Areas advertised by Departments

Departments and Specializations
Assistant Professor
Specialization Areas
Experimental Structural Mechanics/Composites
Aircraft Aerodynamics (Experimentalists preferred)
Control and Flight Mechanics of Aerospace vehicles
Aircraft Design (aerodynamic/structural)
Associate Professor
Structural Dynamics and Acoustics
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Mechanics and Design of Soft/Composite Materials
Geological Fluid Dynamics, BioSensors, Mechanics of Polymer Thin films
Assistant Professor
Energy- Thermochemical processing of fuels; Unconventional energy sources;
Carbon capture and sequestration; Electrochemical energy systems; Process
intensification; Process Safety.
Environment - Aerosol fate and transport; Water resources; Management and
recovery of large scale ecological systems; Environmental sensors.
Materials - Synthesis and surface chemistry of functional materials; Non equilibrium statistical mechanics/ multi-scale/ ab initio modelling.
Systems Biology - Bioinformatics; Modelling of disease inception, growth and
treatment; Biological network analysis.
All areas of Chemical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering:
Only candidates with a clear focus on one or
more of the specified areas will be considered
Applied Mechanics
Applicants should have at
least one degree in
Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Associate Professor
Candidates with Basic and Masters Degree
in Chemistry only need apply
Associate Professor
Synthetic Organic Chemistry with specialization in reactive intermediates
Electrochemical energy conversion-storage materials and systems
Assistant Professor
Building Sciences, Infrastructure / Construction Management (with basic degree
in Civil Engineering or Architecture)
Solid Waste Management (with at least a degree in Civil Engg or Chemical
Structural Health Monitoring, Fire & Wind Engineering (with basic degree in
Civil Engineering)
Civil Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Associate Professor
Geotechnical Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
All areas of Computer Science and Engineering
All areas of Computer Science and Engineering
Image Processing, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Speech
processing, Optical Communication
Power Systems Protection, High Voltage, and Power Electronics Applications
MEMS, Microelectronics, Nano electronics/photonics
All areas of analog and digital VLSI
Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering
Sensors and instrumentation, control (Optimization, Multiagent control, control of
networks/infrastructures, systems & synthetic biology)
Computational EM, Terahertz Engineering
Outstanding candidates in any other areas
relevant to EE may also be considered
Associate Professor
All areas of Electrical Engineering
Assistant Professor
Engineering Design
Associate Professor
Candidates should have demonstrated
significant research output in one or more of
the indicated areas
Automotive Electronics, Embedded System, Electric / Hybrid Vehicle Design required at least one degree in electrical / electronics / allied areas
Biomedical Electronics, Embedded System, Medical Device Design, Medical
Robotics, Inverse Problems in Biomedical Imaging - required at least one degree
in biomedical or electrical/ electronics / allied areas
Automotive Electronics, Embedded System, Electric / Hybrid Vehicle Design required at least one degree in electrical / electronics / allied areas
Biomedical Electronics, Embedded System, Medical Device Design, Medical
Robotics, - required at least one degree in biomedical or electrical / electronics /
allied areas
Robotics System Design, Mechanical Characterization of Materials for Design
and Manufacture, Treatment of Uncertainties in Design and Optimization
Humanities and Social Sciences
Management Studies
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
English Literature; Linguistics
Industrial Economics; Gender Studies
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Information Systems, Marketing Management
Organizational Behaviour, Marketing Management, Operations Management
Assistant Professor
Discrete Mathematics, Complex Analysis, Functional Analysis
Number Theory, Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Topology and Geometry
Algebraic Topology, Algebraic Geometry, Differential Equations
Discrete Mathematics, Functional Analysis, Linear Algebra
Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Applicants should have at least one degree
(bachelor / master) in Metallurgical or
Materials Engineering
Robotics in Manufacturing, Metrology and Inspection
Machine Tools- Design & Dynamics, Metal forming
Additive manufacturing, Robotics and control, Rehabilitation Engineering,
Experimental Mechanics including Tribology
Structural Health Monitoring, Turbomachinery, Cryogenic Engineering, Micro/bio
fluidics, Solar Thermal Systems
All areas of Mechanical Engineering
Bio Materials, Metal Casting
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
High temperature deformation of Complex Alloys
Ceramics and Metal Matrix Composites
Assistant Professor
Ph.D Relevant to Ocean Engineering / Petroleum Engineering with excellent
academic records with bachelor's degree in engineering in Naval Architecture/
Civil/ Mechanical/ Ocean/ Petroleum.
Post Doctoral Research/ Industry experience in an area relevant to Naval
architecture/ Ocean Engineering/ Petroleum Engineering.
Associate Professor
Ph.D Relevant to Ocean Engineering / Petroleum Engineering with excellent
academic records with bachelor's degree in engineering in Naval Architecture/
Civil/ Mechanical/ Ocean/ Petroleum.
Post Doctoral Research/ Industry experience in an area relevant to Naval
architecture/ Ocean Engineering/ Petroleum Engineering.
Assistant Professor
Soft Condensed Matter Experiments,
High energy physics experiments/phenomenology,
Gravitational waves and Cosmology,
Quantum optics/Quantum information, and
Theoretical condensed matter physics.
Associate Professor
All areas of Physics
Ocean Engineering
Interdisciplinary areas: IIT Madras recognizes the importance of interdisciplinary areas. The candidates are encouraged to send their applications to departments in which they
are best suitable as well as to the virtual ‘interdisciplinary’ department. The candidates will be categorized as ‘interdisciplinary’ if (a) their research interests are in one or more of
the areas above and (b) such research cannot be done in one department alone.
Computational Brain Research
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Computational neuroanatomy; neural data analysis; engineering theories
of the brain; analysis of neural circuits; neuroinformatics; neuronal signal
processing and modeling of cognition; neurally inspired machine learning;
neuromorphic computing; cognitive computing
Computational Biology & Complex
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Computational Biology & Complex Systems: Genomic, proteomic and
metabolomic data analysis; Network modeling in biology; Control systems
in biology
Additional information: Candidates may visit websites of individual departments for more specific information on departments and for any of the additional details.