curriculum vitæ et studiorum - INFN Gruppo Collegato di Salerno

- Born on 7 July 1967 in Salerno (Italy)
- married, four children.
- Address: Dipartimento di Fisica “E.R. Caianiello”, Università di Salerno,
via Giovanni Paolo II, 132, Fisciano (SA) - 84084 - ITALY
Tel: +39.089.968.201 Fax: +39.089.963.303
WWW: http:/
- since 01/01/2013: Ricercatore (Lecturer) presso il Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Salerno.
- 20/02/07 – 31/12/2012: Ricercatore (Lecturer) presso il Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica (DMI),
Università di Salerno.
- 01/01/04 – 20/02/07: Ricercatore (Lecturer) at Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Salerno.
- 09/03 - 12/03: Assegno di Ricerca at Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Salerno.
- 06/03 - 09/03: visiting Fellow (ESF) at Physics Department, Freie Universität Berlin
- 06/97 - 05/03: Research Associate at Theoretical Physics Dept., Imperial College, London.
- 07/07/97: Discussion of PhD. Thesis: “Trasformazioni di Mixing e Dissipazione in Teoria Quantistica dei
- 03/95 - 07/96: visiting Theor.Physics Dept.- GSI, Darmstadt, Germany. Supervisor: Dr. P.Henning.
- 11/93 - 11/96: Dottorato in Fisica at Salerno University - Supervisor: Prof.G.Vitiello
- 12/07/93: Laurea in Fisica, 110/110 cum laude at Salerno University. Title of the thesis: “Struttura
del Vuoto e Mixing del Neutrino” - Supervisor: Prof. G.Vitiello
- 1992-1993: 15-month civil service with Caritas (opted instead of one-year compulsory military service).
- one-year “Assegno di Ricerca” at Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Salerno
- four-month visiting fellowship to Freie Universität Berlin from European Science Foundation
- two-year individual postdoctoral fellowship in Mathematics from EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council)
- two-year postdoctoral fellowship from INFN for research activity abroad, first classified in the national
- two-year postdoctoral fellowship from Salerno University.
- two-year fellowship for research activity abroad from Salerno University.
- three-year PhD fellowship at Salerno University, first classified in the local competition.
- Awarded together with P.Jizba with the prize for the best theoretical work: “Quantum Field Theory of
Topological Defects as Inhomogeneous Condensates” presented at the 37th International School of Subnuclear
Physics, Erice, 1999.
- Scholarship “B.Pontecorvo” for the work “New results in the physics of neutrino oscillations” presented at
the 36th International School of Subnuclear Physics, Erice, 1998.
- Press Agency (ANSA) with title: ”Fisica: perfezionata formula neutrini di Bruno Pontecorvo” and articles
on ”Il Giornale di Sicilia” and ”Il Mattino” following the presentation given at the 36th International School
of Subnuclear Physics, Erice, 1998.
- 2015-2016: part of “Metodi Matematici per la Fisica”, 1st year Master Degree in Physics, Salerno University
- 2012-2016: “Teoria Quantistica dei Campi”, 1st year Master Degree in Physics, Salerno University
- 2014-2015: part of “Fisica Teorica”, 1◦ year Laurea Magistrale in Fisica (U. di Salerno).
- 2013-2014: part of “Metodi Matematici per la Fisica”, 1st year Master Degree in Physics, Salerno University
- 2010-2013: Pedagogato di “Fisica II”, 2◦ anno Laurea in Fisica (U. di Salerno).
- 2011-2012: modulo “Elementi di Meccanica Statistica”, parte di Meccanica Analitica, 2◦ anno Laurea in
Fisica (U. di Salerno).
- 2010-2011: Pedagogato for “Fisica Teorica”, 1st year Master Degree in Physics, Salerno University.
- 2009-2010: assistance for “Laboratorio di Fisica”, 2nd year, Degree in Valutazione e Controllo Ambientale.
- 2006-2010: course “Dynamical Systems”, Master Degree in Physics, Salerno University.
- 2007-2008: course “Special Relativity”, 2nd year, Degree in Physics, Salerno University.
- 2005-2009: Pedagogato for “Fisica Classica III”, 2nd year, Degree in Physics, Salerno University.
- 2007: “Fisica Classica III” – Corso Speciale S.I.C.S.I. per la classe A049 (U. di Salerno).
- 2004-2006: course “Advanced analytical mechanics”, 1st year, Master Degree in Physics, Salerno University.
- 2004-2007: supervisor for the “Tesi di Laurea” of two students in Physics (Salerno Univ.).
- 2004-2005: Pedagogato di “Fisica Classica I”, 1st year, Degree in Physics, Salerno University.
- 2003-2004: course “Dynamical Systems”, 2nd year, Degree in Physics, Salerno University.
- 2002-2003: tutor for 3rd year undergraduates at Imperial College
- Oct. 2002: external examiner for the PhD thesis of D.Latimer (Oxford U.)
- Sep. 2001: Lectures for the PhD students (Salerno Univ.) on Neutrino mixing and oscillations in Quantum
Mechanics and in Quantum Field Theory
- 2001-2002: supervisor of a student for a MSc dissertation (Master) and of four students for an MSci. Project
(one year) in Theoretical Physics at Imperial College.
- 1999-2003: co-supervising (with Prof. G.Vitiello) PhD students O.Romei and A.Capolupo (Salerno)
- June 1998: “Special Topics Lectures” given for the M.Sc. students at Theoretical Physics Dept., Imperial
College, on Canonical Transformations in Quantum Field Theory.
- “Patterns of Symmetry Breaking”, Cracow 15-29 September 2002
- “Basics and Highlights in Fundamental Physics”, 37th International School of Subnuclear Physics, Erice,
29 August - 7 September 1999
- “Topological Defects and the Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Symmetry Breaking Phase Transitions ” Les
Houches, February 16 - 26, 1999.
- “From the Planck Length to the Hubble Radius”, 36th International School of Subnuclear Physics, Erice,
29 August - 7 September 1998
- “Fifth Chia Meeting and School on Common Trends in Condensed Matter Physics and High Energy Physics”,
Chia, 31 August - 11 September 1997.
- “Scuola Nazionale di Fisica Teorica per Dottorandi”, Parma, September 1994.
- 2008-2011 European project (7th Framework Programme) HIP, Hybrid Information Processing.
- 2001-2006 ESF Network: COSLAB, Cosmology in the Laboratory
- 1997-2000 ESF Network: Topological Defects: Non-Equilibrium Field Theory in Particle Physics, Condensed
Matter and Cosmology
- 1995-1997 EU Network: Phase Transitions in the Early Universe Cntr. n. CHRX-CT94-0423
- PAFT 2015 Current Problems in Theoretical Physics - XXI Edition, Vietri sul Mare, March 28 - 31, 2015;
- DISCRETE 2014: Fourth Symposium on Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetries, King’s College
London, 2-6 December 2014.
- Seventh International Workshop DICE2014 Spacetime - Matter - Quantum Mechanics, Castiglioncello,
September 15-19, 2014;
- QFPP 2014 - Questioning Fundamental Physical Principles, 6-9 maggio 2014, CERN;
- Symmetries in Science XVI, 21-26 luglio 2013, Bregenz, Austria;
- Sixth International Workshop DICE2012 Spacetime - Matter - Quantum Mechanics from the Planck scale
to emergent phenomena, Castiglioncello, September 17-21, 2012;
- NOW 2012 - Neutrino Oscillation Workshop, September 9-16, 2012 Conca Specchiulla;
- Symmetries in Science XV, 31 luglio - 5 agosto 2011, Bregenz, Austria;
- Settimana Internazionale della Ricerca - IV Edizione, 7 ottobre 2010, Palazzo S. Agostino, Salerno;
- Fifth International Workshop DICE2010 Space-Time-Matter - current issues in quantum mechanics and
beyond, Castiglioncello, 13-17 Sept. 2010;
- International Symposium Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics - FFP11 6-9 July 2010,
Paris, France;
- Symmetries in Science, 1924 July 2009, Bregenz, Austria;
- 4th International Workshop DICE2008: From Quantum Mechanics through Complexity to Spacetime: The
Role of Emergent Dynamical Structures, Castiglioncello, 22-26 Sept. 2008;
- PARTICLES, STRINGS, AND COSMOLOGY: 13th International Symposium on Particles, Strings, and
Cosmology-PASCOS 2007, London, 2-7 July 2007;
- 3nd Int. Workshop DICE2006: Quantum Mechanics between Decoherence and Determinism: new aspects
from particle physics to cosmology, Piombino, 11-15/09/06;
- XXIX Conference of Theoretical Physics, Ustron, Poland, September 2005;
- Path Integrals 2005, Prague, June 2005;
- 2nd Int. Workshop DICE2004: from Decoherence and Emergent Classicality to Emergent Quantum Mechanics, Piombino, Italy, 03/09/04;
- Symmetries in Science XIII, Bregenz (Austria) 22/07/03;
- 4th International School Bruno Pontecorvo Capri (Italy) 28/05/03;
- Imperial College London 13/05/03; Mathematical Institute (Oxford, UK) 6/05/03;
- XII-th Int. School ”Particles and Cosmology” Baksan Valley (Russia) 24/04/03;
- Int. Workshop on Decoherence, Information, Complexity and Entropy, Piombino (Italy) 3/09/02;
- Int. Workshop on QFT of Particle Mixing and Oscillations, Vietri s.M. (Italy) 14/06/02;
- Sapporo Univ. (Japan) 22/06/01; - Tsukuba Univ. (Japan) 15/06/01;
- Int. Conf. on Flavor Physics (Zhang-Jia-Jie, China) 1/06/01;
- Int. Workshop on Neutrino Oscillations (Beijing) 9/06/01; - DAMTP (Cambridge, UK) 1/12/00;
- Quantum (Un)speakables, E.Schroedinger Inst. (Vienna) 12/11/00;
- ESF network Meeting, Capri 12/9/00;
- Int. Conf. on Mathematical Physics, Imperial College London 21/7/00 and 22/7/00;
- Southampton Univ. (UK) 9/6/00; - Trinity College (Dublin) 8/5/00;
- Mathematical Institute (Oxford, UK) 2/6/00;
- UK Workshop on TFT, Imperial College (London) 7/1/00;
- Charles Univ. (Prague) 8/12/99; - Sussex Univ. (UK) 1/11/99;
- νews from the universe, DESY–Hamburg (Germany) 30/9/99;
- ESF network meeting, MPI–Dresden 10/6/99 and 18/6/99; - DAMTP (Cambridge, UK) 19/10/98;
- 36th International School of Subnuclear Physics, Erice 09/98;
- EU network meetings: Thessaloniki ’97 and Capri ’96; - GSI (Darmstadt) ’95;
- member of Collegio di Dottorato (Ciclo XXVII) in Scienze e tecnologie dell’informazione, dei sistemi complessi e dell’ambiente, Universit di Salerno.
- member of Collegio di Dottorato (Cicli XXV e XXVI) in Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Informatiche,
Universit di Salerno.
- Referee for Physics Letters A, Physics Letters B, Journal of Physics A, Journal of Physics G, Journal of
Mathematical Physics, Europhysics Letters, Foundations of Physics Letters, New Journal of Physics.
- Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews (American Mathematical Society).
- Seminar organizer at Theoretical Physics, Imperial College for the academic years 1998-2001.
- Participation in the organization of the workshops: Capri 2000 (ESF Network on Topological Defects),
Imperial College 2001 and Vietri 2003 (ESF Network COSLAB).
- Organizer together with G.Vitiello of the International Workshop on the Quantum Field Theory of Particle
Mixing and Oscillations, Vietri sul Mare (Italy), 13-15 June 2002.
- Degree in piano “Diploma di Pianoforte” - Conservatorio di Campobasso, 21/9/00. Concerts given at
GSI - Darmstadt (1995), Imperial College (31/7/98 and 10/12/98), Capri (10/9/00), King’s College London
List of publications of Massimo Blasone
1. M.Blasone, F.Dell’Anno, S.De Siena and F.Illuminati, A field-theoretical approach to entanglement in
neutrino mixing and oscillations, EPL, 106 (2014) 30002;
2. M.Blasone, F.Dell’Anno, S.De Siena and F.Illuminati, Entanglement in a QFT Model of Neutrino
Oscillations, Adv.High Energy Phys. 2014 (2014) 359168;
3. M.Blasone, F.Dell’Anno, G.Torre and R.De Luca A simple mathematical description of an off-grid
hybrid solarwind power generating system European Journal of Physics 34 (2013) 763;
4. M. Blasone and P. Jizba Nambu-Goldstone dynamics and generalized coherent-state functional integrals
J.Physics A A45 (2012) 244009
5. M. Blasone, M. Di Mauro and G. Vitiello, Non-abelian gauge structure in neutrino mixing, Physics
Letters B 697 (2011) 238;
6. M. Blasone, A. Capolupo and G. Vitiello, Particle mixing, flavor condensate and dark energy, Progress
in Particle and Nuclear Physics 64 (2010) 451;
7. M. Blasone, F. Dell’Anno, S. De Siena, S. M. Giampaolo and F. Illuminati, Geometric measures of
multipartite entanglement in finite-size spin chains, Physica Scripta T140 (2010) 014016.
8. M. Blasone, A. Capolupo, C. R. Ji and G. Vitiello, On flavor conservation in weak interaction decays
involving mixed neutrinos, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 25 (2010) 4179;
9. M. Blasone, G. Vitiello, P. Jizba and F. Scardigli, Determinism beneath composite quantum systems,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 24 (2009) 3652;
10. M. Blasone, P. Jizba, F. Scardigli and G. Vitiello, Dissipation and quantization for composite systems,
Physics Letters A 373 (2009) 4106;
11. M. Blasone, A. Capolupo, E. Celeghini and G. Vitiello, Non-cyclic phases for neutrino oscillations in
quantum field theory Physics Letters B 674 (2009) 73;
12. M.Blasone, F.Dell’Anno, S.De Siena and F.Illuminati, Entanglement, in Neutrino Oscillations, EPL,
85 (2009) 50002;
13. M.Blasone, F.Dell’Anno, S.De Siena and F.Illuminati, Hierarchies of Geometric Entanglement, Physical Review A 77 (2008) 062304
14. M.Blasone, F.Dell’Anno, S.De Siena, M.Di Mauro and F.Illuminati, Multipartite entangled states in
particle mixing, Physical Review D 77 (2008) 096002;
15. M.Blasone, P.Jizba and H.Kleinert, Quantum Behavior of Deterministic Systems with Information Loss.
Path Integral Approach, Annals of Physics 320/2 (2005) 468-486;
16. M.Blasone, A.Capolupo and G.Vitiello, Mixing in Quantum Field Theory, Acta Physica Polonica B 36
(2005) 3245;
17. M.Blasone, M.Di Mauro and G.Lambiase, Lorentz invariance and neutrino oscillations, Acta Physica
Polonica B 36 (2005) 3255;
18. M.Blasone, A.Capolupo, F.Terranova and G.Vitiello, Lepton charge and neutrino mixing in pion decay
processes, Physical Review D 72 (2005) 013003;
19. M.Blasone, J.Magueijo and P.Pires-Pacheco, Neutrino mixing and Lorentz invariance, Europhysics Letters, 70 (2005) 600;
20. M.Blasone, P.Jizba and H.Kleinert, Path integral approach to ’t Hooft’s derivation of quantum from
classical physics, Physical Review A 71 (2005) 052507;
21. M.Blasone, J.Magueijo and P.Pires-Pacheco, Lorentz invariance for mixed neutrinos, Brazilian Journal
of Physics 35 (2005) 447-454;
22. M.Blasone, A.Capolupo, S.Capozziello, S.Carloni and G.Vitiello, Neutrino mixing as a source for cosmological constant, Brazilian Journal of Physics 35 (2005) 455-461;
23. M.Blasone, P.Jizba and H.Kleinert, ’t Hooft’s quantum determinism — path integral viewpoint, Brazilian
Journal of Physics 35 (2005) 497-502;
24. M.Blasone and P.Jizba, Bateman’s dual system revisited: Quantization, geometric phase and relation
with the ground-state energy of the linear harmonic oscillator, Annals of Physics, 312 (2004) 354;
25. M.Blasone and J.S.Palmer, Mixing and oscillations of neutral particles in Quantum Field Theory, Physical Review D 69 (2004) 057301;
26. M.Blasone, A.Capolupo, S.Capozziello, S.Carloni and G.Vitiello, Neutrino mixing contribution to the
cosmological constant, Physics Letters A 323 (2004) 182;
27. M.Blasone, E.Celeghini, P.Jizba and G.Vitiello, Quantization, group contraction and zero point energy,
Physics Letters A 310 (2003) 393;
28. M.Blasone, P.P.Pacheco and H.W.C.Tseung, Neutrino oscillations from relativistic flavor currents,
Physical Review D 67, (2003) 073011;
29. M.Blasone, A.Capolupo and G.Vitiello, Quantum Field Theory of three flavor neutrino mixing and
oscillations with CP violation, Physical Review D 66 (2002) 025033;
30. M.Blasone and P.Jizba, Quantum mechanics of the damped harmonic oscillator, Canadian Journal of
Physics 80 (2002) 645;
31. M.Blasone and P.Jizba Topological defects as inhomogeneous condensates in Quantum Field Theory:
Kinks in (1+1) dimensional λψ 4 theory, Annals of Physics, 295 (2002) 230;
32. M.Blasone, P.Jizba and G.Vitiello, Currents and charges for mixed fields, Physics Letters B 517 (2001)
33. M.Blasone, P.Jizba and G.Vitiello, Dissipation and Quantization, Physics Letters A 287 (2001) 205;
34. M.Blasone, A.Capolupo, O.Romei and G.Vitiello, Quantum field theory of boson mixing, Physical Review D 63 (2001) 125015;
35. M.Blasone and G.Vitiello, Remarks on the neutrino oscillation formula, Physical Review D 60 (1999)
36. M.Blasone, P.A.Henning and G.Vitiello, Berry phase for oscillating neutrinos; Physics Letters B 466
(1999) 262;
37. M.Blasone, P.A.Henning and G.Vitiello, The exact formula for neutrino oscillations, Physics Letters B
451 (1999) 140;
38. M.Blasone, T.S.Evans, D.A.Steer and G.Vitiello, On normal ordering and canonical transformations in
Thermal Field Theory, Journal of Physics A 32 (1999) 1185;
39. M.Blasone, Y.N.Srivastava, G.Vitiello and A.Widom, Phase coherence in quantum brownian motion,
Annals of Physics (N.Y.), 267 (1998) 61;
40. E.Alfinito, M.Blasone, A.Iorio and G.Vitiello, Neutrino mixing and oscillations in Quantum Field Theory, Acta Phys. Pol. B 27 (1996) 1493;
41. M.Blasone, E.Graziano, O.K.Pashaev and G.Vitiello, Dissipation and topologically massive gauge theories in pseudoeuclidean plane, Annals of Physics (N.Y.), 252 (1996) 115;
42. P.A.Henning, Ch.Holbling, M.Blasone and L.Razumov, Bose-Einstein correlations in Thermal Field
Theory, Acta Physica Ungarica, series “Heavy Ion Physics” 1 (1995) 249;
43. E.Alfinito, M.Blasone, A.Iorio and G.Vitiello, Squeezed neutrino oscillations in Quantum Field Theory,
Physics Letters B 362 (1995) 91;
44. M.Blasone and G.Vitiello, Quantum Field Theory of fermion mixing, Annals of Physics (N.Y.) 244
(1995) 283;
45. M.Blasone, P.Jizba and L.Smaldone, Effective action approach to dynamical generation of fermion
mixing, to appear in the Proceedings of Current Problems in Theoretical Physics, XXI Edition, March
28-31 2015 - Vietri sul Mare (Italy)
46. M.Blasone, G.Lambiase and G.G.Luciano, Boson field mixing in Rindler spacetime, Journal of Physics:
Conference Series, 631 (2015) 1, 012053
47. M.Blasone, M.V.Gargiulo and G.Vitiello, Disentangling mass and angle dependence in neutrino mixing,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 626 (2015) 1, 012026
48. M.Blasone, P.Jizba, G.Lambiase and N.E.Mavromatos A framework for dynamical generation of flavor
mixing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 538 (2014) 01200;
49. M.Blasone, F.Dell’Anno, G.Torre and R.De Luca Mathematical model of an off-grid hybrid solar and
wind power generating system to appear in the Proceedings of E2C 2013 - 3rd European Energy Conference, October 27-30 2013, Budapest, Hungary;
50. M.Blasone, F.Dell’Anno, S.De Siena and F.Illuminati, Neutrino flavor entanglement, Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl.
237-238 (2013) 320-322;
51. M.Blasone, F.Dell’Anno, S.De Siena and F.Illuminati, Entanglement in Quantum Field Theory: particle
mixing and oscillations, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 442 (2013) 012070;
52. M.Blasone and P.Jizba, On the emergence of flavor mixing through interaction with an external vector
field J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 380 (2012) 012022;
53. M.Blasone, Physical flavor neutrino states, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 306 (2011) 012037;
54. M.Blasone, M.Di Mauro and G.Vitiello, Flavor mixing and gauge structure, AIP Conf.Proc. 1446 (2012)
55. M.Blasone, F.Dell’Anno, S.De Siena and F.Illuminati, On entanglement in neutrino mixing and oscillations Journal of Physics: Conference Series 237 (2010) 012007;
56. M.Blasone, P.Jizba and F.Scardigli, Can quantum mechanics be an emergent phenomenon?, Journal of
Physics: Conference Series 174 (2009) 012034 ;
57. M.Blasone, F.Dell’Anno, S.De Siena and F.Illuminati, Multipartite entanglement in neutrino oscillations, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 174 (2009) 012062;
58. M.Blasone, F.Dell’Anno, S.De Siena, S.M.Giampaolo and F.Illuminati, Multipartite geometric entanglement in finite size XY model, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 174 (2009) 012064;
59. M.Blasone, A.Capolupo, S.Capozziello and G.Vitiello, Neutrino mixing, flavor states and dark energy,
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A588 (2008) 272
60. M.Blasone, A.Capolupo, S.Capozziello and G.Vitiello, Cosmological effects of neutrino mixing, AIP
Conf. Proc. 957 (2007) 185.
61. M.Blasone, A.Capolupo, C.R.Ji and G.Vitiello, Flavor states of mixed neutrinos, AIP Conf. Proc. 957
(2007) 189.
62. M.Blasone and P.Jizba, Unde venis quantum mechanics?, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 67
(2007) 012046;
63. M.Blasone, M.Di Mauro and P.Jizba, On neutrino mixing, Lorentz invariance and entanglement, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 67 (2007) 012031;
64. M.Blasone, A.Capolupo, S.Capozziello and G.Vitiello, Neutrino mixing and dark energy, AIP Conf.
Proc. 841 (2006) 406;
65. M.Blasone, P.Jizba and H.Kleinert, On quantum mechanics as a constrained deterministic dynamics, in
Proc. of the 8-th International Conference ”Path Integrals. From Quantum Information to Cosmology.
Prague 6-10 June 2005
Edited by C. Burdik, O. Navratil and S. Posta Dubna: JINR, 2005. ISBN5-9530-0100-2
66. M.Blasone, A.Capolupo, S.Capozziello, S.Carloni and G.Vitiello, Neutrino mixing and cosmological
constant, AIP Conf.Proc.751 (2005) 208-210;
67. M.Blasone and G.Vitiello, Quantum Field Theory of particle mixing and oscillations, in “Symmetries
in Science XIII”, Kloster Mehrerau, Bregenz, Austria - July 20-24, 2003, [hep-ph/0309202];
68. M.Blasone, A.Capolupo and G.Vitiello, Group theoretical aspects of neutrino mixing in Quantum
Field Theory, XII International Baksan School “Particles and Cosmology”, Baksan Valley, KabardinoBalkaria, Russian Federation - April 21 - 26, 2003, [hep-ph/0309201];
69. M.Blasone, P.Jizba and G.Vitiello, Observables in the Quantum Field Theory of neutrino mixing and
oscillations, First Yamada Symposium on Neutrinos and Dark Matter in Nuclear Physics (NDM03),
70. M.Blasone, P.Jizba and G.Vitiello, Quantum limit of deterministic theories, Waseda International Symposium on Fundamental Physics: “New Perspectives in Quantum Physics”, November 2002, Waseda
University, Tokyo, Japan, J. Phys. Soc. Jap. C 72 (2003) 50;
71. M.Blasone, P.Jizba and G.Vitiello, Dissipation, Emergent Quantization and Quantum Fluctuations, in
Piombino 2002, Decoherence and entropy in complex systems, Lect. Notes Phys. 633 (2003) 151-163;
72. M.Blasone, A.Capolupo and G.Vitiello, Understanding flavor mixing in Quantum Field Theory, in
“ICFP 2001, International Conference on Flavor Physics”, Y.L.Wu Ed., World Scientific 2002, p.425433 [hep-th/0107125];
73. M.Blasone, A.Capolupo, O.Romei and G.Vitiello, Quantum Field Theory of particle mixing and oscillations, in the Proc. of the 5th Topical Workshop “Solar Neutrinos: Where are the Oscillations?”, Gran
Sasso, Italy, March 2001; LNGS-INFN p.478 (2001);
74. M.Blasone, G.Vitiello and P.Jizba Quantum theory and dissipative deterministic systems, Proc. XIII
Int. Congress on Math. Phys., Imperial College, London, July 2000, abstract n. QMS-P5-44;
75. M.Blasone, G.Vitiello and P.Jizba Quantum Field Theory of particle mixing, Proc. XIII Int. Congress
on Math. Phys., Imperial College, London, July 2000, abstract n. QFT-P6-51;
76. M.Blasone and P.Jizba, Quantum Field Theory of Topological Defects as Inhomogeneous Condensates,
in “ Erice 1999 - Basics and Highlights of Fundamental Physics”, (World Scientific, London, 1999),
p.585 - hep-th/9910187;
77. M.Blasone, New results in the physics of neutrino oscillations, in “From the Planck Length to the Hubble
Radius”, 36th International School of Subnuclear Physics, Erice, September 1998 – [hep-ph/9810329];
78. M.Blasone, P.A.Henning and G.Vitiello, Green’s Functions for Neutrino Mixing, in “PASCOS 98”, 6th
International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology, Boston, March 1998 – [hep-ph/9807370];
79. M.Blasone, G.Vitiello and O.K.Pashaev, SU(1,1), Quantum Dissipation and Topologically Massive
Gauge Theories, in Vienna 1997, “5th Wigner Symposium”, 165;
80. M.Blasone, P.A.Henning and G.Vitiello, Mixing Transformations in Quantum Field Theory and Neutrino Oscillations, in “Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics”, La Thuile, Aosta Valley, March
1996, 139;
81. E.Alfinito, M.Blasone and G.Vitiello, Neutrino mass generation and oscillations as statistical effects in
quantum field theory, in V-VI Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics, p.176-185.
82. M.Blasone, F.Dell’Anno, S.De Siena and F.Illuminati, Flavor entanglement in neutrino oscillations in
the wave packet description, submtted for publication (2015);
83. K.Fujii, C.Habe and M.Blasone, Operator relation among neutrino fields and oscillation formulas in
matter, [hep-ph/0212076];
84. M.Blasone, A.Capolupo and G.Vitiello, Comment on “Remarks on flavor-neutrino propagators and
oscillation formulae”, [hep-ph/0107183];
85. M.Blasone, Y.X.Gui and F.Vendrell, Geometric Background for Thermal Field Theories, [gr-qc/9908024];
86. P.A.Henning, M.Blasone, R.Fauser and P.Zhuang, Thermalization of a quark-gluon plasma, GSI preprint,
GSI-96-57, [hep-th/9612492];
87. P.A.Henning and M.Blasone, Current Conservation in Thermal Field Theory, GSI preprint, GSI-95-36,
88. M.Blasone, P.Jizba and G.Vitiello, Quantum Field Theory and its Macroscopic Manifestations, Imperial
College Press (2011), 544 pages.
89. M.Blasone, P.Jizba and G.Vitiello, Quantum fields with topological defects, in “Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Physics” (Academic Press - Eds. J-P. Françoise, G.Naber, S.T.Tsou), [math-ph/0402034],
90. M.Blasone, Trasformazioni di Mixing e Dissipazione in Teoria Quantistica dei Campi, PhD Thesis,
Salerno University, December 1996;
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