May/June, Volume 15, No. 2

MaYJunc2001 V ume15- No,2
Ftom the President................................................2
NCILAon thcl:aster Shore...................................
Wheds,Atles & BearnLgs......................................4
ASSCOon the NltGF'Linders.............................
\ V a nA
t c ls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .r.6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mountinea Beacon................................................
8 4xcu.rsions...................
.. .. .. ........................18
Page 2 o THE SETOFF. MayLfune 2OO1
From the President
f o r th e JulylA ugust issue
by Ju n e 28
as fo llows:
C l assifi edAd s
E x c ur sio nAnn ouncements
cA 95358-',1
wco u lso n
L e t ter s to th e Editor
Al l o the r M a te.ials
917 ParkViewWay
i ta vlo r @m
R o nZ a m m it
The goodcommentsabout TrE 9DToFF ke€p comingin. Aspecial
thanhs to Jan for all her work. I hope you'll aI help by contdbuting
more about your motorcar projects,youl trips, and yourideas to make
the hobby better. Sharing via tED 9sroFr is one ofthe primary bencfits ofNARCOA membership,and with all of us adding something,it
gats belter each jssue.
Recently, I had the privilege ofcoordinating and running the Copper Basin Railway. Jake Jacobson(GM and CEO) was ever the congenial host and welcomedthe motorcarsonto his rails. As I've mentioned
before, AI McCracken has been passing out "Jake" pins to all short
line employeeswho work for railroads eaming the Jake Award for
safety. Jake made it clear that this is helping to mak€ an excellent
impression in the short line industry for NARCOA. We arc clearly
doing the correct thing h€re.
Al started this program with his own money, and NARCOA has
been hclpingwith donations from various groups.Recentlythe folloninggroups announceddonations:Motorcar OperatorcW€st, Ohio Valley Railcars, Pacific Railcar Opemtors, and Southwest Railcar Limited. Thedonatiohs from thesegroupswill total ove" $l?00, and I thank
the mernbershipsofthese groups, So does Jake! Won't you consider
joining this effort? Ilyour group wishes to donate,just send a checkto
NARCOA (Tom Norman) with the instructions to .trfihd ,nnd,
i{r o{,
on the CopperB@sin,
ne@rEarden, AZ, on
the March PROexcutsinn,AU tundafor ,hie
tun are donated to
NA8COAfor the Jahe
Award,effort, Ih the
bachgroudd is one
of the 3 tunnels on the
rcute, thie one through
roch, Patrich Smiths
imnaculate M19M is
shoun, pafiiall!, to the
right. This cdr is
alwafs kept clcaner
thdn when it lefi
In these 19n photos tahen W orohn Chdse,.t Burlington
No/thern track inspectol pushes his ,notarcar up behind. a
helper lacorrmtitle in the siding at Paola, Montu ur, then
t&h$ tirne for a srnahe bt right) . A uorh traitu (beed. spnryer)
is approaching on the mdinline-notc
the red. signal on the
I.efr. Orieinall!
built a.s the Great Notthern nainline,
trachg Bkim the southen bordcr of Gkrcier National Park.
Some Thoughts from Wendell
Have you ever had your Fairnont overheat or been on a r_unand
have a fellow participant's overheat and find out it was only a plugged
overflow tube off the cond€ns€r?It's best to rcmove that condenser
altog€ther and have it cleanedat your local radiator shop,then clean
the hopper and block at the same time. If you'rc iDtimidated by the
rebelliou8looking condenser,studs, or bolts, however,here's a suggestion, butitwill only clean the overflowtube itself. Get a pieceol speedometer cable however long you think you will need and put it into a
r€venible, vadable Bpeeddrill.I'm notsure ifthe tub€s could possibly
be damag€d,but I never chanceda pieceofcabl€ any longer thanjuBt
after getting past that hook at the top. Ifit is plugged near the end,
just cut a short pieceto get started $ith, so it won't kink. You may be
suryrised to seewhat all comesout.I even carlya piecein my tool box
and have unplugged other overflori/tubes on runs with that and a pair
ofpliers. After it's open, cut a length ofrubber ove low tube and take
it to the ground. A plastic cap plug over the end will keep the critters
out between extendednrns.
Paint thatbmke handle red, not so much foryou, the operator,but
for quick identification by your riders in caseofan emergency.Show
them the ignition switch, also.
Doesanyone know where there is a Buda like that one on the back
cover of the Mercl/April aE"o?fl I sure would like to have one of
thoee. About that same issue-oD page 14, is that the same Roger
Sackett who writes articles in WheeLsof Tirne? Why Roger,you never
told us you had motorcars.
Opento all NARCOA
S eptember16,2001
Il l i noi sR ai l N etR ai koad,
80 mi es roundtri p
Whete: RadisonHotel, Rosemont,lL
W hen: F r id a ys c h e d !l e l
H o s p i ta ri ty
5 -6 p m
Me e ti n g 6 - ?
S at !rd a ys c h e d u l e l
Meeting8am - ?
Reservationsmust be made
throlgh Hank Brown to
T elr(6 0 8 )8 3 9 -4 9 3 9
'q!r editoria policy s ta publish n ftE
they may be sublect to ed t nq for space
P h o t o sa n d m a t e r a s s u b mtte dfo r p u b l i
,cation n ttat SETOFF cannot be returned, becausethey are archrv€d.
Giters to rhe Edltorofthe ?tat sErof'.
l'lll not be publishedunlessthey aresqned,
a n d a p h o n en u m b e r i s n d ca te d .Th s p e r
m ts t fE cEto
Editorto althent cate
that a etter s wrttef by the personsSn
rn9.The letterwrtercan, however:request
that h s/her namenot appear n flt,gl'At
Oan Namewth helduponrequesf would
appearin such irstances.
.,Siibmteitherbtackandwh te orsharp,co or
p n n t sf o r p L b c a t o n p € a s€ a b e l th €b a ck
of the pcture as to ts slbl€ct matter and
photographerDo not send slrdee,
We c a n n o tp ! b i s h c o p y r q h te dm a te r i a l s
slch as photos,posters,cartoonsorarnces
w thout wrtt€n pe.m ssionfrom the author
or p!b shei send€r must prov de wntten
permissionat the t me ofsubmission.
E r c l r s i o n s t o r e 5 , t e c h n ca la r tce 5 , a n d
i . . 9 t h y s u b h i s s o i s s h o u l db e typ e d o r
pr, meetnot cesand shortartices
fray b€ handwritten. pleaseincludeyour
phone.!mberwith Vo!f s!bfr ission--cv.n
w l t h E - m a l l n c a s ew e n e e dto ca r t
somethn9 we don't !nder stand,
ed tor
s.nd daterials to ttfD cl'.ol.
by the 28th of F€bruary April, lune, A!g!st/ october or Decefrberfo. p!b cation
the fo low nq two-month edtion
Volume15 Number2
2OOl Board of Directors Meeting
Sept 74 & 75
Submitting Materials
for Publication
Wendell Stahler
Lima, Ohio
c Page 3
Through some of the most
sceni crunsi n Il l i nos. w e w i l
covermost ofthe RailNetI ne
plus crossover the 100year old lift br dge crossing
the Illinois tuver n ottawa.
Cost to be announced.
aet: @15) 264-7979
)an lay ol
9 1 7 P a r kVe w w a y
M ssoua l.4T 59303
jtay 0radmontana
atcE oFf
'. u b s h e r
4 1 0 6 N . Ad r i a nH w V.
Adra. MI 49221
loelw ams
Bo! a2
Greende Nl 07439
toew lams@ucentcom
tZE aETOFF is the official publlcation of the North Rallcar operators Asso.i.tion (NARCOA) :nd is
publlshed biffonthly to promot€ iaf€
operation of railro:d motor.aEatrd to
encou.age tellowship and exchange of
information among enthusiast3, Medbership in NARcoA, whi.h
includes a subs.ription to tlt
is $2o.oo per year.nd ls.vallabl€ from M€mbership Secretary Joel
wllllams. Please address .ll hemb€rship inquires to Joel at the above ad-
Visit NARCOA'SWebsite at:
http://www. NARCOA.oTg
P.tge 4 . THE SETOFF c toIallJune 2U)I
& Bearings
Pages6 & 7 of the 1935Faimont Bu,lktin 316Agi'es
informationon old and moderninsulationandsome
rehichtrrightbeof interest,
Fairmont Insulation Reduces Wheel Stocks
lfi " ..,.r{6334.... ....M6880...........Mf00r.... .. ... . .F1615.
1*" ....MS509._
lll" ....M1+174.
.......... M8675..-... ....r,1,14f0.
.. ..... -..M{i}5'
174". -..M10661.........M10862........-.M4637.
-......M4d17.... ..... ..M4636.
IL" ... M.4.{a).. M4439..
r tt' . -..r{4481..M4456...........M4459..M4460M4457..M4458
f NsLLAl lNC, .lerv.. cost leis t,' sruck
r anrl rre casicr r., handle rhan comtlele
riveted wheels o. d€niountablehubs.
For that .eason, and to enable railrqtds to
use wheels then in siock, Fairmont changed
the fiber bushing instead ot the wheel bore
whcu thrust collars and 3-pieL:e inrulation
tet'l:rccd 5 pi((e in+rlation anJ l nse ;pacing
washerswhich were liable to cut the axle.*
As a result, !'airnrtxrt cars l8 years o1d,
that started wilh should€r tylre axlcs, Hyatt
bearings and no thrust collars, are fitted by
the .rom, wheels as thc latest n:odels with
rniversal axlcs an<llong sleevebearings.
ty0e arles and s"
u insrlatiod woe in wid. !3c beforc
Withiit a
'inherit.d" tl.m.
f.w ycars hoqever, l.airnonis iltroduct ' o n ol hrdly n ecdcd thr!s t . ollar e
{ or
the Hyrtt hcari'rgs rhe, in !se, renrov.d
all necessilr for s-picce nrsrlation and
a shouldcr on o.e cld of thc
cars trsi'rs sater thrlst collars.
D{ring 1le 12 yenrs since that iDptovcnrcnr, )ll laiflnont motor ca.s, push cars
havc nad the nob+houldc.
axlc ehich iis 3-piece ir$l^tion and has
bodr lapered endr identical.
'fhe old dylc axlc vas tluned s'rrller
on one cnd to nt s-piece iNulation wilh
a bushile in no cr*
rhan .023"
lhicker lh.n the "3 picce"
bushiry. This
p.ovide{l a sbouldcr to stop the iDer
steel .nd 6ber {ashers tbat are €linirated f.ob 3'picce nrsulation
No chuse or addllion to existing wheel
stocks Nas nade ty thc non shollder
axle. Elirniratins two, only one
picce is new-a nber blsbing slightly thi'!
ne. rha! the previous "s-piece" slecrc.
Tne same {hcels which nt modern 3pl€ce insulation also 6t tne old 5 piece.
Thus a. dld sboulder iype axlc say be
'See lase 24 on Th!'*
Ll l l
b, s.Pi@.t
or Frirmont nb.r inlulrtreplaccd by a mod.rn rDr+bouldcr axle a.|UALIT\.
silrDlr l,y lsing the new thinncr bushins '{ ina buehinssand wadherei3 th. bctt
obtainabl€,nrost highly rcaistatrt to atin the rhe€ls borcd for insulation. Il
out oI ! iv.rsal axles, th. old should.r n,osphdic noistlr.. Thc rrozlr$
lype with s-picceinrulation .rn be used. p€.nrits teaning. wtcn applied as illu!rrat€d, and with two irsulalcd whecls ot
or axl es i n the san. sid€ of car, Fairhoni docnd.
r €achrizc wrs maJc univrrsrl by 3 picce
insulniio. as follows:
(l ) Ei rl ./.nd of the non* houl deror
'tniversal' ixlc fits o/l rrlr, wheels that
could bc rs.d dtrl@i./r on the catr thc
bron,e brsbcd loosc wheel; tle "loose
R E A ME R S .saw . m r ch r id.
or tisht" ror-insllatcd whcel; ard thc W l l [E l
' ' rn hfl ngrng
h lated vlecl with 3'piccc n6lhtion.
(2) As a lnn*sal axlc is fitted hy seDblics t{J sarge: renovc burrs at thc
paint, rnst etc.
.n insulatcdvheel on e;!h.r or both entls. end ot borc,
lons to r€atu hubs either
it ir .asy to keep 1*o it$llared wheels
noD-insulatcdor bored for insulalion, as
on rhc sane sidc oi lhe car, which
ne.e$arr wit! slccl or aluntinur's well ns lbe fher bushi.s, of tb€ s;e in'
dicated b€low. Stock is sufiicient ioi
cars !o prevent setrins elcctric sisnals.
(3) The djvdsal tyne is also prele.' regrindingsNher dtrllrc€ntds ar.
provided at €ath end.
able as . dri.,e arle lor it can bc tlrned
cnd fo' end if .ecessaryand a new keyM766 r*"
.875" Iland Reame. 2'd
scat .nt for the pulley brshing to adapt it
M7t$7 tje" .7{J' Hand Reame. J*
to sonre other hake o. nod€l oi car ot
.7W llard Reamer 6
slort notice. Tbe i.snlaled whcel can be M7ffA i*'
put o. the coirecr end, or if thr.e p€. car vzms
.zso"randRe'r. s
a.r !sd, no sienal troulrle is p.ssible.
L M AS,' i,usi
nor rre l e$ i han "P '
. R..odn.nd.d
Sb.k, pr3.3.
THE SETOFF c MaylJune t Page 5
AXLES, and
llNntl cls
Standard Motor Car Axles
(nor rn@D.D) pn Fr. Dren$ons {rNcru3)
(i )
( i)
T[.NS ol rhousJnd3of axlfs st.rnddrd tronal cosl any of thc loosc arlcs {bovc
^ or Frirm.nt nontr cars Ior r.v.n
ior drivins by prllry of sprocket.
y.ars havc detuons!ra!ed
thnt rhe S.A.E.
tr{ant car reprir shops can .r1 straighi
1045 stc(l in ihcsc axtcs is most sarisIu.tory. Contailins 40 ro .50 carbon,it kels.ais. It is advisablc ro cfie.k sucl,
has q rcliablc, p.nctical conrbinaljonof axles att.fw(rd, stfuisit(ning cold ant
totrnd sDruna Standard nrotor car axlii8h strergrh wnh nc.d*l tolghncs,
lcs rar(ly Low, but lower rri.od oncs
llir nor t m o to r c a r.x t$ a re tu rn c d , nuy ne.d c.rc jn kcysoaring_
polished,.nd in3tc.r.d to close limits
Trailcrs or push rur nnlcl, $irh
which insure corr.ct fittins ol wb€.k,
bcarinss and thrusi cotlarr. m.tor cirs ncc.l 'hnror cir axtc\: qpc(d
wn.el talers, nxle dianct.r is ihc 6am. and l u a d r e q ! , r c m . r h a r c , , l e r d c a l , f i r
t],roushort. Rcsardinsinrerchaigeabiliry, ahovc thosc for op.ration with haid cars.
3.e colLrmnrI and 2 d optosxc page,
Siz. 1lN" axles are a Lettc. buy ih.r
c olunr ns2 l n d J u r p a Ar J .
th.y sivc a srcar.r incrrase in
^ls o
All aairmorr nxte €rds arc srrencth- strcrylh abov. 1l*", and are connls into by havbg no dccp round ,necknrg,' wjdcr usc on larscst sarg caB and push
cars or kalters lor heaviest loads.r
sroole bctwecnthread. and whccl hp...
Al! nxlca ir lbis bullefi tit a.d oDerar€
Tso slotted €nd nuis arrt ttro cotters properly with
tlc lons slccve Timker
ar. irllded *nh cach axt., providbs b.ariltgs listed
h.reinr no qrecial dianeter
nux'orn adjustabitnyand satet!.
lollowins any axle syhbo! inch;es €od
nuts atrd cotrrrs .s spcciriedon thts Dase.
It nor wlnttd, onit .',\,, in svmb.t.
a \Lrs M{DE ro URDLn
l l r x r a x l c s p € L i r i c a h u ndr i f i r r i i o m
D.i!. axl. M86EN at.v. is kcy.earrd thos. ncrc, yo! may find
a! atlractivc
I or on. M 7556b o re dp r| e , b u < h i n s tf
savins by l.tring u3 quote on your sD€cides r r €. 1,
we wil t k e )rJ r a r s I| { h r a ,J d i - li.ations: we'd bc glad to chcck.
C. D,sr a Nc. .Er wEEN
Dln.nstotr. of t ri,@l
Trp. A:te 6I.d by it-ptee lMut.don.
Should.r T}?. A:t.,.qoidns
5-PiF. In.rtqt ion.
Alloy SreelAxles
N siz. I'r"" nlr, r'e hrvc
rf Vana,lium rxlca (Loos. M7939N,
Drive Axle M7938N) *hhh lasr much
lons.r than carbd $re.l axl.3 ir rolt.r
beirinss hrvirA rd ino.r race.
Vanrfad{rro of such b.arnw3 advisc
thal rllis S. A, E, r)130srcclis ot s!6ci..r
hardncs (28tt to 381 Briocll) ro stog
rollc (uftins of axl<s. Except sr..t, rhe
lt.cincari.ns o{ rhes. axles aie 3an. as
M8ffrN and M8669Ntabrtatcdalovc.
Axl€s can bc tunisllcd of any comrlerdnl illay slkl. Nikro e i! DoDular
_ _
J.r us. snh inn(r racc bearinss.
Hand Car, Push Car
and 'Irailer Axles
a , 'r l i r } m i l d sr ccl n r a kr s r h e s.
u a x l c s . c o f o n '( r l f o r n .n d ca r u $ l_he Drive Axle ]461]96has a standard
tap.r scat and threrds lor thr diivc pin,
r.n an.l nutt tr^s thc same and
be.rirs lils as Loolc or TratlinE Axte
If6897N, wfiic} is
h 3o;ci6calio.s widr ll," rt8506N
tabut.rcd above,
ercept as to slecl and end nuts.
Aale Y(€97N is cxcellcnt tor
use with l*"
inn.. race roller 6ea.inss
on lush cars. o. on rraiters naki.g comparabvely l6v yearly hil€ase i. .onA slotled nut ard cott.i tof thc loosc
{beel .nd, and unslotted hex ntrts io. rhe
tisht wh€el .nds ot hand, p$h dr and
tra'l.r axles,a.e furnished wittou! ctarge,
3!5r u.. ur rtt" i ^r. J.r n.,.:B
C. o ,,r ^ NcE BEr wEr N
or k rk ;,
Page 6 c THE SETOFF . Mayuunz 2OO1
Do you know your Fairmont motorcar
from the boftom up?
Thes€underliame views from 1930sand'40s Fairmont Bultetins show
a number of their models.But which is which? ,A",""",,*r&
'33 ir9 S€ries "B" 1 Man Inspection Car - 425 tbs..atuminumalov
frdre. 32" w hee'base& ,1 l org. S tee raceda.uai .un brdkeshoe; .
'' S tub"axl e mo!nts on front axl e.E ngi nedark reo enamer.
'36 59 Series "C" 1-2 Man Inspectton Car - 550 tbs., white oak
frame. 32" wheel base & 68-3/8. long. Diagonatsway brace. Not a
"side load" car as both rear wheelsare dr ven. Chromeyeltow for visibi l i ty.
'35 M19 Serl€s "D" 1- 4 Man Inspection Car 535 tbs..atuminum
l alloy frame. 36' wheel base & 85,,long. axte center
bearin9supportedvert caly and horizontaty.8 H.p.type ,'oD,,engine.
'36 52 Seriee "C" Se€tlon Ca., 970 tbs.,whtte oak rrame and sway
braces.40 w heel base & 86" tong. D raw baron both ends. 20" demountabl ew heel s.Fueltank nat!rat teadfi ni sh.
45 t119Serie3"F" 1-4 M.n InspectionC.r - 610tbs.,atuminum
aloyframe.36 wheelbase
& 85,,overatt
pressedsteelnon skd step p atesand 4-112ga on flJettank. 16,,demo!ntabe wheels.
decka uminun,engne red,wheets
&trim btack.
'35 M14 Serlo3"E" Llght S€€tionCa. - 720 tbs.,steetangteframe,
seatcanhotd6-8 fien. 35, wheelbas€& 88-1/8"
if 2-sp€€d
'45 A3 Seri€s"D" B&Band Eltra cang Car - 15OO
steerrramew th 9ussets.39" wh€elbase
& 105-3/4overa|tenoth.
I-7ll6 r-on!dffe'e-na,ixle,Wood
4 cylind€r."L" headengife, etectricstarterextra & heavy
& drive.
' 35 52 S erl .s " D " S ectl onC ar - 1085 bs. w i th 16" w heets(1120t bs.
w i th 20 w heel s).4.1l b. rortedsteetframew i th 1-1l 2" x L-t/2" x 3/ t 6"
ari greron sw aybrace.40 w heetbase& 93-3l 4" tong.E ngi n€on st idt ng
base.Med.chromeyei l ow jw heets& trl mm ngs btack,engi neda r k r ea
'37 AS Serl€5 "8" crng Car - 1660 tbs.,white oak frame, 2O',wheets,
44" wheel base& 104-3/4" long. 4-speed transmisslon,oroDe ershaft
d ri ve/pressureoi l ng system.R ai roadbrow nj rai tngs,w heets,br akes,
r ai l ski dsb ackj engi ne& radi atorgrey.
'36 TT2 Push C.r
670 lbs., 56, wheetbase& 96" tong.Two axl€ slts
and 4 crossbeanrsof wh te oak. Y€low pine deck. Unit drawbar
4-whee brakeswith quick derachabtetevei Dump si||sto center toad.
June. Page 7
Thanks to Jack Hoover for his 1930sFainnont bulletins and to Rick Leach for addinE a couDleof
more recent models.
Page 8 t THE SETOFF. MayUune 2007
Hinged Beacon Light
by N e ilS m it h e r m a n
Neil Smithennan's
MIg loaded up and
ready to trail,er.
Herc's a ncat idea I came up with, $'hcn facod with a snall problem. Ifyou'rc iikc me, you don't enjoy loadine and unloading vour motorcar any more often than you hav€ to.
My M19 on the trailer just lits into my garage with a couple of
inchos to spare.Then I decidedto install abeaconlight on mycar. The
extra height of my light caused it to hjt my garag€ door opening. I
came up with this solution.
I picked up an eisht-inch s{te hinge at Home Dopot. I then cut a
circle ofhalf inch pressboard(plywoodwould be suiiabl€ also),paintcd
it and bolted it to the bottom ofihe lisht.
I screwedthe entire lisht unit to the front halfot the hinse (bolts
cnn also be used).Then I boltr-.dthe rear halfofthe hinsc to thc top of
my motorcar. But lirst I hrrd square filed ihe rcar holc on lhc rcar
halfoi the hingc to a.c(,mmodate
a hall inch stovcb(,It.fircinsup. A
\'!ing nut thrcrdedonto lh. h)lt hol(lsI he hinsc hllvcs i,oscthcrwhcn
the light is lifted inlo tn)silionli)r n,ns.
Rememberio allow ( xtfr $ irc on lhf light lof its swing down for
garageparking.I ro(r)rnmcnd
towingtho motorcarwilh the lieht up in
the normal position.
Secyou all on thc n)ils.
E< : 'l h r r n p t ) 1 n t t " r 1t , i r l i t r u i " ! . " t l t ( l i l t t n . l t a v , t r r a l t . , ( i ) n l .r x\
h!iEht ,1ttts,r tht li ri.' hr(|J
. Page I
Springtime on Virginia's Eastern Shore
B y : HughC ai n
We did our best in pmvidingthe appropriate colo$ for springtime;
th€ yellows, oranges, reds, blues, green, brorn and €ven a chrome
one, motorcarc that is. We all hoped that Mother Natwe would come
thmugh with typical sprinetim€ weather
Well, at least the rain held ofl until everyonewas loaded up and
leady to d€part on Sunday,instead of giving us a downpour on Saturdav. The weather on Saturday was bad enough for those ofus in the
open €am-overcast, windv and cool.At l€ast with a front on the motorcar, the conditions were bearable, when one was dressed fbr the
Ed Thonton and cary Shrey had been called by the railroad. Yes!
-by th€ railroad and ask€d ifNorthern Central Railcar Association
lvould lik€ to put together a NARCOA insured motorcar excursion on
the Eastem ShorcRailrcad. Acombination ofourinsurance. our safetv
rule book,uur licensedoperator"and our overallrecordof shon lrne
'!'isitsall plaved an important part in getting the event scheduled.We
even had a couple of "good words" mentioned during conveNations
with othem in the railroad business,right Kevin?
The Eastern Shore Raihoad is operating today over whst used to
be the New York, Pennsylvania & Norfolk Railroad's double- track
mainline. Thesetrecks at onetime carried expressand passengertrains
from Cape Charles, Virginia, to Wilmington, Delsware. Passenger
and rail ferries crossedChesapeakeBay fiom Norfolk or Hampton,
Virginia, and unloadedatthe CapeCharlesferryslip. Today,theESHR
uses rail balges to rnove freight from Cape Charles to a feny site at
Little Creek, Virginia.
Friday night found the motels parking lots within a rcasonable
distance ofParksley crcwded with tow dgs and motorcars on trailers.
At the Comfort Inn in Onley, Mike Heaton's Freiehtliner and
ove owed into the adjacent parking lot. The motorca$ were already
starting to causequite a stir and they hadn't hit the mils yet. People
who had n€ver seenthe likes ofthis were stopping, asking questions
and shooting pictures.
Satuday moming bmught us an overcast.Cray dav that looked
like rain from the onset. We dressedlike wero headins for the Nodh
Puleand srruckour on this, anorhermororcaradvenrure.
The registration desk was a b€ehive of activity. Small cars were
being unloaded at the fe€d mill siding, a coupl€ofblocks south ofthe
Eastem ShoreRailway Museum.Largercars, thoseneedingto straddte
the mils to unload, werc being dirccted to the museum grounds. Everything was going fine. We got the "Canadian car" to th€ museum
and offthe trailer and parked the truck. The folks at the museum had
the grounds open, rcstrooms available and a cofleeand donut concession going for those in need.On a day like this, the hot coffeewaBmost
welcome.Well, so were the donuts and later on, the restrooms. The
museum had somevery interesting equipment to look over while the
crcwd got ready lbr the safety briefrng. Some of the derc made good
use of the market across the strcet and stocked up on drinks. chios
and nabs for rhe da\'s ridc. Thp stafTofrhc mu.eum workedhard ro
accommodateour needs,and in the long run this made the two-day
Fted. FurrninEer and
the 303out for a
Sunday morning
stfoll, April 1, 2OO1.
Page 1O c THE SETOFF . Maruune 2007
Latry IaMond,
Ceneraa Manager of
the Edetern Shore
Raitroad, and Ed
Thorntoh a.t ,he
Soturd,a! ,rnfning
safet! brieffng,
March 31,2001.
The Eastefi Shore
Railroad is
operating today oaer
uhat used to be the
New Yorh,
Pennsylottttia &
Norfolh Ra.ilroattt
double- trach
A little off schedule,aboui 9: 15 AM, Ed called for the safety meeting. He had chosena good vantage point from the restored Parksley
depot'srcar platfotm. Ed introduced Gan' and both made short comments. Then, Ed intmduced various othem standinq with him on the
platform Larry LeMond, general
managerof the Eastem ShorcRailroad, Greg Parks, superintendent
of Eastern Shore'smaintenanceof
way department and John Tillett,
who would be the crossins attendants for both days, and seveml
membemofthe Eastern ShoreRailwayMuseum, who were influential
in seeingthis ev€nt thrcugh.
LaIIy LoMond expressed his
concemsoveroul sal€ty for the upcoming day. Gres Parks and John
Till€tt would be l€apfroggingus at
the various highwav crossings,providing flagging protection and activating the crossingsignals. During th€ preliminary inspection, it
was ascertainedthat cars did not
havc shunted whecls. s part ol our safety inspection.
A few more briefcomments were made and then we all eot aboard
our cars for our departure, Today, we would run south1rrard,roundtrip, to Cape0harles, lravc a lunch break at the CapeCharles Museum
and return to Parksley, tirr an all-you-+an-eat spaghetti supper.
Sincethe last run when I had the Canadiancdr on the the
NovemberBuckingham Branchmect,I hsd installcd acompletely new
lucl tunk and lines, three bass boat seats and a brake light. Scveral
morc modificrtions wer€ in the works. However. thev would be done
after this event, sometime in April.
'fhe car cranked line, seemcdto run stnoothly and had no trace ol
thc fuel system problems that had plagucd thc car in Dillwyn. The
real acid test would bc when we acceleratedand actually started the
tripsouth, and that wtls abouttohappen. With fingers crossed,Islowly
acceleratedwith thc rest ol the group and actually started moving.
After thc first couple of road crossings,I knew the car was running
"on the adveftised" and felt a lot better about having a load ofpassengevsaboard.
We were running down the line, about Exmorc, when Tommy
hollcred out to me, "Your phone is nging." Well, it was Pcrcy on thc
other and wantins to know where we were in relation to hisjust passinsCape Charles. Luckilv we hadjustpassed the citylimit's sisn, and
I was able io inform him, "We're in Exmore, heading south." "Seeyou
guys in a few minutes," was his reply.
Surc enough,a few minutes later he passedus, northboundon Route
13. We blew the motoftar's holn to get his attention. He made a quick
tumamund at the next available place and pacedus to Cape Charles.
Just b€forc we crossedthe major north-south highway, U.S. Route
13, Gres held us on the north side o113, to allow the motorcals to
bunch up and cross the busy highway in one group. Oncs tho cam
were bunched, he activated the cmssing signals, which stopped the
tmffic and allowed us to pass.A short time later we were stoppingour
cars in the Eastem Shore'sCape Charles, Viryinia, yard, directly behind the museum.
THE SETOFF o MaylJune t Page 71
Cape Charles is the southem terminus ofthis part ofthe railroad.
From herc rail cars are loadedaboardbarge. and sarr;"4 u..on",n"
ChesapeakeBay to Little Creek, Virginia, where the cam are then
unloadedand hauled to NS's Portlock yard for interchange.This barge
seryice had actually been a
steamer/ferry service in earlier
y€als, when the Pennsylvanialailroad operated the seryice. The
museum was entertaining with exhibits ofthe st€amer felry service
to Norfolk and Hampton present.
T'hiswas also ourlunchbreak. The
museum had organized a clam
chowder lunch for our rid€rs that
was mighty welcome in the damp
Some ofour opemtors skipped
the chowder and spent the time
tinkering and tweaking on their
cars. I relueled ours-I didn't really need to but did so anyway.
Percy was there and discussed
riding back with us and letting Tommy Finch and Linda Roe add to
the flagging protection in the afternoon.
With lunch break over, we continued on through the yaral,tumecl on the seldom- used wye tracks and headedback to parksley
and our supper. The trip back seemedto go faster than th€ morningt
joumey had, and, we had additional flagging protection. That pr;b_
ably mad€ the trip faster.
Aiew hiles beforc we got back to parksley, we stoppedfor another
bunch-up.I hadbecomethe laBt carin the prccession.Seemsthe MT_
14trailingme had somemechanicalproblemsand was being towealby
an A+. Mike Heaton'sA-6 had suffered some problem and had been
taken in tow by the Che!f,'Suburban hy-rail that was the trail car.
Way down the track we saw ah€adlight, and bytbe radio we knew
it was the A-4,&IT-14 combination motoring along. Mike caught up
with us by the tim€ we arrjved back in parksl€v.
Ed chainedthe lpadcar ro the rails, directei rhe rest ofus ro move
up as closeas \lrecould to the car in ftont, then chained the rear car to
the rails. The Parksley Police Department woutd be making regular
rounds by our cars, which was greatly appreciated.Ed had ;ld us in
the morning, "The supper is a come_as_youare, and I'm goingjust as
Iget ofTmymotorcar." We all followedhim to the aroma of earlic bread
!hal Fmanatcdfrom I he ParksleyVolunreerFir. Department dinner
hall. The dinner was most w€lcome a warm room and lots of
goodspaghetti with all thetdmmin's. Why be bashtul?Most were having seconds,and so did the three ofus in our group. you see,the tem_
perature had been dmpping since we had left Cape Charles. Bv th€
time we reachedParkaleyand ried thF carsdown for rhe niehr. ii was
real corl outErde.acruallyprettJ darnedcool.Rrdingin an open car,
we had,really felt the changes.Everybody was glad the day's irip was
over. "You gonna enclosethis thing before the next time we do ihis?"
Tircd but well fed, we "hit the sack' at our motel, sore, yeah, but
ready and looking for.ward to the Sundav ride. We watched the TV
weather for an idea of what might be in storc for us in the moninE.
The Sundayride $oujd be a shorrone as comparedto Sarurdav.a
jaunl up ro Pocomoke
Cily. N4aryland,rhp
norrhernend ofrhe raii
C@n in ESHRrard
at Cape CharlEs,
Virginid, uhile
oper@ton e4ioy a
lunch and a tour of
Cape Charlee
Mu'eun, March 37,
Page 12 o THE SETOFF . |I'layUunz 2OO1
Motolcars at Casset
twing bridge ouer
Pocomahe Riaer,
Pocomoke City,
Marllatud, April 1,
mad), a quick tumaround, and a lunch stop and potty break were
in store. The day tumed out to be difTercnt than the weather guesser
had predicted. We actually saw the sun break through a few times,
and it tried to warm up. I guessthe sun and supposedwamth was to
make up for Saturday.
We anived at the tumaround point fairly €asily. Jack and Linda
Roe and Greg and John were pedoming flagging duties today. Believe me, this was greatly apprcciatedby all who were ding the motorcars. The flagging pmtection made the numercus road crossings
much easi€r to navigat€.
Glen Wolfe threw down a pairofmetal plates, then rolledhis M-19
onto them. Man, was that easy. We used them for tuming the Canadian car. This 1\'asits first time being lifted and turned. I am really
gladithas really long Betofflevers.Percy and I madegooduse ofthem.
Th€ plat$ that Glen had fabricated made turningthe heaw car a lot
easier than I had thought. Way to go, Glen!
Everybody backed up to the PocomokeCity depot where we 'took
beans" and made our rest stop. The small deli acrossfrom the depot
was invaded by hungrf enthusiasts. Someof the g"oup had taken advantage ofthe marketin Parksley,belbredeparting. Others were lined
up at the restrooms. Still otheN were out shooting photos, since the
sun had peekedthrough the clouds
for a few minutes,
One more short reverse move
brought us closer to the ESHR'S
Cassatswing span bridge over the
Pocomoke ver, A few more photos were shot. and then we boarded
the cars for the trip back to
Parksley and our setoff.
Everybody had arrived back in
Parksley,had gotten loadedup and
most had already departed, when
the mi6ty rain started. We got the
motorcar loaded, and no one got
that wet. With a round of hand
shakes snd good byes to the folks
at the Parksley muEeum , we hit
roed for the trip home. This event
had been an enormousundertaking from the onEet.When completed,
the motorcar operators had enjoyed about 135 mil€s of riding-the
first organizedmotorcar trip on the Eastern Shore Railroad.
Our weekendevent could not have been possiblewithout the cooperation and assistanc€of the entire staff of the Eastern Shore Railmad, including Lalry L€Mond, Ira Higbee, Greg Parks, and John
Tillett, the members of the Eastern Shore Railway Museum in
Parksley, including Helena Killian, John Bates, and Robert Peters,
the members of the Cape Charles Museum, especially Mrs. Marian
Naar, the membe$ of the Parksley Volunteer Fire Department, the
Parksl€y Police
Department and the PocomokeCity Depot committee. All gave of
their time to make this fide an enjoyableevent for those ofus operating and ding our motorcars.We rcally appreciatedall the hospitality
and ever''thing they did, aBit made this event most enjoyable.
Four more runs, NO strikes and NO erroN. Way to go teaml
oPage 13
NRGFlinders Run Easter2001
b y Ni c Donc as terG rouD Coordinator
The Australian SocictvofScction Car Opemrors lncorporaicd
TASSCO),an accredircdoperator
ol raillvay rollinsstock.ran s
tirst e1'entover thc E ster Long
DonSmith, behintt is ttu:
NSW(:R Tl(: h""pirC .' t:oo.t
M! M19 ond th( 'tIC lt R.4t.rna..tohn tht, trock supen ilror
is on the phon". otd u( a|e ahout to h( put asid( tbr tuo
hours! (SA'r)
ASSCOwas lol,ndednr 1999
Lohoid accreditationas an opera
tor uDdcr the Rail S:rletyAct, ,rnd
r({eived confirnrrion ol its,)c
creditatronin earlvApril. It is thc
first such opemtor in Austr:rlia 10
d0 so,without h{ving to tnrnasc
own rail*'at coridor. It rcp'ts
opcratol|sl|om lll nrlrin
land slttes ol Austmlitl
.Wc n( gotiatcd
l( wjth
NR(; to run thcir rril
wav bctrvmnStirling No|th rnd
ln'ilth (lf()(ik in,stllt.s 1:rf
north."n(ncd(;roup (ir)rdin,rlor
Nic I)oncrrslcr.'l'hisrlilway lino
rs undcr coirl Lflin tr:rllic
l.hcyelf," h. lddc{j.
''so ihore wxs lhf ncc{tt{) cross
corl trains r)n thfec (,ccasiorrs."
'lhc railr\avskirtsalonglhe wcsl
i,rn edsc ol the F'ljnd,ifsRrns.,s
Scventconmembcrs prrtici
patiid in thc lvcnt, runnin'.a
cals. 1'he vehicles ransad i0m a
small l'airrnr)nt M19, In New
South Walos'l'lc. through to a
v{)rv lalga aornene l)uilt eane
cnr. Saleworkins was providcd
vir ARTC's train control in
Adolaide. using satelliic mobilc
phone, aDd tr track supefvisor
iioln E DI-PTR, the companvcontracted by NRG l'lindcrs to main,
lain the railway ]in..
Particjpants came mainiv
ftoD Adelaide, bui thc group also
wetcomeda member flom NSW,
as well as its first US member,
Chuck Lec. Chuck gave a commemorative plaquo L0the group
fiom its American Count€ryarr,
the Nofth American Rail Car
OperatorsAssociation Inc (NAR
Pagc 14 . THE SETOFF . MallJunc 2O0I
COAI. The plaque noted not
only ASSCO s llrst run, but also
its alliliation r.ith NnRCOA.l he
ev€nt \\'as r'un ovcr tNo days,
camping ovc].niehtat (loplcy.
"Thct]vrnt $.:1s{ huec success,.rndwcl.,ok fi,h!rrd to holdine frLflhcr cvcnts on othcf corlido|s in thc flrtlrfc."Nic notcd
thc groups appnrciationol thc
supportof I)epartrnentofTrilns
port personnel.GIen lteye, Rail
Manaser NRCI Ilinders. aDd
JohD(lharlesworth.track super
visor I,llll P'l'lt.
Tahen on the uta! out of
Stirlitq North on th<.
Australirn S(xri.tv01S.ction(lar
AIIN 3l9j{)gfn)1211
/;l- ll
ai"e at Pa.roahilna
t0hiLt Jo,,l' get r t win ordar to
,irred up"ftn
Iet itt get goinE hon2!
John is on the phole egain, geuing tle.rranu'
li,r th? n"rt srcti.D,. This is on the uu! hon(
c Page 75
Participank came main\ fnm Adebide,
but the group .rlso uelco,npd a nember
from NSW, as ueU as its firct US member,
Chuch lee. Chuch gaue a comrnemoratiue
plaquc to the group from its American
Counterpe.rt, the North Anrcricdn Rail Car
Operato*' Alsoci ation, Inc. ( NARCOA).
The plaquc noted not only ASSCO'9 lirst
run, but abo ift dffiliation. uith NARCOA.
Webb, sirting on tuf M19. Ee ts d trone! aitgirr,
go$, "1 had the choice betueen thia and the
IL)an Woots A5, Qith
Graham W<.bb,Stcre Ooelmyer and Ia.. Harris
Further infornation about ASSCO
can be obtained from the group's uebsite
h ttp :I wu u.c obu) m,aul - aldonca$ /assco,htm
or the GrouD Coortlinator
Nic Doncuxrer
PaEe 16 . TEE SETOFF c Ma.ylJune 2OOI
Want Ads
?tE tE'oPF s happy to pr nt ail ads receved from membe6. There is no charge ior
plac inqa . a d . I f y o u w a n t : n a d t o r u n f o r m o r et h a n o n e i s s u e o
, e a s ei n dc a t eho w m a n v
issues.No full paqeads are accepted Usethe presentissu€'sads as a q! de. Tha.k Youl
send ads d rectyto Bill cou l6on, 2101 westvl€w cou rtr od6stocA 9535a-1091or
For sa e MT-19A motorcar with cus
to m b ui l t trai l er Thi s car i s i n very
g o o dc o ndi ton,4 extraw heel s,spare
alum num lifthandlesandbrakeshoes.
C a r meets al l speci fi cati ons
ro r mo torcar excursi ons.E qui pped
with tow-bar, spark arrestor, brake
l g h t, fre ext ngui sherand
fi rsta d k t.
This motorcaris ready to h t the rails,
Price is $6500. If interested contact
G a ry M ahonTel r (530) 926-5039or
e-ma | : g!!!i9t!@l!eld!rer!.!el.
Ml -1 4 cl eani n excel l entcondi ti on,
w i th tandem ax e trai er (el €ctri c
brakes). Used every season ior the
pas!five years.Turntable,heater,enclosedcab, and brown B48Gengine,
T a k eh o me,gasi t !p and hi tthe rai l s.
1 9 8 5 o r new ermodel ,$8,195.OB O.
Conl.ct GeorgeG lchrist, La Grande,
o re g o n .rel : (541) 963-5270 or em a i l g i l chri s@ uci, S O01
1943 FAIRMONT M-19 Purchased
rionr the C&O 18 years ago. It was
reslored w th glass, paint and a car
buretor kit. It has a custom canvas
cover, ch.rging system, under floor
b e l l . L a st operated 10 years
ago. Looks good. This unit ran from
th e L a k eMi chi gancar fetres on the
w e s t, 6 l ong U S -10 to i he vi l l ageof
Ba l d w rnto the east.stored i nsi de,
s.D .
909 N .
$ 2 4 0 0 oB o.
J a m e sLudi ngton,
M 49431ore-mai l :
Ludlawn @ I - o n e . n e i .
C-s carbur€ior.heck valv€s (popp€tvalve)Cost91s.60eachplus93.00
S /l -1H. a vesomepari sforthe C -5 and
C 8. Carey Boney 1605 Powe6 Road
W a l l a ce,N orth C arol na 28466 Tel l
(910) 285-7489ore-ma l:.arevbonev
ficense Plate Frames "Myotlrercar
is a Fairmont speeder" Black plastic
frame wiih orangevinyl lettering-You
wil want one for yourautomobilesand
tra ler De ivery at NorthernCalifornia
ru n s $ 1 4.00C OD .B y i i rst cl assma I
in padded env€ ope $16.00 ior one,
$ 3 0 .5 0f ortw o, $45.00for three.C a
n a d i a no rdersadd $5.00 to pri ce or
use PayPa. More pictures are ava labl eat the fol l ow i ngaddres srht t or / /
al bums. photoooi nt.conr / i/
A l bumi ndex?u= 565r8& a=9332895
D on P ompl um,521V an B ure nPlace,
S an R amon, C A 94583. e- m aill,
t 4J01
" Fai rmont" comput€r-cut
"pr€ss & peel" dlclls availablein
two sizes.l3inchesX2-1l2 inchesand
9-1l 2i nch€sX 1-3/4i nches .Sm al $8.00 each, 2 for $15.00. Lar ge $10.00each, 2 for $18.00.I nst r ucti ons,shi ppi ng,
and handi fg i n €uded.
Contact: Terry Yust, 10625 Viola Rd
N E ,V l ol a,IY N55934.Tel r(507) 8762208 or e-mail I ty]r(fu!!ffsLcom.
F.lrmont p.rtr, large qlantlty for
bid. t4ust see. serious noulriesonlv.
N ol tem l i sti s avai l abl e.
P l ease
ca lt or
de-talls.ChelseaVaileyShortlineCompan, coftact Ken Kurdt. Telr (845)
Don't et a worn-ou! c utch leaveyoLl
on theembarrassingend ora tow-bar.
Brand-newF.lrmont OElilclut h r€bui l d kl ts $139.95pl us U P S.Kit incudes fri cti on pl ate, pressur €plat e
and releasebearing. All clutch parts
are al soavai l abe i ndi vi dual y , nc udn9 levers, brackets, p ns, springs &
cups,etc. cl i ntonA ndr€w sTe : ( 313)
822-2000. oon't forget, we also have
Fairr.ont OEMseats.
14-footTltAILER by FayetleGroup,
7000 l bs.cV W D oT l i 9hti n9t,andem
axle with electr c brakeson one ax e.
"Ra ls" weldedonto fo d down hinqed
rear gate. Also hand crank winch and
roughoak fl oori ng.capabl eo f haul
inq two rarlcars.New in 1997. Ove.
92,000 invested.Askin9 $1,500-Free
wind defl€ctorinclud€d.Chuck wh te
Iel : (219)482-7930or e-mail: cwhit e
83s7@ aol .com.
M l01
S al eortradetw o 20-i nch di a m eier
wheel seis (wheels,axles, bearings,
and l hrust co l a6, assembl ed)com plete, Buda, riveted whee s, $900 for
both. Air powered,hand-held,tampin9 tools, Ingersoll- Rand model Plt4 "jifterbugs," $500. Fairmont, w-
THE SETOFF t MaglJune . P@ge 17
a6 B 1 Rail lifter, wisconsin englne, $1, O O O.
T w ora i l s a w s , R a cn e
r ec pr oc at ingmo
, d e 1 4 0 a n d mo d e l
1s5, completeexceptfor B&Seng ne,
$s00 each. Two rail grinders, one
RIw/Fa rmont Compan, one MallTool
Com panyga
, s o ri n ee n q rn ep o w e re d ,
f lex ible s halt o n w h e e l b a rro w /ra i l
r oller $1,
, s 00e a c h .c o n ta c t,o a v i dM .
W ll- iam s on , 1 5 2 2 L a u re n Ae x i s
Court, Dallas North caro|na 28034
7786 T el: ( 70 4 ) 9 2 2 -8 4 4 3 .e ma i l l
Fairmont M-14, opencar. Ranwhen
par k ed.Comp e l e e x c e p t I h a n d l e .
Trailer project ncluded. Delvery as'
s s t anc e. $95 0 .0 0 . c o n ta c t: s te v e
( 5 3 0 )6 7 1 -2 0 3 5o r e -ma i l :
Lim per T elr
wlim o@ios ,n e t.
I nr t r uc t ions to r o p e ra tl n g a n d
m . lnt . ining. s h e l l i € l d 3 2 a n d 3 3
m ot or c a: s . 1 9 2 4 J a n .# 2 5 0 2 Ea n d
repair parts list *96024 for Sheffield
26, 32, and 33 motorcars 1923 Mar
from FalrbanksPlorse&Co. $30.00.
T elr ( 716) 7 6 8 -6 9 8 4 o r e lA01
m ai r c hnals @ i i n c .c o m,
c5.nd ca ca rbur€tor 3eat3. Al alum inum .T r ieda n d p ro v € n .H a v es o l d
several sets. one p ece, no rubbersealto separate.I nstall them onceand
forget about them. seat fit c5 and c8
plus RK B t wi n c a rb !re to rs . Ord e r
F W 1353RO
f or C 5s e a ta n dF W1 3 5 3 c 8
for C8 carburets.And FW1353RKB
RKBcarburetors.$5.00 per seal plus
$2. 005& Hf at ra te .Ma k €c h e c k sp a y ab e to Dave Stroebe.Contact: west
lvlichiganRalcar,1694 BroadmoorSt.,
r . 44l 9 4 4 2 -5 3 0 2T. e l :(2 3 1 )
l' 4us k egon,
vid€or of rrack car Meets.
-Kosc usko & southwesternRR, 14sq ro u pto u r o f
s is s ipp,wit h N A R C O A
NewO r leans(1
. 999)
-Apa achicolaNorthern wiih tour of
Schenectadysuper steel Locofac lrty
and t he Uppe rH u d s o nR v e r R R ,N e w
YorkSate, (1999)
-Maine coast RR,oceanand riverside
running,Wiscassetto Thomastonand
B r uns wr ctko A!9 !s ta . (5 /9 9 )
- Q ! ebec c r t y T o u rw i th g ro u pto u r o r
. 998)
5t . A nneDe E e a u p reb a s i l i c a(1
-Mer d an & Bigbee RR, wlth Arkans asM idlandR R ,L i nq u e M o u n ta i nR a i l r oadn9. ( 199 9 )
-Beaupre to clermont, Quebec.TeF
rific si. Lawrencetuversrdescenery.
( 1998)
-Matapedia to Gaspeand Perce,Quebec . F abllou s ru n a o n g th e o c e a n
s ide.( 1998)
- Nor t her n V e rm o n i R R , a n d T w rn
s lat es RR, N .H . B e .u trfu lN e w E n glands c ener y(1
. 998)
san PedroSouthwesternRR,Copper
s anta Fe southern R R , N M, and
T e xas& N ew Mexi coR R . B eauti f!
s o u thw estby rai l . (3/98)
-L ycomi ng val l ey R R and U ni on
c o u nty. Industri al R R w i th tour of
NYS&Wsteam fan trip w/#r42, (A/
98), Rut and, Vt. to wh tehall, NY to
Ludlow,VT' Also included,M lwaukee
#261 runn n9 as SteamtownPlowExva. l2/s6)
Vadeosrecorded from a mm;
CopperCanyonor Mexico.The pre
mier track car adventure. 9 days of
i i c r edi bl escenery.(3/96)
PeaceRiver,Arbertato Coppermne,
NwT,ArcticCircleon CNR, Eskmos &
D c 3 fl i gl rt (7/96)
-c e nkal l .4ontanaR R w i th A l berta
P ra i ri eR R .(6/98)
CN R cab rde P eaceR i ver,
A berta to Roma lct., 2 R/tr ps w th
1 1 ! n ts, 90 m n. (6/98)
-1 ,000 mrl eLooptr p i n Ontari o.S aut
st lvlane,Wawa,Sudb!ry., Britishcou n rbraadvent!re 2000 w i th H ai k
Brown, New lersey, New Harrpshrre
a n d P l an€ (2000)w i th N E R ca.
A l l t apes2 hoursunl essspecf ed. D i gi
t6lly recordedand edted VflS, with
n 6 r r6ti onand mus c w here.ppropna re atr $16.00eachp us $3.00 shi pp i ngl sttap€, $4.00sh ppi .g 2tapes
Freeshippingwith order of 3 tapes or
more. Visa, M.stercard, checks,dog
b i scui tsor track car partsl B l l " mad
dog" Koze, 23 LeeAve , Rexford,N,Y
1 2 1 48-1209. Ie : (s18)399-5836
l A. 01
a n yti me.E -mai: Madoobi l 6)aol
1931, Curtomized t{orthwestern
5 6 6 w a-man gang car. Four cyl i nd e r sH erc.E ngne, Fai rmontnoseand
roof, 3 speedFordtranny and revers'
ible rear-end. Two-bucketseats with
a rear benchseat. N E Wcanvas,rear
axle,sprocket,chainboth rearwhee s,
b a t teryand cl utch.H andcrankturnta b e, el ectri cfan, ol d schoobus l ook
ra d ator and rear drop dow n c.rgo
d e c k and carpeted nteri or pri ce
$ 2 , 600.A l soa four-w heel hydraulic tilt trailer with €lectric brakes
on the forward arle. Fournew t res
a st summerpr ce $550.00.A l sotour
1 6 - i nch Fai rmont w heel s 90o/o
pr ce $90.00each.and w h eelf lgpr ce
$30.00. I al so have variousWaukesha engi ne parts. PleaseTel:
(978) 372 9762attn: A Gio ito HaveF
h , IV ai ne or e-mai l m a t ol
A GA IN ,N ew M - 9 AXI E
P ul l eys,P artN !mber M21541K.Pr o
fessi onal lcast
and machined,r eady
to bolt on. $24s.00P us postage.con
tact lrm DobbinsRR2 Box 105, Gofi,
K ansas66428Te r(785)8 68- 2388or
e mai to matorcar@ i un o. com
MT-14 front and rear axles with
beari ngsand w heel s $1 00. 00each.
R earal l e bel t p!l l ey $35. 00,engine
bel t pul l ey $3s.00.Fi ber glasscab
shel l , no doors or g ass $150. 00.
U s€d H i -R ai l equi pment Fair m ont
0307 $800.00on y tw o l ef t . Fair m ont
1233 $1,500.00, R aftn a Hydr aulc
$2000. 00,
$800.00,l 4tchel lH ydrauhc
D MF 1019 H ydrau c l t o 3 t on
$1,500.00.A l prces In u. s. r ! nds.
Ham it on
C ontactTony A ndrusev r ch,
Ontari oTel :(90s)692-59 49 lA01
R unni hg w oodl ng C A L CaTis m eet
ready.1986 nspectionmode with 16H P T€cumseh
eng ne. H € adand t ail i 9hts, seat, new or rebuilt com ponents,goodtransmi ssi o nsRan9ood
at last meet $2,800. Cornpete Onan
C C K Bengi .e.T!ned,cl e anoil sum P,
val vesadj ustedl n runningcondt ion
wilh 6lternEtoristarter,carb!retor,a r
cl eanermanfol dsand arl shr o! dng.
Very cleai and ready to drop in yoLrr
car $1,000.Tw o NEw. om pl €te Fai rmont 15-i nch cushlon
w heel s. $57s.00pai i on e eacht aEw
F.irmont 16-lnch cushion the only
912s.00 One each w o odings 2man cB I fl b€rgl aE s cab $75. 00.
P hotosavai abl e.w atchfo r f ur t herr el eases,R ck Leach141232 06t hSt r eet
S .E S nohomsh, w .shLnq t on
e mai I dekw JA01
S mal l motorcar any con dit ionunder
700 LB S .Fai rmontM 9 or hom e- buili
or ??closeto washingtonstate. Bruce
N agata P .o. B ox 671, S€alt le, wA
or o. M lo1
98111or €-ma : bb385@scn
Page 18 t THE SETOFF o MaYlJune 2OO1
W F^
r'i \al no'c'/er''1e'
M e m o e .. r"o
""-orS d-ued In .de d'ra so rl e tl i p { d
| -e
r'edl rF ro'd - edae
;"b ' ;:;"
o rct\aD
coA tr'e'h
srdre nl P |e
- ,.,n.".-",*""
iou". uoa*to ca 9s358-1o91 or e-mailwcoulson@50!t(:olr!'nei
p L EA s E
NoTE A dre-s-nenora r-" r l tsE JE orFdo" ' notl orstt-rF
znd/otts edtoriarstaffror meetcondret., ot !r,E
or saretvcondtonsand
""a7"i "n
n the obsedance
"xe;csetv ror thensevesth€ireuestsa'd thetr€q!pment
)ii!i "i""iii-J!".;*t
August1a, 2OO1
ch.ttooga & Chickamaua9aRailw.Y
". pavabl"as
efor 995 and sendi o F
ma fe v o Lrrchect
e o b o "to r" -" " ::j o corasp- -gs -are
october 19-21, 2OO1
G.orgla North€a6l.rn Rallroad
Nelso- to
Fr.lav, Wh testoneto Ba lgroundana -ertl-n Satu'dav,whrtestoneIo
M. y 12, Z 0O 1( GL R C )
& M a rn eR a i l ro a d
C ooper s v il€
S.turd.y MaY 19, 2OOt (GIRC
Carthaq€,Knightstownand Sh I eY RR
Ju ne 4- 7, 2001 (M O W )
D ! r ango& S jlv erto n
on an r'd'vrdua'
w t Deacceptea
:!:"i'"?."i e,s,.i ig. :oor' Hv rai vi"rrcres
oli'.""ful"l "1-iio""pp-o'edp-orrothetrroNosnorteo
Saturday lun€ 9, 2OO1(GIRC)
saturday, lulY 21 and sunday, tuly 22
C e n tral P ennsY l vani a
sunday Jun€ 10, 2001 (GlRc)
of accidentfree
Weakendloth AnnversarvRide Comehelp us celebraie1Ovears
J une 16, 2O O 1(F ID )
southern Raikoad
il"p* ;"-;;el;rusive
roce rr a Pennsv'v'r'a
o' reeor$6s
iiinibn *i*
''r Ir'r,
THD SETOFF c MaylJune . Page 79
J une 16, 200 1
I'linnesota southern Railroad
rTn a u3ed.tobe the Nobes RockRaikoad.We wll ride from Luverne,MN, to near
Wdfthlnqtonand returr to Luverne,Lunchwi be availablein the depot.Wewil then
r de wes tt o ne a rH i l sa n dre tu rnT, o tarn i l e a ge
i s approxi matel y90
m l esroundtri p.
. ' une 30, 2O O 1
N€braska Northeastern Railroad
O ur r idet h s y e a rw rl b e fro m o s m o n dto O' Nei,l N ebraska,
w hi ch s about120
m ilesr oundt ri p . W e w i l s e to nb e g i n n i n ga t 6 :30 A M and departat 8 A f4.
J uly 1, 2001
Fremont & Elkhorn valley Railroad
we wil ride this I ne from Fremontto Hooper,Nebraska,beginningw th a 7 AM
seton and an 8 AM departu.e.The setonwil be at the FEVRheadquanerson th€
west sde of Fremont. We must be back to Fremont and in the clear of the
m a n ine by n o o n ,b e c a l s eth e d i n n e rtra i n runs at 12r30 P P l .
t uly 15, 2O O 1
lowa Northern Rallroad
y to DedarFals, Iowa.
Com€rlde wrth us on the northerd ofthe ra lroadfrom r.4an
We wll beg n at Gre€neby the new and very beautfu offic€buildn9 of the lowa
Nor t her n,
desi g n eldk e a d e p o ta n da n i c ea d dtionto the ci tyoi Greene.
W ew l l rde
from Greeneto Manlyand returnior unch.We'llthen r de to just no{h of CedarFals
and retlrn to Greens.The m leagefor this ride s about 100 m les rolnd tr p.
J uly 24, 2O O 1
I&M R.lllnk
A newr d€f or!s r n o d h w e slto w a ,th i s s t l l hasto be approved
byth€ ra koad' s
websitefor furth€rd€veropments.
A ugus i 11, 2 o Ol
Chillicothe Brunswick Railway Authority
R d€ th s ex-Wabashine frornCh ll cotheto Brunswk/ l.4issour,go nq throughtwo
game preservesaid under the Chicagoto (ansas City mainlineof the BNSF.We
s houd s ees or n etra n s a s w e p a s sl n d e rth s b usyrai l cotri dorW ew i l setonatthe
depot n t he s o l th e rnp a rto f C hl l c o th eb e gn n i ngai 6:30 A Manddepartat 8 A M
W ewi s t oprns l m n e rfo r l n c h n th e p a rk .Ihere s a ni cesandw i ch
shopw thl n
walkn9 dis t an c o
e f th e i ra c k s Mi
. e a q efo r th s r de i s 70 mi es roundtri p.
A ugus t 25, 2 0 0 1
Elliot Elevator Company
' A gr eatr idet o k c k b a c ka n de n to y th e s c e n eary
l onqi heN i shnabotna
R i verfrom
E i otto
nearRedOak,IA. The ne ,sonly 18 m es roundtrip, bLi we rlde i severat mesduring
the day.Thetowncelebraton is a so 90 n9 o., so therew llbe foodavalablein the park.
September 2, 2OO1
Nebkota Railroad
'-.WeBillride both d rect ons from cordon, Neb.aska,on this lasi remainingtrack' age of t he old c & N W I n e th .t rl n s fro m c h adronto Merri man.Mi l eagel s 160
m ilesr oundt r i p . W e w i l a s o h a v ea n l g h tfl n to Meri man.S etonti me s 6t30
Al'1w th an 8 AM departure.
Jun.12-30 (Mow )
l une 30, 2OO1(FID )
l ul y 1,2001 (Fl D )
Fremont& ElkhornValley Railroad
Jul y 1-E (P R o)
July 7-4, 2OO1
Oll Creek& Tit!sville Lines
l ul y 15.2OO1 (FID )
Iowa Nodhern Railroad
Page 2O c THE SETOFF. MavlJun+ 2OOl
SeDtember 15, 2OOl
Appanoose countY Railroad
This ode rs one ot our no( popu ar noes ror Celtel I e to Albrd,Iowd t'1reri e' l or.o t.i p. w e * ' tt" oue a ba-oeqLeal he Yo- dvia
a a ;to r rh.
' de
l;;otwith the
Firsi lowa Divlsronpavinq $3 towardsthe cost of the rnealfor up
to 4 oeoDleDercar The cos! of the barbequeis $s for anvoneerse
october 20, 2OO1
Ft. Leonard wood Railroad
na rl a r€d rw rl ' vourl dr dol l ar) r air - oad
C o re e To\, l l -e l al cooso' t.sw el
trro ro rrtni l l .,orIcourrrvsde,-1.l ' ' ei sdbout40rrl esroui dt' oal dw e'llbe
D r4de odr lt r e
c o n c i t' " oe t* u e, w e * l beqi _ou' (etor dl 11 A l ' 1w rr" a l ' l 0
_ 6 11 -' 6sa
6' y6u w ro arent' dr a- w i h l he area l l l serodl orqa ndo w re l I \ end
the wa vers. We must be cear of tlre rails beforedark n orderfor us to ride
Bo o n e & S c€ni cV al l ey R ai l ro.d
ins rsua. we w tt enOour riding seasonwith a tr p on the Boon€& ScenicVa lev
i n the D €sM oines
R a j l ;o a diB
n oone,l a.E nj oythe hi ghbri dgeandbeauti ful scei erv
R re r rarl e/ w e w i I r-_ i e ??-n, e round(r p Ineseve-at nes dJ- ' 9 thedav we
w rt a s o r!" e a cooto-t .s,oe rhe sfop oJ' oi .g arou' d roo' w i t- l ots or r ood
o ro v ,o ed
bv the E -sl l ow aD i vi sor,j Jst to saytha' ^s for " d.9 w th LEdJ- 19 t r e
for th s rde
s nowrequi r€d
y e a i N otce:N A R C OA
i nsurance
13026th AveSE,
on anyoftheserldes'contactCarlSchneider,
Atoona lowa
itay 12, 2001
M€ntorlng Sesrion
July Z 1- 22 ( CP E )
Central Pennsylva.ra
July 24-Arg. 2 (SWRC)
J uly 28, 2O O 1( FID )
l&lvl Ra link
J uly 2a, 2oot (o v R )
Alleghenyv alleyR R
July 2a-29, 2OO1 (NCR)
a ugus t 4- 5, 2OO1(GL R C )
Indiana Northeastern
ai Marne,Ml Justw estof GrandR apds M Lchil €l Y arneR .i l road,
Atth e C oooersvi &
o;n, north oi I-96. Youdo not hav€to be a NARcoAor GLRCmernberTh€reis no
i .r.u n "" ," q,| .ua,and no fee. s€t on t me 9:OOA rn Thosed€sIng m ent or ing
must let me know in advancebv Ma\/1st. ContactDav€Stroebe1694 Broadmoor
stieet iauskegonvich. qga42 Ie: (23r)773-798a a( e-mail: STEQEX@AQLCoU
satur.l.y MaY 19, 2001
Carthage, Knightstown .nd Shirl€Y RR
s' r' .€y ca carthagel .di an. N €wnenbe- o oer at ion
c a rth aoe,< nrq.rsl owano
r-' n :q-;-o ca1 nte" a" ... rl cs TakeIl di andFw v I40 sout' f-on K ' t hr slow'
-" . q" s ro cai rraqeInordrag:00.n E 5' l ' a ri ng o' Fai- r o1r
i " o a n i anororo*
M19, 14T19,MT14,s2 and Woodingsraicars $10
(812)342an; ;u €s will be€xp ained.Fordeta[sand d r€ctonsca stan converrel
o5o5 ot e-nd'll 5!?f!o4rer@hotrai 'or
saturdav June 9. 2001
North V;rnon Railroad DaYsFestival
dr ti ' ? D F a ' s oprong r o de12:oQ
' 1420565 or e-rd|
sr ar'or / 'i"a.ii"s.idi nn d di -e'l i onscdl S ranI orye- Te: (812r
Su n d ayJune 10, 2o01
Madison Railroa.l
l rdi ana D e t ailsoer dR P ,E -ursi onr-on N 01' V er_o. to N orthr' 1do' so'
l 4 s a l son
r1 q , Eoraeras " ro ote.l rors cal 5l a. C o_verTe: (812) J42_0565o - e- r ar l:
s ta n conver@ hotma
TEE SETOFF c MaylJutrz
c Page 21
Saturday & Sunday august 4-5, 2001
Indiana Northeastern
il-l6ii.1lsilnii :iwo days of operation over neariy 2oo miles of former New York
' Cbnt iel; r id W 6 b a s hi n e si n Mi c h l g a i ,In d i a naand Ohi o.The rout€that you w i l l
travel feat!res the larqestremaininqseqmentsorthe former Ft. Wayne& lacks on Railr oa a
d n d L a k eSh o re& Mi c h i q a n
S o u therni nesoftheN Y C andtheGary
DistrictI ne ofthe WabashRailroad.This GLRcsponsofedmeet will beginsharply
at 7:00 AM at the seton point (locatedat Klink'sTruckingCo.,Interstate 69, exit
140) at Ashley-Hudson,IN. (The trailer parkingand seton are just east of th€ I69 exit ramp at Klnk's.) Departure will occur at 8:00 A[4, following a safety
meeting by representativesfrom the railroad,NARCOArules and insuranceapply f or t hr s r ! n . N !me ro u smo tes a n d re s taurants
are avai l abl ei n A uburnand
Angola,IN as we I as Coldwatet ML I! s suggestedthat food and beveragesbe
br oughta on g fo r th e ru n . A l u n c hs to p w i l l be provi dedat H i l sdal e,r,4I,how ever,where operatorscan obtain fast food. Due to the length ofthis run, a tenm nute breakdownru e will be imposed for sta led lrack cars. After that, any
sta led carw I be towed to lhe nex!availablescheduledstop. Regstrationc oses
J une 30, 200 1 . $ 1 3 0 , 3 5 -c a rl i mt. Ma k eth e che€kspayabl eto Troy S trane.
contact Brucecarpenter 10241co!nty Road25A, wapakoneta,oh 4589s. Te :
( 419) 738- 5 3 8 4o r e -m a i l rb n s l 8 9 @ b ri o h t.
S.turd.y August 12, 2OOl
Cooo.rsvllle & l.larne
Grrnd R.Dlds & E$tern
_.OaveStroebes plannin9a meeton th€ Coopersvlie & r'1arne
and th€ GrandRapids
& Eastern.Deta s pendin9ContactDaveStroeb€1694Bro.dmoorStreetMLrskegon
l,llchigan49442 5302Iett (231) 773-7940ar e-rnal r sTRoBXoAoL.coM.
Saturday August 25, 2OOl
Lrte Superlof & lshpemln9
from the Lak€Sup€riof& Ishpemingat
,.JlmLindhoh hasfeceled verbalagreement
for a track car excursionthe samew€ek€ndas the SeafoodF€stiv.ldeta ls to fo ow, but hard hats,safety shoesand safety9.sses will be requir€dthis
y ear Det aisp e n d i n g .
Septcmb.r 15, 2OO1
lllinois Rail N e t R rl l ro rd
Augutt 3-7, 2001 (SWRC)
Bc Rail
Augurt 11, 2OO1(FtD)
a0 m ies r ou n dv i p th ro u g hs o me o f th e most scenc runs i n Il l i noi s.w e w i l l
cov€r most of the RalNet line plus crossover the 100 year old lift bridge crossaut|l3t 11? 2OO1(OVR)
In9 the Il inoisRiverin Ottawa-NARCOAins req!ired, Costto be announced,For
inf or m ahon
co .ta c i M i c h a eMi
l tz e l T e l(8
: 1 5 ) 264-7979or e-mai l rmi tz@ thesl i )(, South BranchVall€y RR
Saturd.y August 12,2OO1 (GLRC)
& Marne
GrandRapids& East€rn
Saturd.y October 27, 2001
CooDersville& Marne
Augsst 14, 2OO1(ART)
Grand RaDids& Eartern
Chattooga& Chickama!agaRailway
ll:a||rriral,um pkin r!n on the C&M/GR&E
& l'4arn€Railroad,at l'4arne,MI
'jijitf vtesi of crand Rapds Mchiqan,nofth of 196. DetailspendingcontactDav€
Augu3t 25, 2OO1(FID)
Elliot ElevatorCombany
siroebe 1694 BroadmoorStreet M!skegonMlchigan49442 5302 T€ephone231773-7e80or e-ma 5I39BX.@3aL{OU.
lune 4-7, 2OO1
Dorango& Silverton,Cumbres& Toltec
run, costlncertain.smitty smith,45 Ialiacourt/ sedona Ari2a 'a
e t: \52 u) 2t . t 4-23 t
Page 22 c TEE SETOFF c MaYlJune 2(M1
June 12-3o. 2oo1
0I,$200 P N w l out 6/ 15Id a h o ,N o{ thsnA oac,ti c-Jo" ephbrarca6,12-6114
5 /3 0 /O I,$8S 0.l o resel e your spol on the tour ol adl esendcqp.r odv ablet o
M O wfo r $250($300w th IN & P ).Totalbal ancedue May1, 2001 C arl i mr t s 30
caB. f4aI checksto chns Baldo,P,O.Box 874, Willis caiifornia 95940
lutu 2a-29, 2OO1
Es€anaba & Lake Superio. Railroad
on the E scanaba
.:i & rl h c d oti al R ai carsi s p easedto announce
a 2-davexcursi on
' ' & L a k eSuperor R ai l roadon l ul y 28 and 29, 2001 runni ngbetw eenK ngsf or d,
and Ontonaqon,t{L Seton wil be at 7:00 AM CDST n Kingsford we w I overn i g h t n e ar ontonagonon l he shoresof LakeS uperi orand pl an to depar tat
8;3OAl'4EDSTsunday morn nq. we plan to return to Kingsfordaround 3i00PM
c D s T Sundayafternoon.Totalro!nd tr p ni l eagei s 235.Total costoi thi s t r iPis
al rai fees,overnl ghtl odgi ngw h ch i s basedon oner oom
$ 2 4 0 .0 0and i ncl udes
per car and an excelent b!ffet dinner Saturdaynight for 2 PeopLe
{extra guests
to and from the hote A l N A R C O A'NCR
a re $ 1 5 . 00each)and transD ortati on
and Escanaba& LakeSLrperiorRailroadruLesand policiesare in effect. NARCOA
l s R E QU IR E D
Li.mi t25 cars.P easesenda checkfor $240 0 0 pavIN S U R AN cE
ableto NorthCentralRaicars!o: MichaelP.Ford7712 CarpenterCoLrrtPlainfield'
materal sw I be se nt For
regE trati on
uponrecei p!ofyourcheck
IN 4 6 1 5 8-8035.
more nformat on pleaseconlact Mike at the above addressor Telr (317) 8399 3 2 0 o r e -mai at < mai l to:MP FoR O@ l OU E sf.N E f
July 1-a 2OO1
Eig sky adv€nture
ra t ng lst avaiable.
S.turd.y August 25, 2OO1(GLRC)
LakeSuperior& Ishpemnq
Sept.mber 4-15
20o1,Bc RailandvIA c.nadianadv.ntu16
s€ptemb.r 2, 200r (FtD)
Scptemb€r 2, 2OO1(OVR)
Wh eelingand Lak eE ri eR y
sept . 4- 15 2001 (PR o )
BC Railand v I A
C anadan adv ent u re
Sept€mb€r 16. 2OOl (FID)
AppanooseCo!nty Ra lroad
Septemb€r 16, 2OO1(GLRC)
Ii l n ois RalNet Ra i l ro a d
dedi cate dt o
C orporati on
O h i oV a l ev R ai carss an Ohi ononprofi 501(c)7
in the Ohio Vallev Regionand the
the organ zation of motorcar excLrrsions
promotion of qenera rai safety nvo ved with olr activities oVR is an
affiliate of NARcoA and hosts NARcoA insured events. Membershipdues are
io t h€
on. ovR hasseveraladdi ti o ns
$ 1 0a n nual l vandare requi redfor parti ci pat
NARCOAbase ru ebook, which are avai able off of our web site and also ma led
w th the recerDtof vour ovR membershp ohro Val ey RailcarsRR*2 Box 426
Ruffsdale,PA 15679
June 23 & 24, 2OO1
west Virginia Central Railroad.
flled wrthlengthywaitinglist
iulv 7-8, 2OO1
oil Creek & Titusville Lines
Me a d v ll eP A , the former E ri e R R rnai nl i ne.84 mi l es round tri p oper at r ngt o
cory, PAand ret!rn. luly 8 operateon the NewYork& LakeEne and the Buffalo
s o u i h e rnR ai roadou!ofGow anda,N Y 70-90mi es roundtri P 40 car i m it Fee
l s $ 1 o Obothdays,$60 S aturdayonl y.D aveV ez, 10059A rdri dgeD r, C o um bia
S ta l i o n . ON 44028. Tel r (440) 236 3374 betw een 6-9 P M or e- m ar l:
THE SETOFF o Mayl,Iune o Page 23
J ulv 24, 2OO1
A lle9heny V a l l e y R R
Roundt4p or 52 m le). Sei on ar Arno d PAlo Prttso-rqhSt. p D srrict, lnte-psrinq iv er s iilero u te w _ i c hm a y s o o ' b p a c o mm l e ra l l ne rvanydi _ne-l ocations n the Str p D strlct. $35 per car Contact: lohn Gonder,RR#2 Box 426,
Ruf f s dale, PA 1 5 6 7 9 . Ie l t (7 2 4 ) 6 9 6 -4 5 44 betw een 7-9 P M or e mai l
up3706@ao l .c o n r.
A ugus t 11, 2 O O1
south Branch vallev RR
Peter6brrrqto Green SpringsWV 104 miles round trlp. Scenc South Branchof
the PolomacR ver Valley.Yo! may now purchasea unch in Rornn€ydlrinq the
GonderR R + 2
af t er noonbr e a k .5 0 c a rl i mt, e x c u rs i o fe
n e i s $48.00C ontactJohn
Box 426, Ruffsdale,PA 1s679. Tel: (724) 596 4544 between 7-9 PM or e!0ai1
Seotember 2, 2OO1
wh€€ling and Lak€ Erie Ry
A New Address
for Your List:
DeutscheDraisinen Sammlung
der Eisenbahnfreund€Wetterau
e.V., Bad Nauheim
c/o Stefan John
Steinfurther Strane 21
D-61231 Bad Nauheim
Fax.: 0049 6032-81343,
Mobil: 0049 172-6919866
e-mail: draisin€
l, vhtiunton, ot' o to eu"tta, PA 104 mi es roundtrip.35 car limit. Fee$70. Former
lr&LE and P&WVroute. We'll traversethrough many tunnels and three states.
Rigidly€nforcedrailroadsafely requlrementsapp y includingful ength pan!s,
safety glassesat all times, hard soledover the ankl€ work shoes.No attendees
under 14 years of age. Contactleff Levengood,2189 Oak Tree Dr., Dover,OH
44622.Ie | (33O) 343-3407 6-9 Pl4 or ema I
s€Dtefib€r 29-30, 2OO1
Southw€st Pennsylvania RR
A ppr ox . 90 ro u n d tri p ml e s . Sa tu rd a ys e ton n N ew S tanton,P A . Lunchat
Yo!ngwood Rairoad rYuseum.5unday seton at Mt. Braddock,PA. Successful
short ine that has upgradedmuch of the r flght of way. Variedand interesting
r olt e. c ont a c tJ o h n Go n d e rR R + 2 Bo x 4 2 6 , R l ffsdal e,P A 15679.Tel r (724)
696-4544 between7'9 PMor e@11!p3?06@ial@!0.
Note NARcoA ns!red excurslonsmust: 1) be insuredbya. rnsurancepo cv acceptabeto
( nc udesth€ CertificateofPermissionfrom railroadand Op€ratorsAgreement),2)
a bas eline
s eto f r ! e s , 3 ) u s e t h eN A R C O A O D e r a t o n s
usethe cu tren tNARCOrAulebook as
r.4anuaas the baserinesurde n run. n9 an excursion( nc udesrereas6), and 4) the qroup
or ndvdla hosnnq a NARCOAnsurcd excu.sionmust be an aff ate of NARCOAThe
followingare NoT NARcoA ns!red excu6ionsbecalse oneormore ofthe abovecondrtons
is absent.These are rist€das a serviceto the membershrpand such listi.q imp es no
jldgement from NARcoAas to safety/i.suran.ei andlor legarrssles.
october 9-14, 2oo1
t lex ic o 2O O 1
Sepi€mber 29-30, 2OO1(OVR)
SouthwestPennsylvana RR
Octob6r 20,2OO1 (FID)
Ft. LeonardWood Railroad
octob€r 9-la,
Mexi co2001
2oo1 (PRO)
octob€r 19-21. 2001 (ART)
saturday october 27, 2001 (GLRC)
le & Marne
GrandRapids& Eastern
Elghtdays and 7 nightson the Ferocaril l'1ercano Railroad.This railroadhas 87
tunnels,37 bridqesand a oop backwherethe track curuesunderitself.Somedays
t{ov€m!€r 3 (FID)
we w ll t r av e L a 5mi e s ,o th e rd a y sw e w i l tra vel38 mi es to gi veusti meto seethe
Boone& Scenicvalley Raikoad
n i c€fora tota m l eageof750m l es,
s 9ht s .we wil rL rnth ro l g hth e c o p p e rC a n y otw
174 tunnels,two loopsand 74 brLdges.
Yo!wil be staying n frst classhotelsihat
cook wth bottled watei serue Americandishes.Baseprice for two people,one
motorcar,44meals,transfersto hotes, speedergas,s€curty escortswth accessto
medicalhe icopterfiqhtsis $3,400.F!rther descriptons and informauonis av.ilable
upon Al Mccracken2916 TaperAve,, Santa Cara CA 950512341.T e: ( 40 8 )2 4 9 -2 9 s 3 F
, a x :(4 0 8 )2 4 9 3 120or e-ma l to: al nethi e@ aol .com.
Page 24 . THE SETOFF c MayLlune 2OO1
Jeff l*uenswd has
been ehopping
again. His lastest
railrttddiana show
yielded. this NKP 52
photo, tahetuin the
1940s,he epeculates,
No other infomation a,vailable,
A Canadian
c@r,r$ting between
assign nebte, One of
a number of photog
Bentto Bill Coulson
bJ a Aiend. "up
north" auhile bach.
Wouldlike to purchasean MT19E, in
a l mo s treadyto run condi ti on.P ossi b l y l ro m any [4i dw esternra l road.
Wouldlike pictLrres.Tom Hatfied Tell
(5 0 7 ) 2 3 5-6826 betw een5pm-8pm
C e n v a lStandard
Ti me.116W estFi rst
Stre e t #201 Fai rmont, M nnesota
A 501
gauge,20Pumph.ndc.r (standard
Inchwheels)In operabie
or restorable
conditon, Alr-powered
jacks (2 to 4), 35-tonor greateriftingcapacity,
5 mplex,
loyce,Track|nobileor amsll Indu.trlsl locomotlve. PowerTrack
wrench, safetransystemsmodelc
of equivalent.Contact,David t4.
M JO l
Y aquna P aci fl cR R H stofcal Societ y
needsthefollowlngpart5 tor rn MT14 r.3tor.tlon prorcct. Transmissi on, gear and cl utch handl e s,deck
mount ror handl es,w l ndow s,seat s,
conko sw tches/knobs,aluminumlift
handl es,l ghts etc.A ny donations
apprecl ated
but w i l purchase
w hennecessary.TomChander Box 119 Toledo,
Oregon97391,(541)867-4605or elA01
mallI tanqfulslrJ!.trs.
I arn lookin9forthree back issues of
the SEToFF to comPletemy co lect on from Vo ume 1, #1, to present.
Theseare W i nter1987,5pri n91988,
and Fal l1994.If anyonehas any duplicate cop es of these three issues,
or fl co!l d getcopesofthem I would
real l ya ppreci ate
i t P l easel etm eknow
what you want for them. Pleasecontact LeonardS. G lmofe 34 HayesPark
E xeter,N H03833Te:(603)778- 0269
THE SETOFFc MaylJune.Page 25
Rail Anchors
from the 7948 Rai/way
Engineering & Maintenance Cyc/opedta
"Rail anchors are proprietary appliancesdesigned
to resist or entirely check the longitudinal
movement ofrails und€r traffic and to maintain
proper expansionallowanceatjoint gaps lbr
temp€rature changes.thus assisting in
maintaining proper line and gage.Th€ir
primary function is to hold the lail in a fixed
position with respectto th€ tie. The small
longitudinal movementsof mils arc known ag
'rail creepage,'hence,the name rail anchors,
and also the term 'anti {re€peN."'
The Inproaed.
Fdir Attchor
b! the P&M!
The Achuff Doubte a Rail Anchor
W the Achuff Raitwaf Supply Company
The Neu
Trve Ternper
Rail Anchor
b! the American
Forh and. Hoe
"Rail normally tends to move
down hill more thnn up hill, to
move morc on crurvesthan on tangents, and to move in the direction of heavy tonnase...."
The Improued
Gautier Rail ALchor
br ,he Mid-W6t Forgine &
Page 26 c THE SETOFF c MaylJune 2OO1
Northern Railway of Costa Rica
S ubm it t e db y W illisCr e ig h t o n
Th$e two 1997
photos uere tahen in
the c.tpital cit! of
Son Jose, Cost<t
Rica, Winie
eonf$eq hi4
ituclude rail cdft in
thoze d.aya,eo he
did.n't inquire ac to
the hi.storr of these
rcc.tlls that the uorh
cfeu u)as d,epdrting
the Nofihern
Railway yard to da
some repair worh.
Ee thinhs perhap4
they ehoul.d.haue
done sorrreworh in
the !a.rd., too,
Northern Central Railroad
The group tahes a
breah at the newl!
Junction station
(not ret con pleted.)
d.uring the April 22,
2U)1, NCRA
THE SETOFF o MaylJune t Page 2?
place the funds into the Jake
By the way, Al also runs the
NARCOAcertification,the rule
bookquiz is given by him. He's
changedthings over to the n€w
rule book,but there'ssomeconfusion about the certificates.
Your certificatedll not expire
until the end of this year, so no
new quiz is neededfor existing
members,just new m€mberB.
the fall the Boerd wiil decide
whento start giving the newtests
for the new certifrcates,so watch
tEE aEtOrF in the fall for that
In excu$ionnewB,our overseasalffliate in Aushalia, Australian Society of Section Car
Operato$Inc. (ASSCO),
first excursion,Oneofour membersfromthe US,ChuckLee,was
able to attend, so I sent over a
plaqueftom NARCOAfor the occasionvia Chuck,Chuckreported
a greattime washadby all. (Read
about it on pages13-15in this
issue.)Nic Dohcasterput togetherthe run, and alter all the
workhe did,I'm remindedofhow
lucky we are to have all the rail
we haveto run in North America.
Nic,andto your
crewalso.I'msureallofus dream
of following Chuck over there
somedayand giving the hobby a
try *downunder."
That's it for now. Spdng is
here,andwe'll all g€tthe carsout
for the bu8y season.Inspectthe
mechanicalstuff carefully, and
let's havea safeseason.
No r th Am e r ica n Ra ilca r
Operators Association
V Pres.- l4ikePaul
Treas.- TomNorman
goard of Directors
Pres.- RonZammit
Sec.- Joelwilliams
(r4E,NH,W NY,i,rA,Ct, RD
RI 02911
(ND, SD, NB, IA)
1302 6th Avenle S,E,
wi.dsor ONT N9E-1v6
(wv vA/ KYNC,SC,TN)
(wA/ oR,lo/ MT,AK, WY)
1047TeftaceVlew Drlve
(CA, NV U' AZ, NM/ HI)
3520 ColdSpr ngs L6n.
Affoyo Gr.nde CA 93420
( M N ,WI , I L
Sa.lose CA 95125-4333
SEtion 0H 44028
Commlttc. Ch.hsr
- TomNorman
- MlkePaul
Saf€ty& Rules- l4lkel4itzel
FRA& RailroadLlalson Ronzammit
cottaqe Grove wI 53527
Hoffman Estates IL 60195
santa clara ca 95051
NARCOAW6b Mrst.r
and Conmunlc.tlon3
Sanlose CA 95125 4833
NARCOAlicensed Radio Call Sign
WPHT745 - 151.625 mHz
o THE SETOFF c Mayl,Iune 2001
sends along
this t'int@ge
collected. by
his daughter.
Thb Railwar
Cycle b ad.uerttued in the 1903
Crerar, Ad.am9 &
Co. cetalog,
T be *re.B d'. rr.od $[[
The No. 14
Velociped.e it
ad.Dertised. in ,he
1906 Fairbanhs,
Mofte & Co.
A ii
dr: dNbl.seerod c!r, d 9ou!dr,
' '
' ,' ,' ' ' ' ,'
.? 5 o
No. 14 \/elocipede
I r-IIIr.t..i
Tl .\ k