2010 READING LIST - Brunel University

The Reading List for the BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy programme will be available on
20th September at the start of Freshers' Week. All recommended and core texts will be listed
in the Occupational Therapy Student Handbook under each individual module which will be
available on u-link the University's on-line learning support system.
During Freshers' week it has been arranged for a representative of Blackwell Books to come
to the Uxbridge Campus and sell students the core text books at a discount of 10%.
Recommended reading list for Year 1 and beyond
There are 3 lists below:
1) TEXT BOOK LIST: this includes core texts for the programme and these books will be
available to purchase with a 10% discount during Freshers' Week in September. You are
strongly recommended not to purchase these books before term starts.
2) INTRODUCTORY BOOKS / GUIDES: you may like to read some of these before
September or during the next 3 years - some will be useful throughout the programme. They
are available on Amazon.co.uk.
3) RECOMMENDED BOOKS & FILMS: these are about peoples' experiences of illness,
disability, cultural differences and everyday living. You may like to read or see these before
September or during the next 3 years. They are available on Amazon.co.uk.
*Alsop A & Ryan S (1996 or 1999) Making the Most of Fieldwork Education, A Practical
Approach. Cheltenham. Stanley Thornes.
*Christiansen C, Baum C & Bass-Haugen J (2005) Occupational therapy: performance,
participation and well-being. (3rd edition) New Jersey. SLACK Inc.
Creek J (2008) The Core Concepts of Occupational Therapy: A Dynamic Framework for
*Creek J (2001) Occupational Therapy in Mental Health. (3rd edition) Edinburgh. Churchill
Duncan EAS (2005) Foundations for Practice in Occupational Therapy (4th edition).
Edinburgh. Churchill Livingstone.
Finlay L (2004) The Practice of Psychosocial Occupational Therapy (3rd edition).
Cheltenham. Nelson-Thornes.
*Grieve J & Gnanasekaran L (2008) Neuropsychology for Occupational Therapy: cognition
in occupational performance. (3rd edition) Oxford. Blackwell Publishing.
*Gross R (2001) Psychology: Science of Mind & Behaviour (4th edition) Oxford. Hodder &
Hersch G I, Lamport N K & Coffey M S (2004) Activity Analysis: Application to Occupation
(5th edition). USA. Slack Inc.
*Hagedorn R (2000) Tools for Practice in OT: A Structured Approach to Core Skills and
Processes. Edinburgh. Churchill Livingstone
Ley P (1988) Communicating with Patients. London. Chapman & Hall.
*McIntyre A & Atwal A (eds.) (2005) Occupational Therapy and Older People. Oxford.
Blackwell Publishing.
Pedretti LW & Early MB (2001) Occupational Therapy, Practice Skills for Physical
Dysfunction. (5th Edition) Mosby
*Pilgrim D (2005) Key Concepts in Mental Health. LOCATION. Sage Publications.
*Rae Siegfreid D (2002) Anatomy & Physiology for Dummies. London. Wiley.
*Reynolds F (2005). Communication and clinical effectiveness in rehabilitation. Oxford.
*Sumsion T (ed.) (2006) Client-Centred Practice in OT: A Guide to Implementation. (2nd
Edition) Edinburgh. Churchill Livingstone.
*Turner A, Foster M & Johnson SE (2002) Occupational Therapy and Physical Dysfunction,
Principles, Skills and Practice (5th edition) Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone
*Tortora JG & Derrikson BH (2005) Principles of Anatomy & Physiology (11th edition). New
Jersey. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
*Tyldesley B & Grieve J I (2002) Muscles, Nerves and Movement in Human Occupation (3rd
edition). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
*Waugh A and Grant A (2006) Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and
Illness (10th edition). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
2) BOOKS / GUIDES that might be of interest or helpful
Short guides and introductions to:
Pocket Atlas of the moving body by M Cash. Ebury Press.
The Brain by Michael O'Shea. Oxford University Press.
Psychology by Gillian Butler & Freda McManus. Oxford University Press.
Not text books but study guides and guides to help with study and writing skills:
Study Skills Handbook (3rd edition) by Sheila Cottrell. Palgrave Macmillan.
Study Skills for speakers of English as a second language by M Lewis and H
Reinders. Palgrave Macmillan
Students guide to writing by J Peck and M Coyle. Palgrave Macmillan
Mature Students guide to Writing by Jean Rose. Palgrave Macmillan
3) RECOMMENDED Books to read and films to see before or after September. These
cover topics that are associated with client groups or societal issues occupational
therapists may need to have an understanding of.
Iris by John Bailey (biography)
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon (novel)
Out of IT: the story of a boy who went to bed with a headache and woke up three years
later by Simon Hattenstone
My Left Foot by Christy Brown (biography & film)
Joni by Joni Eareckson Tada (1977 publication biography)
Growing Old Disgracefully New ideas for getting the most out of life by Hen Co-op
(narratives - easy read)
Fracture: Adventures of a Broken Body by Anne Oakley (a personal narrative but with
academic / theoretical concepts)
A Beautiful Mind
Away from her
East is East
Bend it like Beckham
The story of the weeping camel
What is eating Gilbert Grape?