Students` Alternative Conceptions in Thermodynamics

WDS'13 Proceedings of Contributed Papers, Part III, 100–103, 2013.
ISBN 978-80-7378-252-8 © MATFYZPRESS
Students’ Alternative Conceptions in Thermodynamics
P. Kácovský
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Prague, Czech Republic.
Abstract. The paper focuses on alternative conceptions in thermodynamics which
secondary school students have to overcome. The literature search outcomes
concerning surveys in the field of alternative conceptions in thermodynamics will be
presented. Further, the translation of TCE (Thermal Concept Evaluation) test, its
current piloting and future intentions with using this instrument will be discussed.
Thermodynamics (in the Czech curriculum often named Molecular and Thermal Physics) is one
of the largest topics in secondary school physics (together with mechanics, optics and electricity and
magnetism). Unfortunately, among Czech students molecular and thermal physics is the least popular
part of all physical topics (this was found by Dvořák et al. [2008], popularity of other physical topics
are shown in Figure 1). This finding can have many causes, and may be a reason to focus on students’
difficulties in thermodynamics, mainly in common thermal phenomena that we meet in everyday
situations. This paper summarizes some general information about students’ alternative conceptions
and then focuses on alternative conceptions in thermodynamics and their detection including literature
search outcomes concerning existing surveys. Finally, one of the concept inventories designed to
uncover students’ alternative conceptions is performed.
About alternative conceptions in general
The concept of alternative conceptions is connected with constructivism. This theory claims that
students who come to school are not a blank slate (“tabula rasa”), but that they bring their past
experience, their prior knowledge to every learning situation. This prior experience is formed due to
students’ natural interaction with their surroundings and it is permanently rebuilt. Intuitive and
spontaneous students’ ideas based on prior knowledge are called preconceptions [Skalková, 1999].
These can be consistent with the scientific theories — so called anchoring conceptions — or
inconsistent with them — so called alternative conceptions or misconceptions [Clement et al., 1989].
(The terminology is not uniform in this case — some authors present preconceptions and alternative
conceptions as the same thing.)
Figure 1. This graph published in Dvořák et al. [2008] shows how popular are different physical
topics among Czech students. On the horizontal axis there are from left to right these physical topics:
Mechanics, Vibrations and Waves, Molecular and Thermal Physics, Electricity and Magnetism,
Optics, Physics of Microworld, Special Theory of Relativity and Astrophysics. On the vertical axis
there is an average mark given by students (one is the best mark, five the worst).
Concept Inventories
To study students’ alternative conceptions, qualitative surveys or concept inventories are often
used [NC State University, 2013]. Concept inventories are multiple-choice tests designed to examine
students’ understanding of a specific set of concepts.
The first concept inventory called “Common sense concepts about motion” was developed by
Halloun and Hestenes [1985] and this one became a basis for a “Force Concept Inventory” (FCI),
probably the most famous and most influential concept inventory. Further, other concept inventories
were developed — e.g., “Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation” [Thornton and Sokoloff, 1998]
or “Brief Electricity and Magnetism Assessment” [Chabay et al., 2006]. More than forty concept
inventories are summarized on the website of NC State University [2013].
In thermodynamics, two concept inventories are often mentioned. The first one is the Introductory
Thermal Concept Evaluation (TCE) developed by Yeo and Zadnik [2001], the second is The Heat and
Temperature Conceptual Evaluation (HTCE) designed by Sokoloff and Thornton [2001].
Alternative Conceptions in Thermodynamics
To get an idea about existing researches in the field of alternative conceptions in thermodynamics,
I have searched literature using ISI Web of Knowledge, EBSCO and ERIC databases trying to find out
articles concerning this topic. The most cited articles I have found are chronologically ordered in
Table 1. Due to the number of students involved, it is obvious that studies number (1), (2) and (3) were
lead through qualitative methods, the studies number (4) and (5) through concept inventories.
Table 1. Some researches concerning alternative conceptions in thermodynamics in the last 20 years.
Age of
Number of
Lewis, Linn [1994]
Australia, RSA
Harrison, Grayson, Treagust [1999]
Wiser, Amin [2001]
Yeo, Zadnik [2001]
South Korea
Treagust, Chu, Yeo, Zadnik [2012]
Lewis and Linn [1994] designed and used so called CLP (Computer as a Lab Partner) curriculum
to foster the integration of students’ scientific knowledge in the field of heat and temperature concepts.
Using this tool they identified these alternative conceptions held by students (but adults as well):
• Metals attract, hold or absorb cold.
• Conductors conduct heat more slowly than insulators.
• Insulators conduct heat fast and heat leaves so insulators don’t feel hot.
• Insulators absorb/trap heat.
• Wool warms things up.
The next qualitative study was carried out by Harrison et al. [1999] in Australia. In this case, five
Grade 11 boys were taught thermodynamics using “Physics by Inquiry” textbook written by
McDermott [1995]. The paper describes a change from boys’ intuitive conceptions to the scientific
view of heat and temperature during the 8-week student-centered teaching. Similar approach was
applied by Wiser and Amin [2001].
The studies number (4) and (5) both used the TCE test mentioned above. In Treagust et al. [2012]
the list of common alternative conceptions taken from previous literature studies is stated. In addition
to alternative conceptions diagnosed by Lewis and Linn [1994] another are mentioned:
• There are two types of heat: hot heat and cold heat.
• Heat is a material substance.
• Temperature is an extensive quantity.
• Temperature of boiling water can exceed 100 °C during boiling.
• Temperature is a measure of heat.
The temperature of different objects is different event though they have been placed in the
same environment over an extended period of time.
The use of the TCE test is described in this paper in greater detail (see the next paragraph).
The Thermal Concept Evaluation (TCE)
In order to study students’ alternative conceptions in the Czech Republic, I have chosen the above
mentioned concept inventory designed in 2001 by Yeo and Zadnik [2001] at Curtin University in Perth
in Australia. This test named Thermal Concept Evaluation (TCE) consists of 26 multiple-choice
questions focused on thermal phenomena in common everyday situations (the example of two
questions is shown in Figure 2).
In Australia almost five hundreds secondary school students were tested [Yeo and Zadnik, 2001],
later the test was (both in its full or reduced version) used in other countries like the United States
[Luera et al., 2005; Schnittka and Bell, 2011], Turkey [Baser, 2006] or Libya [Alwan, 2011]. In the
last year, the reduced version (only 19 items) of the TCE was used to test 515 South Korean secondary
school students [Treagust et al., 2012].
Czech version of the TCE
In March 2013, I have started to prepare the Czech version of the TCE. The test was translated
into Czech (the example of two translated questions is shown in Figure 3) and during next months the
translation was discussed with five secondary school expert teachers (more than twenty years of
practice) and with seven university experts from the Department of Physics Education, Faculty of
Mathematics and Physics in Prague. Taking into account their comments, the number of questions was
reduced from 26 to 19.
In May 2013, piloting of the Czech version of the TCE has started and over 70 students at three
different secondary schools were involved. The main goals of the pilot study are to check the
intelligibility of the test and its time adequacy; in addition, students had a possibility to comment each
item. Nowadays the results of the pilot study are being evaluated.
Figure 2. The example of two multiple-choice questions included in the TCE test.
Figure 3. Czech translation of questions shown in Figure 2.
Future plans
In the next school year, after modifications based on the pilot study, I plan to use the Czech
version of the TCE as a pre-test and post-test targeted at secondary school students aged from 15 to 17
years. The pre-test will be administered before students start the topic of thermodynamics in their
regular physics lessons, the post-test will be administered after that in order to assess the acquisition of
teaching this topic in Czech secondary schools for students’ understanding of common thermal
The obtained information concerning alternative conceptions in thermodynamics will become the
basis for developing sets of experiments trying to connect scientific knowledge in thermodynamics
with everyday situations and praxis.
This paper summarized general information about students’ alternative conceptions in
thermodynamics and literature search outcomes concerning their diagnosis. As a diagnostic tool for
using in Czech environment, the Thermal Conceptual Evaluation (TCE) test was chosen. In March
2013, the test was translated into Czech and modified for the conditions of Czech education system. In
May 2013, the piloting of its Czech reduced version has started. In the future, the test will be used as
a pre-test and post-test in order to identify alternative conceptions of Czech students and to access the
acquisition of physics lessons for students’ understanding of common thermal phenomena in everyday
Alwan, A., Misconception of Heat and Temperature Among Physics Students, International Conference on
Education and Educational Psychology, 2010.
Baser, M., Fostering conceptual change by cognitive conflict based instruction on students’ understanding of
heat and temperature concepts, Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, Volume
2, Number 2, 2006.
Chabay, R., L. Ding, B. Sherwood, and R. Beichner. Brief Electricity and Magnetism Assessment, Physical
Review Special Topics — Physics Education Research, 2(1), 7–13, 2006.
Clement, J., D. E. Brown, A. Zietsman, Not all preconceptions are misconceptions: finding anchoring
conceptions for grounding instruction on students’ intuitions, International Journal of Science Education,
Volume 11, Issue 5, 1989.
Chu H.-E., D. F. Treagust, S. Yeo, M. Zadnik, Evaluation of Students’ Understanding of Thermal Concepts in
Everyday Contexts, International Journal of Science Education, 34:10, 1509–1534, 2012.
Dvořák, L. et. al., Lze učit fyziku zajímavěji a lépe?, MATFYZPRESS, Praha, 2008.
Halloun, I., D. Hestenes, Common sense concepts about motion, Am. J. Phys. 53 (11), 1985.
Harrison A.G., D. J. Grayson, and D. F. Treagust, Investigating a grade 11 student’s evolving conceptions of
heat and temperature, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36, 55–87, 1999.
Lewis, E. L., M. C. Linn, Heat, energy and temperature concepts of adolescents, adults and experts: Implications
for curricular improvements, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 31, 657–677, 1994.
Luera, G. R., Ch. Otto, and P. W. Zitzewitz, A conceptual change approach to teaching energy and
thermodynamics to pre-service elementary teachers, Journal of physics teacher education, Vol. 2, No. 4,
McDermott, L., Physics by Inquiry, John Wiley & Sons, 1995.
NC State University, Assessment Instrument Information Page, [on-line], available at URL: June 2, 2013.
Skalková, J., Obecná didaktika, ISV nakladatelství Praha, 1999.
Schnittka, Ch., R. Bell, Engineering Design and Conceptual Change in Science: Addressing thermal energy and
heat transfer in eighth grade, International Journal of Science Education, 33:13, 1861–1887, 2011.
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Yeo, S., M. Zadnik, Introductory Thermal Concept Evaluation: Assessing Students’ Understanding, The Physics
Teacher, 39, 496–504, 2001.
Wiser M., T. Amin, Is Heat Hot? Inducing Conceptual Change by Integrating Everyday and Scientific
Perspectives on Thermal Phenomena, Learning and Instruction, 11, 331–355, 2001.