Connectivity of sparsified random geometric graphs Nicolas Broutin, Inria joint work with Luc Devroye, McGill Gábor Lugosi, ICREA and Pompeu Fabra Random geometric graphs G(n, r) N = Poisson(n) uniform points in D ⊆ Rd i ∼ j iif kXi − Xj k < r Random geometric graphs G(n, r) N = Poisson(n) uniform points in D ⊆ Rd i ∼ j iif kXi − Xj k < r Random geometric graphs G(n, r) N = Poisson(n) uniform points in D ⊆ Rd i ∼ j iif kXi − Xj k < r Random geometric graphs G(n, r) N = Poisson(n) uniform points in D ⊆ Rd i ∼ j iif kXi − Xj k < r Random geometric graphs G(n, r) N = Poisson(n) uniform points in D ⊆ Rd i ∼ j iif kXi − Xj k < r Random geometric graphs G(n, r) N = Poisson(n) uniform points in D ⊆ Rd i ∼ j iif kXi − Xj k < r Connectivity of random geometric graphs Theorem. ϑd the volume of the unit ball in Rd rn? such that ϑd n(rn? )d = log n For any ∈ (0, 1) lim P (G(n, rn ) is connected) = n→∞ 0 1 if rn ≤ (1 − )rn? if rn ≥ (1 + )rn? Random irrigation graphs G(n, r) gets connected when average degree is Θ(log n) idea: sparsify the graph in a distributed way while ensuring connected irrigation graphs Sn (r, c) every point ”sees” his neighbours in G(n, r) every point keeps c neighbours chosen at random Random irrigation graphs G(n, r) gets connected when average degree is Θ(log n) idea: sparsify the graph in a distributed way while ensuring connected irrigation graphs Sn (r, c) every point ”sees” his neighbours in G(n, r) every point keeps c neighbours chosen at random Random irrigation graphs G(n, r) gets connected when average degree is Θ(log n) idea: sparsify the graph in a distributed way while ensuring connected irrigation graphs Sn (r, c) every point ”sees” his neighbours in G(n, r) every point keeps c neighbours chosen at random Random irrigation graphs Random irrigation graphs History and results Previous results: Dubhashi, Johansson, Häggström, Panconesi, and Sozio r = Θ(1) ⇒ Sn (r, 2) is connected whp Crescenzi, Nocentini, Pietracaprina, Pucci p d = 2 r > log n/n ⇒ Sn (r, c) is connected whp c > γ2 log(1/r) History and results Previous results: Dubhashi, Johansson, Häggström, Panconesi, and Sozio r = Θ(1) ⇒ Sn (r, 2) is connected whp but G(n, r) is then an expander ! Crescenzi, Nocentini, Pietracaprina, Pucci p d = 2 r > log n/n ⇒ Sn (r, c) is connected whp c > γ2 log(1/r) but for r < n− , c = Θ(log n)! Connectivity for small visibility radius D = [0, 1]d Theorem. (B-Devroye-Lugosi-Fraiman) Suppose γ large enough Set r∼γ log n n s 1/d and c?n = 2 log n log log n Then, for any ∈ (0, 1) lim P (Sn (rn , cn )is connected) = n→∞ 0 1 if cn ≤ (1 − )c?n if cn ≥ (1 + )c?n Connectivity for large visibility radius Take rn ∼ γn−(1−δ)/d with δ ∈ (0, 1) Theorem. There exists a constant c = c(δ) such that lim P (Sn (rn , c) is connected) = 1 n→∞ Theorem. Define: n o c? (δ) := sup c : lim P (Sn (rn , c) is connected) = 0 n→∞ n o c? (δ) := inf c : lim P (Sn (rn , c) is connected) = 1 n→∞ Then, for any ∈ (0, 1) and δ small enough, (1 − )δ −1/2 ≤ c? (δ) ≤ (1 + )δ −1/2 Giant component Refined model: (d = 2) (ξi )i≥1 i.i.d. copies of a random variable ξ ≥ 1 Every node i chooses ξi neighbours C1 (·) the size of the largest connected component Theorem. Suppose E [ξ] > 1. For every δp∈ (0, 1), there exists a γ > 0 such that, for rn ≥ γ n−1 log n lim P (C1 (Sn (rn , ξ)) ≥ (1 − δ)n) = 1 n→∞ −1/3 Theorem. Suppose rn = o (n log n) lim P (C1 (Sn (rn , 1)) ≥ δn) = 0 n→∞ . Then ∀δ > 0 “Explosive” phase transition Usually: phase transition is continuous 1 C1 /n G(n, p) random graphs E[degree] Here: as discontinuous as it can be... 1 Intuition from the mean-field model Assume rn = ∞ Theorem. (Fenner–Frieze ’82) lim P (Sn (∞, 2) is connected) = 1 n→∞ Theorem. There exists a constant δ > 0 such that lim P (C1 (Sn (∞, 1)) ≥ δn) > 0 n→∞ Intuition from the mean-field model Assume rn = ∞ Theorem. (Fenner–Frieze ’82) lim P (Sn (∞, 2) is connected) = 1 n→∞ Theorem. There exists a constant δ > 0 such that lim P (C1 (Sn (∞, 1)) ≥ δn) > 0 n→∞ Idea: Sn (∞, 1) is a random mapping Sn (∞, 2) is the union of 2 random mappings Discretization I Discretization I Cells krn k large but fixed 1 Discretization I Cells krn k large but fixed 1 Discretization I krn Cells k large but fixed 1 Associate : events to nodes/cells events to bonds/faces o percolation Uniformity of the point set Definition. A cell is δ-good if for all boxes B nrn2 nrn2 (1 − δ) 2 ≤ |B ∩ X| ≤ (1 + δ) 2 4d 4d p Lemma. Suppose rn ≥ γ log n/n. For any δ > 0, there exists γ0 > 0 such that if γ > γ0 lim P (every cell is δ-good) = 1 n→∞ Lemma. ∃α, β > 0 such that lim P ∀x : n→∞ αnrn2 ≤ |B(x, rn ) ∩ X| ≤ βnrn2 =1 Node/Cell events central box Second level partition: boxes of side length of side length r/(2d) d large but fixed seed boxes Node/Cell events central box Second level partition: boxes of side length of side length r/(2d) d large but fixed seed boxes Node events II Exploration: in a given cell Start from a point x ∈ X in the central box Explore the neighborhoods for k 2 generations Kill the paths that leave the cell Define: ∆x (i) the collection of points at generation i 2 Gx = {∀ box B, |∆x (k ) ∩ B| ≥ E [ξ] k2 /2 } Lemma. ∀η > 0, can choose all the constants such that for all n large P( Gx | X, δ-good) ≥ 1 − η Link events node event occurs Link events II Q Q0 kd/2 boxes Jx (Q, Q0 ) the sequence of first neighbors of x reaches the central box in a ladder fashion JR = ∩x∈R Jx , with R the population of the seed box in Q Lemma. 0 P( JR (Q, Q ) | X, R) ≥ 1 − exp |R| (10βd2 )kd Link events II Q Q Q0 Q0 k2 /2 Recall |R| ≥ E [ξ] if node event occurs in Q kd/2 boxes Jx (Q, Q0 ) the sequence of first neighbors of x reaches the central box in a ladder fashion JR = ∩x∈R Jx , with R the population of the seed box in Q Lemma. 0 P( JR (Q, Q ) | X, R) ≥ 1 − exp |R| (10βd2 )kd Coupling with a (site/bond) percolation process Coupling with a (site/bond) percolation process 1 Coupling with a (site/bond) percolation process 1 2 Coupling with a (site/bond) percolation process 1 2 3 Coupling with a (site/bond) percolation process 1 2 3 4 Coupling with a (site/bond) percolation process 1 2 3 4 Coupling with a (site/bond) percolation process 1 2 3 4 Coupling with a (site/bond) percolation process percolation process = random configuration, where o each edge open with probability pe independently ! each node open with probability pn Definition of the coupling: 1. Exploration of clusters =⇒ partial percolation process on torus [m] × [m] 2. For unassigned values: complete with i.i.d. Bernoulli Observation. If H is a cluster of cells in the percolation process, then, there is a connected component of Sn (rn , ξ) which “sees” every single point of S Cluster built is ubiquitous but too sparse! Lemma. For any > 0 2 lim P ∃H : |H| ≥ (1 − )m = 1 n→∞ Problems: 1) in Sn (rn , ξ) only constant number of points per cell so only O(m2 ) = O(n/ log n) nodes in total ! 2) close points do not connect locally ! ` • after ` generations about E [ξ] points • need ` = log log n to have a proportion in a cell √ • but these Ω(log n) are spread at distance Ω( log log n) Finale: gathering the remaining points Only ”used up” a vanishing proportion of nodes per cell ⇒ can play the same game again ! Finale: gathering the remaining points Only ”used up” a vanishing proportion of nodes per cell ⇒ can play the same game again ! Consider x ∈ X: make its box central in the discretization x x Cells may not be aligned, but boxes are aligned Hooking up left over points Observations. 1) P (x in second giant) ≥ 1 − 2) the two giants overlap on (1 − 2) proportion of the boxes ⇒ Ω(n/ log n) such boxes The too giants are bound to hook up ! k2 /2 in each of the overlapping boxes: about E [ξ] whose neighbors have not yet been chosen ! points P (one node fails to hook) ≤ (1 − O(1/ log n)) P (all node fail to hook) = (1 − Ω(1/ log n))n/ log n = e−Ω(n)