Requirements and Regulations for Water Service and

For new service installations, the service must be inspected and approved by the Halifax Water Operations Department before the
meter installation appointment can be scheduled. A fee of $90.00 (up to 2” diameter) and $165.00 (greater than 2” diameter) are
the inspection charges. For inspections, please call:
West Region
Central Region
East Region
(Halifax, Rockingham, Timberlea)
(Bedford, Sackville, Waverly)
(Dartmouth, Cole Harbour, Eastern Passage)
All work is to conform to the current Halifax Water Design & Construction Specifications, which can be found on our web site;
Type “K” soft copper tubing shall be used for the water service. Insulation shall be installed on the service laterals to protect
against frost penetration.
A minimum of 1.6 metres (5 feet 3 inches) shall be maintained over the entire service from the water main to the building.
Maximum depth of cover is 2.0 metres (6 feet 6 inches).
New service laterals, less than 20.0 metres (66 feet) in length, shall not utilize any service fittings.
Water services shall maintain a minimum 300 mm (1 foot) vertical and horizontal clearance from a parallel gravity sewer line. The
water service shall be at a higher elevation, or a minimum of 3.0 metres (10 feet) horizontal separation. Force main sewer laterals
shall have 3.0 metres (10 feet) separation. Where a sewer crosses below a water service, separation required is 450 mm (18
inches). If a property is in an area served by on-site sewage systems, the water service lateral must maintain 6.0 metres (20 feet)
separation from an on-site disposal field. Water services shall not be installed under floor slabs.
The meter shall be installed in a heated space where it will not be subject to freezing temperatures. The meter shall be installed
between 300 mm (30 inches) and 750 mm (30 inches) in height and installed within 1.2 metres (4 feet) where the service line
enters the building and in a place where it can be easily read and exchanged. Water meters shall not be installed in garages or
crawl spaces that are less than 1.2 metres (4 feet) in height.
For new construction, a 13mm (1/2 inch) conduit shall be provided through the foundation or exterior wall nearest the meter for the
purpose of installing an outside register, in a place where it can be easily read and exchanged. Wire for the outside register shall
be solid 22 gauge, 3 or 4 conductor wire and shall be installed prior to meter installation.
Once the new lateral has been located in the building, a valve shall be installed and left in the closed position.
10. The civic number and lot number shall be posted on the front of the building for identification in the field. The owner, contractor, or
authorized representative shall be on site for meter installation.
11. No other source of water supply directly connected to internal plumbing is permitted (i.e. wells or lake water supply).
12. The owner, contractor or authorized representative shall expose the service box (i.e. water shut-off) and adjusted to the final
landscaped grade prior to meter installation. The service box (i.e. water shut-off) shall be at least 1.5 metres from the driveway.
13. The building shall be roof tight, plumbing complete to the meter and external siding installed.
14. All required meter valves, pressure reducing valves (PRV), backflow presenters (BFP) and appurtenances shall be in place before
the meter will be installed. (See attached specs for meter installation). If a PRV and/or BFP are required, it will be indicated on
the permit or advised.
15. An appointment is required to have the water meter installed at which time the water will be turned on. Appointments are made on
a first come-first service basis and should be booked at least one week in advance. Please call Customer Service (Monday
through Friday, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm) 490-4820 to arrange for a meter installation appointment.
16. There is a $25.00 charge for the account creation which will appear on your first water invoice. There is a meter installation
charge dependent on meter size. When a meter is installed or water service turned on outside the regular working hours of 8:30
am to 4:30 pm (Monday through Friday), or on a Holiday, the service call shall be subject to an additional $210.00 charge. Halifax
Water will charge the customer $45.00 for each missed appointment and/or failure to comply with the items listed above for meter
installation. These charges will be payable by the (liable parties) water service applicant.
The owner, contractor or authorized representative is responsible to thaw any frozen water lines prior to meter installation. Halifax
Water cannot guarantee a source of free-flowing water supply.
The building must be in a heated condition before the meter can be installed. All repairs to frozen meters will be charged back to
the applicant.
Should you have any questions regarding the above, please contact Halifax Water at 490-4820.
See Diagrams Attached
Revised May 2014