Your Gate to a Safe System 2 Yo u r G a t e t o a S a f e s y s t e m About Us The Threats Sasa Software was founded in mid 2012, Sasa Software specializes in IT security. It is owned by Kibbutz Sasa, situated on the Meron Nature Reserve in the northern part of Israel. Kibbutz Sasa is also the owner of Plasan Sasa, a leading worldwide armouring company. Plasan Sasa has been supporting for years the USA and NATO troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sasa Software’s leading product is the Gate Scanner which secures incoming data in a very innovative and sophisticated way. The Gate Scanner has been launched and implemented at Plasan Sasa for three years and is fully tested and mature product. Our company complex is regulated by the Ministry of Defense Security Authority. (MALMAB) Malicious malwares can penetrate the network via external devices, e-mail or 3rd party applications. Once it has penetrated, the whole database and network performance, are exposed and in danger. In most organizations the most neglected IT security layers are at the Gateway and at the endpoint. Overall the main target is to protect the organizations network data from malicious malware. This threat is common to any organization which has any kind of database and needs to be protected. The Solution The Gate Scanner is an offline solution in which all data and files are being transferred through. The Gate Scanner will provide the right protection at the highest level. By using Gate Scanner, it will allow the organizations to maintain its daily operations and keep receiving incoming data which has been bleached and approved by the Gate Scanner system. Our Gate Scanner product has received official certification from the IT divisions of the Israeli Security Agency and Ministry of Defense Security Authority (MALMAB). 3 Our Products GATE SCANNER STD Stand Alone extensive deep scanning Station with various connections. GATE SCANNER Server Extensive deep scanning Server that can connect to 3rd party applications. GATE SCANNER Engine Extensive deep scanning Engine. GATE SCANNER API Interface for linking 3rd party applications straight to the Gate Scanner engine. GATE SCANNER Desktop Extensive Deep scanning from the users Desktop. GATE SCANNER Injector One way Optical connection between separate networks. GATE SCANNER Net Launching in mid - 2014 Extensive deep scanning system in files on the network. Accessories GATE SCANNER Kiosk Stand for Gate Scanner System. The Process Log In Enter user name and password 4 Email choose Email address Media Connect the media to Gate scanner Yo u r G a t e t o a S a f e s y s t e m Files Choose requested files/folders Verify Validate files and email Scan Take out media and return to working station Notify Receive Email notification Results Download the clean scan results Past Experience Sasa Software has successfully implemented their solutions with numerous customers in most sectors, such as, Commercial, Insurance, Educational, Municipal, Governmental, Financial, Medical, Transportation, Industrial, Defense, Energy, Communication and Telecom companies. Main Features Scanning and Blocking • Sophisticated file type identification, with multi “TrueType” engines. • Black and white listing. • Blocks macros, embedded components and unrecognized file types. • Deep content search (including archived files). • Interworks with 5 leading commercial antivirus systems. • Extensive work load capacity. • Blackening - prevention of data removal from the network. • Simple, user friendly interface. • Zero Day capabilities. Converting Files • Convert graphical formats, office files to PDF, excel to RTF, word to TIF, PDF to bitmap and back. • Extract Macro and embedded elements for office files. • Remove Java and embedded elements from PDF. • XML Parser & Text Parser. • Clean Meta Data. Managing Users • User Verification - log on by local user or Active Directory or anonymous by e mail only. • Verification against user e-mail address or profile groups. Security • Anti-tampering process. • Gate Scanners operating system is sealed, shielded and encrypted - running by WIN 8 embedded. • Option to restart the computer upon completion of each scan. Managing System • Multi language user interface. • Central administration site including full control, administration and configuration to every user and station. • Central Update server . • Detailed reports and event logs. 5 Server Gate Scanner Server for Applications • The Gate Scanner Server supports several different 3rd party applications working simultaneously. • Smart Queue Management. • Each single Gate Scanner engine has a very high working capacity. • Upon increase in workload, Gate Scanner engines can be added in an Active/Active way, without interrupting server performance. • All Gate Scanner STD features and capabilities are embedded in the scan engine. • Usage of more than one scan engine requires an Update Server. This server will receive online updates from the Sasa Software server via the internet cloud. It will update a single source for all scan engines. • User requests and application support operate simultaneously. • The server accepts requests from Thin Client stations, or via Gate Scanner Desktop. Typical Topology of the Gate Scanner Server Solution Server SCAN ENGINE 3rd party application 1 APPLICATION MANAGEMENT SERVICE 3rd party application N APPLICATION GATE SCANNER- 1 SOURCE SOURCE 3rd party application N APPLICATION APPLICATION TARGET TARGET INPUT READ Network Connection 3rd party application 1 WRITE OUTPUT GATE SCANNER- 2 Network Connection LOGS DATA PRIOR TO CHECK DATA AFTER CHECK BACKUP GATE SCANNER- N GATE SCANNER- N Note: 3rd party application is positioned at the source and at the target partition. 6 Yo u r G a t e t o a S a f e s y s t e m Engine • Gate Scanner Engine API is operated by 3rd party applications such as SAFE-T. • The Gate Scanner Engine capabilities and performances are identical to the Gate Scanner STD. • In order to support increase in workload, Gate Scanner Engines can be added online in an Active/Active way, without interrupting server performance. Typical Topology of Gate Scanner and Safe -T Solution LAN DMZ WEB * OUT IN WEB APPLICATION GATE SCANNER- 1 MNG CONSOLE GATE SCANNER- N UPDATE SERVER * Safe-T is the trade mark of Safe-T Ltd. Visit their website: 7 Desktop An innovative solution which allows you the flexibility of having all the advantages of the Gate Scanner STD and Multi-Server at your finger tips, directly from your working station. All Gate Scanner STD capabilities and advantages are available from your desktop. 8 Yo u r G a t e t o a S a f e s y s t e m The desktop application allows you to travel with your laptop and enjoy all the Gate Scanner STD capabilities and advantages. All you need is to connect to your server via VPN and you are free to work as if you were in your office. Typical Topology of Gate Scanner Desktop Solution LAN DMZ WEB Server LDAP QUERY AD MANAGEMENT SERVICE UPDATES SERVICE M.CONSOLE MAIL SERVER SQL LAYER STMP LAN A SSL USER PC/ THIN CLIENTS LAN A LAN A BLEACHED FILE PARTITION BLACKENED FILE PARTITION GS - 1 GS - N *** USER PC/ THIN CLIENTS AD FOR POLLING ON THE RIGHTS OF NETWORK USERS MAIL SERVER FOR SENDING EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS TO THE USER GS - 1 - GS-N UPDATE SERVICE *** INTERNET UPGRADES & SIGNATURE SITE WHITENING ENGINES FOR UPDATE & SIGNATURE DOWNLOADS SPARATE VLAN BETWEEN SCANNING ENGINES AND SERVER 9 Injector • Gate Scanner Injector is a multi-disciplinary, one directional data transferring product. not allowing the other way around. • The product kit includes - Tx and Rx boxes, Transmitter software, Receiver software and a scheduler. • Suitable for transferring approved data from a regular network to a secured network and LAN A DATA DIODE LAN MANAGEMENT SERVICE (IN) MANAGEMENT SERVICE (OUT) LAN B A LAN A SHARE A LAN A A LAN B B B B GATE SCANNER- 1 C C LAN C C GATE SCANNER- N Typical Topology of Secure connection between different classified networks including Gate Scanner Injector. Typical Topology of Blackening in classification networks to a central network including Gate Scanner Injector. LAN A LAN A A GATE SCANNER A A LAN B B GATE SCANNER B C LAN C C 10 B GATE SCANNER Yo u r G a t e t o a S a f e s y s t e m C LAN 11 Sasa Software (C.A.S) Ltd Kibbutz Sasa M.P. Merom Hagalil 13870, Israel Tel: +972.4.6918959 Fax: +972.4.6918876