DIPLOMA IN (ELECTRICAL/ INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROL ENGG I-SEMESTER ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Annexure: I BOS : 13.02.2013 (COURSE NO: BEE-101) Pds/week L P 4 - Duration of Exam Hrs 3 Max Marks Course Work Mid-Sem Exam 10 15 End-Sem Exam 75 Total 100 CONTENTS Unit-I D.C FUNDAMENTAL AND CIRCUITS. Ampere Volt and Ohm. Kirchoff’s Laws, analysis of D.C. circuits with KCL and KVL. 20% Resistance, grouping of resistors, temperature coefficient of resistance. Work, Energy and Power. Sample problems. Unit-II 20% MAGNETIC CIRCUITS, ELCTRO-MAGNETC INDUCTION AND CAPACITORS. Faraday’s & lenz’s law of electromagnetic induction. Induced and generated voltages. Inductance and its units, self and mutual inductances, energy stored in an inductor, capacitance and it’s unit, grouping of capacitors, energy stored in a capacitor. Magnetic Circuit: associated terms and their units, simple problems on series and parallel Magnetic circuits. Unit-III 20% ALTERNATING CURRENTS FUNDAMENTALS Concept of alternating quantities, instantaneous, Average & R.M.S value. nature of alternating voltage and current. Sinusoidal equation, phasor diagram, lagging,leading quantities. Unit-IV 20% POWER IN A SINGLE PHASE A.C. CIRCUIT. Power in an a.c circuit, power factor, active and reactive currents. Relationship between current and voltage in purely resistive, inductive and capacitive circuits, inductive and capacitive reactance. Unit-V 20% THREE PHASE CIRCUITS Generation of three phase voltages, phase sequence, star and delta connections, line and phase values, phasor diagrams, power in a three phase balanced and Solution of three phase balanced circuits. Recommended Books: 1. Fundamental of Electrical Engg…………..Ashfaq Husain 2. Electrical Engg. Principles………………... Ashfaq Husain 3. Principles of Electrical Engg………………V.K. Mehta 4. A Text of Electrical Tech…………………..B.L.Tharaja A.K.Tharaja DIPLOMA IN ENGG (ELECTRONICS /COMPUTER) I-SEMESTER ELECTRONICS DEVICES AND CIRCUITS (COURSE NO: BLE-101) Pds/week L P 4 - Duration of Exam Hours 3 Max Marks Course Work 10 Mid Sem Exam 15 Annexure I BOS 13.02.13 End Sem Exam 75 Total 100 Unit-I 20% SEMI CONDUCTOR PHYSICS AND DIODE: 1. Semiconductor Physics: Intrinsic Semiconductors- Conductivity, atomic and crystal structure of germanium and silicon, covalent bonds, generation and recombination, effect of temperature on conductivity of intrinsic semiconductors, energy levels diagram of conductor, insulators and intrinsic semiconductors, Extrinsic semiconductor materials- P and N type semiconductors and their conductivity, Definition of Drift and Diffusion currents. Semiconductor Diode junction diode, mechanism of current flow in P-N junction, zener and avalanche breakdown, Semiconductor diode characteristics, static and dynamic resistances. Introduction to special purpose diodes (Zener diode, LED, photo diode, varactor diode, schotkey diode, tunnel diode) Unit-II 20% RECTIFIERS & WAVE –SHAPPING CIRCUIT Concept of rectification, specification of rectifier diode, single-phase half wave, full wave, bridge rectifier circuits and their operation calculations of ripple factor and rectification efficiency of rectifiers, basic concept of filtrating and filtering circuits. Working and use of voltage-doublers circuit. Basic concept of clipping and clamping circuits. Unit-III 20% BIPOLAR JUNCTIONTANSISTOR Concept of transistor, NPN, PNP, their construction and operations, Concept of leakage current Icbo , transistor configuration (common base, common emitter and common collector), idea of their current gain and input, output characteristics. Unit-IV FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR Introduction: Types of FET. Construction, operation and characteristics of JFETS. Introduction to MOSFET: Depletion type and enhancement type MOSFET, their construction and characteristics. Introduction to VMOS and CMOC. Comparisons of JFET, MOSFET, BJT 20% Unit-V TRANSISTOR BIASING BJT BIASING: Introduction, operating point, need for stabilization of operating point Different transistor biasing circuits for fixing the operating point, bias stabilization and stability factors for various biasing circuits. FET BIASING: Introduction, fixed bias configuration, self-bias configuration and voltage divider biasing BOOKS RECOMMENDED 1. Electronics Devices & circuits by Bogart 2. Basic Electronics & Linear circuits by N.N Bhargava 3. Principles of Electronics by V.K Mohta. 20% BOOKS: 1. Electrical Technology By R.L Thereja 2. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering. By Ashfaq Hussain, Dhanpat Rai & Co. DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ( MECHANICAL/PRODUCTION/R.A.C/PLASTIC TECH) I-SEMESTER FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (BOS30-5-2014) (COURSE NO: BEE-102) Annexure: I BOS: 13.02.2013 Pds/week L P 3 - Duration of Exam Max Marks Hrs Course Work Mid-Sem Exam End-Sem Exam Total 3 10 15 75 100 OBJECTIVES: To teach student the facts, concepts, principles & Procedure of operation & control of electric machines & applications of electrical energy in manufacturing industry which enables him to work as supervisor in a manufacturing shop & as an assistant in research & development department. CONTENTS UNIT-I 20% INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICITY (09) Periods • Modern Electron Theory. • Resistance, Ohm’s law, Resistance in Series & Parallel. • Kirchhoff’s Current law & Voltage law. • Network theorem for D C. Thevenin’s, Norton’s Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. MAGNETISM & ELECTROMAGNETISM • Magnetism & its effects, Law’s of Magnetic force, Magnetic lines of force. • Magnetic flux, Magnetic Flux Density, Magnetic Field Strength, Permeability. • Right hand Gripping Rule, Maxwell’s Corkscrew Rule. • Force on a current carrying conductor lying in a magnetic field, Fleming’s Left Hand Rule. • MMF, Reluctance, Permeance, Comparison between Electric & Magnetic circuit. UNIT-II 20% ELECTROMAGNETICINDUCTION (09) Periods • Production of Induced Emf & Current. • Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction. • Fleming’s Right Hand Rule, Lenz’s Law. • Dynamically Induced Emf, Statically Induced Emf: Self Inductance and Mutual Inductance A.C. FUNDAMENTALS • Generation of Alternating Voltage & Current. • Important Terms: Cycle, Time Period, Frequency, Amplitude. • RMS Value, Average value, Form factor, Peak factor. • A.C. through resistance, Inductance & Capacitance. • Generation of Polyphase Current & Voltage. • Star & Delta Connections: Voltage, Current and Power Relations. • Applications of the Three Phase System • UNIT-III 20% ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS & MEASUREMENTS (08) Periods • Essential Features of Instruments-Deflecting Torque, Controlling Torque & Damping Torque. • PMMC Instruments, Moving-Iron Instruments. • Ammeter and Voltmeter: Advantages, Disadvantages & Applications. D.C. GENERATOR • Generator Principle • Simple Loop Generator • Practical Generator: Constructional Features • Types of Generator • Generated EMF UNIT-IV 20% D.C MOTOR (09) Periods • Motor Principle. • Comparison of Generator & Motor Action. • Significance of Back Emf. • Applications of D.C. Motors TRANSFORMER • Working Principle of a Transformer. • Transformer Construction. • Elementary Theory of an Ideal Transformer. • Voltage Transformation Ratio. • Losses in Transformer. • Auto transformer. UNIT-V INDUCTION MOTOR (07) Periods • General Principle of Induction Motor. • Advantages, Disadvantages & Applications of single Phase Induction Motor. INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRIC MOTOR • Classification of Individual Drives. • Advantages of Individual Drives. • Selection of Motor. • Motors for different Drives. REFERENCE BOOKS” • • Fundamentals of Electrical Engg : By Ashfaq Husain Electrical Technology: By B.L. Theraja 20% DIPLOMA IN CIVIL ENGINEERING I - SEMESTER ELECTRO TECHNIQUE (COURSE NO: BEE-103) Pds/week L P 4 - Duration of Exam Annexure: I BOS : 13.02.2013 Max Marks Hrs Course Work Mid-Sem Exam End-Sem Exam 3 10 15 75 Total 100 CONTENTS Unit-I FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRIC CIRCUIT 20% Ampere Volt and Ohm. Kirchoff’s Laws, analysis of D.C. circuits with KCL and KVL. Resistance, grouping of resistors, capacitance grouping of capacitance, temperature coefficient of resistance. work, Energy and Power. Joule’s law. Sample problems. Unit-II 20% ALTERNTING CURRENT FUNDMENTALS Concept of alternating quantities, nature of alternating voltage and current. Sinusoidal equations, different standard values (instantaneous, maximum average, R.M.S) phasor diagram, lagging, leading quantities, simple problems. Unit-III 20% A.C CIRCUITS Power in A.C circuit, power factor, active and reactive currents. Relationship between current and voltage in purely resistive, inductive and capacitive reactance, basic principle of single and three phase transformers. Phase sequence, star & delta connections, line and phase values, phasor diagrams. Unit-IV 20% ELECTRICAL WIRING AND INSTALLATION Introduction, systems of distribution of electrical energy, types of wiring, wires and cables, conductor materials used in cables, insulation and its types, types of cables used for internal wiring load calculation and cable selection, conducts accessories and fittings, Basic of fuse systems. Unit-V 20% LIGHTING SCHEME Introduction, lighting accessories and fittings, lighting schemes, types of electric lamps, Tungsten filament lamps, fluorescents tubes and sodium vapour lamps, layout of lighting schemes, factory lighting street lighting and decorative lighting. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1 Fundamental of Electrical Engg…………..Ashfaq Husain 2 Electrical Engg. Principles………………...Ashfaq Husain 3 Electrical wiring, Estimatingb& costing…… ...S.L. Uppal & J.M Laoria 4 Electrical Installation, Estimating & costing ……………B.L.Thareja DIPLOMA IN ELECTRONICS/COMPUTER ENGINEERING I-SEMESTER CIRCUIT THEORY (COURSE NO: BLE-102) Annexure: I BOS : 13.02.2013 Pds/week L P 4 - Duration of Exam Hrs 3 Max Marks Course Work Mid-Sem Exam 10 15 CONTENTS End-Sem Exam 75 Total 100 Unit-I 20% INTRODUCTIN SI units, Definition of various electrical quantities: such as charge, current, voltage, resistance, power, work, energy potential and potential difference their units and relationship with each other. The three basic parameters of electric circuit: resistance, capacitance and inductance, definition, current-voltage relation. Ohm’s law, simple circuits: series, parallel and series-parallel connection of resistors, capacitors and inductors (simple problems). Unit-II 20% NETWORK LAWS & THEOREMS Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws (with problems).Mesh Analysis, Superposition Theorem, Thevenin’s Theorem, Norton’s Theorem, Maximum power transfer Theorem for DC network. Unit-III 20% ELECTROMAGNETIC AND MAGNETIC CIRCUIT Basics of Electromagnetism, Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction & Lenz’s laws of electromagnetic induction, Fleming right hand rule, Magneto motive force, Magnetic field Intensity, Permeability, Relative Permeability, Reluctance, Magnetic Circuit, Series magnetic circuit, Series-parallel magnetic circuit, Magnetic circuit losses.(Problems) Inductively Coupled circuit, Mutual Inductance and Coefficient of coupling. Unit-IV 20% A.C. CIRCUIT Definition and explanation of alternating current, voltage and their relative terms, Phasor diagrams of alternating current and voltage in Series and Parallel A.C. Circuit containing Purely Resistive, Capacitive, Inductive elements ( a combination of two elements and a combination of all three elements). Unit-V 20% RESONANCE Series resonance definition, derivation of expressions for resonant frequency, quality factor, voltage and current, resonance curve, lower and upper half power frequency, bandwidth and selectivity dependence of bandwidth and selectivity on Quality factor (problems based on the above). Parallel resonance circuit (same as for series resonance). BOOKS: 1. Electrical Technology By R.L Thereja 2. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering. By Ashfaq Hussain, Dhanpat Rai & Co.