Firestop Submittal Cast-In-Place Coupling Project Name: Date: Submitted by: Tremco Incorporated 2628 Pearl Road Medina, OH 44256 USA Phone (330) 273-8828 For MSDS and Spec Data Fax (330) 220-7075 Sheets, visit our Web site: Toll-Free (866) 209-2404 Tremco Limited 215 Wicksteed Ave. Toronto, Ontario M4H 1G7 Canada Phone (416) 421-3300 Fax (416) 361-3514 Toll-Free (800) 263-6046 Page Intentionally Left Blank Cast-In-Place Coupling Section 07840 Product Data Sheets TREMstop CIP TREMstop CIP Shower TREMstop CIP Tub Box TREMstop CIP Water Closet General Certificate of Conformance System Listings System No. F Rating C-AJ-2437 2 F-A-2114 2 F-B-2019 2 TL/PH 120-02 Tl/PH 120-03 TL/PH 120-04 2 2 2 Product TREMstop Coupling, TREMstop Intumescent Acrylic TREMstop Coupling, TREMstop Intumescent Acrylic TREMstop Coupling, TREMstop Intumescent Acrylic TREMstop CIP Shower TREMstop CIP Tub Box TREMstop CIP Water Closet Details 4” PCV, ccPVC, RNC; Optional Backer Rod, Cast-In-Place 4” PVC, ccPVC, RNC; Optional Backer Rod, Cast-In-Place 4” PVC, ccPVC, RNC; Optional Backer Rod, Cast-In-Place 1-1/2" or 2" PVC; Shower Drain 1-1/2" or 2" PVC; Tub Box 3" TREMstop CIP Water Closet Product MSDS Sheets Tremco Inc .®, 2628 Pearl Road, Medina, Ohio 44256 Page Intentionally Left Blank TREMstop CIP Coupling Cast-In-Place Coupling for Plastic Pipe ADVANTAGES: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The TREMstop CIP Coupling is a one piece firestop device installed during the forming stage of construction. It is a quick and simple method of firestopping PVC pipe that does not require firestopping sealant or compaction of insulation material. • Requires no firestopping sealant or compaction of material TREMstop CIP Coupling is available in custom heights and one-of-a-kind variable height formats for minimum 6 inch thick concrete slabs. There are two variable height formats. One uses a precut extension for 4 inch (102 mm) to 12 inch (305 mm) thick slabs. The other uses TREMstop Sleeve pipe, available in 48 inch (1.22 m) lengths, which is cut to length and can accomodate exceptionally thick slabs. • Customized height available • Sturdy construction remains in place during the concrete pour • Variable height format using TREMstop Sleeve Pipe can accomodate exceptionally thick slabs • Indefinite shelf life • Listed up to a 2 hour fire rating BASIC USES: Penetrations • PVC DW applications Building Assemblies • Concrete floor • Fluted metal deck PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: • Environmentally stable and resistant to exposure to elevated temperatures, humidity and/or immersion in water • Shelf Life: PACKAGING: Standard heights: 6”, 8”, 9”, VH Custom heights available upon request. Contact your local Tremco Sales Representative for more information. Indefinite • Fastening Flange Color: Red TREMstop CIPC-DW-Plastic 1.5” 12/cs • Extension Sleeve Color: Red TREMstop CIPC-DW-Plastic 2” 10/cs TREMstop CIPC-DW-Plastic 3” 8/cs TREMstop CIPC-DW-Plastic 4” 6/cs • Min. Slab Thickness: 6” for 4” diam. 4” for 1.5”, 2”, 3” • Standard Heights: 6”, 8”, 9”, VH TREMstop CIP Coupling TREMstop CIP Coupling Cast-In-Place Coupling for Plastic Pipe INSTALLATION TECHNIQUES: ORDERING INFORMATION: Refer to the Tremco Firestop Manual or the UL/ULC Fire Resistance Directory for specific application instructions. Detailed installation instructions are available in the installation guide. • For variable height formats, fully insert the extension sleeve onto the TREMstop CIP Coupling. Measuring from the bottom of the unit, mark and cut the extension sleeve at the appropriate height or slide up as needed. Solvent weld or tape the extension sleeve in place. Place end cap on top of extension or sleeve. • For custom heights, position and attach TREMstop CIP Coupling. When plumbing is ready to begin, remove top cap, checking that the hub is clean. After applying primer and solvent cement to the hub of the unit and the pipe, insert the pipe into the hub of the TREMstop CIP Coupling and rotate pipe one-eighth to one-quarter turn. Hold assembled joint in position for 15 to 30 seconds. In cold weather, increase hold time to prevent push off. T H E • Not recommended for use in passive • Order TREMstop Sleeve Pipe for additional extension sleeve and heights greater than 12 inches. fire containment systems not listed or approved by Tremco. • Diameter in product name is nominal pipe diameter Place Coupling • CIPC = Cast-IIn-P DW = Drain, Waste, Vent lines • To order variable height format with extension sleeve, specify VH as the height • To order variable height format using TREMstop Sleeve Pipe in 48” lengths, specify 6” as the height and order TREMstop Sleeve Pipe • To order custom heights, specify specific height (pour thickness). T R E M C O ORDER PLACEMENT: To place an order, contact customer service: LIMITATIONS: APPLICABLE TEST STANDARDS: UL 1479 (ASTM E-814) CAN4-S115M WARRANTY: Tremco warrants its Firestop Materials to be free of defects, but makes no warranty as to appearance or color. Since methods of application and on-site conditions are beyond our control and can affect performance, Tremco makes no other warranty, expressed or implied, including warranties of MERCHANTABILITY and FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE with respect to Firestop Materials. Tremco’s sole obligation shall be, at its option, to replace or to refund the purchase price of the quantity of the Firestop Materials proved to be defective and Tremco shall not be liable for any loss or damage. United States: (800) 321-7906 Canada: TECHNICAL SERVICES (800) 363-3213 For more information, contact technical services: Toll free: (866) 209-2404 Fax: (330) 220-7055 E-mail: F A M I L Y O F P R O D U C T S I S R E C O G N I Z E D B Y Tremco Incorporated • 2628 Pearl Road • Medina, Ohio 44256 USA Phone: (330) 273-8828 • Fax: (330) 220-7075 • Toll Free: (866) 209-2404 Tremco Canada Division • 215 Wicksteed Ave. • Toronto, Ontario M4H 1G7 Canada Phone: (416) 467-2455 • Fax: (800) 361-3514 • Toll Free: (800) 363-3213 For MSDS or additional Spec Data Sheets, contact customer service at (800) 321-7906 or visit FPSG061 02/06 TREMstop CIP Shower Cast-In-Place Coupling Shower Device ADVANTAGES: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The TREMstop CIP Shower is a one piece firestop device installed during the forming stage of construction. It is a quick and simple method of firestopping PVC pipe that does not require firestopping sealant or compaction of insulation material. TREMstop CIP Shower is available in custom heights and one-of-a-kind variable height formats for minimum 8 inch (203 mm) thick concrete slabs. The variable height format can accomodate exceptionally thick slabs. BASIC USES: Penetrations • PVC DW applications Building Assemblies • Concrete floor • Fluted metal deck PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: • Environmentally stable and resistant to exposure to elevated temperatures, humidity and/or immersion in water • Shelf Life: Indefinite • Fastening Flange Color: Red • Min. Slab Thickness: 8” (203 mm) • Standard Heights: 6”, 8”, 9” • Specifically designed for shower applications • Indefinite shelf life • Requires no firestopping sealant or compaction of material • Customized height available • Listed up to a 2 hour fire rating PACKAGING: TREMstop CIPC-DW-Shower 2” 8/cs Standard heights: 6”, 8”, 9” Custom heights available upon request. Contact your local Tremco Sales Representative for more information. TREMstop CIP Shower TREMstop CIP Shower Cast-In-Place Coupling Shower Device INSTALLATION TECHNIQUES: ORDERING INFORMATION: Refer to the Tremco Firestop Manual or the UL/ULC Fire Resistance Directory for specific application instructions. Detailed installation instructions are available in the installation guide. • For variable height formats, fully insert the extension sleeve onto the TREMstop CIP Shower. Measuring from the bottom of the unit, mark and cut the extension sleeve at the desired height or slide up as needed. Solvent weld or tape the extension sleeve into place and place end cap on top of extension sleeve. • Not recommended for use in passive • Order TREMstop Sleeve Pipe for additional extension sleeve and heights greater than 12 inches fire containment systems not listed or approved by Tremco. • Diameter in product name is nominal pipe diameter Place Coupling • CIPC = Cast-IIn-P DW = Drain, Waste, Vent lines • To order variable height format with precut sleeve that will be trimmed to the needed height, specify VH as the height • To order custom heights, specify specific height (pour height) needed T H E T R E M C O APPLICABLE TEST STANDARDS: UL 1479 (ASTM E-814) CAN4-S115M CSA B 181.2 C22.2 No. 211.0-M1984 C22.2 No. 211.2-M1984 ASTM D-2665 NSF WARRANTY: • For custom heights, position and attach TREMstop CIP Shower. When plumbing is ready to begin, remove top cap, checking that the hub is clean. After applying primer and solvent cement to the hub of the unit and the pipe, insert the pipe into the hub of the TREMstop CIP Shower and rotate the pipe oneeighth to one-quarter turn. Hold assembled joint in position for 15 to 30 seconds. In cold weather, increase hold time to prevent push off. LIMITATIONS: ORDER PLACEMENT: To place an order, contact customer service: United States: (800) 321-7906 Canada: (800) 363-3213 TECHNICAL SERVICES For more information, contact technical services: Toll free: (866) 209-2404 Fax: (330) 220-7055 E-mail: F A M I L Y O F P R O D U C T S I S Tremco warrants its Firestop Materials to be free of defects, but makes no warranty as to appearance or color. Since methods of application and on-site conditions are beyond our control and can affect performance, Tremco makes no other warranty, expressed or implied, including warranties of MERCHANTABILITY and FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE with respect to Firestop Materials. Tremco’s sole obligation shall be, at its option, to replace or to refund the purchase price of the quantity of the Firestop Materials proved to be defective and Tremco shall not be liable for any loss or damage. R E C O G N I Z E D B Y Tremco Incorporated • 2628 Pearl Road • Medina, Ohio 44256 USA Phone: (330) 273-8828 • Fax: (330) 220-7075 • Toll Free: (866) 209-2404 Tremco Canada Division • 215 Wicksteed Ave. • Toronto, Ontario M4H 1G7 Canada Phone: (416) 467-2455 • Fax: (800) 361-3514 • Toll Free: (800) 363-3213 For MSDS or additional Spec Data Sheets, contact customer service at (800) 321-7906 or visit FPSG062 2/06 TREMstop CIP Tub Box Cast-In-Place Tub Box ADVANTAGES: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The TREMstop CIP Tub Box is a one piece firestop device installed during the forming stage of construction. It is a quick and simple method of firestopping PVC pipe that does not require firestopping sealant or compaction of insulation material. • Requires no firestopping sealant or compaction of material TREMstop CIP Tub Box takes less time to install than current competitive systems. Its robust design provides the endurance needed during a concrete pour. • Customized height TREMstop Tub Box is custom made to meet the height requirements for slabs with a minimum thickness of 6.5 inches. BASIC USES: Penetrations • PVC DW applications Building Assemblies • Concrete floor • Fluted metal deck PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: • Environmentally stable and resistant to exposure to elevated temperatures, humidity and/or immersion in water • Shelf Life: Indefinite • Standard Heights: 6.5”, 8”, 9” • Min. Slab Thickness: 6.5” • Sturdy construction remains in place during the concrete pour • Indefinite shelf life • Listed up to a 2 hour fire rating PACKAGING: Standard Heights: 6.5”, 8”, 9” Additional heights available upon request. Contact your local Tremco Sales Representative for more information. TREMstop CIPC-DW-Tub Box 1.5” 5/cs TREMstop CIPC-DW-Tub Box 2” 5/cs TREMstop CIP Tub Box TREMstop CIP Tub Box Cast-In-Place Tub Box INSTALLATION TECHNIQUES: Refer to the Tremco Firestop Manual or the UL/ULC Fire Resistance Directory for specific application instructions. Detailed installation instructions are available in the installation guide. ORDERING INFORMATION: LIMITATIONS: • Diameter in product name is nominal pipe diameter • Not recommended for use in passive Place Coupling • CIPC = Cast-IIn-P DW = Drain, Waste, Vent lines • To order custom heights, specify specific height (pour thickness). • Position and attach TREMstop CIP Tub Box. • When plumbing is ready to begin, remove styrofoam, checking that the hub is clean. After applying primer and solvent cement to the hub of the unit and the pipe, insert the pipe into the hub of the TREMstop CIP Tub Box and rotate the pipe one-eighth to one-quarter turn. Hold assembled joint in position for 15 to 30 seconds. In cold weather, increase hold time to prevent push off. ORDER PLACEMENT: fire containment systems not listed or approved by Tremco. APPLICABLE TEST STANDARDS: UL 1479 (ASTM E-814) CAN4-S115M To place an order, contact customer service: United States: (800) 321-7906 Canada: WARRANTY: Tremco warrants its Firestop Materials to be free of defects, but makes no warranty as to appearance or color. Since methods of application and on-site conditions are beyond our control and can affect performance, Tremco makes no other warranty, expressed or implied, including warranties of MERCHANTABILITY and FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE with respect to Firestop Materials. Tremco’s sole obligation shall be, at its option, to replace or to refund the purchase price of the quantity of the Firestop Materials proved to be defective and Tremco shall not be liable for any loss or damage. (800) 363-3213 TECHNICAL SERVICES For more information, contact technical services: Toll free: (866) 209-2404 Fax: (330) 220-7055 E-mail: T H E T R E M C O F A M I L Y O F P R O D U C T S I S R E C O G N I Z E D B Y Tremco Incorporated • 2628 Pearl Road • Medina, Ohio 44256 USA Phone: (330) 273-8828 • Fax: (330) 220-7075 • Toll Free: (866) 209-2404 Tremco Canada Division • 215 Wicksteed Ave. • Toronto, Ontario M4H 1G7 Canada Phone: (416) 467-2455 • Fax: (800) 361-3514 • Toll Free: (800) 363-3213 For MSDS or additional Spec Data Sheets, contact customer service at (800) 321-7906 or visit FPSG063 02/06 TREMstop CIP Water Closet Cast-In-Place Coupling Water Closet Device ADVANTAGES: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The TREMstop CIP Water Closet is a one piece firestop device installed during the forming stage of construction. This single step system is a quick and simple method of firestopping PVC pipe that does not require firestopping sealant or compaction of insulation material. TREMstop CIP Water Closet takes less time to install than current competitive systems. Its robust design provides the endurance needed during a concrete pour. TREMstop CIP Water Closet is available either with or without a flange. It is custom made to meet the height requirements for slabs with a minimum thickness of 6 inches (152 mm). BASIC USES: Penetrations • PVC DW applications Building Assemblies • Concrete floor • Fluted metal deck • Specifically designed for water closet applications • Indefinite shelf life • Requires no firestopping sealant or compaction of material • Customized height • Available either with or without flange • Listed up to a 2 hour fire rating PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: PACKAGING: • Extremely environmentally stable and resistant to exposure to elevated temperatures, humidity and/or immersion in water Additional heights available upon request. • Shelf Life: Indefinite • Fastening Flange Color: Red • Standard Heights: 6”, 8”, 9” • Min. Slab Thickness: 6” (152 mm) Contact your local Tremco Sales Representative for more information. TREMstop CIPC-DW-Water Closet 3” 8/cs TREMstop CIPC-DW-Water Closet w/Flange 3” 8/cs TREMstop CIPC-DW-Water Closet 4” 6/cs TREMstop CIPC-DW-Water Closet w/Flange 4” 6/cs TREMstop CIP Water Closet TREMstop CIP Water Closet Cast-In-Place Coupling Water Closet Device INSTALLATION TECHNIQUES: LIMITATIONS: WARRANTY: • Not recommended for use in passive Tremco warrants its Firestop Materials to be free of defects, but makes no warranty as to appearance or color. Since methods of application and on-site conditions are beyond our control and can affect performance, Tremco makes no other warranty, expressed or implied, including warranties of MERCHANTABILITY and FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE with respect to Firestop Materials. Tremco’s sole obligation shall be, at its option, to replace or to refund the purchase price of the quantity of the Firestop Materials proved to be defective and Tremco shall not be liable for any loss or damage. Refer to the Tremco Firestop Manual or the UL/ULC Fire Resistance Directory for specific application instructions. fire containment systems not listed or approved by Tremco. Detailed installation instructions are available in the installation guide. APPLICABLE TEST STANDARDS: • Position and attach TREMstop CIP Water Closet using fastening flange. When plumbing is ready to begin, remove top cap and check that the pipe extension hub is clean. • After applying primer and solvent cement to the hub of the unit and the pipe, insert the pipe into the hub of the TREMstop CIP Water Closet and rotate the pipe one-eighth to onequarter turn. • Hold assembled joint in position for 15 to 30 seconds. In cold weather, increase hold time to prevent push off. UL 1479 (ASTM E-814) CAN4-S115M CSA B 181.2 C22.2 No. 211.0-M1984 C22.2 No. 211.2-M1984 ASTM D-2665 NSF ORDERING INFORMATION: • Diameter in product name is nominal pipe diameter Place Coupling • CIPC = Cast-IIn-P DW = Drain, Waste, Vent ORDER PLACEMENT: • To order, specify specific height (pour thickness) needed To place an order, contact customer service: • Unless specified, flange is not included T H E TECHNICAL SERVICES For more information, contact technical services: Toll free: (866) 209-2404 Fax: (330) 220-7055 E-mail: T R E M C O F A M I L Y O F P R O D U C T S I S United States: (800) 321-7906 Canada: R E C O G N I Z E D (800) 363-3213 B Y Tremco Incorporated • 2628 Pearl Road • Medina, Ohio 44256 USA Phone: (330) 273-8828 • Fax: (330) 220-7075 • Toll Free: (866) 209-2404 Tremco Canada Division • 215 Wicksteed Ave. • Toronto, Ontario M4H 1G7 Canada Phone: (416) 467-2455 • Fax: (800) 361-3514 • Toll Free: (800) 363-3213 For MSDS or additional Spec Data Sheets, contact customer service at (800) 321-7906 or visit FPSG058 2/06 Tremco Incorporated 2628 Pearl Road – Medina, Ohio 44256 Toll Free: 866.209.2404 _______ ____ _____________ ___________ Sealant/Weatherproofing Division Fire Protection Systems Group GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE DESCRIPTION: TREMCO FIRE STOP PRODUCTS TREMstop Acrylic GG (Gun Grade) TREMstop (IA ) Intumescent Acrylic TREMstop Silicone S.L. (Fyre-Sil S.L.) TREMstop Acrylic SP (Spray) TREMstop Silicone (Fyre-Sil)(Gun Grade) Smoke and Sound Sealant (Tremflex 834) TREMstop Anchors (Solid and Split) TREMstop Coupling TREMstop MP (Putty Pad) TREMstop Putty Stick TREMstop Composite Sheet TREMstop Electrical Box Insert TREMstop PS1 & PS2 TREMstop WS TREMstop D (Device) TREMstop Fyre-Can Sleeve TREMstop Strap TREMstop CIP Coupling TREMstop CIP Water Closet TREMstop CIP Shower TREMstop CIP Tub Box TREMstop CIPP Plastic TREMstop Fyre-Can / Fyre-Can TM TREMstop MCR TREMstop UniCollar TREMstop CIP Pass Thru Copper TREMstop CIP Pass Thru Cast Iron TREMstop CIP Pass Thru Steel TREMstop CIP Pass Thru EMT TREMstop CIPP Metal TREMstop Fire Mortar TREMstop FS Blanket DyMonic/DyMonic FC Vulkem 45SSL Dymeric 240/Dymeric 240FC THC-900 THESE PRODUCTS ARE TESTED TO ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS: • ASTM E-119 (UL 263) Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials Time-Temperature Curve • ASTM E-814 (UL 1479) Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Fire Stops (under positive furnace pressure of minimum .01 inches of water column - 2.5+ Pascal) • ASTM E-84 (UL 723) Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials • UL 2079 Test for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems No asbestos or PCB’s are used or contained in these products. March 15, 2006 Technical Services Manager Date Page Intentionally Left Blank System No. C-AJ-2437 July 02, 2003 F Rating — 2 Hr T Rating — 0 and 1-1/4 Hr (See Item 3) 2 A 3B 3C 3C A 1 3A SECTION A-A 1. Floor or Wall Assembly — Min 4-1/2 in. (114 mm) thick reinforced lightweight or normal weight (100-150 pcf (1600-2400 kg/m3) concrete. Wall may also be constructed of any UL Classified Concrete Blocks*. Max diam of opening is shown in Item 3A. See Concrete Blocks (CAZT) category in the Fire Resistance Directory for names of manufacturers. 2. Through Penetrants — One nonmetallic pipe or conduit to be installed within the firestop system. Pipe or conduit to be rigidly supported on both sides of the floor or wall assembly. The following types and sizes of nonmetallic pipes or conduits may be used: A. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe — Nom 4 in. (102 mm) diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 solid or cellular core polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe for use in closed (process or supply) or vented (drain, waste or vent) piping systems. B. Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit# — Nom 4 in. (102 mm) diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 PVC conduit installed in accordance with Article 347 of the National Electrical Code (NFPA No. 70). 3. Firestop System — The firestop system shall consist of the following: A. Firestop Devices* — Intumescent coupling sized to fit specific diam of the through penetrant and centered within a cored opening, cast in place, or grouted within assembly. Coupling to be installed within the range of 1/2 in. (12 mm) recessed or protruding from bottom of slab or either side of the wall assembly. The opening sizes, maximum wall thickness for a single coupling in a wall and T Ratings are shown in the following table: Coupling Size, in. (mm) Max diam of cored opening, in. (mm) 1-1/2 (38) Max diam of opening when grouted, in. (mm) T Rating, Hr. 2-1/2 (64) 8 (203) 0 2 (51) 3 (76) 8 (203) 0 3 (76) 5 (127) 8 (203) 1-1/4 4 (102) 6 (152) 8 (203) 1-1/4 TREMCO INC — TREMstop Quickstop Coupling B. Packing Material — (Optional) When coupling is not cast or grouted in place, a foam backer rod is to be firmly packed into opening as a permanent form. Packing material to be recessed from top surface of floor or both surfaces of wall as required to accommodate the required thickness of fill material. C. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Caulk — When coupling is not cast or grouted in place, a min 5/8 in. (16 mm) thickness of fill material applied within the annulus, flush with top surface of floor or both surfaces of wall. TREMCO INC — TREMstop Intumescent Acrylic *Bearing the UL Classification Mark *Reproduced courtesy of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.® (UL / cUL) 1 Tremco Inc.®, 2628 Pearl Road, Medina, Ohio 44256 System No. F-A-2114 July 02, 2003 F Rating — 2 Hr T Ratings — 0 and 1-1/4 Hr (See Item 3) 2 2 3A 3C 3B 1 1. Floor Assembly — The fire rated concrete and unprotected steel floor assembly shall be constructed of the materials and in the manner specified in the individual D900 Series designs in the UL Fire Resistance Directory and as summarized below: A. Concrete — Min 2 1/2 in. (64 mm) thick lightweight or normal weight (100-150 pcf (1600-2400 kg/m3) concrete topping, as measured from the top of the steel floor units. The slab thickness within a 3 in. (76 mm) perimeter of the 3 and 4 in (76 and 102 mm). firestop device (Item 3) shall be cast a min 4-1/2 in (114 mm). B. Steel Floor and Form Units* — Composite or non-composite max 3 in. (76 mm) deep galv fluted units as specified in the individual Floor-Ceiling Design. Max diam of opening is shown in Item 3A. 2. Through Penetrants — One nonmetallic pipe or conduit to be installed within the firestop system. Pipe or conduit to be rigidly supported on both sides of the floor assembly. The following types and sizes of nonmetallic pipes or conduits may be used: A. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe — Nom 4 in. (102 mm) diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 solid or cellular core polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe for use in closed (process or supply) or vented (drain, waste or vent) piping systems. B. Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit# — Nom 4 in. (102 mm) diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 PVC conduit installed in accordance with Article 347 of the National Electrical Code (NFPA No. 70). 3. Firestop System — The firestop system shall consist of the following: A. Firestop Devices* — Intumescent coupling sized to fit specific diam of the through penetrant and centered within a cored opening, cast in place, or grouted within assembly. Coupling to be installed slab centered over a crest or valley and flush with the steel floor units. The opening sizes and T Ratings are shown in the following table: Coupling Size, in. (mm) Max diam of opening when grouted, in. (mm) Max diam of cored opening, in. (mm) 1-1/2 (38) T Rating Hr. 2-1/2 (64) 8 (203) 0 2 (51) 3 (76) 8 (203) 0 3 (76) 5 (127) 8 (203) 1-1/4 4 (102) 6 (152) 8 (203) 1-1/4 TREMCO INC — TREMstop Quickstop Coupling B. Packing Material — (Optional) - When coupling is not cast or grouted in place, a foam backer rod is to be firmly packed into opening as a permanent form. Packing material to be recessed from top surface of floor as required to accommodate the required thickness of fill material. C. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Caulk — When coupling is not cast or grouted in place, a min 5/8 in. (16 mm) thickness of fill material applied within the annulus, flush with top surface of floor. TREMCO INC — TREMstop Intumescent Acrylic *Bearing the UL Classification Mark *Reproduced courtesy of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.® (UL / cUL) 133 Tremco Inc.®, 2628 Pearl Road, Medina, Ohio 44256 System No. F-B-2019 July 03, 2003 F Rating — 2 Hr T Ratings — 0 and 1-1/4 Hr (See Item 3) 4 A 2 1 3 A 4 2 3 1. Floor Assembly Min 6 in. (152 mm) thick reinforced lightweight or normal weight (100-150 pcf (1602-2403 kg/m3)) concrete. Floor may also be constructed of any max 8 in. thick UL Classified hollow-core Precast Concrete Units*. Max diam of opening is 5-1/2 in (140 mm). See Precast Concrete Units (CFTV) category in the Fire Resistance Directory for names of manufacturers. 2. Through Penetrants One nonmetallic pipe or conduit to be installed within the firestop system. Pipe or conduit to be rigidly supported on both sides of the floor or wall assembly. The following types and sizes of nonmetallic pipes or conduits may be used: A. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe - Nom 4 in. (102 mm) diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 solid or cellular core polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe for use in closed (process or supply) or vented (drain, waste or vent) piping systems. B. Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit# Nom 4 in. (102 mm) diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 PVC conduit installed in accordance with Article 347 of the National Electrical Code (NFPA No. 70). 3. Firestop Device* The firestop system shall consist of the following: A. Firestop Device* Intumescent coupling sized to fit specific diam of the through penetrant and centered within a cored opening. Coupling to be installed within the range of centered to 1/2 in. (12 mm) recessed from bottom of slab. The opening sizes and T Ratings are shown in the following table: Coupling Size, in. (mm) Max diam of cored opening, in. (mm) T Rating, Hr. 1-1/2 (38) 2-1/2 (64) 0 2 (51) 3 (76) 0 3 (76) 4-1/2 (114) 1-1/4 4 (102) 5-1/2 (140) 1-1/4 TREMCO INC — TREMstop Quickstop Coupling B. Packing Material — (Optional) Foam backer rod is to be firmly packed into opening as a permanent form. Packing material to be recessed from top and bottom surfaces of floor as required to accommodate the required thickness of fill material. C. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* — Caulk Min 5/8 in. (16 mm) thickness of fill material applied within the annulus, flush with top and bottom surfaces of floor. TREMCO INC — TREMstop Intumescent Acrylic *Bearing the UL Classification Mark *Reproduced courtesy of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.® (UL / cUL) 1 Tremco Inc.®, 2628 Pearl Road, Medina, Ohio 44256 Design No. TL/PH 120-02 Horizontal (floor) 2 hr F Rated Testing Pressure Differential - 2.5 Pa (0.01" Water Column) Minimum Testing Standard: ASTM-E814. 1. Floor/Ceiling Assembly: Code conforming 2 hour rated floor assembly, nominal 8" thickness (or greater) normal or low density cast concrete for floors or hollow core slab. 2. Floor/Shower Drain Fittings 3. Firestop Device: 2" Tremco, Inc. TREMstop Coupling, Flange (Item 4) is for fastening to formwork. 4. Flange 5. Penetrating Item: 1-1/2" or 2" diameter PVC DWV pipe. Floor drain or shower drain fittings may be installed in access area (Item 2). *Reproduced courtesy of Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 1 Tremco Inc., 2628 Pearl Road, Medina, Ohio 44256 Design No. TL/PH 120-03 Horizontal (floor) 2 hr F Rating Test Pressure Differential - 2.5 Pa (0.01" Water Column) Minimum Testing Standard: ASTM-E814. 1. Floor/Ceiling Assembly: Code conforming 2 hour rated floor assembly, nominal 8" thickness (or greater) normal or low density cast concrete for floors or hollowcore slab. 2. Tub Fitting Box. 3. Firestop Device: 1-1/2" or 2" Tremco, Inc. TREMstop Coupling. Flange (Item 4) is for fastening to formwork. 4. Flange. 5. Penetrating Item: 1-1/2" or 2" diameter PVC DWV pipe. Tub fittings may be installed in cast-in-place tub box (Item 2). *Reproduced courtesy of Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 1 Tremco Inc., 2628 Pearl Road, Medina, Ohio 44256 Design No. TL/PH 120-04 Horizontal (floor); 2 hr F Rating Test Pressure Differential - 2.5 Pa (0.01" Water Column) Minimum Testing Standard: ASTM-E814. 1. Floor/Ceiling Assembly: Code conforming 2 hour rated floor assembly, nominal 6" thickness (or greater) normal or low density cast concrete for floors. 2. Firestop Device: 3" Tremco, Inc. TREMstop Water Closet Flange System, cast-in-place or grouted into cored hole. Conventional ceramic water closet to be mounted to flange and floor. 3. Flange for positioning & fastening on framework. *Reproduced courtesy of Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 1 Tremco Inc., 2628 Pearl Road, Medina, Ohio 44256