C&M Development Team
The document gives details regarding the CalmSHINE16 compiler driver, its
invocation and command line options.
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Revision History
7thJan, 2004
31thMar, 2004
C&M Development Team
Jaydeep Patil
Jaydeep Patil
Added section 8 and changed individual
tool’s option.
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C&M Development Team
Overview ..................................................................................................1
User interface ............................................................................................1
Configuration file format...............................................................................2
Environment variables ..................................................................................3
Examples ..................................................................................................3
Specific tool options ....................................................................................4
Invoking individual tools................................................................................7
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C&M Development Team
1 Overview
Most of the compiler comes with the compiler driver. The driver takes any file either C,
assembly or object file as an input and generates the executable file. This behavior prevents
user from writing messy batch files, which invokes each tools separately. The driver can be
effectively used in test and performance evaluation tools also with any combinations of input
files. The Calm16driver takes any combination and any number of input files. C, S, Z, O, and I
are supported input files (See section 8 for more details). The driver invokes required
CalmSHINE16 tools to generate the corresponding hex file.
2 Notation
CalmSHINE16 compiler driver
3 User interface
The driver provides the following command line options.
Calm16Driver [Options] [[Filename]…]
The options are:
-pre [Pre-Processor options]
To specify pre-processor options –pre should be used. Valid pre-processor options should be
included in square brackets.
-cc [Compiler options]
To specify compiler options –cc should be used. Valid compiler options should be included in
square brackets.
-opt [Optimizer options]
To specify optimizer options –opt should be used. Valid optimizer options should be included in
square brackets.
-asm [Assembler options]
To specify assembler options –asm should be used. Valid assembler options should be included
in square brackets.
-lnk [Linker options]
To specify linker options –lnk should be used. Valid linker options should be included in square
-f filename
Where the file “filename” holds command line options. All command line options can be kept
in a file, and this file can be given as an input to the driver. The driver also accepts all
command line options found after –f filename. Options for a specific tool are gathered from
input file and command line. White space, tab or a new line character should separate the
options in the file. (Format of this command file is same as driver.ini. Please refer driver.ini
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Prints help. If driver is invoked without any command line argument then also the help is
Verbose mode. The driver prints version and progress report on the console.
Quite mode.
Pre-process only. Driver stops after invoking pre-processor.
Do not assemble. Driver stops after invoking optimizer.
Do not link. Driver stops after invoking assembler.
Do not optimize. Driver stops after invoking compiler.
Keep intermediate files. This prevents the driver from deleting generated intermediate files.
This option informs driver to use default configuration file. The configuration file contains
default arguments for the CalmSHINE16 tools. The configuration file can be kept at some known
place, from where the driver can read this file. It should be kept in folder C:\Program
Files\CalmSHINE16\driver.ini. If –c option is used then –pre, -cc, -asm, -opt, -lnk are ignored
form the command line. (For more information on configuration file read Configuration file
format section. Please refer driver.ini file)
-o hexfile name
This option can be used along with –c option only. It specifies the name of output hex file.
When the driver is informed to use configuration file (i.e. –c option is used) then the name of
the output file is taken from this option. In all other cases this option is ignored.
Name of the input file, it can be C, I, S, Z or O file.
-b <object directory>
Calm16Driver keep object files in the <object directory>.
None of these command line options are compulsory. If driver is invoked without any command
line arguments then the help message is printed. All options are case sensitive. The command
line options can be given in any order. White space or a tab should separate each option on the
command line.
4 Configuration file format
The –c option enables driver to read all default command line arguments for CalmSHINE16 tools
form C:\Program Files\CalmSHINE16\driver.ini file. The default argument list will not contain
name of output hex file. It should be explicitly mentioned by the user by using –o option at
command line. The configuration file provides easy way to invoke the driver. The configuration
file is nothing but list of commands. The commands should be separated by space, tab or new
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line character. The difference between –c and –f options is, each time user can give different
file with –f option. (See Examples for invocation with –c option)
User can add comments to the configuration and command file. The comment should start with
‘#’ sign and from the first column of the line.
# Compiler options
-cc [ -w –target=calmlittle]
# Optimizer options – FULL
-opt [ -g –XF]
5 Environment variables
To invoke the driver without any command line options for tools and providing only file names
as command line options, two environment variables need to be set. The driver reads include
header path from CALM16HEADER environment variable. Also it reads library path from
CALM16LIB environment variable. In this case driver takes calmlittle as default target and –X0
as the optimization level to generate the output hex file. [See the last example]
6 Examples
Calm16Driver -pre[-IC:\include] –cc[-target=calmlittle –pseudo] –opt[-X2] –lnk[-z
c:\virtual.mem –o stone] abc.c xyz.i tuv.z def.s ijk.o –k
Here stone.hex is generated from abc.o, xyz.o, tuv.o, def.o and ijk.o. The –k option keeps the
intermediate files generated during the process.
Calm16Driver –lnk[-o plum] lang.c lib.c Cstartup_S3CC410.o
The plum.hex is generated from lang.o, Cstartup_S3CC410.o and lib.o
Calm16Driver –c –o stone lang.c c61.c c62.c c63.c Cstartup_S3CC410.o
In this case driver uses default options present in a configuration file. It generates stone.hex
from Cstartup_S3CC410.o, lang.o, c61.o, c62.o and c63.o
Calm16Driver –f cmd.txt
Here driver takes all options form cmd.txt.
Calm16Driver main.c sum.c Cstartup_S3CC410.o
Here driver reads CALM16HEADR and CALM16LIB environment variables, also it assumes target
as calmlittle and generates the output hex file.
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7 Specific tool options
-f file
-H file
-T tgt
Cprep16 [Options…] Filename
Valid C file
Set include path
Defile a symbol
Read all arguments from "file". -f should be the first argument.
The preprocessor outputs one make rule containing the object file name for
that source file, a colon, and the names of all the included files.
Like -E but do not mention header files that are found in system header
directories or header files that are included directly or indirectly from such a
Specifies a file to write the dependencies to
-J says to treat missing header files as generated files and assume they live in
the same directory as the source file
Same as -E -H file, the CPP determines file based on whether an output file is
given. If it is, the CPP uses its argument but with a suffix of .d, otherwise it
takes the base-name of the input file and applies a .d suffix
Changes the default target (input file name) to given <tgt> string
This option instructs CPP to add a phony target for each dependency other
than the main file, causing each to depend on nothing
Quiet mode
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Calmcc16 [Options…] Filename
Valid I file
Specify the target name. (calmlittle is supported)
Const is regarded as code.
Generates stack overflow check function calls in each function.
Array access optimization, to reduce code size when one dimension array is
accessed. It has following limitations.
- The index values of one-dimension arrays always have positive
- The each size of all arrays in program is less than 64K byte.
Small RAM option, to reduce code size when a scalar global variable is
accessed. It has following limitations.
- The total size of data memory that is used in program linearly must
be less than 64K byte.
[Note: If you use this option, the external variable which is defined with
#prama eep_seg() directive must be declared with #prama eep_seg()
Do not generate jump tables for switch statement
Generate optimized output. Required if optimization level 1 or above is
selected for optimizer.
If high 6-bit address of both data memory and EEP/FLASH Memory is always
same value, then you can check this option.
Pointer index always positive
This option is related with prolog and epilog of function for push, pop
registers. This option use SWI(2,3) interrupt for push and pop registers
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instead of library call. (Should not be given with –g option).
Do not display build message
Generates debug information without “call stack view”
Generates debug information with “call stack view”
Support Non ANSI-C standard
Don’t initialize un-initialized global in EEP section (default: initialize with
zero value)
Every CODE areas are located in EEP section
Every CODE areas are located in EEP section with SEGNAME
Ignore code keyword in code generation not in data section If you define a
variable with code keyword, then the variable is located in CDATA section
but LDC isn’t generated when you access the variable.
Ignore generic keyword in code generation
Doesn't initialize uninitialized global in EEP section (default: initialize with
zero value)
Turn off Global optimization with base register
CONTROLAREA START address and SIZE setting (start and size are decimal
value). Compiler generates code in case of access control area using A8
Warning level 1 (default is level 2)
Warnings off
Calmopt16 [Options...] Filename
Valid Z file
BSRD optimization
Generates debug information without “call stack view”
Generates debug information with “call stack view”
For optimizer –g/-g1 option must same as compiler.
Generate local variable information [Only in V1.54 and above]
Suppresses the copyright message and version number (Since Calmopt16
Required if compiler is invoked with -SWI
Choose optimizing level, where N is one of the following,
0, turn off optimize
1, turn off optimize except register allocation
2, use all optimize methods except procedural abstraction
3, use all optimize and fast procedural abstraction
F, use all optimize and full procedural abstraction.
For –X1, -X2, -X3 and –XF, compiler needs to be invoked with –pseudo.
For –X3 and –XF none of the –g, -g1, -gl options are required.
-D var{=value}
-e number
-E filename
-f filename
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Calmasm16 [Options…] Filename
Valid S file
Install coprocessor MAC24 instruction set
Turn off case sensitivity for user defined symbols
Define a variable symbol var with a value. (Default value is zero)
Set maximum number of errors (Default value is 9999)
Output error message written into specified file
Specify a different name for the list file. Default is output
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-m num
-o filename
-B file
-C value
-A value
-d sym
-e addr
-f file
-L segname
-l libname
-o file
-R file
-S28 / -5
-3/-str <addr>
-4/-end <addr>
-x num
-z file
-E hex_value
-F hex_value
-G hex_value
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Do not show unassembled lines in list file
Write assembly debug information file
Display command line option usage
Do not generate .l list file
Assembly the source file to a library file
Set macro expanding level
Do not generate messages except error/warning message
Bypass all assembling processing information
Write symbol information in list file
Set include file searching directory
Turn off warning message
Specify a name for object file
Show the version
Calmlink16 [Options…] [Filename…]
Valid O file
Generate binary file (.b for code, .bdt for data)
Generate binary file (.b for ROM, .bdt for EEP) [Only in V1.54
and above]
Generate browse information file (.bif) [Only in V1.54 and
Read library names from file
Symbol name case insensitive
Fill binary file (ROM) blank with hex value(0~FF)
Fill binary file (EEP) blank with hex value(0~FF)
Set program entry address using global symbol
Set program entry address using hexadecimal
Read input object file names from file
Output debugging information file
Display command line help information
Generate Intel Hex Format hex file
Map Compiler Library into the segment 'segment_name'
Link with a library
Generate map file (.map)
Generate merged list file (.lst)
Link relocatable sections with source file order
Do not generate messages except error/warning message
Specify output file name
All initialized data locate to EEP area
Quiet mode, runtime info stored in file 'Link___.out'
Show version
Generate symbol information file (.smap)
Link with specified symbol information file
Using small program memory model (<64k, Mid only)
Generate Motorola hex file (S28 records)
Start of EEPROM dump in .eep file
End of EEPROM dump in .eep file
Length of hex file record line (even decimal number)
Generate hex/hxd file filled with blank (default 0x00)
Set memory description file
Generate merged hex file suitable for memory writing
Set program memory base address
Set program memory size
Set data memory base address
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-H hex_value
-I hex_value
-J hex_value
-K hex_value
-T hex_value
-U hex_value
-W hex_value
Set data memory size
Set cdata base in program memory
Set cdata base in data memory
Set cdata size in data memory
Set C stack limit
Set C stack base
Set C stack size
8 Invoking individual tools
The CalmSHINE16 language includes pre-processor (Cprep16), compiler (Calmcc16), optimizer
(Calmopt16), assembler (Calmasm16) and linker (Calmlink16). Each of these tools can be
invoked separately or through Calm16Driver.
Various intermediate files generated by each tools are,
: Input C source, output I file
: Input I file, output Z file
: Input Z file, output S file
: Input S file, output O file
: Input O file, output Hex file
Cprep16 -IC:\CalmSHINE16\Include\Header main.c main.i
The above command will generate main.i in the same directory
Calmcc16 -target=calmlittle -g main.i main.z
Compiler generates main.z from main.i.
Calmopt16 -g -X0 main.z main.s
Optimizer generates main.s from main.z
Calmasm16 -g -o main main.s
Assemble the S file to main.o
Calmlink16 -g -m -B lib.txt -zC:\CalmSHINE16\S3CC9AB.mem main.o cstartup_S3CC9AB.o
Linker will generate main.dbg main.hex and main.hxd
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