing program of research and coursework covering a broad range of topics in
communications and signal processing.
Current research areas include network
information theory, medical imaging,
sensor networks, channel equalization,
communication networks, computer
vision, radar signal processing, image
understanding, image compression,
multi-media signal processing, and highperformance computing for signal processing. Annual research expenditures
are approximately $3 million. The group
is known for theoretical developments
and applications in a number of topic
areas and enjoys significant interdisciplinary research collaborations across
the university campus.
Our curriculum is designed to prepare
students for both design and research in
communications and signal processing.
Introductory undergraduate courses in
both communications and signal processing are offered. Senior/graduate
courses include Image Processing, Time-
Varying Signal Processing, Medical Imaging, Neural Networks, Communications
Networks and Digital Communications,
and a Real-Time Signal Processing Laboratory. Capstone undergraduate design
courses in comm/dsp are are offered
annually; recent topics include broadband audio digital communications and
localization in sensor networks.
The graduate curriculum includes a
three-quarter foundational course
sequence in random processes, detection, and estimation and a wide variety
of advanced graduate courses, including Information Theory, Coding Theory,
Multi-User Communications, Adaptive
Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition,
Stochastic Signal Processing, Image
Understanding, and Communication
Research laboratories focusing on
communications and signal processing include the Information Processing
Systems (IPS) Laboratory, the Signal
Analysis and Machine Perception Labo-
ratory (SAMPL), and the Computation
Biology and Cognitive Science Laboratory (CBCSL). The area has recently
grown through the hiring of Prof. Elif
Uysal-Bıyıkoğlu, (Ph.D. Stanford 2003)
who hails from a postdoctoral position
at MIT. Her research interests are in
communication and networking with
emphasis on cross-layer designs for
multiuser wireless systems.
Solid State Electronics & Photonics
olid State Electronics and Photonics (SSEP) at Ohio State encompasses a wide range of activities
from materials research to active
semiconductor devices and photonic
systems. The work is highly interdisciplinary, promoting interactions
with a myriad of materials-oriented
departments and colleges across
campus. In fact, the most recent
federal rankings released by the National Science Foundation lists OSU
as the third highest funded university
in materials research, indicative of
the high caliber and international
reputation of the SSEP group.
Several recent notable achievements by SSEP area members are
listed in more detail elsewhere in
this report. Other significant highlights recently for the SSEP group include: (i) Prof. Lu established a new
course titled “Nanoscale Structures
and Devices;” (ii) Prof. Brillson
was awarded the Gaede-Langmuir
Award by the American Vacuum Society; (iii) Prof. Ringel was elevated
to Fellow by the American Association for the Advancement of Science; (iv) Prof. Berger received the
“Faculty Advisor of the Year” from
the IEEE Columbus Chapter; (iv)
Prof. Berger received two US patents, for organic emissive displays
and for the formation of quantum
dot nanoswitches, (v) Prof. Anderson received two US patents,
for optical correlation and optical
circulators; and (vi) Prof. Berger
and his students invented a new
organic polymer tunnel diode - an
electronic component that could
one day lead to plastic computer
memory and plastic logic circuits
on computer chips.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
C u r r i c u lu m A r e a s
he Power program at The Ohio State
University includes high voltage engineering, computer and digital technology
in power and drive system applications,
electric machine design and controls,
and power electronics. The objective of
the program is to provide industry with
engineers who are versatile and technically competent in both theory and applications of the energy/power area.
Research activities at OSU in the
power and energy areas are comprehensive, ranging from high
voltage fields and corona
effects, insulation contamination studies, EMC/EMI,
and protection of AC power
system to electromechanical
components and systems.
Research projects in
power electronics, electric
machines and mechatronics
have focused on super high
speed (>50,000 rpm) starter
and generating systems and
variable frequency power
supplies which find wide applications in
automotive, deregulated utility, aerospace, and biomedical industries. The
power and energy research program at
OSU has been strongly supported by
local and national industry companies
and government labs, such as EPRI,
AEP, GM, Ford, Delphi, United States Air
Force and NSF.
Coursework in the energy/power
area begins with undergraduate energy
conversion lecture and electric machine
lab courses, and then expands into
a large set of electives at the undegraduate and graduate levels. Examples
include courses on power electronics
design and applications, advanced electric machine modeling and control, high
voltage and power system analysis.
Circuits & Electronics
he Mixed Signal Electronic Systems
Group (MISES) at Ohio State is one
of the leading research entities in the
world in the fields of VLSI microelectronic circuits and systems and their
applications in areas such as telecommunications and sensors. The
MISES activities include programs in
analog, digital, mixed-signal ICs, power
management,integrated RF and microwave circuits, information electronics,
computer aided design, and reverse engineering of ICs with emphasis on higher
levels of integration leading to complete
systems on chip.
The group is an integration of a number of Laboratories at the ECE Department for chip design and testing, including the Analog VLSI Lab, the Information
Electronics Lab, the RF and Microwave
Lab, the Design Automation Research
Lab, and the MISES VLSI CAD Lab.
Coursework in the area starts with
the basic undergraduate sequence in
circuits and electronics then goes into
a variety of technical electives covering
a wide range of timely topics with the
goal of helping our students gain the
necessary skill sets needed to excel in
today’s high tech industry. Examples of
the choices our students have include
a sequence on analog and mixed signal
integrated circuits (ICs), digital ICs, RFICs, and microwave circuits. Over the
last two years, the group has graduated
more than 15 Ph.D. students.
Research in the area has significantly
grown over the years and has traditionally been driven by needs in the industry.
Faculty in the area work closely with
industry on projects allowing students
to secure internships while pursuing
their programs at Ohio State and to find
jobs at leading companies upon graduation. One example is our Texas Instruments Analog Fellowship program, which
has supported over a dozen graduate
students since 2000 and is still ongoing. Examples of ongoing research projects
include: Design-for-yield
of multi-band multistandard RFICs, funded
by the Semiconductor
Research Corporation;
Low phase noise fractional-N synthesizers for
broadband wireless communications, funded by
Intel; an SBIR project on
data converter design for
Ultra wide band communication; and cooperative projects with mixed
signal design centers
The Ohio State University
at leading government laboratories. The
Group has recently joined the ConnectionOne NSF University/Industry Center on
Wireless Communications.
The Group has state-of-art test facilities for testing analog, digital and mixed
signal ICs including a new RFIC Lab
funded by an NSF MRI grant. Main
stream CAD design tools, such as those
provided by Cadence, Agilent ADS and
Mentor Graphics, are used by our students and researchers. Access to chip
fabrication foundries in the U.S., Europe
and the far east are also available to
fabricate test chips. More information is
available at www.ece.osu.edu/Mises and
Computer Networks
he Computer Networks area covers
topics related to communication
between interconnected computers
and devices. Communication network
architectures, protocols, and applications that rely on the availability of
communication networks are included
in the focus areas of the computer networks area. In addition to development
of practical solutions such as protocol
development and implementation,
members of this area also work on
analytical and simulation-based performance evaluation as well as theoretical limits of computer networks.
Courses offered by this area include Communication Networks,
Computer Interfacing and Protocols,
and Design of Advanced Data Networks. The area has strong collaborations with the Communications/Signal
Processing and Computer Systems
groups. Principle members of the computer networks area are affiliated with
the Information Processing Systems
Laboratory and the High Performance
Computing and Networking Laboratory.
After its formation in 2004, the area
has expanded with the addition of Dr.
Elif Uysal-Bıyıkoğlu in 2005.
Computer Vision,
Image Processing,
he Computer Vision and Multimedia area aim to design computer systems that can enhance
human-computer interactions in
home applications and in industry.
This may include entertainment
applications, e.g. videogames, and
automatic robot navigation. More
recently, these techniques have
also been applied to problems in
the biological sciences. Examples
are in the classification of DNA
sequences, protein analysis, and
cognitive science. The research group has strong
collaborations with researchers in
signal processing, bio-engineering and –informatics, medicine,
and psychology. The following
advanced courses are specifically
designed to prepare students
within this multi-disciplinary area:
Digital Image Processing, Medical
Imaging, Computer Vision, Pattern
Recognition, Introduction to Neural Networks, and Digital Speech
Processing Systems.
Computer Systems
he Computer Systems area covers the design and applications
of computer systems. Together with
members of the other computer areas,
the faculty members in this area teach
undergraduate and advanced courses
in computer design, microprocessors,
design verification, robotic applications, real-time systems and component-based programming. This area
participates in a new Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization/Minor in
Applied Software Engineering together
with Computer Science and Engineering. Recent research includes
embedded systems, heterogeneous
distributed computer systems, realtime and parallel computing, nanoprocessor architectures, computation and
communication scheduling in wireless
sensor networks, component-based
systems for biomedical use, biped and
quadruped dynamic simulation, and
verification paradigm studies of new
computer systems. Recently, Professor
Ümit Çatalyürek from the Biomedical
Informatics Department in the College
of Medicine, received a joint appointment in ECE to augment our research
capabilities. Research laboratories
focusing on computer systems include
the High Performance Computing and
Networking Laboratory (HPCNL).
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
P ro j e c t s
awa r d s o f
a n d u p f ro m
t h ro u g h
Total Award:
Microstrip Bus
Walter D. Burnside
Matrx Broadband Technologies, LLC
$145,000; 1 year
PI: Sponsor: Total Award:
Access for Engineering Excellence
Bradley D. Clymer
National Science Foundation
$136,000; 4 years
PI: Sponsor: Total Award:
Modeling and Control of Fuel Cell Based Distrib-
uted Energy Systems
Ali Keyhani
National Science Foundation
$125,000; 3 years
Total Award:
Development of an Agile Digital Detector for RFI Detection and Mitigation on Spaceborne
Joel T. Johnson
University of Michigan
$125,000; 2 years
Total Award:
Modeling Rotman Lens Using Domain
Decomposition Methods
Jin-Fa Lee
Ansoft Corp
$115,952; 2 years
Data Compression AF04-101 Phase II
Yuan F. Zheng
RNET Technologies
$250,000; 2 years
PI: Sponsor:
Total Award: Novel Approaches to Stochastic Pursuit-Evasion Differential Games with Multiple Players
Jose B. Cruz, Jr
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
$105,000; 2 years
PI: Sponsor: Total Award: Miniature Ultra-Wideband Antenna on Novel
Substrates - Phase II
Chi-Chih Chen
Applied EM, Inc.
$249,169; 1 year
PI: Sponsor: Total Award: Collaborative Research: Dynamic Movement in Bipedal Locomotion
David E. Orin
National Science Foundation
$101,143; 2 years
Title: PI: Sponsor: Total Award: Advanced Reflector Analysis and Computer Code
Walter D. Burnside
Harris Corp
$230,000; 6 months
Title: PI: Sponsor: Total Award: Packaging Technology of 28vdc Induction S/G System for On-board Operation
Longya Xu
Smiths Aerospace
$202,434; 1 year
Total Award:
EM Effects of Radiofrequency Pulses on Electronic Circuits and Systems
John L. Volakis
University of Illinois
$100,500; 2 years
PI: Sponsor:
Total Award: DURIP FY06: Fabrication Equipment for Periodic Material Assemblies and Photonic Crystals
John L. Volakis
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
$192,642; 1 year
PI: Sponsor:
Total Award:
Total Award:
Collaborative Research: CSR- EHS: System-wide Performance Optimization of Complex Integrated Real-time Systems
Chang-Gun Lee
NSF Engineering
$100,000; 2 years
Title: PI: Sponsor:
Total Award: MURI 06: Integrated Fusion, Performance
Prediction, and Sensor Management for Automatic Target Exploitation
Randolph L. Moses
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
$537,125; 3 years
Title: PI: Sponsor:
Total Award:
Miniature GPS Antenna Systems
Chi-Chih Chen
Applied EM, Inc.
$349,993; 2 years
PI: Sponsor:
Total Award: Laboratory for Deep Level Spectroscopy of Wide
Bandgap Electronics
Steven A. Ringel
Office of Naval Research
$318,517; 6 months
Title: PI: Sponsor: Total Award: Fourier Cell Optical True Time Delay
Betty Lise Anderson
National Reconnaissance Office
$264,623; 1 year
PI: Sponsor: Total Award: MRI: Acquisition of Instrumentation for
Interdisciplinary Research and Rraining in
Integrated Wireless Communication Systems
Roberto G. Rojas
NSF Engineering
$252,450; 1 year
Title: PI: Sponsor: Total Award: 14 Title:
Total Award:
Code Improvements for CJR Antenna Coupling
Ronald J. Marhefka
Raytheon Co.
$149,017; 1 year
The Ohio State University
RFID Studies with YFY
Walter D. Burnside
Yuen Foong Yu Paper MFG CO LTD
$100,000; 1 year
here are of course, many projects new and old that have been ongoing during the
July 1, 2004 thru June 30, 2006 period covered by this report. To provide a view
of these large, sustained efforts, we also list those that have had expenditures larger
than $400K. (This is not a complete list. Many large projects are supported by different
sources. We provide the following as examples of our activity.)
PI: Sponsor: Total Award:
Collaborative Center of Control Science
Kevin M. Passino
Air Force Material Command
PI: Sponsor: Total Award:
Conformal Antenna Analysis and Design Using Novel Electronic Materials
John L. Volakis
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
PI: Sponsor: Total Award:
Design, Fabrication and Installation of Compact Range Antenna/Radar Instrumentation
Walter D. Burnside
MIT, Lincoln Labs
PI: Sponsor: Total Award:
NIRT: Self-aligned and Self-limited Quantum Dot Nanoswitches
Paul R. Berger
NSF Division of Materials Research
PI: Sponsor: Total Award:
Small-CRPA with Advanced Antenna Electronics for Interference Suppression in GPS Receivers
Inder J. Gupta
Office of Naval Research
PI: Sponsor: Total Award:
Phase II: An Incident Warning System with Integrated Two-range Communications System
Ümit Özgüner
OKI Electric Ind Co Ltd
PI: Sponsor: Total Award:
Modeling the Nonmanuals of American Sign
Language Aleix M. Martinez
Purdue University
PI: Sponsor: Total Award:
Model-based Algorithms for Next Generation Air-to-
Fuel Ratio Control
Steve Yurkovich
General Motors Corporation
F i na n c i a l s
any sources
our educational mission. Funding from the University
and research related activities. These originate
donations, etc. External funding
and Industry
projects also support our mission.
Internal Total
FY 2005
FY 2006
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
S t u d e n t N e ws
Reaching Out to the World
A Honduran Service Project Provides Learning Opportunities for Engineering Students
ECOS president David
Bradway, ECE applies a
fresh coat of paint to the
Montaña de Luz administration building.
(L to R) Roger Dzwonczyk,
ECOS advisor; Mark Andre,
FABE; and Patrick Searfos
and John Scott, both ECE,
worked as a team to create an electrical map of
the entire facility as well
as upgrade the wiring and
outlets throughout.
ECE graduate student
Jorge Finke, introduces the
computers and software
to the children at Montaña
de Luz.
emperatures were hot and the sun shone
brightly every day, but there were no bathing
suits or late night dance clubs for 11 Ohio State
engineering students who spent their spring
break building a computer learning center at a
remote orphanage in Honduras.
The students, all members of the newly
created Ohio State Engineers for Community
Service, decided that during their 2005 spring
break, they would perform an engineering project
to benefit others in a foreign country. When the
opportunity arose to travel to 30 miles outside
of Honduras’ capital of Tegucigalpa, the group
agreed the project would suit their goals.
Montaña de Luz is a 4-year-old orphanage
that houses 21 children who are HIV positive.
The children receive high quality health care,
medications to control their HIV and a loving,
homelike environment.
Under the guidance of ECOS president David
Bradway, a senior electrical and computer
engineering student, the students spent fall and
winter quarters seeking funding sources and
donations to make the trip affordable and successful.
“The Montaña de Luz project was a great fit
for ECOS,” Bradway said. “It incorporated technical engineering service projects as well as educational training for a group underrepresented
in science and engineering. We all learned a lot
from each other and from the children.”
The orphanage mainly needed computers that
could be programmed with Spanish language
educational software. The students secured
computer donations from College of Engineering offices that were upgrading their hardware
systems as well as software donations from
Microsoft and funding obtained from the college
and other OSU organizations.
Once in Honduras, the students and the four
faculty/staff advisors set about making the
computer learning center a reality. Without major
complications, the group had set up the computer learning center by midweek. The engineering students also made major enhancements
throughout the orphanage compound: performing a complete electrical evaluation of the facility
and setting up a comfortable, brightly decorated
library with shelves of donated books. Another
crew patched cracks in the stucco walls and
painted the orphanage administration building.
The Ohio State University
Each day, the students spent time with the
children, playing games of soccer, jumping on
the trampoline or coloring eggs for the orphanage Easter egg hunt. The group also visited
Zamorano, a Pan-American agricultural college,
and talked with administrators there about college life in Honduras and partner opportunities
between Ohio State and Zamorano.
The idea for ECOS arose when students enrolled in an engineering ethics class began discussions among themselves as to how to make
an impact in the community through engineering. Kevin Passino, professor of electrical and
computer engineering, teaches the ethics class
and now serves as the ECOS faculty advisor and
accompanied the group to Honduras.
“I believe our trip helped the students to
clearly see how engineering technologies can
positively impact people’s lives,” Passino said.
“Their resourcefulness, enthusiasm and ability
to bring a group project to successful completion
was exciting to watch.”
Roger Dzwonczyk, Gina Langen and John Merrill also serve as ECOS advisors and accompanied the group on the trip. ECOS members who
traveled to Honduras were Jake Adams, Mark
Andre, David Bradway, Jorge Finke, Dan Heath,
Nicole Lammeier, Dan Mautz, Laura O’Rear, John
Scott, Patrick Searfos and Theresa Vonder Haar. Plans are already under way to continue the
relationship between Ohio State and Montaña de
Luz. Two students are researching the implementation of alternative energy sources for the
orphanage by incorporating solar or wind power
to provide electricity and a generator for use as
a backup energy source along with providing
engineering help in upgrading the road leading to
the orphanage.
This spring ECOS received a boost toward its
goals through a $60,000 grant from the Battelle
Endowment for Technology and Human Affairs.
The endowment provides funding to support
Ohio State faculty projects that address the interactions of science and technology with the needs
and aspirations of individuals and societies; the
improvement of sensitivity to social needs; a
better comprehension of both the capabilities
and limitations of science and technology; and
a strong emphasis on educational and public
service programs.
by Gina M. Langen,
College of Engineering
Michael Schuette, M.S. student of Professor Wu Lu, received a National Science
Foundation fellowship in a program designed to foster relationships between scientists and K-12 educators. At Ohio State, “Science Fellows Supporting Teachers”
partners the graduate students with teachers in the Columbus Public Schools to
support science instruction for students in grades three through five. Michael recently presented an informational seminar on the fellowship highlighting its mutual
benefits to fellows, teachers, and students.
David P. Bradway, B.S.E.C.E. student, received the Ohio State University Board
of Trustees’ Student Recognition Award. Bradway is also a recipient of a National
Science Foundation Fellowship and a Goldwater Scholarship and plans to pursue a
doctoral degree at Duke University.
Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate student Andrew Armstrong received
the Materials Research Society Gold Award for best student presentation at the
Fall 2004 Meeting of the Materials Research Society in Boston, MA. His research
focuses on advancing wide bandgap semiconductors for high speed and high power
electronics through fundamental materials research.
Lauren Achor, B.S.E.C.E. student, was one of nine women honored at the College
of Engineering’s annual Women in Engineering Banquet for its 150-plus students by
receiving a Top Academic Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation.
Luther Palmer, Ph.D. student, received the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering Teaching Fellowship. Palmer was selected because of his exemplary
teaching abilities as a teaching associate and his plan to pursue a professorship
after graduation.
Undergraduate student Simon Curran’s presentation, “Real-Time Computer-Control of a High-Performance, Series-Compliant, Articulated Hopping Leg,” earned him
second place at the 2005 Denman Awards. The Denman Undergraduate Research
Forum provides a means for undergraduate students to share their research with
members and friends of the OSU community, recognizes the significant contributions to research by OSU undergraduates and facilitates exchange between students, faculty, and the public. Simon’s advisors on this project were Dr. David Orin
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Dr. James Schmiedeler of Mechanical
Brian Usner, a 2006 graduate of ESL, received third prize at the 2006 ACES Conference Student Paper Competition held in Florida for his paper entitled, “A Hybrid
Volume Surface Integral Equation Method for Periodic Media and Metamaterials.”
He was co-advised by Dr. Kubilay Sertel and Professor John Volakis.
Mr. Kezhong Zhao, an ESL student, won first place in the Student Paper Competition at the Annual International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility
held in Singapore for his paper entitled, “An Accelerated Non-conforming DP-FETI
Domain Decomposition Method for the Analysis of Large EMC Problems.” His advisor
is Professor Jin-Fa Lee.
Ph.D. student Marinos Vouvakis won third place in the best paper award for his
paper “A finite element domain decomposition technique for the analysis of large
electromagnetic problems,” presented at the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium held in Washington D.C. Professor Jin-Fa Lee is his advisor.
NSBE Encourages
City Youths to Stay in
OSU members of the student chapter of the
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
traveled to Boston to help recruit undergraduate students to enter graduate studies at
Ohio State. Among the handful of students
from the College of Engineering to volunteer
in this recruiting effort was Luther Palmer,
a Ph.D. student in electrical engineering. The NSBE is also known for its community
service projects such as spending Sunday
afternoons at a local high school where they
tutor students in math and science courses,
or spending Martin Luther King Day at a
homeless shelter in downtown Columbus
playing with children and encouraging them
to stay in school.
Engineering Students
Receive Spirit Award
ECOS (Engineers for Community
Service) was selected as a recipient
of the Spirit of Ohio State Award. This
award is designed to be conferred to
those students/student organizations
who embody the “Sprit of Ohio State”
and who exude the values of Student
Affairs: relationships, mutual respect,
integrity, innovation and service. ECOS,
in existence for approximately two years,
began as a means for Engineering
students to contribute their skills and
knowledge in service to others. Already,
the organization has over 300 students
on their current mailing list and have
accomplished a number of items, such
as an organizational web site, Mission
statement and by-laws, travel to Honduras over spring break to perform various
service projects, local projects, guest
speakers, planning for future projects,
etc. See story on opposite page. To
learn more about ECOS, please visit
their web site at http://ecos.osu.edu/. ECE’s Professor Kevin Passino is the
faculty advisor for ECOS.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
U ndergraduate R esearch
The research opportunities for undergraduate students are diverse and extremely challenging. This type of directed reseach especially when working with a faculty mentor - is essential in providing undergraduate students with a complete education, and
it will prepare students for future graduate studies and/or the corporate world in ways regular curriculum cannot achieve. Below
we have listed some of these undergraduate projects.
“400 MHz-100GHz Multiband
Radar,” Rob Olmon (B.S.E.C.E. with
distinction Winter 2006), Matt Silverman (B.S.E.C.E. Autumn 2005, M.S.
Spring 2006), Steve Horst (B.S.E.C.E.
with distinction Spring 2004), Larry
Martin (B.S.E.C.E. Winter 2006),
C. Keith Blevins (B.S.E.C.E. Spring
2006), Jeff Duly (B.S.E.C.E. Spring
2006, pursuing M.S. degree at OSU),
advisor: Walter Burnside. This project
was delivered to MIT Lincoln Labs in
2005 and is fully operational in their
measurement facility.
“Identifying geometries of magnetic field perturbers in the human
brain by simulating protonic monte
carlo walks,” Jonathan Kopechek,
B.S.E.C.E. Spring 2006, advisor:
Bradley Clymer. This project was
funded by OSU College of Engineering and presented at DURF.*
“Mobile Element Scheduling in
Sensor Networks,” Robert Brewer,
B.S.E.C.E. Spring 2006, advisor:
Eylem Ekici. This project contributed
to the paper, titled “Data Harvesting
with Mobile Elements in Wireless Sensor Networks,” by Yaoyao Gu, Doruk
Bozdag, Robert W. Brewer, and Eylem
Ekici, which will appear in Computer
Networks Journal (Elsevier), 2006.
“Molecular Electronics and
SmartCard Technology using Organic
Semiconductors,” Sita Asar, B.S.
in Physics Spring 2005. Presented
at DURF* and published in Applied
Physics Letters (Nov. 14, 2005).
“Flexible Polymer Light Emitting
Diodes,” Scott Orlove, (B.S.E.C.E.
Spring 2005) and Eric Wang,
(B.S.E.C.E. Spring 2006). Presented
at DURF* at the Fall 2005 MRS
Meeting in Boston, MA, 2005.
“Dynamic Maneuvers in Legged Locomotion,” Simon Curran, B.S.E.C.E.
with distinction Summer 2005 and
pursuing an M.S. degree at OSU,
advisor: David Orin. Received second
place at DURF* Spring 2005. Simon
is continuing this project, moving
from quadruped locomotion to biped
locomotion. Another three-year grant
from the National Science Foundation
has been received.
Advisor: Paul Berger, Mentor:
Yoo-Jun Yoon. These projects are
continuing at the graduate level and
are funded by the National Science
“Field Effect Transistor-Based
Biosensor,” Mark Elias, B.S.E.C.E
with distinction Spring 2005, pursuing M.S. in BioEngineering at OSU,
advisor: Len Brillson. This project
was funded by the Ohio Space Grant
Consortium, and OSU College of Engineering Experiment Station Internship. Mark is currently working with
Profs. Steve Lee and Len Brillson on
a related project.
“Quantum Functional Nanoelectronic Circuits for Extending Si CMOS,”
Jeffrey Daulton. Presented at DURF*
and the International Semiconductor
Device Research Symposium 2005,
advisor: Paul Berger. Jeff is continuing the project, which is funded by the
National Science Foundation.
“DARPA Grand Challenge: Desert
Buckeyes Vehicle Safety Spec,” Matthew Kabert, B.S.E.C.E. Spring 2005.
“Terrain Modeling in a Robotic
Simulation Environment,” Matt Knollman, B.S.E.C.E. with distinction Spring
2005, currently pursuing M.S. degree.
“Analysis of LabView Programming
Language for Real-Time Object Identification,” Laura O’Rear, B.S.E.C.E.
Spring 2005.
Advisor: Ümit Özgüner. Investigations
done and results obtained in these
projects were used by the Desert
Buckeyes team in the DARPA Grand
* DURF - Denman Undergraduate Research Forum
The Ohio State University
U ndergraduate S cholarships
Many Electrical and Computer Engineering students at The Ohio State University have been fortunate recipients of scholarships
given by generous alumni, faculty and friends of the department. Some of the donors have made their gifts anonymously while
others have given in memory of a loved one. Totals of $220,260 in 2004-2005 and $206,500 in 2005-2006 were awarded.
Eugene C. Gee and Mona Fay Gee Memorial Fund, established in 1965 with a bequest from Mona Fay Gee (B.Phil. 1897) in memory of her husband, Eugene C. Gee (M.E. Elec. Eng. 1897), herself, and her father and mother, Dr.
David C. Fay and Mrs. Mary A. Fay.
Ed Wing-Kui Kan Memorial Scholarship Fund, established in
2000 by his wife, Kris Kan, in memory of Ed Wing-Kui Kan
(B.S.E.E., 1981).
Robert B. Bockstiegel and Viola V. Bockstiegel Memorial
Scholarship Fund, established in 1992 by the estate of Viola
Lowell C. Hoelle Memorial Scholarship Fund, established in 2000 by gifts from his wife, Mrs. Mary S. Hoelle, and his
sons, John L. and Thomas S. Hoelle, in memory of Lowell C. Hoelle (B.E.E., 1940).
Hendrix Scholarship, established in 1996 as an anonymous donation to the department.
Brian Beck
Justin Benedict
Lianghao Chen
Robert Chenkovich
Christopher Dyer
Ahmed Fasih
Jonathan Lee
Kyle Phillips
Geunmin Ryu
Benjamin Sinsheimer
Thomas Sokol
Matthew Stephanson
Hong Tang
Bei Wang
Aaron Williams
Allen Farel
Ke Sun
Jonathan Kopechek
Michael Lucas
Paul Birkmeyer
Ross Steward
Sarah Switzer
Byrne Okey
Lauren Achor
Lyndsay Benedict
Paul Birkmeyer
Andrew Duly
Allen Farel
Galen Hoffman
Andrew Milley
Jennifer Rutledge
Richard Sands
Adam Schartz
Ross Steward
Daniel Twaddell
Andrew Branmink
Dustin Brown
David Matthew Daniel
Nathan Denning
Brian Eckerly
Andrew Duly
Robert Feisley
Matthew Ferris
Nathan Hodge
Galen Hoffman
Adam Lindsay
Robert Olmon
Adam Porr
Richard Sands
Matthew Schmidt
Gabriel Aboumrad
Brian Anschutz
Brian Ayers
Omar Bahader
Kenneth Balough
Brian Beck
Richard Breneman
Robert Brichler
Matthew Bucknor
Clinton Buie
David Bushman
Michael Cheah
Yen-Ting Chen
Frank C. and Louise Orton Caldwell Memorial Fund,
established in 1954 by his wife, Louise O. Caldwell and friends
of Frank C. Caldwell, former professor and chair of electrical
engineering. In 1991, this fund was merged with the Frank
Cary and Louise Orton Caldwell Scholarship which was established in 1970 by Carolyn Kramer Serling and Rod Serling.
John F. Byrne and Perry Okey Memorial Scholarship Fund,
established in 1983 by the family and friends of John F. Byrne.
Benjamin G. Lamme Scholarship Fund, established in 1926
with a bequest from Benjamin G. Lamme.
Everett L. Shaffstall Engineering Scholarship Fund, established
in 1976 by Everett L. Shaffstall (B.S. Elec. Eng.. 1963).
Kenneth J. Breeding Memorial Scholarship Fund, established
in 2006 by Mrs. Julie Breeding and family, in memory of Ken
Breeding, professor emeritus in the Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering.
Yi-Jui Chen
Andrew Cloyes
Trevor Curry
Chirag Das
Jeffrey David
Jon Debarbrie
Jason Duale
Eric Eiben
Scott Ferrell
Bernardo Gama
Michael Haig
Nicholas Harper
Amal Hassan
Clayton Hochstrasser
Michael Huddleson
Syed Hussaini
George Hwang
David Johnson
Kin Kam
Peichen Kan
Kenny Kei
Justin Kennard
Richard Kershaw
Jonathan Kopechek
Jennifer Kramer
Adam Lark
Hermann Lau
Michael Lawrence
Yun Ling
Alfred Lo
Timothy Mia
Andrew Malonis
Joshua Melnick
Eric Meusburger
Chiraag Mittal
William Moulder
Ridwan Mulyana
Aaron Myers
Jennifer Nappier
Mattnew Neifer
Mark O’Brien
Idahosa Osaretin
Stephen Paine
Suchin Parihar
Robert Paros
Aneeta Patankar
Kenneth Roberts
Erwin Rosli
Andrew Roth
Connor Sage
Mitchell Sartoski
Stephen Sawyer
Nicholas Shah
Azizi Shuma
Matthew Stephanson
Russell Stoner
Charles Straka
Gregory Taylor
Kibanou Tchalim
Jonathan Teets
Andrew Theiss
Chia-Ling Tsai
Kaichien Tsai
William Tucciarone
Daniel Twaddell
Thomas Tweedle
Michael Vanchy
Timothy Varret
Jennifer Washco
Frederick Weiss
Mario Widjaja
Adam Young
Justin Ziniel
Christine Bryant
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Matthew Ackerman
Timothy Arnold
Robert Brichler
Kevin Crawford
Simon Curran
Jason Dignan
Joseph Gourley
Guven Kip
Eric Kronberg
Seoktae Lee
Amanuel Lemma
Michael Lucia
Francis Manuguerra
Vincent Prawira
Scott Rose
Jordon Schultz
Sachin Shah
Timothy Steinmetz
Alaeddin Yousef
Robert Brewer
Amin Mahalati-Shirati
Brian Kellogg
Ernest Carducci
David Adams
Kevin Ponziani
Patrick Kenny
Jeffrey Duly
Mark Andrews
Nathan Voss
Jogender Nagar
Jeremy Funk
D e g r e e P ro g r a m s
Undergraduate Degree Programs
Undergraduate Enrollment
TOTAL enrollment888
B.S.E.C.E. degrees
w/ specialization in elec eng
w/ specialization in cptr eng
TOTAL degrees awarded200
B.S.E.C.E. degrees w/ honors
Graduate Enrollment
TOTAL enrollment321
M.S. degrees86
Ph.D. degrees21
TOTAL degrees awarded107
Undergraduate Enrollment
TOTAL enrollment773
B.S.E.C.E. degrees
w/ specialization in elec eng
w/ specialization in cptr eng
TOTAL degrees awarded186
B.S.E.C.E. degrees w/ honors
he Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers two undergraduate programs, Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, both of which are accredited according to the program requirements
established by ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology). Completion of either program yields the degree of Bachelor of Science in
Electrical and Computer Engineering (B.S.E.C.E.) with the specialization
of either Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering annotated on
the official transcript. A combined B.S. and M.S. program is also available to ECE students who qualify. This program allows students to count
some technical elective courses for both the B.S. and M.S. degrees, thus
reducing the total time to finish the two degrees. In the last two years, five
students have participated in this program.
The department is always devising new courses to help our students
keep up with changing technology. During this time period students could
take new courses in Real-Time and Embedded System Design Technologies, Numerical Methods for Electromagnetics, and Nanofabrication and
Nanomanufacturing. Two courses on applied software engineering, jointly
taught by Computer Science & Engineering, have been moved from the
graduate level down to the undergraduate level because of the growing
need for many of our B.S. graduates to know this material.
In the last couple of years the department has been increasing research exposure to its undergraduate students. An honors version of the
small group capstone design course allows undergraduates to work with
graduate students on a research team. Many students also are engaged
in research by completing an undergraduate honors thesis. After performing the research they must document it in a written thesis and then orally
defend it in front of faculty advisors.
The department again won the Best Minority Engineering Program
Award in the College of Engineering for providing the best effort in advising minority students. Professor Jose Cruz volunteers as a faculty minority
advisor and holds periodic pizza meetings for minority students to network
and learn of new educational opportunities. Graduate Enrollment
TOTAL enrollment270
M.S. degrees58
Ph.D. degrees38
TOTAL degrees awarded96
The Ohio State University
Graduate Programs
n the past 3 years, there has been
an intentional effort to shift the
graduate program to emphasize
studies towards a Ph.D. A more
structured policy for the hiring of
Graduate Teaching Associates (GTA)
was implemented to favor those
students who are pursuing the Ph.D.
The Ph.D. qualifying exam was also
changed to an oral exam that tests
the student’s ability to do research
rather than the previous written
exam which emphasized coursework
material. Also, students can now
waive the qualifying exam if they
demonstrate significant evidence of
research such as a journal paper.
The effect of these changes has
been a shift in the composition of
the graduate student population. Our
graduate students are now evenly
split between those on track for a
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees, whereas
five years ago there were two M.S.
students for every Ph.D. student.
Another new initiative that was
introduced two years ago was the
Ph.D. Teaching Fellow program.
The Teaching Fellow was given the
responsibility of an undergraduate
course to teach on his or her own,
under the mentoring of a senior faculty member. This program targeted
Ph.D. students who were interested
in pursuing an academic career and
had an excellent research record
to obtain a position at a top tier
university. The hope was to give the
students a “leg up” on the competition by providing them with teaching experience that is equivalent to
what they would encounter as a first
year Assistant Professor. After going
through a highly selective process,
including an interview with a selection committee, a small number (one
or two) of students were awarded
the Teaching Fellow. The first one to
receive the award was Marinos Vou-
vakis. Upon graduation he accepted
an Assistant Professor position at
the University of Massachusetts
Amherst, and he commented that
the experience of being a Teaching
Fellow helped him tremendously
during the interview process for the
position. In the second year, Luther
Palmer and Kambiz Azarian were
Teaching Fellows.
With a number of new courses
introduced yearly, the graduate
program continues to be very healthy
and vibrant. In fact, the typical
number of Ph.D. graduates in any
given year in our department hovers
around 20, and in the recent past
has never exceeded 25. However,
this past year (from Summer 2005
to Spring 2006), we graduated 38
Ph.D. students. This is a phenomenal number when one considers
that the top 10 ECE programs in the
country graduate approximately 0.6
Ph.D. students per faculty each year.
This year our ratio is about 0.8, an
accomplishment to be proud of.
The “dark cloud” to report is due
to a national trend, and not in our
hands to control. The graduate student population which had peaked
with the post dot-com economy, is
now declining. Furthermore, applications from foreign countries have
declined greatly. This may be attributed to difficulties in getting visas,
the disenchantment of international
students with U.S. foreign policy,
and many schools around the world
putting significant resources into recruiting the top students within their
country as well as internationally.
This combined effect has resulted in
a large drop in international student applicants. At OSU, we were
not immune from these effects and
our applicant pool has diminished
Teaching Hours of ECE Faculty
in ECE Courses
(8,321 student credit hours)
Rank 2 students 749
Rank 3 students 3,791
Rank 4 students 12,663
M.S. students 2,360
Ph.D. students 6,558
Continuing Ed. students 331
TOTAL teaching hours26,452
Teaching Hours of ECE Faculty
in ECE Courses
(8,145 student credit hours)
Rank 2 students 625
Rank 3 students 3,607
Rank 4 students 12,563
M.S. students 2,479
Ph.D. students 7,488
Continuing Ed. students 294
TOTAL teaching hours27,056
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
F e l l ows h i p s
Christian Austin, AFRL
Phillip D. Barnes, NIH
Ryan Bobka, Harris
Ryan Chilton, DDU
Petro Cociorva, DUF
Bin Gao, UF
Paulo F. Gotardo, Fulbright/Brazil
Kevin Groves, DAGSI
Yaoyao Gu, UF
Daniel E. Hack, OSGC
Julie Jackson, NSF
Hongjun Jia, DUF
Jun Kong, UF
Darren P. Krasny, DDUF
Lifeng Lai, DUF
Seung-Cheol Lee, Ansoft
Wenfei Li, DAGSI
Adam Margetts, OSGC
Jayanta Mukherjee, TI
Sugumar Murugesan, UF
Sukkeun Myoung, Schlesinger
Arul Palanivelu, DUF
Jason Parry, TI
Theodore Pavlic, DDU
John Sandora, Northrup-Grumman
Ryan Schultz, DUF
Sriram Seshadri, Microsoft
Subhojit Som, DUF
Ziyi Sun, DUF
Yan Tsang, DGE
Sergey Tumakha, Litton
Jonathan Ulrey, Northrup-Grumman
Brian Usner, NASA
Marinos Vouvakis, Ansoft
Xuejin Wen, DUF
Brent Woods, DUF
Lu (Cynthia) Xu, Schlesinger
Salih Yarga, UF
Yue Yu, UF
Kun Yuan, UF
Xin Yuan, DAGSI
Kezhong Zhao, Northrup-Grumman
Yongling Zheng, UF
Jacob Adams, DDU
Joshua Ash, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Seyfettin Bilgin, Litton
Andrew Carlin, NASA
Chinling Chang, Harris
Xian Chen, UF
Ryan Chilton, Northrup-Grumman
Jeffrey Chow, DGE
Ryan Christopher, DGE
Katherine Dykes, UF
Paulo F. Gotardo, Fulbright/Brazil
Yiran Hu, DUF
AFRL: Air Force Research Lab
DAGSI: Dayton Area Graduate Studies Institute
DDUF: Dean’s Distinguished University Fellowship (3 years)
DGE: Dean’s Graduate Enrichment Fellowship (2 years)
DUF: Distinguished University Fellowship (2 years)
ITS: Intelligent Transportation Systems
Julie Jackson, DAGSI
Sanjeev Jindal, DGE
Sangil Jwa, DAGSI
Ozan Koyluoglu, UF
Jeffrey Kula, NASA
Arda Kurt, ITS
Sukkeun Myoung, Schlesinger
Ruben Ortega, DGE
Jason Parker, NSF
Theodore Pavlic, DDU
Tao Peng, UF
Bryan Raines, DGE
Naveen Ramakrishnan, UF
Alexander Ruege, Northrup-Grumman
Jong Hoon Ryu, Schlesinger
Michael Schuette, NSF GK-12
Mohammad Shahmohammadi, UF
David Sigthorsson, DAGSI
Chad Slick, Northrup-Grumman
Ziyi Sun, DUF
Justin Teller, DAGSI
Juan Torres, Fulbright
Matthew Valerio, UF
Dijia Wu, UF
Lu (Cynthia) Xu, Schlesinger
Rong Xu, ITS
Yiguang Xuan, UF
Xin Yuan, DUF
Yuan Zhang, TI
GE: Graduate Enrichment Fellowship (1 year)
NIH: National Institute of Health
OSGC: Ohio Space Grant Consortium
UF: University Fellowship (1 year)
TI: Texas Instruments
The Ohio State University
G r a d uat e s
Sinha, Piyush Mohan, “Nanoengineered Implantable Devices for Controlled Drug Delivery,”
Advisors: G. Valco and M. Ferrari
Sun, Jing, “Studies on Graph-Based Coding Systems,” Advisor: O. Takeshita
Andre, Carrie Leigh, “III-V Semiconductors on SiGe
Substrates for Multi-Junction Photovoltaics,”
Advisor: S. Ringel
Argueta-Diaz, Victor, “Proof of Feasibility of FreeSpace Optical Cross-Connect System Using Digital
MEMS,” Advisor: B. Anderson
Yoon, Ho Kwon, “Multi-Standard Receiver for
Bluetooth and WLAN,” Advisor: M. Ismail
Liu, Jingbo “Modeling, Analysis and Design of
Integrated Starter Generator System Based on
Field Oriented Controlled Induction Machines,”
Advisor: L. Xu
Younus, M D Iqbal, “Circuit Design for Low Voltage
Wireless Receiver with Improved Image Rejection,” Advisor: M. Ismail
Lu, Wenzhe, “Modeling and Control of Switched
Reluctance Machines for Electromechanical Brake
System,” Advisor: A. Keyhani
Boeckl, John Jeffrey, “Microstructural Investigation
of Defects in Epitaxial GaAs Materials Grown on
Mismatched Ge and SiGe/Si Substrates, Advisor:
S. Ringel
Al-Araje, Abdul-Nasser Sayer, “Micronetwork
Based Sistem-On-FPGA (SOFPGA) Architecture,”
Advisor: J. DeGroat
Comanescu, Mihai, “Novel Flux and Speed Estimation Techniques for Sensorless Control of Induction Motors,” Advisor: L. Xu
Chiu, Chin-Yung, “Broadband CMOS Power Amplifier for IEEE 802.11 a/b/g Wireless LAN Transmitters,” Advisor: M. Ismail
El-Tayeb, Mohammed Soleiman, “Efficient Data
Scheduling for Real-Time Large-Scale Data-Intensive Distributed Applications,” Advisor: F. Özgüner
Cho, Jaeyoun, “Speech Enhancement Using Microphone Array,” Advisor: A. Krishnamurthy
Fayed, Ayman Adel, “Adaptive Techniques for Analog and Mixed Signal Integrated Circuits,”
Advisor: M. Ismail
Ge, Ye, “QOS Provisioning for IEEE 802.11 Protocols,” Advisor: Y. Zheng
Gumussoy, Suat, “Optimal H-Infinity Controller
Design and Strong Stabilization for Time-Delay
and MIMO Systems,” Advisor: H. Özbay
Jin, Niu, “High Performance Si-Based Tunneling
Structures and Their Applications to Integrated
Circuitry,” Advisor: P. Berger
Jung, Jin-Woo, “Modeling and Control of Fuel Cell
Based Distributed Generation Systems,” Advisor:
A. Keyhani
Kim, Hyung Joon, “Multi-Standard Radio Tranceiver Architectures and Radio Frequency Front-End
Design,” Advisor: M. Ismail
Lee, Kwan-Ho, “Development of Three Novel UWB
Antennas Assisted by FDTD Method,” Advisor: R.
Liu, Yanfei, “Cohesive Behaviors of Cooperative
Multiagent Systems with Informational Flow Constraints,” Advisor: K. Passino
Marwali, Mohammad Nanda, “Digital Control of
PWM Inverters for High Performance Uninterruptible Power Supplies,” Advisor: A. Keyhani
Mital, Rashmi, “Design and Demonstration of a
Novel Optical True Time Delay Technique Using
Polynomial Cells Based on White Cells,” Advisor:
B. Anderson
Rockway, Jeanne T., “Electromagnetic Field Determination of Antenna Systems in Complex Structural Environments by the Spherical Harmonic
Interface Procedure,” Advisor: E. Newman
Savla, Anup, “Digital Calibration Algorithms for
Nyquist-Rate Analog to Digital Converters,”
Advisor: M. Ismail
Li, Jingchuan, “Adaptive Sliding Mode Observer
and Loss Minimization for Sensorless Field Orientation Controlled Induction Machines,” Advisor:
L. Xu
Chun, Hee, “Auditory Sensory Feedback Tool to
Supplement Visual Data Perception in Radiologic
Imaging - A Demonstration Using MR Mammography,” Advisors: B. Clymer and M. Knopp
Chung, Sung-Yong, “Si/SiGe heterostructures:
Materials, Physics, Quantum Functional Devices
and Their Integration With Heterostructure Bipolar
Transistors,” Advisor: P. Berger
Dai, Min, “Control of Power Converters in Distributed Generation Systems,” Advisor: A. Keyhani
Esmaili, Gholamreza, “Application of Advanced
Power Electronics in Renewable Energy Sources
and Hybrid Generating Systems,” Advisors: L. Xu
and S. Sebo
Fisher, John Sheridan, “Application of Model
Driven Architecture Design Methodologies to
Mixed Signal System Design Projects,” Advisor: S.
He, Bo, “Compatible Discretizations for Maxwell’s
Equations,” Advisor: F. Teixeira
He, Chao, “Advanced Wavelet Application for Video
Compression and Video Object Tracking,” Advisor:
Y. Zheng
Hue, Yik-Kiong, “Analysis of Electromagnetic WellLogging Tools,” Advisor: F. Teixeira
Jalali Farahani, Bahar, “Adaptive Digital Calibration Techniques for High Speed, High Resolution
Sigma Delta ADCS for Broadbands Wireless Applications,” Advisor: M. Ismail
Krasny, Darren Paul, “Evolving Dynamic Maneuvers in a Quadruped Robot,” Advisor: D. Orin
Ma, Qi, “Model Based Control And Efficient
Calibration For Crank-To-Run Transition In ST
Engines,” Advisor: S. Yurkovich
Marashdeh, Qussai Mohammad, “Advances in
Electrical Capacitance Tomography,” Advisor: F.
Margetts, Adam Robert, “Joint Scale-Lag Diversity
in Mobile Wideband Communications,” Advisor: P.
Mukherjee, Jayanta, “General Non Linear Perturbation Model of Phase Noise in LC Oscillators, “
Advisor: P. Roblin
Palanivelu, Arul Durai Murugan, “Tree Search Algorithms for Joint Detection and Decoding,“ Advisor:
H. El-Gamal
Park, Seok-Bae, “Compact High Performance
Analog CMOS Baseband Design Solutions for
Multistandard Wireless Transceivers,“ Advisor: M.
Seo, Seung Mo, “A Fast IE-FFT Algorithm for Solving Electromagnetic Radiation,“ Advisor: J. Lee
Srisukh, Yudhapoom, “Development of Hybrid
Explicit/implicit and Adaptive H and P Refinement
for the Finite Element Time Domain Method,”
Advisor: R. Lee
Su, Yong, “Mathematical Modeling with Application in High-Performance Coding,” Advisor: Y.
Surittikul, Nuttawit, “Pattern Reconfigurable
Printed Antennas and Time Domain Method of
Characteristic Modes for Antenna Analysis and
Design,” Advisor: R. Rojas
Tang, Zhijun, “Information-Theoretic Management
of Mobile Sensor Agents,” Advisor: Ü. Özgüner
Tumakha, Sergey P, “Investigation of 4H and 6HSIC Thin Films and Schottky Diodes Using DepthDependent Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy,”
Advisor: L. Brillson
Usner, Brian, “Generalized Hybrid Methods For
Modeling Complex Electromagnetic Structures,”
Advisor: J. Volakis
Kwon, Ojin, “Nonolithic Integration of III-V Optoelectronics on SI,” Advisor: S. Ringel
Vouvakis, Marinos, “A Non-Conformal Domain
Decomposition Method for Solving Large Electromagnetic Wave Problems,” Advisor: J. Lee
Lee, Sunyoung , “Distributed Effect in Power
Transistors and the Optimization of the Layouts of
ALGAN/GAN HFETs,” Advisor: P. Roblin
Walker, Dennis Eugene, “The Role of Effects
on Schottky and Ohmic Contact Characteristics for
Gan and Algan/Gan High-Electron Mobility Transistors,” Advisor: L. Brillson
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
G r a d uat e s
White, Brad D., “Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy Studies of Aluminum Gallium Nitride and
Silicon Device Structures as a Function of Irradiation and Processing,” Advisor: L. Brillson
Xu, Yifan, “Studies On Field Effect Transistors
With Conjugated Polymers and High Permitivity
Gate Dielectrics Using Pulsed Plasma Polymerization,” Advisor: P. Berger
Yu, Hai, “ The Adaptive Seeking Control Strategy
and Applications in Automotive Control Technology,” Advisor: Ü. Özgüner
Zhang, Ling, “System and Circuit Design
Techniques for WLAN-Enables Multi-Standard
Receiver,” Advisor: M. Ismail
Zhao, Yi, “Studies On Error Control for 3-D
Zerotree Wavelet Video Streaming,” Advisor: S.
Master Degrees: Thesis
Andrews, Burton Warren, “Engineering Applications of Foraging Theory,” Advisor: K. Passino
Avila, Alberto Jose, “Performance Analysis and
Model for a Broadcast Wireless Network Protocol
in an Urban Intersection Environment,” Advisor: F.
Bozdag, Doruk, “A Task Duplication Based Scheduling Algorithm Using Partial Schedules,” Advisor:
F. Özgüner, Co-Advisor: Ü. Çatalyürek
Buss, Benjamin J., “Comparisons of Serial and
Parallel Implementations of Benchmark Codes
in MATLAB, OCTAVE, and FORTRAN,” Advisor: A.
Butz, Maren A., “Video and Image Analysis and
Classification for Military Vehicles,” Advisor: S.
Chien, Jen-Chun Andy, “Surround Sensing and
Sensor Fusion of Off-Road Autonomous Ground
Vehicles,” Advisor: Ü. Özgüner
Chilton, Ryan, “An Analytical and Numerical
Investigation of Unidirectional Magnetic Photonic
Crystals,” Advisor: R. Lee
Czarnecki, Alan Bentley, “Control-Oriented Modeling and Control Design,” Adivsor: S. Yurkovich
Donderici, Burkay, “FDTD Algorithms with Novel
Surgridding and Alternating Direction Implicit
Schemes,” Advisor: F. Teixeira
Sharif, Tariq, “Combined Top Down and Bottom Up
Design Approach for Design of Mixed Signal High
Speed Digital Interface,” Advisor: S. Bibyk
Dutta, Prabal Kumar, “On Random Event Detection with Wireless Sensor Networks,” Advisor: S.
Sharma, Gaurav, “Parallelization of a Simulink
Based High Fidelity Radar Model and simMPI: An
MPI-BLOCKSET for Simulink,” Advisor: A. Krishnamurthy
Gibbs, Solomon Francis, “A Tool for the Generation of Naturally Parallel MATLAB Code,” Advisor:
S. Ahalt
Hack, Daniel E. “A Cortical Measure of the Perceptual Center of Gravity,” Advisor: A. Krishnamurthy
Herzog, Artemas, “Image Analysis of Optical
Coherence Tomography: Recovering Optic Nerve
Head Geometry,” Advisor: K. Boyer
Iyer, Siddharth, “Design of Switching Circuits for
Reconfigurable Antennas,” Advisor: R. Rojas
Jackson, Julie Ann, “A Physically-based Model for
the Generation of Synthetic VHF SAR Clutter Images,” Advisor: R. Moses
Kale, Mehmet Cemil, “Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Parameter
Based Computer Assisted Diagnostic Tool Using
Three Random Variable Co-Occurrence Approach,”
Advisors: B. Clymer and M. Knopp
Kang, Phil-Su, “Real-Time Scheduling and
Resource Management in Phased Array Radar
Systems,” Advisor: C. Lee
Kartha Komattil, Resmi, “Simulink Implementation of a Telephone Communication Device for
Elderly Individuals with Hearing Loss,” Advisor: A.
Sood, Saurabh, “Applications of Graph Spectral
Clustering to Audio and Image Segmentation,”
Advisor: A. Krishnamurthy
Subrumanian, Sudhir, “OE-Track: A Service
Oriented Architecture (SOA) Based Design for a
Reliable, Near Realtime Patient and Equipment
Tracking in Hospitals,” Advisor: F. Khan
Teh, Hee-Lim, “Channel Model and Pilot Symbol
Assisted QPSK Modulation for Dedicated Short
Range Communication in an Open Area,” Advisor:
O. Takeshita
Turner, Anishka, “Design Framework and Exploration of a Pin Modem System,” Advisor: S. Bibyk
Varma, Tushar, “Studies in Optimization for PID
Control,” Advisor: S. Yurkovich
Lueck, Mathew, “The Impact of Annealing and Flux
Ratio on the MBE Growth of GalnP Materials and
Solar Cells,” Advisor: S. Ringel
Wang, Yun, “Estimating Wave Velocities on Congested Freeways,” Advisor: B. Coifman
Machado, Ernesto Omar, “Rhythmic Analysis of
Accoustic Musical Signals,” Advisor: A. Krishnamurthy
Weber, Christopher Alan, “OR-Eye: A Health Care
Information System Built with XML Web Services
and Enhanced with Policy-Based Open Security
Specifications,” Advisor: F. Khan
Nagarajan, Ramprasad, “MPLS Rerouting for Next
Generation Networks,” Advisor: E. Ekici
Younis, Bakr M, “Operating System for Analog and
Mixed Signal Circuits,” Advisor: J. DeGroat
Parker, Chakka Khianah , “An Examination of
Layout Induced Voltage Threshold Mismatch and
Effects on Latched Comparator Circuit Performance,” Advisor: S. Bibyk
Zarikian, Garo Awadis, “Harmonic Disturbance
Rejection in Feedback Linearization Control of a
Two Degrees of Freedom Helicopter,” Advisor: A.
Debnath, Mamta A., “Implementation of Digital
Predistortion Linearization Algorithms for Power
Amplifiers Using FPGAs,” Advisor: P. Roblin
Rankin, Matthew L, “The Effect of Sampling Rate
on STAP Based RFI Suppression Systems,”
Advisor: P. Pathak
Dilip, Varuna, “Path Planning for Terramax - The
Grand Challenge,” Advisor: Ü. Özgüner
Song, Junghui, “Fabrication and Characterization of AlgaN/GaN Heterostructure Devices for
Hydrogen Gas Sensing at High Temperatures,”
Advisor: W. Lu
Vural, Serdar, “WADS Routing System and
Probabilistic Analysis of Spatially Random Sensor
Networks,” Advisor: E. Ekici
Peddi, Avinash, “A High-Throughput Automated
System for Crystallizing Proteins in Lipidic Mesophases and for Preparing Precipitant Solutions,”
Advisor: Y. Zheng
Device Applications,” Advisor: P. Berger
Somogye, Ryan Hampton, “An Aging Model of NiMh Batteries for Use in Hybrid-Electric Vehicles,”
Advisor: S. Yurkovich
Kramer, Bradley Allen, “Miniaturization of a Spiral
Antenna Using High Contrast Dielectrics,” Advisor:
J. Volakis
Das, Sibasish, “Turbo-Equalization of Pulse
Shaped Multi-Carrier Modulation in Doubly Selective Channels,” Advisor: P. Schniter
Giacomo, Sandro John, “Development of Silicon
24 DiGermanium-Based
Quantum Dots for Nanoelectric
Shi, Jingpu, “Pitch-Synchronous Acoustic To Articulatory Transformation,” Advisor: A. Krishnamurthy
Ryan, Kevin W., “CMOS Sensor Data Aquisition
Using VIRTEX-II Pro and ROCKETIO,” Advisor: J.
Sariarslan, Elif, “Matching Algorithms in Multilevel
Hypergraph Partitioning,” Advisor: F. Özgüner, CoAdvisor: Ü. Çatalyürek
The Ohio State University
Abele, Jason Randall, “Characterization and
Capture for Mixed Signal Circuits and Systems,”
Advisor: S. Bibyk
Al-Homsi, Mustafa, “High Speed ADC Design
Targeting the UWB System Using TSMC 0.18mM
Technology Process,” Advisor: M. Ismail
Austin, Christian, “Interferometric Synthetic
Aperature Radar Height Estimation with Multiple
Scattering Centers in a Resolution Cell,”
Advisor: R. Moses
Bader, Ahmed Khaled, “Throughput and Delay
Optimization in Interference-Limited Multihop
Networks,” Advisor: E. Ekici
McWilliams, George T., “Design and Implementation of Multiple Autonomous Micro-Helicopters for
Indoor Testbed,” Advisor: Ü. Özgüner
Beams, James Michael, “The Development of a
Realtime Robotics System for Educational Use,”
Advisor: J. DeGroat
Niamsuwan, Noppasin, “Simple Pulse Blanking
Technique and Implementation in Digital Radiometer,” Advisor: J. Johnson
Boder, Ryan Thomas, “Real-Time Aperiodic Traffic
in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks,” Advisor: C. Lee
Prescott, Jeffrey, “Automated Registration and 3-D
Reconstruction of a Large Number of Histological
Images,” Advisor: B. Clymer
Buurma, Andrew, “Wideband Lumped Circuit Models for Integrated Spiral Inductors and Capacitors,”
Advisor: R. Rojas
Case, Eric, “Acoustic and Seismic Signal Processing for Personnel Detection and Localization,”
Advisor: R. Moses
Chehab, Zakaria, “Aging Characterization of NIMH
Batteries for Hybrid Electric Vehicles,”
Advisor: G. Rizzoni
Cociorva, Petru Iulian, “Preconditioners for Sparse
Linear Inversion,” Advisor: L. Potter
Daniels, Christina Ilene, “Design Tool Bridges
Between MATLAB and Hardware CAD Tools,”
Advisor: S. Bibyk
Das, Debosmita Ardhendu, “Advanced Power
Electronics for Hybrid Energy Systems,”
Advisor: L. Xu
Raja Manohar, Monica, “An Evaluation of
Hierarchical Articulatory Features,” Advisors: A.
Krishnamurthy and E. Fosler-Lussier
Romero, Hernan, “Acoustic and Seismic Signal
Processing for Personnel and Vehicle Bearing
Estimation,” Advisor: R. Moses
Sandora, John, “Design of the ElectoScience Lab’s
0.4-100 Ghz Compact Range Radar,” Advisor: W.
Schuette, Michael Lee, “Ohmic Contacts to the
Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Gallium Nitride
and to Aluminum Gallium Nitride/Gallium Nitride
Heterostructures,” Advisor: W. Lu
Schultz, Ryan R, “Modeling and Identification of
an Acoustic Actuator for Cavity Flow Control,”
Advisor: A. Serrani
Eng, Ju-Ling, “Higher Order Finite-Difference TimeDomain Method,” Advisor: F. Teixeira
Sigthorsson, David, “Steady State Optimization
for Constrained Tracking in Over-Actuated Linear
Systems,” Advisor: A. Serrani
Groves, Kevin, “Modelling, Simulation, and Control
Design of an Air-Breathing Hypersonic Vehicle,”
Advisor: A. Serrani
Silverman, Matthew, “Using Scripting and Verilog
AMS to Improve Design and Testbench Reuse,”
Advisor: S. Bibyk
Gu, Bo, “Supervisory Control Strategy Development for a Hybrid Electric Vehicle,” Advisor: G.
Syed, Jilani Sarmad, “A Unified Programming
Model for Building Healthcare Information Systems Using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA),”
Advisor: F. Khan
Gu, Yaoyao, “Mobility Assisted Message Delivery in
Wireless Sensor Networks,” Advisor: E. Ekici
Hamsici, Onur, “Feature Extraction: The Role of
Subclass Divisions and Spherical Representations,” Advisor: A. Martinez
Hsieh, Hao, “Design of a Fully-Integrated Frequency Synthesizer for Wireless LAN Applications,”
Advisor: S. Bibyk
Humphrey, Laura Renae, “Design, Implementation
and Simulation of a Voice Controlled, Planar Robot
Arm,” Advisor: H. Hemami
Keener, Matthew Todd, “BIOFET: Electrical Sensing
of Protein Binding,” Advisor: L. Brillson
Krieger, James, “Single-Antenna Method for
Antenna Calibration,” Advisor: E. Newman
Lai, Chun-Kit, “Magnetoplasmons in Semiconductor Materials and Applications to Millimeter Wave
Nonreciprocal Devices,” Advisor: R. Rojas
Lee, Hwa Ok, “Cylindrical FDTD Analysis of LWD
Tools through Anisotropic Dipping Layered Earth
Media,” Advisor: F. Teixeira
Tammana, Gowtham Abhilash, “Wavelet Based
Methods for SAR Raw Data Compression and Image De-Noising,” Advisor: Y. Zheng
Master Degrees:
Bansal, Diwakar, Advisor: S. Yurkovich
Barma, Mustali Mustansir, Advisor: F. Khan
Becker, Michael, Advisor: B. Clymer
Chandrasekhar, Vishak, Advisor: J. DeGroat
Cho, Ik-Sang, Advisor: S. Bibyk
Del Rio, Carlos Luis, Advisor: B. Clymer
El Riachy, Wissam, Advisor: E. Ekici
Gupta, Sunil Kumar, Advisor: S. Bibyk
Hameed, Shameem Shahul, Advisor: C. Klein
Hausyah, Dennis, Advisor: R. Lee
Hughes, Gary R., Advisor: G. Valco
Icoz, Kutay, Advisor: Ü. Özgüner
Joseph, Neena Anna, Advisor: L. Potter
Kamal, Richa, Advisor: S. Bibyk
Kannappan, Karthik, Advisor: C. Klein
Kalyanaraman, Indu, Advisor: E. Ekici
Kim, Naeyeon, Advisor: F. Teixeira
Krishnamoorthy, Muralidhar, Advisor: E. Ekici
Kula, Jeffrey S., Advisor: J. Volakis
Lin, Po-Chih, Advisor: M. Ismail
Liou, Jonathan Sang-Yaw, Advisor: P. Schniter
Liou, Shin-I, Advisor: G. Valco
Liu, Jing, Advisor: J. DeGroat
Martino, Nicholas A., Advisor: C. Klein
Mumcu, Gokhan, Advisor: J. Volakis
Oommen, Alexander, Advisor: C. Klein
Palanivelu, Arul D. M., Advisor: H. El-Gamal
Radigan, Jeffrey, Advisor: J. DeGroat
Raghunathan, Smriti, Advisor: E. Ekici
Ramachandran, Arun Kumar, Advisor: J. DeGroat
Ramakrishnan, Senthil Nathan, Advisor: S. Bibyk
Showalter, Chester David, Advisor: B. Clymer
Soda, Mark, Advisor: Ü. Özgüner
Sun, Chao, Advisor: J. DeGroat
Tomita, Minoru, Advisor: K. Passino
Varadhachari Sukumar, V., Advisor: C. Klein
Wang, Ching Hong, Adivsor: S. Bibyk
Wang, Dennis, Advisor: F. Teixeira
Wu, Hon Leung, Advisor: A. Krishnamurthy
Zhang, Yongbin, Advisor: A. Martinez
Torzewski, Douglas P, “Autonomous Vehicle Navigation,” Advisor: K. Passino
Tsang, Yan Kim, “Performance of Densely Packed
Antenna Arrays in Adaptive Mode,” Advisor: J.
Waltz, Caleb Richard, “Massively Parallel Fast Multipole Method Solutions of Very Large Electromagnetic Scattering Problems,” Advisor: J. Volakis
Woods, Brent, “Malignancy Classification With
Parallel 4-D Co-Occurrence Texture Analysis of
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance
Image Data,” Advisor: B. Clymer
Yoon, Woo-Jun, “Enhanced Light Emission Using Thin Metal-Halide Cathodic Interlayers for
Improved Injection into MEH-PPV Polymer Light
Emitting Diodes,” Advisor: P. Berger
Afzal, Shumaila, Advisor: P. Berger
Alhetairshi, Mishaal A., Advisor: S. Yurkovich
Chen, Shih-Chi Kenny, Advisor: K. Boyer
Foerster, Robert C, Advisor: C. Lee
Hwang, Seongryong, Advisor: V. Utkin
Jackson, Daniel, Advisor: P. Pathak
Lertwiriyaprapa, Titipong, Advisor: P. Pathak
Meisner, David Joseph, Advisor: S. Ringel
Micaletti, David Michael, Advisor: S. Bibyk
Rabb, David Joel, Advisor: B. Anderson
Ruiz, Jorge Johnathan, Advisor: P. Schniter
Siddiq, Ali, Advisor: J. DeGroat
Thimmri Mohammed, N., Advisor: J. DeGroat
Torres, Juan Pablo, Advisor: R. Lee
Unger, Greggory Michael, Advisor: J. Volakis
Weber, Justin, Advisor: B. Anderson
Zheng , Yongling , Advisor: Ü. Özgüner
Yu, Yue, “Low-Power Low-Phase-Noise VoltageControlled Oscillator Design,” Advisor: S. Bibyk
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
National Academy of Engineering
Founded in 1964, only about 2,000 peer-elected members and foreign associates, senior professionals in
business, academia, and government who are among the world’s most accomplished engineers make up
the prestigious NAE. The members provide the leadership and expertise for numerous projects focused on
the relationships between engineering, technology, and the quality of life. Three of The Ohio State University’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering professors are part of this elite membership:
Jose Cruz, Professor Robert Fenton, Professor Emeritus Robert Kouyoumjian, Professor Emeritus 1980
IEEE Fellows
Distinguished as an IEEE Fellow is one of the greatest honors that can be presented by the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers to an individual in recognition of technical, educational, and leadership
achievements in academia or industry. The Ohio State University’s Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering is proud of the following present and former faculty members who hold this prestigious
Kim Boyer, Professor 2004
Len Brillson, Professor 2001
Robert Burkholder, Research Scientist
Walter “Dennie” Burnside, Professor Emer. 1985
Ralph Compton, Jr., Professor Emer. 1984
Jose Cruz, Professor 1968
Robert Fenton, Professor Emer.
Jiti Gupta, Research Scientist 2000
Hooshang Hemami, Professor 1999
Mohammed Ismail El-Naggar, Professor
Ali Keyhani, Professor 1998
Hsien Ko, Professor Emer.
Robert Kouyoumjian, Professor Emer. 1976
Aharon Ksienski, Professor Emer.
Jin-Fa Lee, Professor 2005
Curt Levis, Professor Emer. 1996
Ronald Marhefka, Senior Research Scientist 1992
Benjamin Munk, Professor Emer.
Edward Newman, Professor 1989
David Orin, Professor 1993
Kevin Passino, Professor
Prabhakar Pathak, Professor 1986
Leon Peters, Jr., Professor Emer.
Roberto Rojas, Professor
Roger Rudduck, Professor Emer.
Stephen Sebo, Professor Emer.
Vadim Utkin, Professor
John Volakis, Professor
Eric Walton, Senior Research Scientist, Emer. 1995
Longya Xu, Professor 2004
Jonathan Young, Senior Research Scientist,
Steve Yurkovich, Professor
Yuan Zheng, Professor 1997
The Ohio State University
ECE Distinguished Seminar Series
Software System Stability, Prof. Lui Sha, University
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Tensor Voting Review, Applications to Computer Vision and Machine Learning, Prof. Gerard Medioni,
University of Southern California
Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in Engineering Electromagnetics,
Prof. Yahya Rahmat-Samii, University of California,
Los Angeles
Energy Conservation in Adaptive Filtering, Prof. Ali
H. Sayed, University of California, Los Angeles
Low Order Transient Modeling Tools for Feedback
Design in Flow Control, Prof. Gilead Tadmor, Northeastern University
Hybrid Dynamical Systems and Nonlinear
Feedback Control, Prof. Andrew R. Teel, University
of California, Santa Barbara
Impact of GPS Modernization and Galileo on Aviation, Prof. Per Enge, Stanford University
Cross-Layer Design for Multihop Wireless Networks,
Prof. Ness B. Shroff, Purdue University
(co-sponsored by CSE)
MIMO Wireless Communication, Dr. Dan Bliss, MIT
Lincoln Laboratory
Computer Vision Techniques for Analysis of Human
Gesture, Prof. Stan Sclaroff, Boston University
Jointly Optimal Congestion and Interference
Control in Broadband CDMA, Prof. Tara Javidi,
University of California, San Diego
Creating Provably Stable Biped Robot Walking
and Running: Theory and Experiment, Prof. Eric R.
Westervelt, Mechanical Engineering, OSU
Multiple Antenna Downlink Channels with Finite
Rate Feedback, Prof. Nihar Jindal, University of
SiGe Heterostructure Devices: Overview and
Outlook, Dr. Steven J. Koester, IBM TJ Watson
Research Center
Opportunistic Decoding: Maximizing rate and reliability in channels with feedback, Dr. Stark Draper,
University of California, Berkeley
Automotive Telematics and Networking - Opportunities and Challenges, Dr. Wai Chen, Telcordia
Antenna and Algorithm Design in MIMO Communication Systems: Exploiting the Spatial Selectivity
of Wireless Channels, Prof. Robert W. Heath Jr.,
University of Texas at Austin
The State-of-the-Art in Electron Beam Lithography
and Future Challenges, Dr. Timothy Groves, Leica
Microsystems Lithography
Hacking with Megawats: Threats to Power Grid Security via Networked Control, Prof. Chris DeMarco,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Center for Control Seminar Series
Research Activities and Challenges at GE Global
Research Center, Dr. Yu Zhang, General Electric
Global Research Center
Phantom Track Generation using Multiple Electronic Combat Air Vehicles (ECAV), Prof. Suhada
Jayasuriya, Texas A&M University
Training, Feedback, and INformation Exchange in
Wireless Systems, Prof. Michael Honig, Northwestern University
Antenna and Algorithm Design in MIMO Communication Systems: Exploiting the Spatial Selectivity
of Wireless Channels, Prof. Robert W. Heath Jr.,
University of Texas, Austin
Collective Motion in Engineered and Natural Multi-Agent Systems, Prof. Naomi Ehrich Leonard,
Princeton University
Loopy Belief Propagation: Convergence and Approximations, Prof. Alexander Ihler, University of
California, Irvine
On Securing Networked Real-Time Embedded
Systems, Prof. Kang Shin, University of Michigan
IPS Seminar Series
Low Order Transient Modeling Tools for Feedback
Design in Flow Control, Prof. Gilead Tadmor, Northeastern University
Symmetric Function Computation in Sensor
Networks, Prof. R. Srikant, University of Illinois,
Robust Generalized Principal Component Analysis
and its Applications, Prof. Kun Huang, Department
of Biomedical Informatics, OSU
Hybrid Dynamical Systems and Nonlinear Feedback Control, Prof. Andrew R. Teel, University of
California Santa Barbara
Power Electronics and the Growing Energy Revolution: The How of Alternative and Sustainable Energy, Prof. Philip Krein, University of Illinois,
Algebraic Design of Space-Time Codes Meeting
the Rate-Diversity Trade-off, Dr. Roger Hammons,
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab
Negotiation based Multiple Agent Search, Prof.
Debasish Ghose, Indian Institute of Science
Metamaterials, Shrinking Circuit Elements, and
Nanooptics, Prof. Nader Engheta, University of
ECE Colloquia and Seminars
Cooperative Communication—A Paradigm where
Network Meets the Channel, Prof. Behnaam
Aazhang, Rice University
Optimal Training For Correlated Fading Channels,
Dr. Ananthram Swami, Army Research Lab
Layered Coded Modulation for the Noncoherent
MIMO Channel, Prof. Michael McCloud, University
of Pittsburgh
Recent Results in Non-asymptotic Shannon
Theory, Dr. Dror Baron, Rice University
Cooperative Strategies for Wireless Relay Networks, Prof. Ivana Maric, Rutgers University
Advanced Si Nanotechnology and Emerging NonSi Nanoelectronic Devices for High-Performance
and Low-Power Logic Applications, Dr. Robert
Chau, Intel Corporation
Processing along the way: forwarding vs. coding,
Prof. Daniela Tuninetti, University of Illinois at
Quantum Computing and Cellular Phones, Prof.
Robert Calderbank, Princeton University
Multiuser MIMO Systems: Theoretical Limits and
Practical Strategies, Prof. Sriram Vishwanath,
University of Texas at Austin
High-Resolution Microwave Radiometric Imaging:
Unique Views of the Hydrological State, Dr. Albin J.
Gasiewski, NOAA Earth System Research Lab
The Wireless Modem in the Intelligent Vehicle:
Why, How and When, Prof. Raja Sengupta, University of California, Berkeley
Mobile Communication Technology Perspective,
Dr. Hyun Seo Oh, Electronics Telecommunication
Research Institute
Embracing ignorance in speech recognition: knowing when it’s ok not to know the answer, Prof. Eric
Fosler-Lussier, Computer Science and Engineering
Department, OSU
Averaging Through Dither in Non-smooth Feedback Systems, Prof. Francesco Vasca, Universita
del Sannio in Benevento, Italy
Closed-loop Flow Control Work at Syracuse University, Prof. Mark Glauser, Syracuse University
Limit Sets, Steady-State, Observers and Output
Regulation of Nonlinear Systems, Prof. Alberto
Isidori, Washington University in St. Louis
Modeling and Nonlinear Control of Mini UAVs,
Prof. Rogelio Lozano, Universite de Technologie de
Reduced Order Modeling for Feeback Flow
Control, Prof. Dietmar Rempfer, Illinois Institute of
Technology, Chicago, IL
Distinguished Seminar Series
Nanoscale Transistors: The Ultimate MOSFET and
Beyond, Prof. Mark Lundstrom, Purdue University
Nanotechnology Opportunities in the Silicon CMOS
World, Dr. Tak H. Ning, IBM Thomas J. Watson
Research Center
Innovations in Light-Emitting Diodes for SolidState and Smart Lighting Applications, Prof. E.
Fred Schubert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
N e w F ac u lt y
Ümit Çatalyürek joined OSU’s faculty this year as an assistant professor
with a split apointment between the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering and the Department of Biomedical Informatics in the College
of Medicine and Public Health. He obtained his Ph.D. in 2000 from Bilkent
University in Turkey. His research and areas of particular interest include
graph and hypergraph partitioning, workload and data decomposition for
irregular domains, scheduling, parallel graph and hypergraph algorithms,
high-performance runtime systems for component architectures and dataintensive computing, parallel algorithms for scientific and engineering
applications, combinatorial scientific computing and biomedical informatics.
Ü. Çatalyürek
R. Reano
Ronald Reano, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineer-
ing, joined the ECE department faculty in the Autumn of 2004. He grew up
in a small suburb of Los Angeles and studied physics as an undergraduate
student at UCLA. He then enlisted in the United States Air Force where he
was stationed in Albuquerque, NM at Kirtland Air Force Base. During his
4-½ year tenure he worked as an Aircraft Systems Reliability Analyst in the
Operational Test and Evaluation Center where he researched failure rates in
aircraft systems and subsystems. To enhance his working knowledge at the
center, Reano began taking courses in electrical engineering after which he
received a second undergraduate degree. It was this educational experience
that led him to realize that electrical engineering is what he wanted to study
further and went on to earn his M.A. and Ph.D. in 2000 and 2004, respectively, from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. His Ph.D. research included
lasers, electro-optics semiconductors, coupled-electrothermal problems, and
MEMS devices, while his post-doc work included nanotechnology for biomaterials. Ron comes to OSU hoping to bring together a multi-disciplinary group
of faculty researchers in the areas of electromagnetics, optics, and solid
Elif Uysal-Bıyıkoğlu joined OSU as an assistant professor in August
E. UysalBıyıkoğlu
2005 after a two year visiting position at MIT. As a graduate student, she
was introduced to information theory and wireless communication. After
writing her master’s thesis on maximum diversity in frequency hopping she
became interested in the junction of information theory and network theory
which was an area that had seen very little attention but is very important
for wireless networks. After obtaining her master’s degree in EECS from MIT
she moved to Stanford and began work on her Ph.D. Her thesis consisted of
several novel problem formulations on energy-efficiently transmitting data on
point-to-point and multiuser channels, their optimal solutions and good heuristics suitable for implementation. In 2003, after four years at Stanford, she
returned to MIT and continued looking at scheduling problems that occur in
wireless networks, but this time, with a different focus: maximizing throughput for a given total power constraint in the multi-antenna downlink. At OSU,
Uysal-Bıyıkoğlu is a member of the Information Processing Systems (IPS)
Lab. Her current research program has the theme of scheduling, multiplexing and routing data in wireless networks using tools of network theory and
information theory. She is also interested in system integration and protocol
design of large, low-energy networks.
The Ohio State University
F ac u lt y
Executive Director,
Ohio Supercomputer
Ph.D. 1986
Clemson University
Ph.D. 1990
University of
Ph.D. 1990
University of
Stanley C. Ahalt
Betty Lise Anderson
Paul R. Berger
E-mail: ahalt@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.0068
Office: 620 Dreese Laboratory
E-mail: anderson@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.1323
Office: 200 Caldwell Laboratory
141 ElectroScience Laboratory
E-mail: pberger@ieee.org
Phone: 614.247.6235
Office: 201 Caldwell Laboratory
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research: Concentrated on neural networks, high performance computing, signal/image/video processing, and object
identification. He has an active research program
through his collaborations with the Army Research
Laboratory (ARL), Wright Patterson Air Force Base,
and the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA), in addition to funding received
from the National Science Foundation, National
Institutes of Health, and industrial partnerships.
Betty Lise Anderson earned her MS and Ph.D. from
the University of Vermont (’87, ’90) and her BSEE
from Syracuse University in 1978. Before graduate school she worked in industry for nine years,
including Tektronix, GTE Labs, and Draper Labs.
She has been at OSU since 1990.
Prof. Berger received the BSE in Engineering Physics, and MSE & Ph.D. in EE all from the University
of Michigan, Ann Arbor. After a postdoc at AT&T
Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ (1990-1992), Prof.
Berger joined the ECE faculty at the University of
Delaware (1992-1997 Asst. Prof; 1997-2000 Assoc. Prof). In 1999, he worked at the Max-Planck
Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany
and Cambridge Display Technology, Ltd., Cambridge, UK. In 2000, Prof. Berger moved to OSU’s
ECE Dept. (2000-2003 Assoc. Prof, 2003-present
Full Prof) and also joined the OSU Physics Dept.
(2001). Prof. Berger is now Director of the Center
for Nanoscale Patterning Laboratory and Co-Director of the Nanoscale Materials Processing Center
Service: Academic lead in the area of Signal and
Image Processing (SIP) for the Department of Defense (DoD) High Performance Computing Modernization Program’s User Productivity Enhancement
and Technology Transfer (HPCMP PET) initiative. Dr.
Ahalt is one of the co-founders of the Information
Processing Systems (IPS) Laboratory in ECE, OSU.
Awards and Honors: 1997 OSU Lumley Research
Award; 1999 OSU College of Engineering Research
Award; one of three Keynote Speakers at SuperComputing 2004, Pittsburgh, PA; and under
Dr. Ahalt’s direction Ohio inaugurated the Third
Frontier Network on November 30, 2004. The
TFN is now carrying all of Higher Ed traffic in Ohio,
and has not had a service interruption since it was
inaugurated. In fall of 2006 the TFN will also carry
all of the K-12 traffic in Ohio.
Selected Publications*:
Jeremy Kepner, Stanley Ahalt, “MatlabMPI,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol, 64,
issue 8, August 2004, pp 997-1005.
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research: Photonics, including RF photonics, optical computing,
coherence, and biosensors; optical true time delay
for steering phased array antennas. In addition to
photonics, she teaches courses in semiconductor
Awards and Honors: TopCAT Award (Top Contributor
to the Advancement of Technology) for “Outstanding Woman in Technology 2005,” awarded by the
Columbus Technology Council; Patents recently
B. L. Anderson, “Optical correlation device and method,” US Patent 6,952,306, Issued October 4, 2005.
B. L. Anderson, “Optical Circulator with large number of parts and no polarization-based components,” US Patent 6,766,073, issued July 20, 2004.
Service: Associate Editor for the IEEE Journal of
Quantum Electronics, March 2004 – present.
Selected Publications*:
B. L. Anderson, R. L. Anderson, Fundamentals of
Semiconductor Devices, McGraw Hill 2005.
Junshui Ma, Ashok Krishnamurthy, and Stanley
Ahalt, “SVM Training with Duplicated Samples and
its Application in SVM-based Ensemble Methods,”
Neurocomputing, vol. 61, pp. 4555-459, 2004.
R. Mital, C. M. Warnky, B. L. Anderson, “Design
and Demonstration of a Higher Order Polynomial
Cell—Octic Cell,” Journal of Lightwave Technology,
24(2), pp. 982-990, February, 2006.
Junshui Ma, Xun Du, Stanley C. Ahalt, “2D HRR
Radar Data Modeling and Processing,” Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 14, 25– 48,
2003, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
V. Argueta-Diaz, B. L. Anderson, “Optical cross-connect system based on the White cell and 3-state
MEMS: experimental demonstration of the quartic
cell” Applied Optics, 45(19) pp 4658-4668, July
B. L. Anderson, D. J. Rabb, C. M. Warnky, F. M.
Abou-Galala, “Binary Optical True Time Delay
Based on the White Cell: Design and Demonstration,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 24(4) pp.
1886-1895, 2006.
Research Interests: Si-based Tunnel Diodes for
Quantum Functional Circuitry; Si-based Quantum
Dot Nanoswitches; Conjugated Polymer Flexible
Electronics, Foldable Optoelectronics and Photovoltaics; Passive Millimeter-Wave Imaging for Security
and Safety; Molecular Electronics using Negative
Differential Resistance.
Awards and Honors: NSF CAREER Award; DARPA
Excellence Award; Senior Member of IEEE; Member
of OSA, MRS, and ASEE; co-authored over 70 refereed journal articles; over 70 conference presentations; 4 book sections; and has been issued 6 U.S.
patents with 5 more pending.
Selected Publications*:
“Room Temperature Negative Differential Resistance in Polymer Tunnel Diodes using a Thin
Oxide Layer at the Anode and Demonstration of
Threshold Logic,” Woo-Jun Yoon et al., Appl. Phys.
Lett., 87, 203506 (2005).
“RF Performance and Modeling of Si/SiGe Resonant Interband Tunneling Diodes,” Niu Jin et al.,
IEEE Trans. Elect. Dev., 52, 2129 (2005).
“High Sensitivity Si-Based Backward Diodes for
Zero-Biased Square-Law Detection and the Effect
of Post-Growth Annealing on Performance,” Niu Jin
et al., IEEE Elect. Dev. Lett., 26, 575 (2005).
“Photoresponsivity of Polymer Thin Film Transistors
Based on PPE Derivative with Improved Hole-Injection,” Yifan Xu, Paul R. Berger, James N. Wilson
and Uwe H.F. Bunz, Appl. Phys. Lett., 85, 4219
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
F ac u lt y
Associate Professor
Ph.D. 1983
Case Western
Center for Materials
Research Scholar
Ph.D. 1972
University of
Steven B. Bibyk
Kim L. Boyer
Leonard J. Brillson
E-mail: bibyk@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.1300
Office: 381 Caldwell Laboratory
E-mail: kim@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.7947
Office: 468 Dreese Laboratory
E-mail: brillson@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.8015
Office: 387 Caldwell Laboratory
Dr. Bibyk is from Cleveland Ohio, obtained a
combination BS/MS in 1980, and a Ph.D. in 1983,
all in Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics
from Case Western Reserve University. He joined
Ohio State in 1984, where he teaches courses in
circuit and project design. He served as a visiting
Research Scientist in the Space Electronics Division at the NASA Glenn Research Center and the
Ohio Aerospace Institute, and was a Member of
the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories
in Albuquerque, NM.
Kim Boyer joined OSU in 1986. He co-founded the
IEEE-CS Workshop on Perceptual Organization, and
served as co-Chair for Computer Vision and Robotics for ICPR 2002. He has over 100 publications,
including five books. Leonard J. Brillson holds a joint appointment
between the Department of Electrical Engineering, the Department of Physics, and the Center for
Materials Research leading an interdisciplinary
research effort in Electronic Materials. Prior to
Ohio State University, he was a director of Xerox
Corporation’s Materials Research Laboratory and
had responsibility for Xerox’s long-range physical
science and technology programs at the company’s research headquarters in Rochester, N.Y. Dr.
Brillson has more than 270 professional publications including technical articles, invited reviews,
monographs and books.
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research: Mixed
Signal and RF Circuit and System Design, Information Electronics.
Awards and Honors: NASA-ASEE Summer Faculty
Fellowship - 1989, 1992; National Research
Council Summer Faculty Fellowship - 2002.
Service: Associate Editor – Analog Integrated
Circuits and Signal Processing – Springer; member
of the IEEE; a life member of APS, Tau Beta Pi, and
Eta Kappa Nu. Selected Publications*:
S. Bibyk and E. Murphy, “Overcoming Roadblocks
in Widespread Use of Hardware Description Languages for RF/Analog Design,” Proceedings of the
IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems,
pp. 1270-1273, Cincinnati Ohio, August 2005.
A. Turner, S. Bibyk, and C. Daniels, “Analog/Mixed
Signal Synthesis for High-Speed Input/Output
Channels,” Proceedings of the IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 1382-1385,
Cincinnati Ohio, August 2005.
P. Dutta, M. Grimmer, A. Aurora, S. Bibyk, and
D. Culler, “Design of a wireless sensor network
platform for detecting rare, random, and ephemeral events,” Information Processing in Sensor
Networks, IPSN 2005, April, pp. 497-502.
Ph.D. 1986
Purdue University
J. Wu and S. Bibyk, “Robust Design with Virtual
Tests of Mixed-Signal Circuits in VHDL-AMS,” Proceedings of the 2002 Int. Symposium on Circuits
and Systems, vol. 5, pp. 229-233, Phoenix, AZ,
May 2002.
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research: Image
processing and computer vision; communications,
digital design.
Awards and Honors: Fellow, IEEE; Fellow, International Association for Pattern Recognition;
Jefferson Science Fellow, US Department of State;
IEEE-CS Distinguished Speaker; Best Paper, CVPR
Service: Chair, IEEE-CS PAMI Technical Committee;
US Delegate, IAPR Governing Board; Assoc. Ed.:
Comp. Vision & Image Understanding; Machine
Vision & Appl.
Selected Publications*:
Unsalan and Boyer, “A System to Detect Houses
and Residential Street Networks in Multispectral
Satellite Images,” CVIU, V. 98, pp. 423-461, 2005.
Silva, Bellon, and Boyer, “Precision Range Image
Registration using a Robust Surface Interpenetration Measure and Enhanced Genetic Algorithms,”
IEEE Trans. PAMI, V. 27, pp. 762-776, 2005.
Unsalan and Boyer, “A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Graph Theoretical Measures
for Land Development in Satellite Imagery,” IEEE
Trans. PAMI, V. 27, pp. 575-589, 2005.
Gotardo, Silva, Bellon, and Boyer, “Range Image
Segmentation by Surface Extraction Using Improved Robust Estimator and Genetic Algorithm,”
IEEE Trans. SMC-B, V. 34, pp. 2303-2316, 2004.
Unsalan and Boyer, “Classifying Land Development
in High Resolution Satellite Imagery using Hybrid
Structural-Multispectral Features,” IEEE Trans.
Geosc. Rem. Sens., V. 42, pp. 2840-2850, 2004.
Unsalan and Boyer, “Linearized Vegetation Indices
Based on a Formal Statistical Framework,” IEEE
Trans. Geosc. Rem. Sens, V. 42, pp. 1575-1585,
The Ohio State University
Areas of Interest: Research group focuses on the
structure and properties of electronic materials interfaces, emphasizing compound semiconductors
for high speed microelectronic and optoelectronic
device structures, wide band gap semiconductors
for sensor and display applications, and thin film
dielectrics for insulating gate structures. He has
presented more than ninety invited lectures at
national or international scientific conferences.
Awards and Honors: Ohio State Engineering’s
Lumley Research Award, Xerox Corporation’s
Outstanding Achievement Award, Surface Science
Magazine’s Excellence Award, and Citation Classic
recognition by the Institute for Scientific Information. He has served for over a decade as Associate
Editor of the Journal of Electronic Materials; and
holds two patents with a third pending.
Service: He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers, a Fellow of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science, a
Fellow of the AVS, a Fellow of the American Physical Society, and a former Governing Board member
of the American Institute of Physics. He has served
on the board of editors for numerous technical
Selected Publications*:
“The Structure and Properties of Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces,” Surface Science Report Vol.2,
pp. 123-326 (1982). (Citation Classic).
“Defect Driven Inhomogeneities in Ni/4H-SiC
Schottky Barriers,” Applied Physics Letters Vol.
878, 242106-3 (2005).
*For complete list of publications see individual faculty pages at www.ece.osu.edu
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. 2000
Bilkent University
Associate Professor
Ph.D. 1998
University of California
at Berkeley
Associate Professor
Ph.D. 1987
Stanford University
Ümit Çatalyürek
Bradley D. Clymer
Benjamin Coifman
E-mail: catalyurek.1@osu.edu
Phone: 614.292-1185
Office: 316 Dreese Laboratory
E-mail: clymer@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.3477
Office: 383 Caldwell Laboratory
E-mail: coifman@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.4282
Office: 211 Caldwell Laboratory
Research Interests: Graph and hypergraph partitioning, workload and data decomposition for
irregular domains, scheduling, parallel graph and
hypergraph algorithms, high-performance runtime
systems for component architectures and data-intensive computing, parallel algorithms for scientific
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research: Signals
& Systems, Image Acquisition, Reconstruction and
Processing; Medical Applications of Signal & Image
Processing, Characterization of Tissues from MRI,
CT, ultrasound, myocardial electric impedance;
Signals & Systems, Image Acquisition, Reconstruction and Processing.
Service: Program Committee Member in CLADE
2005, 2006, 2007, HPC 2005, 2006, Grid 2005
and IPDPS 2007.
Awards and Honors: Charles E. MacQuigg Award for
Outstanding Teaching, The Ohio State University,
College of Engineering, 1996, 2001, 2005; Mortar
Board Honorary, The Ohio State University, Honorary Member, 2002; Texnikoi Engineering Honorary, The Ohio State University, Honorary Member,
2002; Fred H. Pumphrey Award for Outstanding Electrical Engineering Professor, Eta Kappa Nu,
OSU Chapter, 1996, 2001-2002.
Research Interests: (1) developing Intelligent
Transportation System (ITS) applications that can
be realized in the short term while yielding benefits
both in the short term and in the long run; (2)
bridging the gap between academia and practice,
as well as bridging the gaps between disciplines;
and (3) developing new approaches to traffic
surveillance that will lead to better traffic control
and improved traffic flow theory. Examples include
extracting more information from existing traffic
surveillance tools and developing new surveillance
tools for transportation engineering.
Selected Publications*:
X. Zhang, B. Rutt, U. Çatalyürek, T. Kurc, P. Stoffa,
M.Sen, and J. Saltz, “Supporting Scalable and Distributed Data Subsetting and Aggregation in LargeScale Seismic Data Analysis,” The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, Vol. 20, 2006.
A. Yoo, E. Chow, K. Henderson, W. McLendon,
B. Hendrickson and U. Çatalyürek, “A Scalable
Distributed Parallel Breadth-First Search Algorithm
on BlueGene/L,” Proceedings of SC2005 High
Performance Computing, Networking, and Storage
Conference, Nov 2005, Gordon Bell Finalist.
C. Aykanat, A. Põnar and U. Çatalyürek, “Permuting
Sparse Rectangular Matrices into Block-Diagonal
Form”, SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol.
25, No. 6, pp. 1860-1879, 2004.
U. Çatalyürek, M. D. Beynon, C. Chang, T. Kurc, A.
Sussman, and J. Saltz. “The Virtual Microscope,”
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in
Biomedicine, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 230-248, 2003.
Service: International Organizing Committee,
International Association of Science and Technology for Development International Conference on
Signal and Image Processing, 2005 Meeting, 2006
Selected Publications*:
Rizwan Ahmad, Deepti S. Vikram, Sergey Petryakov, Yuanmu Deng, Jay L. Zweier, Periannan
Kuppusamy, Bradley Clymer, “Automated on-the-fly
detection and correction procedure for EPR imaging data acquisition,’’ accepted for publication in
Magn. Reson. in Med., 2006.
Brent Woods, Bradley Clymer, Johannes Heverhagen, Michael Knopp, Joel Saltz, Tahsin Kurc,
“Parallel 4-D Haralick Texture Analysis for Diskresident Image Datasets,’’ accepted for publication
in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and
Experience, 2006.
Rizwan Ahmad, Bradley Clymer, Yuanmu Deng,
Guanglong He, Deepti S. Vikram, Jay L Zweier, and
Periannan Kuppusamy, “Optimization of Data Acquisition for EPR Imaging,” in press for J. Magnetic
Resonance, 2006.
Chad Showalter, Bradley Clymer, Bradford Richmond and Kimerly Powell, “Three Dimensional Texture Analysis of Cancellous Bone Cores Evaluated
at Clinical CT Resolutions,” Osteoporosis International, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 259--266, 2006.
Awards and Honors: Award for The Best ITS Research in 2000, ITS America; NSF CAREER award
2002; Two OSU College of Engineering Lumley
Research Awards in 2004.
Service: Member IEEE Intelligent Transportation
Systems Society Board of Governors, ITS MidAmerica Board of Directors, TRB Committee on
Highway Traffic Monitoring, TRB Committee on
Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics, TRB Committee on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Chair
IEEE ITS Society - Education Subcommittee. Member of the Editorial Advisory Board for Transportation Research Part A, Transportation Research Part
B. Associate Editor, ITS Journal.
Selected Publications*:
Coifman, B. “Estimating Density and Lane Inflow
on a Freeway Segment,” Transportation Research:
Part A, vol 37, no 8, 2003, pp 689-701.
Coifman, B. “Identifying the Onset of Congestion
Rapidly with Existing Traffic Detectors,” Transportation Research: Part A, vol 37, no 3, 2003, pp.
Coifman, B. and Cassidy, M. “Vehicle Reidentification and Travel Time Measurement on Congested
Freeways,” Transportation Research: Part A, vol 36,
no 10, 2002, pp. 899-917.
Coifman, B. “Estimating Travel Times and Vehicle
Trajectories on Freeways Using Dual Loop Detectors,” Transportation Research: Part A, vol 36, no
4, 2002, pp. 351-364.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
F ac u lt y
Professor of Engineering
Ph.D. 1959
University of Illinois at
Urbana- Champaign
Jose B. Cruz, Jr.
E-mail: cruz@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.1588
Office: 752 Dreese Laboratory
Dr. Cruz joined OSU in 1992 as Dean of Engineering. He is the author or coauthor of 6 books and
more than 225 articles and papers.
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research Area:
Systems and Control
Awards and Honors: Member, National Academy
of Engineering (NAE), elected 1980; Corresponding Member, National Academy of Science and
Technology (NAST, Philippines), elected 2003;
Recipient, Richard E. Bellman Control Heritage
Award, American Automatic Control Council (AACC),
1994; Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE), elected 1968; Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
(AAAS), elected 1989; Recipient, Curtis W. McGraw
Research Award, American Society for Engineering
Education (ASEE), 1972; Recipient, IEEE Richard
M. Emberson Award, 1989; Fellow, American
Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), 2004;
University of Illinois College of Engineering Alumni
Award for a Distinguished Career in Engineering,
2003; Recipient, Clara M. and Peter L. Scott Faculty Award for Excellence in Engineering Education,
College of Engineering, The Ohio State University,
Service: National Academy Of Engineering: Peer
Committee on Electronics Engineering member,
2001-2004; Vice Chair, 2002-2003; Chair, 20032004; Committee on Membership member, 19871990, 2003-2007; Committee on Diversity in
the Engineering Workforce member, 1999-2002;
Steering Committee for the Engineer 2020, Phase
I member, 2001-2002.
American Association for the Advancement of
Science: Engineering Section Member-at-Large,
1991-1995; Secretary, 1998-2003; Chair-Elect,
2003-2004; Chair, 2004-2005; Retiring Chair,
2005-2006; AAAS Council member, 2005-2006.
Associate Professor
Ph.D. 1990
University of Illinois at
Joanne E. DeGroat
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. 2002
Georgia Institute of
Eylem Ekici
E-mail: degroat@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.2439
Office: 656 Dreese Laboratory
E-mail: ekici@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.0495
Office: 320 Dreese Laboratory
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research:
Hardware Description Languages, HDL Verification,
Digital System Design, VLSI, Computer Architecture, Freshman Engineering courses, C Programming; Embedded Systems, RF VLSI, FPGA systems
Areas of Interest: Communication and computer
networks, wireless systems, sensor-based communication and computation algorithms, modeling
of networks and protocols
Awards and Honors: Outstanding Scientist of the
21st Century; Empire Who’s Who of Executives and
Service: 2001, 2002 Freshman Programs Committee; 2003 Chair, Freshman Programs Committee;
2004, 2005 Freshman Programs Committee
2006 Chair, Freshman Programs Committee
2000 to present - ABET Computer Engineering
Program Evaluator
Service: TPC Co-Chair of the Third International
Workshop on Measurement, Modeling, and Performance Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks
(SenMetrics 2005) and the First International
Workshop on Convergence of Heterogeneous
Wireless Networks (ConWiN 2005); TPC member
2006, WIOPT 2006, ICPADS 2006, WoWMoM
2006, TridentCom 2006, and ACM MobiHoc 2006
Selected Publications*:
Joanne DeGroat, “Teaching Hardware Description
Languages,” 2005 ASEE Conference and Exposition, Portland, Oregon, June 12-15, 2005. Selected Publications*:
E. Felemban, C.G. Lee, and E. Ekici, “MMSPEED:
Multi-Path Multi-SPEED Protocol for QoS Guarantee
of Reliability and Timeliness in Wireless Sensor
Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 5, no. 6, pp.738-754, June 2006.
Shaikh Alam and Joanne DeGroat, “A 2GHz CMOS
Variable Gain Low Noise Amplifier,” Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2005, Cincinnati,
Ohio, August 7-10, 2005. (Student Best Paper
G. Korkmaz, E. Ekici, and F. Özgüner, “A Cross-Layer Multi-hop Data Delivery Protocol with Fairness
Guarantees for Vehicular Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 55, no. 3, pp.
865-875, May 2006.
Abdulnasser Alaraje and Joanne DeGroat, “Evolution of Re-Configurable Platform Architecture To
SoFPGA,” Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2005, Cincinnati, Ohio, August 7-10, 2005.
C. Chen and E. Ekici, “A Routing Protocol for
Hierarchical LEO/MEO Satellite IP Networks,”
ACM/Springer Wireless Networks Journal, vol. 11,
no. 4, pp. 507-521, April 2005.
Shaikh Alam and Joanne DeGroat, “A 2 GHz Highly
Linear CMOS Downconversion Mixer in TSMC 0.18
m Process,” 12th NASA VSLI Design Symposium,
University of Idaho, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, October
4-5, 2005.
E. Ekici, “On Signaling Performance Bounds of
Location Management in Next Generation Wireless
Networks,” Computer Networks Journal, vol. 46,
no. 6, December 2004, pp. 797-816.
Shaikh Alam and Joanne DeGroat, “CMOS LNA and
Mixer Components for 2 GHz applications in 0.18
um CMOS,” 4th WSEAS International Conference
on Electronics, Control, and Signal Processing,
Miami, FL, Novemeber, 17-19, 2005. 32
The Ohio State University
I.F. Akyildiz, E. Ekici, and M.D. Bender, “MLSR: A
Novel Routing Algorithm for Multi-Layered Satellite
IP Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 10, no. 3, June 2002, pp. 411-424.
E. Ekici, I.F. Akyildiz, and M.D. Bender, “A Multicast
Routing Algorithm for LEO Satellite IP Networks,”
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 10,
no. 2, April 2002, pp. 183-192.
*For complete list of publications see individual faculty pages at www.ece.osu.edu
Associate Professor
Ph.D. 1999
University of
Hesham El-Gamal
Ph.D. 1966
The Ohio State
Ph.D. 1983
University of
Manitoba, Canada
E-mail: helgamal@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.4374
Office: 756 Caldwell Laboratory
E-mail: hemami@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.2848
Office: 203 Caldwell Laboratory
Hooshang Hemami
Mohammed Ismail
Dr. El-Gamal has been with the ECE Department
since January 2001. Prior to that he served as a
Project Manager in the Middle East Regional Office
of Alcatel Telecom, a Research Assistant in ECE
at the University of Maryland at College Park, MD,
and was with the Advanced Development Group at
Hughes Network Systems (HNS) in Germantown,
MD, as a Senior Member of the Technical Staff. He has held visiting appointments at UCLA and
Eurecome Institute. He also holds 5 U.S. patents
and has eight more patent applications pending.
Research Interests: Control, animation and
dynamics of human, movement, robots, biorobotic
systems, robots and marionettes.
Mohammed Ismail received his BSEE and MSEE
from Cairo University, Egypt and Ph.D. in EE from
University of Manitoba, Canada. He has over 25
years of experience of R&D in the fields of analog,
RFIC and mixed signal integrated circuits for communications applications. He is the founding
director of the Analog VLSI Lab at Ohio State and
has, over the last 20 years, advised the thesis
work of over 40 Ph.D. and 80 MS students.
He held several positions in both industry and
academia and served as a corporate consultant
to many companies in the U.S., Europe and the
Far East. He publishes extensively and has been
awarded 11 patents. His last book (2004) is
entitled “CMOS PLLs and VCOs for 4G Wireless” by
Areas of interest: Information Theory; Coding
Theory, Wireless Communication; and DNA Self
Awards and Honors: Recipient of the HNS Annual
Achievement Award (2000), the OSU College of
Engineering Lumley Research Award (2003), the
OSU Electrical Engineering Department FARMER
Young Faculty Development Fund (2003-2008),
and the National Science Foundation CAREER
Award (2004), Senior Member of the IEEE.
Service: Served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE
Transactions on Communications (2001-2005),
currently serves as an Associate Editor for the IEEE
Transactions on Mobile Computing, and is a member of the SP4COM technical committee.
Selected Publications*:
K. Azarian, H. El-Gamal, and P. Schniter, “On the
Achievable Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff in
Half Duplex Cooperative Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 51, no. 12,
4152-4172, Dec. 2005.
H. El-Gamal, G. Caire, and M. O. Damen, “Lattice
Coding and Decoding Achieve the Optimal
Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff in MIMO Channels,”
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
vol. 50, no. 6, 968:985, June. 2004.
H. El-Gamal and M. O. Damen, “Universal SpaceTime Coding,” IEEE Transactions on Information
Theory , volume: 49, no. 5, 1097: 1119, May 2003.
H. El-Gamal and A. R. Hammons Jr, “Analyzing the
Turbo Decoder Using the Gaussian Approximation,” IEEE Transactions of Information Theory,
vol. 47, no. 2: 671:686, Feb. 2001.
Awards and Honors: Fellow of IEEE; College of engineering Lumely research award, 1986 and 1994;
Fred H. Pumphrey/EKH Distinguished Teaching
award, 2005.
Recent Publications*:
H. Hemami, B. Dariush, and K. Barin, “Formulation
of Dynamics, Actuation, and Inversion, of a Threedimensional Two-link Rigid Body System,” Journal
of Robotic Systems, vol 22, no 10, pp 519- 534,
October, 2005.
H. Hemami , K. Barin, L. Jalics, and D. Given-Heiss,
“Dynamics, Stability and Control of Stepping,”
Annals of Biomedical Engineering, vol 32, no 8, pp
1153 -1160, August 2004.
H. Hemami, Evolutionary trends in rigid body dynamics, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanical
Engineering, vol 192, pp 635 -654, 2003.
H. Hemami, and V. Utkin, “On the dynamics and
Lyapunov stability of constrained and embedded
rigid bodies,” International Journal of Control, vol.
75, no. 6, pp. 408 – 420, April 20 2002.
H. Hemami, “A general framework for rigid body
dynamics, stability and control,” ASME Transactions, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement
and Control, vol. 124, no. 1, June 2002.
B. Dariush, H. Hemami, and M. Parnianpour,
“Multi-modal analysis of human motion from
external measurements,” ASME Trans., Journal of
Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, vol.
123, no. 2, pp. 272-278, June 2001.
H. Hemami, and H. Özbay,“Modeling and control
of biological systems with multiple afferent and
efferent transmission delays,” Journal of Robotic
Systems, vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 609 - 622, November
2000. [P0-99-HO-271]
B. Dariush, H. Hemami, and M. Parnianpour, “A
well-posed embedded constraint representation
of joint moments, from kinesiological measurements,” Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, vol.
122, pp. 437-445, August 2000.
E-mail: ismail@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.0351
Office: 300 Caldwell Laboratory
Service: Founder of the “International Journal of
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing,”
Springer, and serves as the journal’s Editor-InChief; served as Associate Editor for many IEEE
Transactions and on the Board of Governors of the
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society; the founding
editor of “The Chip,” a column in The “IEEE Circuits
and Devices Magazine;” Fellow of IEEE.
Research Interests: Main interest lies in cross-disciplinary research spanning the fields of integrated
circuits, communication systems and DSP, and
targeting development of chip sets for high volume
low cost wireless devices. Current interests include
digitally programmable RF CMOS radios for 3G and
4G wireless handhelds, software radios, low voltage, low power RF front ends, data converters and
PLLs, digital system calibration for first-pass-silicon, power management techniques and statistical
design and optimization techniques for high yield.
Awards and Honors: Fellow of IEEE; IEEE-USA Committee on Aerospace Technology Policy; Semiconductor Research Corporation Inventor Recognition
Awards; Presidential Young Investigator Award;
Nokia/Fulbright Scholar; Ohio State Lumely Research Awards (1992, 1997 and 2002).
Selected Publications*:
M. Ismail and D.Gonzalez, Radio Design in Nanometer Technologies, Springer, 2006.
A. Fayed and M. Ismail, Adaptive Techniques for
Mixed Signal Systems-on-Chip, Springer, 2006.
Adem Aktas and M. Ismail, CMOS PLLs and VCOs
for 4G Wireless, Springer, 2004.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
F ac u lt y
Ph.D. 1996
Institute of Technology
Joel T. Johnson
E-mail: johnson@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.1606
Office: 452 Dreese Laboratory
221 ElectroScience Laboratory
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research:
Application of electromagnetic theory to problems
in microwave remote sensing; design, implementation, and testing of remote sensing systems;
theories of rough surface scattering.
Awards and Honors: National Science Foundation
CAREER Award; ONR Young Investigator Award;
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and
Engineers (PECASE); Booker Fellowship of the U.S.
National Committee of URSI.
Service: Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on
Geoscience and Remote Sensing; Editorial Board,
Waves in Random and Complex Media, Chair, Frequency Allocation for Remote Sensing Committee
(IEEE GRS society), Technical Activities Committee,
US URSI Commission B.
Selected Publications*:
D. Torrungrueng, H. T. Chou, and J. T. Johnson, “A
novel spectral acceleration algorithm for the computation of scattering from rough surfaces,” IEEE
Trans. Geosc. Remote Sens., vol. 38, pp. 1656-1668, 2000.
J. T. Johnson et al, “Sub-surface object sensing
with a multi-frequency radiometer,” IEEE Trans.
Geosc. Rem. Sens., vol. 40, pp. 2719--2726, 2002.
A. R. Hayslip, J. T. Johnson and G. R. Baker,
“Further numerical studies of backscattering
from time evolving non-linear sea surfaces,” IEEE
Trans. Geosc. Rem. Sens., vol. 41, pp. 2287--2293, 2003.
M. A. Demir and J. T. Johnson, “Fourth and higher
order small perturbation method for scattering
from a rough surface,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, vol. 20, pp. 2330-2337, 2003.
J. T. Johnson, and R. J. Burkholder, “A study of
scattering from an object below a rough interface,”
IEEE Trans. Geosc. Rem. Sens., vol. 42, pp. 59--66,
Associate Professor
Ph.D. 1976
University of
Donald G. Kasten
Ph.D. 1975
Purdue University
Ali Keyhani
E-mail: kasten@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.1901
Office: 207 Caldwell Laboratory
E-mail: keyhani@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.4430
Office: 209 Caldwell Laboratory
Donald G. Kasten received the B.S.E.E degree
from the University of Missouri – Rolla and the
M.S.E.E and Ph.D. degrees from the University of
Missouri – Columbia. He joined the Department
of Electrical Engineering at OSU in 1976 after
receiving the Ph.D. Prior to the Ph.D. he worked as
a Relay Engineer with Central Illinois Public Service
Company for 4 years. He also did graduate work at
the University of Southern California for a year and
worked part time with Southern California Edison
Company as a Relay Engineer. He is a registered
professional engineer in Ohio and Illinois and a
senior member of IEEE.
Principle Areas of Research and Teaching:
Power Systems and Control of Electric Machines;
Research activities focus on the design and modeling of electric machine, finite element analysis,
control and design of Power electronic systems,
DSP-based virtual test bed for design and control
of power electronic systems, electro-mechanical systems, automotive systems and modeling,
parameter estimation and failure detection systems. These activities have involved a substantial
amount of experimental research on modeling
and parameter estimation of electric machine and
the development of DSP based virtual testbed
for design of unipolar resonant power converter
Research Interests: Partial discharge in low
pressure environments, substation and tower
grounding using an electrolytic tank, electric and
magnetic fields around FACTS devices.
Principle Areas of Teaching: Electric Machines,
Power System Protection, Industrial/Commercial
Power Systems.
Service: Faculty advisor - Gamma Chapter of Eta
Kappa Nu, professional engineering refresher
course instructor.
Selected Publications*:
D. G. Kasten, X. Liu, S. A. Sebo, D. F. Grosjean and
D. L. Schweickart, “Partial Discharge Measurements in Air and Argon at Low Pressures With
and Without a Dielectric Barrier,” IEEE Trans. on
Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol. 12, pp.
362-373, April 2005.
Donald G. Kasten, Ed J. Koegler (AEP), Brian S.
Cramer (EPRI), “Low-Frequency Electromagnetic
Field Measurements Near FACTS Devices,” 2005
IEEE St. Petersburg PowerTech Conference, St.
Petersburg, Russia, June 27-30, 2005.
D. G. Kasten, X. Liu, S. A. Sebo, D. F. Grosjean, D.
L. Schweickart, “Partial Discharge Characteristics
at Low Pressures in Dry Air and Argon,” Proc. of the
2004 IEEE Intl Symposium on Electrical Insulation
(ISEI), pp. 540-543.
N. Niamsuwan, J. T. Johnson, and S. W. Ellingson,
“Examination of a simple pulse blanking technique
for RFI mitigation,” Radio Science, vol. 40, June
Awards and Honors: Fellow of IEEE; recipient of
the Ohio State University College of Engineering
Research Award for 1989 and 1999.
Service: Fellow member of the Chairman of Electric
Machinary Committee and Power Systems committe of IEEE Power Engineering Society and the
past editor of IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion
Selected Publications*:
Min Dai, Ali Keyhani, and Tomy Sebastian, “Fault
Analysis of a PM Brushless DC Motor Using Finite
Element Method,” IEEE Transactions on Energy
Conversion, Volume 20, No. 1, pp. 1-6, March
M. N. Marwali and A. Keyhani, “Control of Distributed Generation Systems Part I: Voltage and
Current Control,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, Volume 19, No. 6, pp. 1541-1550,
November 2004
M. N. Marwali, J. W. Jung, and A. Keyhani, “Control
of Distributed Generation Systems Part II: Load
Sharing,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 19, No. 6, pp. 1551-1561, November
A. Keyhani and Jin-Woo Jung, “Distributed Energy
Systems,” Journal of Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Volume 1, No. 2, pp.
33-40, Summer and Fall 2004.
The Ohio State University
*For complete list of publications see individual faculty pages at www.ece.osu.edu
Associate Professor
Ph.D. 1983
State University of
New York at Stony Brook
Associate Department
Ph.D. 1975
University of Illinois at
Associate Professor
Ph.D. 1983
University of Florida
Furrukh S. Khan
Charles A. Klein
E-mail: klein@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.6808
Office: 764 Dreese Laboratory
E-mail: krishnamurthy@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.5604
Office: 616 Dreese Laboratory
Prof. Khan is an associate professor in the department of ECE. He also holds joint positions in the
department of CSE and the department of Anesthesiology in the College of Medicine.
Professor Klein received his BS in Electrical Engineering with Computer Science in 1971, his MSEE
in 1972 and his Ph.D. in 1975 at the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. After graduating he
worked at Ford Aerospace in 1975 and 1976 in
Palo Alto, CA solving computational electromagnetic problem for satellite design. He started as a
faculty member at OSU in 1977 and is currently a
full professor. Professor Klein is also the Associate
Chair of the ECE Department. He has performed
funded research for NSF, DARPA, and the CRAY
Ashok Krishnamurthy is Director of Research and
Scientific Development at the Ohio Supercomputer Center and an Associate Professor with the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The Ohio State University. He has a B.Tech.
from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of
Florida, all in Electrical Engineering.
E-mail: khan.1@osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.7596
Office: 377 Caldwell Laboratory
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research:
Applied Software Engineering and Enterprise
Mission Critical Distributed Computing; currently
interested in enhancing Web Services with emerging WS-* industry standards for designing secure
and reliable healthcare systems; also performed
extensive research in theoretical and computational Physics; co-founder of a four course Applied
Software Engineering sequence shared jointly
between ECE and CSE departments; lectured
extensively on enterprise distributed computing
and security in the USA, Europe and Asia. His
projects have been funded by the National Science
Foundation, Naval Research Laboratory, Office of
Naval Research, Air Force, Wright Patterson Air
Force Base, Cray Research, Lucent Technologies,
and Microsoft Research
Awards and Honors: Fred H. Pumphery Distinguished Teaching Award (1991, 1992, 1993 and
1994), and the Charles E. MacQuigg Outstanding
Teaching Award (1992). He and his team were
finalists for the TOPCat award for the best technology team in central Ohio. His team is also a partner
in Microsoft’s Technical Adoption Program - the
only university team invited to this program.
Selected Publications*:
Chris Weber, Sriram Seshadri, Furrukh Khan,
“Using emerging open specifications for enhancing XML web services to build a maintainable and
secure health care information system,” Proceeding of the Eighth IASTED International Conference,
Software Engineering Application (2004).
Research Interests: Computer Engineering, Robotics, Networking
Service: Senior member of IEEE
Selected Publications*:
C. Klein, C. Chu-Jenq, S. Ahmed, “A new formulation of the the extended Jacobian method and
its use in mapping algorithmic singularities for
kinematically redundant manipulators,” IEEE
Trans. Robotics and Automation , vol RA-11, no. 1,
Feb 1995.
C. Klein and T. Miklos, “Spatial Robotic Isotropy,”
International Journal of Robotics Research, vol 10,
no. 4, pp. 426-437, Aug 1991.
C. Klein and S. Kittivatcharapong, “Optimal Force
Distribution for the Legs of a Walking Machine
with Friction Cone Constraints,” IEEE Journal of
Robotics and Automation , vol RA-6, pp. 73-85, Feb
A. Maciejewski and C. Klein, “Obstacle avoidance for kinematically redundant manipulators in
dynamically varying environment,” International
Journal of Robotics Research , vol. 4, no. 3, pp.
109-117, Fall 1985.
C. Klein and C. H. Huang, “Review of pseudoinverse control for use with of kinematically redundant manipulators,” IEEE Trans on Systems and
Man and Cybernetics, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 245-250,
March 1983.
Ashok Krishnamurthy
Research Interests: Signal and Image Processing;
Applications of High Performance Computers in
Modeling, Simulation and Testing; Computational
Auditory Models and applications to speech and
music perception.
Selected Publications*:
Junshui Ma, Ashok Krishnamurthy, and Stanley
Ahalt, “On SVM Training with Duplicated Samples
and its Application in SVM-based Ensemble
Methods,” Neurocomputing, pp. 455-459, vol. 61,
Saurabh Sood and Ashok Krishnamurthy, “A robust
on-the-fly pitch (OTFP) estimation algorithm,”
Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Multimedia, pp. 280-283, Oct. 2004.
Qiang Xu, Ewa Jacewicz, Lawrence L. Feth, and
Ashok K. Krishnamurthy, “Testing the Spectral
Center-of-gravity Effect,” Journal of the Acoustical
Society of America, vol. 115, Issue 4, pp. 16531664, April 2004.
Saurabh Sood and Ashok Krishnamurthy, “Extraction of characteristic music textures (eigen-textures) via graph spectra and eigenclusters,” IEEE
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech
and Signal Processing, May 2004, Montreal.
Jaeyoun Cho and Ashok Krishnamurthy, “Speech
Enhancement using Microphone Array in Moving
Vehicle Environment,” Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2003, pp. 366-371.
Michael Collins, Ashok Krishnamurthy and Stanley
Ahalt, “Generating Gestural Scores from Articulatory Data Using Temporal Decomposition,” IEEE
Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing,
March 1999, pp. 230-234.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
F ac u lt y
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. 1998
Seoul National
Chang-Gun Lee
E-mail: cglee@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.7290
Office: 664 Dreese Laboratory
Chang-Gun joined the faculty in 2002. Previously,
he was a Research Scientist in the Department of
Computer Science, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign from 2000 to 2002 and a Research
Engineer in the Advanced Telecomm. Research
Lab., LG Information & Communications, Ltd.
from 1998 to 2000. He is a member of the IEEE
Computer Society.
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research: Embedded real-time systems, QoS management, wireless
sensor networks, network measurement infrastructure
Awards and Honors: Best Student Paper Award
RTSS 2004; Nominee for the Best Paper Award
RTSS 2003
Service: Program Committee Member of RTCSA
2005, 2003, RTSS 2004, 2003, ICPADS 2004,
ICPP 2003, Journal Referee of IEEE Transactions
on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and
Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on CAD,
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,
IEEE Multimedia, ACM Transactions on Sensor
Networks, Journal of Real-Time Systems
Selected Publications*:
Emad Felemban, C.-G. Lee, and E. Ekici,
“MMSPEED (Multi-path Multi-SPEED) Protocol for
QoS Guarantee of Reliability and Timeliness in
Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE TMC Vol. 5, No.
6, June 2006.
M.-Y. Nam, C.-G. Lee, K. Kim, and M. Caccamo,
“Time-parameterized Sensing Task Model for RealTime Tracking,” RTSS 2005.
C.-G. Lee, Chi-Sheng Shih, and Lui Sha, “Online
QoS Optimization Using Service Classes in Surveillance Radar Systems,” Journal of Real-Time
Systems, 28, pp. 5-37, 2004.
C.-G. Lee, Lui Sha, and A. Peddi, “Enhanced Utilization Bounds for QoS Management,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, Feb. 2004.
Ph.D. 1989
Jin-Fa Lee
Ph.D. 1990
University of Arizona
Robert Lee
E-mail: jinlee@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614-292-7270
Office: 356 Dreese Laboratory
223 ElectroScience Laboratory
E-mail: lee@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.1433
Office: 464 Dreese Laboratory
219 ElectroScience Laboratory
Jin-Fa Lee received the B.S. degree from National
Taiwan University, in 1982 and the M.S. and Ph.D.
degrees from Carnegie-Mellon University in 1986
and 1989, respectively, all in electrical engineering. From 1988 to 1990, he was with ANSOFT
Corp., where he developed several CAD/CAE finite
element programs for modeling three-dimensional
microwave and millimeter-wave circuits. From
1990 to 1991, he was a post-doctoral fellow at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. From
1991 to 2000, he was with the Dept. of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic
Institute. He joined The Ohio State University in
2001 where he is currently a Prof. in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Professor Lee is an IEEE Fellow.
Robert Lee received his BSEE in 1983 from Lehigh
University in Bethlehem, PA and his MSEE and
Ph.D. in 1988 and 1990, respectively, from the
University of Arizona, Tucson. From 1983 to 1984,
he worked for Microwave Semiconductor Corp.
in Somerset, NJ as a Microwave Engineer. From
1984 to 1986, he was a Member of the Technical
Staff at Hughes Aircraft Company in Tucson, AZ. From 1986 to 1990, he was a research assistant
at the University of Arizona. In addition, during
the summers of 1987 through 1989, he worked at
Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM. Since 1990, he has been at The Ohio State University where he is currently a professor of electrical
and computer engineering. Principle Areas of Teaching and Research: Electromagnetic field theories, antennas, numerical
methods and their applications to computational
electromagnetics, analyses of numerical methods,
fast finite element methods, fast integral equation
methods, hybrid methods, three-dimensional mesh
generation, and domain decomposition methods.
Awards and Honors: Lumley Research Award, Ohio
State University, 2006; Best Student Paper IEEE
APS/URSI symposium 2003, 2005; Student paper
finalist, SIAM Copper Mountain Conference, 2004;
Best Student paper, Zurich EMC, 2006; Best
poster paper award, CEFC 2006; Student paper
finalists, IEEE APS/URSI Symposium 2006.
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research: Electromagnetics; development and application of finite
element and finite difference methods to electromagnetics-related applications. He has published
over 70 journal papers in this area.
Awards and Honors: Lumley Research Award:
College of Engineering, OSU (1995, 1999, 2003);
URSI Young Scientist Award (1996).
Selected Publications*:
T.S. Ibrahim, R. Lee, A.M. Abduljalil, B.A. Baertlein,
and P.-M.L. Robitaille, “Effect of RF Coil Excitation
on Field Inhomogeneity at Ultra High Fields: A Field
Optimized TEM Resonator,” Magnetic Resonance
Imaging, Vol. 19, pp. 1339-1347, December 2001.
Selected Publications*:
M. Vouvakis, Z. Cendes, and J. F. Lee, “A FEM
Domain Decomposition Method for Photonic and
Electromagnetic Band Gap Structures,” IEEE Trans.
Ant. Prop., vol. 54, no. 2, Feb. 2006.
C. Chen, K. Rama Rao, and R. Lee, “A new
ultrawide-bandwidth dielectric-rod antenna for
ground-penetrating radar applications,” IEEE Tran.
Antenna Propagat., AP-51, pp. 371-377, March
S. C. Lee, M. Vouvakis, and J. F. Lee, “A Non-overlapping Domain Decomposition Method with NonMatching Grids for Modeling Large Finite Antenna
Arrays,” J. Comput. Phys., vol. 203, pp. 1-21, Feb.
R. A. Chilton and R. Lee, “Chirping unit cell length
to increase frozen mode bandwidth in non-reciprocal magnetic photonic crystals,” IEEE Trans.
Microwave Theory Tech., vol 54, pp. 473-480, Jan.
S. C. Lee, M. Vouvakis, K. Zhao, and J. F. Lee,
“Analyzing Microwave Devices using an IE-QR
Accelerated Symmetric FEBI,” Internal Journal of
Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 203, no.
64, pp. 528-546, Jun 2005.
S. Wang, R. Lee, and F. L. Teixeira, “Anisotropicmedium PML for vector FETD with modified basis
functions,” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagat.,
vol. 54, pp. 20-27, Jan. 2006.
The Ohio State University
*For complete list of publications see individual faculty pages at www.ece.osu.edu
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. 1998
Universitat Autonoma de
Ph. D. 1998,
Universite de Paris VIII
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. 1994
Southeast University,
Ph.D. 1984
Virginia Polytechnic and
State University
Wu Lu
Aleix Martinez
Randolph L. Moses
Wu Lu received his Ph.D. degree in physical electronics and optoelectronics from Southeast University, China, in 1994. Before he joined Ohio State
as an assistant professor, he was a Postdoctoral
Research Engineer at Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI), Korea (1995 to
1996), a Research Fellow at Microelectronics Center, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,
(1996 to 1998), and a Research Associate at the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(1998 to 2001). He has authored and co-authored
over 120 technical papers in referred journals and
conferences. He is a senior member of IEEE and a
member of OSA and AAAS.
Aleix Martinez is an Assistant Professor in the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The Ohio State University (OSU). He is also
affiliated with the Department of Biomedical
Engineering and the Center for Cognitive Science,
and is the founding director of the Computational
Biology and Cognitive Science Laboratory at OSU.
Prior to joining OSU, he was affiliated with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at
Purdue University and the Sony Computer Science
Laboratory. He co-organized the 1st IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
for Human-Computer Interaction (2003), served
as a co-chair for the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Face
Processing in Video (2005), and is a co-organizer
and –chair of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Vision for
Human Computer Interaction (2006). In 2003, he
was a co-guest editor of the special issue on face
recognition in the journal Computer Vision and Image Understanding. He is the author of one of the
most used and cited databases of face images,
the AR-face database.
Principal Areas of Teaching and Research:
Statistical signal processing; sensor array processing; signal detection and estimation; applications
to radar signal processing and sensor networks.
E-mail: aleix@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.688.8225
Office: 460 Dreese Laboratory
E-mail: lu@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.3462
Office: 215 Caldwell Laboratory
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research: High
speed electronic devices; high power and high
frequency transistors; solid state chemical and
biological sensors; nanofabrication and bionanotechnology.
Awards and Honors: 2005 Lumley Research Award,
College of Engineering, The Ohio State University;
Best Paper Award of 2005 International Conference on Electron, Ion, Photon Beams and Nanofabrication (EIPBN) (with Michael Schuette).
Service: Scientific Committee, International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies,
2005; International Advisory Committee, 2005
International Workshop on Semiconductor Surface
Selected Publications*:
Hyeongnam Kim, Jaesun Lee, Wu Lu, “Gate current
leakage and breakdown mechanism in unpassivated AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors
before and after post-gate annealing,” Applied
Physics Letters, vol. 86, 143505-1 to 143505-3,
Yong Yang, Ly James Lee, and Wu Lu, “Subcritical
carbon dioxide assisted polymer nanofabrication
at low temperatures,” Journal of Vacuum Science
Technology B, vol. 23, pp. 3202-3204, 2005.
Junghui Song, Wu Lu, Jeffrey S. Flynn, and George
R. Brandes, “Pt-AlGaN/GaN Schottky Diodes Operated at 800 ºC for Hydrogen Sensing,” Applied
Physics Letters, vol. 87, pp. 133501-1 to
133501-3, 2005.
Areas of Interest: Computational cognitive science,
machine learning & pattern recognition, computer
vision, bioinformatics.
Selected Publications*:
M. Zhu and A.M. Martinez, “Subclass Discriminant
Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis
and Machine Intelligence, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 12741286, 2006.
Martinez, A.M. and Zhu, M., “Where Are Linear
Feature Extraction Methods Applicable?” IEEE
Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
vol. 27, no. 12, 2005.
Martinez, A.M., “Matching Expression Variant
Faces,” Vision Research, vol. 43, pp. 1047-1060,
Martinez, A.M., “Recognizing Imprecisely Localized, Partially Occluded and Expression Variant
Faces from a Single Sample per Class,” IEEE Trans.
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 32,
no. 6, pp. 748-763, 2002.
Martinez, A.M. & Kak, A.C., “PCA versus LDA,” IEEE
Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 228-233, 2001.
E-mail: moses@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.1325
Office: 708 Dreese Laboratory
Awards and Honors: Best Paper Award, 2004
Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)
Conference; Lumley Research Awards, OSU, 1991,
1995; Harrison Faculty Award for Excellence in Engineering Education, OSU, 1992; Honorable Mention, C. Holmes MacDonald Outstanding Teacher
Award, Eta Kappa Nu, 1992.
Service: Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on
Signal Processing, 2000–2003; Chair, Columbus
Section of the IEEE Signal Processing Society,
1990-2005; Technical Program Committee,
International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN; 2005 and 2006);
Technical Program Committee, Adaptive Sensor
Array Processing Workshop (ASAP; 2005 and
2006); Technical Program Committee, Algorithms
for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery, (SPIE; 2004,
2005, 2006).
Selected Publications*:
P. Stoica and R. Moses, Spectral Analysis of
Signals, Prentice Hall, 2005.
J. Ash and R. Moses, “Acoustic time delay estimation and sensor network self-localization: Experimental results,” Journal of the Acoustical Society
of America, 2005, v.118 , pp. 841-850.
N. Patwari, J. Ash, S. Kyperountas, A. Hero, R.
Moses, N. Correal, “Locating the nodes: cooperative localization in wireless sensor networks,”
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, special issue on
Signal Processing in Positioning and Navigation,
vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 54-69, July 2005.
A. Savvides, W. Garber, R. Moses, and M. Srivastava, “An Analysis of Error Inducing Parameters in
Multihop Sensor Node Localization,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 567577, Nov/Dec 2005.
A. Ihler, J. Fisher, R. Moses, and A. Willsky, “Nonparametric Belief Propagation for Sensor Network
Self-Calibration,” IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in
Communication, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 809-819, April
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
F ac u lt y
Ph.D. 1989
University of
Ph.D. 1976
The Ohio State
Ph.D. 1973
The Ohio State
Edward Newman
David E. Orin
Hitay Özbay
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research: Electromagnetic theory, computational electromagnetics, antennas, electromagnetic compatibility, and
David E. Orin joined the faculty in 1981 after five
years at Case Western Reserve University. His
research in robotics has been supported by NSF,
Sandia National Laboratories, DARPA, NASA,
Cray Research, NRL, and Los Alamos National
Laboratory. He has published over 125 journal and
conference papers.
Hitay Özbay received the B.S. degree in 1985 (Middle East Tech. Univ., Ankara, Turkey), the M.Eng
degree in 1987 (McGill Univ., Montreal, Canada),
and the Ph.D. in 1989 (Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA). He was with the Univ. of Rhode Island
from 1989 to 1990. Since 1991 he has been with
OSU. Dr. Özbay published over 100 refereed technical papers (appeared in journals and conference
proceedings) and wrote two books. He was an
Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control (1997-1999), and a member of the Board
of Governors of the IEEE Control Systems Society
E-mail: newman@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.3901
Office: 364 Dreese Laboratory
253 ElectroScience Laboratory
Awards and Honors: 1989 Fellow of the IEEE
for “Contributions to Modelling the Electromagnetic Radiation and Scattering from Complex
Structures’’; OSU College of Engineering Lumley
Research Award (1986 and 1992).
Service: Secretary, Vice Chair, and Chair of Columbus, OH Sections of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society; Treasurer of 2003 IEEE Antennas
and Propagation Society and URSI International
Selected Publications*:
Y. Horiki and E.H. Newman, “A Self Calibration
Technique for a DOA Array with Near Zone Scatterers,” IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Prop., vol.
AP-54, April 2006, pp. 1162-1166.
E.H. Newman, “Real Frequency Wideband Impedance Matching with Non-Minimum Reactance
Equalizers,” IEEE Trans. on Ant. and Prop., vol.
AP-53, Nov. 2005, pp. 3597-3603.
E.H. Newman, “A Sheet Impedance Approximation
for Shielding by a Multilayered Box,” IEEE Trans. on
Antennas and Prop., vol. 51, Jan. 2003, pp. 67-73.
M.E. Peters and E.H. Newman, “Moment Method
Analysis of Anisotropic Artificial Media Composed
of Dielectric Wire Objects,” IEEE Trans. of Microwave Theory and Tech., vol. MTT-43, Sept. 1995,
pp. 2023-2027.
E.H. Newman, “An Overview of the Hybrid MM/
Green’s Function Method in Electromagnetics,”
Proc. of the IEEE, vol. 76, March 1988, pp. 270282.
E.H. Newman, “TM and TE Scattering by a Dielectric/Ferrite Cylinder in the Presence of a HalfPlane,” IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation,
vol. AP-34, pp. 804-812, June 1986.
E-mail: orin@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.3064
Office: 660 Dreese Laboratory
Principal Areas of Teaching and Research: Computer engineering, robotics, biped locomotion,
quadruped galloping, walking machines, dynamic
maneuvers in legged locomotion, dynamic simulation, evolutionary robotics, graphical simulation.
Honors and Distinctions: Fellow of the IEEE; Distinguished Service Award, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, 2004; Charles E. MacQuigg Award
for Outstanding Teaching, College of Engineering,
OSU, 2003; Eta Kappa Nu Professor of the Year
Award, EE Department, OSU (1998-9).
Service: IEEE Robotics and Automation Society:
Elected Member of Administrative Committee
(2004-6), Chair of Fellow Nominations Committee,
Vice President for Finance (1996-2003), Financial Activities Board, ICRA Program Committee
(2000-7), Fellow Evaluation Committee (2002-5),
Executive Committee (1991-2003); Editorial Board,
Springer Handbook of Robotics.
Selected Publications*:
L.R. Palmer III and D.E. Orin, “3D Control of a HighSpeed Quadruped Trot,” Industrial Robot, vol. 33,
no. 4, pp.298-302, 2006.
W. Hu, D.W. Marhefka, and D.E. Orin, “Hybrid
Kinematic and Dynamic Simulation of Running
Machines,” IEEE Trans. on Robotics, vol. 21, no. 3,
pp. 490-497, June 2005.
D.P. Krasny and D.E. Orin, “Generating High-Speed
Dynamic Running Gaits in a Quadruped Robot
Using an Evolutionary Search,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics,
vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 1685-1696, Aug. 2004.
38 E.H. Newman and D.M. Pozar, “Electromagnetic
Modeling of Composite Wire and Surface Geometries,” IEEE Trans. Ant. and Prop., vol. AP-26, pp.
784-789, Nov. 1978.
The Ohio State University
E-mail: ozbay@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.1347
Office: 404 Dreese Laboratory
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research: Robust
control, systems with time delays, control applications in computer networks.
Service: Associate Editor, Automatica;
Vice Chair of the IFAC Tecnical Committee on
Networked Systems.
Selected Publications*:
S. Gümüşsoy and H. Özbay, “Remarks on strong
stabilization and stable H controller design,” IEEE
Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 50, (2005), pp.
K. Kashima, H. Özbay and Y. Yamamoto, “A Hamiltonian-based solution to the mixed sensitivity
optimization problem for stable pseudorational
plants,” Systems & Control Letters, vol.54 (2005),
P. Yan, Y. Gao and H. Özbay, “A Variable Structure
Control Approach to Active Queue Management
for TCP with ECN,” IEEE Trans. on Control Systems
Technology, vol. 13 (2005), pp.203—215.
O. Toker and H. Özbay, “On the complexity of
purely complex µ computation and related problems in multidimensional systems,” IEEE Trans. on
Automatic Control, vol. 43 (1998), pp.409—414.
C. Foias, H. Özbay, A. Tannenbaum, Robust Control
of Infinite Dimensional Systems: Frequency
Domain Methods, LNCIS vol. 209, Springer-Verlag,
London, 1996.
*For complete list of publications see individual faculty pages at www.ece.osu.edu
Interim Department Chair
Ph.D. 1975
University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign
Füsun Özgüner
TRC, Inc. Chair on ITS
Ph.D. 1975
University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign
Ümit Özgüner
E-mail: ozguner@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.3039
Office: 652 Dreese Laboratory
Füsun Özgüner held positions at the I.B.M. T.J.
Watson Research Center, Istanbul Technical University and University of Toronto before joining The
Ohio State University in 1981. She has advised 15
Ph.D. students and more than 40 M.S. students at
Ohio State, published over 130 refereed articles
in journals and conference proceedings and
edited a book. She is currently the Interim Department Chair.
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research: Heterogeneous distributed computing, real-time, fault-tolerant and parallel computing, wireless networks,
sensor networks, nanoprocessor architectures.
Awards and Honors: College of Engineering, Lumley Research Award 2002.
Service: Associate editor, IEEE Transactions on
Computers (1993-1997); Director, NATO Advanced
Study Institute (1991); Accreditation visitor,
Computer Science Accreditation Commission
(1993-1998); International Conference on Parallel
Processing: Program Vice-chair for Fault Tolerance
and Reliability (1998), Publicity Chair (1999),
Workshops Co-Chair (2006); General Chair, 2007
IEEE International Conference on Pervasive
Selected Publications*:
Atakan Dogan and Füsun Özgüner, “Biobjective
scheduling algorithms for execution time-reliability
trade-off in heterogeneous computing systems,”
The Computer Journal, 48(3):300-314, 2005.
Mohammed Eltayeb, Atakan Dogan, Füsun
Özgüner, “A Path Selection-Based Algorithm for
Real-time Data Staging in Grid Applications,”
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol.
65, Issue 11, 1318-1328, Nov. 2005.
Atakan Dogan and Füsun Özgüner, “Scheduling of
a Meta-task with QoS Requirements in Heterogeneous Computing,” Journal of Parallel and
Distributed Computing, Volume 66, Issue 2, pp.
181-196, February 2006.
Gokhan Korkmaz, Eylem Ekici, Füsun Özgüner, “A
Cross-Layer Multi-hop Data Delivery Protocol with
Fairness Guarantees for Vehicular Networks,” IEEE
Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 55, no. 3, pp.
865-875, May 2006.
Ph.D. 1989
University of
Notre Dame
Kevin M. Passino
E-mail: umit@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.5940
Office: 412 Dreese Laboratory
E-mail: passino@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.5716
Office: 416 Dreese Laboratory
Ümit Özgüner has held research and teaching positions at I.B.M. T.J. Watson Research Center, University of Toronto and Istanbul Technical University. He
has been with OSU since 1981 where he holds the
TRC Inc. Chair on Intelligent Transportation Systems. The team he coordinated participated in the
US DOT 1997 Automated Highway System Technology Demonstration in San Diego, where they
demonstrated 3 fully automated cars. Recently, he
led a group, the Desert Buckeyes, developing an
autonomous off-road vehicle to participate successfully in both the 2004 and 2005 DARPA Grand
Challenges to autonomously cross the desert.
Kevin M. Passino joined OSU in 1990 and has
published 5 books and over 85 journal papers.
Research Interests: Intelligent Transportation
Systems, decentralization and autonomy issues
in large, mobile systems and applied automotive
Service: First President of the IEEE ITS Council
in 1999 and reelected in 2000; presently the VP
(Conferences) of the IEEE ITS Society; served the
IEEE Control Society and was an elected member
of its Board of Governors (1999-2001); participated in the organization of many conferences and
has been the General Chair of the 2002 CDC.
Awards and Honors: Invited plenary speaker on ITS
topics in many international meetings in the U.S.,
Japan, China, India, Turkey and Italy; received the
OSU CoE Lumley Research Award in 1991, 1996,
2001 and 2005.
Selected Publications*:
Y. Pan, Ü. Özgüner and T. Acarman, “Stability and
performance improvement of extremum seeking
control with sliding mode,” International Journal of
Control, Special Issue dedicated to Vadim Utkin,
vol. 76, no.9/10, June/July 2003, pp. 968-985.
“Ohio State University at the 2004 DARPA Grand
Challenge: Developing a Completely Autonomous
Vehicle”, Q. Chen, Ü. Özgüner; K. Redmill; Intelligent Systems, IEEE, Volume: 19, Issue: 5, Sept.Oct. 2004.
“A Hybrid System Model and Overlapping Decomposition for Vehicle Flight Formation Control,”
DCDIS Journal Special Issue (in honor of Professor
D. Siljak’s 70th Birthday), Q. Chen, Ü. Özgüner,
Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive
Systems, Series B: Applications and Algorithms,
Volume 11, Number 4-5 (2004), Pages: 475-488.
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research:
Feedback, dynamics, and control in complex biological and technological systems; systems biology
and bioinspired design; collective and distributed
decision making with sensing and inter-agent communication constraints: swarms and coordinated
multiagent motion; distributed task/agent allocation for multiagent systems; cooperative search
and choice; solitary and social foraging in optimization and evolutionary game-theoretic frameworks;
applications to autonomous air vehicles, honey
bees, gray jays, and multizone temperature control.
Awards and Honors: Fellow of the IEEE, Distinguished Member Award from IEEE Control Systems
Society, Director of OSU Collaborative Center of
Control Science.
Service: Faculty Advisor, Engineers for Community
Service student organization, Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Control Systems Society.
Selected Publications*:
Kevin M. Passino, Biomimicry for Optimization,
Control, and Automation, Springer-Verlag, London,
UK, 2005.
Passino K.M., Seeley T.D., Modeling and Analysis
of Nest-Site Selection by Honey Bee Swarms: The
Speed and Accuracy Trade-off,” Behavioral Ecology
and Sociobiology, 2006.
Andrews B.W., Passino K.M., Waite T.A., “Social
Foraging Theory for Robust Multiagent System Design,” IEEE Trans. Automation Sci and Eng, 2006.
Liu Yanfei, Passino Kevin M., “Cohesive Behaviors
of Multiagent Systems with Information Flow Constraints,” IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 2006.
Finke J., Passino K.M., Sparks A.G., “Stable Task
Load Balancing Strategies for Cooperative Control
of Networked Autonomous Air Vehicles,” IEEE
Trans. Control Sys Tech, 2006.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
F ac u lt y
Associate Professor
Ph.D. 1990
University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign
Ph.D. 1973
The Ohio State
Prabhakar Pathak
E-mail: pathak.2@osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.6097
Office: 368 Dreese Laboratory
215 ElectroScience Laboratory
Principal Areas of Teaching and Research:
Electromagnetic theory, antennas and scattering;
development of uniform asymptotic solutions and
fast hybrid numerical-asymptotic solutions for
the prediction of electromagnetic radiation and
scattering from large structures; development of
Gaussian beam diffraction methods and applications to large microwave reflector and aperture
antenna systems; development of UTD ray analysis
for the composite radiation from large finite conformal phased antenna arrays on large platforms.
Awards and Honors: Fellow of the IEEE, Member of
U.S. Commission B of URSI, Distinguished Lecturer
for IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S)
during 1991-1993, received the 1996 Schelkunoff best paper award from IEEE AP-S, received
the OSU Lumley Research award from the OSU College of Engineering (1990, 1994 and 1998),
received the IEEE Third Millennium Medal from
AP-S in 2000.
Service: Chair of the IEEE AP-S distinguished lecturer program (1999-2005), Assoc. Editor of IEEE
AP-S for two terms (prior to 1993), organized and
chaired sessions at many conferences, presented
technical lectures on UTD and hybrid methods at
many meetings and workshops.
Selected Publications*:
Tap, K. and Pathak, P.H., “A Fast Hybrid Asymptotic
and Numerical Physical Optics Analysis of Very
Large Scanning Cylindrical Reflectors with Stacked
Linear Array Feeds,” IEEE Trans. on Ant. & Prop.,
vol. 54, pp. 1142-1151, April 2006.
Janpugdee, P. and Pathak, P.H., “A DFT –Based
UTD Ray Analysis of Large Finite Phased Arrays
on a Grounded Substrate,” IEEE Trans. on Ant. &
Prop., vol. 54, pp. 1152-1162, April 2006.
Janpugdee, P., Pathak P.H., Mahachoklertwattana,
P., and Burkholder, R.J., “An Accelerated DFT-MoM
for the Analysis of Large Finite Periodic Antenna
Arrays,” IEEE Trans. on Ant. & Prop., vol. 54, pp.
279-283, January 2006.
C. Pathak, P.H. and Marhefka, R.J., “An
4 0 Tokgoz,
Asymptotic Solution for the Surface Magnetic Field
within the Paraxial Region of a Circular Cylinder
with an Impedance Boundary Condition,” IEEE
Trans. on Ant. & Prop., vol 53, pp. 1435-1443,
April 2005.
Lee C. Potter
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. 2004
University of Michigan
Ronald M. Reano
E-mail: potter@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.5605
Office: 716 Dreese Laboratory
E-mail: reano@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.247.7204
Office: 213 Caldwell Laboratory
Lee Potter received the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois, Urbana, and
bachelor degree in EE and mathematics summa
cum laude from Vanderbilt University. Ronald M. Reano joined OSU as an assistant professor of Electrical Engineering in Jan. 2005. He
received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Electrical
Engineering from the Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
in 2004, and in 2000 respectively, the B.S. in
Electrical Engineering from the University of New
Mexico in 1996, and the B.S. in Physics from the
University of California, LA in 1991. From 19921996 he served as an Aircraft Systems Reliability
Analyst (U.S. Air Force Active Duty), Systems Analysis Division, Headquarters Air Force Operational
Test and Evaluation Center, Kirtland Air Force
Base, NM. He did postdoctoral work in 20042005 with Professor Stella W. Pang in the area of
nanotechnology for biomaterials at the Solid State
Electronics Laboratory, University of Michigan.
Research Interests: Statistical signal processing, inverse problems, and array processing, with
applications to synthetic aperture radar, medical
imaging, and networked sensor systems.
Awards and Honors: Senior member of the Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; recipient of
the OSU College of Engineering MacQuigg Award
for Outstanding Teaching and Lumley Research
Award; selected as the Eta Kappa Nu ECE Professor of the Year member in 2000. Service: Research scientist at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Dayton, Ohio, and consultant
to industry in California, Connecticut, New Jersey
and Ohio; collaborating researcher in the NIH-BISTI
Center for Medical Image Analysis.
Selected Publications*:
Ravikiran Rajagopal and Lee C. Potter, “A generic
effective Nullstellensatz,” Linear Algebra and its
Applications, vol. 397, pp. 1-15, March 2005.
Joshua N. Ash and Lee C. Potter, “Sensor network
localization via received signal strength measurements with directional antennas,” 42nd Annual
Allerton Conference on Communications, Control
and Computing, Monticello, IL, September, 2004.
Randolph Moses, M. Cetin, and Lee Potter, “Wide
angle SAR imaging,” SPIE Algorithms for Synthetic
Aperture Radar Imagery XI, Orlando, FL, Apr. 1216, 2004.
Emre Ertin and Lee Potter, “Sequential detection
with limited memory,” 2003 IEEE Workshop on
Statistical Signal Processing, pp. 585-588, St.
Louis, MO, September 2003.
Ashutosh Sabharwal, Dan Avidor, and Lee C. Potter, “Sector beam synthesis for cellular systems
using phased antenna arrays,” IEEE Transactions
on Vehicular Technology, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 1784-1792, September 2000.
Hung-Chih Chiang, Randolph L. Moses and Lee
C. Potter, “Model-based classification of radar
images,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 1842--1854, August 2000.
The Ohio State University
Research interests: Integration of electromagnetics, optics, and nanotechnology for innovation in
communications and sensor systems.
Awards and Honors: 2006, Senior Member of
IEEE; 2003 Distinguished Achievement Award,
University of Michigan; 2001, first place award
at IEEE International Microwave Symposium
student paper competition; 2000, Outstanding
Graduate Student Instructor Award, University of Michigan; 1995, Air Force Commendation Medal,
Department of Defense, United States Air Force.
Selected publications*:
Reano, R. M., Pang, S. W., “Sealed Three Dimensional Nanochannels,” Journal of Vacuum Science
and Technology B, vol. 23, pp. 2995-2999, 2005.
Reano, R. M., Whitaker, J. F., Katehi, P. B., “Vector-Component Isolation of Arbitrary Modulating
Electric Field in Zincblende Electro-Optic Probes,”
Journal of the Optical Society of America B,
vol. 22, pp. 1719-1722, 2005.
Reano, R. M., Kong, Y. P., Low, H. Y., Tan L., Wang,
F., Pang, S. W., Yee, A. F., “Stability of Functional
Polymers After Plasticizer-Assisted Imprint Lithography,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology
B, vol. 22, pp. 3294-3299, 2004.
Reano, R. M., Whitaker, J. F., Katehi, L. P. B., “Nonlinear Thermo-Optic Model for the Characterization
of Optical Self-Heating in Electro-Optic Semiconductors,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol.
40, pp. 1195-1202, 2004.
*For complete list of publications see individual faculty pages at www.ece.osu.edu
OSU Institute for Materials Research;
Smith Endowed Chair
Ph.D. 1991
Georgia Institute of
Steven A. Ringel
Patrick Roblin
Steven A. Ringel joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The Ohio State
University in 1991 as an Assistant Professor. He
was promoted to Associate Professor in 1997 and
to Full Professor in 2000. He has been appointed
as Director, OSU Institute for Materials Research,
2006 - present; Neal A. Smith Endowed Chair in
Electrical Engineering in 2003; Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, since
2006 (courtesy); Professor, Department of Physics,
since 2003 (courtesy).
Patrick Roblin received a Master in Physics from
l’Universite’ Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg, France
in 1980 and D.Sc. from Washington University in
Saint Louis in 1984. He joined the ECE department in 1984 as an Assistant Professor, was
promoted to Associate Professor in 1990 and Full
Professor in 2003.
E-mail: roblin@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.0998
Office: 379 Dreese Laboratory
E-mail: ringel@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.6904
Office: 375 Caldwell Laboratory
Research Interests: Electronic materials and nanostructures for energy, electronic and optoelectronic
device applications; space and terrestrial photovoltaics; metamorphic semiconductors; heterogeneous materials integration; substrate engineering;
device integration schemes; molecular beam epitaxy; nitride based wide bandgap semiconductors;
defects in semiconductors; space and terrestrial photovoltaics; infrared bandgap and ultra-high
speed materials and devices; interdisciplinary
education in materials-allied fields.
Awards and Honors: Fellow of AAAS, 3-time Lumley
Research Award Winner at OSU (2005, 2000,
1996), Stanley F. Harrison Faculty Award for Excellence in Engineering Education (1999), advisor to
5 best student papers at international conferences, NSF National Young Investigator Award (1994).
Service: Conference Chair, 2006 Ohio Nanotechnology Summit; International Organizing Committee for World Conference of Photovoltaic Energy
Conversion and International Conference on
Materials for Advanced Technologies; Member of
Editorial Board of Solid State Electronics; Member,
AVS Executive Committee for Electronic Materials
and Processing Division.
Selected Publications*:
M. Lueck, C.L. Andre, A.J. Pitera, M.L. Lee, E.A.
Fitzgerald and S.A. Ringel, “Dual Junction InGaP/
GaAs Solar Cells Grown on Metamorphic SiGe
Substrates,” IEEE Electron Devices Letters 27,
142-144 (2006).
A. Armstrong, A.R. Arehart, D. Green, U. K. Mishra,
and J. S. Speck and S.A. Ringel, “Impact of Deep
Levels on the Electrical Conductivity and Luminescence of Gallium Nitride Co-Dopd with Carbon and
Silicon,” J. Appl. Phys. 97, 83529-83534, (2005).
Ph.D. 1985
The Ohio State
D.Sc. 1984
Washington University
Areas of Teaching and Research: Microwave/RF
circuit and device curriculum; developed the educational microwave lab in the ECE department; design, characterization and modeling of non-linear
RF circuits and devices; electro-thermal measurement and modeling of semiconductor devices
(e.g., LDMOSFETs, pHEMT, GaN HEMT); characterization of memory effects (traps, self-heating)
using pulsed-IV pulsed-RF large signal measurements with a large signal network analyzer (LSNA);
design of power RF amplifiers and RFICs circuits
(oscillator and mixers); linearization and behavioral
modeling of multi-carrier and wideband RF power
Service: Dr. Roblin has served as Chairman,
Vice-Chairman and Treasurer of the Columbus,
OH chapter of the IEEE APS and MTT Societies.
He has served as Editor for a special issue as well
as Chair session organizer at various technical
Roberto Rojas
E-mail: rojas@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.6671
Office: 352 Dreese Laboratory
261 ElectroScience Laboratory
Roberto G. Rojas received the B.S.E.E. degree from
New Mexico State University, in 1979, and the
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
from The Ohio State University, in 1981 and 1985,
respectively. He currently holds the position of
Professor in the Dept. of Electrical Engineering at
The Ohio State University.
Research Interests: Include the analysis and design
of conformal arrays, active integrated arrays, reconfigurable and electrically small antennas as well as
nonreciprocal and nonlinear microwave circuits.
Service: Fellow of the IEEE and an elected member
of U.S. Commission B of URSI. Dr. Rojas has
served as Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary/
Treasurer of the Columbus, OH chapter of the IEEE
Antennas and Propagation and Microwave Theory
and Techniques Societies. He has served as chair,
session organizer and in steering committees of
various technical conferences.
Awards and Honors: 1988 R.W.P. King Prize Paper
Award, the 1990 Browder J. Thompson Memorial
Prize Award, both given by IEEE; the 1989 and
1993 Lumley Research Awards, given by the College of Engineering at The Ohio State University.
Awards and Honors: 2-time Lumley Research
Award winner at OSU (2004 and 1989); Outstanding Educator Award in the EE department in 1997.
Selected Publications*:
V. Erturk, B. Guner, R.G. Rojas and O. Bakir, “ Scan
Blindness Phenomenon in Conformal Finite Phased
Arrays of Printed Dipoles, IEEE Trans. Antennas &
Propagation, Vol. 54, pp. 1699-1708, June 2006.
Selected Publications*:
S. J. Doo, P. Roblin, S. Lee, D. Chaillot and M.V.
Bossche, “Pulsed-IV pulsed-RF measurements
using a large signal network analyzer,” 65th ARFTG
Conference Digest, Long Beach, June 2005.
K.W. Lee, R.G. Rojas and N. Surittikul, “A pattern reconfigurable microstrip antenna element,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 48,
pp. 1117-1119, June 2006.
Patrick Roblin and Hans Rohdin, High Speed Heterostructure Devices, Cambridge University Press,
688 pages, March 2002.
S. Akhtar, P. Roblin and J. Strahler, “RF Electro-thermal Modeling of LDMOSFETs for Power
Amplifier Design,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave
Theory and Techniques, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 15611570, June 2002.
W.-R. Liou and P. Roblin, “High Frequency Simulation of Resonant Tunneling Diodes,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 41, no. 7, pp.
1098-1112, July 1994.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
F ac u lt y
Associate Professor
Ph.D. 2000
Cornell University
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. 1997
University of Tokyo
Philip Schniter
Andrea Serrani
Oscar Y. Takeshita
E-mail: schniter@ece.osu.edu
Office: 760 Dreese Laboratory
E-mail: serrani@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.4976
Office: 412 Dreese Laboratory
E-mail: teixeira@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.688.4369
Office: 712 Dreese Laboratory
Philip Schniter received the B.S. and M.S. degrees
in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1992
and 1993, respectively. From 1993 to 1996, he
was employed by Tektronix Inc., in Beaverton, OR
as a systems engineer. In 2000, he received the
Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Cornell
University in Ithaca, NY. Subsequently, he joined
the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The Ohio State University in Columbus,
OH, where he is now an Associate Professor. He
currently serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE
Signal Processing Letters and sits on the IEEE
Signal Processing for Communications Technical
Andrea Serrani received the B.Eng. degree cum
laude in Electrical Engineering and the Ph.D.
degree in Artificial Intelligence Systems from the
University of Ancona, Italy in 1993 and 1997, respectively. From 1994 to 1999, he was a Fulbright
Fellow at the Department of Systems Science and
Mathematics, Washington University in St. Louis,
where he obtained the Doctor of Science degree
in Systems Science and Mathematics in 2000.
From 2000 to 2002 he held a research associate position at the Department of Electronics and
Automation at the University of Ancona, Italy. Since
2002, he has been an Assistant Professor with the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The Ohio State University. He currently
serves as a subject editor for the International
Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control and as
an Associate Editor for the IEEE Control Systems
Society Conference Editorial Board.
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research:
Prof. Takeshita’s research in Error Control Coding
aims at Reliable digital communications for high
voice/image quality; Enhance data rate for broadband Internet, Reduction of power consumption,
increasing talking time in cell phones and efficient
implementability, reducing VLSI chip size and cost.
Research Interests: Signal processing, wireless
communication, sensor networks, adaptive filtering.
Awards and Honors: Schlumberger Fellowship and
an Intel Foundation Fellowship; the 1999 Prize
Paper Award from the IEEE Energy Development
and Power Generation Committee for work relating
to his M.S. thesis; National Science Foundation
CAREER Award, 2003; The OSU College of Engineering Lumley Research Award, 2005; senior
member of the IEEE.
Selected Publications*:
A. R. Margetts and P. Schniter, ”Adaptive ChipRate Equalization of Downlink Multirate Wideband
CDMA,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 2205-2215, June 2005.
B. Bhukania and P. Schniter, “On the Robustness of
Decision-feedback Detection of DPSK and Differential Unitary Space-Time Modulation in Rayleigh-Fading Channels,” IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 1481-1489, Sept. 2004.
P. Schniter, “Low-Complexity Equalization of OFDM
in Doubly-Selective Channels,” IEEE Transactions
on Signal Processing, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 10021011, Apr. 2004.
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. 1997
University of Ancona
D.Sc. 2000
Washington University
P. Schniter and C.R. Johnson, Jr., “Bounds for the
MSE Performance of Constant Modulus Estimators,” IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, vol. 46,
no. 7, pp. 2544-2560, Nov. 2000.
Research Interests: Nonlinear control and systems
theory, tracking and regulation theory, adaptive
control, guidance and control of aerospace vehicles, aerodynamic flow control.
Awards and Honors: Fulbright Fellowship, 19941999; Outstanding Reviewer for the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2002 and 2005.
Selected Publications*:
Zhen Zhang and A. Serrani, “The linear periodic
output regulation problem,” Systems and Control
Letters, 55(7):518-529, 2006. Available at http://
Xingping Chen and A. Serrani, “An internal model
approach to autonomous leader/follower trailing
for non-holonomic vehicles,” International Journal
of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 16(14), 2006.
Available at http://www.interscience.wiley.com
P. Pisu, A. Serrani, S. You, and L. Jalics, “Adaptive
threshold based diagnostics for steer-by-wire systems,” Transactions of ASME, Journal of Dynamic
Systems, Measurement and Control, 128(2), 2006.
X. Chen and A. Serrani, “ISS-based robust leader/
follower trailing control,” In J.T. Gravdahl K.Y. Pettersen and H. Nijmeijer, editors, Group Coordination and Cooperative Control, volume 336 of
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Systems,
pages 75-91. Springer Verlag, London, UK, 2006.
The Ohio State University
His areas of interests are error control coding,
communication systems and information theory.
Primary focus involves turbo-codes, low density
parity check (LDPC) codes, iterative decoding,
space-time codes, and soft decision decoding of
BCH and Reed-Solomon codes. He also conducts
much experimental work with software defined
radios and is a member of the IEEE Information
Theory Society and the IEEE Communications
Selected Publications*:
J. Ryu and O.Y. Takeshita, “On quadratic inverses
for quadratic permutation polynomials over integer
rings,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory. vol. 52, no. 3,
pp. 1254-1260, Mar. 2006.
O.Y. Takeshita, “On maximum contention-free interleavers and permutation polynomials over integer
rings,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 52, no. 3.,
pp. 1249-1253, Mar. 2006.
A. Kothiyal, O.Y. Takeshita, W. Jin, and M. Fossorier,
“Iterative reliability-based decoding of linear block
codes with adaptive belief propagation,” IEEE
Commun. Lett., vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 1067-1069,
Dec. 2005.
J. Sun and O.Y. Takeshita, “On maximum length
linear congruential sequence-based low-density
parity-check codes,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 53,
no. 12, pp. 1977-1980, Dec. 2005.
*For complete list of publications see individual faculty pages at www.ece.osu.edu
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. 1999
University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign
Fernando L. Teixeira
Vadim Utkin
E-mail: teixeira@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.247.6499 (DL)
614.292.6993 (ESL)
Office: 312 Dreese Laboratory
217 ElectroScience Laboratory
Fernando L. Teixeira received his Ph.D. from the
University of Illinois in 1999 and was postdoctoral
research associate at the MIT during 1999-2000.
He joined the faculty at OSU in 2000, where he is
also affiliated with the ElectroScience Laboratory.
He has edited one book, and has published over
60 journal papers and 80 conference articles.
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research:
Computational electromagnetics, RF and optical
devices, ultrawideband inverse scattering, remote
Awards and Honors: Raj Mittra Outstanding Research Award, University of Illinois, 1999; Lumley
Research Award, The Ohio State University, 2003;
NSF CAREER Award, 2004; Young Scientist Award,
XXVII URSI General Assembly, 2002 ;Triennial
USNC Booker Fellowship, International Union of
Radio Science, 2005.
Service: Guest Editor, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Series; Chairman, IEEE Joint AP/MTT
Columbus Chapter.
Selected Publications*:
F.L. Teixeira, “On aspects of the physical realizability of perfectly matched absorbers for electromagnetic waves,” (invited) Radio Sci., vol. 38, no. 2,
8014, 2003.
S. Wang and F.L. Teixeira, “Lattice models for largescale simulations of coherent wave scattering,”
Phys. Rev. E, vol. 69, 016701, 2004.
Y.-K. Hue, F.L. Teixeira, L.S. Martin, and M. Bittar,
“Three-dimensional simulation of eccentric LWD
tool response in boreholes through dipping formations,” IEEE Trans. Geoscience Remote Sens., vol.
43, pp. 257-268, 2005.
M.E. Yavuz and F.L. Teixeira, “A numerical study of
time reversed UWB electromagnetic waves in continuous random media,’” IEEE Antennas Wireless
Propagat. Lett., vol.4, pp.43-46, 2005.
B. He and F.L. Teixeira, “Geometric finite element
discretization of Maxwell equations in primal and
dual spaces,” Phys. Lett. A, vol. 349, pp. 1-14,
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. 2003
Stanford University
Ph.D. 1964
Institute for Control
Moscow, Russia
Elif Uysal-Bıyıkoğlu
E-mail: utkin@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.6115
Office: 456 Dreese Laboratory
E-mail: elif@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.688.3620
Office: 304 Dreese Laboratory
Prof V. Utkin was with the Institute of Control
Sciences since 1960, as Head of the Discontinuous Control Systems Laboratory in 1973-1994.
Currently he is a professor of The Ohio State
University. Prof. Utkin is one of the originators of
the concepts of Variable Structure Systems and
Sliding Mode Control. In 1975-1978 he was in
charge of an international project between his Institute and “Energoinvest,” Sarajevo on the sliding
mode control of induction motors. D.C., induction
and synchronous drives with sliding mode control
have been applied for metal-cutting machine tools,
process control and electric cars.
Elif Uysal-Bıyıkoğlu received the Ph.D. degree in
Electrical Engineering from Stanford University,
California in 2003, the M.S. degree in Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science from MIT in
1999, and the B.S. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from ODTU, Ankara, Turkey,
as Valedictorian, in 1997. During her graduate
studies she was Research Assistant to Prof. Robert
G. Gallager at MIT, and to Profs. Abbas El-Gamal
and Balaji Prabhakar at Stanford. Her Ph.D. thesis
presented a novel formulation for energy-efficient
packet scheduling in wireless communication
Research Interests: Control of infinite-dimensional plants including flexible manipulators, sliding
modes in discrete time systems and microprocessor implementation of sliding mode control,
control of electric drives and alternators, robotics
and automotive control. As Ford Chair Professor
he has been a PI of several projects with automotive companies.
Reseach Interests: Networking and communication, particularly in combining the methods
network theories and communication theory to
find inter-layer design principles and algorithms for
wireless networks.
Awards and Honors: Honorary Doctor of University of Sarajevo; Lenin Prize (highest scientific award
in the former USSR), 1972; Oldenburger medal of
ASME, 2003; Humboldt award of German government, 2005; IEEE Fellow.
Service: Visiting positions at universities in the
USA, Japan, Italy and Germany; IPC chairman of
199O IFAC Congress in Tallinn; current Associate
Editor of “International Journal of Control;” Chairman of Technical Committee of IEEE on Variable
Structure and Sliding Mode Control; member of
Administrative Committee of IEEE CSS.
Selected Publications*:
Theory of Variable Structure Systems, Nauka,
Moscow, 197O (co-author).
Sliding Modes and their Applications in Variable
Structure Systems, Nauka, Moscow, 1974. (English
translation by Mir Publ., Moscow, 1978). Sliding Modes in Control and Optimization,
Springer Verlag, 1992.
Sliding Mode Control of Infinite-Dimensional Systems, Nauka, Moscow, 199O (with Yu.V. Orlov).
Sliding Mode Control in Electro-Mechanical Systems, Taylor&Frencis, 1999 (with J. Guldner and
J, Shi).
Service: Postdoctoral lecturer at MIT from 20032005; member of the Research Laboratory for
Electronics at MIT; Assistant Professor of ECE at
OSU since Sept. 2005; referee to many international journals and conferences, and served on
the Technical Programme Commitee of WiOpt’06,
Infocom ‘07, and is a session organizer for the
40th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems
and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, 2006.
Awards and Honors: Recipient of the Stanford
Graduate Fellowship (1999-2003); The MIT Vinton
Hayes Fellowship (1997); The ODTU presidential
scholarship (1993-1997); 6-time recipient (19941997) of the Bulent Kerim Altay award in ODTU,
and ranked first place in the nationwide university
entrance examination (OYS) in Turkey in 1993.
Selected Publications*:
E. Uysal-Bıyıkoğlu, B. Prabhakar, and A. El-Gamal,
“Energy-efficient Packet Transmission over a Wireless Link,” in IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, vol. 10,
no. 4, Aug. 2002, pp. 487-499. (Invited paper.)
E. Uysal-Bıyıkoğlu and A. El-Gamal, “On Adaptive
Transmission for Energy-efficiency in Wireless Data
Networks,” in IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol.
50, no. 12, Dec. 2004, pp: 3081 - 3094.
C. Swannack, E. Uysal-Bıyıkoğlu and G. Wornell,
“MIMO Broadcast Scheduling with Limited Channel
State Information,” in Proceedings of the FortyThird Allerton Conference on Communication,
Control and Computing, Monticello, IL, Sept. 2005.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
F ac u lt y
Director, ElectroScience
Chope Chair Professor
Ph.D. 1982
The Ohio State
Associate Professor
Ph.D. 1986
University of Cincinnati
George Valco
John Volakis
Longya Xu
E-mail: valco@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.5110
Office: 373 Dreese Laboratory
E-mail: volakis@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.5846
Office: 360 Dreese Laboratory
220A ElectroScience Laboratory
E-mail: xu@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.6119
Office: 217 Caldwell Laboratory
George Valco joined the Department in 1986. He
received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from
the University of Cincinnati in 1986, his M.S. in
Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics from
Case Western Reserve University in 1981 and
B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Case Western
Reserve University in 1979.
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research:
Semiconductor device processing and electronic
materials. He has performed research on silicon
nanochannel devices for drug delivery, pulsed
laser deposition (PLD) of YBa2Cu3O7-x high temperature superconducting thin films for microwave
applications, PLD of Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 films on silicon
for application in microwave filters, silicon solar
cells, electronic properties of chemical vapor
deposited diamond thin films, and two-dimensional
fiber optic arrays. Service: Prof. Valco teaches classes in the areas of
semiconductor devices and their fabrication, core
circuits courses and capstone design courses. He
has been the chair of the Department’s Undergraduate Studies Committee, and also serves on
the College Committee for Academic Affairs and
the University’s Council on Academic Affairs.
Selected Publications*: P. Sinha, S. Sharma, X. Lu, G.J. Valco, M. Ferrari,
“Nanoengineered Device for Drug Delivery Application,” Nanotechnology, 15 (10), S585-S589,
October (2004).
C-C. Hung, G.J. Valco, S.M. Aithal, V.V. Subramaniam, “Electrical Characteristics of Diamond
Films Synthesized from Methane/Hydrogen and
Acetone/Hydrogen Mixtures,” J. Appl. Phys. 78
(12), 7109-7119, December (1995).
N.J. Rohrer, G.J. Valco and K.B. Bhasin, “Hybrid
High Temperature Superconductor/GaAs 10 GHz
Microwave Oscillator: Temperature and Bias
Effects,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory
and Techniques, 41 (11), 1865-1871, November
Ph.D. 1990
University of Wisconsin
John L. Volakis was born in Chios, Greece and
immigrated to the United States when he was 18
years old. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Ohio
State University in 1982. From 1982-1984 he was
with Rockwell International (now Boeing Phantom
Works). During 1984-2003 he served on the faculty at the University of Michigan rising to the rank
of full Professor in 1994. While at Michigan, he
served as the Director of the Radiation Laboratory
from 1998-2000. Since January 2003, he is the
Roy and Lois Chope Chair Professor of Engineering,
and also serves as the Director of the ElectroScience Laboratory. Prof. Volakis has graduated/mentored 45 Ph.D. students/post-doctoral students. Research Interests: Primary research deals with
antennas, radar scattering, computational methods, electromagnetic compatibility and interference, design of new RF materials, multi-physics
engineering and bioelectromagnetics. Dr. Volakis
is listed by ISI among the top 250 most referenced
authors in Computer Science/Engineering (2004,
2005). Awards and Honors: IEEE Distinguished Lecturer,
2004-2007; President, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, 2003; Fellow, Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1996; 5 student
best paper awards (2000-2005); UM Research
College of Engineering research Excellence Award,
1998; UM EECS Dept, Service Excellence Award,
Selected Publications*:
Over 225 articles in major refereed journal
articles, more than 330 conference papers,
and nearly 20 book chapters. In addition, he
co-authored three books: Approximate Boundary Conditions in Electromagnetics (IEE, London,
1995), Finite Element Method for Electromagnetics (IEEE Press-Wiley, 1998) and Hybrid Methods
For Electromagnetics (Claypool-morgan, 2006). He
has also written two well-edited coursepacks on
introductory and advanced numerical methods for
electromagnetics, and has delivered short courses
on numerical methods, antennas and frequency
selective surfaces.
Longya Xu is the Director of Power Electronics and
Electric Machine Laboratory in the Department.
His research activities have been supported by
many major industry companies and the government including: GM, Ford, Delphi, Cleveland Clinic
Foundation, Boeing, Whirlpool, Smiths Aerospace,
Caterpillar, NSF, DOE, NIH. He has been an author
on more than 120 technical publications in IEEE
Transactions and conference proceedings. From
1992 to present, he has graduated 16 Ph.D. and
20 MS students.
Areas of Teaching and Research: Power electronic
converter analysis and synthesis, optimal design of
electric machine for special applications, sensorless and vector control of variable speed generating/drive systems; advanced DSP application in
real time motion control; super high speed (40k100k rpm) systems, renewable and distributed
generating systems, finite element analysis of
magnetic field.
Awards and Honors: IEEE Fellow; “First Prize Paper
Award” IEEE/IAS Electric Machine Committee;
Outstanding Research Award, College of Engineering OSU (1995, 1999, and 2004).
Service: IEEE/IAS Electric Machine Committee
Secretary, Program Chairman, and Committee
Chairman, (1995-2001); Associate Editor, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics, 1996-2002;
Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Electric
Machines and Power Systems, (1994-2003);
Internal Steering Committee member, International Conference of Power Electronics and Motion
Control (1996-2006); Publicity Chair, IEEE Electric
Machine and Drives Conference, 2005, Publicity
Chair and International Steering Committee member, International Conference of Electric Machinery
and System, 2005.
Selected Publications*:
Chuanyang Wang; Longya Xu, “A novel approach
for sensorless control of PM machines down to
zero speed without signal injection or special PWM
technique” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics June,
L. Xu, W. Fu, “Evaluation of Third Harmonics Effects
in Five-Phase Synchronous Reluctance Motor Drive
Using Time-Stepping Finite Element Method”, IEEE
Transactions on Industry Applications”, May/June
2002, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 638-644.
The Ohio State University
*For complete list of publications see individual faculty pages at www.ece.osu.edu
Winbigler Chair Professor
Ph.D. 1984
The Ohio State
Ph.D. 1984
University of
Notre Dame
Stephen Yurkovich
Yuan F. Zheng
E-mail: yurkovich@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.2586
Office: 408 Dreese Laboratory
E-mail: zheng@ece.osu.edu
Phone: 614.292.8039
Office: 205 Dreese Laboratory
Stephen Yurkovich is Director of the Honda
Partnership Program at Ohio State, a program
with endowments totaling more than $15M. His
research has been supported by GM, GEAC, Air
Products, and Caterpillar Tractor, as well as the
NSF, USAF, NASA, DoE and other government agencies. He has been an author on more than 170
technical publications in journals, edited volumes,
and conference proceedings, and has authored
and co-authored several books.
Yuan F. Zheng has been with The Ohio State University since August 1989, where he is currently
Winbigler Professor. He was the Chairman of the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering from 1993 to 2004. Areas of Teaching and Research: Control systems;
system identification and modeling; automotive
electronics and control systems; control and optimization of advanced propulsion systems
Principle Areas of Teaching and Research: Computer organization and digital circuits and systems;
wavelet transform for image and video processing,
and object classification and tracking, and robotics
including robotics for biological applications, multiple robots coordination, legged walking robots,
and personal robotics.
Awards and Honors: IEEE Fellow; IEEE Columbus
Section “Fellow of the Year” 2001; IEEE Control
Systems Society “Distinguished Member Award”,
2000; IEEE Millennium Medal Winner, 2000;
Invited Plenary speaker at several international
Awards and Honors: Presidential Young Investigator Award from Ronald Reagan in 1986, Research
Awards from the College of Engineering of The
Ohio State University in 1993 and 1997, respectively; best student paper award a few times, and
the Fred Diamond Award for best technical paper
from the Air Force Research Laboratory in 2006;
IEEE Fellow.
Service: IEEE Control Systems Society: President,
Pres.-Elect, VP Finance, VP Publications (19951999); Editor in Chief, IEEE Control Systems,
1993-98; Conference Organization: Co-Gen.
Chr., 2005 IEEE CDC; Gen. Chr., 1999 ACC; Tech.
Program Chr, 1997 ACC.; Gen. Chr., 1996 IEEE Int.
Conf. on Control Applications.
Service: Editorial board of five international
journals; appointed to the International Robotics Assessment Panel by the National Science
Foundation, 2004; Program Chair of the 1999
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation, and Program Committee Members of
numerous international conferences.
Selected Publications*:
V. Asnani, R. Singh, and S. Yurkovich, “Active Control of Amplitude or Frequency Modulated Sounds
in a Duct,” Noise Control Engineering Journal,
53(5), 2005.
Selected Publications*:
V. Cherezov, A. Peddi, L. Muthusubramaniam, Y.F.
Zheng, and M. Caffrey, “A robotic system for crystallizing membrane and soluble protein in lipidic
mesophases,” Acta Crystallographica, (2004),
D60, pp. 1795-1807.
S. Yurkovich and E. Abiakel, Control Systems Technology Lab, ISBN 0-536-80757-4, Pearson Custom
Publishing, 2004.
X. Li and S. Yurkovich, “Sliding Mode Control Methodologies for Regulating Idle Speed in IC Engines,”
in Electrical Engineering Handbook, M. K. Sain,
Chapter Ed., Academic Press, 2004.
J. Hurtig and S. Yurkovich, “Nonlinear Parameter
Set Estimation,” International Journal of Control,
Vol. 75, No. 2, 2002.
X. Li and S. Yurkovich, “Sliding Mode Control of
Delayed Systems With Application to Engine Idle
Speed Control,” IEEE Transactions on Control
System Technology, Vol. 9, No. 6, 2001.
Y. Liu and Y.F. Zheng, Y.F., “Video object segmentation and tracking using psi-learning classification,”
IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video
Technology, vol. 15, no. 7, July 2005, pp. 885-899.
E. Balster, Y.F. Zheng, and R. Ewing, “Featurebased wavelet shrinkage algorithm for image denoising,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol. 14,
no. 12, December 2005, pp. 2024-2039.
E. Baslter, Y.F. Zheng, Y.F. and R. Ewing, “Combined spatial and temporal domain wavelet shrinkage algorithm for video denoising,” IEEE Trans. on
Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 16,
no. 2, February 2006, pp. 220-230.
College of
Engineering Awards
The Clara M. and Peter L. Scott
Faculty Award is made to a senior
faculty member in engineering or
architecture who has distinguished
himself or herself nationally or
2005 Jose B. Cruz, Jr.
The Lumley Engineering Research
Awards recognize a select group
of researchers in the College of
Engineering who have shown
exceptional activity and success
in pursuing new knowledge of a
fundamental or applied nature.
2005 Kim Boyer Inder Gupta Ümit Özgüner Steven Ringel
Philip Schniter
2006 Paul Berger
Len Brillson
Jin-Fa Lee
Wu Lu
The Charles E. MacQuigg Awards
for Outstanding Teaching is
presented annually to faculty
members who have demonstrated,
in superior manner, their interest
in and willingness to help students,
their interest in improvement of the
high reputation of the College of
Engineering, and their outstanding
teaching ability.
2005 Bradley Clymer
The Stanley E. Harrison Faculty
Award is made to a faculty member
in engineering or architecture who is
in the early or mid-part of his or her
career and who has distinguished
himself or herself through a
contribution to the College or society.
2006 Joel Johnson
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Emeritus Professors
Frank Battocletti
Robert Blake
Kenneth Breeding
(d. 2006)
Walter Burnside
Richard Campbell
Stuart Collins, Jr.
Ralph Compton, Jr.
Wendell Cornetet, Jr.
John D. Cowan, Jr.
(d. 2006)
Edward Damon
Dean Davis
Robert DeVore
Robert Fenton
Robert Garbacz
James Gottling
Hsiung Hsu
Jogikal Jagadeesh
Hsien Ko
Robert Kouyoumijian
Aharon Ksienski
Robert Lackey
Curt Levis
Ronald Long
Robert Mayhan
Robert McGhee
Benedikt Munk
Karl Olson
William Peake Leon Peters, Jr.
Roger Rudduck
Stephen Sebo Marlin Thurston
Carlton Walter
Claude Warren
Herman Weed
Carlin Weimer
Emeritus Researchers
Eric K. Walton
Jonathan D. Young
Walter ‘Dennie’ Burnside
Stuart A. Collins, Jr.
Dennie Burnside earned his BSEE and MSEE in
1968 and his Ph.D. in 1972 all from The Ohio
State University. He has worked at the ElectroScience Laboratory since that time and was its
director from 1995 to 2002. He has been a full
professor and a Fellow of the IEEE since 1985.
Stuart Collins, Jr. earned his BS from St. Lawrence
University in 1953 and his Ph.D. from MIT, both in
Physics. He came to OSU in 1964 and has been in
the ElectroScience Laboratory since that time. He
has been a full professor since 1972.
Professor Emeritus
Dr. Burnside’s research interests lie in antenna
development, analysis, and scattering measurements. He has previously investigated wedge
diffraction and geometrical optics theory with
regard to parallel-plate waveguides. He has studied
various array antenna problems including their
radiation, impedance and scattering properties. He
has analyzed the radiation patterns of on-aircraft
antennas. He has utilized a combination of GTD
and MoM to examine these areas. More recently,
he has been concerned with the design and development of a state-of-the-art compact range and
instrumentation system.
Courtesy Faculty
Hojjat Adeli....................Civil, Environmental
Engineering & Geodetic Science
Chris Hammel....................................Physics
Giorgio Rizzoni......Mechanical Engineering
Thomas Waite..............Evolution, Ecology &
Organismal Biology
Jay Zweier.....Molecular & Cellular Biochem
Professor Emeritus
Dr. Collins’s research interests center around
the electromagnetic theory of optics and optical devices. His research areas include optical
resonators with focusing elements, atmospheric
propagation of light in a turbulent atmosphere,
and optical computing. Recently he has worked on
the application of optical computing techniques to
the generation of true time delays for phased array
radars and the shaping of laser beams for welding
applications. He is also interested in extending
lens design techniques to the simple tracing of
skew rays in tilted and decentered optical systems.
Ph.D. 1959
The Ohio State
Ph.D. 1968
The Ohio State
Adjunct Faculty
Robert Burkholder.........................ECE (ESL)
Michael Carr...................................ECE (ESL)
Chi-Chih Chen................................ECE (ESL)
Inder Gupta....................................ECE (ESL)
Keith Redmill...........................................ECE
Teh Hong Lee.................................ECE (ESL)
Tomy Sebastian...............Delphi Automotive
Kubilay Sertel.................................ECE (ESL)
Ph.D. 1965
The Ohio State
Ph.D. 1972
The Ohio State
Benjamin Munk
Leon Peters, Jr.
Ben Munk received his MSEE in 1954 from the
Technical University of Denmark and his Ph.D. in
1968 from The Ohio State University.
Leon Peters, Jr. received his BSEE in 1950, his
MSEE in 1954 and his Ph.D. in 1959, all from The
Ohio State University. He has served the ElectroScience Laboratory in a variety of roles, including
Director (1985-1994). In 1959 he was appointed
assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and has been a professor in that
department since 1967. He is a Fellow in the IEEE
and is a member of Sigma Xi and Commission B of
the International Union of Radio Science (URSI).
Dr. Peters’ research activities have covered a wide
range of electromagnetic-oriented areas, including radar scattering, antennas, electromagnetic
compatibility, subsurface radar systems, and the
geometrical theory of diffraction. Dr. Peters has
reported on such research in approximately 70
journal articles and in numerous oral papers.
Professor Peters retired in 1993 but continues his
research activities. At present his major interest is
in Ground Penetrating Radar.
Professor Emeritus
Dr. Munk’s research interests include designing
radome materials with both excellent electrical properties and good mechanical rigidity. He
specializes in electromagnetic scattering in such
areas as periodic surfaces, phased arrays, special
absorbers, hybrid and metallic radomes, as well as
Dichroic Surfaces.
The Ohio State University
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1965
The Ohio State
Ph.D. 1966
Purdue University
Ph.D. 1968
The Ohio State
Robert E. Fenton
Robert Garbacz
Robert Mayhan
Dr. Fenton joined the Ohio State faculty in 1960. Although he officially retired in 1995, he continues to teach. His technical interests have been
focused principally on the communication and
control aspects of automated highway systems. During his tenure Dr. Fenton performed pioneering research that led to demonstrated high speed
maneuvers (to 80 mph) such as automatic steering, automatic lane changing, and automatic car
following. These studies formed a basis for more
advanced work at Ohio State and elsewhere.
Some of Dr. Fenton’s honors include the election
into the National Academy of Engineering (2003),
IEEE 3rd Millennium Medal (2000), the Stuart
F. Meyer Award (1998), election as IEEE Fellow
(1986), and the Avant Garde Award (1982).
Robert Garbacz received his B.S.E.E. degree from
The University of Buffalo in 1955 and his M.S.E.E.
and Ph.D. degrees from The Ohio State University
in 1957 and 1968, respectively. From 1955 to
1968 he performed research at the OSU Antenna
Laboratory (now named the ElectroScience
Laboratory), primarily in electromagnetic scattering theory. From 1968 to 1981 he divided his time
between research and teaching, and from 1981 to
1995, between teaching and administrative
duties, particularly guiding the Electrical Engineering graduate program. In the last year before
formal retirement in 1995 he served as the
department’s Associate Chairman. Since 1995
Prof. Garbacz has volunteered his time to teach
one electromagnetics course earch quarter to
Junior-level students.
Bob Mayhan earned his BSEE, MSEE, and Ph.D.
degrees from Purdue University in 1960, 1962,
and 1965, respectively. He worked at Avco
Corporation’s Space Systems Division in Wilmington, MA before coming to The Ohio State University
in 1967. He has also been an Adjunct Professor at
the University of Dayton since 2001. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Ohio.
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1966
Hungarian Academy
of Sciences
Professor Emeritus
Dr. Mayhan has had a broad range of research
interests including methods for alleviating the
communication blackout problem encountered by
reentering space vehicles, guidance methods for
vehicles on an automated highway, and techniques
for the automatic control of the resistance welding
process. In an administrative capacity, he served
as Acting Chair in 1989 and Associate Chair from
1990 to 1995.
Ph.D. 1971
The Ohio State
Ph.D. 1971
University of Illinois
Stephen Sebo
Eric K. Walton
Jonathan D. Young
Dr. Sebo joined The Ohio State University in 1968
and remains active in teaching, research and
professional service in the electric power and high
voltage areas as a Professor Emeritus (2003). His
current research focuses on high voltage engineering, electromagnetic field (EMF) and EMC. His major research accomplishment was the pioneering
of the scale modeling techniques of high voltage
AC and HVDC transmission stations. Dr. Walton’s areas of interest include radio and
radar signal analysis, radar target identification,
compact range development and antenna design.
A major area of continuing research is the development of high resolution radar imaging techniques.
Specific research topics include superresolution
inverse synthetic aperture imaging, higher order
spectral analysis and time frequency distribution
interpretation of radar scattering. All of these
topics have led to improved radar scattering phenomenological concepts with applications to radar
target identification. He is the author of several papers and more than 15 reports specifically related
to radar target identification.
Dr. Young has more than 25 years experience in
Ground Penetrating Radar. His recent GPR research is devoted to improved antennas, airborne
GPR systems, and Unexploded Ordnance detection
and identification. He has also focused on ultrawideband (UWB) radar and antennas. His project
developed the OSU Compact Radar Cross-Section
Range, which has been the foundation for the ESL
Compact Range Consortium, involving over 16
companies over the period 1987 to the present.
His recent involvement in transient scattering phenomenology studies involve higher order scattering
mechanisms in target signatures, and the application of image processing to extract these features.
Senior Research Scientist Emeritus
Professor Emeritus
Dr. Sebo’s honors include the Edison Electric
Institute’s Power Educator Award (1981), Best
Paper Award of the IEEE Power Engineering
Society with Ross Caldecott (1982), appointed as
American Electric Power Professor at OSU (1982),
named Technical Person of the Year by Columbus
Technical Council (1994), and was the Neal A.
Smith Professor at OSU (1995-2003). Dr. Sebo
was the Public Member of the Power Siting Board
of the State of Ohio (1998-2004) and is a Fellow of
the IEEE (1993).
Senior Research Scientist Emeritus
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
R e s e a rc h e r s
B.S. Chemistry 2000 Pennsylvania State
Ph.D. 2001 The Ohio State
Ph.D. 1999
The Ohio State
Office: 209 CL
Phone: 614.292.2753
Email: bross@ece.osu.
Office: 282 CL
Phone: 614.292.6112
Email: carlin@ece.osu.
Office: 712 DL
Phone: 614.688.4369
Email: ertin.1@osu.edu
Aimee L. Bross
John Carlin
Emre Ertin
Aimee L. Bross is a Senior Research Associate in
the ECE Department and is the primary electron
beam lithography engineer for the Ohio Nanoscale
Patterning Center. Prior to her arrival at OSU, Ms.
Bross spent five years at TriQuint Semiconductor
in Dallas, Texas, where she was a member of the
electron beam lithography group in the Process Engineering Department. During that time, she was
a primary member of cross-functional engineering teams that improved DC yield across several
product technologies (for which she was a TriQuint
President’s Award recipient, the highest award
given at TriQuint), reduced cycle time in the fab,
and moved the fab from its original location on the
campus of Texas Instruments to its current location
in Richardson, Texas. Ms. Bross’ research interests
include nanoscale lithography and patterning,
advanced resist processing and materials, and
advanced surface analysis. Ms. Bross also worked
for Molecular Electronics, Inc. of State College, PA.
Dr. Carlin joined the department in 2005 as a
research scientist in the Electronic Materials and
Devices Laboratory (EMDL). Dr. Carlin’s research
interests include heterogeneous integration of
electronic materials for application to optoelectronics, energy conversion, sensing, and high speed
devices and substrate and lattice engineering via
relaxed buffers for such applications. Dr. Ertin’s research interests include sensor networks, radar imaging, remote sensing and statistical learning theory. Prior to joining OSU in 2002,
he was with the Core Technology Group at
Battelle, as the technical lead in the design of
wireless smart sensor systems. At OSU he was an
investigator for the DARPA-NEST program working
in hardware and distributed detection algorithm
design for the ExScal Project, a perimeter security
sensor network deployment comprising over a
thousand multimodal sensor nodes. For the
NRL-Windsat program he developed a probabilistic
model of space-borne radiometer measurements
for the retrieval of wind vectors from ocean surface
microwave thermal emissions. For the AFRL-RASER
program he worked on three dimensional polarimetric radar imaging algorithms. He is also one
of the creators of Kansei, a remotely accessible
large-scale wireless sensor network testbed at
OSU. Presently, he is a Co-PI for the AFOSR MURI
on Automatic Target Exploitation.
Senior Research Associate Engineer
Senior Research Associate Engineer
Currently, Dr. Carlin is coordinating activities and
working jointly with the Survivability and Sensor
Materials Division (MLPS) of Air Force Research
Labs (AFRL) at Wright Patterson Air Force Base on
the Heterogeneous Materials Integration Initiative
(HMI2). The HMI2 partnership between EMDL and
AFRL/MLPS fosters collaborations in critical areas
of forward looking electronic materials, nanomaterials and integrated devices/systems through joint
research projects.
Ph.D. 1989
The Ohio State
Ph.D. 1997
The Ohio State
Ph.D. 1982
The Ohio State
Office: 209 ESL
Phone: 614.292.4597
Email: rjb@esl.eng.ohiostate.edu
Office: ESL
Phone: 614.292.3403
Email: chen.118@osu.
Office: 233 ESL
Phone: 614.292.5951
Email: gupta.11@osu.edu
Robert Burkholder
Chi-Chih Chen
Inder J. Gupta
Dr. Burkholder joined the department in 1989 and
is an elected Fellow of the IEEE. He has co-authored 32 journal papers, 75 conference papers
and three book chapters. His research interests
include Electromagnetic theory and modeling,
computational methods for electromagnetics,
radar scattering from ships on rough sea surfaces,
and in-situ antenna design and analysis. Current
projects of Dr. Burkholder’s include “Development
of Asymptotic High Frequency Based Solution for
EM Scattering,” Air Force Research Labs; “Validation of Sea and Target Scattering Models,” Office of
Naval Research; “Radiation Patterns of Antennas Through an Aerodynamic Radome,” Naval
Research Labs; “EM Threat Analysis for Wireless
Systems,” Sandia National Labs, Livermore, CA;
and “Optimal Vessel Performance in Evolving
Nonlinear Wave Fields,” MURI funded by Office of
Naval Research, Prof. Joel Johnson OSU P.I. Dr. Chen,’s research interests include ground penetrating radar, radar signal processing and wide
bandwidth antenna development. He introduced
several UWB, fully polarimetric dielectric antenna
designs that have been applied to reflector feed,
near-field probing and ground penetrating radar.
He was the principal investigator on several research projects involving the detection and classification of buried pipes, landmine and unexploded
ordnance. He also developed a new commercial Xband imaging radar for automobile backup sensing
and blind spot elimination. Currently he is involved
in small antenna developments from VHF to GPS.
Dr. Gupta’s research interests include radar imaging, EM scattering, compact range technology,
adaptive antennas and target identification. He
has developed various techniques for enhancing
the quality and resolution of radar images, including AR modeling, maximum likelihood estimation
and data extrapolation. He has designed state-ofthe-art reflectors for compact range measurement
systems, as well as techniques to evaluate the
performance of antenna and radar ranges. He has
worked extensively on adaptive antenna arrays
for radio frequency interference suppression and
multipath mitigation in communication systems
and navigation systems. Currently, he is working
on GPS antennas and antenna electronics. He is
a member of JPALS Antenna Bias Group and GPS
JPO’s Antennas and Antenna Electronics Working
Group. Presently, he has research projects with
ONR, AFOSR, AFRL and many U.S. aerospace companies. Dr. Gupta is a Fellow of IEEE.
Senior Research Scientist
Research Scientist
Research Scientist
The Ohio State University
Senior Research Scientist
Ph.D. 1987
The Ohio State
M.S. 1998
The Ohio State
Office: ESL
Phone: 614.292.2043
Email: lee.52@osu.edu
Office: 356 CL
Email: martinj@osu.edu
Ph.D. 1998
The Ohio State
Teh-Hong Lee
John I. Martin
Keith Redmill
Lee received the B.S. degree from National Taiwan
University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1980, and the M.Sc.
and Ph.D. degrees from The Ohio State University
in 1984 and 1987, respectively, all in electrical
engineering. Since 1982, he has been associated with the ElectroScience Laboratory where
presently he is a Research Scientist. His major
research area is in the antenna analysis, design
and measurement. He is the main developer of
NEC Reflector Antenna Code at the ElectroScience
Laboratory and has also been involved with design
and upgrade of measurement facilities. He is a
senior member of IEEE and a member of Antenna
Measurement Techniques Association.
John Martin received the Bachelor of Science
degree from The Ohio State University in 1997, and
an MS degree from OSU in 1999. He worked at
OSU from 1999 to 2001, and recently returned to
OSU in 2004 after contracting for National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration. While contracting for
NHTSA, John also worked on image stabilization
and automatic target recognition tasks. His primary
activity at OSU has been robotics research and
recently participated in OSU’s entry in the 2005
DARPA Grand Challenge.
Dr. Redmill received B.S.E.E. and B.A. Mathematics
degrees from Duke University in 1989 and M.S.
and Ph.D. degrees from The Ohio State University
in 1991 and 1998, respectively. He has been
with the Department since 1998. He is actively
involved in research involving autonomous ground
and aerial vehicles. Recently, he led the integration
of autonomous offroad vehicles for the 2004 and
2005 DARPA Grand Challenges. His research interests include control and systems theory, intelligent
transportation systems, autonomous vehicle and
robotic systems, real-time embedded systems, GPS
and inertial positioning and navigation, transit and
traffic monitoring, image processing, wireless digital
communication for vehicles, sensor technologies,
decentralized multiagent hierarchical and hybrid
systems, and numerical analysis and scientific computing. He is a member of the IEEE and SIAM.
Research Scientist
Senior Research Associate Engineer
Research Associate II - Engineering
Ph.D. 1976
The Ohio State
Ph.D. 2003
University of Michigan
Ph.D. 2000
The Ohio State
Office: ESL
Phone: 614.688.5822
E-mail: sertel.1@osu.edu
Ronald J. Marhefka
G. Frank Paynter
Kubilay Sertel
Dr. Marhefka is involved in the analysis of practical scattering and antenna problems. This has
included developing high frequency asymptotic
solutions such as the uniform geometrical theory
of diffraction, hybrid solutions, and other scattering techniques. He has been applying these high
frequency techniques to analyze the radiation
patterns of and the coupling between antennas in
a shipboard and other complex environments. Dr.
Marhefka has also extended these techniques and
developed new solutions for finding the radar cross
section of complex scattering bodies. Portions of
his work have been incorporated in well-known
and widely distributed general purpose computer
codes. In addition, he has recently worked on
developing frequency selective surfaces and broad
band antenna arrays.
Frank Paynter received the B.S. degree from
Ga Tech, in 1972 BPC (Before Personal Computers), and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from The
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, in 1996 and
2000, respectively, all in electrical engineering.
Since 1993 he has been associated with the
ElectroScience Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State University, where
presently he is a Research Scientist. His major
research area is in development of graphical user
interfaces for computational electromagnetics
(CEM) codes. He is the main developer of the NecBsc Workbench, The ESP Workbench, the Antenna
Workbench, and the USA Satellite Industry Consortium (SatCom) Workbench. He is also a pilot with
single-engine commercial, instrument, and instructor ratings and an ardent glider pilot.
Dr. Sertel’s research areas include electromagnetic
theory, computational electromagnetics, volume
and surface integral equations and hybrid finite
element methods, fast and efficient methods for
large-scale electromagnetics problems and parallel
implementations of fast algorithms, periodic
structures and metamaterials, EMI/EMC, indoor
wireless propagation, and antenna performance
evaluation for large arrays on large platforms.
Current projects include “Novel Materials for
Antennas and RF Devices” (MURI funded by the
AFOSR), 2004-2009; “Effects of Rotating Blades
on Performance of Direction Finding Antennas”;
Applied EM Corp.
Dr. Sertel has co-authored 17 journal papers,
over 40 conference papers and a book chapter. He
is currently the vice president of the IEEE AP-MTT
Columbus Chapter.
Genshe Chen (J. Cruz)
Min Gao (L. Brillson)
Alvaro Gil (K. Passino)
Ke Liu (H. El-Gamal)
Yong Liu (K. Passino)
Carolyn Warnky (B. Anderson)
Peng Yan (A. Serrani)
Research Scientist
Senior Research Scientist
Manish Gupta (H. El-Gamal)
Mantu Hudait (S. Ringel)
Rickie Kindt (J. Volakis)
Gullu Kiziltas (J. Volakis)
Senior Research Associate Engineer
Jeffrey Fortuna (A. Martinez)
Min Gao (L. Brillson)
Ian Hamilton (K. Passino)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kihwan Kim (A. Serrani)
Ke Liu (H. El-Gamal)
Dimitrios Psychoudakis (J. Volakis)
Zhijun Tang (Ümit Özgüner)
S ta f f
S t aff
Fred Herchline
Aaron Aufderheide
Systems Developer/Engineer
Mark Brenner
Laboratory Supervisor, ESL
Judy Dean
Tyra DeBerry
Personnel Aide, ESL
Margaret Dodd
Assistant to the Chair
Carol Duhigg
Program Coordinator
Ray Feast
Business Services Officer, ESL
Lucinda Flores
Human Resources Administrator
Gary Gahm
MURI Program Administrator, ESL
Don Gibb
Systems Developer/Engineer
Design Engineer
Sean Jaynes
Network Support Specialist, ESL
Jim Jones
Laboratory Supervisor
Vincent Juodvalkis
Senior Systems Manager
Edwin Lim
Kevin Reaver
Network Support Specialist, ESL
Claudia Riser
Manager of Fiscal and Business
Connie Roberson
Fiscal Administrator, ESL
Stella Rubia
Systems Specialist
Program Coordinator
Cory Matyas
Lisa Stover
Academic Advisor
Jeri McMichael
Administrative Assistant
Jill Mobley
Information Associate
J.C. Moncrief
Electronic Technician, ESL
Susan Noble
Academic Program Coordinator
Bruce O’Keefe
Academic Counselor
The Ohio State University
Document Production Specialist,
Aaron Swinger
Accountant 1
William Thalgott
Laboratory Supervisor
Tricia Toothman
Office Associate
Molly Wambold
Assistant to the Director, ESL
I n d u s t r i a l B oa r d O f A dv i s o r s
Charles Allen
VP, General Manager, Honda R&D North America, Raymond, OH
James Armitage VP Engineering, Northrup Grumman Electronic Sensors and Systems Sector, Balmore, MD
OSU 1975 B.S.
Bami Bastani
President and CEO, Anadigics, Warren, NJ
OSU 1977 M.S.; 1980 Ph.D.
Thomas Brackey
Robert S. Chau Exec. Dir., Technical Operations, Boeing Satellite Systems, Inc., Los Angeles, CA OSU 1961 B.C.; 1964 M.S.; 1969 Ph.D.
Frank Henson President Emeritus, Columbus Technology Council, Columbus, OH
OSU 1961 B.C.
David Hutchison
Senior Member of the Technical Staff, Texas Instruments, Plano, TX
OSU 1987 B.S.
Tom Jones
Manager, Corporate Technology Development, American Electric Power
OSU 1973 B.C.; 1973 M.S.
Brian Kent
Senior scientist, AFRL Sensors, Air Force Research Laboratory
OSU 1981 M.S.; 1984 Ph.D.
Tim Newcome
President, Newcome Electric Systems, Columbus, OH
OSU 1978 B.S.
Alan Pisano
Department Staff Engineer, General Electric Controls Center of Excellence
Director, Transistor Research and Nanotechnology, Intel Corporation, Beaverton, OR
OSU 1984 B.C.; 1986 M.S.; 1989 Ph.D.
Gautam Reddy Academic Developer Relations Manager, Microsoft, Southfield, MI
Clark Reed
Director, Tech. and Process, Lockheed Martin
OSU 1969 B.C. Charles Rhoads Senior Fellow, Raytheon Systems Co., Antenna/Nonmetallics, McKinney, TX
OSU 1976 B.S.; 1978 M.S.; 1983 Ph.D.
Jennifer Stofer
Michael Swartz
Functional Manager, Verification Tools, IBM, Rochester, MN OSU 1993 M.S.
President, Lake Shore Cryotronics, Westerville, OH
OSU 1960 M.S.; 1965 Ph.D.
Jason Tsai
General Manager, Fanuc Robotics North America, Rochester Hills, MI
OSU 1982 M.S.; 1985 Ph.D.
Joseph Weimer Chief, Electrical Technology Branch, W/LPOOC Aerospace Power Division, Wright-Patterson
Dan Williams
Ed Zelnio
Chief, Sensor ATR Division, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
In Remembrance
he Department honors the memory of Prof. Ken Breeding who passed away on
11, 2006 at The Ohio State University Hospital. Professor Breeding
taught at OSU for 38 years and although he became professor Emeritus in 2003, he
remained active in teaching and working with students.
Dr. Breeding’s research interests over the years have focused on visual pattern
recognition/computer vision and image processing. This research also involved him in
the design of special purpose computer structures and systems for processing images
and related information.
Dr. Breeding was actively involved in curriculum development and responsible
for the upgrade or development of numerous laboratories and courses dealing with
microprocessors, large-scale digital systems, and computer architecture. He has also
developed a technical writing course for the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, was instrumental in creating a model implementation of technical writing
throughout the College of Engineering, and was responsible for the development of
the College of Engineering core undergraduate program. His latest research interests
centered on the development of modern engineering curricula and computer-aided
instruction for facilitating the learning process.
In honor of Ken’s memory, The Professor Kenneth J. Breeding Memorial Scholarship Fund has been established and will be used for undergraduate scholarships for
students enrolled in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
The Ohio State University
This document was edited by the Communications and Public Relations Committee: Ümit Özgüner, Carol Duhigg, Paul Berger,
and Bradley Clymer. Special thanks go out to Füsun Özgüner for her input, and to Pam Frost Gorder, Gina M. Langen, and Joan
Slattery Wall in the College of Engineering for allowing us to reprint some of their writings.
T h e O h i o S tat e U n i v e r s i t y
D e p t . o f E l e c t r i ca l &C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g
2015 N e i l A v e n u e
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