Bever Team 3
User Manual
Bever Team 3
Bever Team 3
Operators Manual
 Copyright 2009-2010 Bever Control AS. All rights reserved
This document is being furnished by Bever Control AS for information purposes only to licensed users of the
Bever Team product and is furnished on an “AS IS” basis, that is, without any warranties, whatsoever, expressed
or implied.
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Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the
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permission of Bever Control AS.
Bever Team 3
Operators Manual
Written by Karsten Haukaas
Initial publishing in Norwegian May 2009
Updated October 2010
Document No. BT3-1 Revision B
Printed in Norway
Bever Control AS +47 32 85 89 60 +47 32 85 89 61
Gunnersbraatan 2
P.O. Box 20
N-3421 Lierskogen
Page 2
Bever Team 3
What is Bever Team .......................................................................................................7
Definitions ......................................................................................................................7
Installation ......................................................................................................................7
Installation with XP OS and service pack 3 .............................................................7
Licensing ................................................................................................................8
Main screen ....................................................................................................................9
Make a new project .........................................................................................................9
Advanced connection ............................................................................................ 12
The Menu ..................................................................................................................... 16
Submit to database ................................................................................................ 17
Open ..................................................................................................................... 17
Save ...................................................................................................................... 17
Geometry .............................................................................................................. 17
Settings ................................................................................................................. 17
1.5.1 Jumbo Configurations ....................................................................................... 18
1.5.2 Point types: Design ........................................................................................... 18
1.5.3 Contour Layers .................................................................................................. 19
1.5.4 Auto drill plans for Win2000 jumbos ................................................................ 19
1.5.5 Report: Contour surface .................................................................................... 19
Virtual Earth ......................................................................................................... 20
Help ...................................................................................................................... 20
The Screen .................................................................................................................... 21
A geometric minimum – how to create a quick tunnel ................................................... 22
Sheets - overview .......................................................................................................... 24
Sheet - Tunnels ............................................................................................................. 25
The columns ......................................................................................................... 25
Sheet - Line .................................................................................................................. 25
Sheet - Horizontal ......................................................................................................... 26
Sheet - Vertical ............................................................................................................. 27
Sheet - Camber ............................................................................................................. 27
10 Sheet - VIPS ................................................................................................................. 27
11 Sheet - Changes ............................................................................................................ 28
12 Sheet - Contour ............................................................................................................. 28
Overview Production Planning...................................................................................... 31
Face ...................................................................................................................... 31
Laser ..................................................................................................................... 32
Point ..................................................................................................................... 32
Drill Plan .............................................................................................................. 34
Drill plan ...................................................................................................................... 36
Create helper lines ................................................................................................. 36
Create holes on a line ............................................................................................ 37
Single holes........................................................................................................... 38
Read hole group .................................................................................................... 39
Select holes ........................................................................................................... 40
Sequence and rotation ........................................................................................... 41
Automatic generated drill plan .............................................................................. 42
Operations in the table........................................................................................... 43
Ignitor ................................................................................................................... 44
1.10 Ignitor Groups ....................................................................................................... 45
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1.11 Charge plan ........................................................................................................... 46
Overview ...................................................................................................................... 47
Tunnel log overview ..................................................................................................... 47
Profile log viewer ......................................................................................................... 49
Tools ..................................................................................................................... 52
3.1.1 Settings ............................................................................................................. 53
3.1.2 Recalculate ........................................................................................................ 55
3.1.3 Point types ........................................................................................................ 55
3.1.4 Hole colors ........................................................................................................ 56
Report ................................................................................................................... 57
Report examples ........................................................................................................... 58
HEADING ............................................................................................................ 58
LEFT SIDE (theoretical values) ............................................................................ 58
RIGHT SIDE (Measured values) ........................................................................... 59
Overview ...................................................................................................................... 60
Tunnel log overview ..................................................................................................... 60
Report ................................................................................................................... 62
2.1.1 PE-Bolt Report .................................................................................................. 62
2.1.2 Round Report .................................................................................................... 63
Summary............................................................................................................... 64
TunnProduction ............................................................................................................ 65
Main Screen .......................................................................................................... 65
Menus ................................................................................................................... 66
Tool bar ................................................................................................................ 67
Sheets ................................................................................................................... 68
3.4.1 Drillpattern........................................................................................................ 68
3.4.2 Bolts ................................................................................................................. 69
3.4.3 Single hole ........................................................................................................ 70
3.4.4 Multi hole ......................................................................................................... 71
3.4.5 Development ..................................................................................................... 72
3.4.6 Drillpattern 3D .................................................................................................. 73
3.4.7 Linear................................................................................................................ 74
3.4.8 Collar surface .................................................................................................... 75
3.4.9 Linear surface.................................................................................................... 76
Settings ................................................................................................................. 76
Miscellaneous ....................................................................................................... 79
3.6.1 Sequence ........................................................................................................... 79
3.6.2 Area calculation ................................................................................................ 80
3.6.3 Number of drillholes ......................................................................................... 80
Start Injection ............................................................................................................... 81
Import directory .................................................................................................... 81
Overview .............................................................................................................. 82
Status list .............................................................................................................. 82
Summing up .......................................................................................................... 83
Details................................................................................................................... 84
Recipes ................................................................................................................. 85
Diagram Amount Pressure .................................................................................... 86
Diagram Flow Pressure ......................................................................................... 87
Drill log ................................................................................................................ 87
4.9.1 Drill log Geometry view .................................................................................... 88
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4.9.2 Injection parameters diagram............................................................................. 88
4.9.3 Diagram drill parameters ................................................................................... 89
4.9.4 Drill plan view Column ..................................................................................... 91
4.10 Injection Report .................................................................................................... 92
4.11 Menu Settings ....................................................................................................... 92
4.11.1 Import directory ............................................................................................ 92
4.11.2 Setting cement parameters ............................................................................. 93
4.11.3 Setting summing up report............................................................................. 93
4.11.4 Setting diagram ............................................................................................. 94
4.11.5 Setting drill log .............................................................................................. 94
4.11.6 Setting General .............................................................................................. 95
4.12 Menu Correction ................................................................................................... 95
4.12.1 Cement Parameters ........................................................................................ 95
4.12.2 Injection time ................................................................................................ 96
4.12.3 Pump times.................................................................................................... 96
4.12.4 Amount ......................................................................................................... 97
4.13 Menu Injection report ............................................................................................ 97
4.13.1 Drill plan ....................................................................................................... 97
4.13.2 Drill log ......................................................................................................... 98
4.13.3 Set values ...................................................................................................... 98
4.14 Menu Drill plan ..................................................................................................... 99
4.14.1 View drill plan .............................................................................................. 99
4.14.2 View value .................................................................................................. 100
4.14.3 View drill parameters .................................................................................. 100
4.14.4 View injection parameters ........................................................................... 100
4.14.5 Print ............................................................................................................ 100
4.14.6 Export ......................................................................................................... 100
4.15 Menu AF............................................................................................................. 100
4.15.1 Counter balance ........................................................................................... 100
4.15.2 Recipes ........................................................................................................ 101
4.15.3 Correct log files ........................................................................................... 102
How to convert/export log files to other format ........................................................... 104
Main Screen................................................................................................................ 104
Settings ....................................................................................................................... 105
Average rates ...................................................................................................... 105
Define drifter parameters..................................................................................... 105
Define drifters ..................................................................................................... 107
Define Hole types ............................................................................................... 108
Define color scales .............................................................................................. 109
Define a road....................................................................................................... 110
Main Settings Menu ............................................................................................ 112
Iso surface ........................................................................................................... 113
Calculations ................................................................................................................ 113
MWD interpretation on blast drilling, injection drilling, probe drilling gives a
complete documentation scheme ..................................................................................... 114
Export to Excel spreadsheet ................................................................................ 114
MWD Rock Estimation Module Calculations ...................................................... 114
Compensation for control changes in percussion pressure (feed pressure inclusive)
Penetration rate/rotation pressure ........................................................................ 116
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Views and interpretations ............................................................................................ 116
Windows XP............................................................................................................... 119
Windows 7 / Vista ...................................................................................................... 119
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Bever Team 3 Main
1 What is Bever Team
Bever Team is a program that is used for planning and documentation in tunneling.
The program is used by contractors, consultants and clients that need access to project data
and as built data. The database is based on standard SQL.
2 Definitions
Tunnel line Center line or Aligment. The line witch the tunnel is built around.
Defines the horizontal curve of the tunnel.
Cross section. Describes the cross section on a given chainage number
on the tunnel line.
Road model A digital model from client/consultant that can be read directly into the
Drill plan A planned drill pattern which can be transferred to a jumbo.
Drill log
A log from a jumbo. Gives data on as built drilling. Placing on the face,
MWD, water flow, pressure and so on…
Profiler log Points measured with Bever Profiler 3D, scanner or a total station.
Fixed points Reference points in the tunnel. Used to navigate a jumbo or a profiler.
Memory stickMovable media (USB). It is used to import/export data on a jumbo.
Normal file format on the import/export data. Can also be a contour
definition file from Novapoint tunnel.
Standardized database solution. Here defined as the name of the
database, like; XXX.mdf (SQL server Master Database Fil).
3 Installation
Bever Team is installed by inserting the CD. If it is not, use explorer and double click on the
setup.exe file. After the installation is done start the program by opening the “Bever Control”
folder on the desktop. Double click on the Bever Team 3 icon:
Installation with XP OS and service pack 3
There could be an issue with Microsoft`s sevice pack 3 for XP. If the installation is not
completed, contact Bever Control AS for help.
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After startup the program will ask for a valid license file. The following dialogue box will
Fig. 1
Add your name and organization data. Select modules and push the “send e-mail” button. The
program will then open up MS Outlook where the information will be added.
If the license is valid a confirmation will arrive in the e-mail after a short while.
Then the program can be started as normal.
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4 Main screen
Fig. 2
Main screen. First time starters will notice that it is only the two first choices in the
menu that are active.
Change language and ask for a valid license is located in the upper left corner.
5 Make a new project
A project in Bever Team is a collection of planned data and as built data. It is not defined just
how much data the project contain. It can be a total project with many tunnels or just a small
niche inside a tunnel. It is up to each user to define the complexity and size of each project.
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Click on “Create a new project” and on “Next”. The box below will appear:
Fig. 3
Click on “Browse” to define where to save the project file and to give the project a name. The
box below will appear:
Save as
Fig. 4
Click on ”Save” to approve and go to the next dialogue box:
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Fig. 5
Data base connection
On the fig. 5 box, click on the “Browse” button to address the database correctly. The
following box will appear:
Fig. 6
If it is the first time the program is being used the list will be empty. Each database will
however be on the list after creation.
A database can be deleted by graying out the row and push the delete button.
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Normally the user chooses “New std. connection…” then a new window will open and here
the user must find the database file made in a previous step. (Database.MDF). Click on
“Open” and the program will return to Fig. 5, database connection.
Now the user can type in company name and a project name. By clicking on the “Logo”
button can a company logo be referred to. This logo will then appear in all the reports made in
the program. The logo picture should be about 1,5 cm high and 4,2 cm in width to fit ok in the
reports. Recommended format is .bmp.
Advanced connection
If ”New adv. Connection…” is chosen every connection to the database needs to be
configured manually. The first dialogue box to appear is this:
Fig. 7
Here the user must choose which SQL server that is to be used with the program and data
base management. With the Bever Team 3 installation is the MS SQL Express. This is used in
the following instructions.
Choose ”Microsoft SQL Server Database File”. Click ”OK” and the next box will be:
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Fig. 8
Find the project .mdf file made in a previous step by clicking on ”Browse”. Then click on
”Advanced…”. This box will appear:
Fig. 9
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”Data Source” must be set to SQLEXPRESS. Click on ”OK”. The ”Connection Properties”
box (Fig. 8) will appear and the next step is to test the connection. This is done by clicking on
the ”Test Connection” button. The following box should appear:
Fig. 10
Click on “OK” twice and the main screen will appear:
Fig. 11
Main screen. The whole menu should now be active.
To open an existing database file (.MDF) the user must mark ”Manage an existing project” in
the main menu. Then the steps from Fig. 5 must be done.
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When an already existing project is opened it is necessary to load all the log files into the
database again. If it is a project with a digital road model this must be referred to again as
Note! If the database is on a network it is necessary to do a change in the registry. The
procedure to do this is described in a text file on the installation CD.
Note! Only highly trained IT personnel should do this!
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Design Tunnel Geometry
Designing the tunnel geometry is where one or more tunnels are defined. Both with a
horizontal and a vertical alignment. And onto the alignment there has to be contours
connected to it.
A tunnel must always be defined with an alignment and one or more contours.
Main screen in Design Tunnel Geometry:
Fig. 12
1 The Menu
The menu is the same in Design Geometry and Design Tunnel Production Data. Here the user
can find settings for export to jumbo, name of layers in the contour, import of XML files and
Fig. 13
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Submit to database
This button will save all the changes done in the database.
This is used for opening an already existing Bever Team 2 project or an XML file.
The Bever Team 2 project and the XML file can both contain an alignment and contours.
This is used for export of the database. Export to Jumbos, IREDES XML, LandXML, Trimble
survey controller, Leica Road Runner or the database can be converted into a .ZIP file. The
Jumbos are defined under the Settings button.
Fig. 14
This button is a short cut between Design Tunnel Geometry and Design Tunnel Production
Here the user can define various settings. See Fig. 15.
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Fig. 15
1.5.1 Jumbo Configurations
Is used for setting up export parameters to the jumbos.
Fig. 16
Configuration name: Name of the Jumbo/configuration.
Path to media: Choose the path to the memory stick to use.
Type of jumbo: Defines the data format to the jumbo.
Pack/Zip: Used to Zip the project for wireless transfer of data.
1.5.2 Point types: Design
This is used to define different point types that can be used on the jumbo. These values are
used in the Design Tunnel Production Data module.
Fig. 17
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1.5.3 Contour Layers
Here the different layers in the contour can be defined. Layer number, name, visibility, if
camber is to be used and color on the layers.
Fig. 18
1.5.4 Auto drill plans for Win2000 jumbos
Is used to create an automatically generated drill plans for old versions of the Bever Control
system on the jumbo. There is a user guide from Bever Control which can be purchased for
this feature.
Fig. 19
1.5.5 Report: Contour surface
Used to create a report from the theoretical contour surface. This report is only possible with
MS Visio.
A typical report can be as shown in Fig.20.
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Fig. 20
Virtual Earth
Virtual Earth, depended on datum, has to be WGS-84/UTM
Opens the user guide
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2 The Screen
The screen is divided in five separate parts. See Fig. 21 for an overview.
Fig. 21
By using the scroll wheel on the mouse it is possible to zoom in and out on the horizontal
Click and press down the left mouse button to pan on the horizontal alignment.
By clicking on the pin in the upper right corner can the box be minimized. Maximize with the
same function. See Fig. 22.
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Fig. 22
3 A geometric minimum – how to create a quick tunnel
To make a quick test project it is enough to have a line and a contour. The easiest way to do
this is first to define a tunnel. This is done by giving the tunnel a name, for type, choose point
After this is done click on the Line sheet.
The picture in Fig. 23 will appear. Punch in some easy values on the northing and easting and
the simple alignment are all done.
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Fig. 23
The next step will then be to create a contour.. Click on the Contour sheet. Type in a
Chainage, should be on the alignment somewhere. Then type in a description. After that, click
on the Edit button. Then the contour editor will come up.
In the contour editor there are several ways to enter a contour. In this case we choose the
General – XYR. Then type in some values. Fig. 24 gives an example on values.
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Fig. 24
Go out of the contour editor and push the Submit to database button.
4 Sheets - overview
The different elements in the design are available in the sheets in the lower left corner. They
can vary if it is different type of alignments that are in use. Point line, Parametric or VIPS. In
Fig. 22 it`s shown with a Parametric line.
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5 Sheet - Tunnels
A tunnel can be one of many in a project. On each tunnel there can be contours, points, lasers
and as built data.
To get up a menu in the tunnel table, just right click with the mouse.
Save: Saves the tunnel line into Atlas tunnel line (tl8), Bever Win 2000 line (tli) or Bever Org
line (tli).
Control: To control northing, easting, height and camber on the alignment.
The columns
Name – The name of the tunnel or alignment
Type – Here the user can choose between Point Line, Parametric or VIPS.
Delta – Gives the length between each point created on the alignment for the jumbo export.
With steep curves it can be useful to put this to maybe 1 or 2 meter. Default value is 5 meters.
If the tunnel consists of a point line then the next sheet will be Line.
If it consist of a parametric line then there will be three new sheets, Horizontal, Vertical and
If the tunnel is defined as VIPS then there will also be in addition to the ones mentioned
above a sheet named Changes and a sheet named VIPS.
6 Sheet - Line
Fig. 25
A point line is defined with a series of points containing chainage, northing, easting, up
(elevation) and camber at each point. These values can either be typed directly in the table or
be imported on .TLI (Bever Control), .TL8 (Atlas Copco) or Iredes.XML formats.
When right clicking in the table a menu will appear. Fig 26.
Open will bring the user to the import dialog box.
It`s also possible to extend a line or find a point on the line by typing in a new chainage value
in the bottom of the table. Right click and choose Suggest coordinates and the program will
interpolate or extend.
Check delta pel will control if there are any differences between the chainage values and the
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It is also possible to right click on the header over each column.
Fig. 26
7 Sheet - Horizontal
When having a parametric line as alignment the Line sheet will be switched with three new
ones. The first is the Horizontal.
Fig. 27
It shows the Horizontal alignment in the tunnel with chainage, northing, easting, radius start,
radius end and clotoides. Right click in the table and the menu in Fig. 28 will appear.
Fig. 28
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8 Sheet - Vertical
The vertical sheet will show the vertical alignment in the tunnel
Fig. 29
Right click and the same menu as on the horizontal sheet will appear. Fig.28.
9 Sheet - Camber
The Camber sheet will show the “tilt” of the tunnel around the alignment. It`s even here
possible to right click and get up a small menu with copy, paste and so on.
Fig. 30
10 Sheet - VIPS
Vips is a total road model that can be imported directly into the Bever Team 3. Together with
a digital tunnel model the user can get a total project which contains all the data needed to
start making drill plans. To read a Vips project the model files are needed. Including the
tunnel geometry file. If the geometry file is not included it is possible to make a dummy
structure file. That must be done in order to export survey data.
Fig. 31
Load in the Vips and the tunnel structure file by pushing the browse button.
Beware to get the right camber values from the model by choosing the right surface.
Clear will reset. Dummy structure will create a dummy structure a parameter will give an
overview of the tunnel length were there are structure, or contours. If marking the show layers
the different layers in the road model will be turned on and off in the graphics.
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11 Sheet - Changes
This shows the changes in the geometry of both the road model and the tunnel model. This is
defined by chainage and a code for what is happening at the actual chainage.
Fig. 32
It`s even here a right click menu. The most used features in that is the update selection.
If a new road model is read in the update feature should be used on all sheets containing one
in the menu.
12 Sheet - Contour
Fig. 33
This is where the contours will be connected to the alignment and where the contours are
made. Type in chainage and give the contour a name (description). After this is done, click the
Edit button and the contour editor will open.
There is also a right click menu here. Fig. 34.
Here copy and paste can be used as well as deleting contours.
Send To and Get From are basically sending the actual contour to a library and get a contour
from the library.
Choose File and an open/save dialogue will appear.
If you are at a chainage between two known contours the program can suggest a new
interpolated one with the suggest contour election.
Suggest interpolation will try to find a way to arrange the points in a contour automatically for
correct interpolation between the two.
Check interpolation will open up the profiler log viewer so that the user can “walk” through
the tunnel and control the interpolation done.
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Fig. 34
There are several types of making a contour. In the roll down menu there are:
General – XYR, Input data by typing or cut and paste. X and Y relative to the tunnel
alignment, which is shown as a small round marker in the grid. R is the radius.
General – Angle, input as the previous but with angles as well.
Open/Save File, an existing one can be opened or the one in play can be saved. In .tl2 and
XML format.
Standard, here a standard from the Norwegian tunneling handbook can be chosen and
Graphical, Here a contour can be drawn directly into the grid by clicking the mouse.
It is possible to zoom in and out by using the scroll wheel on the mouse.
To add or remove layers. Just right click on the layer sheet and choose add or delete.
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Fig. 35
It is also important to notice that a contour always is defined with the first point in the low left
corner and goes clockwise to the end point. The endpoint doesn`t have to be the same as the
start point. The program will close the polygon with a straight line.
To make a report it is necessary to keep the graphical contour to the left of the thin grey line
in the grid. After this is done click the report button and choose Excel or Visio.
Any regrets? Hit the Undo button.
Right click for a menu like Fig. 36. Here the user can select to copy and paste, add a line,
delete lines and scale up or down the whole contour.
Fig. 36
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Production Planning
1 Overview Production Planning
Fig. 37
This part is used to define Faces, Lasers, Points and Drill Plans
The Main menu on top is the same as in the Planning of Geometry part.
The difference is in the sheets at the low left corner.
The first sheet is Face. This is used to define the different faces in a project, connect the face
to a tunnel and give the drill direction. The column to the left (Active) indicates if the face are
to be exported to a Jumbo or a Total station. Mark the box and it will be exported, leave it
unmarked it will not.
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Fig. 38
Here the user can define a laser used for navigating the Jumbo. Give the laser a name and type
in Northing, easting and Elevation. Both at the laser and at the face, or as close to the face as
There is also a right click menu in the table.
Fig. 39
Chainage range is for limiting the range for where the laser is active, this is given with a start
chainage and an end chainage.
Control is for a third point measured on the laser, and then the user can see the deviation on
the laser line.
Check with contour will open the contour window and the laser can be checked if it`s inside
the contour for the desired range.
Point is used for defining Fixed Points and other installations in the tunnel that could be
Fig. 40
Give the point a name, type in northing, easting and the elevation.
Type of points can be defined in the main menu at the top, under Settings and Point Types:
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If the Alarm is set, the Jumbo operator can get information of the point on the screen in the
Jumbo. This is mainly used for trenches, niches and installations that`s not included in the
design. The operator will also get the text from the description field.
Right click in the table and the following menu will appear:
Fig. 41
Open is for importing a file containing points.
Save is for saving the point list to a file.
Pel is for typing in a point with chainage, distance to alignment and elevation.
Report brings up an excel report.
Properties give information on the selected point.
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Drill Plan
Fig. 42
This is for making drill plans. The activate column to the left defines if the drill plan is to be
exported to the Jumbo or not. If active it will be exported.
The chainage typed in will define the actual contour for the drill plan.
Round Length defines the length of the round and will indicate if it is a blast round, grouting,
bolt or probe.
The description will be the information the Jumbo operator will see and must be used.
To create the drill plan simply press the Edit button.
Right click and the following menu will appear:
Fig. 43
Send to is used to send the drill plan to a library called favorites.
Get from will open the library so that a drill plan can be inserted.
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Drill plan editor
Fig. 44
The drill plan editor will contain two or five sheets at the top of the screen.
The first one gives a summary of the drill plan.
The user can create a new one, open an existing or save the current one.
Setup is mainly used for turning the ignitor and charge sheets on and off and for setting of the
hole parameters.
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1 Drill plan
The drill pattern is defined on this sheet.
Use the Select button to create holes, help lines, sequences or an automated drill pattern:
Create helper lines
Fig. 45
Helper lines can be used to create holes on a line. To create a line just left click with the
mouse and drag the line to where it should be. After the line is created it is easy to edit the
line in the table if it is not in the right place.
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Create holes on a line
Fig. 46
First must the line to use be marked. Use left click on the mouse. There are two methods of
adding holes.
1. Choose the hole type and set the parameters from the table on the left side. Push the
Add button on if pleased push Apply.
2. Right click and choose Add and pick the desired hole type.
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Single holes
Fig. 47
There are two methods of adding holes.
1. Choose the hole type and set the parameters from the table on the left side. Click
inside the contour and the hole will be placed.
2. Right click and choose Add and pick the desired hole type.
Page 38
Read hole group
Fig. 48
Choose Open, find the file and it will be opened.
The group of holes can be moved around by typing in coordinates and press the Move
button or left clicking with the mouse.
The group of holes can be cut so that only the holes inside the area will be applied. Mark
the Use clipping. Adjust the parameters
Page 39
Select holes
Fig. 49
Choose method and then mark the desired holes. The marked holes will turn up green on
the screen and will also appear in the table.
The Help on the left side gives an over view over quick tools.
To use the last two quick tools the method has to be “single”.
Page 40
Sequence and rotation
Fig. 50
Choose the boom for the sequence. When a hole is marked: Hold down the Shift button
and the left mouse button to change the rotation.
Page 41
Automatic generated drill plan
Fig. 51
Load the parameters by choosing Generate. Also choose which parameter set to use and
the chainage to put it.
The parameters in the excel file can be adjusted to fit the users need:
Choose Edit
Excel will start
Change the desired values
Save the file.
Read in the new parameters.
Page 42
Operations in the table
Fig. 52
There are several ways to change the values in the table:
Directly type values in each cell.
Right click on the column header to change values on the entire column.
Fig. 53
By right clicking in the table the following menu will appear. Here the user can choose to
show more columns, delete and copy / paste in the table.
Fig. 54
Page 43
Fig. 55
Choose method to mark the holes for the ignitors.
Type: Ignitor type.
View: Delay or ignitor name in the graphics.
Report: Makes an excel report with ignitors.
Page 44
1.10 Ignitor Groups
Fig. 56
Choose method to mark the holes for the ignitors.
Type: type of delayer.
Name: A free given name on the group.
Connected to: the connection from this group and to the next. The user must type in several
groups in order to get more groups to choose from.
View: Group name or total delay for the hole.
Report: Makes an excel or Visio report with ignitor groups.
Page 45
1.11 Charge plan
Fig. 57
Choose method to mark the holes for the charge.
Type: Different types of charge.
Report: Makes an excel report with the actual charge in each marked hole.
Standard values used are from Orica.
Page 46
As built geometry
1 Overview
The as built geometry module is used to control the tunnel geometry and create reports of
over and underbreak, including volumes and areas in a tunnel. There are two main screens,
the first one gives an overview of log files, both from a Bever Win 3D profiler and other
scanner units, such as total stations and scanners. The second one gives a view of the
scanning, graphically. All the settings and the different reports are also in the second
2 Tunnel log overview
The tunnel log overview screen:
Fig. 58
A list of the different tunnels in the project are displayed in the top window. In Fig. 58
there is only one. Mark the desired tunnel and the log files connected to the selected tunnel
will appear in the bottom window.
To add new files just click on the Add button in the upper left corner. An explorer window
will then appear. Navigate to where the log files are, mark the ones to import and click
Open. In the dialog box the user can also choose different file types.
.LG4 Bever Win 3D Profiler
.LG5 Atlas Copco Win 3D Profiler
.KOF text based file
.PXY text based file
.SVY Leica Scanner text based file
Page 47
The new files will automatically be sorted along the horizontal alignment. It is also
possible to click on the header over each column to sort by number of point, date, chainage
and so on.
To delete log files, mark the ones that should be deleted and press the Delete button on
upper left corner. Only the one or ones that is marked will be deleted.
If right clicking on a log file the following menu will appear Fig.59:
Fig. 59
View – this will open the Profiler log viewer and display all log files.
View current – this will open the profiler log viewer and show the current log.
Add – this will open the add log files dialog window.
Delete – this will delete the marked log file.
Send to – this will allow the user to save the log file in another folder.
Change type – here the point type code can be changed.
Details – this will open the Profiler log viewer.
3D Mesh – this will show the log file in a 3D mesh.
Properties – this will show details about the log file, see Fig. 60. Some values are only
valid from the Bever Win 3D profiler.
Page 48
Fig. 60
3 Profile log viewer
The main window shows a picture of the contour together with scanned data. Optional
production data can also be shown. The different point types and information about these
can be seen on the right side. On the top menu the user can step along the alignment,
choose to report and do various settings under the Tools button. The field under the
graphical display are for comments and marking in the graphical view. Note that this can
only be done with the model mode switch off.
Page 49
Fig. 61
To zoom in and out, use the scroll wheel on the mouse or the pad.
To walk along the alignment the user can use the Prev. and Next buttons in the upper left
corner. It is also possible to type in a chainage number directly in the box. For faster
movement, hold down the ALT + arrow down/up buttons.
To choose a scanned point along the contour just click on the desired point or hold down
the ALT + arrow left/right buttons. When this is done the values to the right, under the
“cursor” header will change.
To comment in the graphical window just type in the desired comment. Click on the color
to change this and click on the position and thereafter on the contour to set a circular
marker in the graphical window. To delete this, just mark the comment line and push the
delete button or right click in the window and choose Restore from the menu.
Right click menu in graphical window, Fig 62:
Fig. 62
Delete current:
Will delete the current point where the marker are.
Page 50
Toggle deviation: Will set the deviation on current position in the graphics.
Erase points:
Will bring up an eraser. To turn it off, right click and choose Erase
points again.
Will restore any erased points and remove any comments in this
Surface map:
Will bring up a flattened view of the tunnel with the current
production holes on it, e.g. rock support bolts. See Fig 63.
Fig. 63
Page 51
By right clicking on one of the logs in the surface map the Move production holes dialog
box will show. Here the production holes can be moved. The whole log or just within a
timeframe. Start values will give the actual desired movement and the End values will give
the direction.
Fig. 64
Fig. 65
Various settings for calculations, views, graphics and filters.
Must be done after adjusting various settings. Choose between the
complete tunnel or a specified length.
Point types: Settings for displaying point types. E.g. color.
Hole colors: Settings for displaying production data (Drilled holes).
Page 52
3.1.1 Settings
Fig. 66
To change values, type directly in the table. To turn on and off, choose hide or show.
01 General
01 Chainage delta (m)
The step length along the alignment. Standard length
are 0,5 meters. This will display all the points at the
actual chainage ± 0,25 m. If the value is set to 1 meter
then all the points ± 0,5 meters will be displayed in
the graphics. The program will also use this value
when calculating over and underbreak, so it is
therefore important to set this as small as possible.
02 Contour layer used…
Choose which layer to use in calculations.
03 Print every (profile)
If the chainage delta is set to 0,5 meters and a print for
every 10 meters is needed this can be set to e.g. 20.
04 Contour radius add (m)
Can be used to calculate and display an offset to the
current contour layer. Both positive and negative
values can be used.
02 View
01 Hidden points
To hide or show the points that is outside the values
set in the “Filter” dialogue.
02 Estimates
This is to turn on/off estimates in calculations. The
values is set in the “Estimation” dialogue.
Page 53
03 Draw line between points
04 Minimum deviation from…
05 Auto scale
06 Maximum deviation…
07 Model
08 Scale
09-10 Screen corrections
11-12 Report corrections
13 Basic mode
03 Filter
01 Maximum distance…
02 Maximum deviation…
03 Maximum deviation…
04 Average distance for..
04 Estimation
01 Left side length…
02 Right side length…
Calculations are done between where the estimates are
Turn on/off lines between the scanned points.
Turn on/off a graphical value where the scan is
closest to the theoretical surface.
For printing. The contour will automatically be fitted
in the print window. (The grey square in the
graphically view).
Turn on/off graphical value where the scan is furthest
away from the theoretical surface.
This can be used to smoothen the surface on the scan.
A triangulated model is made. From the model points
and lines will be drawn along the contour with a 50
mm distance between them. No changes can be made
and saved in this mode.
The standard scale when opening the viewer.
Can be used to set a factor to correct the scale on the
graphical view on screen.
Can be used to set a factor to correct the scale on the
Displays only the basic information in the log file.
If the distance between two points exceed this value
there will not be drawn a line between them.
All point outside this value will not be used
in calculations. They can also be hidden if the
“Hidden points” is turned on.
All point outside this value will not be used in
calculations. They can also be hidden if the
“Hidden points” is turned on.
A filter. If a value is given here the program will
take all the points within the radius and make
one point with an average value. Mostly used for
large scanner files. > 500 000 points.
Where to set the start of the estimated
values/calculations. If there are no points where the
estimate start the program will take the average
deviation and use that value where there are missing
Where to set the end of the estimated
values/calculations. If there are no points where the
estimate ends the program will take the average
Page 54
deviation and use that value where there are missing
05 Surface
01 Length per page (m)
02 Max value (m)
03 Min value (m)
04 Equidistance (m)
05 Scale
06 Max edge distance
The length along the alignment that will be printed
per page on the report.
Outside perimeter. Points outside this value will not
be displayed.
Inside perimeter. Points outside this value will not be
Steps of color within the max and min value.
Scale of the surface.
Defines the longest length of a leg in the triangles
used to create the surface. There will not be created a
surface if the lengths are longer than this value.
3.1.2 Recalculate
If major changes are done in the settings menu, the hole types are changed or if
some of the log files are deleted then a recalculation must be done. Choose the
whole tunnel or a section of the tunnel.
3.1.3 Point types
Fig. 67
Name of the different types can be defined. Color can be changed by double clicking on
the color.
Visible indicates whether the points are visible or not.
Point type is the actual coding of the scanned points. If the points don`t have any codes
attached to them they will automatically get the code 31. The codes can also be changed in
the log overview window.
The graphic point symbol is a small dot, if the user want another symbol it can be changed
under the Symbol column.
! If there are a number of different point types they all can be displayed as one if the point
type in the first field in the Point type column is set to 1000.
Page 55
3.1.4 Hole colors
Fig. 68
Here the viewing of different production holes in the graphical overview can be turned on
and off.
The first sheet defines the different hole types.
External holes are holes that are measured and imported from a non production file.
The geometry logs must also be turned On in order to view them in the graphical window.
Fig. 69
Fig. 69 shows the sheet where the coloring and viewing of the different production holes
can be classified. There are two types of classification; based on hole length or based on
hole type.
Type in different lengths and choose the color.
Fig. 70
Page 56
Fig. 70 shows the last sheet where external hole types can be defined. Type in the code on
the points from the file and choose the color.
Fig. 71
Here different types of reports can be generated. It is also possible to export points to
different text based files (.KOF and .PXY).
From and to chainage must be typed in for all the reports and export.
Graphical report will generate a report of the cross section/contour.
Surface report will generate a surface map/flattened view of the tunnel containing the
scanned surface and production holes. These must however be turned on in the hole color
table (Fig. 68). The surface map is a function of the distance between the scanned surface
and the theoretical contour.
Thickness report will generate a map/flattened view of the tunnel containing the two
scanned surfaces. Two types of holes must be chosen. The surface map is a function of the
distance between the two scanned surfaces.
Numerical report either a volume report or a estimated bolt length report. Choose template;
extended or standard for volume and bolt estimates for the bolt report.
Extended contains more information in the calculations than the standard. Volume are
calculated by area x length. See Fig. 72.
Export to file type will export data from and to a specified chainage to a text based file.
All of the reports are Excel based, so it is possible to go in and change the template if
necessary. This must however be done by experienced Excel and computer people.
Page 57
4 Report examples
Excel volume report example. Type Standard:
Fig. 72
Site – Project or site, from the excel sheet; RawData1.
Tunnel – Specific tunnel, from the excel sheet; RawData1.
Date – Date, from the excel sheet; RawData1.
Comment – Comment, from the excel sheet: RawData1.
Calculated length in meter – The calculated length, from the excel sheet; RawData3, plus
the last area.
LEFT SIDE (theoretical values)
Comment - Place to type in a comment.
Signature – Place to type in operator
Contour volume – Total volume of calculated tunnel. Area of theoretical contours times
steps on tunnel line (Station, Chainage). From the excel sheet RawData3.
Page 58
Trench volume – The operator must define the size of the trench in the formula. If there are
none the volume is zero.
Total volume - Contour volume plus ditch volume.
Contour length – The length along the contour from the defined floor on the left side and to
the defined floor on the right side. From the excel sheet RawData3.
Perimeter floor – The length of the floor from left to right side. From the excel sheet
Perimeter floor – Total length around the contour, including tunnel profile and floor.
Out Area conditions – The value indicates what should be taken into the calculations of the
over break. If the value is set to 0, all area of over break will be used. The value here is
used in the formula in “No of slices”.
No of Slices – The number of contours with over break data in it. Containing over break
larger than the value set in “Out area conditions”.
InArea Condition - The value indicates what should be taken into the calculations of the
under break. If the value is set to 0, all area of under break will be used. The value here is
used in the formula in “Total measured inside” on the right side of the sheet.
RIGHT SIDE (Measured values)
Omit sections without data – Sections without any data.
Overbreak measured – All sections with over break are summoned. From the excel sheet
Measured tunnel length – Length of tunnel containing scanned data.
Total overbreak – Estimated value including the sections without measured data. It is an
average of the sections with data times the sections without.
Total volume tunnel – Theoretical volume and over break volume summoned.
Overbreak % - The percentage over break compared to the theoretical contour.
All the numbers above are from scanned data. The numbers below are from estimated
data. The average deviation is taken and used on the parts along the contour lacking
scanned data.
Overbreak total - All sections with over break are summoned. From the excel sheet
Measured tunnel length – Length of tunnel containing scanned data.
Total estimated overbreak – Estimated value including the sections without measured data.
It is an average of the sections with data times the sections without.
Total volume tunnel – Theoretical volume and over break volume summoned.
Overbreak % - The percentage over break compared to the theoretical contour.
Total measured inside – gives the value of the under break. From the excel sheet
Page 59
As built production
1 Overview
The as built Production module is used to show log files from data controlled jumbos such
as AMV, Atlas Copco, Terex and Sandvik. The log files can be displayed graphical and
together with the actual tunnel contour. Important parameters like penetration rate can be
displayed from one or several holes. When opening a log file a new program will be
launched. The Bever Team Tunnproduction.
2 Tunnel log overview
The tunnel log overview screen:
Fig. 73
A list of the different tunnels in the project are displayed in the top window. In Fig. 73
there are several tunnels. Mark the desired tunnel and the log files connected to the
selected tunnel will appear in the bottom window.
To add new files just click on the Add button in the upper left corner. An explorer window
will then appear. Navigate to where the log files are, mark the ones to import and click
Open. In the dialog box the user can also choose different file types.
Page 60
Bever Production log files
Bever Production log files
Iredes Production log files
Atlas Production log files
text based file
text based file
The new files will automatically be sorted along the horizontal alignment. It is also
possible to click on the header over each column to sort by number of points, navigation
date, chainage and so on.
To delete log files, mark the ones that should be deleted and press the Delete button in the
upper left corner. Only the one or ones that is marked will be deleted.
If right clicking on a log file the following menu will appear Fig.74:
Fig. 74
View – This will open the Tunnproduction app and show the log files. The user will be
asked if the tunnel line should be reused. Answer yes or no. If there are no changes in the
geometry it is not necessary to reuse the line. This is for quicker response in the
Mwd – Opens up the Mwd module.
Add – This will open the add log files dialog window.
Delete – This will delete the marked log file.
Send to – This will allow the user to save the log file in another folder or tunnel.
Properties – Not in use.
Page 61
Click on the report button to generate a production report. The menu in Fig 75. will appear.
Fig. 75
2.1.1 PE-Bolt Report
This report is used for documenting fixed bolts/anchors. Depending on the inner lining it
can be bolts for rock support, membranes, concrete elements, various attachments and
other water and frost protection bolting.
Fig. 76
The bolt number along the contour, numbered from the lower left corner.
Station number.
Length of bolt to be mounted.
Actual drilled length.
Page 62
2.1.2 Round Report
A report where various average values from the jumbo are summoned.
Fig. 77
Page 63
A report who also generate more hole details about the drilling. Mark the desired log files
in the overview and generate the report.
Fig. 78
Page 64
3 TunnProduction
Main Screen
Fig. 79
To the left are the chainage numbers on all the rounds registered in the project.
The marker is on the round displayed.
The middle window shows a graphical display of the drilled round.
To the right are a list with details and descriptions for the graphical window.
Page 65
Save as
Save holetab
Open external bolts
Graphdata to Excel
Print preview
Printer setup
Create a new Tunnlog project.
Open a TunnProd project.
Save as a TunnProd project.
Save as a TunnProd project.
Save the current log and holes in a text file with
Import external bolts from .TXT or .KOF files.
Export graphs to Excel
Exit the program and returns to the log overview.
New textbox
Line textbox
Selected hole will be set as a Dummy hole.
Delete all the changes made in the log.
Copies the graphical window. Paste into desired
Create a textbox in the graphical window.
Create a line from the textbox to a desired point.
Next round
Prev round
Merge next
Merge next
Shows a detailed report for a chosen hole.
Choose between the different sheets in the
graphical window.
Shows the sequence of the drilled holes.
Shows area of the contour or drilled holes.
Shows number of drilled holes and type of holes.
Go to next drill log increasing chainage.
Go to next drill log decreasing chainage.
Merge the next logfile in increasing chainage.
Merge the next logfile in decreasing chainage.
Shows data and graphs from a single hole .
Shows data and graphs from several holes.
Refresh the graphical view.
Page 66
Tool bar
Status bar
Page header
Zoom in
Zoom out
Turn on/off the tool bar.
Turn on/off the status bar at the bottom.
Turn on/off the sheets in the graphical window.
Turn on/off the grid.
Zoom in on chosen hole.
Zoom out to default value.
Various control parameter settings.
Not in use.
Not in use.
Tool bar
Button functionality:
Create a new Tunnlog project.
Open a TunnProd project.
Save settings for the application.
Set holetype to dummy
Grid on/off.
Zoom in on a selected hole.
Default zoom scale.
Left mouse button to choose a hole.
Left mouse button to choose many holes.
Refresh / Remove marking on holes.
Make a new textbox.
Create a line from textbox
Print. One page pr. round.
Show version number and copyright information.
Not in use.
Page 67
3.4.1 Drillpattern
Will show the round from the face and in.
Use the scroll bars to move the graphics around. This will also move it on the printout.
Choose a hole in the round by left click and then right click. A menu will appear were
different settings can be done:
Change the hole type.
Type a text line which can be shown in the graphics and on the reports.
Show a detailed report on a hole.
Fig. 80
• Started: When the hole was started.
• Ended: When the hole was ended.
• Boom: Which boom who drilled the hole.
• Hole type: Registered hole type.
• Auto/man.: Shows whether the hole is drilled in auto or manually mode.
• Log mode: Position, normal or extended.
• Drillplan: Which drillplan is used for this hole.
• Right, Height, Distance: Position for where the hole was started.
• Look out: Look out.
• Direction: The angle of the hole.
• Rotation: Feeder rotation.
Page 68
Hole depth
• Depth ref: Max, collar or face.
• Number of rods: The number of rods used to drill the hole.
• Start depth: Distance from depth ref before the logging started.
• End depth: Distance from depth ref before the logging ended.
• Drilled in normal: Drilled length in normal modus.
Ave. drilling:
• Penetration rate – Hammer, Feeder, Rotation pressure: Average values for the hole.
• Detailed time view of the different drilling operations.
• Number of samples from the drilling.
• Voltage: Average supply voltage for the drilled hole.
• Motor current: Average electric current for the drilled hole.
• System pressure: Average system pressure for the drilled hole.
3.4.2 Bolts
Show a flattened view of the tunnel with the bolt holes. An external bolt file can be opened
and displayed in the graphics by choosing File, Open external bolts.
Page 69
3.4.3 Single hole
Fig. 81 Single hole
Graphical view of the different hole parameters as a function of the hole depth.
Page 70
3.4.4 Multi hole
Fig. 82 Multi hole
Graphical view of one hole parameter as a function of the hole depth.
Choose other parameters by clicking on the Parameters button in the menu.
Page 71
3.4.5 Development
Fig. 83 Development
Graphical view of one hole parameter as a function of the hole number.
Choose other parameters by clicking on the Parameters button in the menu.
Show one graph per boom.
Page 72
3.4.6 Drillpattern 3D
Fig. 84 Drillpattern 3D
A 3D view of the round. The scoll bars decides the angle of the 3D rotation. The length of
the graphical axis can be set under Settings in the menu.
Graphical view of one hole parameter as a function of the round.
Choose other parameters by clicking on the Parameters button in the menu.
Page 73
3.4.7 Linear
Fig. 85 Linear
A Graphical view of one or more rounds at a specific chainage. It is also possible to view
the profiler scan together with the round holes.
Page 74
3.4.8 Collar surface
Fig. 86 Collar Surface
Graphical height map of the collar surface. To the right there is a profile of the collar seen
from the left towards the right. Under is a profile seen from above and downwards. Choose
where to see the profile by left click on the mouse in the map. The red cross will then
indicate where the profiles are.
Page 75
3.4.9 Linear surface
Fig. 87 Linear Surface
Graphical map of one or more rounds shown as a function of penetration rate. Choose
other parameters by clicking on the Parameters button in the menu.
This tool box is found by clicking on setup and options in the top menu.
Page 76
Fig. 88 Properties
• Peg linear
Delta linear
Ave. along rod
Tunnel offset
Max dist. Area calc
Max height area calc
Normal round length
• Drill hole size
• Grid dist.
• Graphs pr. page
• Size 3D view
• Colored surface map
• Print in color
Chainage where the drill log and interpolated contour
The chainage distance in linear mode.
Distance where the average values are collected.
Max distance between the holes when calculating area.
Max height above tunnel line when calculating area.
Standard round length
The size of the graphical holes.
The distance between the squares in the grid.
How many graphs per page to be printed.
The length of the axis in the 3D view.
Turn the colors on/off.
Print in color or black and white.
• Mark the holes to show in the graphics.
• Double click on the color in order to change this.
Page 77
Bolt Colors
• To show different bolt lengths in different colors. Click add and then double click on
the added line to set the length and color.
Hole info
• Feeder rotation
• Sequence line
• Look out
• Collar point
• Hole text
Turn on/off the display of feeder rotation on each hole.
Show the sequence line for each boom.
Turn on/off the look out for each hole.
Show the collar as a point in the graphics.
Turn on/off different text values for each hole.
• Drillholes
• Lines
• Colored
• View
Show drillholes from the drillplan.
Show the lines from the drillplan.
Show the drillholes from the drillplan in blue.
Show the teorethical contour.
• Setup for displaying the graphs and surface maps. Normally set to auto.
• Max distance between points to draw a line between them.
• Max deviation outside the contour to draw a line to the points.
• Max deviation inside the contour to draw a line to the points.
• Measurement: To show the measurements one step before and one step after the
chainage value.
• Interpolated profile: Use a triangulation to draw a interpolated profile at the chainage
Page 78
3.6.1 Sequence
Choose Round – Sequence in the menu.
Fig. 89 Sequence
Fig. 90 Setup Boom
In the Drillpattern sheet will the first hole drilled in the round be marked with a boom
figure. It is the possible to step trough the actual drilled sequence by clicking on the
next/previous buttons.
Determine the boom setup. For a tree boomer it is best to use the default settings. Boom
height is the graphical size of the boom figure.
Page 79
3.6.2 Area calculation
Choose Round – Area in the menu.
Fig. 91Area calculations
The area can be calculated from:
• Drill holes, collar The area drawn around the holes on the collar.
• Drill holes, bottom
The area drawn around the holes at the bottom of the round.
• Drillholes, from collar to collar will give a volume on the round.
• Lines, drillplan The area drawn around the holes in the drillplan.
• Contour
Area of the theoretical contour.
3.6.3 Number of drillholes
Choose Round – Number in the menu.
Fig. 92 Number of drillholes
Page 80
4 Start Injection
Fig. 93 Start Injection
Select Injection and click Next to start the Injection program.
At the bottom the current selected database and project name are shown.
Import directory
Fig. 94 Directories
The first time the program starts and no backup directory have been selected the dialog for
select the backup directory appears. Click Browse beside the Backup directory: and select
a folder in which the imported files will be stored. Finish the action with OK.
To change the directories at runtime select Settings|Directories in the toolbar.
Page 81
Fig. 95 Status list
On the left side are the tabs with the list of log files and drill files which can be selected.
The lists show the Peg number, Umbrella number, start of the log time and the filename.
With double click or with the Select button on the bottom a new file can be selected which
is displayed in the tabs on the right side. The tabs on the right side show the log
information, reports and diagrams of the current selected log file.
When the tab (on the right sight) Status list, Summing up, Details, Recipe, Diag. Amount
Pressure or Injection is active then a file from the tab list Status logs have to be selected
and for the tab Diag. Flow Pressure a file from the tab list Drifts logs have to be selected.
For the tab Drill log a drill log file from the tab list Drill logs and a drill plan from the tab
list Drill plan have to be chosen.
Status list
The Status list shows all log entries of the log file see Feil! Fant ikke referansekilden..
Page 82
Summing up
Fig. 96 Summing up report
The Summing up tab shows the report for summing up of cement, supplements, slurry,
accelerator and end pressure per hole. For correction of the amount of cement and injection
time see chapter 4.12.
In the toolbar of the tab are buttons for export, print and navigate to the next page. The
report can be exported to Excel, Word and Pdf.
Page 83
Fig. 97 Details report
The Details report shows the pump time and recipe name with the injected amount of each
hole. In the header the total pump time of each pump is listed. For correction of the pump
times see chapter 4.12.3.
In the toolbar of the tab are buttons for export, print and navigate to the next page. The
report can be exported to Excel, Word and Pdf.
Page 84
Fig. 98 Recipe report
The recipe report listed the used recipes with the composition of the recipes, mixing time
and so on. It can be used recipes with the same recipe names but different composition.
The log time is for the distinction of these recipes. It shows at which time the recipe is
In the toolbar of the tab are buttons for export, print and navigate to the next page. The
report can be exported to Excel, Word and Pdf.
Page 85
Diagram Amount Pressure
Fig. 99 Diagram Amount and Pressure
The diagram amount pressure shows the summing up per hole of amount, amount industry
cement, amount micro cement, end pressure and count of logs.
In the toolbar of the tab are buttons for export, print and navigate to the next page. The
diagram can be exported to Excel, Word and Pdf.
Page 86
Diagram Flow Pressure
Fig. 100 Diagram Flow and Pressure
The diagram flow pressure shows the pressure, flow of cement, flow of accelerator,
amount of cement and amount of accelerator over the pump time.
For displaying a diagram double click the file in the list on the left side and then select the
hole number from the Hole number combo box and the pump number from the Pump
number combo box on the top left corner.
In the toolbar of the tab are buttons for export, print and navigate to the next page. The
diagram can be exported to Excel, Word and Pdf.
Drill log
The drill log tab shows the drill log file information linked with the injection log file
information of a screen. Therefore a drill log file a drill plan file and an injection file have
to be selected (see chapter
The drill plan can be displayed in three different views Geometry, Production and Column
view. Geometry view shows the constructed holes in the drill plan. Production view shows
the drilled holes in the drill plan. If no drill plan exists the column drill plan can be used.
From the menu Drill plan| View drill plan in the toolbar or the context menu in the drill
plan graphic the different views can be selected. With mouse wheel the zoom factor of the
drill plan can be changed.
Page 87
4.9.1 Drill log Geometry view
Fig. 101 Drill log
The graphic display is divided in 4 sections, the drill plan, the injection and drill
parameters in a list view, the diagram of the drill parameters and the diagram of injection
parameters. The diagram drill parameters are only show in the drill plan view Geometry
and Production.
The drill plan is shown on the left side with the injected amounts of all holes. The position
and length of the holes in the geometric drill plan are extracted from the drill plan. The
holes which are marked with a red circle are the selected holes which are displayed in the
drill and injection diagram (in Feil! Fant ikke referansekilden. hole 2, 3, 5). Up to 3 holes
can be chosen at the same time. The holes can be selected with left mouse click on the hole
in the drill plan.
In the menu Drill plan on the toolbar (see chapter 4.14.2) or with right mouse click a
context menu opens and with selection of the menu point View value the view can be
toggled from amount to pressure. In the pressure view the highest pressure of each hole is
displayed. By using the scroll wheel on the mouse it is possible to zoom in and out in the
drill plan.
4.9.2 Injection parameters diagram
Injection parameters amount/time and highest pressure of the 3 selected holes are shown
on the right side of the drill log tab page. From the context menu or Drill plan menu the
view can be toggled from injected amount to injected time.
Page 88 Injection Amount and Pressure
Fig. 102 Injection amount and pressure
The diagram shows the injected amount of each recipe and the highest pressure of the 3
selected holes. Injection Time and Pressure
Fig. 103 Injection time and pressure
In this diagram the injected time per recipe and the highest pressure of the holes are
4.9.3 Diagram drill parameters
Drill parameters of the 3 selected holes are shown on the top of the right side of the drill
log tab page. From the context menu or Drill plan menu the view can be toggled from drill
parameter flow to drill parameters average and the different flow views.
Page 89 Flow drill parameters
Fig. 104 Drill speed parameters Average drill parameters
Fig. 105 Average drill parameters
In the average view all average drill parameter of the 3 selected holes are displayed.
Page 90
4.9.4 Drill plan view Column
Fig. 106 Column drill plan
If no drill plan exists, the column drill plan can be used. In this view no drill parameters are
From the Drill plan menu Drill plan Column parameter in the toolbar the user has to set
the number of holes (max. 100 holes) which should be shown and the injection file (see
Page 91
4.10 Injection Report
Fig. 107 Injection report
The Injection report is the summary of injected amount and time and drilled length and
time of all holes.
4.11 Menu Settings
The menu settings are for the general configuration of the program.
4.11.1 Import directory
See chapter 4.
Page 92
4.11.2 Setting cement parameters
Fig. 108 Cement parameters
General settings of the cement parameters which are used for the calculation of the amount
cement, additives and accelerator. These settings are general used for a log file if nothing
else is specified for the log file. With Automatic Correction the calculation relates on the
counter balance. This is the recommended setting.
4.11.3 Setting summing up report
Fig. 109 Setting summing up report
With these settings the appearance of the Summing up Report can be changed. It can be
selected which columns should be shown, the sequence of the columns and the header text
in the report.
Page 93
4.11.4 Setting diagram
Fig. 110 Settings diagram
In this menu the appearance of the diagrams Amount/Pressure and Flow/Pressure can be
configured. The scaling of the axis and if the axis grids should be shown can be set.
4.11.5 Setting drill log
Fig. 111 Settings drill log
In this menu the appearance of the drill log can be configured. The color for the recipes
and the drill parameters and scaling of the parameter values can be set.
Page 94
4.11.6 Setting General
Fig. 112 Settings general
If AF log files are enabled an additional menu which is only for AF log files will be
4.12 Menu Correction
Depending on the current selected tab menu items are enabled or disabled.
4.12.1 Cement Parameters
Fig. 113 Cement parameters specific file
File specific settings of the cement parameters which are used for the calculation of the
amount cement, supplement and accelerator. With Automatic Correction the calculation
relates on the counter balance. The Name: shows the filename to which the parameter
When the saved settings are deleted then the default setting of the menu Settings|Cement
parameters are used.
Menu item is enabled when the tab Summing up is active.
Page 95
4.12.2 Injection time
Fig. 114 Injection time
To correct the injection time in the Summing up report of the current selected file enter a
new pump time and a comment. After saving, the values are displayed in the fields
Correction and Comment of the Summing up report.
Menu item is enabled when the tab Summing up is active.
4.12.3 Pump times
Fig. 115 Pump times
To correct the pump times in the Details report of the current selected file, insert the new
pump times and comments. After saving, the values are displayed in the fields Pump times
of the Details report header.
Menu item is enabled when the tab Details is active.
Page 96
4.12.4 Amount
Fig. 116 Amount
For the correction of the amount of industry cement, micro cement and mauring in the
Summing up report of the current selected file. After saving, the values are displayed in the
fields Correction amount and Mauring amount at the bottom of the Summing up report.
Menu item is enabled when the tab Summing up is active.
4.13 Menu Injection report
4.13.1 Drill plan
Fig. 117 Select drill plan
In this menu a drill plan file can be selected which is used in the selected injection report.
With the menu Drill plan|Delete the selected drill plan is deleted from the injection report.
Menu item is enabled when the tab Injection is active.
Page 97
4.13.2 Drill log
Fig. 118 Select drill log
In this menu a drill log file can be selected which is used in the selected injection report.
With the menu Drill log|Delete the selected drill log is deleted from the injection report.
4.13.3 Set values
Fig. 119 Set values
All available drill information from the drill log file is predefined in the menu. The user
can set additional drill information which isn’t available in the drill log file (e.g. Package).
Page 98
Also existing drill information can be overwritten. The overwritten values are marked with
a gray color in the injection report.
4.14 Menu Drill plan
The drill plan can be displayed in three different views Geometry, Production and Column
view. Geometry view shows the constructed holes in the drill plan. Production view shows
the drilled holes in the drill plan. If no drill plan exists the column drill plan can be used.
From the menu Drill plan| View drill plan in the toolbar or the context menu in the drill
plan graphic the different views can be selected.
4.14.1 View drill plan
Selection of the drill plan view Geometry, Production or Column. Drill plan column parameter
Fig. 120 Drill plan column parameter
To configure the Column drill plan set the number of holes which should be shown in the
drill plan (max. 100 holes), the peg number and umbrella number of the injection. With
button Browse a list of all peg numbers with the associated umbrella numbers are
displayed. Drill plan Geometry/Production parameter
Fig. 121 Select injection peg number
Selection of an injection peg number with the associated umbrella number for the selected
Geometry or Production drill plan.
Page 99
4.14.2 View value
With view value the drill plan view can be toggled from amount to pressure. In the
pressure view the highest pressure of each hole and in amount view the injected amount of
all recipes for each hole is displayed.
4.14.3 View drill parameters
The view of the Diagram drill parameters can be toggled from flow to average view. In
flow view selection of the different flow views drill speed, feed pressure and so on is
4.14.4 View injection parameters
In this menu the view of the Diagram injection parameters can be toggled from amount to
injected time.
4.14.5 Print
Prints the shown drill plan or hole details list.
4.14.6 Export
Exports the shown drill plan or hole details list.
4.15 Menu AF
This menu is only for reporting of AF log files. It is visible when in Settings|General AF
log file is enabled.
4.15.1 Counter balance
Fig. 122 Counter balance
It is for insertion of the injected cement, additives and accelerator. After saving, the values
are displayed in the fields Counter balance with automatic batching in the Summing up
4.15.2 Recipes
Fig. 123 Recipes
A recipe is identified due the recipe name and the log time. The user has to set with Valid
for log time from the time from which the recipe is valid. So it can be used recipes with the
same names but different composition for log files of different time periods.
To add a new recipe click new, enter the values and save the recipe. To change an existing
recipe select the recipe name and log time from the selections on the top, set the time from
which time it is valid, change the values and save the recipe. The Recipe color of recipe
corresponds to the defined colors in Settings|Drill log.
4.15.3 Correct log files
Fig. 124 Correct log files
To correct log files (e.g. correct the recipe number) select the log file from the list and
click Edit. The log file will be opened in a text editor see Feil! Fant ikke
referansekilden.. After editing and saving the file in the editor click Send to import folder.
The file is stored in the import folder and will be imported when the menu is closed. The
user have to be care not to corrupt the log file, no syntax check is performed.
Fig. 125 Text editor
Bever Team 3
The Bever Control MWD (Measuring While Drilling) module is a geological interpretation
application. Here all the provided drill information such as penetration rate, depth, position,
hammer pressure, rotation pressure and water pressure/flow can be analyzed.
The main features of this interpretation are:
Hardness (Normalized penetration rate)
Fracturing/homogeneity (Rms, floating variances, value of penetration rate/rotation
All the settings in the program will be stored in a XML file. For a quick setup or start on a
project a default XML file can be provided from Bever Control AS.
The MWD module can be started by using the MWD button in the top menu in the As built
production screen or by right clicking on the desired log(s). The log or log files to be used in
the module must be marked in the table of log files. See Fig.126.
Fig. 126
Atlas Copco log files, have to be arranged in a certain matter (Description needed. Provided
on request)
AMV log files will be read as they are.
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Bever Team 3
5 How to convert/export log files to other format
Right click on the file, choose MWD – export and choose the place to save the file. The new
file will get the name; **-TL4. This file will then contain the hole types chosen by the user.
To set hole types choose Settings from the menu in the MWD module and then – 11.hole
types. The once marked will be exported
6 Main Screen
Fig. 127 Main Screen
Tool bar buttons:
View mode – Toggle between Round, Round 3D, Surface, Shell, iso-surface and linear.
Parameter – Choose witch parameter to look at.
Select mode – Toggle between different ways to select holes in the round, single, Multiple
and Track (draw around the desired holes).
Unselect Remove selected holes.
Report Choose an excel report or an export to a picture with meta data attached.
Tools Settings, Recalculate, Update view and Legend (description of chosen
How to Zoom and Pan in main window:
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Bever Team 3
Right click with the mouse and hold. Move right/ left to Zoom and back/forward to Pan.
When displayed in 3D use the left mouse button to navigate the data around.
7 Settings
The settings can be calibrated down to each drill hammer. This is only for experienced users
to do. It is also necessary to have some log files to do the fine tuning and settings.
Workflow to do the basic settings will be:
1. Find average drill rates, like penetration.
2. Define drifter parameters
3. Define drifters – important that they have the same name as in the log file overview
and with a boom number attached to the name. Example: AMV (11295 BCA 24.51)-1
4. Define hole types – Must be connected to a drifter, visible and with a defined color.
5. Define color scales – Type 0 = user defined. From 1 – 5 itwill be defined by the
6. Define road – important that the name is the same as the defined tunnel in Bever
Average rates
This can be found using the report tool in the As built Production main window. Create a
report and look at the rates in this.
Define drifter parameters
The parameters must be added in the MWD module and under the Tool – Settings menu.
Choose main chapter 03 Drifter parameters and chapter 01 Drifter parameters. Click and use
the button on the right.
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Bever Team 3
Fig. 128 Drifter Parameters
Drifter name
Drifter factor
Hole depth correction
Mean penetration
Mean hammer pressure
Mean rotation pressure
Rod insert hammer
Rod insert samples
Min. penetration rate
Max penetration rate
Distance running, mean
Hammer pressure collar
View setting
Define the name to use on the
Hammer compensation
Compensation for long holes
Average value
Average value
Average value
Detection of rod change when
under the value
The number of samples to be
removed on the rod change peak
Filter value (app will add average
when outside this value)
Filter value (app will add average
when outside this value)
Average value over this distance,
used in RMS calculations
Detection of collar end drilling for
Page 106
Value ex.
HC110 Bolt B1-B2-B3
0,000 %/meter
3,000 m/min
180,000 bar
80,000 bar
60,000 bar
0,500 m/min
7,500 m/min
0,500 meter
140,000 bar
Bever Team 3
removal of the noise/peak
Samples in running mean How many mean samples to be
put back in calculations when
noise/peaks are removed
Mean water pressure
Average value
Mean water flow
Average value
Water pressure factor
Correction to flow when pressure
Hole length correction of Correction per rod
Length first rod
Length from graph, not steel
Length extension rod
Length from graph, not steel
25 bar
124 liter
2,5 %
4,85 meter
4,85 meter
Define drifters
The parameters must be added in the MWD module and under the Tool – Settings menu.
Fig. 129 Define drifters
The different drifter classes are to be defined here. At least one class must be defined for each
project. In Fig. 129 there are three classes, Blast Round, Injection and Bolt. These classes
needs to be connected to a specific jumbo and a drifter. This is done in the right frame, click
on the line marked; 02. Drifters and the button there. The window in Fig. 130 will then
appear. In this window the Jumbo and boom must be added in the left frame and connected
with the right drifter in the right frame.
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Fig. 130 Define drifters, connect to parameters
Define Hole types
The parameters must be added in the MWD module and under the Tool – Settings menu.
Fig. 131 Define hole types, how to display and whom to export
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All the desired hole types must be added in the list on the left hand side. In the frame on the
right hand side the color must be chosen, the drifter class connected and if the hole type shall
be visible or not. Mark that the hole types that is set to visible here will be exported to the
.TL4 file type.
Define color scales
The parameters must be added in the MWD module and under the Tool – Settings menu.
Fig. 132 Color scales
Add all the classes/members in the parameter list on the left hand side.
The table on the right hand side:
Max value
Min value
Color style
Iso surface low level
Iso surface high level
Name of the parameter
Opens up a new window where
to choose the color. See Fig. 133
Max parameter value to be
Min parameter value to be
0= user settings and 1-5 are
default program settings
At witch value the low level iso
surface shall be displayed
At witch value the high level iso
Page 109
5,000 m/min
0,000 m/min
Bever Team 3
surface shall be displayed
Fig. 133
The different colors in user settings are defined here. Also the text to be displayed in reports
and in Legend are set here. In Fig. 133 it is six members in the table but it could also be
displayed with two members, i.e. soft rock and hard rock.
7.6 Define a road
If it is necessary to show the chainage/station numbers and to have a visual road the settings
in the main chapter 04. Road definition must be set.
Fig. 134 Road definition
Page 110
Bever Team 3
It is very important that the road member have the same name as the actual tunnel in Bever
Team 3.
The table on the right hand side:
Tunnel name
Left pavement start
Left pavement end
Center line start
Center line end
Right pavement start
Right pavement end
Pelnumber position
Pavement color
Road color
Centerline color
Pel color
Surface map grid color
Surface map pelnumber
View setting
Set the tunnel name, must be the
same as the original in BT3
Define the width of the left side
Define the width of the left side
Define the width of the center
Define the width of the center
Define the width of the right side
Define the width of the right side
Where the chainage/station
number shall be displayed
Color of the left and right lines
Color of the road
Color of the tunnel line
Color of the Cainage/station
Color of the grid in surface map
Where the chainage/station
number shall be displayed in
surface map view
Value ex.
<10000 rev 04.04.10
-5 meters
-4,9 meters
-0,1 meter
0,1 meter
4,9 meters
5 meters
-20 meters
-25 meters
Note! Minus values are always on the left side of the tunnel line and positive values are
always on the right side of the tunnel line.
Page 111
Bever Team 3
Main Settings Menu
Fig. 135 Main settings menu
View peg number
Min Distance to contour
Max distance to contour
Include floor
Contour layer
View setting
Turn on/off chainage/station
Hole filter along the contour.
Distance from theoretical contur
and in.
Hole filter along the contour.
Distance from theoretical contur
and out.
Holes along the floor will be
incuded if active.
Contour layer from BT3 project
Page 112
Value ex.
-3,000 m
3,000 m
Bever Team 3
Hole diameter
Background color
Color Scales
Hole types
Visible hole groups
Font size
Small pel step
Large pel step
Drifter parameters
Road definition
Grid size
Grid range, min right
Grid range, max right
Grid range, min up
Grid range, min down
Low iso level color
High iso level color
Hole size in the graphics
Color of the backgraound in
graphics window
See chapter 3.5
See chapter 3.4
Witch holes to be active an visible
in the graphics and calculation
Font Size
Step in chainage/station when in
Linear view
Step in chainage/station when in
3D/iso and flattened view
See chapter 3.3
See chapter 3.2
See chapter 3.6
Size of cubes in the iso view
Distance from center/tunnel line
to look for and create data, left
Distance from center/tunnel line
to look for and create data, right
Distance from center/tunnel line
to look for and create data, up
Distance from center/tunnel line
to look for and create data, down
Color on cubes in iso view
Color on cubes in iso view
150,000 mm
0,500 meter
100,000 meters
0,25 meter
-10 meters
10 meters
-50 meter
-10 meter
Iso surface
The iso surface view shows a 3D surface of a parameter in the tunnel room. The size of the
cube is user defined and the value is shown as a surface in this when the value is correct/
8 Calculations
Our MWD recording includes logging of:
Hole position
Penetration rate
Page 113
Bever Team 3
• Feed pressure (trust)
• Rotation pressure (torque)
• Hammer pressure (percussion)
• Water pressure
• Water flow
Data is presented in trend curves and as 3D displays on round, probe and grouting bore holes.
MWD interpretation on blast drilling, injection drilling, probe drilling gives
a complete documentation scheme
The method of MWD interpretations is more informative and safe if the same analysis is
made on all type of drilling with setting parameters that is optimized for blast round drilling,
injection drilling and probe drilling. Blast drilling gives the best data for estimation since we
have so many holes, injection drilling is also good with many holes. Probe drilling on single
hole is not so easy so often the geologist should consider also to look into the trend graphs on
different MWD parameters at own choice. Injection drilling gives data at the right time in the
production cycle, while probe drilling gives the early warning indication. Blast drilling gives
the best “as observed” documentation.
Export to Excel spreadsheet
All logged parameters and calculated parameters can be copied to an Excel Spreadsheet for
customer evaluation or in house estimation. This will be an interesting feature for the probe
drilling where the amount of data is not so large and a customized analysis may be of certain
MWD Rock Estimation Module Calculations
“Hardness” and “Fracturing”.
Estimation of rock properties from the drilling performance is based on methods to
compensate from variations due to drilling performance as much as possible. Our
implemented methods are based on these steps in calculations:
Sample of long hole drilling parameters every 2-5 cm (penetration rate, feed pressure,
percussion (hammer) pressure, rotation pressure, water pressure and water flow.
Sample of blast drilling parameters for every 2-10 cm
Sample of bolt drilling parameters for every 2-10 cm
Establish a drilling machine average penetration rate
Establish a drilling machine average feed pressure
Establish a drilling machine average percussion pressure
Establish a drilling machine average rotation pressure
Hardness estimation
Page 114
Bever Team 3
Penetration rate is the major response parameters of hardness that indicates how hard the rock
is to drill. Our algorithm has these steps in our current implementation:
Select the penetration log for one hole at a time
Filtering of data to cancel bad data, rod exchange disturbance and/or collar disturbance
Normalize the penetration rate to % deviation from average value
Compensation for drilling depth
Compensation for control changes in percussion pressure (feed pressure inclusive)
Visualization of this value is called “normalized penetration rate” scaled in % and displayed
in trends, 2D mapping and 3D as wished
Based on geology judgments the “normalized penetration rate” shall be calibrated to rock
properties and you can then assign scale and color mapping to describe rock hardness classes
(type of rock). Legend can be defined by user. These calibrations must be done based on
initial logged MWD data as well as geologists description of rock hardness.
Hardness visualization of “normalized penetration rate” in color maps scaled with rock
hardness, 2D mapping and 3D as wanted.
Fracturing estimation (homogeneity)
Frequent variations on penetration rate and rotation pressure are the major response parameter
to fracturing. High rotation pressure may also indicate fracturing of the rock but we estimate
from the variations as calculated from the “root mean square” value. Our algorithm has these
steps in our current implementation:
Select the normalized penetration log/ rotation log for one hole at a time
Calculate “root mean square” of the normalized values above
Visualization of this value is called “rms of penetration rate/rotation pressure” and will be
displayed in trends, 2D mapping and 3D as wished
Based on geology judgments the “rms of penetration rate/rotation pressure” shall be calibrated
to rock properties and you can then assign scale and color mapping to describe rock fracturing
classes (type of rock). Legend can be defined by user. These calibrations must be done based
on initial logged MWD data as well as geologists description of rock hardness
Fracturing visualization of “rms normalized penetration rate /rotation pressure” in color maps
scaled with fracturing, 2D mapping and 3D as wanted.
Water estimation
We have also implemented a water indicator that gives a warning on significant changes in
flushing water due to changed flushing resistance (compensated for water pump pressure
Compensation for control changes in percussion pressure (feed pressure
The drilling energy is mainly put into the percussion process. Before the drill control systems
were very simple and did not change on the feed setting rotation or percussion during drilling.
Then the penetration rate variations were direct influenced by the rock properties. In modern
control systems the systems itself behave very dynamic with functions like:
Collaring settings at low percussion pressure and feed pressure.
Jamming control initiates a ramping function of reduction/increasing percussion and feed
Jamming control are triggered by high rotation pressure.
Page 115
Bever Team 3
Fault control initiates also reduction/increasing percussion and feed pressure.
Fault control is triggered by very high penetration rate.
Percussion and feed pressures are adjusted proportional in the control system
When we are calculating the normalized penetration rate (indicator for rock hardness) we
have implemented these functions:
Filtering scheme of parameter values can be applied for the normalized penetration rate. We
may set low limit values on percussion pressure (rod change and collaring period). Normal
penetration rate will then be replaced with an averaging value.
A linear compensation scheme that calculate expected penetration rate if percussion pressure
was as normal. For example if there is a penetration rate of 3 m/min and it drops to 1.5 m/min
due to jamming and reduced percussion pressure. To normalize this situation we then lift the
normal penetration rate by a factor x delta percussion pressure. The best way to evaluate this
factor is to check on the effect on trend curves with reduced percussion pressure
Normalized penetration rate = Penetration rate/Average penetration rate + percussion
Rock Hardness = Normalized penetration rate with adjusted scale set by the geologists
The unit of normalized penetration rate is % deviation from the average value.
Penetration rate/rotation pressure
We are calculating the rms value for both parameters. The user choose from experience which
parameter gives best indications. Both will indicate if the rock is fractured or homogenous by
showing high values when the variations are large. RMS is a kind of averaging value of the
standard deviation.
9 Views and interpretations
Examples of different views and reports. It is also possible to have several tunnels aligned in
som of the views. Thorvald
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Bever Team 3
Injection drilling 20 meter long holes
Tunnel Strindheim 11000 example
Mapped view to left, 3d view to right
Blast drilling 5 meter long rounds
Tunnel Strindheim 11000 example
Mapped view to left, 3d view to right
Page 117
Bever Team 3
View of rounds shoving single holes in
3D display
Legend defined by client. Label text, Value and
colour can be selected
Surface map with borderline and peg
no (station/chainage).
3D shell, with the same sections as seen at
Linear view with penetration rate as
Linear view with penetration rate as
Page 118
Bever Team 3
Program Files and Folders
The Install procedure will create different folders and files. Some are for the program and
other for libraries and settings.
1 Windows XP
The program will be installed under:
C:\Program Files\Bever Control\Bever Team 3\Binaries
In here are all the program files and subfolders created. One to be aware of is the DOC folder.
This folder contains all the report templates. If any changes are to be made with the templates
just open the desired excel file, change and save. It is very important to save the changed
file(s) to a second folder as well before any program updates, since the update procedure will
overwrite the user changed files.
Libraries and settings folders are found under:
C:\Documents and Settings\current user\my documents\Bever Team
It is recommended to use this as the default folder for databases as well when using the
program on a single computer and with no network database.
Just add a folder and name i.e. databases.
If there are any auto drill pattern made in the program an Auto folder will automatically be
made in here as well.
The Favorites folder contains contours and drill patterns sent to favorites from the program,
like libraries.
The Settings folder contains various personal settings in the program, like colors on the
contour layers, fixed points definition ASO. It also contains the resent project to open.
2 Windows 7 / Vista
The program will be installed under:
C:\Program Files\Bever Control\Bever Team 3\Binaries
In here are all the program files and subfolders created. One to be aware of is the DOC folder.
This folder contains all the report templates. If any changes are to be made with the templates
just open the desired excel file, change and save. It is very important to save the changed
file(s) to a second folder as well before any program updates, since the update procedure will
overwrite the user changed files.
Libraries and settings folders are found under:
C:\Users\current user\Documents\Bever Team
Page 119
Bever Team 3
It is recommended to use this as the default folder for databases as well when using the
program on a single computer and with no network database.
Just add a folder and name i.e. databases.
If there are any auto drill pattern made in the program an Auto folder will automatically be
made in here as well.
The Favorites folder contains contours and drill patterns sent to favorites from the program,
like libraries.
The Settings folder contains various personal settings in the program, like colors on the
contour layers, fixed points definition ASO. It also contains the resent project to open.
System requirements
Operating system: Windows XP, Vista or 7.
Processor: Intel 1.0 GHz processor or similar
RAM: 512 MB
500 MB of available hard-disk space for installation.
Operating system: Windows XP, Vista or 7.
Processor: Intel Core i5 processor or similar.
500 MB of available hard-disk space for installation.
Page 120