Journal of Microwaves and Optoelectronics, Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1997. 1 ACTIVE BALUNS IN MICROWAVE INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TECHNOLOGY David Viveiros Júnior Marcos Aurélio Luqueze Denise Consonni Laboratório de Microeletrônica, LME - Departamento de Engenharia Eletrônica Escola Politécnica - Universidade de São Paulo End. : Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, tr. 3, 158 - Cidade Universitária CEP 05508-900 - São Paulo - SP Tel. : (011) 818.5255 Fax : (011) 818.5585 E-Mail : Abstract This paper presents three active baluns employing MESFETs, and developed for PCN converter applications. The non-linear circuit simulator LIBRA (HP-EESOF) [1] has been used in the CAD process. The baluns were implemented in microwave techniques - hybrid (at the Laboratório de Microeletrônica, USP) and GaAs MMIC technologies ( at an external foundry [2]). Measured and simulated results are presented, disclosing an attractive degree of design flexibility: the circuits can be adjusted for broadband operation, or optimized over limited frequency range. Power linearity and DC bias can be traded off, according to specific applications. The ICs were developed at the University of São Paulo, under R&D Center of Telebrás (Brazilian Telecom) coordination, the research results being property of Telebrás (contract Telebrás-USP JDPqD 586/94). 2 Journal of Microwaves and Optoelectronics, Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1997. 1- Introduction PCN (Personal Communication Network) systems require converters that can offer conversion gain, low DC power consumption and high linearity. This performance can be achieved with balanced mixers, developed in MMIC (Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits) techniques, employing GaAs MESFET transistors [3]. Such structures deal with balanced input and output signals, thus calling for baluns to interface the converter into unbalanced terminals. It can be very convenient to integrate these components in the mixer design, in order to ease mounting procedures. As hybrids and passive couplers occupy a large area of substrate, three GaAs MESFET active baluns have been analyzed and implemented in this work, using microwave integrated circuit technology. The work has been oriented towards the design of broadband and low DC current consumption components, as required for wireless personal communication applications. 2-Design Three types of non-reciprocal GaAs MESFET balun structures have been designed and constructed : - two of these structures transform unbalanced signals into balanced ports: one was realized using GaAs MMIC technology (splitter balun), and the other one employed microwave hybrid circuit technology on alumina substrate (differential balun), both producing two 180° out-of-phase outputs, from an unbalanced input signal; - the third balun structure, also constructed in MMIC technology (combiner balun), converts balanced signals into an unbalanced output. LIBRA (HP-EESOF) [1] simulator has been used in the circuit design and optimization. Non-linear MESFET models and foundry element models [2] have been used for the MMIC designs. 2.1 - Splitter Balun Figure 1 shows the basic schematics of the splitter balun [4], presenting, particularly in this work a more compact topology, which employs self-biased transistors. The input signal is splitted between transistors T1 and T2 in common gate and common source configurations, respectively, such as to produce the desired balanced signals at ports 2 and 3. C T1 Output 3 300 Ω 27.5 Ω +5V 4 C 1 270 Ω Input 18.9 Ω T2 C Output 2 135 Ω 525 Ω C Figure 1 -Basic schematics of splitter balun 3 Journal of Microwaves and Optoelectronics, Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1997. Bias chokes take large areas of the substrate, and present undesirable parasitic effects. Therefore, these elements have not been used in the design, being replaced by high valued drain resistors to provide isolation between AC and DC paths. Initially, the resistances were dimensioned as to supply 4 mA drain current for each transistor. Voltage supply (Vdd) and drain-source voltage were set to 5 V and 2 V, respectively. Such resistances were then optimized in order to attain phase and amplitude balance at the output ports, over a broad frequency band. The optimization process was restrained, in order to keep the DC current at a low level. Well balanced simulated characteristics over wide bandwidth were achieved, for a total 10 mA DC current. Under these conditions, the active balun does not present gain, which can be obtained only at the expense of increasing the DC bias current. 2.2 - Differential Balun This type of balun derives from the differential amplifier topology, with one FET gate connected to ground. The unbalanced signal is applied to the gate of the second FET (Figure 2), producing opposite phase currents in both drains, creating balanced output voltages at ports 2 and 3. Initially, circuit components were calculated to offer 10 mA drain current in each transistor, at supply voltage of 8 Volts (Vdd = 8 V). Drain and source resistors provide adequate values of Vds, avoiding the use of chokes for DC/RF isolation. Component values were then optimized to produce good amplitude balance, and 180° phase difference between output ports. Figure 2 shows the final optimized circuit. 4 +8V 431.45 Ω 433.18 Ω 5 pF Output 2 5 pF Output 3 DC Block T1 Input T2 1 95.17 Ω 29.64 Ω Figure 2 - Differential balun 2.3 - Combiner balun The schematics of this type of balun is presented in Figure 3 [4], in a simplified version which employs self-biased transistors. The input balanced signal is combined in the gate and source of transistor T1, and an unbalanced output signal results at the drain. Transistor T2 operates as a buffer for gain and impedance matching purposes. As this type of balun is to be used at the output of a balanced mixer, it should present high linearity. During the design and simulation procedures, a trade-off between DC consumption and AC linearity was very clear : DC bias current has to be increased if a high compression point is to be obtained. A 15 mA bias current was established for each transistor, and the resulting resistances are presented in Figure 3. 4 Journal of Microwaves and Optoelectronics, Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1997. + 8V 4 207 Ω 207 Ω 10 pF 10 pF T2 DC Block Input T1 1 Outpu t 3 500 Ω 500 Ω 60 Ω 10 pF Input 2 60 Ω Figure 3 - Schematics of combiner balun 3 - Circuit Fabrication The MMIC baluns were sent for fabrication at an external foundry, through multiproject-wafer approach [2]. The MESFETs present 0.5 µm gate length, 4x75 µm gate width, and Idss = 45 mA (Vgs = 0 V). The balun constructed in hybrid technology was printed on a 25 mil thickness alumina, and employed chip NEC MESFETs (NE76000) [7] and thin-film tantalum nitride resistors. 3.1 - MMIC technology circuits 3.1.1 - Splitter balun The MMIC lay-out of this balun is shown in Figure 4 (total area: 1,034.5 x 1,259 µm2). Output 3 Input +5 V 1 Output 2 Figure 4 - Layout of splitter balun 5 Journal of Microwaves and Optoelectronics, Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1997. Simulated and measured results are presented in Figures 5 and 6. All circuits have been measured using the HP8510 [5] network analyzer, connected to the CASCADE [6] characterization system. Simulated results disclosed 169 ± 11° phase difference between output ports, whereas measured phase difference was 176 ± 14°, both over 1 to 5 GHz frequency range. Output compression point of 1 dB was measured at +2 dBm input power, at 2 GHz (simulated results appointed +3 dBm). S21 [dB] Simulated S21 [dB] Measured -4.0 -4.5 -5.0 -5.5 -6.0 1.0 Frequency 1.0 GHz/DIV 5.0 Figure 5- Simulated and measured results of splitter balun Insertion loss between input 1 and output 2 S31 [dB] Simulated S31 [dB] M easured -4.0 -4.5 -5.0 -5.5 -6.0 1.0 Frequency 1.0 GHz/DIV 5.0 Figure 6 - Simulated and measured results of splitter balun Insertion loss between input 1 and output 3 3.1.2 - Combiner balun This circuit occupies a (1,286 x 822) µm2 area (Figure 7). Measured results are displayed comparatively to simulated performance in Figures 8 and 9. Transmission phase difference of 163 ± 5° resulted from simulation, and 198 ± 6° was measured, over the 1 to 5 GHz frequency range. Output power was +2 dBm for 1 dB compression point (measured and simulated results), at 2 GHz. 6 Journal of Microwaves and Optoelectronics, Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1997. Input +8V 1 Output Input 2 3 Figure 7 - Layout of combiner balun S 31 [d B ] S im u lated S 31 [d B ] M eas u red 0.0 -5.0 -10 .0 1.0 F req u en cy 1 .0 G H z/D IV 5.0 Figure 8 - Simulated and measured results of combiner balun Insertion loss between input 1 and output 3 S 32 [d B ] S im u lated 0.0 S 32 [d B ] M eas u red -5 .0 -1 0.0 1.0 F req u en cy 1.0 G H z/D IV 5.0 Figure 9 - Simulated and measured results of combiner balun Insertion loss between input 2 and output 3 3.2 - Hybrid technology balun Thin film hybrid technology on alumina substrate was employed in the fabrication of the differential balun. Circuit layout ((7,37 x 4,20) mm2 ) is displayed in Figure 10. Simulated and measured insertion loss are shown in Figures 11 and 12. Figures 13 and 14 present simulated and measured results of the phase difference between input and outputs ports. This type of balun presents a very good phase balance, over a large frequency band; however, output amplitude balance is poor (over 5 dB amplitude difference). This problem can be solved by connecting a MESFET differential amplifier to the output ports of the balun, and optimizing the differential amplifier elements, in order to compensate for the balun unbalance. The difference in phase between output ports was 192 ± 5° and 176 ± 9 ° for simulated and 7 Journal of Microwaves and Optoelectronics, Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1997. measured results, respectively, over 1 to 5 GHz frequency range. Input power at 1 dB compression point was 0 dBm (measured) and -2 dBm (simulated) results, at 2 GHz. Output - 3 Drain resistor Vdd Transistor Source resistor Ground Gate resistor Input -1 Ground Transistor Vdd Drain resistor Output - 2 Alumina Figure 10 - Layout of differential balun S21 [dB] Sim ulated S21 [dB] Measured 10.0 5.0 0.0 -5.0 -10.0 1.0 Frequen cy 1.0 GH z/DIV 5.0 Figure 11- Simulated and measured results of differential balun Insertion loss between input 1 and output 2 S31 [dB] Simulated S31 [dB] Measured 10.0 5.0 0.0 -5.0 -10.0 1.0 Frequency 1.0 GHz/DIV 5.0 Figure 12 - Simulated and measured results of differential balun Insertion loss between input 1 and output 3 8 Journal of Microwaves and Optoelectronics, Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1997. Phase [Degrees] Simulated Phase [Degrees] Measured 150.0 100.0 50.0 0.0 1.0 Frequency 1.0 GHz/DIV 5.0 Figure 13 - Simulated and measured results of differential balun Phase difference between input and output 1 Phase [Degrees] Simulated Phase [Degrees] Measured 0.0 -50.0 -100.0 -150.0 -200.0 1.0 Frequency 1.0 GHz/DIV 5.0 Figure 14 - Simulated and measured results of differential balun Phase difference between input and output 2 4 - Conclusions Three active balun structures have been evaluated for application in PCN (Personal Communication Network) converters. These baluns are extremely compact in size and can be easily integrated with microwave balanced mixers, since their design is based on MESFET transistors and includes no isolation bias chokes. The design methods and element models have been validated, since measured results closely approach simulated performance. The three baluns present broadband operation, and a high level of design flexibility: insertion loss and power compression can be adjusted, by varying the transistors bias currents. Conversion gain and better amplitude balance can be obtained over a more limited frequency band, by optimizing the resistor values. As a consequence, resistances can be chosen and optimized depending on the particular application, and the frequency range of interest. These balun structures have several applications in microwave circuits and systems which operate with balanced signals. 5- Acknowledgments This project had technical and financial supported from CPqD-Telebrás under contract TB/USP JDPqD 586/94. Financial support from FAPESP is also acknowledged. The authors would like to thank Jair Pereira de Souza and Bruno Pinca (LME-EPUSP) for their assistance in this work. Journal of Microwaves and Optoelectronics, Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1997. 9 6- References [1] HP-EESOF Microwave & RF Circuit Design, Series IV, version 5, Hewlett-Packard Company, 1994. [2] EUROPRACTICE IC Manufacturing Service, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium; GEC Marconi Materials Technology, GaAs IC Foundry, Process F20. [3] M.A. Luqueze, D.Consonni, D. Viveiros Jr., V.Patiri Neto; “A single GaAs MMIC for up and down conversion in PCN transceivers”, Proceedings of the “1997 IEEE MTT-S International Topical Symposium on Technologies for Wireless Applications”, Vancouver, Canada, 1997, p. 163-166. [4] E. Adler, E. Viveiros; “MMIC Double-Balanced Mixer”, EEsof User’s Group Meeting, May 1990, Paper 4. [5] HP 8510 Network Analyzer, Hewlett-Packard Company. [6] CASCADE, Model 42 - Microwave R & D Probe Station. [7] NEC - CEL, California Eastern Laboratories, 4590 Patrick Henry Drive, Santa Clara, USA.