HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION 1. Introduction Household goods insurance covers the contents of the Insured’s home, the items in the garage and/or storeroom as well as garden furniture and other outdoor items against loss arising from insured events detailed in the policy wording. However, there are conditions attached to the cover provided. Holiday homes should not be treated as primary residences. We should only insure a holiday home if we insure either the building and/or household goods of the primary/main residence of the policyholder. In certain cases the primary residence (main residence) may be insured on a separate policy if the policyholder wishes to insure the holiday home separately as it could be going off a separate debit order. In these instances, the holiday home may be insured on its own as we already have the supporting business. The Western and Eastern Cape area have many clients that own holiday homes and are resident in South Africa for the summer months, and then reside overseas during their summer months. These clients are referred to as “Swallows” and special terms and conditions are imposed - (refer to Holiday Homes). The Insured cannot take out household goods insurance to cover only specific items, such as a television, DVD player, sound system etc. If household goods are removed from the premises such as gaming consoles, camera’s, video camera and the like, these must be insured under the All Risks section. Property under this section is only covered whilst within the primary residence, which would include: In a building you are temporarily living in; In a building you are employed in; Inside the building of a business where your household goods are being made up, altered, renovated, repaired, cleaned or dyed; A commercial storage facility All household goods insurance is provided on the basis of “New for Old”. This means that the policyholder will be compensated for what it would cost to replace the insured item at current replacement prices rather than what it originally cost at the time of purchase. The insured must therefore keep abreast of the current replacement cost of their possessions. The item will be replaced with a new current item and if the sum insured is found to be inadequate, the condition of average will apply. When cover is incepted under this section, the policyholder places a value on their household goods, by insuring them for a particular sum insured. This sum insured less any excess that the policyholder must pay, is the maximum amount that Mutual & Federal will compensate if everything is lost, stolen or damaged. Should the policyholder insure his household goods for a sum insured of say R300 000 and following a loss, it is found that the value at risk is R200 000, then the claim will be settled on the lesser amount, less the excess. This is called over-insuring and the policyholder will pay premiums on an amount that he/she would never get should a loss occur as a result of an insured event. Page | 1 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION If the sum insured of the household goods is found to be inadequate, then the condition of average will apply. This means that if at the time of the loss or damage, the replacement value is more than the insured amount; the full amount of the client’s claim will not be compensated. The condition of average is calculated in this manner: The difference between the replacement value and the insured amount is calculated and applied proportionately to the claim. The client then becomes responsible for the difference. Illustrated below is how the average clause is calculated: Sum Insured______ Actual Value at Risk X Amount of Loss = Settlement amount R150 000 R200 000 X R6500 = R4875 (Settlement amount) Note it is the policyholder’s responsibility to insure their household goods for the replacement value. The Mutual & Federal inventory form can assist the insured in determining the correct replacement value of his household goods. Home means the main building and buildings connected by a door to the main building (adjoining buildings) situated at the address shown in the schedule. It is the home where you permanently live. Outbuildings means the separate buildings on your property, for example domestic outbuildings, home offices, and private garages also situated at the address shown in the schedule. Unless otherwise stated in the schedule, the outbuildings must be made of brick, stone or concrete with a slate, tile, metal, concrete or asbestos roof means wild baboons or wild monkeys that live freely in the natural surroundings and are not kept as pets or farm animals, or kept confined in any way. Wild baboons or wild monkey’s 3. Dependent sections This section can be taken out on its own. Personal Liability cover will automatically be included with this section. There is no excess applicable for household goods liability Page | 2 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION 4. Who we insure The policyholder The policyholder’s spouse The policyholder or spouse’s children who permanently live with the policyholder and are financially dependent on the policyholder Other family members who permanently live with the policyholder and are financially dependent on the policyholder. To be insured, these family members must be named in the schedule as co-policyholders. Due to the number of families now living together as a result of the financial crisis, cover is available on the policy. However, due to insurable interest, the names of these family members must be specified on the policy as mentioned above. 5. Underwriting Rules Personal Liability cover is automatically included with this section. The TIA system will automatically add this section; however it is important that you check when issuing a policy. It is imperative that all relevant information pertaining to the Insured and to the risk we are insuring is obtained and captured correctly on the system. Incomplete information must not be accepted and we must ensure that we have all the necessary information to make informed underwriting and rating decisions. Ensure that the street number and correct spelling of the street name is captured. Under no circumstances must "garbage" data be captured on the system. 5.1 Declined/Referral Risks The following table contains risks that must either be declined or referred for acceptance. Mutual & Federal reserves the right to accept or reject these risks, apply additional terms and/or survey the risks. AUTOMATIC REFERRALS DECLINE Residence located in a dolomite area No subsidence cover to be provided in these areas until a geotechnical report has been done and accepted by M&F Non Standard Construction of both roof and wall types Residences situated on Small-holdings (note details of security and surrounding area will be required) Residence unoccupied for 60 or more days per year Premises for hire Sum Insured over the limit of R20 000 000 Holiday Home Residence is Within 500 meters of shoreline, river, lake or dam Communes (there are a number of persons (two or more unrelated) living together who share furniture, appliances etc. There is very little security from inside the residence as rooms are also shared. In the event of a loss, it becomes difficult to prove insurable interest and who was responsible for the loss) Mobile park homes (As a result of the construction materials of a mobile park home, it is exposed to the elements and there is not much protection from a theft aspect) Caravans Properties under construction Premises Bought for hire (If the primary residence and/or any other residence is permanently hired out, our exposure to claim is that much higher due to tenants maliciously damaging or stealing from the premises. The subsequent residences can be insured provided that the insured’s primary residence is insured with us) Roof constructed of shingles Vacant properties Page | 3 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION 5.2 Subsidence and Landslip Cover in respect of Subsidence and Landslip is automatically included if the risk address is not situated within a “high risk” area. Certain areas are recognized as being “high risk” and are not acceptable for subsidence and landslip cover. We will not provide subsidence cover until a geotechnical report has been completed, the cost of which is for the insured’s own account. Dolomite or clay soil is very soft and can move. The areas identified consist of dolomite or clay. The risk is increased as cracks can form in homes and in some instances cause collapse or partial collapse of buildings. Please refer to listed Dolomite/clay areas as per the attached that must be referred to Personal Technical for acceptance. It is important to note that these areas are programmed into the TIA system and a referral will be generated. 5.3 Decoders and Satellite dishes Cover for Decoders and satellite dishes are available under the Household Goods section and not the All Risks section. 5.4 Jewellery and watches Jewellery and watches over R25 000 per item must be kept in a safe if not worn. If not, cover will be limited to R100 000 in the event of a claim. Proof of ownership and valuation must be provided in the event of a claim. At claims stage, the policyholder is required to produce a professional valuation certificate for all jewellery and watches over the value of R25 000. This valuation must have been done before the loss or damage. If the insured does not have this certificate, the insured’s claim will be limited to the limit shown in the schedule for each item, which is R25 000. If at the time of loss, it is found that the jewellery and watches are not kept in the safe, then the policyholder will not be compensated for loss or damage caused by theft or attempted theft for more than the “safe warranty limit” as reflected in the “Insured Events” document. It is vital that the policyholder updates the valuation certificate for all jewellery and watches, over the value of R25 000, on a regular basis to ensure that the jewellery items are not underinsured. The wording has been extended to state that the keys to the policyholder’s safe must also be kept away, secure and hidden from sight. 5.5 Pairs and sets The insured is not compensated for any additional, special value that an item has because it is part of a pair or set. The insured is only compensated for the proportionate value of the part of the set that is lost or damaged. This limits Mutual & Federal’s compensation to pay only for the item that has been lost or damaged and not the whole set and excludes the drop in value of the set owing to the loss or part of it. The condition clearly states that Mutual & Federal will only compensate the insured for the proportionate value of the part of the set that is lost or damaged. Page | 4 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION 5.6 Jacuzzis There is cover in terms of the definition, if the insured is the tenant and not the owner of the property. The sum insured should be increased to include the value of the Jacuzzis and clause 83 “Specified contents” must be added. 5.7 Security Measures 5.7.1 Minimum Security The Private residence must have: burglar bars on all opening windows unless the Private residence is a flat situated above 1st Floor and there is controlled access into the building (must be a security guard) or the residence is in a security complex with security guards, access control, 1.8 meter electric fencing, gates or booms. (access control is defined as having guards controlling the access ) or the residence is protected with an approved alarm system linked to a 24 hour control room with armed response Note: Where there is ongoing construction within a security complex, the risk may not be regarded as a security complex until the construction has been completed. 5.7.2 Approved Alarm Systems Mutual & Federal now only accept SAIDSA approved alarms SAIDSA approved alarm systems are those systems which the members (Installers) have been approved by SAIDSA (South African Intruder Detection Services). A certificate / letter must be obtained to certify that minimum standards have been complied with. Refer to website for more information. To obtain a list of members please go to: Alarms are required when the household goods sum insured is R1 000 000 and above. The SAIDSA approved security installations must be used as being of an acceptable standard for the application of a premium reduction. The SAIDSA approved alarm must be linked to a 24 hour control room, be monitored, must be tested at regular intervals and the Security Company must provide an armed response when the alarm is triggered. The relevant alarm warranty is stated in the policy wording. If the alarm is an underwriting requirement: (this means that an alarm is required in addition to the existing system rules), no discount will be allowed and the Alarm warranty will be applied automatically by the system. Page | 5 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION Non SAIDSA approved alarms will no longer be noted on the system. Note: We do not consider occupation of an outbuilding to be occupation of the Home. Kindly note that an alarm linked to the South African Police Services, it would not be considered as an approved alarm system because they are not SADISA approved If the abovementioned minimum security cannot be complied with, an additional excess per sum insured band will be applied as follows: REQUIREMENT Residential Home Sum Insured Rule Action Zero up to 99 999 Burglar Bars OR Alarm If NOT, excess R2 000 100 000 up to 199 999 Burglar Bars OR Alarm If NOT, excess R2 500 200 000 up to 299 999 Burglar Bars OR Alarm If NOT, excess R3 000 300 000 up to 399 999 Burglar Bars OR Alarm If NOT, excess R3 500 400 000 up to 499 999 Burglar Bars OR Alarm If NOT, excess R4 000 500 000 up to 599 999 Burglar Bars OR Alarm 600 000 up to 699 999 Burglar Bars OR Alarm 700 000 up to 799 999 Burglar Bars OR Alarm 800 000 up to 899 999 Burglar Bars OR Alarm 900 000 up to 999 999 Burglar Bars OR Alarm If NOT, excess R5 000 1 000 000 up to 1 499 999 Alarm only If NOT, excess R7 500 1 500 000 up to 1 999 999 Alarm only If NOT, excess R12 500 2 000 000 and up Alarm only If NOT, excess R17 500 REQUIREMENT Security Village, Retirement Complex or Flat above first floor Sum Insured Page | 6 Rule Zero up to 99 999 None 100 000 up to 199 999 None 200 000 up to 299 999 None 300 000 up to 399 999 None 400 000 up to 499 999 None 500 000 up to 599 999 None 600 000 up to 699 999 None 700 000 up to 799 999 None 800 000 up to 899 999 None 900 000 up to 999 999 None Action None 1 000 000 up to 1 499 999 Alarm only If NOT, excess R7 500 1 500 000 up to 1 999 999 Alarm only If NOT, excess R12 500 2 000 000 and up Alarm only If NOT, excess R17 500 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION Security gates do not form part of our minimum security requirements. It is very important to obtain the clients correct security details. Many security estates are so well secured that they do not allow alarms. In these instances the above additional excesses will apply as per the value of the household goods sum insured. The excess must not be waived. There are areas that are exempted from our minimum security requirements. There is a list available which outlines the areas in the Boland as well as Leopard Greek Golf Estate in Malelane that are exempted. 5.8 Accommodation Risks The size and loss ratio of the broker’s portfolio will play a role in determining the acceptance of these risks. 5.8.1 Roof construction not tile/slate/corrugated iron/asbestos These types of risks will create a referral if the risk has a non-standard roof/wall i.e. if not tile, slate, corrugated iron, thatch Special rates, terms and conditions would need to be applied to these risks if accepted. These risks must be surveyed prior to going on risk If the roof construction is Thatch or any other non-standard construction, you must ensure that all details about the risk are obtained before referring these risks to Personal Technical Underwriting. Where Buildings are roofed with Thatch an SABS approved lightning mast will be required and the Lightning Mast Warranty will apply. Certain areas within the Western Cape do not require lightning conductors. These areas have been built into the system and the lightning warranty will automatically not be applied by the system. Refer to the available list of areas exempted from applying the lightning warranty. Thatch roofed lapa’s classification Smaller than 50m² and closer than 4 meters from dwelling If in proximity or immediately adjacent to dwelling and roof area of lapa is less than 15% of roof area of dwelling, it is classified as the same construction as the main house Page | 7 • Larger than 50m² or larger than 15% of roof area and closer than 4 meters from dwelling Regard dwelling and lapa as thatch construction (fire hazard to dwelling) Further than 4 meter from dwelling Both dwelling and lapa can be classified as separate risks, which correct construction noted for each Theft cover for LAPA’s is restricted to Forcible and Violent entry. Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION Clause 714 – Lightning Conductor Your home or outbuildings must be protected by a SABS approved lightning mast. We do not compensate you for loss or damage resulting from lightning unless the home or outbuildings are protected by an SABS approved lightning mast. Note: Harvey thatch tile is an alternative to thatch. The Harvey thatch tile is a product introduced by Harvey Roofing Products to provide the natural beauty of thatch with the strength of steel. The Harvey thatch tile can be installed on top of existing thatch, cape reed and isolation so that the client will still maintain his thatch look, mood, warmth and character inside his home. Alternatively, the Harvey thatch tile can be installed exactly like a steel Harvey tile or concrete roof tile. There will however be a difference in rating. 1. If the Harvey thatch tiles are installed over thatch then the rating and thatch classification as applied to thatch risks remains the same. 2. If the Harvey thatch tile is installed as a standard roof tile, i.e. without thatch underlay, then the standard rating may be applied. If the roof is made of another material, we must be advised of this. We reserve the right whether we want to insure it or not as well as the rates and terms that should be applied to the risk. These risks must be surveyed before we go on risk. 5.8.2 Unoccupancy (Accommodation Risk) Premises that are left unoccupied for a period greater than 60 days per annum Refer premises left unoccupied for more than 7 days within first 30 days of inception. This should be viewed as accommodation business and referred to Personal Technical Underwriting for consideration and the imposition of terms in view of the increased exposure in respect of theft and/or malicious damage, such as people going on holiday and taking out insurance In these cases the following clause will be applied (clause no to be advised) Home and outbuildings unoccupied for longer than 60 days Clause (Householders) You must pay an additional excess of R2 500 for each and every claim as a result of: loss or damage arising from theft or attempted theft where such theft or attempted theft is accompanied by forcible and violent entry or exit from the home and outbuildings whilst unoccupied; loss or damage arising from malicious damage by any person whilst the home and outbuildings is unoccupied. The home and outbuildings must be situated at the risk address shown in the schedule. Page | 8 Applies when: Holiday home = No and Unoccupied for more than 60days = Yes and Hired or let out = No Please note: Cover for theft and attempted theft is always subject to forcible and violent entry and exit from the home and outbuilding when unoccupied Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION Holiday homes Holiday homes must be supported by either the Household Goods or Houseowners of the primary residence. - If not supported with the primary (main) residence, the system will generate a referral for Personal Technical to review - If supported by the primary (main) residence; then the following clause will be applied automatically (clause no to be advised) Holiday Homes Clause (Householders) You must pay an additional excess of R2 500 for each and every claim as a result of: loss or damage arising from theft or attempted theft where such theft or attempted theft is accompanied by forcible and violent entry or exit from the home and outbuildings whilst unoccupied; loss or damage arising from malicious damage by any person whilst the home and outbuilding is unoccupied. The home and outbuildings must be situated at the risk address shown in the schedule. 5.8.3 Applies when: Holiday home = Yes and Unoccupied for more than 60days = Yes or No and Hired or let out = Yes or No Please note: Cover for theft and attempted theft is always subject to forcible and violent entry and exit from the home and outbuilding when unoccupied Homes hired or let out premises The hired/ let out must be supported by the main residence. These risks will create a referral and will be sent to Personal Technical Underwriting The following questions should be asked if requested to insure contents of a home hired or let out: Who is renting the premises? What is the relationship between the renter and the owner? What security is available? Why is the owner renting out including contents and for what reason? Who insures the building? In these cases the following clause will be applied automatically (clause no to be advised) Home and Outbuildings hired or let out (Householders) You must pay an additional excess of R5 000 for each and every claim as a result of: loss or damage arising from theft or attempted theft where such theft or attempted theft is accompanied by forcible and violent entry or exit from the home and outbuildings whilst unoccupied; loss or damage arising from malicious damage by any person whilst the home and outbuildings is unoccupied. The home and outbuildings must be situated at the risk address shown in the schedule. Page | 9 Applies when: Holiday home = No and Unoccupied for more 60 days = No and Hired or let out = Yes Please note: Cover for theft and attempted theft is always subject to forcible and violent entry and exit from the home and outbuilding when unoccupied Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION Note: 5.8.4 there is no limit to the number of houses insured under a policy, provided they are owned by the insured and are used for private purposes only Swallows The Western and Eastern Cape area have many clients that own holiday homes and are resident in South Africa for the summer months, and then reside overseas during their summer months. These clients are referred to as “Swallows” and terms and conditions are imposed as per the above noted clauses. The excesses applied however must be R7500. An underwriting note should be applied noting that this client is a “Swallow” Renovations When any alterations or building construction takes place at the insured premises, full details of the alterations must be obtained i.e. • Type of alterations; • Period of alterations; • What precautions are taken to safeguard the household goods against any loss or damage? Note: if the policyholder does not supply us with the information as mentioned above, it is not a problem because the policy wording has now includes the conditions that would apply when renovations are being undertaken at the insured premises, as follows: We do not compensate you for loss or damage by theft or attempted theft unless there are visible signs of forced entry into or exit from the home or outbuildings while the Private Home under goes any renovations or structural building alterations. If the insured has to rent another residence as a result of renovations to their own home, there is no cover in terms of the Household Goods section for loss of rent 5.8.5 Page | 10 Moving Household Goods to a new Home Cover in terms of the allsure policy wording is granted for moving of household goods only when professional movers are moving the goods. Professional movers can be classified as registered companies whose main line of business is the moving of goods. There would be no cover in terms of the policy wording if the policyholder moves his/her own household goods. If this is the case and cover is required then the policyholder can contact the Marine Department and arrange a once off transit policy. Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION 5.8.6 Household Goods in Storage Commercial storage We automatically cover household goods in a commercial storage facility for theft or attempted theft. If additional cover is required then it would have to be referred to Personal Technical Underwriting. A separate risk location must be added for the household goods in storage, which will cover the goods as per the “Insured events” in the policy wording. The following information would be required to enable an informed decision to be made whether to insure this type of risk: Whether the household goods kept on pallets What security is available at the storage facility Construction of premises Description of how the goods are stored i.e. in sealed boxes or containers etc. If possible, an inventory or list of items stored at storage facility Advise who has access to the goods at the storage facility Duration of storage to be given Please ensure that you have the above information before contacting Personal Technical Underwriting Private storage facilities We will consider covering household goods stored in private storage i.e. locked garage etc., however this must be referred to Personal Technical Underwriting and the following information will be required. A separate risk location must be added for the household goods in storage, which will cover the goods as per the “Insured events” in the policy wording. The following information would be required to enable an informed decision to be made whether to insure this type of risk: What security is available where the goods are being stored? Description of how the goods are being stored i.e. sealed boxes or containers etc. Are the goods stored separately from other goods? Who has access to the storage facility? The duration of the storage will be required? Construction of the storage facility will be required? Please ensure that no new business is accepted whilst the household goods are in storage if the insured has had no previous insurance. Page | 11 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION 5.8.7 Risks 500 meters of shoreline, river, lake or dam Risks located in low lying areas, and close to water can run the risk of flooding and care should be taken before accepting this kind of risk. All requests must be referred to Personal Technical Underwriting for consideration. If accepted, cover for these risks will be subject to a survey. 5.8.8 Surveys In respect of any household goods item, a survey of the risk may be required in the following circumstances: If the residence has suffered more than 3 theft/storm claims in the last 5 years This survey is to determine why the losses keep on occurring. It would highlight the location of the premises as well as the protections or lack thereof following a loss In terms of large burglary/theft/armed hold-up claims, and/or storm damage claims in respect of household goods cover, a copy of the assessors report must be obtained to establish if there are any recommendations, regarding the security or construction of the premises and the like and if necessary arrange for a survey to be carried out the residence is on a small holding / plot This survey would highlight the remoteness of the property, the area, construction and protections from a fire or theft point of view It would also highlight the adequacy of the protections as well as to determine the physical location of the premises compared to the surroundings the limit of compensation for household goods item exceeds R 1000 000 This survey is to highlight the adequacy of the protections as well as any articles of high value main construction is not brick, stone or concrete with slate, tiles, concrete, asbestos or metal roof This survey would determine the construction of the premises as well as the protections from fire, storm and theft. It would also give us a clear indication as to whether we would like to insure the property and impose the correct rates, terms and conditions where the residence is situated within 500 meters of water i.e. dams, rivers, canals This survey is to determine the flood risk. It would also give us a clear indication as to whether we would like to ensure the property and impose the correct rates, terms and conditions In any other instance where required by Mutual & Federal Where surveys are deemed necessary and we are already on risk or it is a post loss survey, liaise with the Portfolio Manager so as to ensure that the Broker is advised accordingly. If recommendations are given following the survey, the policyholder must be given 30 days written notice to implement them. The policyholder must be advised that if the recommendations are not implemented, punitive terms and conditions will apply. These need to be specifically mentioned. Page | 12 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION 5.8.9 Occupants Liability / Away Risk There is cover in terms of Occupants Liability under this section for any liability incurred by the insured at the private residence. For example, a guest sitting on a chair that breaks and they are injured – the insured could be held legally liable for medical costs and expenses incurred as a result of the fall. However, liability incurred by the insured away from the private residence is covered under the Personal Liability section, which is automatically included if household goods are insured. 5.8.10 Minimum/Maximum limits There is no longer a minimum sum insured however there is a minimum premium. The minimum premium will depend on the risk profile and this is automatically built into the TIA system. Risks with a sum insured exceeding R20 million are automatically referred to Personal Technical Underwriting via the TIA system for authorisation. Rates, terms and conditions could be imposed on these risks. In certain cases a survey could be requested and cover would be subject to the recommendations of the surveyor. 5.8.11 Policyholder name In instances where property such as household goods, buildings or motor vehicles is in the name of a company or closed corporation, the policy must be issued in the name of the individual and the interests of the company or closed corporation noted. By doing this we do not, for example, pick up liability cover attaching to the company. 5.8.12 Household Goods Claim Free Group (CFG) We no longer have the concept of claim free group on our household goods and Motor sections. (Effective Allsure upgrade 2012) Claims experience is a more predictive factor for individual risk profiling. We will use the number of claims in the past five years to provide an adjustment for claims behaviour. Unlike claim free group, the losses will not be reinstated, but the behaviour will be adjusted at anniversary based on claims experience during the indicated period. 5.8.13 Household Goods section Theft in Temporary Residence We compensate you for loss or damage to household goods caused by theft or attempted theft from a building you are temporarily living in. Explanation This extension provides cover for items kept in a hotel room, guest house or lodge as well as property for students within a residence whilst temporary studying. 5.8.14 We do not compensate for theft or attempted theft from the home or outbuildings while on show, unless there are visible signs of forced entry and exit from the home and outbuildings. Explanation Valuables must be locked up whilst a house is on show. Due care must be taken by the policyholder. Page | 13 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION 5.8.15 Household Goods section Valuation of Jewellery and Watches You must give us a professional valuation certificate for all insured jewellery and watches; refer to the attached “Insured Events” for the limit. This valuation must have been done before the loss or damage. Explanation Professional valuation certificates not only proves the quantum of the loss, but also provides proof of ownership. 5.8.16 Household Goods section Proof of Ownership The insured must give us acceptable proof in South African Rand that the insured owned an item, or acceptable proof of its value, refer to point 4.6.1 of the policy wording. Explanation Proof that the insured owned an item is required. It should be noted though that proof of ownership and/or value is still required at claims stage as reflected under the General Terms, Conditions and Exclusions section of the policy. Page | 14 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION 6. Note: we have only included extracts of the policy wording; however please refer to your full policy wording in the event of any queries What we insure Full cover including Subsidence Cover is provided on an Insured Events basis. (See Subsidence and Landslip explanation below).The cover code is reflected as “Fullc” on the TIA system Full cover excluding Subsidence Cover is provided on an Insured Events basis. The cover code is reflected as “Fulle” on the TIA system. A list of areas is available where subsidence cover cannot be granted. Limited Cover (Fire & Perils only) Where clients do not require comprehensive cover for their household goods there is limited cover available at a reduced premium. This option excludes cover in respect of all theft and accidental damage. Compensation for liability is included. The cover code is reflected as “Restc” on the TIA system. No discounts are to be given when this type of cover is requested. If limited cover in respect of Fire and Perils cover is selected, the motor cover, if applicable, will be deemed to be unsupported. No discounts are to be granted under the Household Goods section. Herewith a brief description of the abovementioned covers (please refer to the allsure policy wording for more detail, if required): 4.3.2 Full cover Loss of or damage to household goods caused by an Insured Events. The goods must belong to the insured and must be the insured’s responsibility and must be used for the insured’s own private purposes including; Goods in the insured’s home and outbuildings up to the limits shown in the schedule, (see limits on the attached “Insured Events” document), for example: personal belongings, such as clothes, handbags etc. equipment and appliances, such as audiovisual, vacuum cleaners, fridges etc. furnishings fixtures and fittings that belong to you as the tenant, not the owner of the private home; outdoor and garden items; money and other negotiable instruments such as cheques Page | 15 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION Business goods and equipment up to the limit shown in the schedule in any 12month period. These goods and equipment must be kept inside the home and outbuildings. Examples include: computers, laptops, printers, scanners and software office furniture Note: This cover is intended for the policyholder who operates a low risk type business from home, for example an Accountant. Bed and Breakfasts type risks are excluded from the allsure policy and should be insured under a commercial type policy. Cover is provided for small non-hazardous businesses at the insured’s residence. The intention is to cover business equipment excluding stock. An example where we would provide this type of cover would be an estate agent where computers, fax machines, desks and chairs would be covered. Manufacturing machinery would not be covered. Stock in trade is excluded. Refer to the policy wording “4.4 what is not insured” and "" stock-in-trade that you own or are responsible for” i.e. cover for a spaza shops are excluded. 4.3.3 Insured Events – damage to the insured property caused by Fire Definition of fire- “actual combustion or ignition, which is accidental in origin and not in the place where it intended to be”. Fire is a word we use to describe the combustion or ignition of material. Arson is the deliberate setting of a fire and damage arising from arson is insured, unless set by the insured, is still accidental and hence covered. Damage caused as a direct consequence of fire is considered to fall within the scope of fire as well, for example: damage caused by the water to extinguish a fire damage caused by the firemen whilst extinguishing the blaze property damaged or destroyed to prevent the fire spreading smoke damage to goods damage caused by the collapse of the walls of burning buildings. Explosion Lightning Page | 16 Definition of explosion – “an explosion is a sudden increase in pressure surrounding air caused by sudden and violent expansion of a substance and usually occupied by a massive release of chemical energy. Put in similar terms, an explosion is a “shattering” caused by the sudden production or release of a large volume of gas and/or vapor. Explosions can arise from any sources such as gas canisters or the mixing of different chemicals” Definition of lightning - lightning is a form of visible electrical discharge between rain clouds or between a rain cloud and the earth. The discharge is seen in the form of a brilliant arc, sometimes several kilometers long, stretching between the discharge points. Lightning usually strikes the highest feature above the ground, but can run or jump to adjacent objects, such as houses, power lines or even people or animals. Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION Lightning strikes can enter the insured’s home through the electrical circuitry. It is commonly found that lightning damage occurs mostly to audio equipment and electrical equipment, such as microwaves, fridges, washing machines, television sets etc. Malicious damage except for loss or damage: caused by someone living in the Home or Outbuildings Storm, flood, wind, water, hail or snow except for loss or damage caused by or to any of the following: Property in the open unless the property is designed or intended to operate in the open; Any process which uses or applies water; Deterioration, wear and tear or any gradually operating cause; Rust, corrosion or mildew; Definition of Malicious damage- “intentional wrongful damage to the property of another". The damage must be intended and without the belief that it is in any way lawful. A person who negligently damages a private dwelling by driving into it because of not making a corner cannot be charged with malicious damage to property because there was no intention of damaging the dwelling”. Definition of Storm - “storm is described as a violent weather condition or any atmospheric disturbance involving conditions of thunder, strong wind, hail, heavy rain or snow, either singly or in a combination". Definition of Flood – “flood is defined as inundation of land by the rise and overflow of a body of water. Floods occur most commonly when water from heavy rainfall, from melting ice and snow or form a combination of these exceeds the carrying capacity of the river system, lake or ocean into which it runs. Usually the combined flow of several water-swollen tributaries causes flooding along a riverbank or shoreline”. Definition of Wind - “wind is air moving, sometimes with considerable force, from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure. Wind speed at times reaches storm strength and the strongest gust can lift the level to hurricane or tornado proportions.” Definition of Water - Accidental discharge or overflow of water or steam from within a plumbing, heating, air conditioning, or automatic fire-protective sprinkler system, or from a household appliance. Water damage can originate by different sources such as broken dishwasher hose, washing machine overflow, dishwasher leakage, broken pipes, clogged toilet, leaking roof, plumbing leaks, rain and bad weather such as snow, rain and floods. However under this section storm, flood, wind, hail and snow are insured as separate insured perils. Water is an insured peril under this section which covers the policyholder against sudden and accidental water damage. It does not cover damage resulting from the policyholder’s negligence or failure to maintain home repairs. For example, the policyholder is heading out on vacation and his daughter goes the bathroom one last time before the long trip. Unfortunately, on the last flush of the toilet the handle got stuck and the toilet kept running for the duration the policyholder was on holiday. On returning from holiday the policyholder finds practically his entire house ruined by water damage. This would be covered as it is considered as accidental and a sudden discharge of water. Definition of Hail – hail forms when tiny clumps of ice, kept aloft by strong up draughts, get blown through freezing thunderclouds until they are heavy enough to fall to earth. Hailstones can be so large that they break the glass of windows and damage the furniture inside the residence. Definition of Snow- “Snow is precipitation (a kind of water that falls from the sky as part of the weather), in the form of crystalline water ice, consisting of a Page | 17 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION multitude of snowflakes. Since it is composed of small rough particles it is a granula material Damage that can be caused to household goods as a result of snow for example, the roof of a private residence can collapse under heavy snow, as a result of the roof collapsing the snows falls through the ceiling and damages the policyholder’s Household Goods. Not only is there impact damage as a result of the collapse of the roof but there would also be water damage as a result of the snow. Definition of Earthquake – “is the shaking of the earth’s surface caused by the movement of the earth’s rocky outer layer. Earthquakes occur when energy from inside the earth, usually in the form of strain in rocks is released. The released energy is then transmitted to the earth’s surface by seismic waves. Earthquakes are measured with seismographs. Earthquakes, when below sea level can cause tsunamis (tidal waves). Earthquakes occur on plate boundaries. The movement beneath the plates in the mantle creates currents and thus causes the plates to shift. This movement causes friction eventually resulting in the parting of the plates or one plate being pulled under. Due to the effects of an earthquake, rooftops and walls may collapse damaging the household goods inside the premises. Earthquake Bursting, leaking or overflowing of pipes, water apparatus or oil-fired heating apparatus Examples of water apparatus are baths, geysers, pipes and sinks. The resultant damage as a result of the overflowing or bursting of a water apparatus or fixed oil-fired heating apparatus is covered under this section. We do not compensate you for damage to the apparatus or pipes themselves Example – the geyser in the roof of the insured’s private residence bursts. The water seeps through the roof, down the walls and into the lounge area. The water falls onto the policyholder’s wall unit and the lounge suite. As a result the wood of the wall unit swells and cannot be repaired. Furthermore, the lounge suite material begins to rot and must either be replaced or re-upholstered. Loss of or damage to Household Goods caused by impact to the Home and Outbuildings The cause of the impact is not defined in the Household Goods section however examples of impact are: Vehicles: Vehicles crashing into a home destroying valuable furniture. Falling trees: If a tree falls over as a result of old age/rotting and damages a residence there will be cover. Remember if a tree falls over as a result of another insured peril, for example a storm, the proximate cause would be the storm and not impact. Also this is for falling trees, not damage caused by roots and growth of the tree – for example if the roots damage the paving around your home there would be no cover. Only the resultant damage is covered in terms of this section and excludes the damage caused by impact to the private residence which would be covered under the Houseowners section. Page | 18 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION Gradual sinking of land (subsidence), and landslip of the land supporting the Home and Outbuildings, as shown in the schedule except for loss or damage caused by or made worse by: faulty design, insufficient compacting or filling, poor construction; removal or weakening of support structural alterations, additions or repairs surface or subterranean excavations except those performed during mining operations; normal settlement, shrinkage or expansion; contraction or expansion of clay and similar soil types due to its moisture or water content. We compensate you for loss or damage to your Household Goods caused by any Insured event excluding theft or attempted theft while the insured property is: In any action suit or other proceeding where we allege that, by reason of the provisions of this Insured event any damage is not insured by this insurance, the burden of proving the contrary shall rest with the policyholder. in a building you are temporarily living in; in a building you are employed in; inside the building of a business where your household goods are being made up, altered, renovated, repaired, cleaned or dyed; We compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule. Other loss or damage (Additional Benefits) The limits applicable are reflected in the policy schedule. (Refer to the attached “Insured Events” for the limits of compensation) Fire brigade charges We compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule for the reasonable costs that the fire brigade charges you for putting out a fire at the home and outbuildings. Loss of water by leaking We compensate you for the costs of water lost from leaking pipes in the home, outbuildings and on the grounds, if you are responsible for paying these costs. We only compensate you if the water reading is above the average of the previous 4 readings by 50% or more. If you discover a leak – either by physical evidence or from an abnormally high water bill – you must Page | 19 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION immediately take steps to repair the pipes or we will not compensate you for the costs of the loss of water. You can claim for a maximum of 2 separate incidents of this kind in each 12-month period. We compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule. We do not compensate you for water lost from: leaking taps, geysers, or toilets; swimming pools or leaks in their inlet or outlet pipes; leaks that happen when the home or outbuildings are not occupied for more than 30 days. Cost of clearing debris after an Insured event Loss or damage from theft or attempt theft We compensate up to the limit shown in the schedule for the reasonable cost of removing debris from the home and outbuildings and grounds after loss or damage to the household goods caused by an Insured event From the home and outbuildings (note there is a limit of compensation (refer attached “Insured Events” should there be no visible signs of forced entry or exit) A building you are temporarily living in. (Note This extension provides cover for items kept in a hotel room, guest house etc. as well as property for students within a residence whilst temporary studying); A building you are employed in, only up to the limit shown in the schedule unless you can prove that there are visible signs of forced entry or exit. We do not compensate you for theft or attempted theft of jewellery, watches, mobile communication equipment, iPod, laptops, palmtops, electronic notebooks and GPS devices from a building where you are employed; A commercial storage facility where you have deposited household goods for safe keeping or at any hotel, guesthouse, club or bank safe; Inside the building of a business where your household goods are being made up, altered, renovated, repaired, cleaned or dyed, if there are visible signs of forced entry or exit, up to the limit shown in the schedule. From the grounds of the insured’s Home and Outbuildings We compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule for loss from theft of the following goods if they are stolen from the grounds of your home and outbuildings: While moving Household Goods to a new Home Page | 20 laundry; garden and swimming pool furniture and equipment, pool safety nets and covers. We compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule for household goods for loss from theft, fire, collision or overturning of the vehicle while professional movers are moving them when you permanently move home. Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION While you are transporting Household Goods We compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule for the following: theft of household goods if they are being moved to or from a commercial storage facility or bank safety deposit facility; theft of household goods if you are transporting the household goods to or from any place of purchase, repair or renovation. There must be visible signs of forced entry or exit from the vehicle; loss or damage to your household goods while you are taking them to or from any place of purchase, repair or renovation. We only compensate you if the loss or damage is caused during transit by fire, collision or the motor vehicle carrying the goods overturning. Trauma counselling after a violent event We compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule if you or your domestic staff needs professional counselling after being a victim of violent theft, attempted theft or hold up. We compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule for the reasonable cost of replacing trees, shrubs and plants on the grounds of the home and outbuildings. We compensate you only for loss or damage caused by: Loss or damage to the garden fire; firefighting; explosion; impact by vehicles, aircraft, other aerial devices or other objects dropped from the air; malicious damage. We do not compensate you if theft or attempted theft causes the loss or damage Loss of or damage to guests property We compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule for household goods and personal belongings of a guest living with you temporarily, if they do not have any other insurance. To receive compensation, the Insured event must have taken place at the home and outbuildings. This excludes money and negotiable instruments (for example, cheques). Loss of or damage to domestic staff’s property We compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule for household goods and personal belongings of your domestic staff. To receive compensation, the Insured event must have taken place at the home and outbuildings. This excludes money and negotiable instruments (for example, cheques). Loss or damage to documents caused by an Insured Event We compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule for the cost of materials and labour to replace personal documents lost or damaged by an Insured event. We do not compensate you for the value that you attach to the document’s content Page | 21 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION Loss or damage to Household Goods in Outbuildings not made of brick, stone or concrete with slate, tile, metal, concrete or asbestos roof Employing a security guard Keys, locks and electronic security devices We compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule for your household goods while in the Outbuildings which are not made of brick, stone or concrete with a slate, tile, metal, concrete or asbestos roof. Loss or damage caused by theft must have visible signs of forced entry or exit. We compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule for the reasonable cost of employing a security guard after loss or damage from an Insured event. We compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule for reasonable costs to repair or replace lost or damaged: keys, including card keys; locks; remote controls We compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule only if you occupy the home and outbuildings and need the above devices for doors, windows, safes or alarms for that home and outbuildings Alternative accommodation and rent If the home or outbuilding is not fit to live in because of loss or damage from an insured event, we compensate you for either of the following: the rent which you pay as the occupier of the home or outbuilding alternative accommodation of similar value and location as the home or outbuilding We only compensate you for a period reasonably needed to make the home or outbuilding fit to live in again. We do not compensate you for more than 25% of the limit of compensation for household goods. Medical and veterinary expenses We compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule for medical and veterinary expenses for accidental bodily injury under the following circumstances: domestic animal you own injures another person injury to a guest or visitor arising from any defect in the home and outbuildings injury to domestic staff while working for you a road accident injury to a domestic animal that you own We do not compensate you if the injured person or animal is covered by any other insurance, including medical aid Accidental death from injury in the Home and Outbuildings We compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule if you suffer an accidental bodily injury in the home and outbuildings and you die within 90 days as a direct result of the injury. There are different limits of compensation depending on your age. Accidental damage to audiovisual equipment Page | 22 We compensate you for accidental damage to any of the following household goods: television sets, video recorders, decoders, Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION satellite dishes or aerials; sound reproduction equipment, DVD players including Blu-ray players; proximas and multi-media projectors. Note: loss or damage caused by power surges is excluded as this cover is available under the Accidental Damage option, if selected, and additional premium is paid. Loss or damage caused by mechanical and electric breakdown is excluded as cover is available under the Mechanical and Electrical Breakdown section. Note: we do not compensate the insured for spoiling because of load shedding by a power supply authority, unless the power cut is longer than 24 hours. We do not compensate you for loss or damage to: Household goods that are not in the home and outbuildings; damage caused by mechanical or electric breakdown; audiovisual equipment caused by power surges. Accidental damage to glass We compensate you for accidental damage to mirrors or sheet glass in or on furniture or on an appliance. Accidental spoiling of fridge and freezer contents We compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule for the accidental spoiling of the contents of your fridges or freezers in your home and outbuildings if the spoiling results from either: breakdown or accidental damage to the fridge or freezer; failure of the public power supply. We do not compensate you for: damage to fridges or freezers themselves; spoiling because of load shedding by a power supply authority, unless the power cut is longer than 24 hours; Accidental damage to domestic telephone instruments spoiling that has happened because you have not paid for or bought sufficient power or fuel. We compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule for each domestic telephone instrument accidentally damaged in the home and outbuildings. We do not compensate you for damage to: cellular telephones; mobile communication equipment. Damage by wild baboons or wild monkeys We will compensate you up to the limit shown in the schedule for loss or damage to household goods inside your home and outbuildings caused by wild baboons or wild monkeys Householder’s Liability It is important to remember that this cover is a premises risk cover and there is no cover for liability arising away from the home and outbuildings under this section Page | 23 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION Liability as occupant of the home and outbuildings Liability as a tenant of the home and outbuildings Compensation includes: The amount the insured is liable for; Legal costs of the other person that the insured is liable for; Costs that the insured incurs with our permission to settle or defend the claim against the insured. Accidental Damage (optional) The cover under this section can be extended to cover Accidental Damage at an additional premium. The following limits of indemnity are available: R10 000 R25 000 R50 000 R100 000 It is important to note there is no limit per item. If this cover is selected then the relevant limit will reflect on the policy schedule. Included in the accidental damage cover is damage caused by power surges. There is an excess that applies to this extension in the event of a loss. There are exclusions that apply if this cover is selected. Mutual & Federal will not compensate any loss or damage caused by: wear and tear, rust, mildew, corrosion or decay, moths, vermin or other insects or their larvae or the insured’s own domestic pets; depreciation or any gradual operating cause, process of dyeing, cleaning or renovating; the action of light or climatic condition; electronic, electrical and mechanical breakdown, breakage or failure; over winding of items such as clocks; cracking, scratching, denting or chipping of furniture, glass, glassware, jewellery or other brittle articles; confiscation or detention by any process of law; deliberate power cuts or load shedding; consequential damage of any nature. Page | 24 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION There are certain items that are found in the home and outbuilding which would not be covered under accidental damage cover, as follows: Garden equipment, furniture or tools, equipment for a pool or a pond. If higher limits are required for garden furniture, contact Personal Technical Underwriting in this regard. All Risks cover may not be granted on swimming pool and garden furniture Sporting equipment if it was damaged whilst in use Firearms Portable computer equipment, cellular phones, mobile communication equipment, handheld portable telephones, videos, audio tapes, compact discs and DVDs. For Example Due to cellphones being damaged within the home, especially relating to cellphones being dropped into baths, they now have to be specified under the All Risks section Personal belongings Loss or damage covered by any manufacturer’s guarantee, purchase agreement or service contract Full cover excluding Subsidence Same cover provided as per Full cover above, with the exclusion of loss or damage caused by subsidence. Limited Cover (Fire & Perils only) M & F will only compensate the insured for the following loss or damage: Goods in the insured’s home and outbuilding up to the limit shown in the schedule Business goods and equipment up to the limit shown in the schedule Loss or damage by Insured Events (refer above insured events listed); Other loss or damage; fire brigade charges; loss of water by leaking cost of clearing debris after an insured event; Householders Liability Note: The Insured will not be insured for any other events or items listed under the heading ‘Other loss or damage’ and ‘Loss or damage from theft or attempted theft’ If limited cover in respect of Fire and Perils cover only is selected under the Household Goods section, Motor will be deemed to be Unsupported. No discounts are to be granted in respect of the Household Goods section Page | 25 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION 4.4 What we do not insure under the Household Goods Section theft of money and negotiable instruments, negotiable instruments mean elements of negotiability; the bill of exchange, cheque and promissory note; parties to bills, cheque's and notes, unless they are stolen from the home and outbuildings and there are visible signs of forced entry or exit; theft or attempted theft from the home and outbuildings while lent, let, sub-let unless there are visible signs of forced entry or exit from the home and outbuildings; theft or attempted theft from the home and outbuildings while on show, unless there are visible signs of forced entry or exit from the home and outbuildings; loss of or injury to animals, other than that specifically described in this section. Refer to the policy wording “Medical and Veterinary expenses”. loss of or damage from theft or attempted theft of: • more than one gold coin, stamp and coin collections as gold coin, stamps and coin collections are more specifically insured under an All Risks section; • cell phones as they are more specifically insured under an All Risks section; • motor vehicles including their fitted accessories, as motor vehicles are more specifically insured under a Motor section; • caravans and trailers including their fitted accessories, as they are more specifically insured under a Motor section; • air or watercraft and their fitted accessories and equipment but not a surfboard or paddle ski. Aircraft insurance is a more specialised field of insurance. loss of or damage arising from: • wear and tear, rust, mildew, corrosion or decay; • depreciation or any gradual operating cause such as rust; • the action of light or climatic conditions; • electronic, electrical or mechanical breakdown, breakage or failure; • moths or other insects or their larvae, vermin, rodents or your own domestic pets. stock-in-trade that the insured owns or is responsible for, as this should be insured under a commercial policy; loss of or damage to household goods that are more specifically insured elsewhere in this policy. The reason behind this is that such items may be more appropriately insured under a policy more suited to the insurance requirements for that specific item. loss or damage or breakage covered by a manufacturer’s purchase agreement, guarantee or service contract; loss or damage by theft home or outbuildings while the private home under goes any renovations or structural building alterations. We do not compensate the insured for theft or attempt theft of jewellery, watches, mobile communication equipment, iPod, laptops, palmtops, electronic notebooks and GPS devices from a building where the insured is employed, as these items must be specified under the All Risks section. Page | 26 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION 4.5 Compensation – How M & F compensates the insured for loss of or damage to household goods; The compensation will be based on the replacement value of similar new goods at the time of the loss or damage. The limit of compensation is shown in the policy schedule. Mutual & Federal has the option to: have the item repaired; pay the insured in cash in lieu for the damage; replace the items via one of Mutual & Federal approved suppliers. The insured must give Mutual & Federal acceptable proof in South African Rand that he/she owned an item or acceptable proof of its value if Mutual & Federal asks for it. Professional valuation certificates not only prove the quantum of the loss but always provide proof of ownership. Note: For claims for loss of or damage to precious metals and stones, jewellery, watches, furs, paintings, rugs and carpets, only up to one-third (33.33%) of the limit of compensation for household goods is compensated. For example, the insured has a burglary and jewellery to the value of R300 000 is stolen. The sum insured under the insured Household Goods section is R500 000, therefore Mutual & Federal will only pay 33.33% of R500 000 = R166, 650. 4.5.5. Excess An excess is the first amount payable by the insured which he/she will be expected to pay in the event of a claim. The excess amount is shown in the policy schedule for this section. 4.6 Page | 27 Special conditions The Insured must give proof of ownership must give us acceptable proof that you owned an item, or acceptable proof of its value, if we ask for it. must give proof of valuation of jewellery and watches When you claim, you must give us a professional valuation certificate for all insured jewellery and watches. This valuation must have been done before the loss or damage. If you do not have this certificate, your claim will be limited to the limit shown in the schedule for each item. Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION You must keep jewellery and watches in a safe You must keep jewellery and watches over a certain value in a safe. This is called the ‘safe warranty limit’. If you are not wearing the jewellery or watch, you must keep it in a securely locked wall- or floor- mounted safe. The keys to your safe must also be kept away, secured, and hidden from sight. We will not compensate you for loss or damage caused by theft or attempted theft for more than the ‘safe warranty limit’ as shown in the schedule if you do not lock the item in a safe while you are not wearing it. Pairs and sets We do not compensate you for any additional, special value that an item has because it is part of a pair or set. We only compensate you for the proportionate value of the part of the set that is lost or damaged. Security measures The policy wording states the following with regards to the security measures required: Burglar bars If the schedule states that you have burglar bars on all opening windows, we compensate you for theft or attempted theft only if at the time of the theft or attempted theft the burglar bars are fitted. Security gates If the schedule states that you have security gates, we compensate you for theft or attempted theft only if at the time of the theft or attempted theft all the following conditions are met: the security gates are fitted; the security gates are locked when your home is left unattended. Alarm system If the schedule states that you have a SAIDSA approved alarm system, we compensate you for theft or attempted theft only if at the time of the theft or attempted theft all the following conditions are met: the alarm system is installed; the alarm is fully operational and armed whenever the main home is unattended; the alarm is linked to a 24 hour control centre with an armed response unit; and when your home is left unattended, the alarm is armed for the entire home and outbuildings and none of the ‘passive infrared motion detectors’ of the alarm system are obstructed or bypassed. We do not consider occupation of an outbuilding to be occupation of the home; If you do not comply with this security measure, we do not compensate you for theft or attempted theft of household goods. It is important to note that the alarm warranty would only apply when the alarm fitted to the insured premises is a SAIDSA approved alarm system Page | 28 Final July 2014_v1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS SECTION Tell us if you are away for more than 60 days You must tell us if you intend leaving your home and outbuildings unoccupied for more than 60 consecutive days in any 12-month period so that we can adjust your premium or change your terms, conditions and exclusions. If you do not tell us we will not compensate you for any loss or damage while the home and outbuildings are unoccupied. If only an outbuilding is occupied, we do not consider the home and outbuildings occupied. Surveys We may ask a surveyor to survey your home and outbuildings at any time. Based on the outcome of this survey, we may immediately do one of the following: Page | 29 change the terms, conditions and exclusions of your insurance; cancel your insurance; treat your insurance as null and void. Final July 2014_v1