Purdue University Purdue e-Pubs International Compressor Engineering Conference School of Mechanical Engineering 1992 Induction Motor Modeling Using Coupled Magnetic Field and Electric Circuit Equations L. W. Marriott Tecumseh Products Research Laboratory G. C. Griner Tecumseh Products Research Laboratory Follow this and additional works at: http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/icec Marriott, L. W. and Griner, G. C., "Induction Motor Modeling Using Coupled Magnetic Field and Electric Circuit Equations" (1992). International Compressor Engineering Conference. Paper 939. http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/icec/939 This document has been made available through Purdue e-Pubs, a service of the Purdue University Libraries. Please contact epubs@purdue.edu for additional information. Complete proceedings may be acquired in print and on CD-ROM directly from the Ray W. Herrick Laboratories at https://engineering.purdue.edu/ Herrick/Events/orderlit.html INDUCTION MOTQR MODELING USING COUPLED MAGNETIC FIELD AND ELECTRIC CIRCUIT EQUATIONS Lee W. Marriott Glenn C. Griner Tecums eh Products Research Laboratory 3869 Research Park Drive Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 (313) 665·918 2 ABSTR ACT Traditional design/prototype/test cycles have improved the efficien cies of small induction motors to high levels. To achieve still higher efficien cies, motor performance must be studied in a more detailed and integrated manner. The authors present a nonlinear, time-dependent comput er simulaton modeling the perform ance of a permanent-splitcapacito r induction motor. The effects of nonlinear permeability and time varying terminal voltages are included in the model. Two-dimensional finite element magneti c field equations are coupled with the electri~: circuit equations and solved using the Newton-Raphson and Crank-Nicholson methods. The simulation predicts main and aWJ;iliary winding cur· rents, induced rotor currents, hysteresis losses and motor torque as functions of time. Due to the detailed nature of the results a deeper understanding of motor perfonn ance factors, normally difficult to determine, can be obtained. INTRODUCTION Induction motor design involves the prediction and evaluation of perform ance parameters such as torque, line current and losses at any given slip and tennina l conditions. These parameters can be accurately determined only with knowled ge of the magnet ic field distribution within the machine. Approximate analytical method s [I] have been used in the past with some success. Continu ed pressure to conserve energy dictates improve d motor performance. This requires an even more detailed knowled ge of the magnetic fields occurring within motors. Two-dimensional statioruu:y magneti c field problem s have been investigated by many authors [2,3]. The nonline ar penneab ility or saturation characteristics of steel require iterative methods for the solution of these problems. Tandon , Armor and Chari [4] were first to combin e the Newton · Rapbson techniqu e with the CrankNicholson central difference scheme to solve transient field problem s in electric al machines. The disadvantage of these methods is that they rely on apriori knowled ge of the c~ts or current densitie s in the device. The problem is much more complicated when current densitie s are unknow n and terminal conditions must be considered. Potter and Cambrell [S] combin ed a twe>dimensional finite element field solution and circuit equation s to simulat e an indu~:tion motor. In their work the stator field was rq>laced with a current sbeet at slip ftequency. Strangas and Theis [6] also combin ed the finite element field solution with circuit equations to model a shaded-pole motor. Their approach used a time-de pendent grid for rotor movement. This paper expands the above techniq ues to model a pennanent-splitA capacito r induction motor. The two-dimensional magnetic field equatio ns are combin ed with electric circuit equations describing end and elCtemal effects. The partial derivatives 1445 is solved by the of the combine d system of equations fonn a Jacobian matrix which step is obtained time each at um Equilibri step. time each for method Newton. Raphson equation s are satiswhen the derivatives of the tirne.dependent nonlinea r magnetic field s appearin g as fied. The electric circuit equation s are lincaron iinary differential equation the updating by time through s advance solution The constant s in the Jacobian matrix. hand side. The time depende nt terms of the Jacobian matrix and correspo nding right R:quircs an inversion Crank-N icholson finite difference method, being an implicit method, out by a comto solve for the unknown s in the next time step. This inversion is carried solver. equation linear " "sky-line plex math MAGNE TIC FIELD EQUAT IONS 's equation s The solution of the magnetic field problem is based on three of Maxwell current ment displace ng Neglecti laws. ive constitut and the magnetic and electric field these equation s are: (I) VxH=I VxE =- iJB (2) dl V•B =0 H=vB J =aE (3) (4) (5) is electric field intenWhere H is magnetic field intensity, B is magnetic flux density, E vity. sity, 1 is current density, v is reluctivity and a is an effective conducti hip is satisA vector potential function A is chosen such that the following relations fied: (6) of the scalar voltCombini ng equation s (I ) through (6) and introducing the gradient : age as shown in (12], yields the time-dependent magnetic field equation · ilA Vx(vVx A)=-cr ar -crVV (7) FINITE ELEMEN T APPROX IMATIO N OF THE MAGNE TIC FIELD field equaThe finite element method was employe d to approximate ~he magnetic the earliest magnetic s tions. Many authors have contributed to this methodology. Some of of the method is that work is attributed to Silvester and Chari l2]. The basic assumpti on a linear combina tion the vector potential within a finite element can be approxim ated by : of shape functions (8) element. Example s of Where N; are shape functions and n is the number of nodes in the Bathe [8]. Using or [7) icz Zienkiew of books text shape functions may be found in the assemble d finite the l, functiona energy the of tion minimiza the and ation approxim this element magnetic field equation s become: l446 Whe n: 1T 1 is the global cond uctiv ity matrix, A is the global vecto r of vecto r potentials, dA is a vecto r of time deriv ative s of A, s (A ) is a nonli near global coeff dt icien t matrix, INw J is a matrix of weig hting facto rs which distri bute and conv ert coil volta ges into element nodal CUil'Cnt densities, v w is the appli ed volta ge across a lengt h of coil lying within the lamination stack , [ Nb] is a matri x of weig hting factors whic h distri bute and conv ert rotor bar volta ges into elem ent noda l cune nt densi ties and V b is the appli ed volta ge acros s a rotor bar length. The matrices and vecto rs given abov e are comp rised of an assemb ly of elem ent matrices, the detai ls of whic h can be found in refer ence [ 12]. ELECTRIC CIRCUIT EQU ATIO NS The electric circu it is chara cteriz ed by two linea r differential equa tions . The first equa tion sums the voltages along a rotor bar or coil and can be written as: (10) Whe re I is the current, V is volta ge and R is a bar duced volta ge along a length of a coil or rotor bar is: or effective coil resistance. The in· {II) Substitution ofthe induced volta ge (II) into equa tion (10), divid ing throu gh by the resistance and introducing t~ as a vecto r of noda l vecto r potential time deriv ative s yield s a first order differential equa tion whic h is coup led to the magnetic field equa tion (9). aat - IN I A + GA., L v - n I 'ii = 0 (12) Wher e IN I is a matrix of Newt on-C otes integration factors, Ac is the area ofa cond uctor , L is the length of the cond uctor s, n is the numb er of cond uctor s and ii is a curre nt direc tion vecto r for the winding. It shou ld be noted that this equation is depe nden t on the solution of the magn etic field equa tions for the value s of t~ and assum es that the appli ed volta ge V is unifo rm acros s a coil or a rotor bar. The secon d equation is based on Kirch hotfs law as appli ed to a winding: l:nv ii+IR e +Le ~~ + ~""' Jldt = Vr (t) (13) Wher e n is the numb er of cond uctor s, V is the individual coil voltage, Re is the end resistan ce, Le is the end inductance, C~ is the external capacitance, ii is a direc tion vector, v rU) is the time- depe nden t tenni nal voltage and r is a summ ation over the numb er of coils contributing to a wind ing. Notic e that this equa tion is coup led to the first circu it equation (12) but does not directly influe nce the magn etic field equa tions . Note also that any other extem al impe danc es in serie s with the wind ing could be add~ to equa tion ( 13 ). Equations simil iarto equa tions (12 and 13) can also be written for the rotor. Usin g the !44 7 curre nts and Strangas and Theis [6), rotor end ring method of rotor representation used by nts are curre bar r Roto nts. cwre bar voltages and voltages are solved for rather than rotor nts. curre ring end priate appro the then computed by summation of CRA NK-N ICHO LSO N METHOD rically stable implicit central-difference The Crank-Nicholson method [9] is a nume is: scheme in which the basic asswnption (14) I) (14) for the present (n) and future (n + Combining equations (9), (12), (13) and ric elect and field etic magn rence coup led finite diffe time steps as show n in (12) yields the circuit system of equations: ~~ ITl]A n] -INw I v,t' -[Nb]vbn itaf:NJ]TA n- "':: V n +nl n n [-[ S (Al+ (IS) £I· +l+ Vn+ .l!ll i=l ..Le +-A L)tn +vn -nvn n-(R e+.1 C., T T 2Ca~ 6t 1 NEW TON - RAPHSON METHOD tions x., the finite difference system of equa Due to the nonlinearity of the v[S I matri tonNew the as such ique solution techn must be solved using a nonlinear equation each time n method is used to find equilibrium at Raphson method. The Newton-Raphso : tions wing equa step. The method is shown in the follo L~a~r J{AV ar)., {-'1') (16a) {Var };+l :{Va d;+{ AVa r} (l6b) a:ar J is the assem bled ous equation to be solved , [ a Where I'I' J is the nonlinear homogene I Var) ; algebraic manipulation of equation ( 15), Jacob•an matrix rendered symmetric by r of soluprevious iteration, { V,u} i+ 1is a vecto is a vector of solution variables from the s. {A v;~r) is a vecto r of cone ction tion variables at the new iteration and ian repeated inversion of the nonlinear Jacob The Newton-Raphson method requires r was solve ine" "skyl math lex comp a ite, matrix. Since the Jacobian is not positive defin .11r is solved for and used to update the the A v used for inversion. During each iteration bles. varia own unkn prediction for the 1448 TO RQ UE Mo tor torq ue com put atio n usin g finite elem ent met hod s com mo nly relies eith er on the use of the Ma xwe ll stre ss ten sor or the virtual wo rk principle. The stre ss ten od requires sev era l laye rs sor met hof air gap elem ent s in ord er to obt ain acc ura te val ues of gen tial flux density. The virt the tanual wor k imp lem enta tion nor mal ly req uire s two fini elem ent solutions who se mes te hes are disp lace d a small rota tion from eac h other. A mo eleg ant virtual wo rk met hod re was dev elo ped by Cou lom b and Me ine r [10]. The ir requires only a sing le lay er met hod of elem ent s in the air gap and one finite elem ent solu tion at eac h tim e step. The mag net ic ene rgy exp ress ion is diff eren tiat ed mat hem atic ally spe ct to rotation bef ore inte wit h regration ove r the solu tion spa ce and results in the followi equation for the torq ue con ng tribution per unit dep th of eac h virtually dist orte d elem the air gap: ent in Te:-va[B-t /e[~, ~Ai]+By /aL~, :]]Ae-(~· )[f,~ dj~ 1 ]Ae (17) Wh ere Va is the reluctivity of air, Bx . By are the X and y flux densities, a is ang ula . , B 2 · fl d r rotatiOn . squ d, ts ux ens tty . th are A e ts eI dN; e eme nt area, dN; denv . . dY , dX are attv es o f the sha pe functions Ni , A; are nodal vec tor pot enti als and n is the num ber of nod es in the element. Additional details of the met hod can be found in [10) and [12). RE SU LTS Tra nsf onn er For thre e reasons a tran sfo nne r was sele cted as a mo del to test the com put er sim lation. First, a tran sfo nne ur is simi liar to an ind ucti on mo tor at standstill. The refo gen erat ed cod e wou ld be dire re the ctly app lica ble to a motor. Sec ond , an isolation tran sfo of kno wn con truc tion deta rme r ils was available for exp erim enta l verification. Third, form er lend s itse lf to a sim the tran sple mes h whi ch can be eas ily mo difi ed or refi ned as The tran stbr rne r was a 1.2 required. KVA, 120 Vac , 60 hertz mo del wit h a turns ratio of 1.1 (sec ond ary to prim ary ) and con stru cted of Arn old Tec hno log ies, Inc. M-2 2 steel. poi nts for the steel wer e sele B-H cted from a pub lish ed cur ve and a v-v ersu s-B 2 cur ve usin g cubic spli nes [II] . The was fit finite elem ent grid for one -qu arte r of the tran sfo nne sist ed of2 16 triangles and r con 125 nod es and the time step use d was one -six tiet h of a App rox ima tion s for the end sec ond . leak age reac tanc es wer e obt aine d from no- load and sho sec ond ary tests. The tran sfor rted mer mo del was test ed und er thre e conditions: at no- load with sec ond ary win din g ope (i.e., n-c ircu ited ) for com put atio n of the mag net izin g current; wit sho rted -sec ond ary to pre dict h ind uce d vol tage s and curren ts; and wit h a purely cap acit sec ond ary load. A ram ped ive sinu soid al vol tage was app lied to the mo del to min imi ze startup transient oft he solu the tion, pen nitt ing stea dy stat e to be ach iev ed in abo ut 2-11 trical cycles. Figure I sho 2 elec ws stea dy- stat e com put ed and exp erim enta l results for netizing cur ren t of the tran the mag sformer. Differences in the cur ren t wav efo rms are due hysteresis effects whi ch are to not modeled. The exp erim ent al and calc ulat ed RM S mag net izm g cur ren t are 0.8 valu es of 4 and 0.73 amp s, respectively . In the sho rted -sec ond ary vol tage of3 .87 volts RM S test, a was app lied . Th e exp erim enta l prim ary and sec ond ary are 11.5 and I 0.6 amp s; calc cur ren ts ula ted valu es are 11.5 and l 0.4 amp s. The se resu lts stra te that the met hod of calc dem onulat ing induced vol tage s and cur ren ts is valid. 1449 were obtained using a capacitive secThe most interesting results on the transfonner 3 show the primary and secondary currents ondary load of25 microfarads. Figures 2 and nic caused by resonance occurs in the hanno d secon for the transfonner. A pronounced isingly, secondary current remains essenprimary current and is properly modeled. Surpr ary of the experimental and modeled summ A tially sinusoidal and is also modeled well. is given in Table 1. results for the transfonner for the three load cases Table 1. Tran sform er- Thre e Load Cases Load Condition Input Voltage (Volts) RMS Output Voltage (Volts) RMS Current (Amps) Predicted Mcasi,II"ed Prim Se~;. Prim. Sec. Predicted Measured No Load 120 0.84 . 0.73 . 131.9 132 Shorted Sec. 3.87 11.5 10.6 11.5 10.4 - . 25 MfdCap. 120 0.83 1.24 0.83 1.25 130 132 AC Induction Moto r- Locked Rotor was also modeled. The stator has 24 A two-pole pennanent-split-capacitor motor osed of34 64 triangles and 1761 comp grid slots and the rotor 34 bars. A finite element was again a ramped sine wave l mode the for input The l. nodes was used for the mode outline of the motor lamination An d. voltage with time steps of one-sixtieth of a secon n in Figure 4. For reference, the show is lines) (flux urs and resulting vecto r potential conto ary winding axis along the auxili and the main winding axis is located along the horizontal in time for the locked rot instan one at n show vertical. The vector potential contours are ical cycle woul d show the contours rotattor condition. A series of figures over one electr revolves within the motor. The· field ing and changing in magnitude as the magnetic currents and currents induced in ing wind both of ant result the plotted vector potential is the rotor. AC Induction Moto r- Movjn~ Rotor on of a time-dependent mesh to The final step·in code development was the creati nected to the stator through the airrecon ly atical autom be permit the rotor to rotate and to ng in their own coordinate system, it is ungap mesh. Because the rotor nodes are movi tion (8) with this technique. The solution Equa to necessary to add the speed voltage tenn much bookkeeping. At each time step the procedure is conceptually simple but involves angle, the airgap elements between the small a nodes in the rotor are incremented through idth minimized, electric circuit equations . stator and rotor reconnected, the model bandw iteration perfonned. Much smaller time added to the matrices and a Newton-Raphson motor at locked rotor conditions. Steps or onner steps were required than for the transf es were required both for computational stacorresponding to one or two mechanical degre The mesh, nodal results (i.e., vector bility and for sufficient definition in plotted results. s windings and winding and roacros es voltag ), atives potential and vector potential deriv state is reached are saved for post-processing. torbar currents at each time step after steady 1450 It is again noted that the solution of equation (15) is time-dependent in nature and several electrical cycles must be solved to allow any startup trans-ients to die out. Our procedure was to set rotor rotation at the desir ed speed and then apply a ramped sinusoidal · voltage to the motor windings for the first two or three electrical line cycles. Seven to ten . additional line cycles were then required to reach a quasi-steady state solution; that is, where each succeeding cycle was approxima tely the same as the previous cycle. Cycl es will not repeat exactly due to motor slip when running at other than synchronous speed. Post-processing for each time step consists of calculation of the magnetic field intensity, eddy currents in rotor bars, moto r torqu e and an instantaneous powe r balance for the motor. The power balance includes the rate of change of magnetic energy the finite elements, the rates of change of energy in circuit inductances and capacitor, winding 1squared-R losses and eddy current losses in rotorbars, the sum of which must equal the instantaneous input line power. Powe r balan ces within a few percent were achieved. Motor torque at each time step is computed using the virtual work principle described previously. In contrast to Strangas and Theis [6], who used an airgap mesh composed of elements which could stretch elasti cally, the authors found it necessary to "lockstep" the rotor to prevent element disto rtion during rotation. Element distortion drastically affects the magnetic energy in the element as the element area changes and prevents accurnte torque calculation. The "lock stepping" technique consists of meshing the airgap with uniform elements and rotating the mesh an integral numb er of airgap elem ents at each time step. in Calculated results from the model are instan taneous values of flux density, rotor bar currents, torques, line, main and auxiliary currents and voltages, and many others. Air gap flux densities can be plotted to check winding distributions, torques examined for alternating components, eddy current losses checked in rotor bars, etc. A plot of input power and motor output torque is shown in Figur e 5 which clearly shows the alternating torque characteristic of single-phase moto rs. Table 2 shows representative time-avera ged results together with dynamometer data wher e available. Tabl e 2. PSC lndq ction Mot or- 230 Vac Line Volts 3600R PM 3500 RPM 2900 RPM Locked Rotor (Synchronous} (Full Load} {Breakdown.) Measured Predicted Measured Predic ted Measured Predicted Measured Predic ted Torqu e• ·2.1 -2.1 67 67 158 156 13-15 11.7 Line Amps 1.26 1.36 10.2 10.3 41.9 58-62 60.2 Line Watts 172 150 2,363 2,365 8,113 8,521 Main Amps 5.07 5.14 8.1 8.1 . 41.8 62.7 Main Watts ·690 -711 1,575 1,561 7,711 8,466 Awe Amps 5.02 5.24 4.4 4.6 2.87 3.23 333 Aux Watts 860 861 794 804 402 55 Aux Volts 280 257 262 141 23 Cap. Volts 377 397 333 343 214 245 250 *Torq ue m Ounce-Feet ( 11.8 oz-ft = I nt-m} - - 1451 - - - - reactances such as The modeling technique inherently accounts for motor leakage must be included in which , leakage skew or end not but [I], s leakage slot, belt and zig-zag model, but are the in d include ely separat the circuit equations. Iron losses must also be quantities. field ic magnet the of dge knowle te comple more the easier to estimate with ons made to correcti and red Friction and windage losses must also be separately conside calculated currents. CONCLUSIONS al finite element a~ A method of modeling magnetic devices using a tw~dimension finite element The ed. develop been has ns proach coupled with electric circuit equatio and the circuit device the within solution field ic magnet rying time-va solution yields the governing equaThe ts. elemen circuit l equations account for both end effects and externa rying tennitime-va be to ns functio forcing the allows that form tions have been cast in a device, but entire the for s solution nal voltages. Results give not only the magnetic field techsolution the of result r Anothe tors. conduc in s current also permit calculation of eddy element of the mesh. every in ted calcula is n variatio density flux ic magnet that is nique core losses to be esti· Both major and minor flux reversals are modeled which permits a pennanent-splitand orrner a'transf for results ed predict and ental mated. Experim have been presented. rotor moving with and capacitor induction motor both at standstill cases. all in ent agreem nt excelle in are ent The model and experim "..," CALCUL.O.TEO CURRENT S:)(P~RIME.NTAL ~ C\JRRENi 3 "" "" Qe 5 0 HME 10 0 (m'!l"e) 20 0 time. Figure 1. Transformer input voltage and magnetizing current versus ~~o.-o------~s~.o-------,~o~o~----~,~5~0~--~l~O~o ft!JE (l'l~•d or). Figure 2. Transformer primary current versus time (25 MFD Capacit 1452 Q i 5. 0 TIME 10 a 20. 0 (mn~::) Figure 3. Transformer secondary current versus time (25 MFD Capacitor). V!:CT~ ~Q"f'urr:r~ - · 0.0071.114 .. I !111011~5 0 00~ ~. 110:17!! O.ll.:'l:;;t_, o.atnl5 I;; " ...O,Q!JI;I= -o. 1:111:.=1 -C1 CIO:I7! ....C,0(15 K -o.IJOU5 llltll~-0(1?'11114 Figure 4. PSC induction motor vector potential contour plot. Figure 5. Calculated torque and power input for PSC inducti on motor_ 1453 REFERENCES -Hill, New [1] C.G.Veinott, Theory and Design of Small Induction Motors, McGraw 1959. York, N.Y., cally Saturated [2] M.V.K. Chari and P. Silvester, "Finite-Element Analysis of Magneti 1971. R, TP3-PW 71 Paper PES, IEEE s,'' Machine D-C agnetic Devices, [3] S.R.H. Hoole, Computer-Aided Analysis and Design of Electrom Elsevier, New York, N.Y., 1989. t Finite Element [4] S.C. Tandon, A. F. Armor, and M.V.K. Chari, "Nonlinear Transien PAS, Vol. I 02 Trans. IEEE ," Devices and s Field Computation of Electrical Machine 96. 1089-10 pp. May 1983, Loop Analysis For [5] P.O. Potter and O.K. 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