DATA REQUIREMENTS FOR AEMO’S PLANNING ADVICE PREPARED BY: Transmission Services DOCUMENT REF: VERSION: 1 DATE: 11 October 2011 FINAL DATA REQUIREMENTS FOR AEMO’S PLANNING ADVICE Version Release History VERSION 1 v1 DATE APPROVED 11 Oct 11 Joe Spurio 11 October 2011 Page 2 of 8 DATA REQUIREMENTS FOR AEMO’S PLANNING ADVICE Data Requirements for AEMO’s Planning Advice AEMO prepares a Planning Advice document for all new connections, whether there are augmentations to the Declared Shared Network (DSN) or not. The purpose of the Planning Advice is to inform: AEMO and regional Transmission Operation Centre (TOC) operational staff of the objectives of the connection to the DSN, the connection’s intended application, and the impact on network capability including any operational constraints. All relevant organisations of the as-built asset data needed for loadflow and fault level studies, as authorised by the asset owner, relating to the connection. This ensures system operation will remain safe, secure, and within asset ratings and capabilities at all times, including initial energisation, testing and commissioning of new works. The Planning Advice describes: 1. The need for the connection and the associated planning considerations. 2. The information that must be considered during operation and maintenance of the assets including how the new works integrate into the existing network and may possibly integrate with the future network. The information will include: a. Ratings and parameters for relevant network assets and assets connecting to the DSN. b. Associated protection, communication and control systems. c. Any special procedures / precautions (such as switching sequences). d. New or changed operational constraints. In preparation of the Planning Advice, information is obtained from a number of planning documents and other relevant sources. The information sources will include connection applications, works specifications and service agreements. A party may also provide additional data or information advising AEMO of particular plant capabilities; these may not have been covered in the above documents. AEMO will refer to the information available and may request the relevant asset owners to reconcile any information discrepancies and confirm against the data and parameters pertinent to the as-built network assets and assets connecting to the DSN. Responsibility to provide AEMO corresponding data and information for assets, including augmentations to the existing network assets or new assets connecting to the network, rests with the relevant asset owner. However, an applicant initiating a connection to the DSN should ensure that the data and information provided to AEMO by the network asset owner is appropriate for operation of the new connection. AEMO initiates preparation of a Planning Advice approximately six months ahead of the anticipated completion of the new connection or network augmentation. The following table summarises the key milestones associated with preparation of the Planning Advice. v1 11 October 2011 Page 3 of 8 DATA REQUIREMENTS FOR AEMO’S PLANNING ADVICE Activity Relevant Milestone AEMO instigates the preparation of Planning Advice 6 months ahead of completion 1 based on planning information and design data of augmentation or connection available to AEMO AEMO consults the relevant planning and operational 4 months ahead of completion staff, including that of TOC and distribution of augmentation or connection 2 businesses, and the asset owners, on the adequacy and accuracy of the information that will be included with the planning advice 3 AEMO issues a draft Planning Advice based on the 3 months ahead of completion most up-to-date information available of augmentation or connection AEMO receives confirmation of the asset information 1 month after the completion of 4 based on as-built (and verified during commissioning if augmentation or connection relevant) from the asset owners 5 AEMO issues final Planning Advice 2 months after the completion of augmentation or connection Appendix 1 summarises the network and connecting asset ratings and parameters that are generally included as a part of the Planning Advice, where relevant. v1 11 October 2011 Page 4 of 8 DATA REQUIREMENTS FOR AEMO’S PLANNING ADVICE Appendix 1: Data and information generally included in Planning Advice Note: Applicants are to provide data named in the table below, as applicable to the connection. The following list is not exhaustive and AEMO may request additional data, if relevant, to include in the Planning Advice to ensure safe and secure operation of the network and connecting assets. In all cases this data should be provided to AEMO prior to commencing any construction work. This data should be consistent with data provided with all other written advices, including planning applications, works specifications and the Use of System Agreement. If data provided for preparation of Planning Advice is different to that already included in these and other documents, the differences should be highlighted and reasons for change in data provided. Data / Information Source All data to be provided for 5oC steps from 5oC to 50oC inclusive if not deemed to be constant Single line diagram (SLD) of all applicant’s: Applicant assets forming part of the transmission network plant directly connected to the transmission network in case of new generators, and any associated transformers, lines/feeders, shunt and/or series reactive plant connecting this generating system to the transmission network point of connection to transmission network Layout diagram of assets in the SLD Applicant Transmission line information Line and tower number/s, station and bus name, or other like identification of the point/s of connection to the transmission network Applicant R / X / line charging parameters Applicant Generator information Rated MVA Applicant Rated MW (sent out) Applicant Rated MW (generated) Applicant PMAX MW (maximum power generated) Applicant Nominal terminal voltage Applicant Anticipated terminal voltage operating range Applicant Auxiliary load at PMAX Applicant v1 11 October 2011 Page 5 of 8 DATA REQUIREMENTS FOR AEMO’S PLANNING ADVICE Rated reactive generating output at generator terminals at PMAX Applicant Rated reactive absorbing output at generator terminals at PMAX Applicant Minimum load (ML) Applicant Rated stator current Applicant Generator stator resistance Applicant Direct axis transient reactance (unsaturated) Applicant Direct axis transient reactance (saturated at rated terminal voltage) Applicant Direct axis sub-transient reactance (unsaturated) Applicant Direct axis sub-transient reactance (saturated at rated terminal voltage) Applicant Zero sequence reactance Applicant Negative sequence reactance Applicant Nominal voltage at connection to network Applicant Total station net maximum capacity (NMC) Applicant The following data are to be provided as at the point of supply, as negotiated with AEMO – usually the point of connection to the existing network – as augmented for a connection: Applicant Maximum 3 phase short circuit infeed per generating unit calculated by method of AS 3851 (1991) Minimum positive, negative and zero sequence impedances Generator capability diagram Applicant Generator and/or transmission network connection transformer data Applicant Continuous rating (MVA) Applicant 15 minute rating and any prior conditions (MVA) Applicant 30 minute rating and any prior conditions (MVA) Applicant Maximum EHV winding continuous voltage withstand Applicant Nominal transformation ratio Applicant Number of taps Applicant Neutral tap Applicant v1 11 October 2011 Page 6 of 8 DATA REQUIREMENTS FOR AEMO’S PLANNING ADVICE Tapped winding Applicant Minimum tapping range Applicant Tapping Steps Applicant Positive sequence impedance on principal tap Applicant Minimum positive sequence impedance Applicant Zero sequence impedance on principal tap Applicant Minimum zero sequence impedance Applicant Fault current carrying capability and duration Applicant Busbars / Switchgear / Interplant connection data Applicant Continuous current rating Applicant Fault ratings (kA) 3 phase fault (symmetrical), single phase to ground fault (symmetrical), instantaneous peak fault current (kA) Applicant Voltage rating (kV) continuous and short-term Applicant Station earth grid, structures and external connections Applicant Fault ratings (kA) 3 phase fault (symmetrical), single phase to ground fault (symmetrical), instantaneous peak fault current (kA) Applicant Other data and information Applicant Wind farm generation equivalent impedance determining fault infeed at low voltage terminals of main transformation connection to the shared network Applicant Thevenin equivalent circuit providing fault infeed at the point of connection of a distribution or similar lower voltage network to the transmission network Applicant Fault ratings of all plant directly connected to the transmission network Applicant / network asset owner Continuous, 15 minute and 30 minute thermal ratings of all plant directly connected to the transmission network Applicant / network asset owner Continuous and all short time voltage ratings of all plant directly connected to the transmission network Applicant / network asset owner Changes to any (existing) transmission communication systems, electrical or other protection systems, control or monitoring systems, including any retirement / removal from service Applicant / network asset owner New transmission communication systems, electrical or other protection systems, control or monitoring systems, including any Applicant / network asset owner v1 11 October 2011 Page 7 of 8 DATA REQUIREMENTS FOR AEMO’S PLANNING ADVICE controls and/or restrictions relating to synchronising to the transmission network Any other restrictions, constraints or the like on transmission operations due to the new connection, or affecting interaction of the new connection with the rest of the transmission network, due to specific normal or abnormal operating conditions of the rest of transmission network. For example, generation output from the new connection may be constrained under certain conditions in the rest of the transmission network Applicant / network asset owner Transmission network settings relating to the new connection; for example, point of connection target voltages, synchronising or auto reclose settings, alarm, trip or normally open / auto close control system operating conditions Applicant / network asset owner v1 11 October 2011 Page 8 of 8