THE MAHARAJA SAYAJIRAO UNIVERSITY OF BARODA FACULTY OF SCIENCE PHYSICS DEPARTMENT PROPOSED CURRICULUM OF B. Sc. Semester V PHYSICS EFFECTIVE FROM 2014-15 ONWARDS PHYSICS DEPARTMENT, FACULTY OF SCIENCE THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA, VADODARA Distribution of credits in B. Sc. Physics (Honors) Programme Sem.-V Effective from 2014-15 Sr. Course code Title of core courses (Core) No SEMESTER V (Core – Principal) 1 PHY1501C13 CLASSICAL MECHANICS 2 PHY1502C14 WAVE AND QUANTUM MECHANICS 3 PHY1503C15 SOLID STATE PHYSICS 4 PHY1504C16 NUCLEAR PHYSICS 5 PHY1505C17 LAB COURSE : GENERAL PHYSICS 6 PHY1506E14 ELECTIVE PAPER : NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 7 PHY1507F01 FOUNDATION: ELEMENTS OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS Total Credit 4 2 4 4 6 2 2 24 1 PHYSICS DEPARTMENT, FACULTY OF SCIENCE THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA, VADODARA B. Sc. Semester - V Physics Syllabus (Effective from 2014-15) PHY1501C13: CLASSICAL MECHANICS (4 credits) UNIT-I Motion in a central field, General features of motion, The central force (inverse square law) equation and eccentricity, circular and elliptical orbits, the Kepler’s problem, the two body-problem, reduced mass, inelastic collision of equal masses, chemical reactions Example: vibration of a diatomic molecule, problems. [15 hours] UNIT-II Rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis, time dependence of motion, behaviour of angular momentum vector, moments and products of inertia (Euler’s equation), Torque –free motion, Euler’s angles, spinning of a top(symmetrical top/ heavy symmetrical top), precession of equinox. [15 hours] UNIT-III Fluid motion and Lagrange’s equations: Kinematics of moving fluid; equation of continuity and irrotational flow, equations of motion of an ideal fluid, Euler’s equation of motion, Type of constraints, classification and examples. Generalized coordinates, principle of virtual work, D’Alembert principle. [15 hours] UNIT –IV Lagrange’s equation, examples, systems subject to constraints, generalized kinetic energy with example, constants of motion and ignorable coordinates, examples, electromagnetic forces and velocity dependent potentials, problems. [15 hours] Text Books : 1. Classical Mechanics – N. C. Rana and P. S. Jog 1991, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. td., New Delhi. 2. Classical Mechanics by Goldstein, Poole and Salko, Pearson Asia Ed. 3rd Ed. (2002) 3. Classical Mechanics – Simon, 4th Edition, 1977, Addison-Wesley, NY 4. Classical Mechanics – R. G. Takwale and P. S. Puranik, 1979, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi. 5. Berkeley Physics Course – Vol. I (Mechanics), Kittle, Knight, Ruderman, Helmholtz, Mayer 2nd Edition, 1981, McGraw Hill International (Asia Student edition). 2 PHYSICS DEPARTMENT, FACULTY OF SCIENCE THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA, VADODARA Semester - V Physics Syllabus (Effective from 2014-15) PHY1502C14: WAVE AND QUANTUM MECHANICS (2 credits) UNIT-I linear vector space, linear operator eigen function and eigen values of an operator, Hermition operator. Time-dependent Schrödinger wave equation (one- and three-dimensional equations), theorem. simple problems related to wave equations, uncertainty principle and calculation of expectation Interpretation of the wave function, Timeindependent Schrödinger equation. Schrödinger equation, completeness of eigen functions, expectation values of an operator, Ehrenfest’s theorem. [15 hours] UNIT-II Basic postulates of quantum mechanics of N-particle system, probability density and continuity equation, admissibility condition on wave function, physical interpretation of wave function, Free particle, particle in a box: Energy quantization, wave functions and momentum quantization, the particle in a non-rigid box. [15 hours] Text Books: 1. Quantum Mechanics – G. Aruldhas; Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. 2002 2. Modern Physics (Concepts and Applications) – Sanjiv Puri; Narosa Publishing House. 2004 Reference Books: 1. Quantum Mechanics by L. I. Schiff, International student Edition, Mcgraw Hill, New York, 1868. 2. Quantum Mechanics – J. L. Powell and B. Craseman, 2nd edition, B. I. Publication, Delhi, 1971. 3. Perspectives of Modern Physics – Arthur Beiser, McGraw Hill, New York 1969. 4. Introduction to Modern physics – H. S. Mani and G. K. Mehta, Affiliated East-West Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 1988 (Reprint 1999) 5. Modern physics by R. Murugeshan & K. Sivaprasath, 13th edition S. Chand Company Ltd., New Delhi 2007 3 PHYSICS DEPARTMENT, FACULTY OF SCIENCE THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA, VADODARA B. Sc. Semester - V Physics Syllabus (Effective from 2014-15) PHY1503C15: SOLID STATE PHYSICS (4 credits) UNIT I : The Crystalline State: Basics of Crystal Structures, Unit Cell- Primitive Cell Structures, Symmetry Operations, Crystal Types, Indices of a Lattice Direction and a Lattice Plane, Introduction to Crystal Point Groups and Space groups, Common Crystal Structures, Introduction of amorphous, Glass and Liquid crystal materials, Quasi-crystals. [15 hours] UNIT-II: Reciprocal Lattice and Determination of Crystal Structure: Reciprocal Lattice, Bragg Law, Laue’s Interpretation of X-ray Diffraction by Crystals, Construction of Reciprocal Lattice, Relationships between a, b, c and a*,b*,c*, Application to Some Crystals Lattices, Analysis of X-ray powder diffraction Pattern from Crystals, Measurements of diffraction Pattern of Crystals, Determination of Lattice Constants, Selection of Incident Beam. [15 hours] UNIT III Lattice Vibrations: The ‘Balls and Springs’ Model of a Harmonic Crystal, Normal Modes of a One-dimensional Monatomic Chain, Normal Modes of One -dimensional Diatomic Chain, The Reststrahlen Band, General Theory of Harmonic Approximation, Normal Modes of Real Crystals, Quantization of Lattice Vibrations, Measurement of Phonon Dispersion by Inelastic Neutron Scattering. [15 hours] UNIT IV : Free Electron Theory of Metals: The Drude Model, Lorentz Modification of the Drude Model, The Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function, The Sommerfeld Model, Free electron Model, density of states, The Electron Heat Capacity, The Sommerfeld Theory of Electric Conduction in Metals, Matthiessen’s Rule, Thermoelectric Effects. Superconductivity: Phenomena without Observable Quantization, Energy Gap, Properties Dependent on Energy Gap, Isotope Effect, Meissner effect, Type-I and Type-II superconductor, BCS Theory: A Qualitative Approach. [15 hours] Text Books : 1 Elements of Solid State Physics by J. P. Srivastava (Second Edition) Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi 2007. 2 Solid State Physics by R. L. Singhal. 7th revised Edition, 2001 Kedarnath, Ramnath and company Meerut Reference Books : 1 Concepts of Modern Physics – Arthur Beiser, 6th Edition, 11th reprint, 2005, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 2 Perspectives of Modern Physics – Arthur Beiser, McGraw Hill, New York 1969. 4 PHYSICS DEPARTMENT, FACULTY OF SCIENCE THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA, VADODARA B. Sc. Semester - V Physics Syllabus (Effective from 2014-15) PHY1504C16: NUCLEAR PHYSICS (4 credits) UNIT-I Radioactivity: Review of disintegration and displacement law, growth and decay of radioactivity. Determination of the velocity of alpha particles, alpha disintegration energy, range of alpha particles, range-energy relationship for alpha particles, Geiger-Nuttal law, alpha particle spectra, long range alpha particles and fine structure, nuclear energy levels, theory of alpha decay. [15 hours] UNIT –II β-decay, condition for spontaneous emission, energy measurement of beta particles, origin of continuous beta spectrum, neutrino hypothesis, Fermi theory of beta decay (qualitative), life time of beta decay and strength of the interaction matrix element, energy levels and decay schemes, selection rules in beta decay, symmetry law, parity non-conservation in beta decay, the neutrino and helicity of the neutrino. Introduction to gamma emission: selection rules, internal conversion, nuclear isomerism, interaction of gamma rays with matter, e- - e+ pair production by gamma rays. [15 hours] Unit-III Structure of atomic nuclei, non existence of electrons in nucleus, Qualitative discussion on: Angular momentum, Magnetic dipole moment, Electric quadrupole moment, Parity, Statistics of nuclei, Isospin Qualitative discussion on two body nuclear forces. Binding energy, feature of binding energy versus mass number curve, Liquid drop model, Semi empirical mass formula, Shell model. [15 hours] UNIT-IV Types of the nuclear reactions, Reaction cross-section, Conservation laws, Kinematics of nuclear reaction, Q-value and its physical significance, Bohr hypothesis of compound nucleus. Distribution of fission products, Energy release in fission process, Neutron emission in fission process, Theory of nuclear fission, Chain reaction, Nuclear reactor, Fusion, Thermonuclear reaction, Classification of particles, Elementary particles and fundamental interactions. [15 hours] Text Books : 1. Nuclear Physics – S. B. Patel, Wiley – Eastern Ltd. 1991. 2. Atomic and Nuclear Physics – S. N. Ghoshal (Physics Vol.-II) 1st Edition, 1964, S. Chand Company Ltd, New Delhi Reference Books : 1. Concepts of Modern Physics – Arthur Beiser, 6th Edition, 11th reprint, 2005, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 2. Perspectives of Modern Physics – Arthur Beiser, McGraw Hill, New York 1969. 3. Nuclear Physics – D. C. Tayal, Himalaya Publication, Delhi,1982. 4. Nuclear Physics by Roy and Nigam, Wiley-Eastern, 1st Edition 1967, first reprint 1979. 5. Introduction to Nuclear physics by Herald Engge 2nd Edition, 1966, Addison-Wesley (MIT reading) 5 PHYSICS DEPARTMENT, FACULTY OF SCIENCE THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA, VADODARA B. Sc. Semester - V Physics Syllabus (Effective from 2014-15) PHY1506E14: ELECTIVE PAPER: Numerical Analysis (2 credits) UNIT-I: Numerical Methods: Experimental errors and their analysis, Roots of polynomial equation using Newton – Raphson’s and Laggurre’s methods. Least square approximation: (a) Linear regression (b) Polynomial regression (c) Fitting of exponential and trigonometric functions (d) Curve fitting by interpolation and extrapolation, related problems. [15 hours] UNIT-II: Numerical Methods: Lagrange’s interpolation formula, forward and backward differences, derivatives of function, Detection of error in data table, maxima and minima of a tabulated function, Gaussian integration, Double integration, related problems. [15 hours] Reference Books: 1. Advance Engineering Mathematics by Kreyszig 8 th edition, 2006, John Wiley & Sons, (Asia Pvt.) Singapore 2. Computer Oriented Numerical Methods by V. Rajaraman 2004, Prentice Hall Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 3. Numerical Method by Kalavathi 2006, Thomson Pub. : Learning Vijay Nicole Imprint Pvt. Ltd. (2004) 4. Numerical Methods by E. Balaguruswami 2006, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi. 6 PHYSICS DEPARTMENT, FACULTY OF SCIENCE THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA, VADODARA B. Sc. Semester - V Physics Syllabus (Effective from 2014-15) PHY1507F01: Foundation Course: Elements of Mathematical Physics (2 Credits) Unit –I Orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, Grad, div and curl and V2 in spherical and cylindrical systems, Resolution of Cartesian unit vectors into their spherical polar coordinates, conversion of d/dx, d/dy and d/dz into their corresponding form in spherical polar co-ordinates, Expression for angular momentum, Lz and L2 in spherical polar co-ordinates, elementary ideas on tensors Unit-II Matrices and Differential equations: Definitions and types of matrices – rank of matrices – solution of linear algebraic equations (Cramer’s rule) – test of consistency – eigenvalue equation and diagonalization Power series solution of 2nd order differential equations validity of the power series method, Power series solutions of Legendre’s and Bessel’s equation, recurrence relations, polynomials and generating functions of Legendre’s, functions and generating functions of Bessel’s equations, orthogonality of Legendre’s and Bessel functions. Text and Reference Books 1. Mathematical Methods for Physicists, by G. Arfken and Weber. 3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, by E. Kreyszig , Wiley Pub. 4.. Mathematics for Physicists, by Mary L. Boas 5. Mathematical Physics, by B.D. Gupta 6. Mathematical Physics, by H.K. Dass 7. Mathematical Physics, by Rajput 7 PHYSICS DEPARTMENT, FACULTY OF SCIENCE THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA, VADODARA B. Sc. Semester - V Physics Syllabus (Effective from 2014-15) PHY-1505C17: LAB COURSE GENERAL PHYSICS (6 credits) LIST OF PRACTICALS 1. QUARTER WAVE PLATE 2. FABRY PEROT ETALON 3. LLOYD`S MIRROR 4. HARTMAN`S FORMULA 5. GONIOMETER 6. APPLICATION OF C. R. O. 7. BRIDGE RECTIFIER (FOR MUTUAL INDUCTANCE) 8. THERMISTOR 9. PHOTOCELL 10. ANCHOR RING 11. MUTAUAL INDUCTANCE 12. SUSCEPTIBILITY OF A SOLUTION 13. R. P. OF A PRISM 14. DOUBLE SLIT SOURCE METHOD 15. R. C. COUPLED AMPLIFIER(TRANSISTORISED) 16. SERIES AND PARALLEL RESONANCE 17. STAFAN`S CONSTANT 18. FILTER CIRCUITS : RIPPLE FACTOR AND VOLTAGE REGULATION 19. Logic Gates 8