Useful Websites victorian_britain/ materials/ Can you... Discuss the adjectives that describe the settings and characters of your favourite stories of television programmes Make a list of all of the different types of materials that you can find around the home. Practise your 2, 3,4, 5, and 10 times tables. This term, Year 3 will be covering a range of text types in Literacy: Stories with a familiar setting; Dialogue and plays and Non-fiction reports In Numeracy, the children will cover place value, calculating mentally, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 times tables, 2D and 3D shape, handling data, measures, time and fractions. Our topic based lessons will be The Victorians and Healthy, Wealthy and Wise. To help your child with their Literacy work this term you could: Read a variety of story books and question your child about the setting. Practise finding more powerful adjectives to use in their writing—e.g. What is a better describing word to use instead of big? This term we will be reading extracts from the stories below. Perhaps you could find these books (or stories like them) in your local library and read them together? Stories Set with a familiar setting: Voices in the Park by Anthony Browne If you like these, you could read: The Tunnel by Anthony Browne Our topic for this term is on The Victorians. We will base our history lessons around the time of the Victorians we will learn about their life and pass times, we will explore Victorian artefacts and have a themed day where the children will experience what it would have been like growing up in this time period. Dialogue and plays: The Torch by Michael Rosen Mr. Majeika by Humphrey Carpenter The Postbox by Robert Swindells If you like these, you could read: The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy Authors and Letters: The Jolly Postman By Allan Ahlberg Burglar Bill by Allan Ahlberg Funny Bones by Allan Ahlberg Non Fiction reports on the Rainforest You could also read: The Usborne Nature Book of Insects To help your child with their Numeracy work this term you could: Practise times tables AND division facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 times tables. Identify fractions (halves, quarters and thirds) of things at home— e.g. Sweets, chocolate, pizza! Practise mental doubling, halving, addition and subtraction of twodigit numbers, addition and subtraction facts involving multiples of 10. Explore measuring lengths and weights of objects. Read the time from digital and analogue clocks. We will be learning about the properties of materials. We investigate the best material to use for different situations and provide reasons. We will be learning how to carry out investigations and understand the concept of fair testing. We will have two hours of P.E. lessons a week this term as well as our swimming lessons at the Gayton pool for half an hour a week. Our topics for P.E this term will be Striking and Fielding and Invasion games, where the children will be required to wear suitable kit for the outdoor weather. This will include trainers and a separate jumper or zip up top if the weather is cold. Our other P.E topics will be Fitness & Agility and Gymnastics where they will need their indoor kit. Children will need to remember to pack a towel, swimsuit/ swimming trunks and a swimming hat. Goggles are optional. You should have a timetable informing you of the days your child has swimming and PE lessons.