Operation Manual FK38 Series Digital Multimeter 1. Description FK38 series meters are a series of battery-driven digital multimeters with high reliability and high performance. The meters adopt 26mm LCD display with clear reading, unit symbol display, overload protection functions, more convenient to use. The series meters are mainly used to measure DC voltage, AC voltage, DC current, AC current, resistance, capacitance, inductance, diode test, transistor hFE, continuity, temperature and frequency etc. 2. Safety Information FK38 series meters have been designed and tested in accordance of IEC publication 1010, Safety Requirement for Electronic Measuring Apparatus. READ SAFETY INFORMATION FIRST before you do any operations. 2-1. Do not apply any measurements above 1000V DC or 750V AC, the measurements limits on this meter, when using the meter to measure the voltages. 2-2. Always check whether test leads have been connected properly, well-insulated etc. to avoid electrical shock hazard. 2-3. Always keep away from test points in switching of ranges or functions. 2-4. Avoid mistakable operations when switching between proper ranges or functions. Although these series meters have been designed with full-range protection, due to safety issues, please pay much attention. 2-5. Do not apply any measurements above 20A current when using the meter to measure the current. 2-6. Safety Symbols: “ ” Dangerous Voltage. “ ” GND “ ” Double Insulation. “ ” Operators must refer to manual. “ ” Low Battery. 3. Specification 3-1. General Specification. 3-1-1. Display: LCD Display 3-1-2. Maximum Display: 1999(3 1/2 digit) automatic polarity display (FK381~FK385, FK388), 19999 (4 1/2 digit) automatic polarity display (FK386~FK387). 3-1-3. Measurements Method: Double integrating type A/D converting. 3-1-4. Sampling Rate: 3/sec approximately. 3-1-5. Maximum Common Mode Voltage: 500V DC/AC rms. 3-1-6. Over-Range Display: “1” on highest digit bit. 3-1-7. Low Battery Indication: “ ” is displayed when the battery drops below the operating level. 3-1-8. Operating Environment: 0~40°C at <80% relative humidity. 3-1-9. Storage Environment: -10~50°C at <80% relative humidity. 3-1-10. Power: Single standard 9V battery (NEDA 1604/6F22 or equal model). 3-1-11. Dimensions: 190mm (D) x88.5mm (W) x27.5mm (H). 3-1-12. Weight: Approx. 240g including battery. 3-1-13. Accessories: Operating Manual, 9V battery, one pair test leads, leather bag, antishock Holster, Color box. 3-2. Technology Specification: 3-2-1. Accuracy: r(% reading + No. of digits) 3-2-2. Performance (“Ⴃ” means this function is contained). Model Function DC VOLTS FK381 FK382 FK384 FK385 FK386 FK387 FK388 Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ AC VOLTS Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ DC Current Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ AC Currentt Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Resistance Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Diode Test & Continuity Transistor Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Capacitance Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Temperature ഒ or ഘ Ⴃ Frequency Ⴃ Inductance Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Ⴃ Backlight Ⴃ 3-2-3. Technology Parameters (“*” means this range is not available) 3-2-3-1. DC Voltages (DCV) Accuracy Model᧤3 1/2 digit᧥ Range FK381 FK382 FK384 FK385 FK388 200mV 2V s(0.5%᧧3d) 20V 200V 1000V s(1.0%᧧5d) Accuracy Range 200mV 2V 20V Model᧤4 1/2 digit᧥ FK386 FK387 s(0.05%᧧3d) s(0.1%᧧3d) Resolution 100uV 1mV 10mV 100mV 1V Resolution 10uV 100uV 1mV 200V 1000V s(0.1%᧧5d) s(0.2%᧧5d) 10mV 100mV Input Resistance: 10M: for all ranges. Overload Protection: 250V DC or AC peak voltage in 200mV range, 1000V DC or AC peak voltage for other ranges. 3-2-3-2. AC Voltage (ACV) Accuracy Resolutio Model᧤3 1/2 digit᧥ Range n FK381 FK382 FK384 FK385 FK388 200mV 2V 20V 200V 750V 200mV 2V s(1.2%᧧3) s(1.2%᧧5d) Model᧤4 1/2 digit᧥ FK386 FK387 Resolution 10uV s(1.0%᧧25d) s(0.8%᧧20d) 100uV 1mV 10mV 100mV 1V s(0.8%᧧5d) Accuracy Range * s(1.2%᧧3) s(0.8%᧧25d) 100uV 20V 200V 750V s(1.0%᧧25d) 1mV 10mV 100mV Input Resistance: 10M:, 1M: in 4 1/2 Digit. Overload Protection: 250V DC or AC peak voltage in 200mV range, 1000V DC or AC peak voltage in other ranges. Frequency Range: 40~400Hz in ranges below 200V, 40~200Hz at 750V range. Indication: Sine rms (mean value response). 3-2-3-3. DC Current (DCA) Accuracy Resolutio Model᧤3 1/2Digit᧥ Range n FK385 FK381 FK382 FK384 FK388 200uA * * 0.1uA 2mA 1uA * s(0.8%᧧3d) s(0.8%᧧3d) 20mA * 10uA 200mA 100uA s(1.2%᧧4d) 20A s(2.0%᧧5d) Accuracy Range Model᧤4 1/2 digit᧥ 10mA Resolution FK386 2mA 20mA 200mA FK387 s(0.5%᧧4d) s(0.8%᧧6d) 0.1uA 1uA 10uA 20A 1mA s(2.0%᧧15d) Maximum Measurement Voltage Drop: 200mV Maximum Input Current: 20A (Do not exceed 15s) Overload Protection: 0.2A/250V fast blow ceramic fuse, no fuse in 20A range. 3-2-3-4. AC Current (ACA) Accuracy Model᧤3 1/2 digit᧥ Range FK381 FK382 FK385 FK388 FK384 200uA * * 2mA * s(1.0%᧧5d) s(1.0%᧧5d) 20mA * 200mA s(2.0%᧧5d) 0.1uA 1uA 20A 10mA s(3.0%᧧10d) Resolution 10uA 100uA Accuracy Range Model᧤4 1/2 digit᧥ FK386 FK387 Resolution 200mA s(1.2%᧧25d) 10uA 20A s(2.5%᧧35d) Maximum Measurements Voltage Drop: 200mV. Maximum Input Current: 20A (Do not exceed 15s) Overload Protection: 0.2A/250V fast blow ceramic fuse, no fuse in20A. Frequency Range: 40~200Hz. Indication: Sine rms (mean value response) 3-2-3-5. Resistance (:) Accuracy Model᧤3 1/2 digit᧥ Range FK381 FK382 FK384 FK385 FK388 200˖ s(0.8%᧧5d) 2k˖ 20k˖ 200k˖ 2M˖ 1mA Resolution 0.1˖ 1˖ s(0.8%᧧3d) 10˖ 100˖ 1 k˖ s(1.0%᧧15d) 20M˖ 200M˖ s[5%(Reading-10d)᧧20d] * 2000M˖ Accuracy Range 200˖ 10 k˖ * s[5%(Reading-10d)+20d] Model᧤4 1/2 digit᧥ FK386 FK387 s(0.2%᧧10d) s(0.5%᧧15d) 2 k˖ 20 k˖ 200 k˖ 2M˖ 100 k˖ 1 M˖ Resolution 0.01˖ 0.1˖ s(0.2%᧧5d) s(0.5%᧧10d) 1˖ 10˖ 100˖ 20M˖ s(0.5%᧧25d) s(1.0%᧧35d) 1 k˖ Open Circuit Voltage: < 3V. Overload Protection: 250V DC or AC peak voltage. Cautions: a. Short test leads and get the measurement value of wire then reduce the value after measuring the target when using 200Mȍ range. b. When using 200Mȍ, short test leads the reading will be 1.0Mȍ, this doesn’t affect measuring accuracy, reduce this value in the real measuring. eg. If the being measured resistance is 100Mȍ, the reading will be 101.0Mȍ, the correct value equals the value after reading reduce short circuit resistance, 101.01.0=100.0Mȍ. 3-2-3-6. Capacitance Accuracy Range FK381 2nF * 20nF * 200nF * 2uF * 20uF 200uF Accuracy Range 2nF Model᧤3 1/2 digit᧥ FK382 FK384 FK385 FK388 * s(2.5%᧧20d) * s(5%᧧5d) Model᧤4 1/2 digit᧥ FK386 FK387 s(2 5%᧧50d) Resolution 1pF 10pF 100pF 1nF 10nF 100nF Resolution 0.1pF 20nF 200nF 2uF 20uF Overload Protection: 36V DC or AC peak voltage. 3-2-3-7. DIODE Test and Continuity Model Range Indication Diode voltage drop FK38 Series Beeper buzzes, measuring point 1pF 10pF 100pF 1nF Test Conditions Current approx. 1mA,Inverse Voltage approx. 3V Open Circuit Voltage approx. 3V resistance<50˖ Overload Protection: 250V DC or AC peak voltage. WARNING: DO NOT INPUT VOLTAGES IN THE RANGE DUE TO SAFETY. 3-2-3-8. Temperature Accuracy Range Model (3 1/2 digit) FK384 FK385 FK388 Resolution -40ഒ~1000ഒ s(0.75%᧧3d)᧸400ഒ 1ഒ s(1.5%᧧15d)ุ400ഒ -40ഘ~1832 ഘ s(0.75%᧧5d)᧸450ഘ * s(1.5%᧧15d)ุ450ഘ Sensor: Ni-Cr or Ni-Si Thermocouple. 3-2-3-9. Frequencies. Accuracy Model᧤3 1/2 digit᧥ Range FK384 FK385 FK388 (FREQ) 2kHZ * 20kHZ 200kHZ s(0.5%᧧4d) s(1.5%᧧15d) 2MHZ 20MHZ 1oF Resolution 1HZ 10HZ 100HZ * Accuracy Range Model᧤4 1/2 digit᧥ FK386 FK387 20 kHZ s(1.5%᧧25d) 1kHZ 10kHZ Resolution 1HZ 3-2-3-10. Transistor Parameters Test (hFE). Model Range Indication FK38 Series NPN or PNP 0~1000 3-2-3-11. Inductance (L). Accuracy Range Measuring Condition Base Current Approx. 10uA.Vce Approx. 3V Model᧤4 1/2 digit᧥ FK385 FK388 2mH 20mH 200mH s(2.5%᧧20d) 2H 20H Overload Protection: 36V DC or AC peak voltage. 4. Operating Instructions: 4-1. Operating Panel Instructions. 1. LCD Display: number and unit will display on it. 2. DC/AC Switch. 3. Meter Model. 4. Transistor Socket. 5. Juggle: switch functions and ranges. 6. Voltage, Resistance, Frequency and Temperature “+” socket. Resolution 1uH 10uH 100uH 1mH 10mH 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Common GND. <200mA current testing and temperature “-” socket. 20A current testing socket. Capacitance, inductance sockets. Power ON/OFF: Turn on or turn off power. Hold Button: When pressing this button, current number will remain on the LCD display, symbol displays“ + ” on the LCD at the same time, press again, Remaining function is disabled and “ + ” disappears. 4-2. Measuring DC Voltage. 4-2-1. Insert black test lead to “COM” jack, red test lead to “V/:” jack. 4-2-2. Set Range switch to desired DC range, then connect test leads to the circuit being measured, the measurement point voltage of red test lead will display on the LCD display. CAUTIONS: 1. If you don’t know the range before measuring, switch range to the maximum range, and then switch corresponding range according the indication. 2. If the highest digit bit displays “1”, which means it’s out of range, set Range switch to a higher range. Input DC should be below 1000V, it might damage the meter when exceeding 3. maximum limits. 4. Avoid touching high-energy circuit when measuring high voltage circuit. 4-3. Measuring AC Voltage. 4-3-1. Insert black test lead to “COM” jack, red test lead to “V/:” jack. 4-3-2. Set Range switch to desired AC range, then connect test leads to the circuit being measured, (press DC/AC switch when using FK385, FK388). CAUTIONS: 1. If you don’t know the range before measuring, switch range to the maximum range, then switch corresponding range according the indication. 2. If the highest digit bit displays “1”, which means it’s out of range, set Range switch to a higher range. 3. Input AC should be below 750Vrms, it might damage the meter when exceeding maximum limits. 4. Avoid touching high-energy circuit when measuring high voltage circuit. 4-4. Measuring DC Current. 4-4-1. Insert black test lead to “COM” jack, red test lead to “mA” jack (Maximum 200mA), or red test lead to “20A” jack (Maximum 20A). 4-4-2. Set Range switch to desired DCA range, then connect test leads to the circuit being measured. CAUTIONS: 1. If you don’t know the range before measuring, switch range to the maximum range, then switch corresponding range according the indication. 2. If the highest digit bit displays “1”, which means it’s out of range, set Range switch to a higher range. 3. Maximum input current is 200mA or 20A (according to the jack of red test lead), overload current will blow the fuse, be cautious when doing measurement in 20A range, overload current might heat the meter or damage it cause of no overload protection in the range. 4-5. Measuring AC Current. 4-5-1. Insert black test lead to “COM” jack, red test lead to “mA” jack (Maximum 200mA), or red test lead to “20A” jack (Maximum 20A). 4-5-2. Set Range switch to desired ACA range, then connect test leads to the circuit being measured. CAUTIONS: 1. If you don’t know the range before measuring, switch range to the maximum range, then switch corresponding range according the indication. 2. If the highest digit bit displays “1”,which means it’s out of range, set Range switch to a higher range. 3. Maximum input current is 200mA or 20A (according to the jack of red test lead), overload current will blow the fuse, be cautious when doing measurement in 20A range, overload current might heat the meter or damage it cause of no overload protection in the range 4-6. Measuring Resistance. 4-6-1. Insert black test lead to “COM” jack, red test lead to “V/:”. 4-6-2. Set Range switch to desired resistance range, then connect test leads to the circuit being measured. CAUTIONS: 1. It will display “1” on LCD if the resistance value is out of range, set Range switch to a higher range in this situation; when the value of being-measured resistance is above 1Mȍ, it takes several seconds for the reading to get stable, it’s normal in resistance measurement. 2. When input point is open circuit, the display is same as overload situation. 3. When measuring resistance in a circuit, make sure all powers have been turned off and all capacitances have been charge-released. 4. Never input voltage in resistance ranges, it’s definitely forbidden, although there’s voltage protection in these ranges 4-7. Measuring Capacitance. Insert capacitance to the capacitance socket and set Range switch to desired range. CAUTIONS: 1. It will display “1” on LCD if the capacitance value is out of range, set Range switch to a higher range in this situation. 2. Before inserting the capacitance to the capacitance socket, the reading of LCD might not be “0”, remaining reading will become “0” gradually, and it won’t affect the measurement accuracy in this situation. 3. Unit 1ȝF=1000nF; 1nF=1000pF 4. Release capacitance charge before measurement to avoid any damages to the meter 4-8. Transistor hFE. 4-8-1. Set Range switch to hFE rank. 4-8-2. Judge NPN or PNP type, plug transistor to the hFE sockets, which are labeled E, B and C for emitter, base and collector. 4-9. DIODE Test. 4-9-1. Insert black test lead to “COM” jack, red test lead to “V/:” jack (red test lead polarity is “+”). 4-9-2. Set Range switch to rank, connect test leads to the diode being measured, the reading is the approximate value of diode voltage drop. 4-9-3. Connect test leads to the measurement points of being-measured circuit, if the internal beeper buzzes, the resistance between measurement points is below 50ȍ. 4-10. Measuring Frequency. 4-10-1. Insert test leads or shielded wire to “COM” and “V/:” jacks. 4-10-2. Set Range switch to desired range, connect test leads to signal source or beingmeasured load. CAUTIONS: 1. When input is over 10Vrms, the reading might be over accuracy. 2. Under noisy circumstance, better choose shielded wire for low output signal measuring. 3. When measuring high voltage circuit, avoid touching the circuit. Never input over 250V DC or AC peak voltage to avoid damaging the meter. 4. 4-11. Measuring Temperature. When measuring temperature, insert thermocouple cool point (free point) to temperature measuring jack, black is “-“, red is “+”, thermocouple working point (temperature measuring point) to the face or inside of being-measured object. Read the number directly from the LCD display, reading is Centigrade or Fahrenheit. 4-12. Measuring Inductance. Insert inductance to the inductance jacks, set Range switch to desired inductance range. CAUTIONS: If the inductance is over range, the LCD display will display “1”, in this situation switch range to a higher rank. 4-13. Data Hold Press Data Hold switch, current data will remain on the display (peak value for JT388) 4-14. Automatic Power-Off. The meter will automatically turn off power and switch to stand-by status if there’s no operation in 15 minutes, the stand-by current is approximate 10µA. To restart the meter, press POWER button twice (only for FK384, FK386, FK387). 5. Maintenance. These series meters are exact meters, do not make any change to the circuits. CAUTIONS: 5-1. Do not apply 1000V DC or 750V AC rms on this meter. 5-2. Do not measure voltage when function is in : rank. 5-3. Do not use this meter to do any measurements when back is not properly covered or batter is not properly installed. 5-4. Remove test leads from testing point and turn OFF meter when replacing battery or fuse. 5-4-1. Battery should be replaced when LCD displays “ ” symbols. Replacement Instructions: 5-4-1-1. Remove the screws from the back of meter and lift off battery door. 5-4-1-2. Remove battery and replace it with a 9V battery, although any standard 9V battery is available, for long term using, you’d better choose alkali-battery. 5-4-1-3. Install battery door and tighten screws. 5-4-2. Fuse Replacement. When replacing fuse, please use fuse with same specification. This Instruction Manual is subject to modification without notice. We believe that the content of the Instructions is correct. In case users find any mistake or omission, please contact with the distributor. This Company shall not take any responsibility for any accident or harm due to improper operation of users. Any function explained in this Instructions shall not justify the special use of this Product.