Digital Integrated Circuit Design Lecture 10 – Dynamic CMOS CLK inputs PCLK NMOS Logic Circuit N CLK Adib Abrishamifar EE Department IUST Contents } } } } } } } Introduction Dynamic CMOS Logic CMOS Domino Logic CD Domino Logic Dynamic CVSL Sample-Set Differential Logic (SSDL) Summary IUST: Digital IC Design 2/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Introduction } As mentioned before Digital MOS circuits can be classified into two categories: } Static Circuits: require no clock or other periodic signal for operation (except sequential logic). In these circuits at every point in time (except when switching) the output is connected to either GND or Vdd via a low resistance path } fan-in of N requires 2N devices (n N-type + n P-type) } Dynamic Circuits: require periodic clock signals, synchronized with data signals, for proper operation even in combinational logic. These circuits rely on the temporary storage of signal values on the (parasitic) capacitance of high impedance nodes } requires only N + 2 transistors (n+1 N-type + 1 P-type) } takes a sequence of precharge and conditional evaluation phases to realize logic functions IUST: Digital IC Design 3/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Introduction } Why Dynamic Logic? } In the area of high speed, higher Fan-in, extremely low power dissipation, other digital logic circuit have been considered. In this lecture, two of these alternatives to CMOS are described. The circuits are basically NMOS or CMOS Gates with slight improvements. These are: } Dynamic CMOS Logic } CMOS Domino Logic } Each of them have specific operating advantages over NMOS or CMOS, but exhibit disadvantages in other areas IUST: Digital IC Design 4/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Contents } } } } } } } Introduction Dynamic CMOS Logic CMOS Domino Logic CD Domino Logic Dynamic CVSL Sample-Set Differential Logic (SSDL) Summary IUST: Digital IC Design 5/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } } Dynamic Gates use a clocked PMOS pullup Two modes: precharge and evaluate 2 A Y 1 A Static f 2/3 1 Y 4/3 A Pseudo-NMOS Precharge Evaluate Y 1 Dynamic Precharge Y IUST: Digital IC Design 6/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } The Foot } What if pulldown network is ON during precharge? } Use series evaluation transistor to prevent fight f precharge transistor Y Y inputs A Y inputs f f foot footed IUST: Digital IC Design 7/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS unfooted Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Dynamic CMOS Logic } To make the gate dynamic, a clock pulse is applied to the gate of complementary P and N channel devices. This gate consists of an NMOS Logic circuit whose output node is precharged to Vdd by the PMOS, when the clock is zero. The output node is discharged by the NMOS transistor connected to ground when the clock is high IUST: Digital IC Design 8/71 CLK inputs LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS PCLK NMOS Logic Circuit N CLK Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Dynamic CMOS Logic Precharge (Clk = 0) Evaluate (Clk = 1) IUST: Digital IC Design 9/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Once the output of a dynamic gate is discharged, it cannot be charged again until the next precharge operation } Inputs to the gate can make at most one transition during evaluation } Output can be in the high impedance state during and after evaluation (PDN off), state is stored on CL IUST: Digital IC Design 10/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Canonical Forms IUST: Digital IC Design 11/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Properties of Dynamic Gates } Logic function is implemented by the PDN only • should be smaller in area than static complementary CMOS } Full swing outputs (VOL = GND and VOH = VDD) } Nonratioed - sizing of the devices is not important for proper functioning (only for performance) } Faster switching speeds • reduced load capacitance due to lower number of transistors per gate (Cint) so a reduced logical effort • reduced load capacitance due to smaller fan-out (Cext) • no Isc, so all the current provided by PDN goes into discharging CL • Ignoring the influence of precharge time on the switching speed of the gate, tpLH = 0 but the presence of the evaluation transistor slows down the tpHL IUST: Digital IC Design 12/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Properties of Dynamic Gates } Power dissipation should be better • consumes only dynamic power – no short circuit power consumption since the pull-up path is not on when evaluating • lower CL- both Cint (since there are fewer transistors connected to the drain output) and Cext (since there the output load is one per connected gate, not two) } But power dissipation can be significantly higher due to • higher transition probabilities • extra load on CLK } PDN starts to work as soon as the input signals exceed VTn, so set VM, VIH and VIL all equal to VTn • low noise margin (NML) } Needs a precharge/evaluate clock IUST: Digital IC Design 13/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Leakage Sources } Subthreshold conduction } Transistors can’t abruptly turn ON or OFF } Reverse-biased PN junction diode current tox VDD trend 106 0. 6 nm 0. 8 nm 103 1. 0 nm 1. 2 nm 100 1. 5 nm ) JG A/cm 2 ) • Is depends on doping levels And area and perimeter of diffusion regions, typically < 1 fA/mm2 109 } Gate Leakage • Carriers may tunnel thorough very thin gate oxides • Negligible for older processes 1. 9 nm 10-3 10-6 10-9 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 VDD IUST: Digital IC Design 14/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Leakage Sources } Output settles to an intermediate voltage determined by a resistive divider of the pull-up and pull-down networks } Once the output drops below the switching threshold of the fan-out logic gate, the output is interpreted as a low voltage CLK V o lta g e (V ) 2.5 1.5 Out 0.5 -0.5 0 20 40 Time (ms) IUST: Digital IC Design 15/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Leakage Sources } Subthreshold leakage is dominant in modern transistors CLK Evaluate VOut Precharge Leakage sources IUST: Digital IC Design 16/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Solution to Charge Leakage Keeper Clk Mp M kp A CL Out B Clk IUST: Digital IC Design 17/71 Me LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Charge Sharing } Charge stored originally on CY is redistributed (shared) over CX leading to static power consumption by downstream gates and possible circuit malfunction } When ΔVout = - Vdd (CX / (CX + CY )) the drop in Vout is large enough to be below the switching threshold of the gate it drives causing a malfunction f f A B=0 A Y CY x Cx Y Charge sharing noise x V x =V Y = IUST: Digital IC Design 18/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS CY V dd C x + CY Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Solution to Charge Redistribution } Add secondary precharge transistors (at the cost of increased area and power) • Typically need to precharge every other node • Secondary precharge transistors should be small because their diffusion capacitance slows the evaluation (increase delay) • Big load capacitance CY helps as well Y A secondary precharge transistor x B IUST: Digital IC Design 19/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Charge Sharing Example } What is the worst case voltage drop on y? (Assume all inputs are low during precharge and that all internal nodes are initially at 0V) CLK a Ca =15fF B c Cc =15fF y=A A A B B C C B C Load inverter Cy =50fF b B d Cb =15fF Cd =10fF CLK IUST: Digital IC Design 20/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Charge Sharing Example ( ) DVout = -Vdd é( Ca + Cc ) Ca + Cc + C y ù ë û = -2.5V ( 30 ( 30 + 50 ) ) = -0.94V IUST: Digital IC Design 21/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Backgate Coupling } Susceptible to crosstalk due to • High impedance of the output node • Capacitive coupling – Out2 capacitively couples with Out1 through the gate-source and gatedrain capacitances of M4 IUST: Digital IC Design 22/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Backgate Coupling } Capacitive coupling means Out1 drops significantly so Out2 doesn’t go all the way to ground Voltage 3 Due to clk feedthrough 2 1 Out1 Due to backgate Clk 0 In Out2 2 Time, ns -1 0 IUST: Digital IC Design 23/71 4 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS 6 Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Clock Feedthrough } A special case of capacitive coupling between the clock input of the precharge transistor and the dynamic output node due to the gate to drain capacitance } So voltage of Out can rise above Vdd. The fast rising (and falling edges) of the clock couple to Out IUST: Digital IC Design 24/71 Clk Mp Out A CL B Clk LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Me Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Clock Feedthrough Clock feedthrough 2.5 Voltage 1.5 In & Clk 0.5 Out -0.5 0 0.5 Time, ns 1 Clock feedthrough IUST: Digital IC Design 25/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Other Effects } } } } } Capacitive coupling Substrate coupling Minority charge injection Supply noise (Ground bounce) Floating output nodes IUST: Digital IC Design 26/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Floating output nodes } Solutions: • Only connect to gates • Add staticizer to refresh the charge IUST: Digital IC Design 27/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Advantages: } For n inputs, dynamic logic requires n+2 transistors } have small area, high speed and compact layouts CLK PCLK } Disadvantages: } Circuit operation is more complex due to the required clock } The inputs can only change during the precharge phase and must be stable during the evaluate portion of the cycle } Need Monotonicity inputs NMOS Logic Circuit N CLK • can not be cascaded IUST: Digital IC Design 28/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Monotonicity } Dynamic gates require monotonically rising inputs during evaluation violates monotonicity during evaluation A f Precharge Evaluate Precharge f A Y Output should rise but does not IUST: Digital IC Design 29/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Monotonicity Woes } Dynamic gates produce monotonically falling outputs during evaluation } Illegal for one dynamic gate to drive another! IUST: Digital IC Design 30/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic V } Cascading Clk In Out1 VTn DV Out2 t Only 0 ® 1 transitions allowed at inputs! IUST: Digital IC Design 31/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Cascading } Input going from high to low during evaluation • a is 5V when precharge b = 5V, c = 5V • During evaluation: – Wanted: b à 0V, c à 5V – But, b takes some time to drop to 0V – Consequently, c may fall to some unknown value } Solution } NP-CMOS } NORA Logic } Domino logic IUST: Digital IC Design 32/71 b c a LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } NP-CMOS } Only 0 ® 1 transitions allowed at inputs of PDN } Only 1 ® 0 transitions allowed at inputs of PUN Clk Mp 1 1 In1 In2 PDN 1 0 Out1 Clk Me In4 PUN In5 0 0 In3 Clk IUST: Digital IC Design Me 33/71 Clk Mp 0 1 Out2 (to PDN) LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } NORA Logic } WARNING: Very sensitive to noise! Clk Mp 1 1 1 0 Out1 In1 In2 In3 Clk PDN Me In4 In5 PUN 0 0 Clk Me to other PDN’s IUST: Digital IC Design Clk 34/71 0 1 Mp Out2 (to PDN) to other PUN’s LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } An example Y=AB+C A B IUST: Digital IC Design 35/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS C Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Dynamic 4 Input NAND Gate VDD Out In1 In2 In3 In4 f GND IUST: Digital IC Design 36/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Power Consumption } Power only dissipated when previous Out = 0 CLK Mp Out In1 In2 CL PDN In3 CLK IUST: Digital IC Design 37/71 Me LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Power Consumption } Dynamic Power Consumption is Data Dependent • Assume signal probabilities (Dynamic 2-input NOR Gate) • PA=1 = 1/2 • PB=1 = 1/2 A B Out • Then transition probability 0 0 1 • P1→0 = Pout=0 = ¾ 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 } Switching activity can be higher in dynamic gates! IUST: Digital IC Design 38/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Rules of Thumb } } Dynamic logic is best for wide OR/NOR structure (e.g. bitlines), providing 50% delay improvement over static CMOS Dynamic logic consumes 2x power due to its phase activity (unconditional pre-charging), not counting clock power IUST: Digital IC Design 39/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CMOS Logic } Notes } No need to implement the complement of the function, leading to smaller area } We can avoid the long PMOS chains } Handle the charge sharing problem and floating output nodes } Input transistors should not change from on to off during evaluation IUST: Digital IC Design 40/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Contents } } } } } } } Introduction Dynamic CMOS Logic CMOS Domino Logic CD Domino Logic Dynamic CVSL Sample-Set Differential Logic (SSDL) Summary IUST: Digital IC Design 41/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CMOS Domino Logic } It is an extension of dynamic CMOS gates that allow cascading of stages } The simple modification entails incorporating a static CMOS inverter at the output of each logic gate domino AND W X Y Z A B C f dynamic static NAND inverter IUST: Digital IC Design 42/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CMOS Domino Logic } Stage A should be precharged in Φ1 and evaluate in Φ2 } Stage B should be precharged in Φ2 and evaluate in Φ1 IUST: Digital IC Design 43/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CMOS Domino Logic } During precharge (clk=0), the output node of the dynamic gate is precharged high and the output node of the CMOS inverter is low. Then subsequent stages will be turned off during the precharge phase } When the clk=1, the output of the driving gate will conditionally discharge, allowing the output of the inverter to conditionally go high. Each connected gate output can then make a transition from low-to-high, in sequence } There is no restriction on the number of logic stages that can be cascaded provided that all stages can evaluate during one clock pulse IUST: Digital IC Design 44/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CMOS Domino Logic } pc = Φ1 and ev = Φ2 pc = pc W V X Y n- network 1 1 ev = cycle 1 2 ev 2 precharge evaluate input latched here IUST: Digital IC Design 2 45/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS output latched here Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CMOS Domino Logic } Won’t work! If pc = Φ2 and ev = Φ1 IUST: Digital IC Design 46/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CMOS Domino Logic } Why Domino? } Like falling dominos! IUST: Digital IC Design 47/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CMOS Domino Logic } Produces monotonic outputs f domino AND W Precharge Evaluate Precharge W X Y Z X A B Y C f Z dynamic static NAND inverter f A B IUST: Digital IC Design 48/71 f f W X H Y C LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS H Z = A B f X C Z Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CMOS Domino Logic } Domino Optimizations } Each domino gate triggers next one, like a string of dominos toppling over } Gates evaluate sequentially but precharge in parallel Thus evaluation is more critical than precharge } HI-skewed static stages can perform logic } Static inverter can be optimized to match fan-out f S0 S1 S2 S3 D0 D1 D2 D3 H Y f IUST: Digital IC Design 49/71 S4 S5 S6 S7 D4 D5 D6 D7 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CMOS Domino Logic } Leakage } Dynamic node floats high during evaluation • Transistors are leaky (IOFF ¹ 0) • Dynamic value will leak away over time • Formerly miliseconds, now nanoseconds! } Use keeper to hold dynamic node • Must be weak enough not to fight evaluation weak keeper f A 1 k X H Y 2 2 IUST: Digital IC Design 50/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CMOS Domino Logic } Noise Sensitivity } Dynamic gates are very sensitive to noise • Inputs: VIH » Vtn • Outputs: floating output susceptible noise } Noise sources • • • • • Capacitive crosstalk Charge sharing Power supply noise Feedthrough noise And … ! IUST: Digital IC Design 51/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CMOS Domino Logic } Designing with Domino Logic } } If all the inputs come from other domino gates, then all the inputs will be low during the precharge. You don’t need to explicit evaluate transistor Need to be a little careful. When precharge begins, the first gate’s output must precharge before the next gate can precharge. Both evaluate and precharge ripple in this scheme. But, if there is already a tall stack, transistor ratioing will let precharge win anyway. (but you waste power until the precharge ripples) IUST: Digital IC Design 52/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CMOS Domino Logic } Footless Domino } The first gate in the chain needs a foot switch Precharge is rippling – short – circuit current } A solution is to delay the clock for each stage VDD Clk VDD Mp Clk Mp Out1 0 0 IUST: Digital IC Design Clk Mp Out2 1 0 In1 1 VDD Outn 1 0 In2 1 53/71 0 In3 1 0 1 Inn 1 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS 0 Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CMOS Domino Logic } Example } During precharge, x, y, z = 1, x, y = 0 } During evaluation, x = 0 when a = b = 1 } Therefore, z = a b c d x a b IUST: Digital IC Design 54/71 y x c z y d LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CMOS Domino Logic } Advantages: } Large Fan-in, fewer transistors (n+4 transistors, whereas CMOS requires 2n) } Single clock can be used to precharge and evaluate all stages at the same time } It is attractive for high-speed circuits } 1.5 – 2x faster than static CMOS } Widely used in high-performance microprocessors } Disadvantages: } } } } } } Each logic block must incorporate a separate inverter Each block performs only non-inverting logic Monotonicity Leakage Charge sharing Noise IUST: Digital IC Design 55/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CMOS Domino Logic } Dual Rail Domino } Domino only performs noninverting functions • AND, OR but not NAND, NOR, or XOR Y_l inputs } Dual-rail domino solves this problem f sig_h sig_l Meaning 0 0 Precharged 0 1 ‘0’ 1 0 ‘1’ 1 1 invalid 56/71 f f • Takes true and complementary inputs • Produces true and complementary outputs IUST: Digital IC Design Y_h f LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CMOS Domino Logic } Example AND/NAND } Given A_h, A_l, B_h, B_l } Compute Y_h = A * B, Y_l = ~(A * B) } Pulldown networks are conduction complements Y_l f = A*B A_l B_l A_h Y_h = A*B B_h f IUST: Digital IC Design 57/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CMOS Domino Logic } Example XOR/XNOR } Sometimes possible to share transistors Y_l = A xnor B A_h f A_l B_l Y_h A_l A_h = A xor B B_h f IUST: Digital IC Design 58/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CMOS Domino Logic } Rules of Thumb } } Typical domino keepers have W/L = 5-20% of effective width of evaluate tree Typical domino output buffers have a beta ratio of ~ 6:1 to push the switch point higher for fast rise-time IUST: Digital IC Design 59/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Contents } } } } } } } Introduction Dynamic CMOS Logic CMOS Domino Logic CD Domino Logic Dynamic CVSL Sample-Set Differential Logic (SSDL) Summary IUST: Digital IC Design 60/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CD Domino Logic } We noted that dynamic inputs never make 1 to 0 transitions while in evaluation } Two solutions: } Precharge outputs low using an inverting gate (standard domino) } Delay the evaluate clock until inputs settle (CD domino) IUST: Digital IC Design 61/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CD Domino Logic } Self-timed dynamic logic family } Consists of a dynamic gate, and an optional delay element for the clock signal OR2 Mpre Out = a+b a clk(i) IUST: Digital IC Design 62/71 b Meval delay clk(i+1) LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CD Domino Logic } Advantages } Uses single-rail circuits, rather than dual-rail for standard domino } Provides both inverting and non-inverting functions } High-speed, large fan-in NOR and OR circuits IUST: Digital IC Design 63/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CD Domino Logic } Delay Matching } CD domino requires delay matching between the slowest dynamic gate at a level and a delay element } A 20% margin is typically added to the delay of the fixed delay element to account for PVT variations } Thus, 20% of the speed gain possible with CD domino is not realized } Average speed gain of (60+20)% is theoretically possible } Use digitally programmable delay elements (PDEs) to reduce the margin and attain a speed improvement without affecting the reliability in the presence of variations IUST: Digital IC Design 64/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 CD Domino Logic } Clocking Scheme } The circuits are fully levelized } The delay element on each level is tuned to the slowest gate at its level, plus a 20% margin IUST: Digital IC Design 65/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Contents } } } } } } } Introduction Dynamic CMOS Logic CMOS Domino Logic CD Domino Logic Dynamic CVSL Sample-Set Differential Logic (SSDL) Summary IUST: Digital IC Design 66/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Dynamic CVSL } Positive feedback does not exist F F C IUST: Digital IC Design In{ 67/71 NMOS Logic Array LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS } In C Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Contents } } } } } } } Introduction Dynamic CMOS Logic CMOS Domino Logic CD Domino Logic Dynamic CVSL Sample-Set Differential Logic (SSDL) Summary IUST: Digital IC Design 68/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Sample-Set Differential Logic (SSDL) } It is one type of Dynamic CVSL with positive feedback } By this logic the low level output is guaranteed to zero in evaluation phase F F C In{ IUST: Digital IC Design 69/71 C NMOS Logic Array } In LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Contents } } } } } } } Introduction Dynamic CMOS Logic CMOS Domino Logic CD Domino Logic Dynamic CVSL Sample-Set Differential Logic (SSDL) Summary IUST: Digital IC Design 70/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008 Summary } This lecture describes many basics CMOS Logic Gates which require clock or other periodic signal for operation } These circuits rely on the temporary storage of signal values on the (parasitic) capacitance of high impedance nodes IUST: Digital IC Design 71/71 LECTURE 10 : Dynamic CMOS Adib Abrishamifar 2008