Ch€ck Ust p@j.ct_com.tru'onofrau,asi.ronjee l/ha::;irthe MotorRo:o underpMcsypokahi rchanori). _*, _ 1!!siliE-!sry!, rh".".e"t*t,"th.ny;r rl"lo**d-Nee",1 "r makmsrhkappli."6n or behatf of the u$rAsency lptr5on l2 lfi.y"ri d, tl- b.""d.,y"1tu l::*.*=g:e-'"e"t*riltl"g- 2 +*d:e!*#'-f:= 3 now,ng/ecatnatusof rhe propo*d rand and a tehalive q3n nedfortha projed with q ;-;--::--;-- 15 ffi 5 ;;;;;'"'"""""'""''"anns'iheprojedin,he 1-! 6-8 q re.r on of.ompeneiory .',.'".'".""."own3lhe|andidenti'ied ;il;"",'" ;::;i-:-- 3l++saq!!re- ;";ff :L'J;:l" "'""'" ""'-""n'ihe n s.0 -i--- -x presen, owner and hectarashnd onatootum.ts-fi ;""rfiAr'p-r"*";r rh;-.i." -t 3-lq t9 /6rermtive 3uitabte non lore5t and is avaitabteforthe projecr and the demand ofthe toren bnd fo. rhe project is baren minimum !el!g st4 il'f;#ffi;l#L d",fi","i"'ruh**._i."d,. 2/ .*r 119M !q, i !4v r<tsd'o nEsutra0r ny compensatory Afioreslatron ", "qkr oi denriried land _- lor rs oyrne urefasencyto bearrhe.ojtol ..*:"ffi#:H. u,d;,r",c bl thil;se*y,; b*;,h*si ,a lq-20 !4:c9l 2.10 t7 2]-4 2g 2q 36-tl )2- pr,r*ro. DetaiG tro, res u,a" r oretLms {ie;n;;;;ii;;i;G; orI'e6 wirh then van panchayar private iot fed Iand and r,'p"ar', cd'i..t" "'.n "fi" r- cF t*" DFo;F"n"s "r i 93-)\ NaD and r"il,,t.f "rrd;;t o. kt* ";l""d- ..n-it.le;r"ni c,^.,. r;., d;r.s th. fi,rDm;ts.r,* _ _- 3e 37-9 4 ;;;;;;::-:j-- 5an.toaryand ariatdiian.eofthe proiacrf.on rha *"l*;r-t,*C*r ,h" ilF.t,Jtrri" ro k snduary, Noc otccFwird rife tr 3f ronar park or id ofar - g enctu:ry, re.ommendandn of{arewitdtife boa.d, natioia bo}d of widlle and permission ofHon,abte supreh. roun/MoEF M-;; "-'=;- "*-=.o#ffiffi,r r.r.,r pri7iri nm;"ae.rma -- Ape@"d caie ot buildlne or hydroetdric projed.on5truction pw iri( wDeoerar or.onrru(ionwork b""*":*'.,H#..:"=.E!=!_ -... -...... _ E;,r F ;"m -c;@ by,,;,,g""ry d;til,€iGi;ffi; G.r-.*r *s""" ror.;,rr.*h*.d Si;es+g ff ilos!v!+{:,r !rl!.Ea' ;;i:1:-^,.,'".".""',"'.''ooysp]acewiIboaffected i;^-j;-- ;;;;il;.1'*'*--'"u^d;,kr.s b 2.35 p.";A"h*tl'er,.r *;;l *+9+lT!+qs+!r!rets!_ -." -rc8<r dtrrreypopuDr on.en f.*e sa 5q-45 66 68 (q 7o +l lattrh,d Nt'v dldlatio. c€nifi.ate a5 p€r slpme oud/ undenakiru of paymenr ol fir / , il tlon able supreme coun co{ofthe lorest tand 79 v\ and lease rentceftifrcate cedificale of Lease p€riod by Ger agency DemaGtionofland to be diverted Undetukiry oJ user asency to bea 7e Non avalab lity of non forcst hnd for Compenealory 1+ 7342- 8) l( 6 FOIM-1 (fof hear prcjects) co(mmciL or Urr.ard'dnn orfice or rl'e Dkkicr concdof Chdnoti TO WIIOWSOE|IR IT A4AY CONCERN onmor Md strbnoi (tu, or rrh$ nidd rhc foft* (i\1o0 crcnndi s.hedu forshod)dn d€ rord khd of j tudhn hdiir hld (tuosDrb! No I or ]-eDs Fc(pi) d.kd 3n tud R{h, pbF ,006 ^d. rt'ehon in Esp.d d rim Prcj.. for I ihc ohprd. pu.s foi c.ddion or jourui lhrno' of ijsrrt iddMorion od tujj ud{ Moror Rmd ih rh. de disrrid f,rk lihi,r juisdidDtr ot R ,hd nqrinss of ih. F(6r xjshb .ofrnnr<3) s:bh(t sb- b) c) 'hc thc Divi:ion diwnroi of rid.r comi're(s) xd bsr htrd rof fx.irida rhc Disriid n,il€€d LEr by 'h€ peNr ds m' horvr rosrEd rahB or connlm, cvernhdi d cquirtd und( sdjon hniivc rririir cte 3 (r) o cnn t.6 -l l Et id:rr 6r 14 _l fiosqonlos€odEo d4fr 6€r-tr + sfr?rd rflr ffi_$rd qer Fr,t 6 3c lia06rn c{ri ^ !r,Fh $! dEr+ {iqrai !@T ,,{q {tfiq ,G d + qqq n rBE -<+q r5fi {€n -.1 I .rffi i r{qrF f,{ -l _t criq. -, .* qsi qFF 6 F'.W${F 4 d- s,,o F fr, ft o4 ft-- qii {,_,r", t.@ 006"*; ;-i, ; ;.,"bF-p{1;.r'-* Hljlf#iT+'* "* "-o: " .a "* r"^ ;' )! +;.,L,r: ;*,:R*L*:Hi{#*Hfl -s:;*+:-;':'*tr*F: f,_-ffi[ +6m irM qlfr iQqri-i -l$'Kory qrmtu..€=E.g -l l l :7 4/-n -l -l ,l I -t I -l ".- *g * ffi *ffi ff #* TgHd*Y"*W -t -t .,1 -l chiah fti-dono irH 6i {Trr:J ,tr lirM d{d{l i{ | -l ..1 .t -l .t - Di* .dt64 "Bl t6 8 g\E-23 cR+\ir:Ir dT-qFr :-sqr4* qlq Fs6 +sqr d. slrdlfu l1-c{ qnf M,r ig q-{ Tft d€ld{rr F*IFI qr 3rftFi" cfiFzq, 2006 d 3rFd-d @rft lqq _,f' gTq Fqr.R .Fr rrq _R qidl, .=a$ld. c\q{r iirdt 3t"flcfu cqpr =-4 rnqd * n rd qca$ ql *i; ffF'-EJn #"]*%= {6.:. n {r,in ri c. _* i,l# i rF ,a B" ,.q, i"r - - ri'lf ; ;"",#"#k[r -.-.q:'=.:. .asq JF n llr! d * .TT FdF qF Ea/Tn ca id? Fqr n-f G.'F=di 6-. Fq nTd " d "rI TT ytJ*- T * I:1 iF : -n .jl? "nsre. qn q rFd rr {F 6 q.* qio I F D- ar }fi-F, vtuf{oi 2006 6 u ,'rffi 3arq, bd ft i{ffi -' "'m,/ ci c,r4r EF 8{r {r rh t Ef ,' :*T:lT*3"* .- * {'f-rd' r rq/Tff '*6rd r4 hqr,'Gr ??r ir sr} rat>q l]* STI - *' * *.* .i -gr TF qr nc4i*qt o q{rq{rrd .,&-srir 6i FTi {e d n *'- q'i "l'n f,q qffi € hliq foqr _qr /cF_ r+,r .6 _T farql .Iqr llp Fnfr flrcl d tlFcrf$r d v€ {r Ftl. €vB. ioh"lo u,€q oqftir \d+l 6l qR+fi d fuq FC Fq Bn Fr 9? trqiEd fuqr d Fd Tq 116 i i *g-ii;** q$ffi' too'UO't..,nA*rtt.i* .-r4 at elj 4e o "rro o-- 3p fr f{- sqi c{t !c ffi "* 61 3aqtrdr ii .rfud FEfd Enr qr\r 6r rd€r \ddi .9 )..b gRqi-qqr qffisrr zFI qrq:-. qrqE 6r sftfus !!ilh!R"r qfi< qffi f qsni* qrq qso slq{r 'rt-t !I4 frqilr B-{ {+fFi E{drd{q trRrd - rrffi i Fialq e-s +sef i +.ffi{d ffi_gvd rrs6 +ffr d 3,-.f{ ffi g"Fff irc{ qrn e|qfur & {r si 91q ft6rw ft.qFr t6rr{r d q, ri@r/{rnrntv rTqr 176olqb 1a {6flqGfio€io\0/09 fiiio 1a.122009 El{I 250 4ss iro 3flEra d qFil ol # iq aq qFf n { F€iFrvr cFrq rrFe ftqr qr {6r i. gF qr.l t arnfio qlq ftq}dr sa cRqn 3a3 qfu \q glrdl 144 qftqN a& qRn diiI a{r qrlt qln rq* Trq d {@ cMf!I .ircr qrf d ft,"fi. s i qffi_glTd] +-{ qrt r} fiq fu+dr G gqii qrft .rFii o1 qln]qn Sfurl nqddr oni + uilq i d .r{ t. vas qter qr{ n qsi qrd qffi d z s fuoffo <n r]1r{ 6€ r} ful c,r,n qsnr i, qdi + srs rlq_ff. Et1aa lqaR d 3-i{rsr oW d e fuo$o f{atFs.s leqrfq cqdr t. flI lier qrd d frdq t ffiidr d es qn-cn 7:+s qq grf6 d laa qRcrr{ asa qfud d srq-rnlr sl 9]qFto Aqrds fr qftqr Er{ {qn s {o Fdrr f jr.r 6r Fd ll{erq 6rq]{q .fi +cl qfd t ri$fud ii}n cpn Tr6"ii +l ofu+gdl Fr srqrr TS oTrr ce.,n. qtcr qFI t t-qqn qqo gFtws wcer ifi. qr{ivit d 3,rid6 R{rfi n fi gq,R "ftk hoqo. droFolio qtE{ qqffi,;eft I 1& 1.10 Sirsfidt grqr" d rjq i .ou^l s'ftcir. ff'r "*#" W-ffi*f"" + ? ,g*T;""'ff#.* "- Y-, srs. \---4 W'i-# v'"- tuav^ d+q om <{26y4 d ro121o14r&i h*,* * 6t .r{ t tu sn orfui o) Md tu-qr {|en qr.i frd,r ar rqr t I {{€ ord *r h''t'r ;"nff"trff }s HR5g"5T f -q tr fqTrn {rq {F,r=f,q rrr* $ F * EfH.n dr qsor ftqr*r d6'ffd fi-S#fffi*t d qr i ii't M<n ca Rvcvi "{.FF hs. Br:in inrror "* #w#*.#iT*HH",*ffi*Tff orffi +itqr dt 3ir i {€rqI{ : 3rM 3IFl-qRi rnqtq E-€. .t.ft"ft. cMr T{aq ,,HW ':r'rRr p}{ 4. 1., ,4" i"'rrlL, A rn -i,, +- oko .116q- -af,.2.'Frr r---7ts( fto.. zw4*,6- <>2 Re.+,q I xoqE FE $,e + * '7. 'r'/- \ | @ w6ri M @ n€6tu m F€rd at . ,5m F}? iq R iEHlE b ,la-R .-l "'5. n {n 3nr c€s ffi d F n /-n qtuqn d +}nr i5. qqii rti a qq .,'@ -d .<nm nn DJ"?>F-aq-;.}}e--=;.>;--# *2 +: ;>-'1.i' ; *-'a ;Fir '?-T j- sa4{.qzr {a +e$q,oar i..i.r.'rq * er-<r a - Dd€rk #.iQ -"2S' rn 3. xt;>a-l-rl-'+:-' " 4<"/' - -XqE' qtul dr €q b) gjw dq tiF FEi qri $ fti) P) sf,{Ed 4 fl @h + qd@FirF) s{df:rn rs + r€'Jn -w - ;Pq:5.-,8-t r !iit6 4fFq -{i M sFd q'arN 3jir,/4 @]wsftE6{i6sdffi+w2@ MNamdridndc':Riiwffi 3nr !6 du eni i gr 4ff@ d q{r{am ! .*q - dr- 4crar "- q *, - \**q) s"= \'\ e'r ztj 'i)i -En E<14?<r' @ an ir 6ai d h@ qr! 6ii i - qli,/w {d ++;#i+, ar,n de nid s!L-__l '<q ',ft?i'n@ d Sdrfl\id ER qr qi d Fri) ( qAF @f . F"E":' 4i 3lnr"d--+=-'r tKzI 'wfd n{-'2,E (,) m, .rftaK €g1{i -'..ti"*tt$; ;'j'\';;i"-'" ' (ffi di dRs n-6 tE@ni sm Tn qrn EjJ i) ffid@ar@ (FaJ d lig 6 @ nF sC6{ rF ril qra{) . \g:2 tsqtud s{F ri@ EF d ffi i) , lpff{ s d: --3V<zAz. (1)@/riq rf'qd : a-"a -}"e!V+-44.:qq\:'1-'z .e t J€!.']-t1Ttrt Fr4^'rtjd r+arf ) 'r"{1-?<F'n- f'.-7d- 6+! 6 ;',"';*'iH"" .]. . --r" 7 a, ?' hr Fqfirfl (+$Fr ,t-* tr"* + ]r@ i swrd (s) (,)rm d Frn r, ei * F qPF/ \!irf lgi n eo'l -+" oe+-oti + ' , to R qtum 3n{ \qmTd At +l n?r{trdr R ril$q r?qrn k) {+d !d4 + fti Rllii -+rF d alffi Go rl fi4 o]@. ft rffi ir @ Frtr iq1! ffi@ qft d fl i (nE F dt F;a @ Fi4 Fli 6rnEi d AqFqr 3:qriF 4+ d al{ 3ii{ cgs @ drd qqrffi no) @ *tr n Fsli 3nr ql 6tue ;{/i]ffi,, rqlili tr+r tL (,, @ -d T,lEn T'F6t i qr*F-- 4 a qli@ ]h Fn F {..ngq ffi tr. . M 7r q F d .dqR,6 'lj{ qF sQ@ + s{qrd 9w E , i rslin F $ r+fl lidl a{ nr ffigqld qtun d riril anr a.d i d ffi qE rE n oin {i tFrn + dir i @ q@ Tqn 6- Fashftadffinot{d{ft4di Fr/TE)qR d il q{ il @fi. <t4 sfrdFd R a d di{A sRn dn d al]]r i d !li@ -F*n 1F !F{{6 {n@ Rnc d dln {n@ A Fri JirEltRn riR !i-lF"dL n :l; 3]r]m $ F + {"il <* (1) cfdq{+ twjldlr@q.l6ltlredffi (,) elqs q+6q a e;') snrFFlftd {iR eir/miid F ai?. 3rFm ,n F ftq:n 6l i{lnr {3) irftd +l an laN dn{r1 qiiirF m@ r!;Fr d -Jj 6Fdi xErT*.?. rd.m rir d g aaE ) {a;4. .rc"Ez F -l,kP<.4 ;4 '{, * <tui-, {7 Sien -<ca'a t -an4 d-(V -u7^ 71 P"BeNo .,4... q+@ d|q A @ Td ft@ qR@ k\ qtrl@ q46s 6 Fq jfir&lFn F 'n lq5ffi k) eiil{.6 t i* € *E-' r o" .-do re.'o 'i.1o ffi q6 dn Fq:fJn lsqr @) F<ar "* ,,-FieG@*la--Fdtft $gdffi 7 '.4 € d?, i STi ir21 4' lj) tud d nriF,-6 a ^ " " e €o3oai- ],srn|F< -*m ."1 *, u +" * @$ d {5r .. fi- eFrq Fr " n !ftE{d ({!llffiXtr'F F L t- t- l. L L 1.. t' a so'na gr tu 2n "^"'^ qerga {iidq {ftt F lFi cfd{,6 4n_@ rn{i 6rr m @ffi{iffi61rat!ffi L <.itil ff s"6;".. ---cb44@ ";;br 4{dl d r@ rFn ,qb n rid @rr Kal i €<r-7 rdqn/F.niffi - i2: (6) -T€aia, > -FE i Ei FFi4 6 ffi J@ di a 5t4'1'42 b4 q-'t' Vu* t'1xni 80, Pas. tq{Ei @ {1{6 No-.: -' lrJ q{ rnr tr @t@ -: : l;;*s i*d r l!l/a6l dz E 4 !e aa -r-'fi{6d!nagt ffi#J#'"r. da "r l"o a m" *. ilh 4i .* a !4f€n qr nF 44 ? ! { {f{ ;qffi6lgldrft6Er ft.s&s;#tr**T*tt- l-r Li rg r& rE rI il t*---. ---',' -'-- '_ ) 1 4'1 I P,sp No - ...-8-.. (+6 itao {w !fi E@ Fr liF qw ga 6 fftr'r lrs qt nri d frq) ^ rEfeqMa@ffiddrftdri4tuS ''^ .\ tR+irwqqftd6ri'ffiffien{im gf, qq c iw d 9RFF RFFrql rn !w Fea q|q dt ftiffi ftqDfr A @) dl Cd @F 6qF rn h$r w.lh hE€ I Rsmn) 1 iirtu ^ --,-.---l F6t.]!! Flc .,.,,.,.,.,.--.,.,-.-, '82, "-+-.L DlIIL I Prs. t.* !r ftqnr !qt, sRq @d @ 'v'q{q r *tda aq d ff{l m r"r d qffi r.)* !r.i { rE"aad t) i'!c lTrn -E' ! FnS qtu'ft q lntEr eqmt w AflE Eqln qc{ No..a-. rF! !t cc * {ri 6r 8z SITE INSPECTION REPORT- NOT BELOWTHE RANKl]F DCf (fortheforest land to be diverted under FcA) s I a pmpdd nas Lrcn ldcr !c^ l93q Ex@rive Drsin€r PwD PotlBn PMGs9.lo. div.$ion or aor6r lrnd lor nonJmnry pu4e lhc prq6i flussFs lhc use ot aorci hna .cccftd lE orjounasl ru{r lof constru.lid or 3.92 5.Z on iNpecrion ol thc sir. havan panchayrr 1.,t0 s.5 nr rqutcnrhl s.,t Wrc0rer y .ft xx \rhcrhcr try b l@arcd ih rhe "ru rh. h. i sik nrpdiion of fltc ldd iNolven in Toral lhe itd L1y rlt usr 'sency $ Ihe deidib ssency ls per r a civil fdsts ncsurjn! 2s2 usugency col 2 pan-l b unatojdablc B{. /hdl'9. n1 $e llm ll $ sit /delcncc sr'l'lisnncnr or a1y rhc@f wlh Noc rrcr convcrcnr aurhori9 if rhe and is dctdh bat$ the ol . orls in'todanr nDnuntnl tquir.d )Dl violaled rhc prcvisions or roBr (con*walion), ral r93o od no wk hls lnrFr lancliotr. hasl€n fourd rlur a bcen projc.r pror.cred ir. rlt pbp6al h6 neduing-3.gz ha /enA{aocd /u iquc sPcies of flom ad f.una fouhd us r.Fod ]]t k round rlur rhc land cqu D€n sralicd wlhod It MOIOR ROID or roar lahd as pbrdcd by lhe hrninrn requftd fo. 35 by this oflice lrcm Ie 16 violatd (Con&fldion). Acr, a 193oProvlions Aadrik of.naod L Pa6 c or Hod hrk of fori (coFNari.n) Act, r 93o ,rkched. thc u*ragency '___lude J_<l 1."1.! '.L sid€ dr purpoe for which th. foGr I'Jld n prcpdd loll€ divcdcd x NB x od o(a) ad (b) rck dr .p'ioh whi.h n 4dic,ble cl6 il13 oFion Nhicr is rcr ,pplicnble 'n'i As p{ Ieitr nunb€r 2-2l2c00 rc .bncd 16-10-200l) 16to ninLlty ol ErviNrncnr & Fo6L covemn'flr or lhdia fo! prcpsal ihvobnr8 hs ih€n 40 ncdaa of fosi |tnd,lhc ajic iGpdiion npon rbn D$ n ftqli€d tud ror proposai nNoMrs moE dr 40 he|res or fosr land ire iNpecrion El.n ftufr thc 6n*na!or of rosE *,4'*' j Rfuad tq : 1 q+fr i e:rr{{i nlq ssf, *q{r d 3rf,fd d}t|fi gqd +cr qr.l d iiciq }g (.{qrd os.6b f6ffo) Gnrr{ o. !l 1 't l----:!i:-?K. 1 1. ls 1E I I t: l! 't' q{o(f PdNf 1 trtrtzsss"n uti ?5'tl'od'€ 1s rb II ENDPo'N1. 3o?116 o8 N ?9'ris9761; -? 1 I 1 Legend 1 1 I t ,J Kesefoe tsore9 B@ndary Foresl DrLs6n Bo!ndary d,vf tb I - r Rfu-d qc: i ,- I r s.lqq dqtfi t ftIlrqjl llq q.sfi {tscT d iffi'f-d ffil gq.ff 'Ac{ qr4 d Frqi'r i-g (eqt$ ogos fio'ft0) .; 12' c 05 r-r s zKm - 'ofE I I t,. ,,,, " f .r':"'|'l -\- ,/*\ \ ,. >.--. ) \ --\-K -4, tl t. f. . I' I I I ? I| ) /- ' '1I ---| -L \ . I ilol r:1 al .r, /F | )'] R,r 1-g-64 // / ry ftdF- \ \ ------I \--'4. iP \.:l i, \ rnrt,ill-.] rnsrrir ..a \I ( I ) trt j (\l: L I In !t | 'l: I IL_ | ...-.,. \ )1 \ l ir,.hr rdc !i ' r Legend ood<o/c,. A.* (q/.s{ \ | | ... '- .11.. tw '. ' . -. tto - '- ;;:,,".,,"'. '..".,trl-'" : . - .:.',, -ldr B.!N tu^phq9t Era L qR.+qi6rrrq:- vrq<-+S{# srii'tn '""r,E ;#'H*lRt B}j-,:-rE- r. r5e?tu o IT [*--," ".-a-s -.*;;;;,- t_- s -_._l_H _- ffi"6."id;;# sk llu' r'z "r.r ".a --.__- l-;; ndrnorno6d+Rrn14frrdil l .ffi.cqd 'w /') (50 D 2 ql "^f* -'*- w#{ffifffiffi + -*a qhrs-sqdf +d{ k wqr*;ro @E ffiffiFffik *KsHs*r +4'r'c ( ,Qr '!?l{ilibsrli IL 2) qFsYtr{l tFI '''"' ' ' cr,l 6r €ft< '{r4- .rr(E .r+d i wr{d* TqI f€o +rnr +rfinc3rfd'fn cffi- ffi trti qr4 Fqqiq ig F.r{E 6€1in!i G-awr sri qlqYl|iFdt- qr4 ,A E:R Tffi (ilgil-niT4r qr'' "r'i 6 fuo4lo o e 'llol€ I q-drq'n gfur^'Jqadr Frr 6 tcrd' e d'rE i * fa*" *u.n*n n - qrqpit ol /-8 Ro{o o s6{ 6rr i ffi sFil : *r e aEi srd e tuoqo *'* o-^ e raEI n.€ 'qvRJ-/ *T'+;'; 3!1 ;:-; :;"""; * ;'*.;;;tu;; 'rhql ;t^ *"- q-dr H ""'i qr.' {' I rq -*fiot d FrFrq t Frd 'r ss s'qft-a ?snr r" 'dea{ *-* ' rFrat'{o'z'n qrei qd q qqitud 6}'l ";' .nr rFd €rsFi oiinraql 6r Fr+r rd F'{ q dFr. 4r4"r 'ff dd.s F$rh 'i qsn sr'{ tr' 3{rin qrd I i lr6qR q'a 2L ll *;;fi;tffi,-j:;;" , ll . !($teoe lliai.l lO :i;:Tyi;;,;-,... te{."{r a otqjFq rl t3 r, .. .,r -Ar-'rn.. .....1 .. .. 4 .t .i r.l 3Rrilitn str.r.i m) rrrqt' wi i i{ a-,.,1 tif n i-raqR ,;;.., SAFjI; i'{{rn /1 .ri.ri. s:qi:td.aqlg rzzrcr flir,: r,r ir;,r .rli rl +-,- d-1r ,^ .. $odlo -o . ... rB: .. ,,. i! .i.i r, ".ir - -eTn r^rtrr' ) (r.-ilr h,"r .. , o.r-," \rs |r fl,,. .Jr). I1 ,Fa:t r q-I . r -(r.,. - : tti .in T- , .\ ojr-]>J .ff€ L,d, .f ..-'J +rJq "- n-fu a AFF,.,r4 mr t, ',i 1F.m rl \q<1 Fll q; !4- \ itJl +i trt4,fl 5i ti rl l qF 3itiYi ncjrd flra r't irFl i,i l xi ;il T ! {1 (3riq ,ronr) . rftinfii: F.if rt-d 6't {rr;ngt (s crE1{o orfqlt & itidr .,1).-r T4 .. . it'o ?ln .'-I'rn . ,--F -aq 9,1i--n =r i. I f,, . _; -r r or€ _ ,_.. a_ -: 2 . I 4 s 6. ,.-. L t trD-.^} |r " ",. ",i dr +ag --r Sl+-- .* .fiYin |4tnr Jl.JFl4. r(ifGTE I@ q'l{fl e'lial!| ofqq-i. iiio ,raRn c€lmi :l) ! l"r O*)t { U lilrn, !d{r{s"s l *o) il it tiqtDr 3ijlq<n. ficar{olo (fioTqonioTsodr{o), Bdrl .u il I ) tirr - , \ c. )L _l-f I_ i* f ;; .i -, l .(]-1 -l l l t .;T- i l I ,:f c.;; !i.r,, f,rr6rr ( Kdb.i(10i). trl]6ji' s!ni:']j itrk]! cananrt?) P:Fnu(4ir) L(rF.0rer.Ddmlo8r) m l!trm( i rr|1\ rm} r'tll(r6e). rnrmrkr' rib'i(!,) _ ouiI L-.r,L.N | ' ',r D1 ildi(r:rr,sldGar I 13 !@&vs eif6r 8{6q l5 ,N y*1,fi "J: ;T : rfr *=T;:;ilL#T, "ff _ *l#*Tgfr;a:;"x:*;# +: F"H##trRHTmjHT: :r ffi}ffi"* ;*# r"-*H:*"J $,' F 3,.n?gffi:== l s: * r;ei Jr = &zuTHilffiTHT#Hrj:E *l:#ffiHStr"H" #.YilTJ"-fffi#,M + n iF d qrd^< @ r6tu6 v. lqsft ,o "* :T Li#-' fl s.s.';ffi gn Hjrufu "l ri;;#;l?T ;3;; * i ;*,m ; gX'j *T #.:ArT"r ;i i:; ##l',l'llip;}*ffi -,iJiiT T erF n tn $ {id 6t @ qrjaftd (@sl@r.)a,a ffi cTre lrn I ffi lqgc w/Ft@ ffi .qq qdl@ +a iER@ d Gq rn ? I ffi wgc ffi/.!to,?' @ i a.arii?n d Fl..rffi nft.dd 6, 6rr € n , {drd Frlr@64 till hire+rt ,w'.w 2q t6 d.-mgffiHH}RT*4*-!- d-.rrl d 3rfi4n ihrs ir,re ri rr0 rl&eh.-- ::"r,H"i{l!h}$''{""..j Bd!e ,<,GAN;G!G ")M^.8ddsrt b hF'|n'd!dtrEi; u!Ls.!PBfiA i.ii"Jnt-:ttu-ffi" q, 6-a;i;;ii;nd';i &si, d :.ltrf1{.tli'*- *".-'" i!) r q@i {$ia;dii@- rb, Fd r 4r:!4lqr ;tsFbE Mdr ft,rc;[Er l;*lf;;;":tk;:,.1 Md. ". d di;;d Ri!i, d qJ n;;|;bt; fltr:iffi;Jg:,1t**, r-dj.-Gut r 4c,,ubja;Ad;Gd i, r, c ,ft dtGniiDnm; *"1.1'i-d m"* ,!q'ibr "Jd,; i D0d,ns (,,i)!;d c .' . c-ro r*;.,@ (4 R*rd,d"-".& -_d;J ilol4md|)dkbulolbs. , h_,J *r,, -d , _ , r"iLd (r) M8I rocJlri;.t6.a {q [.IAl'i/R- E"i"od*9d84@h]0llls rlJ ,er;,;b-d;il-;d-d lnr.h..e"6 s,as \ d" rr-a :1:; ilff:""'-; e a*;; tfrG;G vd,"oi,r,cr-d,qrt;,ic P !b bd,3 H4h @ & {0d{ oo 4"aFn,d,d."srb-,tr4d tr.dq.di.fu-r.Mh',rq-;;-ddA irroFLnqsdq icri@{, **'" iilil..ll""- -'** @.,4.drt1f*@46 ll'Ml-.ii.Mp4s , ,.&ru8--; d*AnCd ror No trK^nG6;tr: 1r@ tuq, d66i;i- AAsde(tr4jo*d'D Ps;i'',' *..d,'.r,|,,.h".JJ 6.,e \ l\? +H$Sfa.- FJtt. j:":1,6;- * t8 **W*it$ffi.#"1,g;5t r-rtr +sir + a-,rn !y@ritiqtr *'+ffiftffi#ffi,ffi * fi #ffiq,H * I|s ti1H## E -€'s6foF-E-nsIe€1 qsr$Jxf,R"' & s'si q|.r +d (?,(m d!d;-c',sia lL,Lrr-s$d Forfu$l" w I9 tg -(.6 qR'qlsrrr iFr qFr:-. q;F]< q+A +-{ qFl Frafq { gqrqq* Trq qs6 q}qrr ig fi1ff +< +€{d ERT,ir{.r (qr{trd 1+er q) *{q {r rsrs + 3rfr.fd qhrs_gJ6 Tfr) (4-{ o qTnt "Ttt'r =*T .n, \ryZ E{46[6? €nqln6€ q8fei"isffi" ,.r* F qf.:r+d, 2.6 20 tTfq-?5,1 qfuica{r 6r q:- qrq< s+S { qqr+iff :rc q's6 d-r{r d-er qFf ftqfq fu ac{R dRrdtEr IRrs _ Fh-a !-i rirqq, cq qqrrrd 1FisnM tuEd Fi si,T dr TE \ti q ,fR ig {rqF ir6{nni t.o ffil +qt qffi +q0 +crfr glGll M 13 4.655 3 A..-r.r d qdifd ffi_glr$ qrir liqr qFr t D ?rsrs 3,'rifud dl dqr$ ({r-t i) (f.{ n) (io) 3100 2.17 2500 r.75 5600 3.92 3J0 2air qd +4 56s-o FrdiFrsrt Ede ftrdler6fii G-/t+^ 27 qft+fir fl rFt: - rrc-q. l1-r q] I afid fuq { gsfrq-f T,q qFfi qrqir d sffi+d si(|s_?lrd +-g a{th E|Frfi"l rRrc qffiqrr 1rfr 2l +1 aqd-EM ar ji{{"r I d@ (60 a lqE4ddiiqr fE toR ar'1 erl 392,-/ 2 eZ/ ),9= ry6 66#/€S*r r*.n 28 a ; ; 3 ; d i a :, d 2Z 6' i .: g ri F' E kt il ,, :, ; + 9 \q \'&, qqx KbB o I.q q*nr *-S#"-J'#"ffi*SWkfl-* tdn { 'ft6 a'nqq d !{n ffi{.4 rsfiq df{ {s 'r cor?!: !n W "u{l*t$@3 !l l 57 d r<'d 2q n qolqodosqod{o d F.'d ;ffi .H qi- mf rq f#'r qd ig 3 r, io El-drirwi T{ n d frr el"e-r I 6ft{.r i$-dw nrsn 6r ms6dr 3ez A0 X2=7.s.r io + "rFi rqo +e1 qrlf {c PFt r dd i qRqinn 6r rrq , gflrlqnr l1ril 6r -rc 3 $riic.r or Ed 7.34 qls 4lriid lirn qd.ffi qEn d in - H : ffi tu] ilrsir 5 nF_d eti fii io so q]i Fqii qiq.6ir; {3ri{d'.6rFd qddr<r tft sri? '/' ?isrr ar FrFFiqrdr L / garnq ir, sii!-nr let q dJ sd / srg 6r.n s ssri 6€T,/6d1dl e €rHor 6ltr q<lr ori !r qq (0.30x0 30x0.4t 7.81 tsior ri aF.a Frqtq 6d !i aq cfi io 50 tufio iqq!60ffodSx76a ]E aq dd n{r iF! r.rr drqR iq F.rr ftnF _ 6240.00 4892160 84985.(0 15680 215.2 t99\1.t2 120022 56 !53.6/.. !r dq 6t 1.52 12.00 L.S. 410 t5630 145?24.80 Bfiq !d 1t209.60 9mhq n $ li', an se ffi < Fqi ffi d&a srd ?0. 15680 IlId gar:r 61 6rq !r 4q dq iFq ftn z'Fdr r'{i Frn .I{ qrflr ,rq! FraJ Tcr{ 'rqq + rFJrq FRd .J3rt qF{.r qr aq qq 15630 94080.00 15630 29615.20 l5(80 r29 00 II lrB rrrFn n ciqJJ rG gmn!"r air d s'<fd qdl qIfl s rcd.rnc- qarqn -rr{ {l r d q.3 ol fiE o.n 2568.1.84 LS. 7.84 gflnw + dqFi.d Fli cd 4+!il d rin San ffi i! rinF M $m t -+6+{ d{ iE aiini//sFedj L.S / L.S iii \.a fti:lir dr. @ lm sffilmcma3lqd,l:rr E6r,l 6 *E- ilg @A {FA A $3 ry // -- 20227.2n t.00 (7) {ftn *cld d qEr / ./'/.1/ 5.20 1q ffi-EFffiE-ilg{L@ ltn +1 dr,rd 4d icq fi q s5{as 8624.00 l5r8 ro"l 6.00, 1563 s]Il q qcdrlnd qqrn ts. {r4rffi? qr€{ qREd] r..a al qrF a{rl ffiqdFF\!ffi'@ LS @F.flffiIsl ffi ffi-Tffiffqdffi41snr$s@iiad/nFr.)d in rnrF u qq i rdqtu d{ ig 3r'B6("-ffi@ r}r.r-6;ffi 5000.00 / 15630 LZo,/ 1568 qr]].tqqs.- 296483.44 qqql sq acd s{ n {s{'4" 5000.00 ,to q .rrrtFr .,,/ 465 aA/. fr@*i!.r-r{d sllrR 'i{q s{ n tg{Ers s cT{er"r ffid-s nwr.d sBq a{ q ]@f-w< t<r €lerq s 3rT{erq a{ nterqrqq 3rf{Hol ------fiffi.;m-G 3!4a 3r@ !i 7.84 1.84 4632. 4402e2 ?o 468y 44y)a4 ?o 468.00 449)e 11 'uyo ,y^ 3r@ aq i -l!'@ ! {f€q rri ]*sP* ?0 Tql rd ./' f' ,j'k' I ql]q i*- zerq q!;::4 iia'glq q rTF I ZIFI l-lFT qq :_ qr.T '-il * f ,*r.rl l* 4401t,44 {d q -__.r{- ed -1 L 26226t.92 __9 j _! J j I F€ranqq l/ 296481.84 {aJq sq "a*' "9.1 "YT -,*, I | I 6a qh:- ,-0 t212676.64 $.r12^4--2- "'"1* ;/,t.,Ss". 'q"T - \d"T /?) p!,, (!/) sTavE' {?b_!,b^Kq ry lBba /&3 a re lB92.l <tll Zr o 902 I IB34 .a ols L,a& rB35 .133s 1336 t 3t& I Ae7 1.4 sQ t&38 . tr76 '4, tszv laB i&r 6'.$B <4. ttt3 14E LB E8 lloo ;- r?uqE7 gDjro qo 8s.9 o'344 /s1,9 lsla d.TYB l60 A O.JYJ \ dt.!l<* fuR-tqdr t&9 .F" Z,Jl!+ 1,o 26 !T{q--43 c1lltrtrfl or ntc.- q$df d qEn{+ qr qffi-sqd *. * ffiff * -q{c-q " e d". ..ili.# iw- Frtc'r iJffiffi* fu ftr€n --a.".tko**, a alJ'{l ila _ .?'u '@ H#,Xffig;5xg1* q-d{n qffi{.rs d". @-q cqrFF 6q qFl t f6 q'i{.{ Frilq d aflrnr edw \r$r' viH a{ @ FSffir." 4eq *\Vrffodrtl fr c'arl 3rd6T€IYq al?"r qRdtlrrl arT iq- iR rFl qcHt n FFi4 m stt lYn + Fr,l'i is !r fa F<ftw rRt! - ftn q' q'n R !ii< t?r d,f d d 3ii ftn c$ srl $'Ricq riif! n{idn-it6n n-& d ffi R lFn rsrnq d erlsrrr riffi €l \&$iffflQ e'g-JY=.v'-9gx15*t A*!/G*,' -2 5#"m-. (?r' --xRrdrd *- w rrd t r4t m @ df, n s1rfd q@nw i!{-4dqT4.\ tudr , FIfuFmT ft<Eitr+qjaf 9ijftifudfrFiin{fi6fidqm d mi h'.'lr. * fi 3t q.i!sq9@lBl ?Aal -i I? 6;FE;;@"*t Frffi rizr tP, iir Fi d srn R slmiiifud !q tu/.ntu t !!qj! tlq 1 ffirqffi-dffin6Fffittuq Fc]i'ffirthtu,ftntud qs ,, td-!6lfudl'.m!xjddtft,ff nqJ}iiFigldirl!.m!rydte,6 tuT:ffir*i]@ii"!.@dn ffiFdffisf-r!r@;l@f!{c 4 ?d6 ,Y. ?6r -JlA !.: \ \3> ;-J;e 19 2 t3 92 =1@ H#*Wffi " e-i{n vhrs-q"r.a lki @E ".* ** "JHi.gkH$ a, rr.f r' ?ri' arrr Fd ce rqn R lEn rdriqq ?7 #E%ffi' a:f#l r, ,3 cRdlEI q aq nn re nffi I d q<.tu iiilrs g"r$ +c{ qri ar Fnlq tC Tj,lff .€rflq lrsnsl {iosodrowoaT{o tr"nfedidgsits&"r lTflrd qndffifl d FlItor iE f{r|6 3o.o2or3 6l Fi-n .r} {gn fttrer.r ; 3rfsn }nf.d 6 11fi @ m tft R FnEd +i ae $t d lm d T{ q ftQm d +qr s{ftd +i qr} geii di trqr1qF ,r'nr di | 'r{ tr.{fr. '{ t' :lrFlm 'w ft-d q, or,i- {t $d ?F qm qr ?f F 1+{, f:'- fqm irqtra{ r - in-r tl \+**"' FrdtfttErt ll5 t1 qR-dqir 6r ilq- qrq< qqH il Sollofrofqosdo d 3r<,Jd ffi g"r.ff dter !l t or l=mlu ig tr+,!tr eelFr"r rwa r qRs}oir d Mq e cqrfrd di lTd qsl 6r Xdr6-{ | Fihd irn {fr 1804 00 5111.00 596 20 119.24 00 3252.70 3252.14 -6lsitzri l3o fiso.a L'' 52+2a 13$ -'qzv.zo 53trl- qqEIiI 354.20 3542.00 596.20 1734.60 5t30.60 rt6. i-n':i t( qR+q{ 6r rrc:- qt{,rd qq}d .qrrqs qrer cFt % qft+fir + ^ tuq 1|'F 'lrrrqer qRrr{ trq i gsrrq* Trq i ig ir$ EFrff-qlqrr-+ '-"Fd 3{rdf}_ ':".;liJa FTqinr 16 - ";.;""-ft"",-#T l{i rtlaR i?.qfd 3'RFld Bffi-g"ifr 6-El Fd ffit#'mit cd46r d ne+o qffs'q + e-r lr 4 t{5T5F& lT" l:; .ffirtu "sffi# a 3 3 2 l6 ldff"- L.'iir:fiHi"., 3 -l J 61F., l 3 2 l 2 sc-ihjq€l{,r"r-r ftri .ri if-q leri 6r llrc cfuqrr + iiqt r ig fiqr qnr 3rcfu 16 t/ r*ffiiJ#mg6g*ffi;1.* d qrr|r d 3e +r'' + r<.fti Rri 6r sllq_Tr *ffi H,THf.;1,HH +.H*trsgiH## ;tr .z?ffirffi =r {tn a-i lrilt:Frn 'rM sittr ll r Rfu-d qc: i ,- I r s.lqq dqtfi t ftIlrqjl llq q.sfi {tscT d iffi'f-d ffil gq.ff 'Ac{ qr4 d Frqi'r i-g (eqt$ ogos fio'ft0) .; 12' c 05 r-r s zKm - 'ofE I I t,. ,,,, " f .r':"'|'l -\- ,/*\ \ ,. >.--. ) \ --\-K -4, tl t. f. . I' I I I ? I| ) /- ' '1I ---| -L \ . I ilol r:1 al .r, /F | )'] R,r 1-g-64 // / ry ftdF- \ \ ------I \--'4. iP \.:l i, \ rnrt,ill-.] rnsrrir ..a \I ( I ) trt j (\l: L I In !t | 'l: I IL_ | ...-.,. \ )1 \ l ir,.hr rdc !i ' r Legend ood<o/c,. A.* (q/.s{ \ | | ... '- .11.. tw '. ' . -. tto - '- ;;:,,".,,"'. '..".,trl-'" : . - .:.',, -ldr B.!N tu^phq9t Era L PRADHAN MANTRI CRAM SADAK YOJNA qTGI{I NAME OF CIRCLE NAME OF DMSION NAME OF WORK PRNDHAN MA\TRI CRAM SADAJ< YOJNA CIRCLE P.W.D, GAUCHAR ! CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, PIJBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT POKHARI r FOREST LAND TRANSFIR PROPOSAL FOI.. JAIJRAST-TONJEE MOTOR ROAD DISTRICT ! CIiAMOLI LENGTH OF ROADI AREA OF FOREST LAND 9, ts k,{|. -95S KM r 3.92 Hct 2 n 4o\rodJossoq{o + rrq( a+s r ,ii i qior .4 -frr +'r qd Tc PFjq 6rn ?E 3'e'? i0 F€l<ril rr Nl-ffi .ri'in 3V tq strffn rdn d fr€I{q D- r d-n-'_31 il lir < dq ge'T{lq"r genilcll :F] qd +rFcr a iJffd ftn qd qrA ftn dJ so:- 3 5 trfid hri qii sla qfffd,-qefdfsl1i 6 3rT{R 3I6fi<I $ dq{q {r rqFr,riqsq L 305 76 m d q|4 slT{ r Fsrl 6F{ qit{qlr n sd q{alq 6rq q{ qq s.Tjffi !{ Fts.r 60011.23 aPclr Jnl? znq (oJoxoJoxo.4t rsi6r sRd :rq qq Fqq-fFE 624.44 F'{ iqF id dT 500.00 T 117t2.00 Adtq r'ra 6rd (o.loxo10\0.45) € 14 +r d qd der. qls +1 *rn E{iq 3{ "238 . qsre F.rr ir{l 6ri w qq .1 6 ert sti'+ c,]rE qq z< l'i):(lrtl 14817.60 tqor .Fn ,n4.n > 129.00 flta.odtutuf+r{ *fe- q rqrerq rr aq fz) q< 3lrR S tt{dfr -'ifl:m v <+'+r-ia rct,n a,i Fsn-ffi 6 drE" "P *- i ".4lgg l0lD60 1.00 1284192 ffi@i6$Affiaefts€ffii5 iftm M rd i qffiq di & qftrir/d{iqJ d ilzs ,2n, :3( 38 nEr * F;ffi@-trEffifift n.?\E*Irn olw ilqq s{ Fr @fl drdlsl JrQ 6rd d sw< t-dlq sq q ifff{ qs tersra s 3rJ{!iq -- 1t2 arq l '] :" a,lha .!20r4.r.: (12) qrB g$iqq *d d Ei 3r<'1-d rlqor 61 10"" qlF {sl al-']r s'q ncln ftniqq d qrr]I ihd 6 qr3{ 4 c10 {.aa *ls o1r I qi.illr 4"Tf _ a IiF6E t chil an 'icrg nr srniw i dNnnd 8ri fd fiFt d n 3€r irLbo( 5q .iRrm o $m n qdssq m J.92 LS 5000.00 1.92 L.S. 10000.00 5000.00 3.92 l % 8?02.40 10000.0( {{et s{ ncq ds 6 nqtr qq lrrld d 3qrrf, 220\4.12 qqel srT i qEq qs Ir rs'sr" s '-1arq +rd (r, 220t4.12 to 120\412 t ffi f Fglrr<mffirrqtenqrr€.I6t{ .l ]]ff#6lqTdRqc - --a::::, 1t014.12 r nq'E Erir r ]T!rq srd Iffitr***lm- 7€@ s ]TF 4i 22014 72 lrr) 1.92 {€ io 468 22014 72 22014.72 +' ll01,l.7I €. (-; 2 .:=-.#-FA-",€'dr. r tft"ir <q tq | '''i l' r2014 i) t70t4.72 €d D ',er(:6 +t4?4 I B::lil! "J€"!91 22014.72 2)At4.1t z)0l4.7Z 22a1412 2)01412 220\4.7) 22014 72 zi< 5 + .. s (+ 's-"gl' r r#ft'c1fl /?2./ 2.tq 40 Name otworkrconrrructlon ofruEsi to Tundii Motor R@d und€r PMGSY Disposaland ure of qlql9rlg! G':nu r sub.bde/bde/$dee W _ ere:uroe6e,n"e. '1/ q:r !i1 \1,/ :rA-'ft.q-i iiE'n r' i"Tft: ANNEXI]RE ' Oetail Details of Muck desposalYards With Land Owner 1 1550 1264 2211 sk 6a;r ;h{d{it 223r0 II J t1 n EZ !.s 5n ?!o I I -c T I J s$f 6" \? \ \i 1) -s i-t ,d1 a 4f - 2tq 4t -cr{rc&'ro-q *##1mHffi#ffi$'%w*%"-Hih __,u{6 aE - e<itq s€'< :'v - 6q tdl.r ola-o/tb gz +r ftvraf ;;i6r" q €rds?t *n+ + :T" "iF ft@ trF rnr --ri * #.7 !r fiflFd {6 R'{drqd i-{ qlqffi . =:=r; o' I I o'l S 2 )q s-@4s * **E tr " u*, '. -4 ,rqe C t-4r''" HTI @ 3lE+ 'I5 nFd ff;?$w i ftP I r-'r 'r fa'",HJl sa'l a,-z - &*4i s,q ;&; "r-A .?- $ 'r #F< -ca-a rF? I p'#,*< qr F(nlft-d qF Mrq-a qtffiz| Fd ^-'hv+;24 -g. i}'-4 "+a 6 -n' "rq fid{q fiF 'd e4- €c3 V;b* 6atz 8db a. r,S m= "i 98 a,,39 -r €{ '191E a; E-zz o. 2.-i *4k S E""-f#S"1SJ: N^, ) !ryf qq;rrirJ rrq rrg+ rrlfrr 6 tr( tq r{tq rflln {' q {drftd ll{dinir llcl ffiqd iq llldB,r d 'rl i. itfl u$qr ig d cr sqi {ft {6{ ii 6l +!lr (l Rt {fr Fjlinr/Td 3,rctu T6 t. r ft"n+q i,Fa olo - olzo 6r5trrR',1.{iiraa,a' ft a {n {Ecr tudr-rl#} d rn {A ftc"q rfi4 qI{RJr nl'lqr rrrnq 69 'q 6il 3rftfd 01 qrifi d +ii i {ji l' ,A\ 1:)fle (4 -q\ nci+d rro tu$qd -t9. rr]q fi qq'r{ i 6o4gcL qi3-L_ ale o rJr.rarr Loql- n, ,,n .w.M* , €xcqr r U"zclij.aNne, 'i,fttucrLn ri!!\r1 3*d dl.dit 9$ , L. . \.r 2 tq g@=ryiE .-; tr{ft%H *,ggt,Tff:ilff*155X; o.".r+r* orq FsE *. q<.id $'S..ii.'[f X \ an *ee o/a.- ctza 6rEd6n 4 +5-€- q<arf ge rgir"Cer- u4irr -q6q -S= "l Fq er- r ;q'+ '* rrq Y? i{dd gt - ." -".*q \ a,q r r5---L1;qr44 +a--)611 qdfFa qr fin .d !E i! , 1 -*#" *Jf;*.?11ffi:;' ^)z L-ffi16:!r' Fr.fiFr+ift YM 1)q vv -q.{-qF-{{E-9 m #1xffiH olrr {flra gir-- ffi # ffi,.{*"s* R Sl3' #H##ffis*fr'#'*-' "ffi q{drftn #*."'H.ih {f Bqrrd ts1 mHf ' -e**ir@iBf. )u ;j111?r{In ve snT!fr cllE-qz Ji' g?HJT FTi;"hH l.-; *,,. - + ' "' - "r4 \+ ar I'-o"."* '* r6d @ TT"'* ''r -,-fl?^rta ,* hqdf* *ffi 2Jac-31i3 n rt q *!x'?'z:f, ilrr- q -d.;----.S-r-F 34-'{a InrF{?Fr{utFrr'nl " n q, Fflfrd !q Ealic '1|.,w i( t-,+ -._.1 tsad ,a 9,A L4' nl e" 63 -CIel* ..,r(ti9l9e.atrfiFF{a I n "F_ \q a@--- m mrxffiH ffi # ffig*q.w *'*Lx -Aq" ?q- -+r{,<e,-'/ - k+!r q{<Ifrn q( CE|qd #;i<r- 1a1L zi€ -n <6- ;,;za -+:E--':iti- z;t-4;l- Bg q]c eict!+J- ffi#HKo.*ffF;;'*, T=E: +lr j;i?- c 7t"1e n Nt-'' c Yxnl -,-, ,v€pd,{35r lnEF-EE=E #*..,Tliix#"{'i,xhw ql cqrr{* qrq d1i} Fqfq/,ro E{+trd ig Arm T6?.qffiqcn!r atq -'{---a:-lf.{' ed- @ qo d rrq r,flfti {4^ftfrg? Eg ffi ig/a17- st A96Ftc-'?' ,fr jiflq liq rflr ? | ea@ d;-5o' L.t4- ffi >:(- .'L5l? ::+;- A,c,a zaSq o*ta-1r-i! La'a4- # o it-a t:;##ffi; ^../ N,,--.,a 2 3rE{k' tq Erulz q]- pr fi"? _f,Ft'o iL o_?^c i .';'{ Jrflr. 9tarrr ,{f+'n?'4 e iF'_3 o^ rdi 'f{'9 PrJt F5Fqtrd'^. 4 {n ftrr n fuq'ir' fl .""n "A I q ^..,to a D rFr {5 'di ts J' lsr < Esi ilw qr 6lr fiFr- s/3o -^ </4o 6r'r6F 4 {"tt=drAn **dr".fiF 51 ^ "n *-c sqF'{a -@ '- I BE qafliii rF Glc-rn4 ia \Rw- 'r it ,-1-<- zrle 2!- I 6a ^-r/ :i y'., qd6.Eu{, qi-{ fl{ +{Rn-.iFllf,l .ry" .i!1. , €sr dqcl d 3'i'ld tRnrRn -d r'l1 qql?, ri 15 a {n ' ri1 d i' T rarr "+ ' -r 1 'li{ {F ?!ln fc ee'rsa er q .""r* r q i"|l.fz F q' ],-4 TF trid ar |. wrin* qrq "* Er$ +€n f,/-3" < ,s/*o ;j; +:'+i"'," " *'n n' s- *'' q{ Fwiid ro ffiwo ig nF@- g? ,J ;,6,9 ti -0&k ..r." rid.ddritoilDfao M , i 2.t1 qi.nftd ,icr ctfi{qil flq tn .i} F.qiq/'ro BFtscr ig 3r.rFi rn t. $ fuHr'frq <i] w fqtqr il4r i-E ( il] '1r,1 ni(fi -dlar'{l d Fqllr {FI 3rff,r ftl "rdl i ir.l . nl 5sl .Ini .4{{A "" "Y-" * -q\ntrr,nq - 6li' "J:&.t-* Aln agr rrn "1li !{ qrdlilil ,ff et'r) ld i( N! Ea:'nFE:ti+,r fr"t v+" I t "jl aa *taw7 t - ; -l-- !^?7r-)r::+?-fE4rg l+ H . t:+*-F":?&-t+'+-i---'. ?'|#- - ts";i- - "#-ffi"$--;J o,2I5 E""']'tvu[4]rr"r I 1riifir$fji'@i e,/ o*6t o"n gdl e4 fsE-rg-q ffit x'f;.",T;ll #'^s''lLH Fdrifl * u* "0,," r I 641" <T d qq$ Iq l-rt € n r sq* n* -r4r{ ;i4-q.T<r!eE .Fr.*az< "t/ro -J/.taqnnon 4 {id=t,k-E:q.drt {fi -Jfl. fudr "trI A Mlztrqmiid ro R{rw< R w gr{ rtl nrrr+|- c 1ff fuc"I .-2-_ .ro 63 n .€",:."nMt@. $t ...'), ' t'1"lf e-dlf\-a;rt. -:.94 2.20 qffiq srSq -25 tqrd *r q-q frq qqH+ Fwr j-di s_sRrRa rqr_d E !Rd-dnFrrlq._# #_?#T"lR*&;,* o," *_ eq, + tu- f,{ _, {c q€r.d /4. +s H T,Tj: T TT .HhiH"* :f+ m #""'#;:'ff"$ ; i:lT t*"" "* Afro qqrs " A d +d{ clr) ^<fr qrq_+ _,raftn a|rlr,T s.25oar0f0 B I (irrfiq EqF - srr qqt) €r qr.furd ffi@ry'''iq-*' a) 2ls @ or$-#H nqr"r S$ffiHt {r {d*d 1iitrq 3rEftqq, 1960 6I Sdlfi i +i rqrFrd fuqr qrdr ca{,rd cffifir o e hd"T qgfto.,. s+ror t ft ,". - ;*";;;-l 6l qrq-c' i{ +ried qr {q q{ Tr ,-€- gqrg{*Frff 'w" -{ tr+iGfffi Exe! Hk-- q& ffi-sq* t2q ry?9.1 ftV,y'.t+ o] nq d vqq i-do o1wfuft *,.',s@+= w'qr '.ni.1rn r{1X4lq t"+ ;-,, iry! tt ai{ q'.iir^q,t€ ",4 d/,rq,, li e,7_ Or F.l,.t ctE-o, rrJ ,fiifi qfiqrq-n or ns-*Ir*ffi*ffi-trg1 + 3r€rd tursDrs 6rd mar rr Eli Fr qqllFq, cqrFrd ftqr qrdr e fu fqtdr qitrS m**###;ffiTHHTTHT ^ EI{r 3fl \M. _M- <arTts I2s *- GEOLOGICAL REPORT F 7. I I e1 4.28 lllrDroDorcdroconnru.r96s3kmsecuonotmotohbe.oadf.omlauraritolonjiDisiChamoti, !YlUulhwo*sDeparrment. twas required as perrhewo.kofderto conduct a d€tailed seolocical livlttbrrloi ,onc the proposd atternative atisnmens to 3ered rhe ben aisnmenr on rhe basis or th! trld Invesr€arion. rhe ain or geotosidt jnvenigarion k io .ot ect :uir,br; dda inrorfration ""d arlrdlns c.nerar topocraphy and caos.aphy oithe srea inctudins type or rockrorm*ion a ons the tll nent. The lo.auon and direction offautts andjoinh if an, have ako been recorded. Onrhe !!rlr of rhe dda.onected f'om rhe ritq besr ati8nment has been solecled considering rhe nabitity ,, ths prine requnement. white setedins the atisnmert, it has oeen kept In m,nd that ecotocical tnd envkonnentar imbalance k nor .aused in ihe.oncehed area o rord and even ak@ards when the road becdmes opehtionat. Ne.e$ary pr€caulioft ro be taken .lon8 with some sucgesrions hava ako baen memioned so as to ra.rtate the construdion of fr otorable rft d on this Fart orlhe naior. LOCATION: chamoli dkrrict lies in rhe norlh east€rn part of unarakhand state. tt is bounded by lvorth Latitude 29! 55 00" & 3le 03, 45,, and East Longitude 79r 02, 39,, & SOs 03, 29,, and lalts in Surueyof India topo-sheet nos.53O/ M.nd N. fte Seographi6ta.€ ofthe district k 7a2O sq km, chamoti district the second targest district of Utrarakhand, is atso important from strategrc poinr ofview as ttshares its nodhern boundary with Tibet (china). 1- This.oad aiignment from vi[ageJaurasisituated at pokhari_Gop€shwa. i 2. The aticnment end5 atviflage Tonii. GENERAIGEOLOGY AND TOPOGRAPHY: REGIONAL Gf OLOGY AND SIRUCTURE OF IHE HIMATAYA5. The geoJogicat formation in Himatayas tak€s sh3e turn forhing hair pih bends at the tdslc.n and were.r enrFm,L.e\ of lhe a.!, ald (onri.Le southwards into surmese and Baluchistan arcs respectivety. These two potnts of acute inflexion connitute rhe majo. syhtaxial berd5 in the Hitoatayas_ The Le$er Hiffalavas are composed ot tecronica y compresjed btocks of pateozoic and Mesozoic ciystallines, netamorphi. and sedimenrary .ock. The main .en$at thrust h a mator tedonic reature of the Himatayas ahd has brousht the crysta ine .ocks of Hisher llimalayas ovef rhe younser SedimenteBtes. The Hightr Himatay* @mkrs of a 5ingt€ range wirh an averaee hergnr The width of thk zone, hostty composed of G.anite and cneisses, is crystalllne occupy th€ core otthe axis of the range and are @nsidered accompanyinC the coopressionat hovehents responsibte fo. the uptift \%-\ 2 28 qIOIOCY 6" OF CHAMOLIAREA ;'l:,i:;#::' 1,:T ll :i,l,lXT iil; Ill.X iii"J;Ji,,ii;#t;",ilt;,.1.1 *'--=',1 *r*i,,,..#lt*iliT$ffi ;Ifr':::f il:::". #;ift m*,:mln:l I ::x :j ni*::J;1,*;:ii::::j6de,me,morpiric,ock or vaik*a sroup and,ow srade ;:'":,1*lJ::":j#:ll::,"'"nu ".n;,; ;;;;;; ;;;;::T:',l,i:::,iJ; lii llll::::::t11 T' ""'".;.;;;:; ;;#::il ffi H jH::'Hi 1'";"1:1:.--::"*:1" ",,".,,,,,,,; meEnorphkh. the wellhapp€d lautts in";;;;;:'ii,,liJl,ill.l,:li,i thi *:, ;";;;;;J;::"i, :;;,"11"i,,,::,.::i;:::T:i:ill t\4NW ',,,",,"""..",,.; dtrectron sSE lrom Nandpraya8 ro ra G-eobgcatt/ the betonC ro rhe r"ssp. Himd.ayds and tiFs In a recloni fo,e deep. rhe Le$er H na ayas are (omprised of fangtome,ate5 fo ow :lltff :1"T, *;i ; nll :;h*',lm The .enrrat crv$a ne rockl arewel exposed d,n, ct ch!fr o, rhe rcc,s of d ihe Himataya. -he @nrpi.uous horizons rlx? tilj; In the H,sh c"",;i,;;;;;il:fi1'ili"J::[:,Til:i:,jT: gnei$e{, migmaltes, rrystathne yhnr, ,hi(t qLalzire wih of catcjiticates wirh psahmrro.nei "; :il::T';"J;II Tfi lffi :il.:'L:; ii: ff :";:: ::l;""T",:,T;;;:; Garhwal c/oup lsup€Eequen(eJ: pataeoprorerozotc caihwJ coup lorn( t,e molt;nensive G,orp otroc(s i. o;r,,.t cnarot, The ro(t\ or paraeop'ot€rozorc time{pan are Srouped in Garhwal lr rorms rhe hcjo pan.r ,he ,e$.r,avd and tr re";,;;; ;;,;,",""::"'"poI row&ade melasedinen'r con'lrine oi quarr?1e -',. ,;"".";;;;,;;";,;;(ncF metavo,ca.'Ls crd .arbona,e ,o,r.,. ou,n*u, o,o,o o t,.e vd.n rmertone,Aidand ba\,crsneousroctsinruderneG"rnwdruroLp. The u.u"i,",;;#;il;",,... BoLnddryraurr,,""";#;;;,il;:l:";'::l:::,1,Tff";T:lJ Trbie 1: Majorgeolosical forharionsofrhe cenrrat crysta ines atonS with th€ lithology (/ !29 tEii{EiAL ionvertoru I Fiirutli 4F Garnet, SiLLlmanite, Muscovite and kyanlte, migmalites, lcates. Leucogranite, p€gmatlte and Sarnel anphibolita. Sanded quartzite Bneks and interb€dded ,fmcukort'*., quartz mica{chkt, P.G amPhlbolite lirlrln Garnet mica gneiss, staurolne and kyanite gnelsses, Sarnet amphlbolite. h Quarrzit€ white quartzite wirh gneks 3nd EFlrisod Ragsi Mi.a-schisl. Valt.lla Group. Mesoproterozoi. to Neoprotero.oic Vdk.lta sroup (superoeqlence) of rocks represents rhe hishererade m€tamo@hics ofthe HlBher Himalata peNaslv€ly penetrated bV Voung Tertiary g.anite. fte rocks comprGinC, thls croup, are micaceous schbis, talcose rocks, phyllites and gnetses overlyins mainly the granite gnekses. Spatlal extension wis€ the Vaikrita Group includes the metasedimentaries cxposed between the granltegneGses connitutin8the cantralctystalline and theovenying Ma+oli Group and its aquivalents. The granite invudes both the vaikrita and Martoli 6r&ps and include, blotite €ranite, tourmallne€, iourmallne aplite and Le$er Hin alaya {s u peB eq uence): Mes o p Thk supe6equ€nce, In Lester Himalaya, rote rozoic to Neop.oterozoi c g.oups, viz. the olderlaunsar Group and theyounger 0udatoli Group. The rocks ofthis group are continuously exposed in the outer Lesser Himalaya. In Chamoli dhtrid it k exposed in the southwestern pan. lt is dleided into three fotmations, viz. Mandhali, cahndpur & NaCthal, and conskts mainlyof phyllite qua^ziteand slate Martoli Group is represeoted by a thick sequenc€ of unmetamorphosed metamoehosed rocks in dktrict chamoli. The rocks of thk sroup are exlosed River basih. The maln rock types are sivef grey phyllite with interbedded rhin -\) o,M J: l)L (ftnat,, Tfchul, chaukhamba, DuiaEiri, Nandakot, HathtpaNar, Neelkanth, Nar & lirrayo patuat. Thc slopes ol these peaks arc covered wtrh staciers. Thce peaks ar€ l!p!ruted bythe traverse, deep, natrowgorges ofA aknanda, Sa6swari, Dhau iGaiga, Birh Efi!!/ Rishi Ganea, (aii, Plndar, Nandakini rivere. ctaciers, ho.ned peaks, cnque, hanstne VlllCy etc, sculpture this zone. The morainic mare.ials occupy rhe vattevs areas_ The PEvrhnt landforhs are lateralmoraines enil noraines, U shaped stacier valey, V{haped ll!vlal varleys, river teraces and Denudariona rv,ounra'n. CUMAIE Ihe climate varies from slb tropicat monsoon type (mid wtnter, hot summer)to troDical lpland ryoe {nila'winrer. dry winr€r, shon w"-m .umrer). The -orlhen, no-lhwp:lrm, ionheastern and western part of th€ dGtiici k pef€nnialy under snow cove.; here the Cllmate is sub-arctictype as^the area is represented by tofty Himatayan Range. Severewinter Ind compa.ativ€Ly higher rainfall arc the characteristic featurcs of the nodfi!rn pad, The yearmay b€ divided into tolrseasons vir.lhe cotd wjnte. season, ( February), the hot weather season (March to May), southwest monsoon season (june to September) followed by post honsoon season (October to November). the normat maNimum. and oinimum tempe6ture varles between 31 and,2,9eC respccovery. larger part oI th€ dGvlct k siruated on the southern stopes ot the outer Himatayas, monsoon curentscan penetrate throuAh kenched va eys, ihe raintalt reaches its maximal rn the monsoon seasonthat spans betweens june io Sepiembe.. Rainta spatial, t highty , variable dependins upon rhe.hit!de. In the te$er Himatayan zone (tooc3ooom amst) marimum rainfall occu^ about 70 to 30% in southern hatf. Au8ost is the rainien honth. Rainfallrapidly decreares afterseptehbe. and it is the teast in Novembei About s5 to 6s% ranfall occu6 in the no.thern hatf i. Central HimataVan Zone. About 17% ot the annual precipilation occu6 in wtnt€r season. The winter precipitation is in association with the passage ol the weste.n distuiba.ces and is mosdy in the form of snowfa , particubny at hisher elevarions. l]1e precipitalion during th€ pre-monsoon honth, which is about 7% of the annual totat and the post-monsoon nonrhs, is trequenttv associated with thunderstorms, lts average normat annua rainfall is 1230.6trm. GEOLOG ICAT STATE: This foad aliAnfrent is spread overla!nsareroup otLessar Himatayan Region and conskti.C mainly of phyllire, quartzite and state. quartzite rocks are vkibte at some places havins layer or soi and debrk of varyins thickness over rhem, These rocks have fautr wtth a direction oIEW and thrustsasshown in the diagfam, Uppersvara orthe rockformation is of mediuh hardness, rhk lpper formation is frainty oi phy ites and states. Aft€r this, Quartzite formation is apparent wtrh rocks of heavy hardness. ,tb 63 228 llo'ron'c iorrdron ar tle e --dcr co-riderarron i\ repre\"nied "! from medrum to 5teep allalongthe ahsnment, SIDEMTIONS: e @nside.ation while proposingand designinga hillyfoad due totough 3 almost durin€ the entire span of a yea., sonetimes du; to cins and snow. on the bask ofthe finally setected and,app.oved atjsnnent, it is e due .on5iderarions to lo owinc points resarding construction of keeping topos.aphical, seologicat, ecotoci@L seismic and envrcnment.i I falG in thesetsmic zone V. a. villages nearstaninsand end points oithe atignfrent. Crynallah5 are @ssed by rhe atisnment. .nd envirormentoftheafeashoutdbe keptin hind white @nstruction of .llenmentlalk In cuttivated tand and passesth.oush buitt up area at rew ofhill ranger rrom normaLro medirm. 0Ns: loSical, seismlc and ecological constraints in mind, and to ensureoveral srabitity ftt.ucted road In panicular and the concerned area in generat, io owing , are made forthe construction of the proposed motorabte road: conslructed bVthe side ofrhe hi atl alongthe.oad in cutting. wall should be connructed as pet shape of the rock and site !.upper/double scupper /cutvert/duseway sho!td be constructed at the locarion of Erf JLg 4. 5 Ourer edsc ofthe roid shoutd he kept highef ihan the inner debft/mud, so that water does not ftoss thc ro.d during remaihs safe for driving. noadshould be const.ucted 6. lJse ofExplorives shouid 7. provistons rhoutd be be made i:::tr;i:1",,i1,:I * per specifiations *^"-en, *r n ,. c.ns de,ali.n tor construction ol motorabte ]J:::::J:#::: ;::::i.'":::f :x":THT:" cONctUSTON:_ke€ping ihe poinrs discusred consriuct a mororable lbok into considratoh, tu reems advisJbie and roadin rn6 area aton€the ,es,ble proFosed j+!4t I t I I I I I r"l a/' r@---#hmu{m qrc F-s.u$s{-s q.i.rn q}ird-sqd t''r'-'"''",'.1;;',,r lll :"'' " "l^".1 :; i:. : lJ- ;,, ", lDt f, nrd! ' ""' ,., ",,,,.,':'"::;l ' :;'i:: ""*". . :'::.f"ti;.,: s rb/! ryd,mD ft pr ! 5rB. orpr, L g o be i,o id ror d!t,Li\r,r. """" , : '-' h. rord n,Br tr !r i. dtud { jt.D ;ffi ,:,",":,1:: ::;;'J:l."',;;;;:ffi ili T;:,i j:.: ;il l,t:: "^r""THrT#:#Wfl#re*+ qii 'inr Fdd si* rrqriii 6, 2 )d *'"* - -%g#m ^ - 1 Fs6 qlsrl + ${,,rd Rtirff_gq-dr qici !r,i @dqqdterrq q aj rR.FFrq + a< nl-* ** ** *u - . R;.6dwi.d__*,.*."u *HH*:H:**:,"* 3@ ^ " ;ry6*y "-* fr !s6 hn ^ " fiS e-ffiW,* * * * "; 1., qn oi frdt dq *. * fitr{ qir.d.rh {i*{] "@ "* arn anq ;t Emrnn *'ic i tu ir+ q€Rn dd @ 'ffiiffiJffH:Jsr*, i H$tex"+#hfr,Hjp: : Hffi -ffiffi #* ffi*trt"ffiffi ffi4{ffi+ffi- ffiffi ffixffi; ;ffiffinffi;Tr##;J** ,HiHy 4- e ra !-r ftqn g-d_,rsrs e,F{ dsn qrn E{oR all d.rrE Fr 'rd rdnr (8 13| 9ISrr-34 gRq}q{r 6r qrrq qqH { qErrdi 'trq l|ciF dl-r{r S (rd,id cffi-qq-m +cl qFl tr'r iq a{,fi ERrrR"r rRrq rr4 .LtfF., 4rtrtrd/@|_ A,tE rdr_lFi id ncrFK tuqr ordr 6l cq! i fr frvq.rd qfurqir A Frqi'r tg x-ffi6 Ss'iit/{ 6r clqld{ Sffftrd fdsl or}$ qr aRr {-i 'd | i6t/=1e.'1'"' 4 !trs!_ 37 -, cRqtqi tFr -'rq:- qjq< q+d i gqfrri* , d**-d-;i;JfrffiRd3r-r'rndr{6-sqn {id + R|d i Eti Fr qqFr_ci t _*H*{#KHL%ff#HS*s _ cafird fuqr vrfir * *1i I* tu* ir. f6 r,r{fuo ac e € tu .*+6 {$ 3'q Fq--r q }t Eri o) s.,ftd LFi{l E{i'{l. 'i tufibrQ €"& \,2 ,n' .At fu€rFrsrar 9' 233 7 9IS9_33 qfrqlqfl or cra- qirq affi i "* - * qsnq* Trq se ,u .o** {{ ffq,/fisfdqt .o.#rffi+ 6t qR T qti *rm*Hu##ffiffi 3rt-+d qrrffi- gld 6r qqllr-qi ordl-s-rqrs d +{rr qq 9l e""t^.4 Wffifi'J ifd e-d rHl 3llrqrrq IF ftqq 4i trn:l 239 7J qMqrr 6r rrq:-srq< q+di qR+srr q 6r+{d &ffa;l i$HhffiRi3ririd ffi-q'.d d fr.A 6r +d,/rqH nq sqdq 6rri qri 6i 9.q1q_q, "^-,Hffm;H,*"ffi#i#ffi Attl JilZ;;' ofrd"' ' o*-#ffiR ;pR*HJy aniF{d €fr qd ,Td cqrFrd fuqr ""t, oe"n, J4- -*i* +.r q'rF{l]rdrrqaliqql!r_{, qin i ia + rrqltu qri^ft-slrs # q{,r.r.' uDn 0nl, "t4{i "- d s'f"T P ffifud \r yw_ ryfBlgwtseei tuotu$r{i 98 R r+a 1.3 € **ffiiJ*ffi8#,S*ffi-* !_{olfroto rff e_.rnRr 6r eqfdrd f6{r qlnr 73 +q-dr a,, €rdrrd qid{r t f6 lni( s{dR, qqlflq q, E r'"i! + c'd 4 rrer p@' t,/,ooF(EosoF-ri6o5{?*";;*";",T - - *' ' d'{ir !tri?d ar {E q Froffotu dl ?4r iiF,Fr i ! 3 {ro4oilo d r-{ cfr io - $r a. srdf.d {stc6r #*Fd 1 t €R qq {ftOo{o en srflRr sasooooo sortu - _o o86.6 ,*&-fKffi" '*7/.,r*r. (, 65 2.)?_ ifu +1 ,If.F5,I 6t irq'--r{c-{ qqH { So4o in TA q{I + f;1;fuffiHt srfiR-fi q{rRr qqr qdrd dRrfi-dl-ft 6{Ii qd iFr qqlol q, qqFrir tusr ordr d ffi qft qBq qro n s-t?c rqr4rdq/qr{d sa6R ERr Troqoao d {dqrr dt n 6E d qr8 € nl rrofloao an {A Eg F{rFr 6r g.ttrn cl f&r'r o) +rmw or ftqr qrtn t qffi (i, V W a.'";31:i *ft*, Il ^ ^ . ^ ^ qRql-qir 6r irq : q'fd i -*jl]j lrFr cqnq{ "riq qqo qtr{r + Tn+d FrcFI tE {r''ii FRid{Dr rFrd - iffi_gtrd ct_{ yddav { EnEineer)is herebvautho ised ro uproad rhe Landrrander Proposa I regard ins lourasi Iunji ofthecon nudion Division p.wO por.hari (Chamotijon rne (loverment oI Ind ia porrat www.foren( on behafl of the pMG5y ptu Pokhari UserAgency '|v'|r)anoeep { head ofthe Instituion name /desicnation ). g'ryg.'{:iirs"" Name oogg eirihi'Sjmnetent \d"T /?) p!,, (!/) sTavE' {?b_!,b^Kq ry lBba /&3 a re lB92.l <tll Zr o 902 I IB34 .a ols L,a& rB35 .133s 1336 t 3t& I Ae7 1.4 sQ t&38 . tr76 '4, tszv laB i&r 6'.$B <4. ttt3 14E LB E8 lloo ;- r?uqE7 gDjro qo 8s.9 o'344 /s1,9 lsla d.TYB l60 A O.JYJ \ dt.!l<* fuR-tqdr t&9 .F" Z,Jl!+