Lightbulbs and Dimmer Switches: DC Circuits

Lightbulbs and Dimmer Switches: DC Circuits
It is truly amazing how much we rely on electricity, and especially on devices operated off of
DC current. Your PDA, cell phone, laptop computer and calculator are all examples of DC
electronics. In fact, any electronic device you use that has a transformer (one of those big
bricks that makes it hard to use all 5 sockets on a power strip) is run off DC.
In this lab you will be experimenting with basic DC circuits. You will qualitatively and
quantitatively explore how current functions in parallel and in series. You will also learn how
to use basic electronic measuring devices, including a digital multi-meter and an ammeter.
One of the keys to getting any electronic device working in an efficient manner is being
organized. In this lab, it is very easy to end up with a tangle of wires and switches with light
bulbs haphazardly poking out of the mess at odd angles. To avoid this electronic spaghetti,
you should neatly arrange your circuits on the tabletop. Don’t be afraid to spread out and
build a circuit that looks identical to the diagrams in this lab handout.
1 6.5 V Battery
1Battery Charger
1 Digital multimeter
1 Simpson Ampmeter
3 Light bulbs
1 Potentiometer
4 pair of alligator clip wires
1 510 Resistor
1 300 Resistor
1 200 Resistor
Lightbulbs and Dimmer Switches: DC Circuits
Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s Laws
When you are faced with any given circuit you have just three quantities to worry about:
potential difference, V, across the circuit; current, I, through the circuit; and resistance, R, in
the circuit. These three quantities are related by Ohm’s Law:
V = I R.
In a closed system – for any complete loop in a circuit – the total potential difference will stay
constant. This means that as a circuit forks into multiple pieces that come back together, the
potential difference in each branch will be the same as the potential difference between the
start and end points of the branch. This means that the sum of potential differences across all
the resistors in a single branch in the circuit is equal to the potential difference across the
entire branch.
The current in a circuit, however, isn’t the same in different branches in a circuit. At any
junction, the current that flows in will equal the current that flows out. The amount of current
in each branch will be directly related to the total resistance of each branch, where the current
will be higher in the branch that offers lower resistance. In order to figure out the current
anywhere in a closed circuit, all you need to know is the potential difference supplied to the
circuit and the resistance.
Mathematically, the total resistance from N resistors in series is just the sum of their
resistances (Remembering that sum of the potential differences across each resistor is the
same as the total potential difference across the circuit, and current is constant in a closed loop
in the circuit):
V = V1 + V2 + . . . + VN
= IR1 + IR2 + . . . + IRN
= I (R1 + R2 + . . . + RN)
The total resistance of several resistors in different, parallel branches of a circuit, however is
related to the sums of the currents (remembering that V is the same across each branch):
Iin = I1 + I2 + . . . + IN = V/R1 + V/R2 + . . . + V/RN
Resistors come in a couple of different forms. Ohmic devices have the same resistance no
matter how much current you run through them (assuming you don’t blow them up). NonOhmic devices have resistances that can be a function of many different things: temperature,
current, pressure, etc. Light bulbs are one example of a non-Ohmic device; the filament
undergoes huge changes in temperature when current passes through it. Therefore, the
resistance of the filament is not constant; rather, it increases with current.
These rules were summarized by G.R. Kirchhoff, who stated:
1) At any junction point, the sum of all currents entering the junction must equal the sum
of all currents leaving the junction
2) The sum of the changes in potential around any closed path of a circuit must be zero.
Lightbulbs and Dimmer Switches: DC Circuits
Before you start
This section should be completed prior to attending lab.
In lab we will be working with light bulbs. Before using them as an element in a
circuit, you should understand how they work. Find a standard incandescent light bulb
and examine it closely. How many conductors and insulators are in the light bulb?
How many wires connect to the filament and where do they connect in the base? How
does the base work? Sketch the bulb and carefully label all the components.
You will be connecting your light bulb into the circuit using a light bulb socket. This
is another element you should understand. Examine a light bulb socket closely. How
does the socket work? Sketch the bulb and carefully label all the components.
Some electronic components only work if the positive terminal on a battery is
connected to them in a specific way. What will happen if you try connecting the light
bulb to the battery in different ways, reversing how the current flows through the light
In lab you will be building 8 different circuits. Prior to coming to lab we’re going to have you
predict what will happen in each circuit. As well as writing up the questions below in your
pre-lab report, please prepare a worksheet for use in lab that contains your pre-lab predictions
and spaces for your lab results.
Circuit 1 & 2: Identical light
bulbs connected to a 6.5-V
4. Given that the bulbs and
batteries in both circuits 1 and 2 are identical, rank what you would expect the order of
brightness of the bulbs to be. That is, relate the brightness of A, B, and C with >, <,
or = signs. Explain your reasoning.
5. What happens if you unscrew one of the bulbs in Circuit 2? What would happen if you
short out one of the bulbs? How does the brightness of the unshorted bulb compare to
that of the single bulb C in circuit 1?
6. What would you predict for the brightness of the bulbs if a third bulb were added in
series with A and B?
7. For a given battery, does the same amount of current always flow or does it depend on
the particular circuit connected to it?
Lightbulbs and Dimmer Switches: DC Circuits
Circuit 3: Identical light bulbs wired in parallel with a 6.5-V battery.
8. Rank the brightness of bulbs C, D and E using >, <, or = signs. What is your
9. Would removing one bulb change the brightness of the other bulb? Why?
10. Will the total current through the battery change when you unscrew one bulb?
11. Suppose we were to increase the number of bulbs to three wired in parallel. What
would happen to the brightness of each bulb?
Circuit 4: Now you can combine the knowledge gained
in the one and two bulbs circuits. Consider circuit 4. With
the switch 2 open and switch 1 closed, this circuit is
identical to Circuit 2. However, a third bulb F can be
added in parallel with bulb B by closing switch 2.
12. Rank the brightness of bulbs A, B and F using >, <, or = signs. What is your
13. The brightness of bulb A indicates the total current in the circuit. Will the total current
in the circuit increase or decrease when bulb F is added?
14. Did the total resistance of the circuit increase, decrease, or remain the same when F
was added?
15. What happens to the current at the point marked “a”?
Circuit 5: In this circuit you will be replacing the
light bulb in circuit 1 with a standard resistor. In lab
you will be measuring the current and potential
difference with instruments discussed in the next
section of the lab. For the prelab, please ignore the
symbols in the diagram.
+ 6.5 V
16. What is the current through this circuit?
17. What is the potential difference across the resistor?
18. Calculate the power dissipated
R 1 510 Circuit 5
Lightbulbs and Dimmer Switches: DC Circuits
Circuit 6: As above, ignore the symbols for an ampmeter and digital voltmeter in the diagram. This circuit
replaces the two light bulbs in circuit 2 with 200 and
300 resistors.
19. Using the component values shown in the figure, predict how much current will flow
through the ammeter. Compare this with the current predicted for Circuit 5. Explain.
20. Predict the potential difference across R2 (Vab).
21. Predict the potential difference across R3 (Vbc).
22. Using Kirchhoff’s Loop Rule, predict the relationship between Vab , Vbc , and Vbat, the
potential difference across the battery.
Circuit 7: As above, ignore the symbols for
an amp-meter and digital voltmeter in the
diagram. This circuit replaces the light bulbs
in circuit 3 with 300 and 510 resistors.
23. Predict the current through R4 (I4).
24. Predict the current through R5 (I5).
25. Predict the current flow through the battery (Itotal).
26. Using Kirchhoff’s Junction Rule, predict the relationship between I4 , I5 and Itotal .
27. Using resistor-addition rules, calculate the equivalent resistance for R4 in parallel
with R5.
Lightbulbs and Dimmer Switches: DC Circuits
Circuit 8: In this circuit, the potentiometer, Rv, behaves as a variable potential difference
divider. The resistance between points d and f is adjusted by changing the location of the
center contact. The resistance
between points d and e is fixed
at 25 , while the resistance
between d and f varies from 0 to
25 . If a potential difference is
applied across the
potentiometer, any percentage
of that potential difference will
be applied to the center terminal
f. That is, if Vde = 6.5 V, then Vfe
can be set to any potential
difference between 0 and 6.5 V.
The volume control on your
radio is an example of a potentiometer.
28. Predict the maximum current flow through R6 (I6). Prepare a sheet of graph paper to
show how I6 varies with Vfe and make a plot showing I and V for
RV = 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 .
Lab Circuitry
When you come to lab build all of the above circuits and compare your prelab values to your
experimental values. There will be some discrepancies between your predicted and actual
values. Taking the gold/silver bands on the resistors into consideration, discuss if your
discrepancies make sense, and where they are coming from.
Submission Check List
Answer all the questions above in lab.
Turn in your pre-prepared worksheet with pre-lab values.