A Wideband Amplifier with 2.4 mm Connectors Operating up to 48 GHz M. Häfele∗‡ , C. Schick∗ , F. Hernandez-Guillen∗, A. Trasser∗ , P. Abele∗† , and H. Schumacher∗ ∗ Dept. of Electron Devices and Circuits, University of Ulm, D-89069 Ulm, Germany with United Monolithic Semiconductors (UMS) GmbH, D-89081 Ulm, Germany ‡ Now with DaimlerChrysler AG, Research and Technology, D-89013 Ulm, Germany Phone: +49 731 5052026, e-mail: Martin.Haefele@DaimlerChrysler.com † Now Abstract— In this paper, we report about an assembly technology for a wideband distributed amplifier (DA). The amplifier MMIC is fabricated in a commercially available GaAs pHEMT process with 150 nm gate length. The amplifier is connected to a 50 Ω microstrip-line on an external rf-laminate with 2.4 mm connectors attached to the input and output. A via-hole process was developed for the Teflon based substrate material. All elements are assembled on top of this substrate. To provide bias decoupling down to the kHz-range, an external surface mount device (SMD) resistor and capacitor are attached to the artificial drain line termination of the DA. This enables the amplifier to operate in non-return to zero (NRZ) optical communication systems. The packaged amplifier exhibits a gain of 11.2 dB near dc. The midband gain equals to 8.9 dB±1.5 dB between 2 GHz and 48.5 GHz. Index Terms— Distributed amplifiers, traveling wave amplifiers, optoelectronic devices, high-speed integrated circuits, packaging For the assembly technology, an important technical problem that must be overcome is how to cope with parasitic effects [1]. As the bandwidth becomes wider and the frequency becomes higher, the effects of circuit patterns or structure increase significantly [1]. In particular, chip mounting is most crucial, where the wavelength of the electrical signal approaches the physical size of the mounting elements such as the package cavity, input/output leads, and bonding wires [1]. For achieving an excellent bandwidth performance [2] a DA topology is utilized for the MMIC. The idea of a DA is to use several small active devices in parallel instead of one large transistor and to separate its parasitic capacitances by high impedance transmission lines. The resulting small signal structure at the input and output is designed to behave like a 50 Ω artifical transmission line and therefore shows both small input and output reflection as well as flat gain over a large bandwidth. With this circuit topology, one can simultaneously have the high frequency characteristics of one unit-cell together with gain and output power performance of all unit-cells in parallel. This concept is often used for high speed broadband amplifiers with moderate gain. OF THE CD2 CD1 RD2 RD1 RD ZD, lD RExt CExt ZD, lD ZD, lD RS VG2 RG2, Bias RG2, D ZS, lS RS T2 ZS, lS CG2 T1 Input ZG , lG Output RG2, D T2 CG2 ZD , lD ZG, lG T1 ZG , lG ZG, lG RG RG, Bias VG I. I NTRODUCTION II. C IRCUIT D ESIGN process with 150 nm gate length from United Monolithic Semiconductors (UMS). A circuit schematic is shown in Fig. 1. MMIC The circuit design of the MMIC is described in detail in [3]. The used topology is a distributed amplifier with four cascode unit-cells based on a pseudomorphic GaAs pHEMT low noise Fig. 1. Schematic of the MMIC. On the top left is the drain bias decoupling shown. Despite the gate line, also at the artifical drain line a 50 Ω termination is needed for the reverse traveling wave. To have no dc-current flowing through the resistor RD , serial blocking capacitors are needed. High frequency components of the wideband signal are already grounded on chip. To enable a flat frequency response down to very low frequencies, additionally an external SMD capacitor with a high capacitance of 100 nF has to be attached to the chip. The transmission lines at the input and output are kept as short as possible. By this, the bond-wire inductance is embedded into the circuit design and compensates for the parasitic capacitance of the first and last transistor unit-cell. The circuit design was optimized for a bond-wire inductance of 0.1 nH. The circuit performance up to 50 GHz is shown in detail in [3]. Measurements up to 110 GHz were carried out at two different bias points. For a bandwidth exceeding 60 GHz, a drain biasing of 3.0 V is applied via the internal bias-Tee of the measurement setup. Additionally a second gate voltage of VG2 = 2.0 V is used. The small signal measurements for this bias point are depicted in Fig. 2. The measured gain close to dc equals 10.5 dB with a gain ripple of ±1.0 dB between 10 MHz and 60 GHz. The -3 dB bandwidth equals 62.2 GHz. Up to 50 GHz, input reflections are smaller than -12 dB. Output reflections are lower than Gain (S21) / Reflection [dB] 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 ±0.6 dB. For the bandwidth from 10 GHz up to the cut-off frequency of 57.2 GHz, the gain variation is even smaller and equals ±0.3 dB. Input reflections are better than -9.6 dB up to 50 GHz. The output reflections are better than -10 dB up to 74 GHz and less than -5 dB over the whole 110 GHz measurement band. For this amplifier, a demonstrator with 2.4 mm connectors is assembled, which is described in the following. Measured S21 Measured S11 Measured S22 III. A SSEMBLY T ECHNOLOGY A. Substrate Material 0 20 40 60 80 100 Frequency f [GHz] Gain (S21) / Reflection [dB] Fig. 2. On-wafer small-signal parameters, measured up to 110 GHz. For a drain biasing of 3 Vpp the amplifier is biased for maximum bandwidth. For this bias point the gain close to dc equals 10.5 dB with a −3 dB bandwidth of 62.2 GHz. 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 Measured S21 Measured S11 Measured S22 0 20 40 60 80 100 Frequency f [GHz] Fig. 3. On-wafer small-signal parameters, measured up to 110 GHz. A drain biasing of 5.0 V is applied for a flat frequency response. Between 2 GHz and 57.2 GHz the gain variation is within ±0.6 dB. The gain at dc equals 11.8 dB. -14 dB up to 50 GHz and less than -5 dB over the whole measurement band. Alternatively the amplifier can be biased for higher gain with a very flat frequency response. In this case, the drain biasing equals to 5.0 V with a second gate voltage of 3.7 V. Small signal measurements at this bias-point are shown in Fig. 3. Close to dc the gain equals 11.8 dB. The gain variation between 10 MHz and 57.8 GHz is ±1.4 dB. The increased gain at low frequencies is due to the fact, that an additional external resistor with 10 Ω is used in series to the external SMD capacitor. This resistor is needed to prevent a resonance between the on-chip capacitor-network and the parasitic inductance of the bond-wire which is needed to connect an external SMD capacitor to the artificial drain line. The external SMD capacitor is needed to have good bias decoupling down to frequencies in the kHz-range, especially if the amplifier is intended for applications in optical communication networks with NRZ signal encoding. Between 2 GHz and 57.2 GHz the gain ripple is within At frequencies exceeding 20 GHz, the requirements for the substrate material are critical. The generation of unwanted rfmodes has to be prevented and substrate losses have to be small. Typically two types of substrates are used at the high frequency end. One is an Al2 O3 based substrate. Losses for this substrate material are very small (typically tanδ=0.0002 at 10 GHz). However, one disadvantage is that the material is very hard. Therefore it is critical to apply a via-hole process to it. In comparison, a Teflon based substrate is very soft and is perfectly suited for test-structures, since it can be easily cut and transmission lines can be trimmed to the desired length even after fabrication. Additionally a via-hole process is possible but critical, since processing is not easy. An other advantage is the very low dielectric constant εr of the substrate. Since the width of the microstrip line is wider for lower values of εr , etching of 50 Ω microstrip lines can be done with a standard printed-circuit-board process. Due to the above described advantages, a Teflon based rf-laminate was chosen as substrate material. Despite substrate materials for low frequencies, Rogers Corp. provides a Teflon based substrate (RT/Duroid 5880) which is typically intended for military applications. For the substrate height, a thickness of 127 µm was chosen to approximately fit the 100 µm height of the fabricated GaAs MMIC. This gives the possibility for short bond-wires if both, the amplifier and the substrate are fixed next to each other on a metal block. The copper cladding for this substrate equals to 17 µm and the dielectric constant is εr = 2.20. The loss tangent tan δ is very low and equals 0.0004 at 1 MHz and 0.0009 at 10 GHz. For this type of substrate, a via-hole process is developed using reactive ion etching and a gold galvanic process. The via-holes are already drilled by the standard printed-circuit-board process. To achieve stickiness of the gold vaporization at the via-hole walls, a reactive ion etching process was used providing some roughness to the substrate. The substrate is etched three times with five seconds and additional three minutes break to avoid too much heating of the substrate. Afterwards, gold vaporization is used to achieve conductivity of the via holes. This gold layer is very thin which results in a low conductivity of the via-holes. Thus, an additional gold galvanic process is applied to the substrate. The gold galvanic process is uncritical and a thick (approximately 1 µm) gold layer is deposited to achieve a good conductivity of the via-holes. B. Connector As connector, an edge mount jack from the Rosenberger RPC 2.4 mm series is used. The Rosenberger connector 09K243-40ME3 provides easy assembly to the metal brass and p a very low insertion loss of < 0.2 dB × f/GHz. The voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) is below 1.5 up to 40 GHz. C. Assembly Typically there exist three ways for assembling an amplifier to an external rf-laminate. One possibility is to use flip-chip technology, with the amplifier placed up-side-down on top of an rf-substrate. In this case, grid ball bonds are used to have a smaller and well controlled parasitic inductance compared to bond-wires. This is especially useful in terms of high frequency operation. However, arranging of the amplifier to the pads on the substrate is critical. Especially, the ground-signal-ground pad spacing is only 70 µm for the already fabricated amplifier, which would additionally make the fabrication of the transmission lines critical. Additionally, there are other main road blocks for flip-chip technology. A lack of experience and proven design data requires additional efforts for production environment [4]. Furthermore, using flip-chip technology implies a basic change in design strategy and an additional bump fabrication step to the process flow on the wafer level at the foundry side [4]. Due to the above reasons, flip-chip technology is not utilized for this amplifier. Fig. 5. Picture of the fabricated low noise amplifier with Rosenberger connectors attached. The picture on the left side shows a complete view of the amplifier, on the right side a zoomed in view shows more details of the assembled chip. Another possibility is to mount both, the transmission line and the amplifier to a metal block. The transmission lines and the amplifier can thereby be fixed by a silver filled epoxy glue. The amplifier’s input and output signal-lines are connected to the microstrip line of the rf-laminate by bond-wires. This is a very elegant way to connect the amplifier and the substrate if both have approximately the same height. By this, the bond-wire length can be kept relatively short, reducing the parasitic inductance. This assembly technique is especially useful if a rigid substrate material like AlO3 based materials is taken. In this case, the amplifier and the substrate can be fixed close to each other easily. amplifier’s input and output to the 50 Ω transmission lines. Underneath the amplifier are several via-holes to provide a good ground and heat-sink to the amplifier. Close to the on-chip drain line termination of the amplifier is a pad provided for connecting bond-wires to a substrate with external SMD components. From this pad, three bond-wires are connected to a pad with a 10 Ω resistor. In series to the resistor, two capacitors in parallel are mounted to a pad with via holes to ground. The size of the assembled amplifier is 1.2 × 1.5 × 1.1 cm3 for the metal block or 3.1 × 1.5 × 2.7 cm3 for the metal block with the 2.4 mm connectors. If the substrate material is suited for a via-hole process, then the amplifier can also be attached on top of the substrate. The via-holes of the rf-laminate provide a good ground to the backside of the MMIC. This makes the assembly-process easy, because all passive structures can be easily glued on the same piece of substrate. The above described assembly method is utilized for the amplifier described here and is depicted in Fig. 4. IV. M EASUREMENT R ESULTS FOR THE A SSEMBLED A MPLIFIER 50 Ω TL GSG-pads MMIC Bondwires 50 Ω TL RF laminate Via holes Fig. 4. MMIC mounted on top of an rf-laminate. Via-holes of the rf-laminate provide a good ground to the backside-metalization of the MMIC. A micrography of the assembled amplifier is shown in Fig. 5. On the top right, one can see a detailed view of the amplifier MMIC. Two bond-wires in parallel are used for connecting the Measurements of the small signal parameters of the amplifier are carried out with a single supply which provides a drain voltage of 3.0 V and a current of 55 mA, resulting in a total power consumption of 165 mW. The drain biasing is applied via the internal bias-Tee of the used vector network analyzer. Alternatively the drain biasing can be applied via the reverse drain line termination, see [3]. This would provide the advantage that no external bias-Tee is needed, but at the expense of an increased power consumption. The gate of the common source transistors is grounded via the 50 Ω resistor of the artifical gate line termination. No additional gate biasing is used for both, the common source and the common gate transistor. Applying biasing to the gates could slightly improve gain flatness and overall gain performance, but at the expense of increased assembly effort and therefore cost. The small signal measurements of the assembled amplifier are shown in Fig. 6. Near dc, the gain equals to 11.3 dB due to an external resistor of 10 Ω used for decoupling of the on-chip capacitances and the bond-wire inductance. This resistor was not included into original simulations and therefore results in a slightly increased gain at low frequencies. However, this problem can be easily overcome with a modified chip design as is shown Gain (S21) / Reflection [dB] [5] M. Häfele, A. Trasser, K. Beilenhoff, and H. Schumacher, “A GaAs Distributed Amplifier with an Output Voltage of 8.5 Vpp for 40 Gb/s Modulators,” in Proc. 13 th Gallium Arsenide and other Compound Semiconductors Application Symposium, Paris, France, Oct. 2005, pp. 345–348. 10 Measured S21 Measured S11 Measured S22 0 -10 -20 -30 0 10 20 30 40 50 Frequency f [GHz] Fig. 6. Measured small-signal performance of the mounted low-noise amplifier biased with a drain voltage of 3 V. At 2.0 GHz the gain equals to 10.4 dB with a −3 dB bandwidth of 48.5 GHz. Due to the external bias decoupling, the gain increases to 11.3 dB close to dc. for example in [5]. Input and output reflections are better than −12 dB up to 30 GHz. Over the whole measurement bandwidth of 50 GHz reflections are still less than −5 dB. V. S UMMARY In this paper we presented new measurement results up to 110 GHz for an earlier published amplifier [3]. A drain biasing of 3 V results in a gain of 10.5 dB ± 1.0 dB up to 60 GHz and a -3dB bandwidth in excess of 62 GHz. This amplifier is then mounted on top of a Teflon based rf-laminate (Ro5880) with 50 Ω transmission lines at the input and output of the amplifier. A via-hole process was developed for the rf-laminate to enable easy attachment of the amplifier and SMD components needed for off-chip drain bias decoupling. Rosenberger 09K243-40ME3 connectors are used to enable attachment to 2.4 mm connectors. The assembled amplifier shows a gain of 10.4 dB at 2 GHz with a -3dB cut-off frequency of 48.5 GHz. A bandwidth extension to lower frequencies is possible by a redesign of the on-chip termination network of the MMIC. Input and output reflections are better than −12 dB up to 30 GHz. VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank the "Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration IZM" for performing smallsignal measurements of the amplifier MMIC up to 110 GHz. R EFERENCES [1] T. Shibata, S. Kimura, H. Kimura, Y. Imai, Y. Umeda, and Y. 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