Review n Phasors ¨ Source n vs. Impedence representation First Order Circuits ¨ Initial and Final conditions n Second Order Circuits ¨ Solution EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 1 Lecture #7 OUTLINE n n n n n Decibels Transfer function First-order lowpass filter Cascade connection and Logarithmic frequency scales Bode Plots Reading n Chap 6 EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 2 1 Bel and Decibel (dB) n A bel (symbol B) is a unit of measure of ratios of power levels, i.e. relative power levels. ¨ The name was coined in the early 20th century in honor of Alexander Graham Bell, a telecommunications pioneer. ¨ The bel is a logarithmic measure. The number of bels for a given ratio of power levels is calculated by taking the logarithm, to the base 10, of the ratio. ¨ one bel corresponds to a ratio of 10:1. ¨ B = log10(P1/P2) where P1 and P2 are power levels. n The bel is too large for everyday use, so the decibel (dB), equal to 0.1B, is more commonly used. ¨ 1dB = 10 log10(P1/P2) n dB are used to measure ¨ Electric power, Gain or loss of amplifiers, Insertion loss of filters. EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 3 Logarithmic Measure for Power n n To express a power in terms of decibels, one starts by choosing a reference power, Preference, and writing Power P in decibels = 10 log10(P/Preference) Exercise: ¨ Express a power of 50 mW in decibels relative to 1 watt. ¨ P (dB) =10 log10 (50 x 10-3) = - 13 dB n Exercise: ¨ Express a power of 50 mW in decibels relative to 1 mW. ¨ P (dB) =10 log10 (50) = 17 dB. n dBm to express absolute values of power relative to a milliwatt. ¨ dBm = 10 log10 (power in milliwatts / 1 milliwatt) ¨ 100 mW = 20 dBm ¨ 10 mW = 10 dBm EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 4 2 Power in 1st and 2nd Order Circuits n n n When dealing with 1st or 2nd order cirduits it is convenient to refer to the frequency difference between points at which the power from the circuit is half that at the peak of resonance. Such frequencies are known as “half-power frequencies”, and the power output there referred to the peak power (at the resonant frequency) is 10log10(Phalf-power/Ppeak) = 10log10(1/2) = -3 dB. EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 5 Logarithmic Measures for Voltage or Current From the expression for power ratios in decibels, we can readily derive the corresponding expressions for voltage or current ratios. Suppose that the voltage V (or current I) appears across (or flows in) a resistor whose resistance is R. The corresponding power dissipated, P, is V2/R (or I2R). We can similarly relate the reference voltage or current to the reference power, as Preference = (Vreference)2/R or Preference= (Ireference)2R. Hence, Voltage, V in decibels = 20log10(V/Vreference) Current, I, in decibels = 20log10(I/Ireference) EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 6 3 Note that the voltage and current expressions are just like the power expression except that they have 20 as the multiplier instead of 10 because power is proportional to the square of the voltage or current. Exercise: How many decibels larger is the voltage of a 9-volt transistor battery than that of a 1.5-volt AA battery? Let Vreference = 1.5. The ratio in decibels is 20 log10(9/1.5) = 20 log10(6) = 16 dB. EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 7 Transfer Function n Transfer function is a function of frequency ¨ Complex quantity ¨ Both magnitude and phase are function of frequency Vin H (w ) = EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Two Port filter network Vout Vout Ð(q out - q in ) Vin Instructor: Octavian Florescu 8 4 Filters n Circuit designed to retain a certain frequency range and discard others Low-pass: pass low frequencies and reject high frequencies High-pass: pass high frequencies and reject low frequencies Band-pass: pass some particular range of frequencies, reject other frequencies outside that band Notch: reject a range of frequencies and pass all other frequencies EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 9 Common Filter Transfer Function vs. Freq H( f) H( f) Low Pass High Pass Frequency Frequency H( f) H( f) Band Pass Frequency EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Band Reject Frequency Instructor: Octavian Florescu 10 5 First-Order Lowpass Filter H ( jw ) = VC 1 /( jwC ) 1 1 = = = Ð - tan -1 (wRC ) 2 V 1 /( jwC ) + R 1 + jwRC 1 + (wRC ) Letw B = 1 / RC H ( jw ) = and 1 w 1+ j wB f B = 1 / 2pRC 1 = 1+ ( w 2 ) wB Ð - tan -1 ( w ) wB 1 H ( jw B ) = Ð - tan -1 (1) 2 + V - R + VC C - æ | H ( jw B ) | ö æ 1 ö ÷÷ = 20 log10 ç 20 log10 çç ÷ = -3dB è 2ø è | H (0) | ø EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 11 First-Order Highpass Filter H ( jw ) = VR R jwRC wRC ép ù = = = Ð - ê - tan -1 (wRC )ú 2 V 1 /( jwC ) + R 1 + jwRC ë2 û 1 + (wRC ) Letw B = 1 / RC and f B = 1 / 2pRC w wB w ép æ w öù wB ÷÷ú H ( jw ) = = Ð - ê - tan -1 çç w 2 w è wB øû ë 1+ j 1 + ( )2 wB wB H ( jw B ) = 1 Ð - tan -1 (1) 2 æ | H ( jw B ) | ö æ 1 ö ÷÷ = 20 log10 ç 20 log10 çç ÷ = -3dB è 2ø è | H ( 0) | ø EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 VR + V - Instructor: Octavian Florescu R + VC C - 12 6 First-Order Lowpass Filter H ( jw ) = VR =K V VR + V - EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 R + VL L - Instructor: Octavian Florescu 13 First-Order Highpass Filter H ( jw ) = VL =K V VR + V - EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu R + VL L - 14 7 First-Order Filter Circuits High Pass VS + – R C Low Pass Low Pass VS + – R L High Pass HR = R / (R + 1/jwC) HR = R / (R + jw L) HC = (1/jw C) / (R + 1/jwC) HL = jw L / (R + jwL) EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 15 Gain or Loss Expressed in Decibels The gain produced by an amplifier or the loss of a filter is often specified in decibels. The input voltage (current, or power) is taken as the reference value of voltage (current, or power) in the decibel defining expression: Voltage gain in dB = 20 log10(Voutput/Vinput) Current gain in dB = 20 log10(Ioutput/Iinput Power gain in dB = 10 log10(Poutput/Pinput) Example: The voltage gain of an amplifier whose input is 0.2 mV and whose output is 0.5 V is 20log10(0.5/0.2x10-3) = 68 dB. EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 16 8 Change of Voltage or Current with a Change of Frequency One may wish to specify the change of a quantity such as the output voltage of a filter when the frequency changes by a factor of 2 (an octave) or 10 (a decade). For example, a single-stage RC low-pass filter has at frequencies above w = 1/RC an output that changes at the rate -20dB per decade. EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 17 Bode Plot n Plot of magnitude of transfer function vs. frequency ¨ y-axis is the 20log of the magnitude of the transfer function in dB and x-axis is ω ¨ Both x and y axes are in log scale n Plot of phase of transfer function vs. frequency ¨ y-axis is the phase of transfer function in degrees and x-axis is ω ¨ y-axis is linear and x-axis is in log scale EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 18 9 Bode Plot Example EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 19 Magnitude Plot of a Low Pass Filter H ( jw ) = 1 1+ ( w 2 ) wB Ð - tan -1 ( w ) wB Note that : | H (0) |= 1 and 1 | H ( jw B ) |= 2 lim(| H ( jw ) |) = 0 ¥ ω -> wB w For w << w B , | H ( jw ) |» 1 For w >> w B , | H ( jw ) |» EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 20 10 Magnitude Plot… Remember we are plotting 20log(|H(jω )|) 20 log(| H ( jw B ) |) = -3dB For w << w B , | H ( jw ) |» 1 so 20 log(| H ( jw ) |) = 0dB w For w >> w B , | H ( jw ) |» B w so 20 log(| H ( jw ) |) = 20 log(w B ) - 20 log(w ) constant EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Corresponds to a slope of -20dB/decade Instructor: Octavian Florescu 21 Magnitude Plot 20log(|H(jω )|) ω EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 22 11 Phase Plot of a Low Pass Filter 1 H ( jw ) = 1+ ( w 2 ) wB Ð - tan -1 ( w ) wB Note that : ÐH (0) = 0 o ÐH ( jw B ) = -45o lim ÐH ( jw ) = -90 o ω -> ¥ EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 23 Magnitude Plot H(jω ) ω EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 24 12 Bode Plot of High Pass Filter… EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 25 Second Order Circuits 1 L R w02 =remember z ,0 = w2 that,= z Also C EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 L R C 2L Instructor: Octavian Florescu 26 13 Magnitude Response For ζ < 1 1 1 - w LC + jwRC 1 1 | H ( jw ) |= = 2 2 2 2 2 1 - w LC + (wRC ) æ w2 ö æ w ö ç1 - 2 ÷ + çç 2z ÷ ÷ ç w ÷ è wo ø o ø è H ( jw ) = 2 ( ) 2 w 1 = o w 2 LC w 2 so 20 log(| H ( jw ) |) = 40 log(w B ) - 40 log(w ) For w >> wo , | H ( jw ) |» This corresponds to a slope of -40dB/decade For w << wo , | H ( jw ) |» 1 so 20 log(| H ( jw ) |) = 0dB Note that : | H ( jwo ) |= 1 2z EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 27 Magnitude Plot For ζ < 1 H(jω ) ω EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 28 14 Phase Response For ζ < 1 2 w 1 = o2 2 w LC w For w << wo , | H (w ) |» 1 For w >> wo , | H (w ) |» æ w ç 2z wo æ wRC ö -1 ç ÐH ( jw ) = - tan -1 ç ÷ = - tan ç 2 w2 è 1 - w LC ø çç 1 - 2 è wo Note that : ÐH (0) = 0o and ö ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷÷ ø lim(ÐH ( jw )) = -180o ω -> ÐH ( jwo ) = -90 o ¥ Approximations for z £ 1 : ÐH ( j 0.1wo ) @ 0o and EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 ÐH ( j10wo ) @ -180 o Instructor: Octavian Florescu 29 Phase Response For ζ < 1 Continued H(jω ) ω EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 30 15 Bode Plot For ζ >= 1 n For ζ >= 1, we can know that we factor H(jω ) in the following form: H ( jw ) = 1 æ w öæ w ö çç1 + ÷÷çç1 + ÷÷ è w1 øè w 2 ø where ω 1 = ω 2 if ζ = 1 n We shall find the bode plot of this transfer function when we talk about higher order filters. EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 31 Higher Order Filters n Higher order filters can be factorized into a product of 1st and 2nd order filters n How do we account for the complete response? ¨ Simply add all individual responses to get the overall response EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 32 16 Addition of responses H ( jw ) = 2 æ jw öæ jw öæç jw æ jw ö ö÷ ÷÷ K çç ÷÷çç1 + ÷÷ 1 + 2z + çç wo1 è wo1 ø ÷ è wB1 øè wB 2 øçè ø 2 æ jw öæ jw öæç jw æ jw ö ö÷ çç ÷÷çç1 + ÷÷ K ÷÷ 1 + 2z + çç ç wo 2 è wo 2 ø ÷ è wB 3 øè wB 4 øè ø 2 æ æ jw ö æ jw ö jw æ jw ö ö÷ ÷÷ | ÷÷ | +20 log | çç1 + ÷÷ | +20 log | ç1 + 2z 20 log(| H ( jw ) |) = 20 log | çç + çç ç wo1 è wo1 ø ÷ è wB1 ø è wB 2 ø è ø 2 æ æ jw ö æ jw ö jw æ jw ö ö÷ ÷÷ | -20 log | çç1 + ÷÷ ÷÷ | -20 log | ç1 + 2z - 20 log | çç + çç ç wo 2 è wo 2 ø ÷ è wB 4 ø è wB 3 ø è ø 2 æ æ jw ö æ jw ö jw æ jw ö ö÷ ÷÷ ÷÷ + Ðçç1 + ÷÷ + Ðç1 + 2z ÐH ( jw ) = Ðçç + çç ç wo1 è wo1 ø ÷ è wB1 ø è wB 2 ø è ø 2 æ æ jw ö æ jw ö jw æ jw ö ö÷ ÷÷ - Ðçç1 + ÷÷ ÷÷ - Ðç1 + 2z - Ðçç + çç ç wo 2 è wo 2 ø ÷ è wB 4 ø è wB 3 ø è ø EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 33 Magnitude Plot 20log(|H(jω )|) ω EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 34 17 Magnitude Plot H(jω ) ω EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Instructor: Octavian Florescu 35 More on Second-Order Filter Circuits Band Pass R VS + – Z = R + 1/jwC + jw L Low Pass C High Pass L EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 HBP = R / Z Band HLP = (1/jwC) / Z Reject HHP = jw L / Z HBR = HLP + HHP Instructor: Octavian Florescu 36 18 Ideal Filters H( f) H( f) Low Pass Frequency High Pass Frequency H( f) H( f) Band Pass Frequency EE40 Summer 2006: Lecture 7 Band Reject Frequency Instructor: Octavian Florescu 37 19