Module – 3 Unit – 3 Small Signal BJT Amplifiers Review Questions: 1. Define h – parameters for a transistor. Why are these called hybrid parameters? What are their units? 2. Out of four h – parameters, two are most important. Which are these? And why the other two have less significance? 3. hi and Zi both represent input impedance in h - and Z systems of parameters but they are most equal. Why? 4. What are r – parameters and how are they superior to h – parameters? 5. Common – base (CB) amplifier has limited applications. Why? 6. Among BJT amplifiers, common-emitter amplifier is most favoured. Give reasons. 7. What is an emitter follower? Discuss its main applications. 8. What are, in general, performance parameters of an amplifier? Problems: 3.1 Calculate dynamic emitter resistance r’e (also called ac emitter resistance) of the transistor in the circuit of fig.(VBE = 0.7V) +5V(+ VCC) 2k IC + VCE VBE 12k k IE 4.3k -5V(- VEE) Solution:The dynamic emitter resistance, re' , is expressed as, r 'e 25mv IE Where IE is dc emitter current. The dc emitter current in the circuit (i.e, voltage drop across resistor RE, divided by the resistance) is IE VEE VBE RE 5 0.7 4.3 10 3 Therefore, r 'e 25 mV 1 mA That is, re' = 25 Ω 25 1 mA 3.2 How much is the voltage gain of the amplifier (fig) if the dynamic emitter resistance, r’e, is 25 Ω. The current gain of the transistor is 80. How much is input impedance of the amplifier. The coupling and bypass capacitors may be assumed of negligible impedance at the signal frequency. Take VBE = 0.7V +9V RC 12k vi C1 5k C2 v0 A B RL 6k k 2.3k C3 5k Solution:The voltage gain AV, for a common emitter amplifier with resistor RE by- passed is AV rc r 'e Where rc is effective (ac) impedance seen by the collector and it is rc = Rc RL = 5k 5k = 2.5 kΩ And re' = 25Ω (given) Therefore, AV 2.5 10 3 25 100 First we find out impedance between base (point A in Fig 3.2) and ground, Z i(base) and we know, it is given by Zi(base) = β re' = 80 x 25 or Zi(base) = 2 kΩ And, input impedance of the amplifier Zi(amp) is, Zi(amp) = RB Zi(base) Where RB is effective biasing resistance, and RB = R1 R2 = 12k Therefore, Zi(amp) = 4k 2k or Zi(amp) = 1.33 kΩ 6k = 4 kΩ 3.3 Calculate the value of resistor RC so that the voltage gain of the amplifier in fig is 100. Capacitors C1, C2, and C3 may be assumed short at signal frequency. +12V (+ VCC) RC vi C2 vo C1 10k k RE 5k -12V (- VEE) RL C3 4k Solution:In case, RE is by-passed, the voltage gain Av of the amplifier is, AV rc r 'e Where rc is the effective (ac) resistance seen by the collector of the transistor, and re' is the dynamic resistance of the emitter. We know, r 'e 25mv IE Now, IE VEE VBE 12.0 0.7 5 10 3 RE 2.26 mA Therefore, r 'e 25 mV 2.26 mA 11 0.011 k And, Rc = RC RL 4 RC RC 4 Where resistances have been taken in kΩ Therefore, AV rc r 'e 4 Rc 1 Rc 4 0.011 As Av = 100 (given), Rc (in kΩ) is, 100 or Rc ( Rc 4 Rc 4) (0.011) 1.51 k 3.4 Find out the smallest value of load RL in the amplifier circuit shown in fig so that the voltage gain is at least 40. The dynamic emitter resistance of the transistor is 25 Ω. The coupling and by-pass capacitors may be assumed short at signal frequency. +12k RC 3k vo 8k vi RL 4k k 4k RE Solution:The voltage gain of the common emitter amplifier with resistor RE by-passed (see fig.) is expressed as rc r 'e AV 40 (required gain) Where rc is effective ac impedance seen by the collector, Which is rc = RC RL RC RL RC RL Taking resistances in kΩ rc 3R L 3 RL And, AV or RL 3R L 3 RL 1.5 k 1 25 10 3 40 3.5 The silicon transistor in the common- base amplifier has the current gain α of 0.98. Find the input impedance and voltage gain of the amplifier in fig. (VBE = 0.7V) -9V (-VEE) RE 6k +9V (+Vcc) RC 4k VBE ~ vi 4k RL Solution:The dc voltage sources have to be grounded for ac analysis of the amplifier. Then the input impedance of the CB amplifier (in fig.) is Zi(amp) = RE r’e ≈ r’e Where r’e is dynamic emitter resiatance and r’e << RE Also, 25mV IE r 'e Where IE is dc emitter current in the circuit VEE IE VBE RE 9 0.7 6 10 3 or , I E 1.38 mA Therefore, r 'e 25 mV 1.38mA 18 Thus, the input impedance Zi(amp) is, Zi(amp) ≈ r’e = 18Ω The low value of input impedance is the main reason for limited applications of CB amplifier. The voltage gain of CB amplifier is expressed as, rc AV r 'e Since, rc = RC RL = 4k 4k Then , AV AV 0.98 2000 18 108.8 108.8 = 2kΩ = 2000 Ω 3.6 The transistor in the amplifier circuit shown in fig, has h – parameters, hie = 2kΩ and hfl = 80. The values of hoe and hre are negligible. Calculate the voltage gain and input impedance Zi(amp) of the amplifier. Capacitors C1, C2, and C3 may be assumed short at signal frequency due to small impedances. +15V R1 vi RC 6k 20k C2 vo C1 R2 RL 20k k 2k RE C3 6k Solution:The magnitude of voltage gain with h-parameters hoe and hre dropped, and emitter resistance RE by-passed by capacitor C3 is AV h fe . Z i hie 80 3k 2k 120 Because the ac load at collector, Zl, is Zl = RC RL = 6k 6k = 3kΩ Further, the impedance between base and ground , Zi(base) is, Zi(base) = hie = 2kΩ And, input impedance of amplifier, Zi(amp) is, Zi(amp) = R1 R2 Zi(base) = 20k 20k = 10k Zi(base) = 10k 2k = 1.6kΩ or Zi(amp) = 1.6kΩ Zi(base) 3.7 For the amplifier circuit shown in fig. calculate the voltage gain and input impedance of the amplifier when by-pass capacitor C3 is removed from the circuit. +15V R1 vi RC 6k 20k C2 vo C1 R2 RL 20k k 2k RE C3 6k Solution:With by-pass capacitor C3 (in fig.) removed, the gain of a amplifier falls and input impedance of the amplifier increases. In case RE is not by-passed, the magnitude of voltage gain AV is AV Zl RE 3k 2k 1.5 And, Zi(base) = hie + (1 + hfe) RE = 2k + (1 + 80) X 2k Or, Zi(base) = 164 kΩ And, input impedance of amplifier, Zi(amp) is Zi(amp) = R1 R2 Zi(base) = 20k 20k 10k 164k or Zi(amp) = 9.4 kΩ 164 k = 9.4 kΩ 3.8 The emitter follower (common collector amplifier) shown in fig. uses a transistor with h-parameters hie = 4.5 kΩ, hfe = 120. Other parameters hoe and hre have negligible effect on amplifier performance. Calculate voltage gain and input impedance of the amplifier. The coupling and by-pass capacitors may be assumed short at signal frequency. +9V 60k 30k ~ 3k Zi (base) Zi(amp) RE RL 6k Solution:Neglecting the effect of hoe and hre on amplifier performance, the voltage gain of emitter follower may be expressed as, AV h fc Ze hic h fc . Z e Where Ze is the effective load seen by the emitter, and it is RL = 3k 6k = 2 kΩ Ze = RE And using hfc ≈ hfe and hic = hie, We have, h fe AV AV hie Ze h fe Z e 120 2 k 4k (120 2 k ) 0.98 240 244 The input impedance as seen at the base w.r.t ground is, Zi(base) = hfc. Ze = hfe. Ze = 120 X 2 kΩ = 240 kΩ The input impedance of the amplifier (that is, after taking the effect of biasing resistors), Zi(amp) = RB Zi(base) And the effective base resistance RB is, RB= R1 R2 = 60 k 30k = 20 kΩ Therefore, Zi(amp) = 20k 240k = 18.46 kΩ or Zi(amp) = 18.46 kΩ