STYRELSEN FÖR VINTERSJÖFARTSFORSKNING WINTER NAVIGATION RESEARCH BOARD Research Report No 67 Kaj Riska FACTORS INFLUENCING THE POWER REQUIREMENT IN THE FINNISH-SWEDISH ICE CLASS RULES Finnish Transport Safety Agency Swedish Maritime Administration Finnish Transport Agency Swedish Transport Agency Finland Sweden Talvimerenkulun tutkimusraportit – Winter Navigation Research Reports ISSN 2342-4303 ISBN 978-952-311-016-8 FOREWORD In its report no 67, the Winter Navigation Research Board presents the outcome of the project on factors influencing the power requirement in the Finnish-Swedish Ice Class Rules. The focus of this report is on analysis of factors influencing, and development of the power requirement in the Finnish-Swedish Ice Class Rules. The power requirement in these rules included a radical change from the old practice where the propulsion power requirement was based on the ship’s deadweight or displacement. The new requirement defined first of all a design point for ships – an IA vessel must make at least 5 knots in a at centerline 1 m thick brash ice channel. For the guidance of designers, an equation to calculate the brash ice resistance and also the required power were given; but – most importantly – also other means like ice model tests were allowed for verifying the adequate power. Because the design point is given in physical situation, it is of importance that the equations given are physically correct, if not exact. This forms the background of this report. The Winter Navigation Research Board warmly thanks Professor Kaj Riska for this report. Helsinki and Norrköping June 2014 Jorma Kämäräinen Peter Fyrby Finnish Transport Safety Agency Swedish Maritime Administration Tiina Tuurnala Stefan Eriksson Finnish Transport Agency Swedish Transport Agency FACTORS INFLUENCING THE POWER REQUIREMENT IN THE FINNISHSWEDISH ICE CLASS RULES Kaj Riska Helsinki 11.6.2006 ILS Oy Consulting Naval Architects & Marine Engineers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 CONTENTS CONTENTS 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 1. INTRODUCTION 5 2. THE POWER REQUIREMENT IN THE FINNISH-SWEDISH ICE CLASS RULES 8 2.1 Brash Ice and Level Ice Resistance Formulation 8 2.2 Power Requirement in the Rules 10 3. FACTORS INFLUENCING THE RULE ICE RESISTANCE 3.1 The Channel Profile 3.2 The Coefficient of Friction 3.3 The Question of Piece Size Influence 3.4 The Resistance from Consolidated Layer 3.5 The Influence of Side Ridges 14 14 18 22 25 27 4. FACTORS INFLUENCING THE RULE POWER REQUIREMENT 4.1 The Power Provided by Main Engine 4.2 The Bollard Pull Formulation 4.3 The TNET Concept 4.4 The Shrouded Propellers 28 28 31 33 34 5. MEASUREMENT RESULTS AVAILABLE 5.1 Measurements with Lunni – class 5.2 Measurements with Tervi – class 5.3 Measurements with Tempera – class 5.4 Measurements with Natura – class 5.5 Measurement with MS Birka Express 5.6 Measurements with Small Tonnage 36 36 39 41 41 42 42 6. CALIBRATION OF THE POWER REQUIREMENT 6.1 Basic Analysis of the Data 6.2 Correction for the Accumulated Ice Thickness 6.3 Improvement of the Present Requirement 44 47 50 52 7 CONCLUSION 59 REFERENCES 61 Appendix 1 The ratio of calculated and measured propulsion power and ship resistance plotted versus four parameters; L, B, HM and v. Appendix 2 The plots of functions (47) versus the constants C3 and C4. The model scale and full scale values are plotted separately. Appendix 3 The proposed rule formulation. Appendix 4 The ships used in the validation of the new power requirement 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The focus of the present report is on analysis of factors influencing, and development of the power requirement in the Finnish-Swedish Ice Class Rules (FSICR 2002). The power requirement in these rules included a radical change from the old practice where the propulsion power requirement was based on the ship’s deadweight or displacement. The new requirement defined first of all a design point for ships – an IA vessel must make at least 5 knots in a at centerline 1 m thick brash ice channel. For the guidance of designers, an equation to calculate the brash ice resistance and also the required power were given; but – most importantly – also other means like ice model tests were allowed for verifying the adequate power. Because the design point is given in physical situation, it is of importance that the equations given are physically correct, if not exact. This forms the background of this report. The report contains essentially two parts. The first part (Chapters 3 and 4) contains an analysis of factors influencing the formulation of the power requirement and the second part contains the data available for verifying and/or developing the power requirement (Chapters 5 and 6). The aim of the first part is to give background and guidance for the development of the rule brash ice resistance and required power formulation. The aim of the second part is to identify deviations from the rule power or resistance and if any, suggest improvement(s). The following conclusions emerged when an analysis of the rule brash ice resistance formulation was carried out: • The whole channel cross sectional profile in the model and full scale tests should be taken into account up to the width where the ship passage influences the channel. This width is called the effective channel width BE and is approximately BE = 1.6B. Very often only the mid-channel thickness HM is – erroneously – used. • The coefficient of friction between ship hull and ice (µ) influences much the resistance. The rule formulation uses a coefficient of friction value 0.15. The formulation to correct the low value of coefficient of friction in model tests given in Keinonen (1991) was shown to correspond well with one model test series where the coefficient of friction value was varied. • The properties of brash ice (internal friction, cohesion as well as the piece size) have been found in earlier model tests to influence much the measured resistance. Too large piece size results in too low resistance. No comprehensive study of what are the proper brash ice parameters and how these should be reproduced in model tests exists. • The consolidated layer assumed to exist in the IA Super power requirement is difficult to produce reliably or model in model tests. A recommendation thus is that only the brash ice resistance is measured in model tests and the resistance from the consolidated layer is calculated. • The ice coverage in the brash ice channels in Nature is 100 %. Thus the brash ice, as it cannot be compressed, retains its volume and must be wholly displaced. The side ridges of channels hinder further the motion of brash ice. These conditions should be reproduced in model tests. 3 The following conclusions emerged when an analysis of the rule power requirement formulation was carried out: • The slow speed engines with a FP propeller are not able to produce the maximum power in ice, if the propeller design is based on open water performance. This is because the limits of the engine restrict the engine power output. This problem does not exist with CP propellers or diesel-electric installations. This phenomenon is taken into account by changing the propulsive factors in the rules. • The power requirement is based on so called ‘quality factors’ of bollard pull. A large set of measured bollard pull values was collected to verify the factors used in the rules. The values of the propulsion constants were found to be adequate, even if a large scatter exists. • The power requirement is based on the TNET – concept in which the open water resistance is taken into account approximately. TNET is defined to be the thrust available to overcome the ice resistance i.e. the thrust available when the thrust deduction factor is taken into account and open water resistance subtracted. The used formulation was compared with model test results and found to be adequate. • A formulation how to take into account the additional thrust produced by the nozzles was formulated. The available full scale and model scale results for channel resistance and required (used) power were collected. These were used to compare the actual power used and resistance encountered (together with the measured speed and channel thickness) with the calculated values. An error function describing the difference of the calculated and measured resistance and/or power was developed. After the analysis of the factors influencing the power requirement, it was decided that only the brash ice resistance included in the power requirement needs to be developed – the power formulation is thus adequate. The most promising avenue for improvement is in investigating the channel thickness formulation. Thus the exact formulation of channel thickness was introduced. Using this exact value in the calculations, it was noticed that the difference between the calculated and measured values diminished. There was, however, still room for improvement. The dependency of the ice resistance on the hull angles assumes that the ice is displaced down along the buttock lines and not sideways at all. If the bow is cylindrical where the frames are practically vertical, the ice is displaced only sideways. Thus the resistance formulation was improved so that the direction in which the ice was assumed to be displaced was the mean direction between sideways and downwards directions. The introduction of this amendment further decreased the error between the measured and calculated resistance. The theoretical dependency of the channel thickness quantities and resistance was checked based on Mellor (1980). The correction of the exponents for the accumulated thickness HF and mid-channel thickness HM did not improve much the situation measured with the difference between calculated and measured resistance in full or model scale. 4 As the theoretically based exponents did not diminish the error, the exponents on the channel thickness in the ice resistance formulation were modified based only on minimizing the error – and using the new dependency on hull lines and channel thickness. Also the constants in the channel resistance formulation were adjusted. The final rule formulation was observed to reduce much the large scatter between the measured and calculated channel resistance and power used. Based on the improved resistance formulation, a new propulsion power requirement was developed. This gives much the same power requirements for ships below 20 000 t in displacement as the present one. A reduction of power requirement for larger vessels in higher ice classes is, however, observed. This rule formulation must still be verified taking into account the requirements for the traffic systems, as here only the measurement values have been used in development. 5 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to analyze factors influencing – and if possible, verify with measured results in full and model scale - the rule requirement for propulsion engine output of ships in the Finnish-Swedish ice class rules (FSICR 2002). The requirement in the rules is set by stating the design point: The ship should reach at least 5 knots speed in a brash ice channel of a specified thickness and a specified cross sectional profile. The profile of the channel is specified in the rules as the thickness on the centerline of the channel HM and the slope angle (2º) of the channel thickness increasing towards the sides. Fig. 1 presents a typical brash ice channel from the northern Baltic. Measured cross section Distance [m] 0 10 20 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 80 0.00 Depth [m] -1.00 -2.00 Brash Ice -3.00 Rect. Ice Bloks -4.00 Rounded Ice Blocks -5.00 Fast ice Fig. 1. A photograph of a brash ice channel leading to the Finnish port Kemi and the measured cross section of the channel (Riska et al. 2001). The centreline thickness of the channel, HM, is an ice class factor. It is 1.0 m for ice class IA, 0.8 m for IB and 0.6 m for IC. It is assumed that a consolidated ice layer of thickness 0.1 m exists on top of the channel for ice class IA Super in addition to brash ice with HM = 1 m. 6 The background of this design point is that ships bound to Finnish or Swedish ports are not breaking ice – they are mostly escorted by icebreakers, especially when the ice conditions get more severe. Thus only for the ice class IA Super there is a slight requirement to break ice. The conclusion of operational modes of merchant vessels and also the encountered ice conditions are based on a large survey made in the beginning of 90’s (Veitch et al. 1991, Pöntynen 1992, Kujala & Sundell 1992, Lehtinen 1993, 1994 and Miinala & Patey 2000). As the fulfilment of the design point is not easy to show by other means than calculations, the rules contain equations to calculate the rule brash ice resistance and finally the required propulsion power. It is important here that the resistance and propulsion are treated separately. The brash ice resistance equation is based on analysing the deformation and displacement of the brash ice using methods developed in soil mechanics (Keinonen 1979, Riska et al 1997). The resulting resistance equation is semi-empirical and as such susceptible to giving erroneous results especially outside the range of ship or ice parameters used in validation. The power requirement formulation is based on the propulsion power required to produce enough thrust to overcome the brash ice resistance. The relationship between propulsion power and produced thrust is generalized from an average vessel with a single CP propeller to twin and triple screw vessels with a direct drive FPP or other, more advanced, propulsion systems.. In the development of equations to calculate the required propulsion power, several assumptions have been used in the formulations. One assumption was already mentioned above, the channel profile. Another assumption is that the coefficient of friction, µ, between ship hull and ice is assumed in the rules to be 0.15. This corresponds to an older vessel as for new vessels with intact hull coating the value used is about 0.1. Further, the resistance equation in itself does not contain any margin as is usual in power estimates (high friction naturally gives some margin). Finally it has been assumed that ‘brash ice’ is an unambiguous concept – even if the formulations have been mostly validated with tests in the channels leading to ports in northern Finland. The present report presents an analysis about these assumptions. The rules allow other methods to be used in assessing the performance and propulsion power needed than calculation according to the equations given (FSICR 2002, §3.2.4). Especially more detailed calculations or model tests are mentioned. The more detailed calculations refer mainly to the propulsion i.e. assessment of the thrust given by the propulsion unit. The rule resistance can be used in these calculations of performance. Accepting more thorough calculations makes it possible to classify propulsion units that do not fit into the rule assumptions – like tandem azimuthing propulsors (Are these two propeller applications or one propeller applications?). The rule brash ice resistance may be substituted by resistance obtained from model tests, provided that some requirements for model tests are fulfilled (see Guidelines 2005). Many of the model tests carried out to measure the ice resistance in brash ice channels at five knots – in order to obtain the required propulsion power – have given lower resistance values than the rule requirement. Usually the quantity that is lower in tests is the ice resistance; the equations to calculate the required propulsion power from the resistance give similar values as the measurements. To analyse the reasons for this discrepancy is the main purpose of this report. 7 The reasons for the lower resistance values are not clear and as long as very limited amount of reliable full scale results exist, the matter remains open. Some measured full scale values are quite close to the rule propulsion power – it is important in the full scale tests that the thickness of the brash ice channel has been measured and the thickness measurements have been interpreted correctly. This is important as the rules assume a channel profile where the channel is getting thicker from the mid-channel towards the sides by a slope angle of 2o. 8 2. THE POWER REQUIREMENT IN THE FINNISHSWEDISH ICE CLASS RULES 2.1 Brash Ice and Level Ice Resistance Formulation Based on model and full-scale tests, the level ice resistance is often considered to be linear with speed. Thus the level ice resistance Ri contains two constants C1 and C2 which are dependent on ship and ice parameters; R i = C1 + C 2 ⋅ v (1) The constants’ C1 and C2 dependency on ship particulars is derived in the rule ice resistance formulation by modifying the formulations of Ionov (1988) and Lindqvist (1989), see Riska et al. 1997. The equations for C1 and C2 are ( ) 1 BL par h i + (1 + 0,021ϕ) f 2 Bh i2 + f 3 L bow h i2 + f 4 BL bow h i T 2 +1 B (2) 2 T B C 2 = (1 + 0,063ϕ) g1h1i,5 + g 2 Bh i + g 3 h i 1 + 1,2 B L C1 = f1 ( ) where hi is level ice thickness, B is ship breadth, T is ship draught, L is ship length (between perpendiculars), Lpar is the length of the parallel midbody at waterline, Lbow is the length of the foreship at waterline and φ (φ1 in the rules) is the stem angle at CL. The coefficient of friction is assumed to be 0.1 and the bending strength of ice 500 kPa in the above equations. The values for constants are based on model and full-scale data and these are f1 = 0.23 kN/m3 f2 = 4.58 kN/m3 f3 = 1.47 kN/m3 f4 = 0.29 kN/m3 g1 = 18.9 kN/(m/s·m1,5) g2 = 0.67 kN/(m/s·m2) g3 = 1.55 kN/(m/s·m2,5) The resistance formulation was validated using the performance of an array of ships (see Riska et al. 1997). All these vessels are ice-strengthened cargo vessels and therefore the resistance equation should be suited for vessels of this type. Overall the comparison between calculated values and the observed performance is fair. The brash ice resistance arises from displacing the brash ice present in the channel both down and sideways. The sideways motion is limited because of the side ridges which always are present in old navigation channels. The brash ice resistance is normally studied using methods developed in soil mechanics. A speed dependant formula for brash ice resistance Rch was derived based on results presented by Englund (1996) and Wilhelmson (1996), 9 2 1 H 1 1 (µ h cos ϕ + sin ψ sin α ) R ch = µ Bρ ∆ gH 2F K P + M B + 2H F cos δ − 2 tan ψ 2 2H F + µ Bρ ∆ gK 0 µ h L par H 2F 3 LT + ρ ∆ g H M A WF Fn 2 B2 (3) where µB = 1-p and p is porosity (µB = 0,8…0,9), ρ∆ the difference between the densities of water and ice, g the gravity constant, KP the constant of passive stress – a term used in soil mechanics, HM the thickness of the brash ice in the mid channel, δ the slope angle of the displaced ice against the ship side (22,6o), µH the coefficient of friction between the ice and the hull, φ the angle between the horizontal direction and the vertical at B/4, K0 the coefficient of lateral stress at rest, Lpar the length of the parallel midbody at the waterline, AWF the waterline area of the foreship and Fn the Froude number. The soil mechanical values for the constants KP and K0 depend on the properties of brash ice – typical values are KP = 6.5 and K0 = 0.27. HF describes the thickness of the brash ice layer which is displaced by the bow and which moves to the side against the parallel midbody. This is a function of ship breadth, channel thickness and two slope angles, which are dependent of the inner properties of brash ice (γ=2o and δ=22.6o are used). HF = HM + B tan γ + (tan γ + tan δ ) 2 B BH M + tan γ 4 tan γ + tan δ (4) This formula has been simplified by an approximation which is valid when B>10m and HM>0.4m H F = 0,26 + (BH M )0,5 (5) The flare angle ψ may be calculated from the equations using the following trigonometric identities sin ψ = tan ϕ sin 2 α + tan 2 ϕ tan ϕ ψ = arctan sin α . The above equations are used subsequently in this report when investigating the ice resistance. 10 2.2 Power Requirement in the Rules The power requirement in the Finnish-Swedish ice class rules (FSICR 2002) is based on an explicit performance requirement for different ice classes. The requirement is stated as the ice condition where vessels of different ice class must be capable to maintaining a certain minimum speed. These conditions are set based on the most common operation modes and ice conditions encountered in the Northern Baltic. The limit operability is stated as a minimum speed in commonly encountered navigation channels. The powering requirement in the Ice Class Rules is defined in the following manner. The environmental requirements (channel thickness) and the speed requirement (minimum 5 kn) define the rule channel resistance, which depends on ship geometry and ship size. The resistance is calculated with equation presented in rules or it may be determined directly by model tests etc. The required propulsion power is calculated from the channel resistance as the power that gives the thrust which overcomes the specified resistance. The required power is derived from a bollard pull equation. It should be noted that the basic rule requirement is at least 5 knots speed in channels of given thickness. This capability may be demonstrated by other means than calculations using the given equations. Fig. 2 illustrates the rationale in the power requirement. Performance Requirement Class Speed IAS IA IB IC 5 kn 5 kn 5 kn 5 kn Channel thickness Hm 1m 1m 0,8 m 0,6 m Consolidated layer hi 0,1 m 0 0 0 Channel Resistance Rch Rch = Rch (Hm , hi, ship geometry, ship size) Propulsion Power Ps Ps = Ps (Rch , Dp) Fig. 2. The structure of the powering requirement When values for brash ice material properties are inserted into the resistance formulation used (see e.g. Riska 1997), the rule channel resistance for different ice 11 classes can be presented in the following form. The resistance equations contain the bow angles φ and α. Usually these are measured at the stem from where most of the icebreaking forces come. This is not correct for brash ice where the whole bow is displacing ice. Thus an average value for angles α and φ would be suitable. To calculate an average along the whole bow waterline is, however, not practical and thus as a representative value for these angles the angels at waterline at a distance of B/4 from centerline are used (this is valid for α and φ2, φ1 is to be measured at centerline). The rule resistance equation is thus the following: [ 3 ] LT A WF R ch = C1 + C 2 + C 3 ⋅ (H F + H M )2 ⋅ B + C ψ H F ⋅ C µ + C 4 L par H 2F + C 5 ⋅ L B2 (6) where H F = 0,26 + (H M B)1 / 2 , C µ = 0,15 cos ϕ 2 + sin ψ sin α , Cψ = 0,047ψ − 2,115 , (7) (8) min 0.45 min 0.0 (9) tan ϕ 2 ψ = arctan sin α BL par C1 = f1 ⋅ + (1 + 0,021φ1 ) ⋅ (f 2 B + f 3 L bow + f 4 BL bow ) 2T +1 B T B2 C 2 = (1 + 0,063φ1 ) ⋅ (g1 + g 2 B) + g 3 1 + 1,2 ⋅ B L (10) (11) (12) The first two terms in Eq. (6) represent the level ice resistance and the three last ones the brash ice resistance. The constants C1 and C2 apply only for ice class IA Super. For lower classes they are to be taken as zero. For ships of ice class IA Super with a bulb, the stem angle φ1 is to be taken as 90o. The stem angle must be between 0º and 90º. The values for constants used are: C3 = 845.576 kg/(m2s2) C4 = 41.74 kg/(m2s2) C5 is given in Table 1. f1 = 23 N/m2 f2 = 45.8 N/m f3 = 14.7 N/m f4 = 29 N/m2 3 g1 = 1537.3 N g2 = 172.3 N/m g3 = 398.7 N/m1,5 LT is to be taken as 20 if The term B2 3 LT >20 or 5 if B2 3 LT <5. B2 12 For ships where the determination of certain parameters – especially angles - is difficult due to e.g. lack of lines drawings, a simplified equation may be used for calculating the rule channel resistance Rch. This equation is based on average or slightly conservative values of the bow angles and lengths. Table 1. The rule values for HM, hI and C5. Ice class: HM [m] hi [m] C5 [kg/s] 1AS 1,0 0,1 825,6 1A 1,0 0 825,6 1B 0,8 0 660,5 1C 0,6 0 495,4 The rule resistance is derived for a channel profile which contains the influence of the side ridges. Thus the channel profile is assumed to get thicker moving from the channel center line towards the edges by an angle δ = 2º. The brash ice is assumed to be displaced sideways so that it comes to rest under the original brash ice. The angle of repose of the brash ice material is assumed to be 22.6º. This way at the parallel midbody of a vessel the brash ice thickness is given by a value HF. The assumed geometry is given in Fig. 3. Fig. 3. The rule brash ice channel before the ship passage and during the passage. The required propulsion power is to be the power that gives high enough thrust to exceed the ice resistance in the design ice conditions and at the design speed. The ship speeds are low in the design ice conditions and therefore the requirement in the Finnish-Swedish Ice Class Rules is derived from the bollard pull situation. The resulting formulation for the required propulsion power PD is PD = K e (R ch ) Dp 3 2 (13) 13 where Ke is given in the Table 3, Dp is propeller diameter and Rch is the rule channel resistance. Table 3. Values of the constant Ke. Propeller type or machinery 1 propeller 2 propeller 3 propeller CP or electric or hydraulic propulsion machinery 2,03 1,44 1,18 FP propeller 2,26 1,6 1,31 The powering requirement formulation is the same for all ice classes. The difference between the classes is included in the channel resistance formula. 14 3. FACTORS INFLUENCING THE RULE ICE RESISTANCE The analysis of factors influencing the propulsion power requirement is divided into parts; some factors influence the resistance and some the determination of the propulsion power, assuming that the resistance is known. The factors influencing the brash ice resistance include the following: 1. The channel profile should reflect the thickening of the channel towards the edges – thus the rule channel is not of uniform thickness. 2. The coefficient of friction influences the resistance much. This coefficient in full scale is usually close to 0.1 for new ships but some model tests are made with a coefficient of friction of 0.05 – because this value for friction is used in level ice model tests. 3. The piece size in the brash ice is about 30 cm in diameter in full scale. Scaling this down means a model scale piece size for larger ships – scale about 1:30 … 1:40 - 1 cm. This is not reached in any model tests, as the pieces are in relative terms much larger in model scale. 4. The resistance for IA Super ice class includes a consolidated layer of thickness 10 cm on top of the brash ice. 5. The brash ice material is not compressed i.e the volume is constant but only displaced by the ship bow in full scale. Thus the area of brash ice in a channel cross section is not decreased when the ship passes. The ice coverage in brash ice channels is 100 %, no open water is visible. Any open water patch in the channel is likely to decrease the resistance. 6. In channels like the one presented in Fig. 1, the side ridges and the gradual thickening towards the sides which in rule channels is defined as the slope hinder the brash ice motion sideways. Some knowledge about factors 1 - 4 mentioned above exists. The background of these factors is discussed below and, if possible, demonstrated by measurement results. The influence of ice coverage and the compressibility of the brash ice on ice resistance are difficult to assess as no data exist. 3.1 The Channel Profile The rule channel profile was assumed to get thicker sideways with the slope angle of δ = 2º which represent full scale channel profiles measured. When a ship passes through this cross section, the brash ice must be pushed aside (and the cross sectional area is not diminishing, as explained later). The displaced ice mass must be deposited under the existing slope. The displaced brash ice will settle on a slope at the angle γ, which is described by the angle of repose of the brash ice material (assumption is γ = 22.6º), see Fig. 3. The steepest angle of repose is usually equated to the angle of internal friction φS. The angle γ determines the amount of ice that rests against the parallel midbody – which is described by the thickness HF (see eqs. (4) and (5)). The 15 width up to which the channel is altered when ice is displaced, determines the effective width of the channel, HE. This is the width of the cross section up to which the ship passage influences the cross section. All cross sectional properties i.e. channel thickness must be determined up to this width. The effective width can be determined for the rule channel by setting the areas A1 and A3 in Fig. 3 equal. The result is B E = B ⋅ 1 + 4H M + tan δ B . tan δ + tan γ (14) The relationship (14) is plotted in Fig. 4a. For smaller ships the effective width is in relative terms larger. For ships between the beam 15 to 50 m, the ratio lies between 1.5 to 1.8 as shown in Fig 4b where the relative effective width is plotted assuming HM = 1.0 m. An average value of 1.6B for the effective width will be used in this report when analysing of the full scale and model scale measurements. Normalized Effective Width BE/B B= 2,4 10 m 2,2 15 m 2,0 20 m 25 m 30 m ... 50 m 1,8 1,6 1,4 1,2 1,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 Channel Centerline Thickness HM [m] Fig. 4a. The effective channel width versus the channel thickness with the ship beam as a parameter. 16 2,0 BE/B 1,8 1,6 1,4 1,2 1,0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Ship Beam [m] Fig. 4b. The effective width of the channel, when the mid channel thickness HM is 1.0 m. If the channel profile is not similar to the rule profile, as is the case in measurements, then an equivalent channel profile value (mid channel thickness HM) must be determined from the measured cross section, see Ritvanen (2004). This equivalent thickness used as a rule value HM can be determined by fitting the rule profile shape on the shape of the actual channel profile. This is done by first determining the channel profile cross sectional area versus the (half)width as A CH = f (B E ) . (15) The measured actual area must be A CH = A1 + A 2 + A 3 ( ) tan δ + tan γ H (B − B) tan δ 2 (B E − B)2 = M E + BE − B2 + 2 8 8 1 = (B E − B)[4H M + (B E + B) tan δ + (B E − B)(tan δ + tan γ )] 8 These areas are depicted in Fig. 5. (16) 17 Fig. 5. The conversion of the actual channel profile into the rule channel. As the measured profile must correspond to the rule channel profile i.e. have the same cross sectional area, we get the last equation as A CH = H M B E B 2E tan δ . + 2 8 (17) There are three equations (15), (16) and (17) and three unknown quantities ACH, HM and BE. If the two last equations are used to eliminate HM, then finally an equation to determine BE is obtained: A CH (B E ) = BE (B E − B)[B E tan δ + (B E − B) tan γ ] 8B (18) This formulation is cumbersome and, in view of many other uncertainties in measurements, should be simplified. If the estimate BE = 1.6B is used, this gives (Leiviskä 2004) a simplified version of Eq. (17) as H M (B E = 1.6B) = A CH − 0.32B 2 tan δ . 0.8B (19) The usual way to estimate the channel thickness has been to use only the channel profile up to the beam of the ship, and the HM is determined from the simplified profile as 18 A B tan δ HM = 2 1 − . B 4 (20) This method does not, however take into account the slope against which the brash ice is displaced. In summary there are three ways to determine the mid channel thickness: HM is determined as a function of the effective thicknesses HM(BE), HM(1.6B) or HM(B). The simplification that BE = 1.6B is used in this report. 3.2 The Coefficient of Friction The ice force acting on the ship hull is a pressure load which has a frictional component in tangential plane opposing the motion at the ship/ice contact point. The frictional force is a coefficient of friction µ which relates the normal and tangential forces acting at the contact point as Fµ = µ(p, v) ⋅ Fn , (21) where p is the average pressure acting on the contact surface and v the sliding speed. Even if this is not generally the case, often the Amonton’s and Stokes’ laws are assumed to be valid i.e. that the coefficient of friction is not a function of the contact pressure nor of the sliding speed. The importance of friction between ship hull and ice becomes clear if the force components acting at a contact between ship hull and ice are investigated. The contact situation is depicted in Fig. 6 where the ship side is assumed to be inclined. In the figure also the equivalent force system is shown – this system is important in investigating the bending failure of the ice cover. Fn Fz Fµ M0 Fx Fig. 6. The force components at the ship/ice contact point and the equivalent force system acting on the ice plate. The equivalent force system acting on the ice plate can be derived from the force components at the contact point. It is the following (βn is the normal frame angle, complement of the flare angle ψ): 19 Fx = Fn cos β n + Fµ sin β n Fz = Fn sin β n − Fµ conβ n u cr h u M 0 = Fn + cos β n i − cr 2 sin β n sin 2β n (22) h sin β n + Fµ i − u cr 2 These equations are not investigated further here; the important fact for friction is that higher friction decreases the bending force Fz so that if the friction is higher, larger contact force is required to break the ice in bending. Higher friction, on the other hand, increases the horizontal force component which contributes to resistance. The coefficient of friction between different materials and ice vary much as Fig. 7 shows. The value of about 0.1 for the dynamic coefficient of friction seems to be an appropriate value to use. A detailed measurement of the coefficient of friction between ship hull and ice indicates, however, that the value 0.1 is appropriate when ice is crushed at the contact and higher values should be used when investigating the sliding friction (Liukkonen 1989, Mäkinen et al. 1994). Liukkonen (1989) also reports coefficient of friction values of 0.05 at the waterline and 0.16 below waterline in measurements carried out in brash ice channels. Fig. 7. The coefficient of friction between ice and different materials (CRREL 2002). 20 The coefficient of friction to be used in model tests was evaluated by Liukkonen (cited in Liukkonen 1989). Model tests were carried out using different coefficients of friction and the resulting full scale predictions were compared with full scale measurements, see Fig. 8. It was noted that if the model scale coefficient of friction is low, comparison between full scale and model scale extrapolated results is good. This observation has led to the use of low friction in level ice model tests. It should be emphasized that this conclusion is made based on resistance tests in level ice. Fig. 8. The full scale prediction of the ice resistance of IB Otso from model tests with different coefficient of friction values and the corresponding full scale results (Liukkonen 1989). A coefficient of friction correction factor for ship total resistance in ice (RiT) has been proposed by Keinonen (1991). If data about total resistance in ice exists with certain coefficient of friction (R1,iT and µ1), then the resistance with another coefficient of friction may be obtained from R 2, iT = 0 .6 + 4 ⋅ µ 2 ⋅ R 1, iT 0.6 + 4 ⋅ µ1 (23) 21 This correction leads to a change of about 20 % in resistance for coefficients of friction 0.05 and 0.1 and to about 40 % corrections when the coefficients are 0.1 and 0.2. Here it should be noted that the rule ice resistance equation assumes a coefficient of friction value 0.15. In order to gain insight how the friction influences the brash ice resistance, the normalized brash ice resistance is calculated for two vessels, MT Tervi and MT Mastera, in the rule channel (HM = 1.0 m) with the rule speed (v = 5 knots). The result is shown in Fig. 9. The resistance formulation is linear with the coefficient of friction but the slope varies from ship to ship. The slope is relatively shallow for MT Mastera as she has relatively short parallel midbody. Anyway, if a coefficient of friction 0.05 is used in the tests, about 20 % lower resistances are predicted as compared with the calculated rule resistance. 1,8 RCH(µ)/RCH(µ = 0.15) 1,6 1,4 1,2 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 MT TERVI MT MASTERA 0,2 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 Coefficient of Friction µ Fig. 9. The normalized channel resistance of two vessels calculated with different coefficients of friction. Finally, the friction tests carried out with MT Tervi are investigated using the rule channel resistance formulation. A plot of the calculated channel resistance with the same input values as in the model tests using the coefficient of friction as a parameter divided with the resistance when µ = 0.10 is shown in Fig. 10. In this figure the test result where µ = 0.45 is also shown. The influence of friction is larger in the tests than in the calculated channel resistance. Here it should be noted that the equation (25) gives the resistance ratio of 2.24 when the tests give the ratio 2.26. RCH(µ)/RCH(µ = 0.10) 22 2,0 1,5 1,0 HM = 0.92 m v = 2.6 m/s 0,5 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 Coefficient of Friction µ Fig. 10. The relative channel resistance and the one test point existing from model tests with MT Tervi model. Input data shown in the figure. 3.3 The Question of Piece Size Influence The ice piece size in the frequently transited navigation channels is quite small after many freezing-breaking cycles. The resulting ice pieces are rounded and a typical diameter is about 30 cm (Kujala & Sundell 1992). Fig. 11. presents a typical view of these brash ice channels. The ice pieces in the channels are quite hard as they have been milled around often by ship passages. Thus they form a tight packing with little porosity at the middle of the channel, see Kujala & Sundell (1992). Usually the porosity of the brash ice is taken to be about 10 %. 23 Fig. 11. An view from a typical frequently transited brash ice channel in the Baltic with a close-up of the ice pieces (Photo: T. Leiviskä). The mechanism how the piece size influences the brash ice resistance is uncertain at the moment. There exists a clear indication that this influence may be large, see Fig. 12. The figure indicates that larger ice pieces induce a larger resistance. There is, however, a limit to this as the mush ice – very small ice pieces, more like wet snow – creates largest resistance, so the trend towards smaller and smaller resistance with decreasing piece size is reversed at some point. The piece size given in Fig. 12 is in model scale units. The ship used in the tests is 3.0 m long; if the full scale ship would be 100 m long (a typical icebreaker), then the scale would be roughly 1:33. The largest piece size would be then 3 m in diameter and the smallest 86 cm in diameter. The mush ice pieces are stated to be about 12 mm in size, this gives in full scale 40 cm – thus the mush ice would resemble most closely the full scale conditions, at least in what comes to piece size. The brash ice resistance formulation given in Eq. (3) includes two parameters used in soil mechanics, KP and K0. The first one of these depends on the internal friction angel φs as KP = 1 + sin ϕ s 1 − sin ϕ s (24) and the second constant depends on the Poisson’s ratio ν as K0 = ν , 1− ν (25) 24 see e.g. Mellor (1980). The values of these parameters in the rule resistance formulation are assumed to be φs = 47.2º and ν = 0.21. The values reported for the internal friction angle vary from about 43º to 58º. The Poisson’s ratio has been measured in model scale and the result is the one used in the rule formulation. The discussion of brash ice given above would lead to conclusion that the brash ice material is practically incompressible – this would lead to Poisson’s ratio of 0.5 and K0 = 1. Using the values from the higher end of the possible range would lead to more than 100 % increase in calculated resistance – the resistance formula contains, however, constants the value of which is determined by experiments. Thus a change in the material constants should be reflected in a change in constants. The matter of material constants is important in view of scaling and comparison between model tests and full scale tests. Fig. 12. The influence of piece size in brash ice on the total resistance in ice (Ettema et al. 1986). 25 Coming back to the question of ice piece size and its influence on resistance, there has been studies where the internal friction angle and piece size have shown some influence on shear strength of brash ice. These results are given in Fig. 13. The results in the left figure indicate that the friction angle would increase with increasing piece size, a trend which is not found in the other results. At the moment there is not enough data about the influence of ice piece size on the brash ice resistance to make any definite conclusions. The letters refer to piece size as follows; IS d = 18 mm IM d = 27 mm IL d = 70 mm Fig. 13. Test results on the shear strength dependency on the normal stress applied. The internal friction angle is given by the slope of the curves (Ettema & Urroz 1989, Urroz & Ettema 1987). 3.4 The Resistance from Consolidated Layer The rule resistance for IA Super vessels is calculated using the brash ice channel for IA vessels (HM = 1 m) and additionally a layer of consolidated ice on top of the brash ice. The thickness of the consolidated layer, hi, is assumed to be 10 cm. The background for the layer thickness is that it forms from the brash ice in roughly half a day when the air temperature is -10ºC. The consistency of this consolidated layer material is somewhat uncertain but in view of the average piece size of brash ice, it can be inferred that its thickness is not uniform. The rule ice resistance formulation assumes that the resistance from the consolidated layer can be given as the level ice resistance in ice thickness hi, Ri(hi). Further it is assumed that to get the total ice resistance, the resistance from brash ice of thickness at the channel centerline HM, RCH(HM), can be superimposed with the level ice resistance. This gives the total ice resistance as R iTOT (H M , h i ) = R CH (H M ) + R i (h i ) . (26) 26 RiTOT(HM, hi)/RiTOT(HM,0) This total ice resistance should not be mixed with the total resistance in ice, RTOT,i which is the sum of ice and open water resistances. In order to investigate the influence of the consolidated layer on the total ice resistance, the model test results given in Table 8, Chapter 5, are compared with calculated resistance using the same input parameters. Results are given in Fig. 14. 2,0 1,5 1,0 µ = 0.10 HM = 0.92 m v = 2.6 m/s 0,5 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 Ice Thickness hi [m] Fig. 14. The calculated relative ice resistance of MT Tervi shown using the thickness of the consolidated layer as parameter. The cross shows the result of model tests with the same input values. Fig. 14 shows that the measured resistance from the consolidated layer is much higher than the calculated one – even if the uncertainty of the layer thickness is taken into account (estimates were between 7 and 11 cm). Kitazawa & Ettema (1984) state that an increase of 29 % in resistance resulted from a 4 cm thick refrozen layer and 8 % increase in 12 cm refrozen layer in test where the brash ice was 2.0 m and 6.1 m thick, respectively. These results are in full scale units and the scale was 1:40. Both tests were made with 3.8 m/s speed and in a wide channel – and the refrozen layer thickness was 2 % of the brash ice thickness in both cases. In relative terms this is a smaller increase than in the tests with MT Tervi. The reason of this discrepancy between calculated and measured ice resistance is difficult to assess – especially because the increase in relatively thin consolidated ice is large. One basic reason can be that the superposition of brash ice and level ice resistance is not correct; the level ice lid could prohibit a proper movement of the brash ice pieces causing an increase of resistance. Also the consolidated ice layer was produced in this case by natural freezing of water. The resulting ice could be much closer to natural ice instead of properly downscaled model ice. This matter is 27 discussed more when a general comparison of measured and calculated values is made. 3.5 The Influence of Side Ridges The brash ice material consists of rounded spherical pieces of solid ice with the average size about 30 cm. There is a spread of sizes (see eg. Pöntynen 1992) and thus the packing of ice pieces is likely to be tight. This results in a small porosity and the fact that brash ice material cannot be compressed much without crushing the ice pieces. This leads to the requirement that the areas A1 and A3 in Fig. 5 must be the same. In model scale tests, however, the brash ice material is made of model ice – and most model ice types suffer from the drawback that the compressive strength is too low compared to the bending strength. Thus brash ice made from model ice can more readily be compressed and this leads to, in proportion, a smaller area A3. However, no research results exist about the compression of brash ice. Another factor that should be mentioned in the context of compressing the brash ice and its motion is the boundary between the channel and surrounding ice area. As the brash ice channels form due to frequent ship traffic, ice is being pushed sideways and thus the so called side ridges form. These are very prominent in the channel shown in Fig. 1. The slope angle in the rule channel profile simulates the effects of the side ridges and the measured gradual slope towards sides, at least in part. Brash ice motion is further restricted by the surrounding immobile level ice sheet. Thus the brash ice cannot be displaced sideways but must be piled up against and mainly below the existing ice. The effect of boundary conditions was studied by Kitazawa & Ettema (1984). They used as the boundary a rigid wall and varied in the model tests the relative channel width W/B. The result was that when the width between the walls was small (W/B=1.2), the resistance increased by about 40 %. When the channel was wider than the effective width (W>1.6B), then the resistance seemed to reach a uniform value (two tests were carried out here; W=2B and W=3B). These results seem to endorse the concept of an effective width, at least so that the effective width is bracketed between BE = 1.2 B and 2B. 28 4. FACTORS INFLUENCING THE RULE POWER REQUIREMENT The factors influencing the determination of the required propulsion power, once the required thrust is set based on brash ice resistance, include: 1. Especially slow speed engines with FPP are not able to use all the engine power for propulsion at slow speeds, 2. The bollard pull equation used in the rules (see Riska et al. 1997) may give too conservative power requirement, 3. The treatment of the open water resistance is based on the TNET concept, 4. The thrust given by more advanced propulsion devices like shrouded propellers may give higher thrust than assumed in the rule formulation. The target of this report is to analyze some of the above factors in view of the full or model scale data available. Before the data is presented and compared, most of the above factors are analyzed in some detail. 4.1 The Power Provided by Main Engine The working area of diesel engines given in the P – RPM – Q coordinates contains many limits from different sources. One natural limit is the maximum engine power related to torque and shaft revolutions by PD = 2πn Q, where n is RPM. Other limits are depicted in Fig. 15a on P – RPM plane and in Fig. 15b on Q – RPM plane. The diesel engine and the propeller curve are usually fitted together so that the propeller operates most economically at the loading condition which is most common. For majority of vessels this is open water speed at Maximum Continuous Rating (MCR). This means that the propeller torque/power demand curve (see Fig. 15a) is tuned so that it reaches the corner of MCR power at 100 % RPM. If a ship designed this way encounters increased resistance e.g. due to ice, the propeller demand curve shifts left and might cross one of the engine limits earlier than at MCR or 100 % power. One situation of this kind is shown in Fig. 16 where the bollard pull propeller demand curve crosses the engine torque limit at about 80 %. The propulsion systems consisting of a Controllable Pitch Propeller (CPP) do not suffer from this problem of not being able to mobilize the full power as both the RPM and pitch are adjusted to match the demand. This is also true for Diesel-Electric installations. Thus the propulsion factor Ke in the ice rules is increased by 10 % and thus power for the FPP installations is increased compared with CPP or DE installations. Whether this increase in the power requirement is adequate, depends on the exact engine, propeller and ice resistance parameters but the Fig. 17 showing the limits for a real engine (Wärtsilä 46) indicate that the drop of the power could be even higher than that used in the rule formulation. 29 Fig. 15a. The engine limits on a P – RPM plot for a diesel engine (figure courtesy of American Bureau of Shipping). Torque % 100 80 60 Torque limit Compressor surge Power limit Optimum point Smoke limit Speed limit 40 20 Lowest torque using HFO:lla 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 RPM % Fig. 15b. The engine limits on a Q – RPM plot for a diesel engine (figure courtesy of Prof. Häkkinen). 30 Fig. 16. The engine limits and the propeller demand curve in open water and at bollard pull. Fig. 17. The engine limits of a Wärtsilä 46 engine (Wärtsilä 46 Project Guide). 31 4.2 The Bollard Pull Formulation The power requirement in the ice rules is formulated so that the resistance which must be overcome is given and then the power to give the necessary thrust is calculated. This calculation could, in principle, be done if the propeller characteristics (KT - and KQ – curves and the engine power) would be known. The propeller thrust can be given as (see Juva & Riska 2002) T= K T (J ) 2/3 KQ (J ) ⋅3 ρ 4π 2 ( ) ⋅ PD D p 2 / 3 , (27) where the advance number is J = (1-w)v/n·DP, w is the wake fraction and ρ water density. DP is the propeller diameter. At the bollard pull situation the advance ratio is J = 0. The bollard pull is thus – when the thrust deduction is taken into account by the thrust deduction factor t TB = K T (J = 0) 2/3 KQ (J = 0) ⋅3 ρ 4π 2 ( ) ⋅ (1 − t ) ⋅ PD D p 2 / 3 = K e ⋅ (PD D P )2 / 3 . (28) Here the factor Ke is called the quality factor for bollard pull. It should be noted that this quantity is dimensional and the dimensions usually used for thrust, power and propeller diameter in (30) are kN, kW and m, respectively. The commonly used value for the Ke is 0.78 for single screw vessels, 0.98 for twin screw vessels and 1.12 for triple screw vessels. These values are for CPP or diesel electric propulsion systems and should be reduced by 10 % for FPP installations. The above values for the quality factor were investigated using a literature survey about data existing from bollard pull tests. The survey covered single, twin and triple screw vessels, with a FPP or a CPP both in nozzles and open. In order to be able to compare and analyze this large data set, the data is reduced to the CPP case by increasing the FPP values by 10 % and decreasing the nozzle values by a factor of 1.3 – this represents the average increase of thrust at bollard by nozzles. The results of the survey are given in Fig. 18. The survey results indicate that the quality factor is dependent on propeller diameter, increasing towards smaller propellers. Overall the selected Ke values in the ice rules seem to be reasonable, for single screw propeller ships even a bit optimistic. 32 Single screw 1,4 1,2 1,0 Ke 0,8 0,6 0,4 Open, FPP Nozzle, FPP Open, CPP Nozzle, CPP Rule value 0,2 0,0 0 2 4 6 8 Propeller Diameter [m] Twin screw 1,6 1,4 1,2 Ke 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 Open, FPP Nozzle, FPP Open, CPP Nozzle, CPP Rule value 0,2 0,0 0 2 4 6 8 Propeller Diameter [m] Triple screw 1,6 1,4 1,2 Ke 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 Open, FPP Nozzle, FPP Open, CPP Nozzle, CPP Rule value 0,2 0,0 0 2 4 6 8 Propeller Diameter [m] Fig. 18. The measured quality factor for bollard pull for a set of vessels. 33 4.3 The TNET Concept The open water resistance is not given in the rule formulation as it is taken into account using the concept of the net thrust TNET. The net thrust is defined to be the thrust available to overcome the total ice resistance. At the self propulsion point the thrust, including thrust deduction described by the thrust deduction factor t, equals the total resistance at the ship speed v i.e. T( v) ⋅ (1 − t ) = R TOT, i (h i , H M , v) = R iTOT (h i , H M , v) + R OW ( v) = = R i (h i , v) + R CH (H M , v) + R OW ( v) . (29) From this expression above the definition of the net thrust is obtained as TNET ( v) = T( v) ⋅ (1 − t ) − R OW ( v) . (30) At the self propulsion point this net thrust equals to total ice resistance. This definition in itself does not make matters easier in view of taking the open water resistance into account. Here use is made of the fact that at two speeds the net thrust is known: The net thrust at zero speed is the bollard pull TB and at the open water speed vow the net thrust is zero. The assumption that the net thrust is a second degree curve between these points is made as follows 1 v 2 v − TNET ( v) = 1 − 3 v ow 3 v ow 2 ⋅ TB . (31) The assumption that the net thrust follows the second order polynomial of the above shape is justified by that the fit is usually very good. This is shown in Fig. 19. 1400 1200 TNET -curve TNET -curve, Calculated TNET [kN] 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 V [m/s] Fig. 19a. The TNET – curve for MT Tervi and corresponding measurement results from model scale tests (Leiviskä 2006). 34 Fig. 19b. The theoretical TNET – curve for MT Uikku and corresponding measurement results from model scale tests (Juva & Riska 2002). 4.4 The Shrouded Propellers If the vessel is equipped with some propulsor which gives more thrust per power than the usual propellers, then the relationship between thrust and power should be investigated more thoroughly than just using the bollard pull relationship. The starting point is that the vessel must fulfil the basic requirement of 5 knots in a specified brash ice channel (the thickness of which varies with ice class), but the power used to produce the thrust can be different from the one given with the rule equations. Here a direct way to calculate or determine the thrust is examined for propellers in nozzles. The force balance in ice at speed v1 is (1 − t 1 )T(v1 ) = R OW (v1 ) + R CH (v1 ) , (32) where t1 is the thrust deduction factor at speed v1. If the thrust and thrust deduction as well as the open water resistance at speed v1 are known, then the definition of the net thrust can now be used directly as TNET = (1 − t1 ) ⋅ T( v1 ) − R OW ( v1 ) . (33) The basic requirement in the rules is that at 5 knots speed TNET = R CH , from which the power can be calculated. (34) 35 Now the question posed by propellers in nozzles may be tackled. At low speeds, the nozzled propellers give higher thrust than open propellers of a corresponding size. This extra thrust is, as a rule of thumb, given as 30 % of the corresponding open propeller thrust. These facts can be cast in an equation if firstly the net thrust at speed v, using e.g. (31), is denoted as TNET ( v) = K ( v) ⋅ TB . (35) where the factor K(v) is the quadratic term in Eq. (33). The extra thrust given by the nozzle is taken into account by the factor KN, where the bollard pull of the nozzle propeller that otherwise is of the same size is TB, N = K N ⋅ TB and (36) TNET ( v) = K ( v) ⋅ TB, N = K ( v) ⋅ K N ⋅ TB (37) Now, starting from the basic equation (36), the following chain, valid at speed v, is obtained R CH ( v) = TNET ( v) = K ( v) ⋅ TB, N = K ( v) ⋅ K N ⋅ TB = K ( v) ⋅ K N ⋅ K e ⋅ (P ⋅ D P )2 / 3 . (38) where the subindex N refers to nozzle. In the rule formulation, v is 5 knots and thus K(v) is assumed to be 0.8. Thus the power requirement for a nozzle propeller is 1 PN = DP R CH K vKgK N 3/ 2 K = e DP R CH KN 3/ 2 = 1 K 3N/ 2 ⋅ POPEN . (39) This equation shows that in theory, if the open water propeller has a diameter which is KN3/2 times larger than (i.e. about 1.48 times) the nozzled propeller diameter, then the thrusts are the same. Or to put it in different terms, the power of nozzled propulsion can be about 70 % of the corresponding open propulsion, and the performances are the same – all these assuming that KN = 1.3. 36 5. MEASUREMENT RESULTS AVAILABLE The basis for evaluating the channel ice resistance and the propulsion power required is formed by the measurement results obtained from various ships. Most results – both from full scale and model scale - exist from the tanker Uikku (or her sister ships Lunni, Sotka or Tiira) and from the tanker Tervi (and her sister ship Palva). In the following the results available are briefly described. Special attention is given to note down the ice conditions measured. 5.1 Measurements with Lunni-class The dimensions of MT Uikku used in calculating the power requirement and also the ice resistances are given in Table 4. In this table as well as in the subsequent similar tables, some values are estimated (these are marked in bold) and some are measured from the lines plan available. Two Lunni-class vessels were converted to Azipod vessels, so dimensions for both the original and converted versions are given in Table 4. Some discrepancy exists in literature in the measured values as measuring the length of bow area, for example, is sometimes not easy. The values given in the following tables are, however, those that are used in the calculations performed for this report. Table 4. The main particulars of MT Uikku before and after the conversion to Azipod vessel. Lpar m LWL m DP m Awf m2 vow m/s no. type of FP/CP props 1 FP/DE Load condition α deg φ1 deg φ2 deg Lbow m BWL m T m Loaded 24 29 29 32.9 76.3 155.2 21.5 9.5 5.65 490.0 8.8 Ballast Loaded, old Ballast, old 24 29 33 31.4 71.1 137.9 20.3 6.1 5.65 441.0 7.5 1 FP/DE 24 29 29 32.9 76.3 155.2 21.5 9.5 5.45 490.0 8.8 1 CP 24 29 33 31.4 71.1 137.9 20.3 6.1 5.45 441.0 7.5 1 CP Full scale trial results include tests in level ice and in brash ice close after the ships were delivered (Grönqvist 1979, Kannari 1982). These references give the results shown in Table 5. It should be noted that these results are with the tankers before conversion to Azipod-ships. The diameter of the original CP propeller was 5.45 m with the same machinery power. The results given by Kannari (1982) seem to be very low – actually the speed used in the full scale brash ice tests exceeds in one case the open water speed. Thus these measurement points are somewhat suspect. This matter is treated when the data is used for verification later in this report. 37 Table 5. Early full scale results with Lunni class tankers. Test Level ice resistance (Grönqvist 1979) Result Resistances RiTOT = 300 kN, v = 0.9 kn RiTOT = 700 kN, v = 10.9 kn hi – v curve hi = 90 cm, v = 3.9 kn hi = 40 cm, v = 12.6 kn Brash ice Resistance resistance RCH,TOT = 650 kN, v = 10.5 kn (Grönqvist 1979) Brash ice Resistance, ballast (Tav = 6.2 resistance m) (Kannari PD = 6.1 MW, RCH,TOT = 425 1982) kN, ROW = 260 kN, v = 6.8 m/s Resistance, loaded (Tav = 9.6 m) PD = 5.8 MW, RCH,TOT = 525 kN, ROW = 185 kN, v = 5.8 m/s PD = 7.7 MW, RCH,TOT = 625 kN, ROW = 265 kN v = 6.7 m/s Resistance, ballast (Tav = 6.0 m) PD = 3.3 MW, RCH,TOT = 380 kN, ROW = 180 kN, v = 6.0 m/s PD = 7.1 MW, RCH,TOT = 500 kN, ROW = 325 kN, v = 7.8 m/s Resistance, loaded (Tav = 8.9 m) PD = 5.7 MW, RCH,TOT = 500 kN, ROW = 200 kN, v = 6.0 m/s PD = 6.8 MW, RCH,TOT = 560 kN, ROW = 250 kN, v = 6.5 m/s Ice conditions Notes hi = 50 cm Resistance deduced from propeller curves One thicker field measured also Channel maximum thickness 2 m HT = 1.22 m Ballast HM = 1.01 m Loaded HM = 0.99 m HT = 1.18 m The channel profiles exist. The thickness value used as a reference thickness is the effective channel thickness. This is the effective channel thickness i.e. average thickness over the channel width of 1.2B Ballast HM = 1.03 m Loaded HM = 1.01 m The problem with the channel thickness to be associated with the test results is described later but for the future reference, here a fit to the channel cross section data available is done so that the rule channel thickness at the center line HM is obtained. This is done using the effective channel width of 1.6B. Values for the centerline thickness are included in Table 5. 38 Another, more recent full scale test series exists with MT Uikku in full load (NortalaHoikkanen 1999). This gave the results of channel resistance RCH = 420 – 500 kN in the speed range of 3.5 – 5.1 m/s. Channel profiles were measured in detail and the measurements gave an average channel thickness over the effective breadth between 1.21 – 1.89 m and the resulting channel thickness at the centerline of HM = 0.92 – 1.59 m. In the subsequent analysis the average values from the ranges above are used i.e. RCH = 455 kN, v = 4.3 m/s and HM = 1.30 m. Several tests series have been carried out in model scale to measure the brash ice resistance of MT Uikku. Before describing these, the open water resistance in forward motion in full scale units is given as (Rodenheber 2002, Leiviskä & Tuhkuri 2000, Leiviskä 2002, Leiviskä 2004) R OW = 0.52 ⋅ v 3 + 0.91 ⋅ v 2 + 8.53 ⋅ v [kN], [v] = m/s. (40) An extensive set of model tests was carried out at the Helsinki University of Technology in 1999 using MT Uikku model of scale 1:20. This model was already the Azipod-version of the ships. The ship was in loaded condition and the coefficient of friction between the model hull and ice was low, µ = 0.03. These tests were done in repeatedly running the vessel in the same channel and it was stated that only for the first tests the measured channel profile was reliable. Thus only the two or three first points for each channel are accepted here. The results are given in Table 6, where also the calculated mid-channel thickness HM is shown. The tests were propulsion tests except the last ones in channel 6. Table 6. The results of channel tests with MT Uikku model. Test Speed [m/s] Channel 1 3.26 HM =2.53 m 2.82 Channel 3 0.54 HM =3.82 m 2.24 Channel 5 2.19 HM =2.71 m 3.13 4.56 Resistance RCH [kN] 434 444 797 645 633 795 973 Test Speed [m/s] 1.83 Channel 2 HM =4.18 m 2.46 3.40 Channel 4 HM =1.85 m 3.40 2.33 Channel 6 HM =3.08 m 3.18 Towing test 4.70 Resistance RCH [kN] 658 604 430 444 627 679 750 Another model test series with MT Uikku in brash ice exists (Leiviskä 2004). Here only one point relevant to this report is given. The model was the Azipod version of MT Uikku and the scale was 1:31.56. The result, in full scale units, was at v = 0.56 m/s RCH,TOT = 1330 kN where the mid channel thickness was HM = 4.70 m. This gives the channel resistance of RCH = 1325 kN. 39 5.2 Measurements with Tervi-class There are two tankers of Tervi-class; MT Tervi and MT Palva. The main particulars of them are shown in Table 7. The stem angle is relatively blunt but her bow is still an ice breaking bow in the sense that she does not have a bulb. Table 7. The main particulars of MT Tervi. Load condition α deg φ1 deg φ2 deg Lbow m Lpar m LWL m BWL m T m Loaded 37 41 39 33.8 132.2 198.3 30.2 12.5 7.1 745.0 7.5 Ballast 37 41 39 34.2 114.5 180.9 30.2 7.1 745.0 7.5 7.3 DP m Awf m2 vow m/s no. type of FP/CP props 1 CP 1 Many of the model test results for MT Tervi has been reported in Ritvanen (2004). There exists additionally model test results from tests where the coefficient of friction of the hull was varied and also where tests with consolidated channels were made (NN 2005). These model scale results are summarized in full scale units in Table 8. In this table the mid channel ice thickness is calculated - as also above with Lunni results - using BE = 1.6B. The open water resistance is accounted for as a ratio between the total resistance and open water resistance as described by Ritvanen (2004). The tests with a consolidated layer targeted at 10 cm thick consolidated layer. The layer thickness was very difficult to measure and thus a calculated value is used. It is calculated using the Zubov equation for ice thickness h i2 + 50 ⋅ h i − 8 ⋅ θ = 0 (41) where the cold sum term is T θ= ∫ (Tf − Ta )dt 0 and Tf is water freezing temperature (0oC in this case) and Ta air temperature; units oC and day. Using this equation, the measured cold sum and the porosity of brash ice (cf. Riska et al 1997), a thickness value of 7 cm in full scale units is obtained. CP 40 Table 8. The results from model tests in full scale units of Tervi-class. Source Leiviskä & Kiili (2004) Wilhelmson (1996) NN (2005) V [m/s] 3.31 3.42 1.52 1.58 1.89 0.95 0.98 1.16 1.07 2.72 2.74 1.03 2.59 4.11 1.01 2.60 2.60 4.29 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 HM [m] 2.16 1.79 1.66 1.30 2.50 2.50 2.01 2.55 2.44 3.77 2.66 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.05 1.05 1.03 1.03 0.82 0.89 0.82 0.89 RCH [kN] 818 830 827 689 1046 1234 1455 1157 1485 775 916 861 1001 1336 381 1063 833 1044 836 1089 1582 1776 PD [kW] 11130 10857 7121 11835 12426 11573 14313 - Notes Both resistance and propulsion tests. µ = 0.10 Fully loaded Model the same as above. µ = 0.10 Fully loaded in all tests µ = 0.10 Consolidated layer, o cold sum 17 C ⋅ h 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 0.86 0.86 0.94 0.86 0.86 0.94 2296 1971 2210 2776 2300 2691 - µ = 0.41 µ = 0.41 Consolidated layer, o cold sum 17 C ⋅ h Four test results exist from MT Tervi in full scale. These measurements are described in Leiviskä (2006). These results are given in Table 9. Table 9. The results from full scale tests of MT Tervi (Leiviskä 2006). Source Leiviskä (2006) V [m/s] 5.80 6.30 2.88 1.59 HM [m] 0.52 0.79 0.79 0.33 RCH [kN] 411 438 397 474 PD [kW] 6346 7688 2760 2530 Notes Ballast Loaded 41 5.3 Measurements with Tempera - class There are two tankers of Tempera – class, MT Tempera and MT Mastera. These tankers are called DAT as they are planned to go astern in ice. This mode of operation is not interesting here so that only test results where the ships went forward are dealt with here. The particulars of Tempera-class tankers in ballast and loaded are given in Table 10. Table 10. The main particulars of Tempera – class tankers. Load condition α deg φ1 deg φ2 deg Lbow m Loaded 41 90 66 Ballast 32 90 67 Lpar m LWL m BWL m T m DP m Awf m2 vow m/s 49.2 124.2 242.8 44.0 14.5 7.5 1370 7.8 56.5 108.6 239.3 44.0 7.5 1570 7.0 8.9 no. type of FP/CP props 1 FP/DE 1 FP/DE There are not any model test results available from these tankers, so only the full scale results available are given in Table 11. Table 11. The results from full scale tests of MT Mastera or MT Mastera. Source Leiviskä (2006) v [m/s] 5.30 3.03 2.68 Wilkman et 3.8 al (2004) 4.4 4.7 5.4 HM [m] 0.26 0.12 0.12 0.29 0.29 0.29 RCH [kN] NA NA NA NA NA NA PD [kW] 6500 1750 2800 5000 7000 9200 Notes Loaded Loaded Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Measurements with Natura - class There are two tankers of Natura – class, MT Natura and MT Futura. These tankers have an ice class IC, and a cylindrical bow with a bulb. The main particulars are shown in Table 12. The full scale test result is given in Table 13. Table 12. The main particulars of MT Futura and MT Natura. Load condition α deg φ1 deg φ2 deg Lbow m Lpar m LWL m BWL m T m DP m Awf m2 vow m/s Loaded 34 90 90 53.7 136.6 242.4 40.0 13.87 8.0 1600 7.1 Ballast 25 90 90 49.7 126.5 231.2 40.0 8.15 1561 7.1 8.0 no. type of FP/CP props 1 CP 1 CP 42 Table 13. The results from full scale tests of MT Futura. Source Leiviskä (2006) 5.5 v [m/s] 5.81 HM [m] 0.34 RCH [kN] PD [kW] Notes NA 6800 Ballast Measurement with MS Birka Express The design point of IA Super ice class where there is 10 cm of refrozen ice on top of the brash ice channel has proved to be difficult to model in model tests. In order to have some verification point from the refrozen channel, one test voyage has been done onboard MS Birka Express. The main particulars of MS Birka Express are shown in Table 14 – many of the shape parameters are estimated from the available material. The data point from the archipelago fairway channel between Kemi and Oulu is given in Table 15. This channel had refrozen and an estimate of the thickness of the consolidated layer is 8.9 cm (Leiviskä 2006). Table 14. The main particulars of MS Birka Express. Load condition Loaded α deg φ1 deg φ2 deg 24.0 90.0 60.0 Lbow m Lpar m LWL m BWL m 40.0 80.0 140.0 22.7 T m DP m Awf m2 6.95 4.2 530 no. type of FP/CP props 10.3 1 CP vow m/s Table 15. The results from full scale test of MS Birka Express. Source Leiviskä (2006) 5.6 v [m/s] 2.37 HM [m] 0.76 RCH [kN] PD [kW] NA 6084 Notes consolidated layer hi = 8.9 cm Measurements with Small Tonnage The power requirement in the 2002 ice class rules seemed to increase much the requirements for smaller ships. Thus it was decided to make a special study of the power required by smaller vessels. In a study of these smaller vessels the power used of five vessels was measured and at the same time the channel profiles were determined (Leiviskä 2004c). The data of these ships (the ships remain anonymous) is given in Table 16. The results of the observations are given in Table 17 where the mid channel thickness is calculated assuming the effective channel width to be 1.6B. 43 Table 16. The main particulars of ships included in the study of small tonnage. no. type of FP/CP props 1 CP Ship no. α deg φ1 deg φ2 deg Lbow m BWL m T m DP m Awf m2 vow m/s B 34 NA 90 15.0 60.6 78.9 12.5 5.3 2.8 102 6.3 C 29 NA 61 17.1 44.9 78.8 12.6 5.4 2.7 146 6.1 1 CP D 36 NA 64 12.2 52.1 80.2 12.5 5.0 2.4 98 5.7 1 CP E 32 NA 70 16.0 63.0 92.4 13.6 6.0 2.9 155 7.1 1 CP G 30 NA 47 15.5 53.0 85.0 12.5 5.3 2.6 126 6.5 1 FP Lpar m LWL m Table 17. The results from full scale test of the small tonnage. Source Leiviskä (2004c) Ship B C C D E G G v [m/s] 4.6 3.9 4.4 3.6 5.4 4.4 5.1 HM [m] 0.28 0.32 0.24 0.34 0.42 0.58 0.43 RCH [kN] PD [kW] NA 1800 NA 1840 NA 1840 NA 1700 NA 2640 NA 1845 NA 1845 Notes Full power assumed in each case 44 6. CALIBRATION OF THE POWER REQUIREMENT The measurement results available from different ships were described in the previous chapter. Now these results are used to compare the calculated and measured ice resistance and propulsion power used. The comparison is done based on the ratio between the calculated and measured ice resistance or power used. The effective width of the channel is 1.6B in all measurements and the measured or calculated mid channel thickness HM as well as the actual ship speed is used also in calculations. The coefficient of friction is assumed to be 0.15 if the value is not known (it is only known in model scale measurements). The basic data, divided into tables per ship, are shown in Tables 18a-f. The Lunni-class data given by Kannari (1982) is corrected so that the points given in the reports are thought to refer to speed in knots, not in m/s. The corrected values are given in Table 18a. Table 18a. The compilation of the basic data from Lunni – class for analysis. Test data Full scale results, first seven values corrected, µ = 0.15 Model scale results, µ = 0.03 L [m] B [m] HM [m] v [m/s] 137.9 155.2 155.2 137.9 137.9 155.2 155.2 155.2 155.2 155.2 155.2 155.2 155.2 155.2 155.2 155.2 155.2 155.2 155.2 155.2 155.2 155.2 20.3 21.5 21.5 20.3 20.3 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 1.01 0.99 0.99 1.03 1.03 1.01 1.01 1.30 2.53 2,53 4.18 4.18 3.82 3.82 1.85 2.71 2.71 2.71 3.08 3.08 3.08 4.70 3.5 3.0 3.4 3.1 4.0 3.1 3.3 4.3 3.26 2.82 1.83 2.46 0.54 2.24 3.40 2.19 3.13 4.56 2.33 3.18 4.70 0.56 Measured RCH PD [kN] [kW] 365 6100 475 5800 555 7700 345 3300 460 7100 445 5700 490 6800 455 NA 434 NA 444 NA 658 NA 604 NA 797 NA 645 NA 437 NA 633 NA 795 NA 973 NA 627 NA 679 NA 750 NA 1325 NA Calculated RCH PD [kN] [kW] 341 3166 460 3993 480 4568 420 3907 441 5414 475 4263 486 4559 721 1218 1164 2050 2139 1728 1871 848 1200 1307 1542 1427 1541 1832 2285 - 45 Table 18b. The compilation of the basic data from Tervi – class for analysis. Test data Full scale result, µ = 0.15 Model test result, µ = 0.10 Model test results, µ = 0.41 L [m] B [m] HM [m] v [m/s] 180.9 180.9 180.9 198.3 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 0.52 0.79 0.79 0.33 2.16 1.79 1.66 1.30 2.50 2.50 2.01 2.55 2.44 3.77 2.66 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.05 1.05 1.03 1.03 0.82 0.89 0.86 0.86 0.86 5.8 6.3 2.88 1.59 3.31 3.42 1.52 1.58 1.89 0.95 0.98 1.16 1.07 2.72 2.74 1.03 2.59 4.11 1.01 2.60 2.60 4.29 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 Measured RCH PD [kN] [kW] 411 6350 438 7688 397 2760 474 2530 818 11130 830 10860 827 7120 689 NA 1046 11840 1234 12430 1455 NA 1157 11570 1485 NA 775 14313 916 NA 861 NA 1001 NA 1336 NA 381 NA 1063 NA 833 NA 1044 NA 836 NA 1089 NA 2296 NA 1971 NA 2210 NA Calculated RCH PD [kN] [kW] 494 12328 784 39726 720 6408 297 1358 2229 38650 1803 28933 1507 15337 1140 2476 34079 2414 29055 1860 2483 31028 2349 4240 88536 2768 1613 1708 1878 882 938 918 1031 715 782 1338 1338 1338 - Table 18b-continued. The compilation of the basic data from Tervi – class for analysis, the tests for ice class IA Super. Model tests µ = 0.10, hi = 7 cm µ = 0.41, hi = 7 cm L [m] B [m] HM [m] v [m/s] 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 0.82 0.89 0.86 0.86 0.94 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 Measured RCH PD [kN] [kW] 1582 NA 1776 NA 2776 NA 2300 NA 2691 NA Calculated RiTOT PD [kN] [kW] 834 901 1457 1457 1591 - 46 Table 18c. The compilation of the basic data from Tempera – class for analysis. Test data Full scale results, µ = 0.15 L [m] B [m] HM [m] v [m/s] 242.8 242.8 239.3 239.3 239.3 239.3 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 0.26 0.12 0.12 0.29 0.29 0.29 5.3 3.03 2.68 3.8 4.4 4.7 Measured RCH PD [kN] [kW] NA 6500 NA 1750 NA 2800 NA 5000 NA 7000 NA 9200 Calculated RCH PD [kN] [kW] 8331 1159 1111 5975 7788 9161 Table 18d. The compilation of the basic data from Natura – class for analysis. Test data Full scale results, µ = 0.15 L [m] B [m] HM [m] v [m/s] Measured RCH PD [kN] [kW] 126.5 40.0 0.34 5.81 NA 6800 Calculated RCH PD [kN] [kW] - 13708 Table 18e. The compilation of the basic data from MS Birka Express for analysis, note that this is a case of IA Super ice class. Test data Full scale results, µ = 0.15, hi = 8.9 cm L [m] B [m] HM [m] v [m/s] Measured RCH PD [kN] [kW] 140.0 22.7 0.76 2.37 NA 6084 Calculated RiTOT PD [kN] [kW] - 5309 Table 18f. The compilation of the basic data from small tonnage analysis. Test data Full scale results, µ = 0.15 L [m] B [m] HM [m] v [m/s] 78.9 78.8 78.8 80.2 92.4 85.0 85.0 12.5 12.6 12.6 12.5 13.6 12.5 12.5 0.28 0.32 0.24 0.34 0.42 0.58 0.43 4.6 3.9 4.4 3.6 5.4 4.4 5.1 Measured RCH PD [kN] [kW] NA 1800 NA 1840 NA 1840 NA 1700 NA 2640 NA 1845 NA 1845 Calculated RCH PD [kN] [kW] 1513 1147 1136 1318 4746 3549 4299 47 6.1 Basic Analysis of the Data The basic data of the ratio between measured and calculated power and channel resistance can be plotted versus the parameters L, B, HM and v. These plots are shown in Appendix 1. These plots show for that the power required from a IA Super vessel is almost exactly the same as the observed power. The model tests with a consolidated layer show, however, higher measured resistance than the rule resistance. This shows that the production of the consolidated layer is not straightforward – as discussed in Section 3.4. For pure channel resistance (resistance required from IC, IB and IA vessels) there is much scatter. High values of both the power and resistance have been measured both in model tests and in full scale tests. Not the ship size (L or B) nor the speed do show any trend. The only observation that can be made from the basic data is that in higher speeds the measured full scale power seems to increase compared with the calculated value. The mid channel thickness HM influences somewhat the ratio between calculated and measured resistance or power. The full scale values are, however, from thinner channels. Both the mid channel ice thickness and ship beam influence the piling up of ice at the ship side. The total height of the ice at the ship side is, for the rule channel profile H TOT = H M + tan δ B+ 2 (tan δ + tan γ ) ⋅ H M B + tan δ B 2 . 4 (42) The total height HTOT is estimated in the present rules to be HTOT = HM + HF where the HF (defined as HTOT – HM) is a function of both the mid channel thickness and ship breadth as H F = 0.26m + H M ⋅ B . (43) The quantity HF could be defined both for the correct height given in (42) and the estimate in the 2002 rules. These pile up heights are plotted in Fig. 20 assuming the mid channel thickness to be 1.0 m. The first term in the expression (42) under the square root dominates the thickness and thus the height HF is proportional to H M B . The estimate given by (43) is, however, noticeably higher than the actual value. 48 HM = 1.0 m 8 HF [m] 6 H F = 0.26m + H M ⋅ B 4 HF = tan δ B+ 2 (tan δ + tan γ ) H M B + tan δ B2 4 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 B [m] Fig. 20. The estimated and exact height of the pile up against the ship beam. The measurement results are plotted versus the exact expression for the height (42) and the approximate square root expression in Figs. 21a and 21b. Now a clear trend of higher calculated value with thicker ice emerges. 49 Brash ice resistance PDcalc/PDmeas , RCHcalc/RCHmeas 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 Power, Full scale Resistance, Full scale Power, Model scale Resistance, Model scale 0,5 0,0 0 2 4 6 8 HF [m] Fig. 21a. The ratio between calculated and measured power and channel resistance plotted versus the pile up height defined in (42). Brash ice resistance PDcalc/PDmeas , RCHcalc/RCHmeas 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 Power, Full scale Resistance, Full scale Power, Model scale Resistance, Model scale 0,5 0,0 0 2 4 6 8 SQRT(HM B) [m] Fig. 21b. The ratio between calculated and measured power and channel resistance plotted versus the approximate additional pile up height. 50 6.2 Correction for the Accumulated Ice Thickness The difference between the estimated pile-up depth at the ship side HF and the more exact height results in a difference between the measured channel resistance and required propulsion power as compared with the calculated ones. If the resistance equation is corrected so that instead of the estimated HF the correct value in Eq. (42) is used, the results given in Fig. 22 are obtained. Brash ice resistance PDcalc/PDmeas , RCHcalc/RCHmeas 3,0 Power, Full scale Resistance, Full scale Power, Model scale Resistance, Model scale 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 10 20 30 40 50 B [m] Fig. 22a. A comparison between the calculated and measured resistance and propulsion power values when using the correct pile-up depth HF plotted versus ship beam. 51 Brash ice resistance PDcalc/PDmeas , RCHcalc/RCHmeas 3,0 Power, Full scale Resistance, Full scale Power, Model scale Resistance, Model scale 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 2 4 6 v [m/s] Fig. 22b. A comparison between the calculated and measured resistance and propulsion power values when using the correct pile-up depth HF plotted versus ship speed in the test. Brash ice resistance PDcalc/PDmeas , RCHcalc/RCHmeas 3,0 Power, Full scale Resistance, Full scale Power, Model scale Resistance, Model scale 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 2 4 6 8 HF,Correct [m] Fig. 22c. A comparison between the calculated and measured resistance and propulsion power values when using the correct pile-up depth HF plotted versus the total pile-up depth. 52 6.3 Improvement of the Present Requirement The Figs. 22a. and 22c. show a clear trend and Fig. 22b. shows a large scatter and thus there is obviously a reason to search for an improved formulation of the power requirement. In order to improve the formulation of the power requirement, the measurement results are used as a set of test data. Based on the initial analysis of these data, some indications for the development work can be gathered. These indications include the following: • • • • • • The level ice resistance formulation in the present 2002 rules is not changed The change is implemented in the channel resistance i.e. the power calculation is not changed As the speed dependency is small in the channel resistance, see e.g. Leiviskä (1998), only the two first factors are kept in the channel resistance. Initial regressions on the measurement data suggest also this. The bow resistance (first factor of RCH) is about 25 to 30 % of the total resistance, see Leiviskä (1998), this is borne in mind when determining the constants The shape factor Cµ is modified. At present the frictional force factor is based on the assumption that the brash ice is displaced following the buttock lines (verticals). This is shown in the first factor of Cµ which contains the term µ·sinφ2. The actual HF is used instead of the estimate. Some thicknesses are also modified to better reflect the intent in the formulation, see e.g. Mellor (1980). The frictional part of the shape factor Cµ is modified so that the brash ice motion has two components; one sideways along the waterline and one down following the vertical. Thus the first component of the coefficient Cµ is to be µ⋅ cos α + cos ϕ2 . 2(1 + cos α cos ϕ2 ) Further, as the dependency of the resistance on the waterline entrance angle α is not clear, the average value of this angle is used (α = 30º). This results in the shape factor Cµ = µ 0.87 + cos ϕ 2 sin ϕ 2 + . 2 + 1.7 cos ϕ2 1 + 3 sin 2 ϕ2 (44) The final formulation of the channel resistance selected is thus ( ) R CH = C 3 ⋅ C µ ⋅ H AV ⋅ B + C ψ H M + C 4 ⋅ µ ⋅ L PAR ⋅ H TOT 2 (45) where Cψ is given in (9), HTOT in (42), Cµ in (44) and the average channel thickness is H AV = H M + tan δ ⋅ B E ≈ H M + 0.014 ⋅ B 4 (46) 53 where the approximation based on the approximate effective width is also shown. Now it remains to determine the constants C3 and C4. This is done using a regression on the measured resistance and power points, described above. The regression is done based on least squares method by minimizing the following quantities. If the measured channel resistances and powers are denoted as Ri and Pi and the corresponding calculated values as Rci and Pci, then the quantities to be minimized are ∆P2 = NP P ∑ ( Pci − 1) 2 i =1 and i (47) ∆R 2 = NR R ∑ ( Rci − 1) 2 i =1 i The regression is done separately on the model scale and full scale results. The functions (47) are shown in App. 2. The minimum is quite shallow and shows also a dependency between C3 and C4. The following values are selected for the constants: C3 = 16.8 kN/m2 and C4 = 0.5 kN/m3. The resulting plots of the channel resistance and power are shown in Fig. 23. Clearly, the trends versus the accumulated depth of ice or the ship beam decreased and the scatter versus the ship speed also decreased when the formula (45) was used. Brash ice resistance PDcalc/PDmeas , RCHcalc/RCHmeas 3,0 Power, Full scale Resistance, Full scale Power, Model scale Resistance, Model scale 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 10 20 30 40 50 B [m] Fig. 23a. A comparison between the calculated and measured resistance and propulsion power values when using the correct pile-up depth HF and using the new equation (46) plotted versus ship beam. 54 Brash ice resistance PDcalc/PDmeas , RCHcalc/RCHmeas 3,0 Power, Full scale Resistance, Full scale Power, Model scale Resistance, Model scale 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 2 4 6 v [m/s] Fig. 23b. A comparison between the calculated and measured resistance and propulsion power values when using the correct pile-up depth HF and using the new equation (46) plotted versus ship speed. Brash ice resistance PDcalc/PDmeas , RCHcalc/RCHmeas 3,0 Power, Full scale Resistance, Full scale Power, Model scale Resistance, Model scale 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 2 4 6 8 HF,Correct [m] Fig. 23c. A comparison between the calculated and measured resistance and propulsion power values when using the correct pile-up depth HF and using the new equation (46) plotted versus correct pile-up depth. 55 The final aim of this work is the formulation of the rule equation. The regression with power values contains the measured ship power which often in full scale results is the main engine power PE instead of the delivered power PD which is used in the calculations. Thus some reserve is prudent to take in the rule power requirement. This is done by using the values for the constants as C3 = 18.4 kN/m2 and C4 = 0.55 kN/m3. The definitions and equations for the final rule formulation are collected in Appendix 3. The rule requirement is based on, as in the 2002 rules, that speed to be attained is 5 knots in a HM = 1 m thick channel for IA ice class. For the IA Super requirement, the new brash ice resistance formulation is used and the consolidated ice resistance is calculated using the old formulation (constants C1 and C2). The IB requirement corresponds, as earlier, to HM = 0.8 m and IC requirement to HM = 0.6 m. The impact on the validation vessels of the new power requirement is studied with an array of ships presented in Appendix 4. First the new power requirement divided by the installed power is shown versus the ship size, Figs. 24. 2,0 IA Super IA IB IC Pnew/Pinst 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 10 20 30 40 B [m] Fig. 24a. The new power requirement divided by the installed power plotted versus the ship length and using the array of validation ships. 56 2,0 IA Super IA IB IC Pnew/Pinst 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 50 100 150 200 250 L [m] Fig. 24b. The new power requirement divided by the installed power plotted versus the ship length and using the array of validation ships. A clear trend seems to emerge of low requirement in the mid-range of ships, but this is an illusion as most of the vessels in the range of 20 to 30 m breadth are ships with high open water speed. Thus their need for propulsion power is driven by the open water resistance. A better view may be obtained if the new power requirement is divided by the present one and plotted versus ship size, see Figs. 25. 57 2,0 IA Super IA IB IC Pnew/P2002 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 10 20 30 40 B [m] Fig. 25a. The new power requirement divided by the rule power according to 2002 rules plotted versus the ship beam and using the array of validation ships. 2,0 IA Super IA IB IC Pnew/P2002 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 50 100 150 200 250 L [m] Fig. 25b. The new power requirement divided by the rule power according to 2002 rules plotted versus the ship length and using the array of validation ships. 58 The new and present power requirement correlate well – only for larger vessels (MT Mastera and Tervi) the new requirement is clearly less than the present requirement. Thus the developed formulation fulfills one the targets set in the beginning. 59 7. CONCLUSION The aim of the present report is to analyze the propulsion power requirement in the present Finnish-Swedish ice class rules. The present requirement is stated to have some drawbacks which are analyzed in the report. The following conclusions emerged when an analysis of the rule brash ice resistance formulation was carried out: • The whole channel cross sectional profile in the model and full scale tests should be taken into account up to the width where the ship passage influences the channel. This width is called the effective channel width BE and is approximately BE = 1.6B. Very often only the mid-channel thickness is – erroneously – used. • The coefficient of friction between ship hull and ice influence much the resistance. The rule formulation uses a coefficient of friction value 0.15. The formulation to correct the low value of coefficient of friction in model tests given in Keinonen (1991) was shown to correspond well with one model test series where the coefficient of friction value was varied. • The properties of brash ice (internal friction, cohesion as well as the piece size) have been found in earlier model tests to influence much the measured resistance. Too large piece size results in too low resistance. No comprehensive study of what are the proper brash ice parameters and how these should be reproduced in model tests exists. • The consolidated layer assumed to exist in the IA Super power requirement is difficult to produce reliably or model in model tests. A recommendation thus is that only the brash ice resistance is measured in model tests and the resistance from the consolidated layer is calculated. • The ice coverage in the brash ice channels in Nature is 100 %. Thus the brash ice, as it cannot be compressed, retains its volume and must be displaced. The side ridges of channels hinder further the motion of brash ice. These conditions should be reproduced in model tests. The following conclusions emerged when an analysis of the rule power requirement formulation was carried out: • The slow speed engines with a FPP are not able to produce the maximum power in ice, if the propeller design is based on open water performance. This is because the limits of the engine restrict the engine power output. This problem does not exist with CP propellers or diesel-electric installations. This phenomenon is taken into account by changing the propulsive factors in the rules. • The power requirement is based on so called ‘quality factors’ of bollard pull. A large set of measured bollard pull values was used to verify the factors used in the rules. The values of the propulsion constants were found to be adequate, even if a large scatter exists. • The power requirement is based on the TNET – concept in which the open water resistance is taken into account approximately. TNET is defined to be the thrust available to overcome the ice resistance i.e. the thrust available when the thrust deduction factor is taken into account and open water resistance 60 subtracted. The used formulation was compared with model test results and found to be adequate. • A formulation how to take into account the additional thrust produced by the nozzles was formulated. The analysis of power requirement in the Finnish-Swedish ice class rules was analyzed using an array of measurement points for power and resistance obtained by full scale and model scale tests. The analysis suggested that instead of the approximation for the accumulated ice depth HF, the exact formula is to be used. Further, the influence of hull angles on the resistance was changed to better reflect the direction where the brash ice is displaced. Finally, the form of the resistance equation was simplified. The new proposed rule power requirement showed that for ships of beam about 20 m, no major change resulted but for ships of larger beam in higher ice class, some decrease of the power requirement was noticed. It should be stated here, that the development of the power requirement was carried out here based on the measured ice resistance and power values. 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The ratio of calculated and measured propulsion power and ship ice resistance plotted versus four parameters; L, B, HM and v, for both the tests when there was no consolidated layer and when there was a consolidated layer. The calculation is done according to the rule 2002 formulation. Brash ice resistance PDcalc/PDmeas , RCHcalc/RCHmeas 3,0 Power, Full scale Resistance, Full scale Power, Model scale Resistance, Model scale 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 50 100 150 200 250 L [m] Brash ice resistance PDcalc/PDmeas , RCHcalc/RCHmeas 3,0 Power, Full scale Resistance, Full scale Power, Model scale Resistance, Model scale 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 10 20 30 B [m] 40 50 65 Brash ice resistance PDcalc/PDmeas , RCHcalc/RCHmeas 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 Power, Full scale Resistance, Full scale Power, Model scale Resistance, Model scale 0,5 0,0 0 1 2 3 4 5 HM [m] Brash ice resistance Power, Full scale Resistance, Full scale Power, Model scale Resistance, Model scale PDcalc/PDmeas , RCHcalc/RCHmeas 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 2 4 v [m/s] 6 PDcalc/PDmeas , RiTOT,calc /RiTOT,meas 66 Brash ice and consolidated ice resistance 3,0 Power, full scale results Resistance, model scale results 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 50 100 150 200 PDcalc/PDmeas , RiTOT,calc/RiTOT,meas L [m] Brash ice and consolidated ice resistance 3,0 Power, Full Scale Results Resistance, Model Scale Results 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 10 20 30 B [m] 40 50 PDcalc/PDmeas , RiTOT,calc/RiTOT,meas 67 Brash ice and consolidated ice resistance 3,0 Power, full scale results Resistance, model scale results 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 1 2 3 4 PDcalc/PDmeas , RiTOT,calc/RiTOT,meas HM [m] Brash ice and consolidated ice resistance 3,0 Power, full scale results Resistance, model scale results 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 2 4 v [m/s] 6 68 Appendix 2 The plots of functions (47) versus the constants C3 and C4. The model scale and full scale values are plotted separately. Model scale data 0,7 0,6 0,5 ∆P2 0,4 0,3 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,2 20 19 0,1 18 0,0 0,6 17 0,5 0,4 C4 C3 16 0,3 0,2 15 Model scale data 0,35 0,30 ∆R 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30 0,35 2 0,25 0,20 20 0,15 19 18 0,10 0,6 17 0,5 0,4 C4 16 0,3 0,2 15 C3 69 Full scale results 1,2 1,0 0,6 0,4 20 19 0,2 18 0,0 0,6 0,5 0,4 C4 3 17 C 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 ∆ P2 0,8 16 0,3 0,2 15 Full scale data 0,14 0,12 ∆R2 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,12 0,14 0,10 0,08 20 0,06 19 18 0,04 0,6 17 0,5 0,4 C4 16 0,3 0,2 15 C3 70 Appendix 3. The proposed rule formulation. The rule resistance equation is thus the following: ( ) R CH = C1 + C 2 + C 3 ⋅ C µ ⋅ H AV ⋅ B + C ψ H M + C 4 ⋅ µ ⋅ L PAR ⋅ H TOT 2 (3.1) where ( H TOT = H M + 0.0175 ⋅ B + 0.451 ⋅ H M B + 0.0087 ⋅ B 2 H AV = H M + 0.014 ⋅ B 0.87 + cos ϕ 2 sin ϕ 2 + , Cµ = µ 2 + 1.7 cos ϕ 2 1 + 3 sin 2 ϕ ) (3.2) (3.3) (3.4) 2 Cψ = 0,047ψ − 2,115 , min 0.0 (3.5) tan ϕ 2 ψ = arctan sin α BL par C1 = f1 ⋅ + (1 + 0.021ϕ1 ) ⋅ (f 2 B + f 3 L bow + f 4 BL bow ) 2T +1 B T B2 C 2 = (1 + 0.063φ1 ) ⋅ (g1 + g 2 B) + g 3 1 + 1.2 ⋅ B L (3.6) (3.7) (3.8) The first two terms in Eq. (3.1) represent the level ice resistance and the two last ones the brash ice resistance. The constants C1 and C2 apply only for ice class IA Super. For lower classes they are to be taken as zero. For ships of ice class IA Super with a bulb, the stem angle φ1 is to be taken as 90o. The stem angle must be between 0º and 90º. The values for constants used are: C3 = 18.4 kN/m2 C4 = 0.55 kN/m3 f1 = 23 N/m2 f2 = 45.8 N/m f3 = 14.7 N/m f4 = 29 N/m2 g1 = 1537.3 N g2 = 172.3 N/m g3 = 398.7 N/m1.5 Table 3.1. The rule values for HM, hI and C5. Ice class: HM [m] hi [m] IAS 1,0 0,1 IA 1,0 0 IB 0,8 0 IC 0,6 0 The rule resistance is derived for a channel profile which contains the influence of the side ridges. Thus the channel profile is assumed to get thicker moving from the channel center line towards the edges by an angle δ = 2º. The brash ice is assumed to be displaced sideways so that it comes to rest under the original brash ice. The angle of repose of the brash ice material is assumed to be 22.6º. The channel dimensions used in the rule formulation are given in Fig. 3.1. 71 BE/2 B/2 BE/4 HM δ = 2º HTOT HAV γ = 22.6º Fig. 3.1. The rule brash ice channel dimensions. In the rule proposal, BE = 1.6B. The required propulsion power is the power that gives high enough thrust to exceed the ice resistance in the design ice conditions and speed. The resulting formulation for the required propulsion power PD is PD = K e (R ch ) 3 2 (3.9) Dp where Ke is given in the Table 3.2, Dp is propeller diameter and Rch is the rule channel resistance. Table 3.2. Values of the constant Ke. Propeller type or machinery 1 propeller 2 propeller 3 propeller CP or electric or hydraulic propulsion machinery 2,03 1,44 1,18 FP propeller 2,26 1,6 1,31 The powering requirement formulation is the same for all ice classes. The difference between the classes is included in the channel resistance formula. 72 Appendix 4. The ships used in the validation of the new power requirement. α [o] ϕ1 [o] ϕ2 [o] L [m] B [m] T [m] Lbow [m] Lpar [m] Awf [m2] Dp [m] prop. no/type Pinst [kW] P2002 [kW] Pnew [kW] 38.0 39.0 39.0 92.0 16.2 5.2 24.4 38.0 310.0 3.05 1/CP 2740 4582 3913 22.0 35.0 35.0 105.0 17.0 6.6 32.3 41.0 420.0 4.15 1/CP 4120 3556 3227 23.0 90.0 41.0 102.7 17.0 5.8 29.4 44.0 340.0 3.60 1/CP 2960 2991 2910 23.0 31.0 29.0 116.3 21.0 6.2 33.4 51.0 440.0 3.80 1/CP 5520 3768 3571 19.0 47.0 35.0 105.3 17.6 6.6 33.5 37.0 400.0 3.70 1/CP 3680 3037 2694 24.0 29.0 29.0 155.2 21.5 9.5 32.9 76.3 490.0 5.65 1/DE 11470 4494 4068 19.0 90.0 35.0 116.2 19.0 6.1 43.1 50.0 490.0 3.70 1/CP 5920 5917 5641 23.0 31.0 60.0 97.4 16.0 5.8 25.0 33.0 280.0 3.60 1/CP 2960 2788 2704 Finnmerchant/IAS ex: Arcturus 17.0 90.0 24.0 146.0 25.0 8.3 52.9 73.0 710.0 5.70 1/CP 13200 7152 6170 Tervi/IA 37.0 41.0 39.0 198.3 30.2 12.5 33.8 132.2 745.0 7.10 1/CP 10800 8996 6479 Finnhansa/IAS 26.0 90.0 28.0 171.3 28.7 6.8 48.5 78.5 890.0 5.0 2/CP 23040 7561 6608 Mariella/IAS 22.0 90.0 11.0 159.6 28.4 6.78 52.0 104.2 886.0 4.5 2/CP 23000 8347 6557 Birka Princess/IA 21.0 90.0 19.0 129.1 24.7 5.6 50.5 28.6 803.0 2.8 2/CP 17600 4475 2983 Ship/ice class Envik/IAS Kemira/IAS Link Star/IA Solano/IA Atserot/IA ex: Tebostar Uikku/IAS Finnoak/IAS ex: Ahtela Aila/IA 73 Futura/IC 25.0 90.0 90.0 231.2 40.0 14.0 49.7 126.5 1560. 8.0 1/CP 10860 6063 6069 Arkadia/IC 37.0 90.0 67.0 184.5 32.2 11.7 27.1 126.4 585.0 5.4 1/CP 9267 7284 5817 Windia/IC 23.0 66.0 39.0 68.3 11.9 4.1 20.4 25.2 161.0 2.1 1/FP 1100 1012 1314 ex. Sirius/IB 19.0 61.0 47.0 79.0 12.0 4.6 24.9 38.4 138.0 2.2 1/FP 1300 1877 2252 Nossan/IB 35.0 90.0 73.0 84.9 13.2 5.5 14.8 54.9 148.0 3.2 1/CP 1470 2321 1935 Shuttle Göteborg/IA 50.0 90.0 25.0 82.5 13.0 3.6 6.6 74.2 46.7 3.2 1/CP 2000 1636 2127 Mastera/IAS 41.0 90.0 66.0 242.8 44.0 14.5 49.2 124.2 1370. 7.5 1/DE 16000 36067 19199 Nikar G/IA 34.0 45.0 90.0 78.9 12.5 5.3 15.0 60.6 102.0 2.8 1/CP 1800 3400 2975 Cleopatra/IA 29.0 45.0 61.0 78.8 12.6 5.4 17.1 44.9 146.0 2.7 1/CP 1840 2914 2698 Rijnborg/IA 36.0 45.0 64.0 80.2 12.5 5.0 12.2 52.1 98.0 2.4 1/CP 1700 3653 3156 Atria/IA 32.0 45.0 70.0 92.4 13.6 6.0 16.0 63.0 155.0 2.96 1/CP 1975 3644 3193 Kirsten/IA 30.0 45.0 47.0 85.0 12.5 5.3 15.5 53.0 126.0 2.6 1/FP 1845 3031 3036