922 IEEE’L‘KANSACTIONSON COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 43, NO. 2/3/4, FEBRUARY/MARCH/APRIL 1995 The Performanceof Noncoherent OrthogonalIM-FSK in the Presenceof Timing and FrequencyErrors Sami Hinedi, Senior Member IEEE Marvin Simon, Fellow IEEE Dan Raphaeli, Student Member IEEE ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to evaluate this performance of degradation degradation, first by treating the two sources separately, and thenby considering their simultaneous effect.In particular, we shall present exact cxprcssionsfor thc symbol and bit error probability performancesof noncoherent orthogonalM FSK conditioned on the presence of time and frequency errors. These expressions involve integrals of Marcum-Q functions and, as such, their numerical evaluation is cumbcrsomc. Thus, for the case of frequency error only, we present various upper o bounds n error probability performances that. because of their exponential behavior, are simplerto evaluate. Numerical results are obtained 1.O INTRODUCTION for cases ofpractical interest. Before going into the details of the analysis, we wish to point NoncoherentorthogonalM-aryfrequency-shift-keying out the existenceof several papers that relate to the subjectat hand (M-FSK) is a simple and robust formof digital communication [l-71. The paperthat, in principle, bears the closest resemblance when the transmission channel is such that fast reliable carrier is a papcr by Nakamoto, to what wc arc trying to accomplish hcrc recovery is difficult or impractical to achieve and thc bandwidth Middlestead, and Wolfson [I]. Although the primary interest in requirements are notoverlystringent.Moststudies ofthis [ 1] was frequency-hopped M-FSK, the authors also attempted to modulatioddemodulationtechniquefortheadditivewhite usetheirresultstoobtainperformancedatafornoncoherent Gaussiannoise(AWGN)channelhavefocusedontheerror orthogonal M-FSK without frequency hopping (This is discussed probabilityperformancewhenthereceiver is assumedto be in the section of their paper called Performance Without Nonperfectly time and frequency synchronized. Thatis, the receiver Coherent Combining). While the resultsin [ I ] are indeed correct is assumed to have perfect knowledge of the instants of time at for predicting the performance of frequency-hoppcd M-FSK in which the modulation can change state and also perfect knowl- the presence of time and frequency errors, they are unfortunately edge of the receivedcamer frequency. In practical systems, such incorrect for the unhopped case. It is important to understand perfect knowledge is never available and thus the receiver must where the results in [l] fail to address the case of noncoherent dcrive this information from the received signal imbedded in the the orthogonal M-FSK since isit indeed these issues that provide AWGN. Since the estimatcs of the time epoch and received basis for our papcr. We now explain thcsc diffcrcnccs in dctail. carrier frequency derived atthe receiver are, in general, random In 111 it is correctly recognized that in the presence of timing variables (becauseof the presence of the AWGN), there will exist and frequency errors two factors contribute to the perfomlance an errorbetween these estimates and their true values. This lack degradation relativeto the perfectly synchronized case. First, the of perfect time and frequency synchronization gives rise to a signalcomponentofthecorrectcorrelator is attenuatedand degradation in errorprobabilityperformancerelative to that second a portionof thc transmitted signal energy now appearsin corresponding to the ideal case where perfect knowlcdgc of time the outputs of each of the M-1 incorrect correlators. This second and frequency is assumed known. source of degradation is referred to as the loss ofnrrhognnnlity. In of computingthedegradationfactorsforthesetwosources degradation (see Eqs. (7) and (9) of [l]), the authors implicitly Paper approved by 1. Korn, the Editor for Modulation of the IEEE Communications Society. Manuscnpt was received September 27. 1993. revised May 12, assume that there exists a large difference between the frequen1994. This aurk was performed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Califomla Space Institute of Technology under a contract with the National Aeronautics and cies of two successive transmissions, which in the frequencyAdministration. hopped case corresponds to two successive hops and is thus The authors are with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technoloev. Pasadena. CA 91 109 justified most of the time. In the caseof noncoherent orthogonal Practical M-FSK systems experience a combination of time and frequency offsets (errors). This paper assesses the deleterious effect ofthese offsets, first individually and then combined,on the average hit error probability performance ofthe system. Exact expressions for these various error prohability performances are derived and evaluatednumericallyforsystemparametersofinterest. Also presented are upper boundsonaverage symbol error probability for the case of frequency error alone which are useful in assessing the absolute and relative performanceof the system. Both continuous and discontinuous phase M-FSK cases are consideredwhen timing error is present, the latter being much less robust to this type of offset. HlNEDl et 923 al . N O N C O H F . R E N T O R T H O G O N A I . M-FSK IN TTMING A N D FREQUENCY M-FSK without frequency hopping, the frequency separation between adjacent transmissions (M-FSK symbols in this case) is not necessarily large and thus the computation of the two degradation factors analogous to(7) and (9) of [ 11 must take this fact intoaccount.Furthermore,theissueofwhether the phase is continuous or discontinuous from symbolto symbol is critical in evaluating these degradation factors whereas in the frequencyhopping case it is inconsequential because of the large frequency differencebetweenadjacenttransmissions(hops).Based on these observations alone, it is incorrect to compute the symbol error probability for noncoherent orthogonal M-FSK in the presenceoffrequencyandtimingerrorsusing(7)and(9)of[I]. Ifonly frequency erroris prcscnt, i.c., thc timing error is set equalto zero, then the results in (7) and (9) of 111 can be uscd to correctly compute symbol error probability. sw, (11 A second incorrect approximationused in [l] is in computing Figure I . M-ary Noncohercnl Rcccivcr for Equal Energy Signals the bit error probability from the symbol error probability. The authors assumethat thesignals remain orthogonal in the presence use of a wcllof timing and frequency error which facilitates the r(t)=1127;cos(2n(~+++Af)f+6')+n(t),O l f l T ( I ) known result [see [ 5 ] ,Eq. (5-54)] relating these two error probwhere P denotes the signal power in Watts, Tdenotesthe symbol abilities fororthogonalM-FSK.Unfortunately,however,this 4, is the carrier frequency in Hz,& = i/T is time in seconds, assumption is not valid and hence the bit crror probability results the transmitted frequency corresponding to message mi,Afis the found (see Figs. 1-5) in [ l ] for the special case of noncoherent 8 is the unknown canicrphase error in the carrier frequency, and orthogonalM-FSK are incorrect.In fact, to properly evaluate the to be uniformly distributed. Also, n(t) denotesthe assumed bit errorprobability inthe presence of synchronization errors. one No WIHz. AlAWGN with single-sided power spectral density must specify an appropriate mapping, for example,a Gray code tcrnatively, the received signal can be interpreted as a carrier at of the symbols to bits. In the perfectly synchronized case, the bit ji shifted by the appropriatc signal frcqucncy 6 + AL frequency error probability performance is completely independent of the symbol-to-bit mapping since all errors arcequally likely to occur. rather than 4.. The inphase integrator output, z,,~, matched to The significance of these statements will become apparent latcr signal s , ( t ) = d%cos(2n(f, + f k ) f ) (corresponding to message mk)bccomesl on in the paper. The organization of the paperis as follows. Section 2 exactly treats the effect of frequency error alone (pcrfcct time synchronization is assumed) on orthogonal M-FSK noncoherent detection. = 2 P cos 2 n f,. + Af)t)cos(2n(f,. + f,)r)dr + Section 3 exactly treats the effect of timing error alone (perfect ( ( frequency synchronization is assumed) on the same detection scheme. Section 4 exactly trcats thc combined effect of timing where nc,Ais a zero-mean Gaussianrandom variable with variance 0 ' = No / 2E,. Here, E,sg f T is the symbol energy in joules. and frequency errors. Finally, Section 5 presents various upper (2) yields Simplifying bounds on the performance in the presence of frequency error. ld +x 2.0 EFFECT OF FREQUENCY ERRORON ORTHOGON'AL M-FSK NONCOHERENT DETECTION Consider the transmissmnof orthogonal M-FSK ovcr an AWGN a one-to-one correspondcncc channel where the signal set has ,. ..,mM-,. The with the sct ofM equiprobable messages rn,,rn, is illusoptimum reccivcr (assuming perfect synchronization) trated in Fig. I . Whcn the received frequency is not perfectly known, the observed signal, assuming that message mi was sent, is given by whcrcf;,, denotes the difference between the frequencies repreaenting messages m land mk, that is, Similarly, the quadrature integrator output,z ? , ~is, given by ' Since we are dealing with noncoherent detection,wc can, in thc caseof perfect timing synchronization. set f3= 0. l E E E TRANSACTlONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. VOL. 43, NO. 2/3/4, FEBRUARY/MARCH/APRIL Y24 and signal orthogonalityis restored. Despite loss of orthogonal- T z,,~ r(t)d%sin(2n(fc [cos(2n(Ae + f,)f)dt + Af)T)-I] = E, The envelope statistic by tributed sin*(n(& E, -4 (5) + %%k 2n(A,k + Af)T parameter with 1995 ity, the variables &,El,. . remain thus (and independent since the Gaussian random variables resulting from the noise integration are still independent as the local signals remain orthogonal.In this case, the probability of correct symbol detection, assuming that messagemi is transmitted, is givenby will then be Rician dis- = rn=0,1, ..., M - I k; given + Af)T) =(Err In Q-function terms Marcum of the (6) Normalizing z , . ~and z,,, by 1/ CJ = the parameter p i is then normalized by 2 / N& and since, as mentioncd above, f; = z/Tfor orthogonal signals, then [8] defined by d m , 1 2E, sin2(lr(i - k + p ) ) kk = -kk= ' 2 .(N:Es] No [ n ( i - k +p)p [ (7) sin2(x(i - k + p)) [+ detector the First, that note matched to from signal attenuation equalto - k +P)p the incoming signal suffers Jr' tgl( x m)dx,= I - Q Hence, the conditional probability of symbol error, assuming that where p4 AjT denotes the frequency error normalized by the fi(i.k)= we have (9) message mi is transmitted, is given by and the unconditional probabilityof symbol crror becomes 1 M-I W)=--CP,(Elmi) (16) j d J As previously mentioned, thc average bit error probability cannot be obtained directly fromthe average symbol error prob(I0) ability as is customary in perfectly synchronizedM-FSK systems, the reason being that, for a given transmitted message, the symbol which, as expected, reduces to unity if p= 0. Simultaneously, loss errors are not equally likely. To compute the average bit crror of signal orthogonality occurs as a result of signal spill-over into of aparticular probability we must first compute the probability thc remaining M-1 detectors; hence, the nonzero means and the (1 2),to symbol error for agiven transmitted message. Analogous to Rayleigh forp= 0) pdfs. Note that resulting Rician (as opposed the probability of choosing mkwhcn messagemi is transmitted is for zero frequency error( p = 0), then given by M-FSK IK TIMING AND FKEQUkNCY HINEDI er al.: NONCOHERENT ORTHOGONAL 925 dump (I&D) circuits using its own estimate of the symbol epoch which is offsct fromthc truc epoch by At sec. This lack of time synchronizationresultsinsignal attenuationinthedetectormatched to the incoming frequency and moreover, loss of orthogonality duetosignalspilloverintotheremainingdetectors. In the presence of timing error, the received signal canbe modeled as If w(k,i) denotcs thc Hamming wcight of the difference between ml the code words (bit mappings) assigned to messages (symbols) and mk,that is, the number of bits in which the two differ,then the average bit error probability is where we have assumed that signals,( t ) is transmitted followed by signal s , ( t ) and have allowed for the possibility of a carrier phase discontinuity from symbol to symbol (so-called disconWe now discuss the mapping from which the set of Hamming tinuous phase M-FSK modulation). Since,fornoncoherent detection, the absolute carrier phase is inconsequential, we can, weights w ( k , i ) , k , i = O,l,. ..,M - I, k # i is computed. It is clear that if a symbol error occurs, it is more likely towithout occur loss in generality, set 8, = 0 and e2 = 8 for i # J or 0, = 0 for i = j . For so-calledcontinuous phase M-FSK (CPFSK), we in an adjacent frequency than in any other. Thus, a Gray code can, in addition, sct 8 = 0. Since the local epoch estimate isnot mapping is appropriatetothistype of modulation.Figure2 perfect, the receiver I&Ds operate inthe interval (At,At + T ) to Eb / No in dBwith depicts the average bit error probability versus obtain at the kth detector p a s a parameter for binary,4-ary and 8-ary FSK and a conventional Gray code assignment. M-I M-I 3.0 EFFECTOF TIMING ERROR ON ORTHOGONAL M-FSK DETECTION I When the receivercamerfrequency is precisely known but the symbol epoch is not, the receiver implements its integrate-and- -,dB No (a) M = 2 I 1 I 9 10 11 + ~ ~ ' ' c o s ( 2 n (+ f ,f , ) r + Q)cos(2n(f;+ fk)t)dr 12 13 14 15 16 6 - , dB NO (b) M = 4 Figure 2. Bit Error Probability for M-FSK With Frequency Error 7 8 9 10 %,dB No (c) M = X + nc,k 11 12 13 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUKICATIONS, VOL. 43, NO. 2/3/4. FEBRCARY/MARCH/APRIL 1995 926 f:(i,i,i)= 1, Vi (24) From (15), the conditional probabilityof symbol error, assuming that message mi was scnt followed by message mi,is then given by can be expressed as The unconditional (with respect to the data) probability of symbol error is then where f; (i, j , k ) = sin2(n(i-k)(1-d)) sin'(n(j-k)i) z2(i- k)* + n*(j-k)Z Aswas thecasefor frequencyerror in Section 2.0, the presence of timing error produccsa lack of orthogonality which reaults in the symbols error, not being equally likely. Hence to compute the average bit error probability we must once again compute the probability of a particulnr symbol error for a given transmittedmcssagc.Analogous to (17), theprobabilityof choosing mk when message m iwas sent followed by message m., is given by z*(i-k)(j-k) + sin'( n(i - j ) - +) , i # k . j # k n2(z- k ) ( j - k ) with d d A t i T denotingthetimingerrornormalized symbol time. Some special cases of ( 2 3 ) are f;(i,i,k)= sin*(n(i-k)) 1, i = k z2(i-k)2 ={O, i # k by the (244 Finally,theaverage(overthedata)biterrorprobabilityis, analogous to (1 8), Here again the evaluationof (28) will depend on the mapping of the symbols to bits. For a conventional Gray code mapping, Eh i No in dB Figure 3 depicts average bit error probability versus for binary,4-ary and 8-ary FSK with i,as aparameter and the case of continuous phascM-FSK. The numerical results in this figure HINEDI et ai.. 927 NONCOHERENT ORTHOGONAL M-FSK IN TIMING AKD FREQUENCY 10-3 10.~ 10-6 9 10 - , dB NO 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Eb -,dB N" (a) M = 2 - 6 -,dB NC (c) M (b) M = 4 = 8 Figure 3. Bit Error hobdbilily for Conlinuoub Phase M-FSK with Timing Error. 0.1 (28) over a uniform distribution for8. We observe that discontinuous phase M-FSK is much more sensitive to timing offsetthan continuous phase M-FSKis. When the timing is perfect (A= 0), the two performances are, of course, identical. This can be seen by noting that (23) becomes independent of 8 when A = 0. 0.01 0 001 4.0 EFFECTOF TIMIKG AND FREQUENCY ERRORS ON ORTHOGONAL M-FSK NONCOHERENT DETECTION -1u 10- 4 When both the incoming carrier frequency and symbol epoch are unknown, then the received signal is still given by (1 9) but with&, replacedby J;.+ Af . The inphase andquadrature outputs now become a" 10- 5 COS(~E(J;. +~ f .6)r)cos(2~(& + + fk)r)dr (29) 10-6 +jT dl+ I 10.~ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Flgure 4. Blt Error Probability lor Discontinuous Phase M-FSK with Timing Error; M = 4. c o s [ 2 ~ ( & . + A f + ~ ) t + Q ) c o s ( 2+n&( J) f;) d r ] + r ~ ( . ~ and z ! , ~= 2 P { / ~ c o s ( 2 z ( +Af+J;)r)sin(Zn(f,. ~ +f,)t)dt (30) +JT At+T c a s j ? i i ( i ; + A ~ + f ; ) ~ i R ) r i n ( 2 n ( l ; . + & ) f ) d r ~ + i l , , , arc obtainedby setting 8= 0 in (28). Digital computer simulations were uscd to confirm somc of the cases,in particular, the results Normalizing as before and following a similar procedure, we corresponding toM=4in Figure 3b. Forpurposes ofcomparison, obtain thc pdf of I$ given by the corresponding results for the discontinuous phase case with M = 4 are illustrated in Figure 4 and are obtained by avenging ICEETKANSALTIONS Oh COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 43, N O . 2/3/4, FEURUARY/MARCH/APRIL 1995 928 discontinuous phase case are illustrated in Figure 6 forM = 4. As expected, discontinuous phaseM-FSK suffers a larger degradation than continuous phaseM-FSK. 5.0 BOUNDSON THE PERFORMANCE OF ORTHOGONAL M-FSK DETECTION IN THE PRESENCEOF FREQUENCY ERROR where fi2 (i,j , k ) = Because of the computational difficulty involved in evaluating expressions such as ( 1 5), it is advantageousto upper boundthe average error probability performance. We shall consider only the case of frequency errorby itself since itis the simplest of the three cases treated in Sections2, 3, and 4. Perhapsthe most well-known upper boundon average symbol error proabability performance is the union bound [9] which is given by sin*(z(i-k+p)(l-A)) sin2(z(j-k+p)A,) 2 x2(j-k+p)2 f z2(i-k+p) ( - sin* x [ ( i - j ) - ( j - n + p ) ~ ] -Q- ) 2 n*(i-k+p)(j-k+p) sin’ z[(i- k + p ) l - ( j k + p ) ] - - + + ( - -)e2 n*(i-kfp)(j-k+p) i sin2 x [ ( k - j - p ) - ( ; - i ) ~ ] - x*(i-k+p)(j-k+p) ‘I (33) @I 2 sin2 n(i - j ) - - ( n2(i-k+p)(j-k+p)’ i#k,j#k (32) where Pji APr{choose mj[misent} is the so-called pairwise error of probability. For the case of orthogonal M-FSK in the presence frequency error, using the approach taken in [9;Appendix 4B] it is straightforward to show that To emphasize a point made earlier concerning the relation of our results to those in [ 1 ] we observe that if (32) were evaluated for 1 = -2[ ~ - Q ( ~ , u ) + Q ( u , ~ ) ] the case where i - j is large (corresponding to a large difference in the frequency of adjacent transmissions), then the dominant where term in this expression would be the first onc which depending upon whether i = k (the correct correlator)or i f k (an incorrect (35) in notation, agree correlator) would, making appropriate changes with the analogous expressions in [l], namely, Eqs. (7) and (9). with $(i,i), f;(i, j ) as in (9) anti (10). respectively. Such a However, as previously pointed out, the assumption of large i - j bound is typically tight at high S N R but loose at sufficiently low is valid for the caseof frequency hoppingbut not here. SNR. If p = 0, then fin(i,j,k) reduces to j:(i,j,k) of (23) as To simplify matters still further buttheatexpense of a loss in cxpccted. Similarly, if A = 0, then fj,A(i, j , k ) reduces to $(i,k) accuracy, one can avoid thc computationof theMarcum Q-function of (9). The probability of bit and symbol error arestill given by by Chernoff bounding the pairwise error probability leading to (26)together with(25)and (28)together with (27),respectively, what is commonly called a union-Chemoff bound. Since from with f : ( i , j , k ) replaced by &$(i,j,k) of (32). For a conventhe results of Section 2 , the pairwise error probabilityis given as 5 depictsaverage bit error tional Graycodemapping,Fig. Pji= Pr{gj > <.lmi}, then applying a Chernoff bound to this probability versus Eh / N , in dB for binary, 4-ary and 8-ary FSK probability we get with p and l as parameters and the case of continuous phase M-FSK. The numerical results in this figure are obtained by setting 6’ = 0 in (32). Digital computer simulations were again used to confirm someof the cases, in particular, those illustrated in Figs. 5c and 5d. Note when that the timing and frequency errors which is expressed in terms of the product of the conditional occur simultaneously, the losses are not additive. In particular, characteristic functionsof the normalized envelopes correspondthe interaction of the two types of error results in a degradation ing to the correct (ith) and incorrect correlator outputs. These larger than the sumof the degradations dueto each error acting to the Rician distribucharacteristic functions which correspond alone. Forcomparison purposes, the corresponding results forthe tion of (8) are given by uth) 929 HINEDI ei al.: NONCOHERENT ORTHOGONAL M-FSK IN TIMING AND FREQUENCY 10 11 12 13 = 2 and p 16 17 9 10 11 12 - E. K . dB (a) M 15 14 - 13 15 14 16 No ' d B ~ (b)M=2andp=0.2 0. I (~)M=4andp=0.1 10.~ 10-4 \ u ~ 10 11 13 12 14 15 16 6 7 8 9 10 I\ 1 \ A. 11 = 0.05 12 13 6 7 8 -,dB No (d) M =4 and p = 0.2 (e)M=Xandp=O.I (t)M=Sandp=0.2 Figure 5. Bit Error Probabilily for Continuous Phase M-FSK With Both Frequency and Timing Errors 9 10 11 12 13 IEEE TRANSACTIONS OK COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 43, N U . 2 / 3 / 4 , PEBRUARY/MARCH/APRIL 930 1995 Finally, substituting (37) into (36) gives where UT havc Ict A. = 2iL. Evaluating (38) for each of the M ( M - I ) Ci,s and substituting into (33) gives the desired unionChernoff bound2. A number of years back, Omura [ 101 developed a Chernofftype bound on the error probability performance of M-ary communication systems which in a sense is a compromise between the union and theunion-Chernoffbound.Inourapplication,the bound circumvents the needto compute the Marcum Q-function (because of the use of a Chemoffbound) but avoids the looseness at low SNRs associated with the union bound. From an aesthetic viewpoint, the result is obtained in a form that is similar to the of noncoherent M-FSK with exact error probability performance no frequency crror which is exponential in behavior. Since Omura's bound was never published but rather privately communicated to the authors, Appendix A presents the derivation of the bound in its generalizcd form. Assuming that signal n (rnessagern,J is transmitted, then the detectormatchedto f, produces & with pdf as given by (8) with i = X- = n while the remaining M - 1 detectors produce independent s with pdf as given by (8) with i = n and k = i. As required by the results in Appendix A, we need to evaluate the characteristic functionsof the these two pdfs. These have been evaluated above in (37). Using these results in (A.8) gives after some manipulations 10" A = 0.20: 2 lo-'$ 10 \ 12 11 E, N, 13 \ 14 15 dB (b) M = 4 and 0 = 0.2 Figure 6. Bit Error Probability for Discontinuous Phase M-FSK With Both Frequency and Timing Errors HINEDI et a1 . NONCOHERENT ORTHOGONAL M-FSK IN TIMING AND FREQUENCY 931 Finally, the desired upper bound on average symbol error probability is given by Figure 7 illustrates the upper bounds on C ( E ) as given by (33) togetherwith (34), (33)together with (38) and (40)versus Eh / NO in dB forM = 4 and various values of normalized frequency error, p, assuming minimum frequency spacing for orthogonality. It is to be emphasized that the Chernoff and union-Chernoff bounds are loose at highSNR and thus shouldnot be used to predict the trueerrorprobabilityperformance.Rather,theirvalue is for making system comparisons and trade-offs. The union bound, however, is very tight at high SNR andbecan used to predict the absolute performance. 6.0 CONCLUSIONS The error probability performance of noncoherentM-FSK is quite sensitive to the presence of timing and frequency offsets (errors) in the systcm. Fora given number of frequencies. M, and fractionaloffset, the performance is muchmoresensitive to timing error than isit to frequency error.By studying these errors Figure 7. Bounds on the Symbol Error Probabillty of CFSK in the Presence of Frequency Errur. individually and thencombined, we arc to able note that the losses due to these errors ,are not additive. In particular, the interaction Simon, M. K., J . K. Omura, R. A. Schollz and €3.K . Levitt, of the two types of error resultsin a degradation larger than the Spread Spectrum Communications,Vol. 111, Computer Scisum of the degradations dueto each error acting alone. Furthermore, for the case of timing error (either or alone in combination ence Press, Rockville, MD, 1984. Lindsey, W. C. and M.K. Simon, TelecommunicationSyswith frequency error), the performance is much less robust for temsEngineering,EnglewoodCliffs,NJ:Prentice-Hall,1973. discontinuousphase M-FSK thanit is for continuousphase M-FSK. Fonseka, K . J. P. and N. Ekanayake, “Comparison of Three Detection Techniques for M-ary CPFSK with Modulation REFERENCES IndexIIM,”GLOBECOM’84ConferenceRecord.pp.22.6.1- 22.6.6. Nakamoto, F. S., R. W. Middlestead and C. R. Wolfson, Dallel, Y.E. and S. Shamai, “An Upper Bound onthe Error “Impact ofTime and Frcqucncy Errorson Processing SatelProbability of Quadratic Detection in Noisy Phase Chanlites with MFSK Modulation,” ICC ‘81 Conference Record, nels,” IEEE Transactons on Communications, vol. 39,no. June 14-18, 1981, Denver,CO, pp. 37.3.1- 37.3.5. 1 1 . pp. 1635-1650,Novcmbcr 1991. Chadwick, H., “TimeSynchronization in anMFSKReMarcum, J. E., “A Statistical Theory of Target Detection by ceiver,” Pasadena, CA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory,SPS 37Pulse Radar,” Mathematical Appendix, Santa Monica, CA: 48, Vol. 111, 1967, pp. 252-64. Alsoprcscntcdatthe RM-753,July I , RANDCorporation,TechnicalReport Canadian Symposiumon Communications, Montreal, Que1948. bec, Nov. 1968. Proakis, J., Digital Communications. 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill, Wittke,P.andP.McLane,“Study of theReception of New York, 1989. Frequency Dehopped M-ary FSK,” Research Report 83-1, [IO]Omura, J. K.,private communication. Queen’s University,Kingston, Ontario, March 1983. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 43, NO. 2/3/4, FEBRUARY/MARCH/APRIL 932 Define Appendix A G e n e r a l i z e d M - a r y S y m b o l Error P r o b a b i l i t y Bound Consider an M-ary communication system whose decisions are made based on a relation amongM out1 these . outputs be repreputs 5 0 , 5 1 , . ' ., 2 ~ ~ Lct Then, sented by independent random variables with pdfs as follows : - zn x, fl(%) i=O,l,...,n-l, ni-l,...,M-l (A.1) f 0 ( x i ; [ i T L )for and T h a t is to say, forsomeparticular n, the random variable x, has a fixed pdf where as the remaining M - 1 r.v.'s xi,i # n,all have the identical form pdf Finally, (perhaps different than thatfor x,) which, however, depend on a parameterti, t h a t varies with bothi and n. Assuming that signal sn(t) is transmitted, then a correct decision is made at the receiver when x, > zi for all a # n. Then, the conditional probability of a correct decision is Ps(C/ m,) (-4.2) = Prob{Correct decision/ m,} = Probjz, > x, for all i # n/ m,} -L rn Prob {x. < a for all i - 'r =/m -05 # n/ m,} fl(a)da i1=0 i2=0 Prob{xi < a/ m,}fl(a)da i l , i 2 ,..., il<i2< i=O,i#n =Iy n M-1 --03 [1- Prob{zi 2 a / m,}] f l ( c u ) d a i=O,i#n If Prob{z, 2 CY/mrL}is hard to evaluate, then use the Chernoff bound Prob{zi - 2 a/ m,} i*=o j=1 ...< i and k or using (A.4), simplifying and minimizing over the Chernoff paxameter, we get M-1 (A.3) 5 E{ex("'-a)/ m,} - e-XaE { e X X i / m,} for m y X 2 0 L,,iZ,..+k+n 'If the two pdfs have identical form, then we shall ignore t h e "0" and "1" subscripts on them and simply write f(z)or f ( z ,<), as appropriate. An cxample of where the two pdfs are, in principle, different in form would correspond t o the case of ideal (zero frequcncy error) noncoherent detection of A4-FSK , in which case f1 (z) would be Rician and fo(z) wouldbe Rayleigh. Also in this ideal situation, fo(z) would not dependent on a parameter ( which varics with the random variable being characterized. and il<i2<,..<'h Assumingequiprobablesignals,thentheaverage probability of symbol error is given by 1995 HINEDI el al.: NONCOHERENT ORTHOGONAL M-FSK IN TIMING AND FREQUENCY Note that if the parameter [in is independent of i, ].e., all x,,i # n, have identical pdfs fo(z),then M-lM-l M-1 '.' i1=0 iz=o ikZO where g&) = ( M-1 )sa) Srn Thus, (A.9) together with ePX.fo(PPP (A.ll) (A.8) simplify t o M-l j=1 P,(E) 5 ... and ,l,iz,...,lk#n il<i2< <il (A.lO) Sami Hinedi ("83) wasborn in Aleppo,Syria, onMay 27,1963. He received the B.S E.E., M.S E.E., and Ph.D. degrees from the Univenlty of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA in 1983, 1984 and 1987, respectively. Since June 1987, he has hem in the Communications Research Section of theJetPropulsionLaboratory,Pasadena,CA,whereheiscurrentlythe Group. His current supervisor of theDigitalSignalProcessingResearch in interests include spread spectrum communications, parameter estimation dynamic envmnments, modern rcceiver design and digital signal processing. Hehas co-authored a book with M. K. Simon and W C. Lindsey entitled Digital CommunicationsTechniques, Vo1.-I: Signal Design and Defectiun, which will be published by Prentice-Hall. Dr. Hinedi is a member of Eta Kappa Nu. Daniel Raphaeli - biography unavailable = --m k J&o(4&3n) 933 mp (-1)'++1( k=l Mi) g l ( - A k ) g t ( A ) (A.12) Marvin K. Simon iscurrentlyaSeniorResearchEngineerattheJet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Californla and Lecturer in Communications attheCaliforniaInstitute of Technology,Pasadena California, Dr. Simon has worked extensively for the last 25 years in the for space,satellite, and area of modulation,coding,andsynchronization radiocommunications.Thefruitsofhisresearchhavebeensuccessfully applied to thedesign of many of NASA'sdeepspaceandnear-earth missions for which he holds R patents and over 15 NASA Tech Briefs. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, Fellow of the IAE. and winner of a NASA Exceptional Service Medalboth in recognitionof outstanding contributionsin analysis and design of space communications systems. In addition, he is listed in Marquis Who's Who in America. He h a published over 110 papers on the above subjects and is co-author of severaltextbooksincluding, TelecommunicationSysremsEngineering (Prentice-Hall, 1973 andreprinted by DoverPress, 1991), Phase-Locked Loops andTheirApplication (IEEEPress, 1978) SpreadSpectrum Cummunicarions,Vuls. I, I,, and Ill (ComputerSciencePress, 1984). and Trellis Coded Modulation with Applications (Macmillan, 1991). His work has DeepSpaceTelecumrnunxatronSystems alsoappearedinthetextbook Ertgirteering (Plenum Press, 1984). He is the co-recipient of the 1986 Prize Paper Award in Communicatlons for the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular of books Technology He is currentlycompletinganewtwo-volumeset entltled Digital Communication Techniques.