common household insects

JULY, 1949
1 (O{!:;I':llOf.J1 U.
I: ................ " .. ..
KlTCllF.N AND l'AN fIty .
/\nts ......... ,_
Pest:> of St()rcd FU(ld
F ,\n\uc:-; ..
'Molhs . ,
Carpet Beetles.
Silverfish .......... .
-;;:" ~.. ' =-_ ..~., "'-.
Mosq uitoes.
House fli es ."
Beetles ill imi ncralors ,
llibcfllatillg" fnserts """'"
l :i
Beetle:. from Fireplace ' \'ood .
Neely T urner 1
No phase of iw;vl:t l'oulrul has betH altcrc..:d ~(J drasti(,: ally l>y th~ illtl-U~
cillclion of new insecticides ~lS the cl11111"ol of household iuscds. Sillce IlIau)'
uf the-sf' ll1:1lC'riai s h ave heell introduced recellily. full knovvle(\Re of their
erred:; is not availahle yd. This is particularly true of furmulations and of
c() mbillatiOlI$ of Illatc.rbls.
The contents oi this circular :1rc based \IpUI1 OlU' knowledge to date.
nhtaincd tlu'Ollgh rcsc;'Hch at thi.', St;16011 flJld throllgh Oll]" observatiolls and
experience. Jt has been pr<'parcd to e11ahll' hOIll('owIH>rs to id ('n tiiy the
CoiJlmon insects urcll.rrjng ill hOlJses amI tu cuntrul thelll.
Pest (:ontro\ companies (cxtcrmillCltors)J which specialize in t he cOlllr(J\
of hOllsehol<l insec.ts, operate in ail Connecticut cilies, 'They have developed
malerials and, most particularly, effective I11dhods of application which
make lheir services u se(ul ill nil cases and allllOst necessary ill many itl!'it:U1('CS of scverc inrcstaliull~. ]Jcca.l1 ~c uf the hazards o( miswic of ill~l:Cli­
(·ides, f(Jud handlin g cstalJlislltll(.!lIl;; w.;u:dly pn·fel' to l-'\I)pl(ly ('xLc1'Iuillalors
rather than to (10 their (JWll pest control.
Padcagcd illsccticidcs of all types al'c plainly bbdlccl with 3 .<;tatt.:mCJlt
of the percelltage DC active illgrc<.iicnts ur I)f the ill crt material. Directions
for methods of application ~lJld the precalltiollS llccess.nry 10 protect the USi.'l'
arc also included, The labels should be read c(lre[lflly lind the j)J'cc(lufiolls
should be f ollo'wed /'.l'jJliciJly.
Aal baits usually t:olltuiu either Lhallillill ~n1falc or arsenic as the activl!
ingreclit!l1t, Both materials arc hi ghly PQiSUI1(JlIS, However, anl baits con
t:lin so small all amount that it is llot dangero\ls to I1SC them as directed.
Two types 01 hOllscJlOlfld spra·ys w·e available: (1) space sprays and (2)
residual sprays. Space spn.(ys ~H'C illl.CJlcied to kill insects Hying ill the all'.
They Ilsually contain DDT, together with pyrethnllll or sonIC other chcll1icak
\vhich Hknocks c10 \\'Jl' , flying ill sects quickly. Aerosol bombs arc SptlCC
spray s which contain a gas pl-opellcllt. They disp(~rse the spray qttiddy ill
il VCIY fmc mi st <tne! (.lfC uSlially very dfcctivc in killing flying insects.
ill sect control can nlso be ohtained with a hand sp l·ayer providc·d the dirc<>
lions on the lXlckage of spray material arc followed.
Residual sprays arc intended Lo coat a sudacc with a material through
which insects will walk and bL' killed. They uS11ally contain a 1l111Ch higher
proportion of aCLivl! illgredicnt tItan .space :; pray ~, 'They ~hould be applied
as a coarse mist that iaIls to the sur [ace nUher tlulli dri [lillg around
the room,
19l1(tJIII UI .. J,;~·
lh·I I J I ~·tlucJlt
Botli DDT and chlonbll :Ht,.' mild puisnn:;. There is litlle da nge r of
pohon:ing foud \dlh either of them Ilulc:;s the food is soaked ill the sulutiol1,
in whidl C~lSt,.' it wunld l1ul Ix: edihk. Likewise, in ordinary household tlSC,
there is little ci:H1g(.'r oi pcnt'lr:!tioll of the skin by (,l1otlgh DDT or chlordan
:o'oitllinn to C':tl1SC allY harl1l~ j'rl'}ongcd i_'XPU511J"C shullld b(~ avoided. Chlordan
ha~ irrihlt(_'d lhe ~kin (Ii S(llllr..: pl·opk who haYe lIsed it, E~pccial care shollid
Ill' nst'(I, 11lf'refOri', to !.;Pl·P thL' :.-oll1tioll 1rum the skill.
;\ll1s illv:u]!o dwelling!,) more COl11llhlUly than ally othel' insect. In most
~l'ctiow; of tlIt: Slate thl' slllall black paVCllwnt .anll1t~st~ ill iUl<lulJtlcr hOlli)e~.
II sddfllll attad..:s (und. ThL~ sl1lari n'd Plt:lI'aoh's ant is m u ch l(,s.s COlll nlOI1
hill is !-.till ;1 SCrillll':' Pi.'S! :-oinc,: it attacks ioo<i, 'The vc ry laq.~(! Illack carPClltt..'r <lilt m'~h ill wood ,uHl sUJl)c!imc:.:s ('111<:1'.'\ the pantry,
Clc<llllin<.:ss arou1ld the kitchcH and pantry ma)' prevent ant infestat iulls.
It is nc(.·es~ary to keep cl'umhs tiff thl' fll)()1' and to dispose o f haeOl} :\1)(1 ham
grca!'lc. sil1c(; thC:;l' thill~.s ;l1'C att rarti"t.: tu allis.
roisollc<11Jail:-; ;trc a Ycry t.:ITcclin' cOlltrul hccallsc th e wo r kcr~ CCl tTy t he
poi SOli cd to(Jd 10 til(' nests :tud feed it to (h e en ti re C01011.V. It is o f te ll
thonght that allt hail b j'no good" hecallse the ants do nOl <.l ie after feedi ng
(Ill it. To he cO'('('tiVl', nlll hait~ sitol1klllot ('ol11:1in t:llongh po i sol1 tn k ill thl"
WUr1":f' j 'S
flf'fol't, th('),
r ('tUI'II In
)\f {' h.1 (' lI n l : .iI H' I'" t o r !l il t lJlLil s Il Hlkc th e lll !l n f~ to u se '\yit('u ,-,hU,lrell or 1)(:1" 01"('
in 111t' Ihm,.,t'_ T Il(' !lnl!i ('1 111 ~t' l (I I Ill(> IlIlit hut th e t'h iJd r tm nn d IWls ('u n ' l .
\Vhell haits arc used In or tU'OI llHl IlI ff'stC'd IUlllSl'S it is 1 Jt'~j_ til place' them
in metal con ta ine rs so that ch ildren and pl'is canllot g-ct al Ih e poison. S\H'])
con ta;l1('rs alOC I1HH1c h y pUll ching it hole ill thc s id e, Ileat' the base, of ally
:-:Illall tin box. A lIail or the halldl e clld of il fIle wi ll llIi1l,c a hole laq.~c
CJ lOlIgl1
for the
£I Bi S
to enter.
Ordil1::nily m any allt~ a rc see n anl1l11<i the btl i! for a day Of two alld then
(lisn p p('~ll',
Frequently a sing le <,'ITcctivc ha ilin g will rid the pn mi :,;cs o(
an l s fiJI' many Inonth5. Uccasiona lly grease-fe('clin.g ants may nut he
altmcteri to ant baits, ] 11 s11('h cascs it is ll CC('SSill"y til )lllt a few clrrlps ()(
gn!asc. 011 th e hait to al tract th(,llI. CO l1lnt ('!l'eially m:Ulufactlired ilull/jlllll
su lfa le hait:.; have h CC ll found highly c n°C'ct.iyc in c()lltrollill~ itllH. Thc:;c
;'tn.: PlJisonou~ a nd 111u~1 hc Hscd w ith care.
lJDT (JI' chlordan w il! also kill <liltS. TJwrcHlg·h spnlyit lg- (II' ll:tinting of
thl' n OO1" and b;:l.f"cbo;u·c!s leav{'s a t'csiduc w h ich i ... toxic tn :tilts walking OV('I'
it. 1\ 5 per cent soluti on of \JDT or a. 2 Iwr cellt solut i()1l nf chlordan.
p u n .. hasec[ ready fo,' ttsc, ma y be a pp li ed, Both :U'(' 1l1i 1(1 POi::.. OllS and s hould
not be \1sed on (ood. Care sh o uld a lso be Lake ll to keep the ~ul uLioL15 ofi
the ski n.
C'ock rnaches a r e milch more co mmon in il/I!d -halldljng- L'slilhl j,..,l lIl1 C'lli:;
tha n ill dwcllillg~. I [o w c ve r, Lbe y 1I1<ty be hru nghL ill ln tlH; hl)ll~t· ill Iml!":y
packages frOlIl all illf<'stecl sto rp o r hakcry. The l\ lII l.'rica ll ruac h Iliay also
lllig r::ttc [1110 th e hOlfse frofll a d!llllp OJ- outs id e jlIfcstalinli dUrillg lll('
~ 1I11 1-
Ill er months.
The m o~t comlUon cocknmc h is 1he Cel"man cockroach ()l' ('rNoll buJ..!.
The ad\llts arc s lig htly m o r e than one- haH illCh lo ng an d li ght hrowII with
two dark brown stripes o n the thora x. The yo un g h,Ltch f' "Oll1 cg-g" caps ul es
d eposited by the fema les, a nd arC' wiJ!gitss. The ()riuwll cockroach i.. , about
an indt lung'. The fcmales are [! carly black <llu.1 ha ve v c..:ry shorl·wi ng!'i. The
m:I1cs arc dark hrnwl1. T h e i\ lI11'ric;\ll cockroach is allllHl an im:h amI a llalf
lung and hrown in co lOI" witll large wings. It is sec l/ ill ir('qHclltly in !wildings hrre (,XCf'pt ill ;}I-cas ;p'o1!nrl large dumps .
Cockr O(lchC's cat a lly roofl 50f t Cllo l1,£;"h f OJ" !h{,llI Im t prefer ;->!ilrchy
matedals. The)' arc 11s uall y inactive during t1l(: day, hiding: in cracks <JIK1
crevices a nd com ing (Jut to feed in the dark,
C lca nlin ess is essc ntial ill avoiding large' ill reslatioas or rlJ;J('hes.
ill which food is kept ShOllld be ah so illtf'"l y clea n of any rc-f II Sf'". S itlce l-oaeh cs
hide away ,wei Iweed in cracks, all s uch places shou ld hc tilled with c rack
filler. C<lhinrts and storage pialforllls s hould be hllilt so that th('l'e are 110
hidd en recesses in which roac hes Illay hide. 'In rChtalll'~lI1ts and bakeries a
concrete sa nitary cove s ho t1ld he lIsed in stead l,( an ord in ary wooden ba~c
Howeve r, eve n under lltc mos t :-;allLtary c.ouditiulls, ruach,~s W;IY he carried
iii UII fombluf{s ['-0111 all infes ted l~mllll1cr('"ial ('slahlishllwllt, n r may migT<uf'
from all infestat ion ncar-hy. If c.()ll1rOI1l1('a~lIn's an~ 1I1l(I prlake n promptl y,
a severe infcstalion (1'0111 s uch a SO l1l 'CC ca ll be prcvl' lItcd,
'rh() Orinlllill 4·04·krout'h; C<lulUlc a l 14:£1, mnlc lit righl .
Ahullt tWi<:41 IIl\h1l'1I1 ai1:c.
J\ 2 PCI- C(.'llt chlordan solutioll sprayed thoroughly in t-ile cnlcks whcre the
i:ttaclu." s [lide should contl"Or an infr:stntioll promptly" The residue should he
l'ill'ctivc [or seve ral weeks in prev('nting' rcitlft.:!'itation" The spray ghould
nol ht, u! on foodstuff or Otl shelves where food ill paper cartons is stored.
('~11"(' should be laken to keep the spray ofl' the skin and to avoid lJrcillhilJg
i ll(' mi st.
Food In1l(llill~ estalJlig11l11C'llts tl!'It<llly pndl"r to tunl ()V(.:I' the IH"Oulcm ot
cc)ckroach cOlltl"ol to exterminators.
Pests of Stored Food
Scventl dozen inscet pests are nllhcl- cOlllmon ill stored food. Full disnl"Slol1 of these is /){'yolld the scope of this cit"cldar. The mo,-c common
(1111'S are thl' 11ldin.n Illcall1loth, the McditC'lTrtHcan floll!" moth, a whole series
of Slwd t J>(·etks and the drugstore beetle.
The india1l meal moth infe s ts 11Ut I1Icats, d l-icd fl'tlit, \\·holc grain cereal!';,
candy, and dehydrated dog and t:al food. The larvae are rather l:1xgc and
:-.pi n webs over the in(t'sted food. 'rhey migrate just \wforc spillning- a
C(ltOOI1. 'The ,Mediterranean fiour moth inicsts cereals and also spi ll s wch:-:.
The grain beetles al-e u s ua\)y found in cl'l'cal products. The drllgstore bectlc
feeds on <L variety 0 [ things, including red pepper, paprika and cereals.
Ifol1scwives lIs\lally df.'strIlY <-1ny small amoullts of foodstuff found illfc!';{l>d hy allY of these pests . Ll would be a g-o()(l PI"cv('ntivc mC'aSltrC to
examine every opC'11 package of food ahout thl"cc 01· four timcs a year,
(~:oq)t'ci:tlly in late winle!· and mid s llmlller and destroy :111)' that show signs of
in f cstatiol1.
1£ any of thc:5c pest~ Ica\'l~ the ;lJfcstt:d [Dod ~lIld are crawiiJJg over Ihe
pantry shelves, t hey can be killed hy thorough ~prayillg w ith a 5 pcr cellt
I )I)T spray. T'l1c fond ~1I1(t d ishf's sltcH1ld 11(> n'll1o\l(,t\ hC'fol'f' !-iprayiug anr l
the s)Jelves washed thol'ollghlr 24 ho!u-s :! ilL')' spraying ane! before replacing
food alld dishcs.
C lothes Moths
The larvae of dc.ltlws lIloths cause ;l great dl';t1 of damage by feedi1lg on
woolens, furs and fc.'at]if'rs. III ( ·ollllcet ictlt the wehhing clothes moth is
1lI11ch mo l'C af)ltlldallt than the ('ase~tnal-:;illg dothes 1110th.
'fhe adults of the wl'hhillg' doliles l1Ioth arc ahout QIH,!-fullrl h of an inch
!ollg. !Juff-colored and fragih·. 'I' hey prefer darkness h ut occasionally fly
ahrmt ill lightf'd l"nOI11S ;ll n i l~ht, avoidillg' hl-illiant ligh ts. Living mot hs ~re
fl"l'l1l1cn!ly g('{'ll ill infc':-itf'd clothing_ ThC'y l ivf' only two 01· thrf'P w('rks :\nd
do Ilot feed on lhc Illaterial. IZach fema le 1I1ay deposit ah out 100 eggs on
woole11 tiothing. t h e nap of hlrllitul'c. 0'" [urs. The eggs arc white. very
i.-agile. and arc not fll'udy attac11<.'cl.
TIlt: Janr<lc hatcll ill frum fow: days tv four wCl:ks. d(.;p(.;II(Jjng 011 the
tellJperatllre. They illllliedialcly ~tart feed in g aucl .spin a thin tuLc of silk
in which they st~ly. Ih tl ly grown brvac are white wit h dark heads alld are
'Chp wehhi n g (·JollI,·, 111011. nllft moth f'gg-l.
About .. h
tiltH' " !lHhll'lll "h.C' ,
l..nrv/' of the webbing Clolh.,,; moth mil l s il ken tuhf"' f!'om whi.,h it hils ('mflrg"11.
Ahonl six tinH~s IIUIIll'IlI !li z ....
about Ihn'c- eight hs of an inch long, They spin a COCOOll Hnd pupate, c lthcl'
011 or Ilcrll--by the infested material. Th e period of developmcnt varies
greatlYI depending' 011 the tcmpcratli rc and fe,od supp ly, 111 ce ntrally heated
inlilding-s the motlls may hrccd thronghout the Yca r, completing at least two
C lothes moths d:1ll1agc wool, ha il', fur, ieatht'rs or any al"tide manuf:lctUl"cd fr01l1 these matc!'ial:-.. D:tlllage to clothing" is readily noticed, but
the injury to piano felts and to t1pholst~rcd furniture is 110t so casily see n.
Ill'eq lt cntly piano fclt~ arc so hadly d amaged thai re-(elting is nccessary.
Rugs in use are seldo m damaged except tln dc l" mass ive pieces of £ltI-nitul"C
not moved dl1ritlg r-cgttlru' cleaning operat ions.
Clolhes moth s ('a1l11()1 liVt' Oil cotton, li1ll'll, si lk or jilt{' fahr ics, htu will
cut t ll1 "Ollgh S llCh m:1terials to 1"f'<lch wool.
Sources of Infestation
C lothes tllnth" SP.lclOIll hn'f' d in 1:II·ge 111111l1H"rs 011 clothing' that is regularly
worn. I-Iowcvcr, large illfestations an~ built HI' ill storrd Inatcrials. VV hCll
s Hch infes tati ons exist, it is difficult to preve11t occasional damage to clothiug
ill use, In actua l experience these so urces of inf es tat io n h ave bcen found
ill bundl es, boxes an d trunks of clothing; o lel nlgs, stol'cd in attics; di scarded clothing and rag-bags hang in g ill base m cnts; pianos; uphobtercd
furniture, and accllmulated lin t in c ruc1<s. It is a b so lut ely n ecessary to
remove these so uI·ces 0 ( in festat iOll in order to cQntr(,1 clothe s 1l1Oths.
'Th e larvClc prefer so iled or dll sty clo lhiliR as foo<l. '1'hcn:fon', it is
advisable t o keep all s usceptihle materials dry -c lean ed or washer1 in onler to
prevent damage, amI especiall y to clean th e m hcfo r c sto rin g- ll1el11 f 0 1" a ny
len gth of time. It is poss ihle to keep clean woolens in ill1 o rdinary closet
with li tt le danger if the c lothin g is s lInn ed and bru::i h cd al frequent interval s.
The bru sh ing- cru s hes or ITII10'VCS the eggs ana m a ll )' at the larv ae, and h eat
an d light e ith er kill or dri ve orf the larv ae. It is Il(:ccssa.ry to b rus h tllorulIgldy all fold s 01- pockets in whi ch the larvae mig ht hide.
The chi ef va lu e of a wcll-made ceclar c hes t is that it IWO\'idc s a tight
receptacle in whic h t o StO l"C t111in(e s te d c lothi1lg. The volatile oi l of cetla r
will kill n ewly hatched 1:\I'vOle but docs lIot a lways kill molh s nor prcvelll
dam age hy any older larvae introdu ced with the clothing. Cedar· ch es t s
sh o uld be kept closed to prcvcnlloss of the volatil e oil. Cedar-lined clos ets ,
as ordinal-i ly constructed a1ld llsed , willuot prevent damage by clothes moths .
Paper ga rment bags or cardboard closet s with ti g ht-fi tting d o uhle doors
will protect t111infcs tc d clothing as long as lhey are sealed tig ht. A pound
of paradichlorobcl17,cne in a clot h bag hallg ing at the top o( s uc h containe)·s
s hould protect the clo thing for seve ral weeks.
C lothing stored in ln11lks amI lJO xcs lIlil)' he. fUll1igall..!d by placiu g" ahout
one-half pound of para dichlorohcllzcnc in the tup of each cOllt,Lincr or
scatt erin g it over the clothing. Tlw fumi ga tion will he 1l1orr. C'fff'ctivc. if the
tC'l11perature ;s ~bove 70° F. A new slIpply of parad ichlornbenZ1'l1C should
he added eve ry s ix months .
Aftcr s llc h treatme nt any clothing worn ncxt to th e body should be ,tired
be fore u se s ince p a rndichlorobenzel1c is irritating to tcnde r portions of th e
DDT spl'ays or aerosol bombs may be used to kilt moths iu flig ht. Usually,
ho w ever, not cnough moths arc seell at any Ol1e time 10 jus tify s tich a practi ce. Use of s n ch s prays in a closet f ull of clothing il:i. abo of douhtfu l v alue
because the spray cannot p enetrate the clothing. S praying the cnlcks in a
closet might be of :;o nlC va ltte ill killing clothes moths .
Residues 0 f DDT 0 11 clothing will kil l clothes moths hut do not make the
dothing "moth-pnJof"" A li ght spraying lIsi 1lg a 5 pCI" c<'nt I) 1)'1' Soll1tion
s hould protect th e garments until they :arc clealled again.
Moth-proofing Compounds
!vloth- prooJlng COJl1polll1c1s em1 be u sed Oll woolclls mo sl effectively during
the course o[ ma nu facture. The belter materials usually the woo l
pt. . nll:lllcntly l1loth-proof. It is llIuch more difficult to apply tlu""e materials
t'fi('cti\'('ly ill thl' hn1l1~. R('5itiw' spray~ of 1)]1T and othcl' similar materials
be dasse(j as compounds,
Piano felt1' may Ill' protected hy putting f(lllr Ollllces o( pal'adichlo1'OIWllz<'n(.'" in a UlIlc:;lil1 lng inside HIP piallo <:a'il' and do~il1g all op<'l1ings, This
is ('''l'L'cialir l1l'C"Cnsnry in warll1 w('athel' and till'" ca~c sholiid he h'pt closed ,lS
Sprays should lIot he applied lIllless it is cCl'lain that th('y
w;11 Hot ifljW'C lite pinlJo Ik1rts.
Rugs and Carpet;
Clothes 1l10lhs seldom damage l't1g~ and COtqwts ill cOlls tant lISC', especially
tlH~ carpt'till~ i!-; not fastened to the: fl(1(11', if 1"I1g'S are stored, or if a hotl!-lc
is c1o:icd for st.'\,{'I·al llIontlis, each roollJ-si7cd rug should he sprink led with
Olll' 1)0111111 of parildichlorohcnzl'llc, rolled up, wrapped tightly with strong
paJll:r and seidell.
Furs mily I)c <:ieallt'd ilild :-;ton:ci ill t.he ~Hme lnanUCt" as wonlrll clothing-,
There are (,flIl111lCl"Ciai ('stahll~hl11cllts whidl :;.pcc ia liz c ill fUl' sto rag-c, either
jn colil stnrag(' Or in moth-proof valllt~,
Carpet Beetles
The hlack 4'arp~t iJ(.'L'l"ie i ... very C(J1ll11101l ill ( 'ollll('el icul. The larva is
Jig-Ill 1)I"O\'iJU, 14111~ and sl('n(h'r, with a C<)11SpiclIfHIS termina l hru ~ h of Iwil'S.,
Il is allllost olle-half in ch loug whcll fully g rown. It fecds 011 a(,cllnlltlat~d
!int ill craeJ.::s, I1sually l111dertl('atli the baseboanls.
l .nrl':l IItHt 1Ic1,,1t of hlack 4'"rlH!t Iwctlc.
About 12 limCK nllturll l
J. . 1I1·vn iUld ltdult of
hllITu l n CHI'PI;I
Abnut 12
l i'lteR
nUlUl"ltl :.izc.
Ca rp ct beetle larvae migrate f "0111 ct'acks <tncl111ay damage woolen clothing
or carpets. 'J'hey lIsually cat (lilly tile 1)1'ojcding- fibre::; unless the clothing i!>
~o ilccl. ~' Ii !k spots arc a favurite rood. The adult l}ccLics arc h la ck and arc
kss than a quarter of fin i1lch I01lg'. 'I'hey emerge ill ?day and June and try
to get out of doors.
The Il11llalo l'~lrpC"t bectlc la rva is sllia ll cl" and nlorc hairy than that ()f
the black caq)('( bc('ti<.', The adult is abol1t an eighth ur all illch JOl1~', ;\Ild
lJlack llIarkC'f1 wit h "eddish, white and yellow spots. it is I1lllch less abundant
ill C011llecticut homes than the black carpet lJcclle.
Se riou s d;'lIlmge to clot hing e:lll be avoide d hy prolllpt \v;lshill~ or dry~
ek;lIling- ( I f soik( 1 wOIIIl'11 WHI11(,l1ls. 1.;Jrvac l11ay Ill' ki ll ed hy spraying' till!
accu1llulated lint ill cra~~ks with 5 jl<'l' L'('llt Ul rr or 2 1)('1" cellt chlurd:tll solu
lioll. ]':limiuati!)ll of cracks by tlle lise of molding; afle l" spraying helps to
reduce the in fcsl.atioll.
Silv('dish al'e small wing less insects, silver-gray ill co lol' ~\1ld a lmnl nlll..'third (Jf all illch louK. wilh three JOIlg- slelld e r projections at the poSlf'l-ior
t!l1d of the body. They are wary and hide Ql1 icldy if they arc exposed to
t he light. They prdc,' dan'!> locatiol15 f 0 1" breeding ::111<1 arc especinlly
i1!J\ludanl ill hot, damp, baselllent 1'00111;; and occasionally in allies.
Si lverfish feed 011 starch alld arC' parliclliarly illjurious to boole bindillg-s
and wallpapf'1". They also infest slored window s ha des and 1lighly-starched
Si lw"rfi"h ,'a n 1'1Imw ~ 1 'l'in u ~ clalllllgt' In Iwuk hilHli u(!l;.
curtai n ....
damage rayun
About twice nnlllrnt si7.e .
itllhutlg-h Ihey l'allliul dig-est
J)\1:-it~ or sprays of DDT arc c ff cl·ti\·(: in I,illillg s ilvcrfish . T hey sh ould
lw appl i('(l to the areas where th e si lv('rlis h an' brc('diug-, principa lly in
attic; ilnd J J<lSl'J1Wnts. If s jl vcdi~h are hreeding ill IllJrari e~ , treatment uf
the shelviug slIonld 1Jl: cITcctiv<.:.
The Iledlmg- is a wing-If'ss sHekillg illSt'd which li ves Oil hUlIlan hlood . Ll s
hf)(ly is wide atHl fiat, cnahlin K it 10 hide in crad,s ill furnitur e, tind er loose
'wallp aper and in CI·:lcI.:S ill fi oors a nd wa lls, Eggs arc d epos ited in these
plaC('S ill infested r()OJll~, The you llt; IHtgs arc not unlike mature ones and
llndel' fayorah lc cond itions !Hay co mpl ete their d evelopment within s ix
wec].;:s. The.; odor of h(.'(lbllg-s is ver y' charactcri:S lic and eas ily identified.
Tht:y art: noctllrnal in hab it ami arc se ld o m S('('11 in th e daYl im e .
Bedbugs are ca rri ed (nun pla{'e to place in fhe hagg age or 011 the clothing
of tran si(, ll t~ a!lci ncca",ionally 111 pac\{agrs. They may h e brought il1tO UI1 ~
infested hou ses with ill festNI furnitlll"c. They l1la.y crawl [ro 111 hou se to
hOllse ill thickly settled llcighhurhonris. They arc :lhlc to live without food
-tor se\'0.ra lmoll ths or poss ibly Ic('(1 nil til(' hl ood of mice and thus maintain
4:111 in festal iOll 111 vacallt Il(H l ~C5.
Ahout td!;ht lillies nlttul'lll 51'J:c.
Thorough spraying of the bedstead and springs \Nilh 5 1)('1" c('nt snlutioll
of nDT usua1ly CO lllrnl s ..1 light. infest;1tioll of bedbugs. 1 t is ;'I Iso suggested
that the Illattn~ss be s prayed lighlly. [II a heavily infested r(lom 3(ldiliumd
spraying of cracks in pLa!->tcr and woodwork, as well as chairs nlHI other hed1'00111 furniturc, is required.
Spraying' IIced lIot be repeated ullle:is the
o ri g ina l joh was not thorough or a ll ew infestation is introduced.
The common tle.'\ is fo und in ho\.\!=,es in Conncctlcnt is th.e dog flea.
'This spec.ies hrceds on hoth cats and dogs and does Bct occu r in houses iH
large numbers unless a ea t o r dog lS, or has been. present.
Doar fi ell,
Uvpcr J t~ft, egg!!; lower lef t, ]n r vllc; lllllH'r righi,
lowe.' I'i ghl, IllllHIC. -Rulnl'gf'ti e ig hl times.
'The adl1lt i1t-'as dr·posit l'gRs anwllg" tilt_, hail's (If Iht' host. l)lll Ihe C'ggs are
not attached and Il~ually ::tl"l..' shakf'/l (dr. I .:wgl;' IlIlmlH'rs :lcctlrlwl:u(' in ,11(>
:\IIitllal's j)l,dding. The w~\lh~J wOI:Ill-likc larvaL: fecd Oil organic 11latc)';at
ill lint and dl1sl and 011 blt~ or sklll ami dril'd blood. 'They pupale 1n a
l'U(,'dOrl HrJd ('lllcl"ge ill alJout a. 'wccl~,
l\'ormallr fkas do not occur in Jargt·
llltmhc\"s if lh" HlIilllal's hedding is ch:'l!IgL'd fn.'ljlh!Jltly.
Vcry large illk:..taliulls dc.:veiul' :"Ullll't illH':~ when a hUlbl.! is closed fur
sl'ver:!l day s, The larvae C{)lltiUIIl'! to hatcb ir01I1 tlll.; eggs, ked lo IlIallirily
:lIld {'llh'rg-r. \VIH'll tile huu se is reupeHc(l th(,re l1la y' be hlllldrcds oi adult
Ill-a .. which calls~' :1 gre':!! cleal (Ii anlloyaIlCl', Silch illf('Sl:llinlis might· he
!t-s:-;l'l\cd in severity, or ~voidecl ('nlirl'ly, lIy lhoronghly f..'It'illlillg' or destroying-lhc animal's hl'ddillg and s pray in g the haSUl1Clll and thuse upstairs rOolllS
ir(:ql\~nt('d by lhe pet bdore clos ing the hOlls('.
~ prays
such as
used III l, ill .:tlluit Hcas,
1-'11.:" ....
pyrethrum-DDT sp rays
1\ thurol1gh ll'('alillvilt of cilch illft'Sled 1'00111 s!IDuld
cal..... JlMy Ill! killed II.)' II:'>L' of a PYJdhr(lJJl flea PUWd'LT;
J)Jl'\' fll'!l 1'11\... 11('1' 11lily ht: t1 ~ cd 011 dogs. 1)j),1 ~ Sll11uld Hot Ill' Ilsed 01\ calS
:-; i11((" ill washi1lg itst'lf, the cat l1Iay pick lip tIll' jllds()lItlll S 1)1)'1' r('sid\lt~,
Sc"\!~.'r:t1 s pccies of mos qllilOCS bn'l'( !illg' hoth JJJ jre . . h <111(J br,ld:ish waleI'
11M)' illY<lck !H.)\I:;('::;, U IIC spt:l-il's is Glpa! ,k (II ("'I!Tying' malarial fevl'r.
1"11 :u.}(\iliol1 to prevention of iJreeding" which )'t'(juirL's cOllllllunily eriurt,
:1d1.1Jt 1110SquitOt's ill h()lI~es C;Hl bl' kill('(l hy t.lle 11~(! (If f)DT space sp.'ays or
:I('rnsul lJuillhs, Pa illting scn:cns With a 5 per cellt ~o lllti ull oi DDT ahout
twice during the slim m er will h<=lp to kill thrill beful'l': they clll('!l" the hun se,
ThC! co 111m on hOltSefly is 110 longer ahund:11ll ill cities, hut i:;. still prCS('llt
in large 111l1nhcrs on dairy farms. II brCl!ds :in 1l1<l11t1r(.: and garlmge Hnd
th~'rc arc s('vl'l'ai g(;llcraliullt:. a year. Sl;\'cral ()thel' spec ies of flies art' much
more cumlllUIl ill cilies than the hOU:iCfly, 'I'hesc indude the ~tahh; Hics and
thc hluc houh.: nics which bl'ccd ill decaying organic rnaltcr.
Flips an~ se!dom almndaJlt ill scn:I'!lCd hl)!!s('s. Use of <! .5 ])(')' cellt DDT
pailltPd nil scrCl'JlS Hnd ~ pra'ypd or painted 011 tite woodwork arollnd
the doorways ldlls many flies before they enter h(Jllses. il1s ide IJUlldillgs,
'~ I)act! hprays OJ' aerosol bombs may 11(' tJscd.
Beetles in Incinerators
A brgc dcnncstid bectle freql1e1ltly IJrccds ill the IJiutial1y-bUl'ned refuse
in built-in incincrators. This beetle i~ browni~h-black in colur alllI ahuul
ollc-halt im.:h !Ollg- . Spraying" with a hou~chold in:"l:Cl spl·ay lllily be 1Il'CC s~a r'y
to kill tIll; bl.!ctlc~ if a heavy infcslatiull h;l~ devdupcd, The h('!)t reme.dy,
ltll\Vt:ver, i:.. cotllpktL: huruing or all the g-arlJagc and fr(:qtH~llt 1"('l1ll1val of :111
l\1l11llrncd (It'uris,
Hibernati ng Insects
The elm lcaf beetle and la.dy beetlc~; frequently c rawl in through cracks in
hOllses ill the fa ll. During w.anll days in late winter <lnd cady sprillg t hey
IJt~col11e active and .a re seen flying aboll l the hOIl:-ic. Nt: ithcr does a llY d~ll11agc
10 th c building or il:'i con tcnls. '1'h('-" C.11I be ki lled IJ)' sp,tee S1)1',lY:i O J'
illTU!":.II\S if nccc5~Clry.
"Vasps also II SP d Wc"' lIill gs for hil wfll :lt ioll" FU1"tlwl'Il1 on', lhf'y may 1l ('~ 1
ill allics if opc nings 11) th c t)lIt sirll' ;\1"" aV:l ibhk" They, tUG, Ill ay Ill' Id lkd
by acrosuls (.)1' space s p"ays_
Boc'ilos -from Fireplace Wood
Several species of long-horned wood-boring'" beetles may he brought into
lUJUscs in fireplace wood. 'r he larvae cu ntillu e to de\'clojJ awl th(., I)cclil!:i
1'1I1crge ill late winter or cad y !":.prillg" T 1H::;e heetles cannut ill I csl the framework of tile h OH!'iC (II" ti alllag{' allyt hill g stured ill h O ll s(_·~. Tiley arc simplY:1
IlHbancp. alld
tlll lp!'iS
111(,:1').\II"(.'s a r e IH"C(,SS:II-Y"
l'lll("rgl' in 1II111 :-.ll;t1 1y largf' 1111mh('r~ l It::) ("011 1 1'01
J\ hOIlSt·hnld spr:l)' i:-> (.'f( l'Cliv(> in killing" tlWl1t_