Hop pickinn will begin week in Waahinifton County ; TAKES I.,, f BENEDiGT ENDOWS sol .rt'i-.iH- l affile. IlilUboro, nf the yard utartir majority k... I I Milk Wagon. Block Street tlu.j 1930, M.n. SeptemWr 1. the Thornfc " 'reil Strurkrn. of Beacrt'n. yard ha aent out notice ti I wa I" Sam f'irnf, of 10 WIN&GMAE SUNDAY HILLSB0RO BAPTISTS wn Zwinifli, of Fairview; Joe on that date, and a few of. Jrnh KuP. today, gu "f mil ,.... .1 III y Andrrrif, of Fairview, and Jaroh yard will not open until tht ,tli. , l..y Ml Lu hrr, of Fainriew, all membem lowing Monday. Hundrer l..l. ll,. r. at. i .1. in ii,!. ii f Tif t the diner at the T.ij. Judn McCourt Hut lie of the l a(fue, tettified to their aat Don't With Away nilil Walk l. ueoole will have employ l..a..uikrrt (..vr. IIU in $1,000 thr Ihurih pi 'I. I!Mooae hatarjay h .. uo p r 14 nt Idea iafartion with the operation of picking hop thi year, a thi 1 Stands With to 9 So ljung Urit Will anJ Trttarnent , , , .,,,,,1 August 2H. III III, Kil l In , ,,!,! the Irajftie and with it preaent a little lnrrea.e In acreage. I I. ,,,,, , I.H I.I. II. . It,. offni.il. Today's Ore(fnian. Mi Anna lUununn. f I'utlr Mr. and Mrt. R. F. Piter- I... ..mi,., i, , , ,,,, , llm I' ON STAND WE5T Mm. I HARRY FANS of lotitana. the ruet lOR TIME wai (.IVF.S $5,fXX) TO MISSIONS LXUUNG their vacation at the , , III. I I.. ) ll l,, ,,,t ., ,,, Boley la of the opin takinif .. A. I nr. I.nlay. Atirimr beachea. county coin ,, j i .i tin i. .Int. mi ,,t ,, ion that the 1920 Ut roll will not of Moaer, Gua senator Stale TalkHe Snva .... naimnan and Mr. I . Mr. Born, . M.,v u to ., dan f. rr. W. V. Bergen Named at Adminis ..rorwami, Alter brcnlh Inning Crowd Wa re a trr In valuation a In Abraham, of near Laurel, wa irrernnn inrmi. S.in I i mi I,, .i ,u, it v. i . i r. nfi I Conaulting d Without lata na lnir tn the fart that the for l our Round trator With tlw Will Annexed here Monday afternoon. In ii .. ir wl Tt r i . r ,lnp 1920, a n. in in ,m t, now eoTlerted hr the Mr. and Mr, (i. (Jartlioftier Slur nil. I I. flu l,.i,:i,' , i in,,' til ate and motor valnatton do nofl Will Lichty, of near Or the to went Seaside the la.t ol ll"1 f Hilh UioLU. and dairv the ennntT mil. TM Willi wa rreetinir incnus in It .late food h I lli. I.it- J .unit A. llinrilut, wlni l l. ...i.t..t wei k for a few day at the Ixarh tomiiiiiou'e, went on record be I mean the lo Mm l r i J I P. .11, i f ,,,, of p. rhap a half I Tuaday. " I ( .In rn mi """ III! il iy a agn ,l,.ir.i a in I,,,... Ann . i. i t i I i,i U no n . n. .t ii in I Inn, n 1 ;i hi iuui 111 hia w ill In the Mi. Katherine lirown and Mr. ,,ni, r.irtUii'l f tu w oi kit Circuit Jude McCourt yea- million dollar and there fre , It, a I A .l,l,ll., will. , It,. l rt. va.uauon. reauy .0 Una nae ' beMil, in II. ..r., ll ii, liit Chun h and Ileiilah WiIm.ii, of the Smith hrm 5. P. TIME TABLE ' r" Sunday . terdar afUrnooii I,, I, llll .'HI it In f Hi - thi, except a little raise here ami U III tli. at 1 il rkt r ini!l co the of pital, taking iplc a 11,111111 are n with jieTtr t,e prin. iln Iiit in lrrinn. , From Por To Portland i - tiiv: kutcm. i.ft - :rt ii.. m.,9 I" Ii ii l.riu nf I, ..I ii. l ilrv, uii. liuiih or HiK itniii. Attorney hearh. Willi til' w. - nt ,, nfr wriere alive iuarciiii)5, . . I ll, ,1 I i i..i, If Ar 1 ,t i i r ii j.i.! a raiae in val I Leaves caused hai ni; highway rc &. 1 1 iii0l"t thi injunction Ah Mr an ar II..., for i'ttcra l"( KinhearinK ,l l. Mi.. I.ouiac Dallmann, of n-I ..r. , 1, ,i , n I, 8:1 win roll m. j;jfl a. J toUl The Ui I'tlli, I1" ue. .1 di.tribu .l.apc ami up t' ..k III. tin initruni' iit 111 'ro ton, wat a Ruet of her tirotnrr traininir Portland milk : m. uii urn i.f I, ,n',n J a Ii. ui pM .. hair rmirt. V. be known until after the board g:g Food r,,, '. !i ll ha and ai.trr in laWjOacar Dallmann tort and the Nctle linn i I. ill' com10:17 li it on !.!. r 1, .ii, m..k. i i i, m. lo;t7 n. eoualiiation of h panel Imiu company from induciriff a, iiliuiiiMlrat'ir. H iiiiinil " llM(nh a ll.t tilth and wife, today. 13:01 11 Mill f .1 t 13:43 p. m. ,!) Kiv. lh llll. . It III ill. 1,000 to liar Tin of the Oregon Dairy plaint next month. liumlti.l memben f . rrot i near m- of Hatelnlder, W P..( Jimri Mr. Ok!,li. in aending to I'.. vio leaifue Driver of machine men'i int 1'il.rv a titter of hi Utr ri.n.j' ,.,iioili r f in .4:10 I I t!iP- Vet I'nion, wa a fruet of her late their contract with the or application for licene under the J I ! v t"l! a ' wif.-- ; in u in i I. ii . . ..... I.il iiii.iiij i the (Ioolin, W. J. mother, Mr. v. I. l.i I... ,r. A likr mini to tiro. A I!. Ilrtlirt i,!. ganiiation. new law get a ntal uiue caru r, iii thruv lii'iri III ll" fiiiilli.j "mimIi :47 : P ' M,!N! n i f . marketing," dc whirh Lhev tuuat carry" with Our liumlml dollar. r.t h to firt of the w eek. tin ..rr 7 t. 3, li. nj t " H I, in ... them 13:15 M In.rA . r... t w. -I"" Uml I. nr Millrr, I riirtt Miller ' l l '" ' M hen runninir an automobile. If '" V It,:l,l...r H't rKtr lieene wa l.teud clarea ir. juicaic, it! I .I n. T. P.i tn iln t, nephew; TO TILLAMOOK "'!'' ,l" f '" evrnlnif to Harold Pederaon.j ujlima.e )UrpoM: the horteniriir ctuata which were aent for as laU f. ll.r lnt : M tin. h i t ik. n a ..isil mi M. I'm nrilli t, a 111 phe gctUug in by Leaves Ilillaboro l Im rL Irene and r juat 23 are , Tu Jaliire County, produce (rami June the of between I'matilla road tnc l.ll.l.r. i. I iiiijhter, '.'110 ; mai (irove. evidence -HiUaboro n irliml ''" Leaves I'V a conclusive ha I'ulliKrf Foreat ti '" mail, .l.f Hall, of 1 hilt and the conaumer. It ,..,1 llir ! '! To Ida M.iV I'lil'hi, Ollothe price of the t,cre L some congestion at the Arrives from Tillamook :2C to atabili hr t ! .m..k. . Irr. .1 ,'"" Jencr r .l! , ami wa, of Buxton, . Hannan, Ralph I brj M r of tlir dreeiiHt'd Mr.. Hell better SccreUry of SUU . otlice. Over Arrives from TillamooM:ai t'hurili f.'r An.'. V' lt,r hut tl"l 'hi- - i..ri , nii.l lli r , tl.uul,and have been othe in the . .ty the lait 01 xne In- ,1 ,nr. and mr..l to ...1 :il ! I " , jirr m luu S. fltlO. nil. S,ii.li t. a t'.ivr Iml.lintf rrr fui Idaho Xnldwrll, to enroute LttcU, . and Ke,rly there are many mo I I and h t l I, a liiilt , i rm. hi co.t of production, aJ hin put iiiniiir rilnlite irom Tl" E. B. TONGUE, In tin- ! nlli Ilium tlI he I v.Mt.nifhn brother. N ctonomica, L.a t'0 ,cnJ. through Attorney-at-La,,,., two ni.'ti I a tllr nii.l IU I .,1 (Ii l.inur nt 7, .injn. aril. To Hilltboro Baptit Church-- To In jfin il 1 r i. " Win. McOuillan. - who lia been.1 method of marketing at the same (i.ii.i (.illnwiil with a tlu.i. itJ mi mimi-aThe Misses Marilynn and Con- - office, nontairs. Schalmerich Hapti.t tinI. It. 10 llilMinm ' ine higher no several price csuse hi room it.. ll.nii time tin for to ii. eonfinrd . Or iimar. . ir. stance Herman returned Monday j UiUlboro lim' th k .1 ( I111r.l1, for it. ii , throuich the week, wa able to eet up town consumer. .r Collective bargaininsr . illi ill i. II li.w ..itli wees: ai aeasiuc am In ll.r i h . Iitll tin I, " a from r ntion. the fir.t of the week and greet hi is aimed at the unnecessary tin fml S..I..1 iy in S. t Or. if. in State P. iptt.t ma. I.- - a run an I Hill. ' In. JOHN M. WALL, Iw.i non beaches, where they enjoyed ij pense which occurs in the spread the surf and sen breeses. luey manr friend. Kmllr, a fritrrn n 1.000. Au.lui ,r.i fjilnl fur a t.ii,. h ,..w n Attorney-nt-LaIt ipiiit Home Aiiu rirnii To the between what the producer Rett ln made A (il f St m IO UC""- wag Mat a Bum With f ill", a'tlmiik'li l.r.itlu r i.f I'iuI l'..iili V, carrier's Mail Sale For Upstairs, A. C. bhute -Buu l i..i..narv Soelrtv ami to llir and what the consumer pays. ! .1 HI 'l i mulil ami li'i "iiWhile at the beach they met Tom "'" f..r.l I im ruily l ft on, practically new; harness and Sorl I on the at that Mi.iol.iry asserted Mickle llapli.t Mr. Gatetl . f.ordon itt.rW tfil n...: Write "iirj In. h.ur ill t'aliform 1. Ka.l!' 11.1. .1 at li"t ifrltinrf ln Oi according to the . IT,' -the in- - collar, ucd but 3 months. etv he nave ea. ll SehJn. aU of IWls- - IliU-bor- o, tli''' "'' "f ure- - present time, Ii.ii nilh. HilUboro, F.nnes, see or Ja. dairy to had, paid tw.vi. t Mi he lc whnh information nf I I accompan, ,,, .it tin ,r ,),,., ,,f llilMmr.l D. D. 1 'I lir Imltrry boro. The girls were fi 34 26 Him, I IN t. r.. dnia.rd wile gon. businct In Oregon was decreas- ied by their aunt, Alia Joyce Urn n, tirii n. S. hulmr in Ii ami 'nil rrntr. BUMP at BUMP ha tin rill Lf hi r nnturat life. At Henrv D. Schmcltser, who ing on the whole, the reason be Schoenbachler. . ...--- -,,, ',ll M, Kintn . nf 1'. .i.l.-rI'.it.; fnr I'l.rllinl. Kul amli I smr In-- r ili atli tin- money foea to the been laid up for some time, has ing that the dairymen ot certain It .il.h wh.i wa. r Iti.iwii, Willi iii.I.V ll,,, wnlv Intermediate fkl.f 1,1 I .. .. I .1... I., t. .I,t .. the of nt boys The Hillsboro, Oi I so lar rccovcrcu sections were not m uiin I''1'' ' i I. , W. V. WiUy. iiml niln r r. ! i,.i ii tn . nniiii'd. .Church ' J' I Christian uiii k'.1 l'ill of the Endeavor IK milk. Km nut on the street and navigate for their n,jetion oonm oi Co lilami w at f.iro .1 tlVr, m r. in In tl hi. v M,,, ,K the girls of the .ir. t.' .. ill. the aid of Pair of crutches. aid that at the preacni unie 11. gave a bonfire for GAS COMING w hi r. t w k, pl.ee, I w , In t l.ff , o l 1. , On in Valley, due to the Society, at the EmmottThursdaj TONGUE. Ji W. II. Taylor and family have the Willamette Hlivrwrnxl. i.'.MI a r.mtt mh ,ir j, .r III tin- llitf' town, last ((ru,t. the entire .il west of practically the ill that arrived fact nf on Il.ip. at Two ' home cart Attorney-alrLanew n.1 . I'" their tin into moved wos-ullill.lMirn ,,. .l...l nil i, nrfiiml evening, mere were . . .. Blc lir.l of the wrek and another It Sixth St., between Washington hay crop had been lost, dairymenj .11 .:.,ve.l IT.w.i Srhulmerich .11 iimnnii 111.' liral tr. n.li. ty ,n proto family ha ami impossible finding gar it Tew. . noci.atcd were umi.t The . Ihe wav. O. ha remodeled Hal Baseline. -and l.n.r.U, Smutty. IT In 8, ami "ii . i" - a 11. nT 111. I r round It DC CVeiUIlKl " "- lilt iiijnyuig a laralimi nrr at age hn. bun busy unloading i neighbors uui e iu" .1 nrn the until place Sunday, A K it V", Ihry will ar ll.nii the nd unmcB in .imminii tin l .a. I.e.. "Wliril Iln- high price asked lor null leea. the tank, ami filling machine and hardly recognised it. , . .1 .. l.l.l..'.- .. I " re riir lu re lo play tin- 1 fc'I 'M turn .II. e lrniu. the fire. Weenies and sweet cider HARE, McALEAR A PET Oil Standard oin It receptacle. small i" , is Taken l Testlmoay de shrrwiiod rtln . t to take an "t'l-Witts Attorney-at-LWn. Mrs. added to the entertainment. Mr. and Aiigiitl a. lie Mtruu in- it coming through ilh larger st home t.stir. Imaikeil for 3rd their Shute Savings Ban Tueday Chriat, il fall outI f the county that of parted Upstair, inveatigut ard. .1 Central Church ..1. ili. ,.,' ,tin. and a the ar The witness told of tin In ribv Iflien Notice u.r Willi - a. School, 10 O ! Vlsil Bible -u;lUhoro. .l n.line i fast fading gasl CleElutn, after ., ayiaov... ing conditions at Bandon and Mc- OUU Summer A 11.11 tn.ro Hull S.hool tut me ami I. t uiiting with a b.if rrow.l ana ; Ilillaboro, of Bible ami Greers, the enjoy Minnville last winter, in wnicn ra.; you will .,..1.1 l.kr a nitre where .1.. shortage of a acrioii nature will E.H-SmitM.D.D.C h, nf fan., and a lumi h nf ral lnli make .1- .- V..ll.. .1 Wills, at Laurel. They ine i . I I . . v . . r,u.t Pr- - reaching at 11, sunjeci, f the pant. r ....I tiling I . I..... a be ii, two toon lunceii ' nnd Surgeon oomo : wnra .a hut Physician cinilil lw,i -- w ,lv fret 7:15. Life; company had opened cou Joy of the Christian ine .rip iii u"u dm I. Aditr... el ..,.1 .II.11.I OSTCUrAltt ty not "union days." . , . , and wa paying more junior tndeavor; o, SETTLE denscries P.. mlP"" FINAL I. Ore-;OF .11. NOTICE llliam Srhulmrrii ll ll ad a m -- rr -Unini ll. aiert"H. vomp.e car r orld Roythe for pa,tor . 8753, comrKtitors the C.n.D.No. ."What smaller its Vnirt.r MENT In auto irc., nrr nil 1 rtperielire " music and Special representfirst . Flegel, every Expect." meet . . 11 .11 1. .- - 1. ..1 . . milk. Attorney .1 Neighbor., HJU , 1. 11, ,11 , aimiiiav. Mr. and Mrt, V. W. Cardnrr evenings, at moosc inR the egUes company, asaeo Uu sc serv ices. the V.Uonal Bank, intnv a blowout and inuiy a pun. r. turm.1 Tue.day morning f"tu Voti.e i hereby KiVCll that of third Fridayvisiting rtcigiioor I was nui n Hall All the speaker II rasior o undersigned, a administratrix HiUsboro, tiire bif he had hit firvt (.lownut where they .p. til a f an tnat thit wtf caused Dy me ex assurea welcome, 1.. Members Hctrick. . .1. M.rv .1.. Vanderwal and wife re-..f John to oertir while he wa. putlinif n" with rrlatitt t. filed final account interesting session at each meet- ce,)liony high price that con- turned Monjay from a ten dtij deceased, li jjr q. Bobb Dr. D. E. He wa. ju.l about pulling a tire. . t Mrt " densea miik was ir..iBn.s and Mr st, noerd prlng9, vcrj :.. Horn, Court of the Milt nr. lo r..i,..iv it... R0BB & WILEY the linlnhiiiif ton. he. , tichti llililt . Mr. Vanderwal of the J. P.. Ue.ve. of Oregon for fc benefiUed ashington Coun j fhe rain of yesterday laid the time, and that a subsequent drop up the tlrr mi tlie rear wheel il nod Surgsoc PhyakoMs. . . Cnrmtiut. Aimu-- I tv, and that Monday, the 01 me price rcceivcd the news tne nr 01 had jn.t been nien l'd and fitted farm, tniith of dust, iui did not damage thr I in Bank Buildi the Couiinerciad drop in to due wa. B. company k nf Ihn Heath of Sam of September, U20, at the hour gram. Rains fell in section, and with air when .tie "banited" V, ll 'JO, a ton. O. . 01 wr. musooro, priw rancisco. was not general, mantci nf 10 o'clock in the forenoon f StoT. of, .San t'" k ami S. I1i1lmeri.il it Mr l.rtilia Itobertt, of Wail . T : al a r. .1 .- nrl v..c . i u.an rawer room to court wen deal in great the '"V was -t gu.and did Mirli known day said Thr mistarc hi. hatiliclie eeral feet burg. Wath., it tin Otfice 141; Be. of business. In court house at Ililla clear up the atmosphere and re itor had been put out owns ranch down near Elmonl- Phones the .tniike ub.lded nnd il ' wrek of Mr'- Frato'i-- (ilnn .aid court did he that responded Mickle Dr. J. B, DmsoKNre Mr. ca. boro. said Comity and State has duce ihe temperature. teen that Sehiituierlcli wa l"t ....I Mr. P.. C. McKinncy. market in drop the believe not as court ai.l Has resumed the fr.cm been appointed by t tn.V xi .nl wife,' of above .wv working on the hurt one of Ihe by. lamb r laufi't Ll. tf. J. H. Clare, Ml and Mrt. J. II. Rii! Rus-- 1 Medicine and Surgery, an. Hearing place I .. lor the 1 . and the time 1 ra . A ulr id but William aw nnthina pait.d Ihit Meek for Sedalm, In xne crew at ; wrriiuu Commerci-- d . the to and ih. thereto v ill. of objection funny." bridge, west of the city, fell 12 itiana. for an extended vi.it thereof. settlement final feet, yesterday, and lanueu on a , . Mr. He He Ilirde.lv and relative and friciult. , oc Dated thli 25th day of Atigtisl bunch -Hard.", of scrap iron, badiy Red Rock creamery near Kn, o. nd thttt tney"nwui daughter, Ml. Florence P.. Hoover have Hill.boro. OreiroiU after i S. Mrt. and . 1!20. Mr. I to at tne u Ta. M nr. to i ires He back. wrenching his - . . o i '" wa tripped up Uy wan IB " tv. arrived from Coiuorilit. Kan movrd tmck front Tml""' ..... f. Mitrion E. Hctrick, aoout treatment. uaj.. oi Dr. Smith hospital for attorney representing the I an absence DR. E. T. HELMS, . i V... 1 1 p In .a., ami are gueil of the J. Administratrix again taken up their residence on con- - lucksay. testimony in his Physiciai: .l.irvmen. Chiropractic Co.uliii.. Mr. Ilar.te.t) It n" Itoule circuit . in Attorney. W. H. Hollit. l.d.n k'nein allcares Is. J. .1. ha wioir I lect tn connection cerning the meeting which he mm every ir.:n a ha aunt of Mr. (Joodin. ami M- Thresher II. W. of ottrt that has sued yuy n drokherpathy and Sci hi.. I ..ill. Peters, a tister dttrinsr which '.fit-.Watson Hillsboro, Heien called st enoklnff llardestv i maklnij her eeniid . a i .1 ood chopping uuiu BUTT ROBINSON alleging that i nf,..io v R. F. P t. rt ha been answered .I fol.. dW0rce, Caii. addressed. members . oi ....ne Walson itit here, having altrmled the XI tome which he refuses to de- - he . I . . . . . . . t I'ncilii' nt total in , w " 1. l . liltrari .il . . t ne ner totu ana iiicm June present mi league ,1 Clark fair. She hat been deserted Telepnone I.ew nighL the ask wedding m celebrated ,vcr to tlie ptainuu. He nretlv l ro...i..l - .7,: in Portland. n. : -v..l... Food- incy e.c i ..,.. I r .. ,. . l of lier tiottw x.rtiiy. Offices 1 and 8, Heiuel Bui jcpiaeopni CO.. rt to order their return or give swiit .MelhOdlsl . nt tl"' iit..; chil .1 . - (1 . f. .1. year.. a. of o ..v.. i ' compauv r luimtn i 01 ici. a Mavt, i, for rroaucis Hillsboro, eounlv Flincr ed him a judgment for $100 Church, nt Forest Grove, me no any auoiouj tor will morning oi r asks she would back and dealers dren Mother and daimht-wa, v,.r to the.. lytl.it iies.ltv evening, August 23. 1920. DR. C H. POLLOCK. ! For Sate, by'owner Ten acres, ,M)tue mf.mbers that broke their ghe qnests separation and thehere Slid v. Itll Ibe J. II MeNal" getting tlint hunter' liccnte. Robin 'xtiu r...rtrn,ti. .. i Allen i.,,.-Dentist Heli n in ii on highway to COI,tracts with their organisation. return 0 her maiden name, . . . ,.,l R ii, in cultivation, ' nd H-uf I'lire.t (Jrove. . .. son was united m mnrnagc el house, Mr. and Mr, liny wl the xv. made he Upstairs in Hillsboro WM n Dixon. v onieuua , ,,Ir. nf V,.w t.erir. After i.cnuvcr, arc in na,y" P.. A few more liop picker want da.igl.t. rt, of having consult V ...... c tv water; Darn, ..i..,.iririiv without and Building, ju.m latrment . pick to wish who A. pickers at .,. . . Hop ceremony pick lyv,siltne pari, wedding Ui rd. Tlin.c who wish lo "V mentioned. the citvforaf. firms the of any ed ( register Hillsboro, - should yard , a in the Bloom at tne nome oi f,imi'- P.. Willi' yard, ptione Dl'IS Nortb ano tnev v horse one mat . . assumption 9 TWO O on $1.50 and the Pay Mrt. l ll... iinir. . .1. ."-telephone. j i i..'a. l or mail linmedi Pino r. by pjLEY, air w - .......ni. Roekavvay l "uitter about 100 chickens. Price f5500 would do so. have returned front 2 I Jt if remain thro season, ana M S Allen. Dentist I..K. 85- -tt V sv? . a. . Milne. t S. Mrs. . ,t only par o. ....avi . A t tor a honnvmoon at the sen Witness Denies conversauon H.iuel Bidg..' n, . two lit K. o; o moca and take conplc Hensley will Meml-eIL Mrs. J. the hannv Kvery .I..,., llark of had St., he Main that Farmpositively b) He stated of Hillsboro, on J ,.,i ili.tr residence at Newberg tie daughters, accompanied Phone, S 69 , V 5 . . ut.l.vi. iii the Mrs. Albert Dapper, of Portland not communicated with any of tlie ington River Road. ,i. . groom t Itiialneas lieser.e f. 1 me wriert rep Hillsboro, or ,eton.--tiU.mb- at V. distributors milk . . fa f ' I Portland art are at Seaside this week, takinfl reiyci.. i . . . United Stntos National Bnnk. i ,,mi i Marv- Verltck, a ntue n.i..'i. t ii . . e 1. In in the salt air of the Clatsop resentatlves ot xne V , d fi known xvcll , Is H. W. PRICKETI, ,I at the bride Tin Co. & Swift or company LfL Undertaker Hillsboro, where she taught in the beaches. Mr. Hensley and Mr. Product, , year We an.wer call, day or n Dnpper will go down Saturdaj prior m tne nu ten her by accomplished public school two years ago. . . I IILLIC la tx7 a IIS ! lf I.,... all sections. State uce weiiu.ng he old brother, who was .dmitted that U r ... ma rvia-- vinir i i t .i Embalmer i ESCAPES MANN r- -. GRANT ... vanvu vi" -a- - - t Work,- arener- ax wnue tne i t.ucille Stimmel, of san.i .imti ." i"- the Banks, -dressed I Smith H. . ... 1 .. Portland-the last E. Dr. eitv in its. lh t r . . ... - i 1 i r i .uii mi u, naanairer w. ,i-- Word wn received here at eleven of the week, a guest at the homt D BiCUI Miik company, in con- - wound and completed tne an.PuRoaman, Grant oVlnek list night that DENTIST; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis t.nnes J Mction wilh the fight against the tation. of r n ivitirnt at the Oregon geVeral days before the Migs pearl Allen, after spend- - Room Mrs. Stimmel has a position wltl !ea upstairs, Shute Be ,- Pharmacy,- i . companv empoty State Hospital, had escaped, and thi. who u ame returned! citv. this ih in Ik .. titT w ( tr4 IS Ll I Hill ' mvit.. yesterday. dithe officers here were asked to Mrs. Mellendy, daughter of Mr Amity In Beaverton, jijji9boro, to her home R. B. Denny, of .... t ...! a close watch for hltn. Mann and Mrs. Ennes. V of the league, testtneu con- - Mlss Alien nas rr,s..ca Cornelius, and fears Licensed Oregon 1M. Pent mathematics in Mr. by called Instructor acre as Uon Four meeting owner the erning by Sale, For might MEMBER - -- -- ngmgm ..r.i entertained that he good .Vest In which Mr. West referred in Hillsboro High, ana win pn- - I t . sr. nr 1 3n . f As the Argus tracts all In cultivation, violent. a . . U become Califor f i in as Winter league spend the the FEDEKAJb ablr house, woodshed, gar the officers. of . af nut l.rt.l plastered . .. i . goes to press, mtiini ii"" miles promoters and not active dairy- - nia. k-jPerson hosplt- - age and chicken house; 1 .""""-..in his nppenrnitcr, and the . v.-.- v that members the on told the Vnntrml 1 and men. nignway icen that house, .j court from nl nullioritles nre working mi", I P"' .hey had no voice in the operation undersifd wm n0 lnger be res- Also 9 lots In cifcy limits, consist -- nd sixth , .. . o acres, gwu . to locate him. Mann was comn i I i '" H.nnn, , )x .ulclr of accounts or bills league. mar several for ot ponsible Automobu mitted from this county jj,, Denny, under questioning any nature created by Mrs. Mtn- - Haigboro, house, barn; chicken house; all months ago. , lights Attorney Flegel, said that in nle Hass, she navtng aeseneu m. fenced; citv water; electric you at support .lj9 inquire Unking H. Hass, Sherwood, for beHef the reason lor vuc ior- household. particulars For prices the of best I Wanted Py H "UE quality Ore Hillsboro, corpora I St., a Seventh of can 512 etc.; natlon Ore.,R.. 1 receive is of prime importance. beef cnttlc, hogs, sheep, Hillsboro, Ortiftw I linn bv the leaitue was the fact must any time. Phone. gon. well, stuff it good Hon oickinz will begin In the you use serve is to your bunk was unlawful for the W. it that W. address, of the mnil ; above cm-tiof northeast yard Hollenbeck, the Beaverton Thornbureh Earl 9 to manufacture and sell itself Uve-- as this bank has Phooa21C3 Wednesday, Septemer 1. xr,.,ti,i,l.il.. was In the city league liieiii.., n..lvllle. Or. outside of the state. He city, on products of the greatest bnnkms organization to notified on hereby AGENT Portland beyond to are ... pickers All enroute of Monday, Pa1 Ileitschkel. was held by Federal Reserve J. date. an admitted that stock of in the world -tthat on visitor examirmthvn yard Fir CUT. the an at be city Mutual for n was dibusiness Farmers' North rialns, league members and that the Thornbnrgh. System. ml while In town eye which has been giving him A. PettiMki same tlie were Cxz officers I and rectors bay mare trouble. His grandfather, B. C. in the corporation as the league. i Strat-p- d Auirust nnid the Argus his annual call. Hollenbeck, celebrated hts 86th stripe down J.- H. LAYK2 i Martin Thompson, dairyman 1th white star, black - wlrecnt i . J M. Kcffcr has been named in-as birthday recently and he exOld 1800. around WcUr Keffer, back; that testified Solomon McMlnnville, of guardian several more near ward- '-i ts small pects to celebrate front left milk on hi. company left NesUea the ..iot The estate Si before he gives his card to OW. bjj tb roadside because he reVB. Cater, Straaaal, b..t the ward draws $9 pension ill JM EUVtN IHUR6S Horn, to 1 ho. Hatch and wife, u TOLE !JJ. fuwd to STANDS WITH rt-p- the dairymen's 'mt 1 ! - i 111 , l a - t.J . i , -- . 1 n,j ' ' .V . - - lK" t. . , . in , V, I I araln l.i I 1 ((-- 1 v I '" , ! , n , ri ! 1 '' "" . Pr-du- et 1 t 1 I , :0 r . "Co-operati- ii'..'il "'. 1 I - "" I""" 1 ht J ,..r , rf" - . 1 w ... - . j ,n, 1 'll J fn.-j,-- . T.r I , ' !... ! v 11 ('t 11 , . 1 - ,i(1 j ....:,. ni to ; - w tit, I. i . 11 11 ... - . ," 1 H.lT"- all ... 1 j 11 1 1 , 1 - "0", n-- 1 1 d). Juliu-Vuvl.l.k- e. " . ft ii " - '' Mu.K, 1 s.j n.. f v-8"-- u-i- r--i i.il 1 l.-.- .. r t v., .... i-- . ir, . t c-- .. l,,,, 1 1 , I , SsJ) e JLt M --- --- IVast if ti "V m . - .m U 1 & . 1 .- S usiiv'Tay War In tho Business - r I X, B . mMm I,,-,- 1 Pr.. - . na -- ii2SJ.fiwia:i cs r.n. . 50-S- he , 1, 'Hillsboro National Bank - Hlft 'quarterly.. PaUr, . at X j Ito CZ