Kingfisher Moorhen Heron Swan Dear Parents and Carers What fun this half term has in store! During this term, the pupils will be learning about World War 1 and in particular, the Home Front life for children in England whilst we were at war in mainland Europe. For more information see the curriculum map overleaf. As part of this learning, we will be making a World War 1 museum collaboratively with Year 6 who will focus on life in the trenches. Work from across the whole curriculum will be added to the project. More information about when adults can come and visit the museum will follow. P.E. and Games Kingfisher: Monday/Tuesday/Thursday Swan: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday Moorhen: Monday/Wednesday/Thursday Heron: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday Please ensure your child’s kit is in school at all times as P.E. is an important part of every child’s development. Supporting your child at home One of the greatest ways you can support your child at home is to encourage them to read as much as possible. This could include a range of materials including storybooks, information books and magazines etc. Children have brought home forty spellings as part of a spelling bee. They have been tested on these words and their scores recorded. th They will complete the test again during the week beginning 5 December. For each extra spelling they spell correctly, they will receive a raffle ticket. Help her children succeed by testing them at home and learning the spellings they are insecure with. Please encourage them to practice their times tables. This is still a very important skill and one that will support them in a range of mathematical areas, in particular their mental maths. Educational websites are also valuable reading material and can support them in their homework. Two particularly good sites are: Home Learning In Year 5, we will set home learning log tasks on a Friday, to be completed by the Wednesday the week following. Maths home tasks will be set on a Friday and will be expected to be completed by the following Wednesday. Please encourage your children to hand in their work on time so it can be marked ready for books to be given out on the Friday again. Remember to log onto Active Learn (your child will know their log in details) to complete extra maths homework tasks and games. You will also find a parent section where there are useful videos about how to help your child at home. Talking to your class teacher If you wish to talk to your class teacher, do not hesitate to pop in after school to see them, either for a quick chat or to arrange a time when they can meet with you for a longer talk. Your children are our primary concern and we welcome you into school to work together to ensure their progress, both academically and personally. Thank you for your on-going support. Mrs Cooke and the Year 5 Team Year Five Autumn 2014 ENGLISH Throughout the term, children will be studying Private Peaceful and a range of poetry from WW1. This study will lead to them writing a bank of letters, poetry and explanations for our WW1 museum that we are making collaboratively with Y6. Children will also be studying War Games in Guided Reading. MUSIC In music sessions, children will be learning Christmas songs in German and sign language as well as traditional carols. TOPIC (History) World War 1 is our focus this half term, in particular the lives of children and the Home Front. Children will be learning about this important part of our history through historical enquiry, role play and from visitors into school. I.C.T. Children will be using computer programs to research and emulate how people would communicate during war time, with emphasis on Morse Code and semaphores. ART Pupils will be taught art by Miss M Cross and study poppies in detail and will be making a Year 5 poppy sculpture for our museum. SCIENCE Through exploratory work and research, children will be testing materials for characteristics, with a view to deciding which materials would be appropriate for uses during WW1 P.E. and GAMES The children will challenge themselves in a range of gymnastic activities and also develop their skills in net wall ball games. MATHS The children will continue to build on their mathematical understanding. There will be opportunities for children to apply their skills through creative maths. When they design and make their own WW1 uniform. RE The children will study the new testament in some detail and then focus on Christmas celebrations during WW1. DT During ‘Choice Week’, children will be choosing to sew, cook, make medals or fill Christmas boxes. SPANISH Children will be taught conversational Spanish by Miss Paniecia and will learn all about the culture of this fascinating country.