July 21, 2016 - Maplewood Career Center

Board Meeting Notes
Regular Meeting
July 21, 2016
Convened: 7:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Board President, Melissa Roubic.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Board Vice President, Bonnie Lovejoy.
Moment of silence.
Roll call: Patricia Brett was absent.
Acceptance and approval of Board meeting agenda for July 21, 2016, as presented on BoardPaq.
Acceptance and approval of the minutes of June 16, 2016 Personnel Committee, June 16, 2016 Finance/Audit
Committee, and the June 16, 2016 regular board meeting, as presented.
No visitors were received.
Present: Mr. Randy Griffith, Superintendent; Mrs. Michelle Seckman, Treasurer
Board President, Melissa Roubic, reported on the following:
• Mrs. Roubic had nothing to report.
Student Achievement Liaison, Chelli Yoho, reported on the following:
• OSBA’s Student Success research brief – NASBE report provides recommendations for states adopting
computer science standards: The National Association of State Boards of Education is trying to develop
standards for computer science education. There are more than half million unfilled jobs in the computer science
industry and computing jobs are projected to increase two-fold in the next decade.
Superintendent, Randy Griffith, reported on the following:
• Mr. Griffith stated that the sign project Maplewood planned for Streetsboro is going to take place. He said he
received a call from FMD, the Streetsboro school architects, stating that the proposed sign could not be
waterproofed. FMD said that Maplewood would make a smaller sign and place it elsewhere on the building;
however, they have provided no details regarding the change to date. He communicated briefly with Mr.
Daulbaugh, Streetsboro Superintendent, about the issue, but still does not know if the project is moving forward.
• There is a change order for the Board’s approval on the agenda for $43,620 for the asphalt paving and sitework
project. The change order allows for the removal of unstable ground soil and the insertion of appropriate base
material and grid under large portions of the parking lot asphalt as prescribed by the Timmerman Geotechnical
Group, Inc. engineers. The GPD Group architects vastly underestimated the amount that would be necessary by
only including an $80,000 allowance. Last year’s sidewalk project required more than $50,000 to mitigate for the
unstable ground soil and the asphalt project covers a much larger area. Ohio Paving sent the GPD Group emails
with ticket information on July 8, 2016. The architects did not mention any change orders at the July 13, 2016
construction meeting. Ohio Paving told Mr. Griffith about the change order on July 18, 2016 after the material had
already been installed. However, the installation of additional stone and grid were based upon the
recommendations of an independent engineering firm hired directly by Maplewood. Consequently, the work was
not generated by the contractor and Maplewood had to make the needed changes to ensure the longevity of the
new asphalt. The remaining areas needing preparation for asphalt where proof rolled prior to the Board meeting.
There are minimal areas in need of remediation throughout the remainder of the project. Mr. Griffith expressed
his displeasure with the architects lack of prompt communication with management. During an interview with
GPD, Mr. Griffith expressed his desire to have the lead architect at all the construction meetings. GPD stated
that they would comply with the rest. The lead architect only attended the bid opening and has not attended a
subsequent meeting.
• At the July 13, 2016 construction meeting, J. Herbert Construction said they would not be getting the prefabricated building until August 27, 2016. The deadline for completion of the building is August 15, 2016. When
asked when they would be putting the foundation in, J. Herbert Construction replied about the time the building
arrived. J. Herbert Construction has not signed their contract. They have debated the deadline for the project to
be September 1, 2016. They have requested a change order for a 60 day extension without liquidated damages.
Mr. Griffith fears proceeding with J. Herbert Construction on the building might not produce the desired results.
Mr. Griffith has spoken to the GPD Group and Maplewood’s construction attorney regarding options.
Board Meeting Notes
July 21, 2016
Page 2
The Board packet included the following: 2016-2017 Maplewood Calendar Magnet; Record Courier article,
“Ravenna Kiwanis hosts 2nd annual Touch-A-Truck”; Honor Roll Lists; Two Record-Courier articles, “Maplewood
grad wins silver at SkillsUSA Nationals” and “Maplewood students to help Streetsboro”; 2016-2017 Student
Handbook; and two The Board brochures.
Legislative Liaison, Mary Kaley, reported on the following:
• Mrs. Kaley reported ten more states have filed lawsuits over transgender restroom use.
The following recommendations were made by the Treasurer and motions were acted on by the Board:
• The District Financial Report was approved and filed for audit for the month of June 2016.
• The expenditures were approved for the month of June 2016.
• The investments were ratified for the month of June 2016.
• The bank reconciliations were ratified for the month of June 2016.
• Informational Items: Fiscal Year 2016; Fiscal Year 2016 GAAP Conversion; Fiscal Year 2016 Financial Audit;
2016 Ohio ACTE Annual Connections to Education Conference, July 25-27, 2016, Hilton Easton Columbus;
OSBA Capital Conference
The following recommendations were made by the Superintendent and motions were acted on by the Board:
• Accepted the resignations of the following:
Holly Andel, Teacher - Dental Assisting, effective August 16, 2016
Natalie Forman, Teacher - Social Studies, effective August 16, 2016
Michelle Jacobs, Teacher - Mathematics, effective August 16, 2016
Leigh Ann McCray, Tutor - Special Education, effective August 16, 2016
Matthew Monsman, Tutor - Mechanical, Groundskeeping, and Construction, effective August 16, 2016
Lauren Patty, Teacher - Special Needs Academics, effective August 16, 2016
• Employed ABLE/Adult Education coordinator/instructors.
• Employed three certificated/licensed teachers on one-year limited teaching contracts, granted supplemental
contracts and issued salary notices for the 2016-2017 school year: Korey Shank, Special Needs Academic;
Corrine Powers, Social Studies; and Nancy Woodruff, Dental Assisting.
• Employed certificated/licensed tutor on one-year limited teaching contract and issued salary notice for the 20162017 school year: Scott Lynch, MGC Tutor
• Granted supplemental contracts to certificated/licensed teachers and issued modified salary notices for the 20162017 school year: Jenell Calvin, Joelle Carnes, Michelle McPherson, James Stoddard-Dare, and Melissa
• Employed excluded classified personnel on a one-year contract for the 2016-2017 contract year: Catherine
Frances, Preschool Program Aide.
• Amended page 15 of the MCC Excluded Classified personnel agreement for the period of July 1, 2015 through
June 30, 2018 and authorized the Superintendent and Treasurer to issue revised salary notices beginning July 1,
• Accepted one donations.
• Adopted the Courses of Study: Animal Science, Carpentry, Information Technology, and Masonry.
• Reviewed the 2016-2017 Teacher Handbook as displayed at the meeting.
• Approved the revised student program fees list for the 2016-2017 school year.
New Business
• Approved a change order to the Maplewood construction project (Asphalt Paving and Sitework).
Executive Session (7:59 p.m. to 8:07 p.m.)
Employment or appointment of public employees
Adjourned: 8:07 p.m.