theory -

Study Guide for First Term Written Assessments Nov 2013
Study from your physics book and your class notes the following:
Simple electrical circuit
Water analogy of electrical potential energy
Microscopic explanation of electrical current & resistance.
Energy transformation in a battery
Potential difference
Conductors and insulators
Ohm’s law
Ohmic Non-ohmic conductor
The simple circuit
Applying the law of conservation of energy
Internal resistance of cells
Electrical power
Resistors in series & parallel
Comparison of Mechanical/Electrical power
Simulation of combination of components (resistors in parallel and series)
Use and connection of voltmeters and ammeters in a circuit.
Multiple combinations – Internal resistance of cells - measurement of p.d/current - examples
Electrical sensors: Thermistor, light sensor, strain gauge using the sensors with potential dividers - examples.
Introduction to gravitational field
Gravitational field definition
Gravitational field strength (g)
Gravitational field around a spherical object
Resultant of a gravitational field produced by more than one mass
Gravitational potential in a uniform field - Definition
Field lines
Gravitational potential energy
Escape velocity
Orbital motion
Orbital speed
Period of motion
Gravitation test
Electric force
Types of charges
Conservation of charge
Electric field lines
Table of gravitational and electrical field
Coulomb electrical force - field strength - Potential - Potential Energy
Practicing on electricity problems
Magnetic poles
Magnetic field/field lines
Magnetic flux density (B)
Field caused by currents
Field inside a coil/solenoid
Force on a current-carrying conductor
How to use right thumb rule for the magnetic field of a wire with current
How to use Fleming’s left hand rule to find the direction of the force
Electromagnetic induction
Conductor moving in a magnetic field
Induced emf
Conservation of energy
Fleming’s right hand rule
Calculating induced emf
Faraday’s law
Flux and flux density
Coil rotating in a uniform magnetic field
Effect of increasing angular speed
Alternating current
Root mean square
The transformer
Atomic structure
The arrangement of charge in the atom
The Rutherford model
The Bohr model
The connection between atoms and light
Atomic spectra
The hydrogen spectrum
Transmission of electrical power
The quantum nature of light
The photoelectric effect
The swimming pool analogy
The zinc plate experiment
Quantum model of light
Millikan’s photoelectric experiment
Einstein’s photoelectric equation
Quantum explanation of atomic spectra
Absorption of light
The electron gun
Detecting electrons
Electron diffraction
The de Broglie hypothesis
Probability waves
Explaining diffraction
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
Quantum models of the atom
The electron in a box
Schrödinger’s model
Nuclear structure
Mass of the nucleus
Charge of the nucleus
Size of the nucleus
Quantities and terms related to the nucleus
The nuclear force (strong force)
Binding energy
The binding energy curve
Worked example of the binding energy of iron (Fe)
Radioactive decay
Alpha radiation (α)
Effect on nucleus
Energy released
Alpha energy
Beta minus (β -)
Effect on nucleus
Beta energy
Beta-plus (β +) decay
Effect on nucleus
Gamma radiation (γ)
Gamma energy
Decay chains
Nuclear radiation and health
The exponential decay curve
Carbon dating
Nuclear reactions
Transmutation of nitrogen into carbon
Nuclear fusion
Nuclear fission
The above material was covered from 9/13 to 11/13.
You will study also Year 1 physics.
If you want to know if you are ready in theory then make sure that you will cover from the physics syllabus
document the highlighted items.