SINGLE-ENDED LINE TESTING - A WHITE BOX APPROACH Patrick Boets and Leo Van Biesen Department of Fundamental Electricity and Instrumentation, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium, Tom Bostoen Department of Research and Innovation, ALCATELL, F. Wellesplein 1 B-2018 Antwerp,Belgium, ABSTRACT A measurement, modelling and identification system is proposed to qualify a subscriber line with the constraint that only measurements can be conducted at the Central Office. The system uses the one-port scattering parameter as a base measurement of the loop. The time domain version of this scattering parameter will be pre-processed so that the features, which are the start, maximum and end positions of a reflection, are clearly visible and hence detectable. These features are used by the interpreting expert system which performs a topology estimation of that loop. Once the topology is known, a loop model, based on the physical properties of a twisted pair line, is build and the loop can be identified using a Maximum Likelihood Estimator. Next, the end-to-end transfer function will be calculated. The results and observations of a measurement campaign using a France Telecom cable plant will illustrate the proposed Single-Ended Line Testing approach. In this paper, a well-founded model based approach for SELT is given. For the moment, it operates under the following constraints: i. It is assumed that the load impedance is high enough to be considered as an open line end. Most terminals such as telephone, fax and minitel have a high impedance but some electronic POTS systems and ADSL-modems are better matched to the line. ii. The CP location is known in case bridged taps exist in the network. iii. a priori knowledge about the cable properties must be available. iv. Cable faults must be removed before applying SELT, because faults are not yet included in the models. The noise level identification at the CP side is not treated in this paper but the authors refer to [2, 5] 2 2.1 KEY WORDS Channel Estimation, System Capacity Analysis 1 Description of the approach Measurement Quantities at CO In order to determine the channel capacity of the Device Under Test (DUT), two loop properties have to be identified. Firstly, the end-to-end Power Transfer Function (PTF) in a predefined termination impedance, e.g. 100Ω for ADSL. Secondly, the Power Spectral Density (PSD) at the receiver must be measured or predicted. An estimation of the PTF should be obtained from a testhead independent quantity. This quantity must contain fundamental information about the loop but may not depend on the nature of the excitation signal - if one uses plain Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) then the trace depends on the shape of the injected pulse too. Possible information carrying quantities are: the one-port scattering parameter S11 (ω) or the input impedance Zin (ω) of the loop. The quantities are mostly represented in the frequency domain but their time domain versions are valid descriptions too. The one-port scattering parameter S11 (ω) was chosen for the description of the loop’s behavior and is defined as (see also figure 1): ¯ b(ω) ¯¯ S11 (ω) = (1) a(ω) ¯Zbase Introduction Operators today are performing loop qualification to provide, support and troubleshoot xDSL service. Up till now line testing happened by placing measurement equipment at the Central Office (CO) and the Customer Premises (CP) side. This requires an expensive truck roll at the CP location but the measurement is quite accurate. Recently, Single-Ended Line Testing (SELT) has become an new and interesting topic [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. The idea is to perform measurements at the Central Office only in order to obtain a reasonable estimate of the line quality. Therefore, the objectives of SELT are the prediction of the end-to-end transfer function of the loop, the knowledge of the loop topology (topography, line types and line lengths), the identification of the disturbers at the receiver and even cable fault detection is possible. Once the channel topology and disturbers are known, the capacity in bits/s (e.g. for ADSL or VDSL) can be predicted. SELT measurements can be performed by stand-alone equipment but it is commercially more interesting by letting the broadband modem itself do the tests. 422-039 Daniel Gardan Department of R&D/RTA Caractérisation du Réseau Cuivre, France Telecom, Avenue Pierre Marzin 2, 22307 Lannion Cedex - France, with a(ω) the incident voltage wave and b(ω) the reflected voltage wave both given in the base impedance Zbase and 393 a Zg E + - 4000 I1 s11(t) 100Ω s11(t) quasi−optimal s11(t) optimal 3500 ZL Loop V1 3000 2500 2000 b 1500 Figure 1. The input port of a subscriber line and the corresponding electrical quantities. 1000 500 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 time (us) S11 (ω) is related with the input impedance according to: Zin (ω) = V1 (ω) 1 + S11 (ω) = Zbase I1 (ω) 1 − S11 (ω) Figure 2. The impulse response of a 4km long 0,4mm polyethylene cable shown in different bases. (2) To stimulate the DUT, multi-tone signals are chosen as excitation signals for a number of reasons: 1. The measurement method should be able to be implemented on a Discrete Multi-Tone (DMT) modem, such as ADSL or VDSL. 2. The measurements take place on the networks of the operators. It is important that the power spectral density masks, as proposed by the standards, are not violated. 3. The measurement time can be strongly reduced because multi-tone signals probe the DUT over the complete frequency band. E.g. one ADSL DMT symbol can test the loop from 4.3125kHz up to 1.104MHz in about 232µs. This leaves enough room for a huge number of averages to be used for noise reduction purposes without making this measurement inherently slow. For the moment, S11 (ω) measurements are conducted after calibrating the analog front-end of the DMT modem. Basically, three S11 (ω) measurements are necessary to calculate a calibration data set and a very common choice is to use an open-ended, short-circuited and a loaded measurement port. Using these three measurements, a set of three frequency dependent coefficients can be calculated that allow the calibration correction of the the raw S11 (ω) measurement. In general, the linear distortion caused by the fixed front-end - the test leads and the test bus between the testhead and the DUT may be included too - can be removed. Measurement of the PSD at the measurement port is rather straightforward and does not require complicated calibration techniques. A table lookup method method allows for the compensation of the frequency response function from the input to the analog to digital converter. 2.2 as if the impulse response was obtained by an ideal measurement instrument matched to the line and placed at the calibration plane. In the second place, it will provide an estimate of the arrival time of the first significant reflection. In order to produce the deliverables, the preprocessor will tackle four problems: 1. The base impedance Zbase of the calibrated S11 (ω) is not suited for the visualization of s11 (t). The ideal base impedance is the characteristic impedance Zc (ω) of the first line segment of the loop. Identifying the input impedance of the loop with the characteristic impedance of a transmission line using the physical VUB-model [1, 9, 11] will be a sufficient approximation of the ideal base impedance. A simulation example is given in figure 2. It can be seen that the estimated base approaches very close the ideal base impedance. The advantage of using a parametric model is that no a priori knowledge is necessary of that first line segment. Existing methods [4] use a measured curve from a database of Zc (ω) curves but, the behavior of the characteristic impedance depends also on external influences such as temperature and aging. And last but not least, the properties of a twisted pair vary from pair to pair in the same cable due to the different twist rates used [10]. Therefore, a model based approach is more flexible to deal with these unforeseen impedance deviations. 2. The second action is the reduction of the oscillations in s11 (t) when applying the inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (iDFT) on the calibrated version of S11 (ω). Power regulations do not allow DC injection and high frequency excitation is regulated (E.g. ADSL regulations limit excitation above 1,104MHz) and even unnecessary due to the extremely high cable attenuation. So, a number of spectral lines (tones) of the excitation signal will not contain any imposed power and S11 (ω) is unpredictable at those spectral lines. Zeros substitution solves the problem but the frequency contents of S11 (ω) is windowed now. Application of an iDFT will cause oscillations in s11 (t) but these can be removed by applying a filter on S11 (ω) or by Pre-Processing The pre-processing will transform the obtained scattering parameter S11 (ω) into its time domain counterpart s11 (t) also called the impulse response of the DUT [10]. The preprocessor deliverables are in the first place to calculate a calibrated version of the impulse response. It is exactly 394 using a convolution of s11 (t) with a specialized function. Valid candidates are linear phase FIR filters and the Gauss function respectively. 3. The duration of the time window depends on the used tone spacing. This amounts to 232µs for DMT based test heads such as ADSL and VDSL. In most cases, the impulse response duration of the DUT is much longer than that so time aliasing will occur. It is also a task of the preprocessor to remove this time-alias from s11 (t). The time aliasing is clearly visible in figure 4 because the curves do not contain a flat baseline. The time-alias on s11 (t) can be sufficiently removed by fitting an exponential decaying function Ae−Bt on the last portion of the tail of the timealiased curve and next by subtracting the predicted alias from the aliased curve. 4. The last task of the preprocessor concerns the estimation of the duration of a neutral zone T0 which does not contain meaningful reflections as caused by cable junctions and line extremities. As shown before in figure 4, all reflections prior to 10µs are not related with real cable junctions but with connectors and local impedance nonhomogeneities of the cable. The knowledge of T0 will prevent the topology classification from using such false reflections. Two mechanisms are used to estimate T0 : i. Use of the equal-level impulse response s11,el (t); ii. The use of thresholds on s11,el (t). The equal-level impulse response s11,el (t) is obtained by multiplying the de-aliased impulse response with a time varying amplification factor λα (t). This factor is based on the magnitude behavior of the impulse response of a generic transmission line. If the time increases, the λ(t) increases as well so that the maximum of the impulse response of that generic line multiplied with λ(t) remains constant whatever the line length amounts to. In practice a relaxation factor α was foreseen for shorter loops because their reflections are in any case strong enough to reach above the irregular reflections. The preceding detection of shorter loops is possible when one looks at the amount of normalized reflected power or when the Root Mean Squares Error, which is obtained from approximating the input impedance of the loop with the physical model (see item 1), is large. A simple threshold mechanism applied on s11,el (t) is used to obtain T0 . 2.3 other which complicates the feature detection of each individual reflection. There exist some methods to separate reflections from each other, but none of them is suited for a separate loop identification because most existing methods [4, 13] use an embedded feature extraction, topology classification and identification method in contrast to our sequential approach. The iterative peak detection algorithm can be split up in three subparts: a. The extrema and inflection points of s11 (t) are detected; b. A numerical prediction of the tail of the first peak is made using a mathematical function; c. The overlapping part of the peak under study will be replaced with the in section b estimated continuation of that peak. A residual response can be calculated whereafter steps a, b and c can be repeated with this residual response. The iteration stops when the energy of the residue signal is below a predefined level. 2. Secondly, when the features of s11 (t) are known, a preliminary topology prediction is given using a probabilistic reasoning system. The supported topologies are (L, LL, LLL, LT L, LT T L, LT LT L) (3) with L an inline segment and T a tap. This system, which is called a belief network, uses Baye’s rule as the basic reasoning principle. So, the most likely topology T given the fact that one knows the features of the peaks F is obtained as follows: P (T |F ) = P (F |T ) · P (T ) P (F ) (4) The knowledge base P (F |T ) is inferred, by solving an optimization problem, from a user selected set of rules, e.g. P (positive first peak|second line segment not present) = 0.9 (5) Unconditional rules or facts also exists, e.g. if an operator does not have bridged taps in its access network then P (loops with taps) = 0. Two belief networks were designed. The first reasons on the signs of the peaks and the seconds one uses the positions of the peaks. A weighted average on the outcome of both networks produces the final topology estimation. 3. Thirdly, a Rule Based System (RBS) tries to interpret the previous topology prediction. It will provide the most logic topology with the corresponding values for the delays and line types of each line segment of the loop. In order to guarantee a valid result, a priori information about the cable network is used as much as possible. Important a priori information are the existence of taps in a network, the wire gauge order in cascaded networks, the line types used in the network etc. The RBS system is deterministic, because it is build on an elaborated set of deterministic rules. In the beginning, the RBS reasons on features and gradually it adds more physical reality until an s11 (t) curve is simulated for comparison with the real measured one. If an error is found then the solution will be improved or it will create of a new solution. Topology Classification As soon as the preprocessor delivers a de-aliased version of the impulse response s11 (t) and the accompanying estimation of the neutral zone T0 , a topology classification of the loop can take place. The goal of the classification is the provisioning of the frequency domain physical model of S11 (ω) and the corresponding starting values to be used in the loop identification procedure. The classification takes place in three phases and will be briefly outlined (a detailed discussion is found in [3]). 1. Firstly, the features of s11 (t) are detected. Important features are the start, maximum and end position of an observed reflection. In practice reflections overlap each 395 2.4 Loop Identification 1500 1000 The last important phase comprises the identification of the calibrated measurement S11 (ω) with a parametric model S11,m (ω, P), which is based on transmission line theory and twisted pair modelling. It is possible to construct such a model because the topology together with a set of initial values of the parameters P, which have been previously determined, are available. An S11 (ω) Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) [12] was constructed for the parameter identification (an in-dept description is found in [1]). The S11 (ω) estimator uses the VUB cable model [1, 9, 11]. This model is based on the geometric and the material properties of a 2-wire line. The model covers the skin-effect and the proximity effect in the behavior of the series-impedance of the (copper) conductors. The dielectric modelling is kept very simple because most lines use polyethylene as an insulation material. A Popular model such as the BT-model (British Telecom) [8] is not utilized, due to it’s unsound mathematical construction. The MLE was constructed using an output error model and this involves that the following cost function C needs to be minimized: C= N 2 X |S11 (ωk ) − S11,m (ωk , P)| k=1 σ 2 (ωk ) σ 2 (ωk ) ⊗ |W (ωk )| s11 [dimensionless] −500 −1000 −1500 −2000 −2500 −3000 0 5 10 15 20 25 length [km] Figure 3. The detected features of an LLL-loop (1200m1200m-2400m). 3 Measurement Results A measurement campaign was conducted on the cable plant of the R&D department of France Telecom (FT). Only loops which contain a cascade of line sections were selected, because the access network of FT does not has any taps. Moreover, the loops start at the CO with thin 0,4mm wires and as more sections are added the wire diameter increases. This information together with the knowledge of the frequency domain cable functions of each cable type, are used as a priori knowledge. Before the actual measurements are carried out, cable calibration data was collected. The propagation function γ(ω) and the characteristic impedance Zc (ω) of each possible cable type used in the network were measured. In fact, each pair in a cable bundle has slightly different characteristics. Therefore, an averaged value was taken over a few characteristic line pairs of that cable bundle. Three cable types were used in the test: a 0,4mm, 0,6mm and 0,8mm FT polyethylene insulated shielded twisted pair cable. An individual example illustrates the previously described processes. It represents an LLL-topology where a section of 1,2km 0,4mm cable is successively cascaded with a 1,2km long 0,6mm cable and a 2,4km long 0,8mm cable. The total loop length amounts to 4,8km. Figure 4 shows the aliased impulse respons s11 (t) in the estimated base impedance and the de-aliased impulse response. As one can see, de-aliasing is extremely necessarily especially when an equal level impulse response has to be derived from the former. The neutral zone T0 has been estimated using a threshold level on s11,el (t) and its value is close enough to the real delay of the first meaningful reflection (see figure 5). The value of T0 has not been affected by the irregular reflections which are present in the beginning of s11 (t). The feature extraction results are depicted in figure 3. Three significant reflections are found. Starting from an uniform distribution, the belief network infers an LLLtopology with a probability of 57% (18% for an LL- and (6) N 2 X |S11 (ωk ) ⊗ W (ωk ) − S11,m (ωk , P) ⊗ W (ωk )| k=1 Peak Start Peak Extremum Peak End 0 with σ 2 (ωk ) the variance of the measured S11 (ω) at the angular frequency ωk . For loops longer than 2km, impedance irregularities coming from the local non-homogeneities and connectors disturb S11 (ω) in the complete frequency band. These disturbing effects are removed by using a time window on s11 (t) and hence S11 (ω) needs to be convolved with the Fourier transform W (ω) of that window. In this case the cost function becomes: C= s11(t) 500 2 (7) A Levenberg-Marquardt cost function minimizer is used. It combines the Gauss-Newton and gradient-descent procedures in a intelligent way [12]. 2.5 Channel Capacity Prediction Knowing the loop topology is of great importance for an operator to test, pre-qualify, debug and maintain a loop [7]. If the PSD of the noise at the receiver side is known, using a direct measurement or an estimation of the PSD, then in addition a bitrate prediction is possible. In order to obtain the theoretical channel capacity, Shannon’s capacity formula can be used. If a bitrate prediction is required that is connected with the used modem technology such as ADSL or VDSL, then one has to take the filtering, bit-loading, ADC-resolution, used tones etc. into account. For some non-standardized parts of a modem particular information is required from the manufacturer. 396 5000 500 4000 0 measurement model initial model 3000 −500 2000 −1000 s11 s11(t) 1000 −1500 0 Time Aliased s11 Time Alias Fit interval De−Aliased s11 −1000 −2000 −2000 −2500 −3000 −3000 −4000 0 50 100 150 200 20 250 30 40 50 60 Time [µs] 70 t [µs] 80 90 100 110 120 Figure 6. The approximation of the measurement s11 (t) (dots) with the model (solid). The identification starts with the initial model(dash) as produced by the RBS. Figure 4. The time aliased and de-aliased impulse response of an LLL-loop. −3 8 x 10 Loop Power Transfer Fuction -20 6 Predicted Exact -30 Delay = 10.8µs 4 [dB] -40 -50 2 s11,el(t) -60 0 -70 0 50 100 150 200 250 f [kHz] 300 350 400 450 500 −2 -0.1 Error −4 -0.2 −6 [dB] -0.3 −8 −10 -0.4 -0.5 0 50 100 150 200 250 time [µs] 0 50 100 150 200 250 f [kHz] 300 350 400 450 500 Figure 5. The equal level impulse response of an LLL-loop. The first line segment is 1200m long. Figure 7. The measured and the predicted Power Transfer Function of the LLL-loop (1200m-1200m-2400m). 25% for an L-topology) and the RBS was able to explain all the detected features that are connected with this LLLtopology. The loop identification needed about 13 iterations to minimize the cost function (7). The time domain result is shown in figure 6. The approximation of the s11 (t) measurement with the model is very good. Modelling errors still exist, but this is explained by the individual pair difference with respect to the averaged cable calibration data. This difference will always be present because the pairs in a cable are not exactly the same. Finally a comparison was made between the measured end-to-end power transfer function and the predicted one. The deviation is below 0,5dB in a frequency band from 4kHz-500kHz. More topology configurations were tried out and the results are given in table 1. The symbols indicated with ’ˆ’ represent the estimates and BR means the downstream bi- trate of the channel when a flat noise level of -130dBm/Hz is used. The bitrate is obtained using a frequency band from 138kHz (tone No. 32) up to 500kHz (tone No. 115). The amount of transmitted information bits above 500kHz is rather limited, so in this high frequency region no power transfer function measurements were carried out. Inspection of table 1 shows that the overall performance is very good. L- and LL-loops can be identified without problems. For LLL-loops, the length of the first line segment is of overriding importance for the correct topology prediction. This is caused by the high attenuation and dispersion of the 0,4mm cable. It really smears out and covers all reflection information in s11 (t). However, even when missing the correct topology, the systems still succeeds in providing a reasonable estimate of the total loop length and bitrate prediction. 397 [3] T. Vermeiren, T. Bostoen, F. Louage, P. Boets and X. O. Chehab, ”Subscriber Loop Topology Classification by means of Time Domain Reflectometry”, IEEE International Conference on Communications, Anchorage USA, 11-15 May, 2003 Table 1. Measurement results obtained from the France Telecom cable plant. topo L L L L L LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL 4 L1 L̂1 L2 L̂2 L3 L̂3 Ltot L̂tot [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] Ltot error [%] BR error [%] 600 1200 2400 3600 4800 300 300 1200 1200 1200 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 600 600 1200 1200 1200 1200 2400 2400 3600 3600 608 1212 2404 3583 4761 297 235 1191 1203 1164 2344 2368 2378 2389 2403 598 600 1200 1203 1200 1203 2366 2333 3538 - 1259 1281 1299 2437 1316 2435 - 600 1200 2400 3600 4800 1500 2700 2400 3600 1500 2700 3000 3600 4800 6000 2100 2400 3000 4200 3600 4800 4800 4200 5400 6000 608 1212 2404 3583 4761 1506 2716 2413 3581 1518 2711 2998 3591 4766 5909 2112 2410 3008 4183 3594 4760 4738 4156 5340 - 1,3 1,0 0,2 -0,5 -0,8 0,4 0,6 0,5 -0,5 1,2 0,4 -0,1 -0,3 -0,7 -1,5 0,6 0,4 0,3 -0,4 -0,2 -0,8 -1,3 -1,0 -1,1 - 0.05 0.25 0.5 1.5 5.3 0.3 0.8 0.6 0.95 0,0 0.21 0.24 0.15 0.5 3,3 0.8 0.9 1.4 2.7 0.5 1.3 15,0 12,0 17,0 - 1200 2400 1200 2400 300 300 600 1200 2400 3600 300 600 600 600 1200 1200 1200 600 600 1200 1209 2481 1222 2378 354 367 630 1213 2377 3506 255 529 509 543 1078 1122 2372 1823 1802 - 1200 1200 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 1200 1200 1200 [4] S. Galli and D.L. Waring, ”Loop Makeup Identification Via Single Ended Testing: Beyond Mere Loop Qualification”, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communication-Twisted Pair Transmission, Vol. 20, No. 5, june 2002, pp923-935 [5] S. Galli, C. Valenti, K. Kerpez, ”A Frequency-Domain Approach to Crosstalk Identification in DSL Systems” , IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Multiuser Detection Techniques with Application to Wired and Wireless Communications Systems (Part I), vol.19, no.8, August 2001. [6] D.L. Waring, S. Galli, K. Kerpez and C.F. Valenti , ”Analysis Techniques for Loop Qualification and Spectrum Managment”, International Wire and Cable Symposium, IWCS2000, Atlantic City, USA, 13-16 Nov., 2000 Conclusion A white box model based approach for single-ended line testing is proposed. The model is based on a parametric physical line model to fully describe a line segment and transmission line theory to make up a frequency domain model of the one-port scattering parameter of the complete loop. Single-ended line measurements using discrete multi tones are pre-processed and produce a calibrated version of the impulse response of the loop. It was demonstrated that the visualization in an estimated base impedance reveals the reflection information, even if the loops are a few km long. The loop is identified in the frequency domain and the geometric topology and corresponding initial parameters values of each line segment is provided by a deterministic rule based system. The proposed approach is demonstrated using lab measurements carried out on cables as used in the access network of France Telecom. Good topology predictions have been obtained for cascaded networks. [7] P. Melsa and K. Jacobsen , ”Single-Ended Loop Testing (SELT) Expectations and Realities”, march 2003, [8] ANSI T1.413 Issue2 1998, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Metallic Interface [9] P. Boets, ”Frequency Identification of Transmission Lines from Time Domain Measurements”, Ph.D. Thesis, june 1997, Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium [10] P. Boets, T. Bostoen, L. Van Biesen and T. Pollet, Measurement, ”Calibration and Pre-Processing of Signals for Single-Ended Subscriber Line Identification”, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Vail, Colorado, USA, 20-22 May, 2003 [11] P. Boets, M. Zekri, L. Van Biesen, ”On the Identification of Cables for Metallic Acces Networks”, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 21-23 May, 2001 References [1] T. Bostoen, P. Boets, M. Zekri, L. Van Biesen, T. Pollet, and D. Rabijns, ”Estimation of the Transfer Function of the Access Network by means of 1-Port Scattering Parameter Measurements at the Central Office”, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communication-Twisted Pair Transmission, Vol. 20, No. 5, june 2002, pp936948 [12] R. Pintelon and J. Schoukens, ”System Identification, a Frequency Domain Approach”, IEEE PRESS, New York, 2001 [13] J. J. Yoho, ”Physically-Based Realizable Modelling and Network Synthesis of Subscriber Loops Utilized in DSL Technology”, Ph.D. Thesis, october 2001, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA [2] T. Bostoen, M. La Fauci, M. Luise and P. Boets , ”Disturber Identification for Single-Ended Line Testing (SELT)”, IASTED International Conference on Communications, Internet and Information Technology (CIIT 2003),Scottsdale, AZ, USA, 17-19 November, 2003 398