Optics Communications 229 (2004) 391–395 www.elsevier.com/locate/optcom Enhancement of third harmonic generation by wave vector mismatch to counter phase-modulation M. Trippenbach a,* , M. Matuszewski a, E. Infeld b, Cao Long Van c, R.S. Tasgal d, Y.B. Band d a d Department of Physics, Warsaw University, Ho_za 69, PL-00-681 Warsaw, Poland b Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Ho_za 69, PL-00-681 Warsaw, Poland c Institute of Physics, University of Zielona Go_ ra, Podgo_ rna 50, PL-65-246 Zielona Go_ ra, Poland Departments of Chemistry and Electro-Optics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva 84105, Israel Received 22 August 2003; received in revised form 23 October 2003; accepted 23 October 2003 Abstract Recent experimental developments in material sciences have generated hope that it will be possible to devise optical media where the difference in group velocity between the fundamental and third harmonic may be strongly suppressed. Under these circumstances both pulses would travel together over a long distance. This would lead to an enhancement of the generation process, and hence strong focusing and/or using ultra-short pulses might not be crucial. If the perfect phase matching condition is assumed, the only remaining mechanisms to decrease efficiency are self and cross phase modulation. Here we suggest that, instead of exactly matching wave vectors, we admit a small mismatch and show how it can be tailored to compensate for the cross phase modulation of the third harmonic by the fundamental during the generation process. This is very beneficial for the efficiency of third harmonic generation, even increasing it by a factor of two or more. Ó 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 42.65.Ky; 42.65.Sf Keywords: Third harmonic generation; Mismatch As is well known, a monochromatic beam of frequency x can generate a third harmonic, 3x, in a nonlinear medium with a Kerr type response [1–4]. Even though application of this method as an ef- * Corresponding author. Tel.: +48-22-55-32-342; fax: +48-22345-6789. E-mail address: matri@fuw.edu.pl (M. Trippenbach). fective technique to produce intense, tunable coherent light has somehow faded and been replaced by other efforts, it still remains one of the most fundamental phenomena in nonlinear optics. Moreover, recently third harmonic generation near the focal point of a tightly focused beam was used to probe the microscopical structure of transparent samples [5]. Possible modifications of these techniques in the high field regime were also suggested 0030-4018/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2003.10.035 392 M. Trippenbach et al. / Optics Communications 229 (2004) 391–395 [6]. As was mentioned in [6,7], at higher intensities self and cross-phase modulation and even higher order effects can no longer be neglected in the description of the dynamics [8]. The role of the mismatch was mentioned in this context. The efficiency of harmonic generation in ultrashort lasers is limited by the phase mismatch and temporal walk-off of the fundamental and harmonic pulses due to the phase and group velocity dispersion. Hopefully it will be possible to devise nonlinear optical media where the difference in group velocity between the fundamental and third harmonic is strongly suppressed [9]. Still a wavenumber mismatch will appear and we propose to put it to work so as to enhance third harmonic generation. A somewhat similar idea has been used to enhance the mixing of four de Broglie waves in a BEC [10]. The idea of using the mismatch dk in the process of pulse creation has also been the basis of soliton pair creation in [3,11]. It was demonstrated that a whole new, broad class of solitons exists for dk 6¼ 0. Our model will be a nonlinear optical medium with a Kerr-type nonlinear susceptibility. We consider the resonant interaction between a linearly polarized beam of frequency x and its third harmonic. The scalar wave equation for the propagating electric field is we obtain two coupled NLS equations for E1 and E3 : oE1 1 oE1 2ik1 þ þ r2? E1 v1 ot oz o2 E 1 o2 E 4p o2 ðPL þ PNL Þ þ r2? E 2 2 ¼ 2 : 2 oz c ot c ot2 and solved (r is the radial cylindrical variable): r2? 2 ð1Þ ¼ vðjE1 j2 þ 2jE3 j2 ÞE1 vðE1 Þ2 E3 eidkz ; oE3 1 oE3 2ik3 þ þ r2? E3 v3 ot oz 2 ð4Þ 2 ¼ 9vðjE3 j þ 2jE1 j ÞE3 3vE13 eidkz ; ð5Þ 2 where v is 3pðx=cÞ vð3Þ and is positive for a selffocusing and negative for a self-defocusing medium. Here v1 and v3 are the group velocities of the fundamental and third harmonic respectively. Suppose for the moment that the perpendicular dependence can be neglected, as being of higher order in Eqs. (4) and (5). We wish to see how E3 can be most effectively built up from zero, working in the jE3 j jE1 j regime. We will first consider the case v1 ¼ v3 ¼ v. This case is important, as differences in these two group velocities can hopefully be suppressed. We will perform calculations in the coordinate system of the moving wavepacketÕs group velocities. The first equation (4) can then be approximated by 2ik1 oE1 2 ¼ vjE1 j E1 ; oz ð6Þ E1 ðz; r; tÞ ¼ E1 ð0; r; tÞeiðvjE1 ð0;r;tÞj 2 =2k1 Þz ð7Þ : 2 Here the transverse laplacian is ¼ o =ox for a slab waveguide and 1=rðo=orÞrðo=orÞ for cylindrical symmetry; the latter case will be treated here. We consider the electric field for the fundamental and third harmonic, 1 E¼ E1 eiðk1 zxtÞ þ E3 eiðk3 z3xtÞ þ c:c: ; ð2Þ 2 where kj ¼ jxnj =c, nj ¼ nðjwÞ, j ¼ 1, 3. PL is the linear polarization and PNL is equal to vð3Þ h 2 2 ð3jE1 j þ 6jE3 j ÞE1 PNL ðxÞ ¼ 8 i þ 3E12 E3 eidkz eiðk1 zxtÞ ; ð3Þ where dk ¼ 3k1 k3 and a similar response for PNL ð3xÞ. When these values are inserted into (1), The terms we retain from the E3 equation, (5), are 2ik3 oE3 2 ¼ 18vjE1 j E3 3vE13 eidkz : oz ð8Þ 2 When this equation is solved and jE3 j calculated, we find 2 jE3 ðz; r; tÞj ¼ 2 9v2 6 sin ðDzÞ jE ð0; r; tÞj 1 4k32 D2 ð9Þ with dk vE2 ð0; r; tÞ D¼ 1 2 2 9 3 : k3 2k1 ð10Þ To calculate the optimal value of dk we must calculate the integral M. Trippenbach et al. / Optics Communications 229 (2004) 391–395 Z 393 2 jE3 ðz; r; tÞj r dr dt ¼ 9v2 4k32 Z jE1 ð0; r; tÞj 6 sin2 ðDzÞ r dr dt: D2 ð11Þ For small values of jE1 ð0; r; tÞj we can calculate the integral (11) with accuracy up to second order upon taking sinðDzÞ Dz ð1=6ÞðDzÞ3 , where D is given by Eq. (10). We then find the optimal value of dk, for which the variation of the integral (11) is zero and check that it corresponds to a maximum. We find 2 2 2 dk vE0 vE0 ¼a ; ð12Þ þ O k1 k12 k12 where E0 E1 ð0; 0; 0Þ, and a depends on the assumed profile of E1 ð0; r; tÞ. We adjust dk to maximize the integral (11) for various pulse shapes. Fig. 1 shows the value of the normalized dk defined as dk k1 =ðvE02 Þ, as a function of vE02 =k12 , where E0 is the maximum of the initial pulse strength. We consider four different initial pulse profiles for the fundamental wave: E1 ð0; r; tÞ ¼ E0 f ðrÞgðtÞ, where f ðrÞ and gðtÞ are: (a) square distribution functions, (b) parabolic distribution functions, (c) Gaussian distribution function and (d) Lorentzian distribution function, all f ð0Þ ¼ gð0Þ ¼ 1. The values of a are respectively: 1.50, 1.02, 0.98, 0.91. Impor- Fig. 2. Dependence of the fraction of the total energy e3 in the third harmonic as a function of our phase mismatch dk=k1 ¼ 3 k3 =k1 . Here e0 is the initial energy in the fundamental wave, z ¼ 5 mm and the two curves correspond to values of vE02 =k12 as indicated. tantly, these values do not depend on the width of the model functions f ðrÞ and gðtÞ. For example if 2 f ðrÞ ¼ expð½r=r Þ, the value of r will not matter. Even if the waist of the beam gradually narrows towards a focus, r will be a slowly varying function of z; e.g. r2 ¼ r20 ð1 þ z2 Þ, but our result will not be effected. Numerics confirm this. Fig. 2 shows the fraction of the total energy in R 2 the third harmonic jE3 ðz; r; tÞj r dr dt as a function of dk for different input energies. We kept 1,5 1,1 Gaussian Step function Gaussian 1 Parabola 0,9 δk/δk(0) Normalized δk 1,2 Lorentzian 0,6 0,9 0,8 0,3 0 Lorentzian 1,01 Gaussian 1,005 Lorentzian 1 2×10 -5 4×10 -5 6×10 2 χE0 /k1 -5 8×10 -5 1×10 -4 2 0,7 0 Fig. 1. Normalized phase mismatch dk as a function of vE02 =k12 . The propagation distance z ¼ 5 mm (k ¼ 0:8 lm). The limits for E0 tending to zero calculated from Eq. (11) agree very well with the numerically found values. (The maximal value of vðE0 Þ2 =k12 ; 1 104 , corresponds to the energy of 32 lJ for n2 ¼ 2:8 1020 m2 /W in fused silica.) 0 0,3 5 0,6 10 15 20 (z/τ)∆v/(v1v2) Fig. 3. Dependence of optimal phase mismatch dk on Dv (group velocity mismatch) for two initial profiles (c) and (d), z ¼ 5 mm and the value of vE02 , was taken in the weak nonlinear coupling regime. 394 M. Trippenbach et al. / Optics Communications 229 (2004) 391–395 Dv ¼ 0 and used Gaussians for both f and g (case (c)). The maxima of the third harmonic occur at values of dk 6¼ 0 and can be more than twice as large as for perfect phase matching. As we see from this figure the optimal value of dk is larger and better pronounced for larger intensities of the fundamental beam. When v1 v3 ¼ Dv > 0, corrections to dk can be shown to be initially quadratic in Dv, as can be seen in Fig. 3. This figure shows the dependence of dk on Dv for the most physical initial E1 ð0; r; tÞ profiles, namely (c) and (d). For small group velocity mismatch the dependence is quadratic in both cases, as follows from symmetry. However, it Fig. 4. Three dimensional plot of the intensity, jE3 =E0 j2 of the third harmonic for increasing values of the propagation distance z ¼ 1:2 mm, z ¼ 3 mm, z ¼ 4:8 mm for: (A) no mismatch and (B) optimal phase mismatch dk. The initial profile of the fundamental wave was 2 2 E0 e½ðr=rÞ þðt=sÞ , where r ¼ 150 lm and s ¼ 100 fs. Here t is in units of s, and r in units of r, vE02 =k12 ¼ 104 and ðz=sÞDv=ðv1 v3 Þ ¼ 4. M. Trippenbach et al. / Optics Communications 229 (2004) 391–395 becomes substantially different for larger values of Dv. Fig. 4 shows the development of the third harmonic for various propagation distances z (A) for perfect phase matching and (B) with mismatch dk as calculated above. Once again, we see that the intensity can be more than doubled by engineering a proper mismatch. In conclusion, we have shown that a small mismatch can be beneficial for third harmonic generation. We derived a variational principle yielding optimal values of dk and found numerical values of dk for various initial pulse shapes. In the weak E0 limit they agreed with theoretically found values. We also discussed the role of diffraction and group velocity dispersion. Finally, three dimensional plots of the third harmonic generation illustrate the difference in the dynamics between perfectly phase matched and optimal dk cases. Here too the phase mismatch more than doubles the efficiency of third harmonic generation. Acknowledgements Two of the authors would like to acknowledge support by the Committee for Scientific Research KBN grants: 2P03B09722 (E.I) and 2P03B04325 (M.T.). 395 References [1] J.A. Armstrong, N. Bloembergen, J. Ducing, P.S. Pershan, Phys. Rev. 127 (1962) 1918; P.D. Maker, R.W. Terhune, Phys. Rev. 137 (1965) 801; J.F. Ward, G.H.C. New, Phys. Rev. 185 (1969) 57; R.W. 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