IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 12, NO. 2, MARCH 1997 319 Three-Phase Step-Down Reversible AC–DC Power Converter Tim C. Green, Member, IEEE, Mohamed H. Taha, Nasrudin Abd. Rahim, Member, IEEE, and Barry W. Williams Abstract—Bidirectional dc current flow is not a natural feature of the buck (step-down) switch-mode rectifier, which leaves it at a disadvantage to boost (step-up) designs. A circuit topology is presented that allows bidirectional flow and which, by dual use of components, uses fewer devices than anti-parallel bridges. Sinusoidal current, controlled displacement factor, and variable voltage transfer ratio are demonstrated in a 1.5-kVA prototype. Dynamic performance is investigated through simulation and experiment. A P I plus velocity controller is shown to be adequate provided care is taken over changing between rectification and inversion. Index Terms—Bidirectional conversion, control, distortion factor, rectification, sinusoidal current, switch mode. I. INTRODUCTION T HE boost switch-mode rectifier is the dominant design for both single- and three-phase rectifiers where there is a requirement to draw near-sinewave currents from the mains. This requirement is likely to follow from the need to comply with a standard such as IEC 555-2 [1]. In the three-phase case, the principle advantage of the boost topology is that it is able to operate in all four quadrants of the plane without the need for additional power components. The step-up from the three-phase voltage to a dc voltage above the line voltage peak is also a benefit in induction motor drives. The higher dc link voltage allows a larger constant torque operating region. Not all loads, however, suit a stepped-up mains voltage. Battery chargers and dc motor drives would require a further (dc–dc) power conversion stage to operate with a boost rectifier. A further disadvantage of a boost rectifier is that it needs special protection during start-up because the converter is uncontrolled while the dc link voltage remains below the line voltage peaks. The buck switch-mode rectifier would suit low and medium voltage dc loads, especially those that require a controlled variable voltage between 0 and the 1.5 times the phase voltage peak. The disadvantage of the buck rectifier is that there is no path for reverse current flow [2]. Thus, regeneration is limited to loads that can reverse their voltage. There is also a small transient regeneration capability while the dc current is forward and the ac currents are phase inverted. Under these circumstance, the dc current is rapidly driven to zero. Manuscript received September 7, 1995; revised August 7, 1996. The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London SW7 2BT, U.K. Publisher Item Identifier S 0885-8993(97)01841-3. Fig. 1. Anti-parallel connected buck converters. A buck converter with regenerative capability through reversal of the dc current flow would be a useful addition to the present family of power converters. This paper addresses that need. II. THE BIDIRECTIONAL BUCK RECTIFIER Traditional phase-angle controlled rectifiers have the same restriction to unidirectional current flow as the buck rectifier. This is overcome by operating two thyristor bridges in antiparallel [3]. Applying this idea to the buck converter gives the circuit shown in Fig. 1. The proposal is to take advantage of the simplification of the buck rectifier in [4] and [5], which changes the single bridge from 6 switches and 6 diodes to 3 switches and 12 diodes. The reverse connected bridge in Fig. 1 cannot be simplified in the same manner because the current paths cannot be enforced as necessary. However, the two bridges (one simplified and one not) can be consolidated so that they share diodes and save on components overall. The result is the circuit of Fig. 2. This circuit is able to deliver positive or negative dc current to a normally positive voltage link. In this sense it is two quadrant. On the ac side, it is able to operate in all four quadrants of the plane. A. Operation in Rectifier Mode In rectifying mode (positive dc current), switches SR1–SR3 are used and SI1–SI6 are held off. Assuming for the moment that the dc-side inductor current, is constant, the switches 0885–8993/97$10.00 1997 IEEE 320 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 12, NO. 2, MARCH 1997 TABLE I Fig. 2. A simplified and consolidated anti-parallel buck converter. (3) (4) Fig. 3. The sextants of a mains cycle defined by the zero-crossings of the phase currents in rectifying mode and the relationship to phase voltage. can be used to provide current pulses, of amplitude , with sinusoidally modulated pulse-widths in the three phases of the ac supply. The circuit is a current source converter in contrast to the voltage source boost converter. Consequently, it is essential to ensure that there is always a current path available for . Overlapping of turning-on and turning-off switches is normally employed. The mains cycle is divided into sextants defined by the zerocrossings of the desired phase currents, as shown in Fig. 3. The corresponding phase voltage definitions are given by (1). The rectifier switch corresponding to the largest magnitude phase current is held on for that sextant while the other two switches are pulse-width modulated (PWM) according to a sinewave pattern. The switch duty cycles for the first sextant are defined by (2). The phase angle can be set by the modulator reference generator. The current flows and the bridge voltage for the switch combinations for this sextant are given by Table I: (1) Using the phase voltage definitions of (1), the average bridge voltage simplifies to (5) [6] (5) is a dc value controlled by the depth of modulaThus, tion with superimposed switching frequency components. The inductor current can be kept constant by suitable choice of . For the rectification mode, is set just greater than so that the resistance of the inductor is overcome and the inductance has a zero voltage-time integral. B. Operation in Inverter Mode In inverting mode, energy is removed from the dc side by decreasing to below so that reverses. When this occurs switches SR1–SR3 will no longer conduct and are turned off. Switches SI1–SI6 are used instead. Again, is held constant and the switches used to provide sinusoidally PWM pulses of currents in the three phases. The flow of positive and negative phase currents for each phase are through separate switches for inverter mode, e.g., SI1 and SI2 for . For the first sextant, in which is the largest magnitude phase current and is positive (for inversion are negated versions of those shown in Fig. 3 and is also negative) the duty cycles of the switches are defined as in (6). The analysis proceeds as for the rectifier case and the bridge voltage is again defined by (5) (2) The inductor current is therefore chopped between the phases to give phase currents defined by (3) and an average bridge voltage defined by (4) (6) GREEN et al.: THREE-PHASE STEP-DOWN REVERSIBLE AC–DC POWER CONVERTER 321 C. The Pulse-Width Modulator The modulator was implemented in a field-programmable gate-array (FPGA). The sextant symmetry was exploited by using a 60 sinewave look-up table to form the reference waveform which is then multiplied by a depth of modulation. A standard pulse-width generator creates pulses that are then de-multiplexed to appropriate switches depending on the sextant and the state of the rectifier/inverter mode. The modulator block diagram is given in Fig. 4. It can be seen that the look-up table is phase-locked to the ac supply for synchronization. The address counter for the look-up table can be made to run ahead or fall behind the mains waveform in order to change the displacement factor ( ) of the current. A synchronous implementation of the PWM was chosen. This gives the advantage of using every look-up table sample every cycle. An asynchronous PWM will use an uneven pattern of increments between samples if the carrier does not happen to be an exact multiple of the mains frequency. This is almost always the case since the mains frequency changes through the day. The disadvantage of synchronous PWM associated with motor control, that is, wide variation of switching frequency, is not encountered because the deviation of the mains frequency is not large. Two different synchronization ratios can be provided for 50- and 60-Hz operation. To achieve the correct synchronization ratio, the carrier is also phase-locked to the mains. Sixty-four samples per sextant were used giving a switching frequency of 19.2 kHz for a nominal 50-Hz mains. With 8-b resolution of the pulse edges, this gives a nominal clock frequency of 9.83 MHz. The modulator is provided with an 8-b interface for ; phase advance and retard inputs and a signal to set rectifying or inverting mode. Fig. 4. Block diagram of the synchronous pulse-width modulator. D. The Power Circuit A 3-kVA prototype power converter was built in order to verify correct operation of the converter and to allow its dynamic properties to be studied. The semiconductors used were IXSH40N60 (SR1–3) and IRGPC50KD2 (SI1–6) IGBT’s and STTA6006TV2 diodes. These have voltage ratings sufficient for operation from 415-V ac supplies. The current rating was dictated by the inductors rather than the semiconductors. RC snubbers of 47 and 1 nF were added across each device. The dc-side network was composed of a 1470- F capacitor and an inductor of 40 mH and 2.7 . The ac-side filters were composed of three inductors of 0.2 mH and 1.4 with deltaconnected 10- F capacitors. The equivalent star capacitance is 3.3 F giving a filter with a double pole at 6.2 kHz. The filter gives reasonable attenuation of the 19.2-kHz switching frequency. The PWM currents are three-level and so only the sidebands, and not the carrier itself, appear at the first multiple of 19.2 kHz. Fig. 5. Phase current (top) and phase voltage (bottom) during rectifier mode. 5 A/div; 100 V/div and 5 ms/div. current is dominated by the mains frequency sinusoid and the switching frequency components are greatly attenuated. The inversion mode was tested with a dc supply of 150 V and a resistive three-phase load. Fig. 6 shows the results. Again, it can be seen that sinusoidal currents were achieved. In normal operation, inversion would be of dc power into the ac mains. Testing of this required an outer loop controller to set an appropriate value of . E. Steady-State Operation The circuit was tested in the rectification mode with a simple resistive load and a phase voltage of 90 V. Testing could be completed in open loop with being set manually. A phase current and phase voltage are shown in Fig. 5. The phase III. CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN The system to be controlled is the LC circuit on the dc-side of the converter and the converter itself. The target variable is the capacitor voltage, which is normally to be controlled 322 Fig. 6. Phase voltage (top) and phase current (bottom) during inverter mode. 100 V/div; 5 A/div and 5 ms/div. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 12, NO. 2, MARCH 1997 Fig. 8. Simulated open loop response of VO (center) and IL to a step change in M (top) from 0.3 to 0.8. 50 V/div; 5 A/div and 10 ms/div. Fig. 7. Schematic diagram of the coded loop system. to be equal to a reference value This voltage is subject to disturbances caused by the flow of load current. The LC circuit is a simple second-order system with little inherent damping, but when it is combined with the bridge a nonlinear system results. There are two nonlinearities. The input has a saturation nonlinearity because the depth of modulation is limited to . There is also a zero-crossing dead-band for introduced because of the need to change between rectifier and inverter mode to allow the zero-crossing. The control system design was based on a linear secondorder plant and was later assessed in a Simulink simulation to ascertain the effects of the known nonlinearities. Several approaches to the controller design are possible. For the rectifier, both and state feedback approaches have been used [2], [7]. control has the disadvantage of poor output disturbance rejection in this application. That rejection property can be incorporated through state feedback or by adding a derivative or velocity term. The velocity term is readily available in a measurable form because the derivative of is set by the capacitor current. The layout of the control system is shown in Fig. 7 including the placement of the phase-locked loop and the feedback of and (the velocity term). Also shown is the feedback of , the zero points of which must be checked before changing between use of SR1–3 and SI1–6. Fig. 9. Experimental open loop response of VO (center) and IL to a step change in M (top) from 0.3 to 0.8. 50 V/div; 5 A/div and 10 ms/div. The state-space model of the linear system including the disturbance term is given by (7) with given by (5) (7) The open loop response of the system to a step change in was tested and simulated to check the model (Figs. 8 and 9). The open loop poles are at s with a natural frequency of 130 rad/s and a damping factor of 0.26. The plus controller will give two open loop zeros and a further pole. The and terms were then chosen as and to give a dominant pair of closed loop poles that are slightly slower but more highly damped (natural frequency of 110 rad/s and damping factor of 0.55) than the open loop case. Their locations are s with the third pole at s . GREEN et al.: THREE-PHASE STEP-DOWN REVERSIBLE AC–DC POWER CONVERTER 323 (a) (a) (b) (b) (c) Fig. 10. Simulated response to step decrease in VOref from (120 to 40 V): (a) M and mode signal 0.2/div and 10 ms/div. (b) IL 2 A/div. (c) VO 20 V/div. (c) Choosing a fast and lightly damped system gives a step response that is fast, but with the consequence that a large Fig. 11. Experimental response to step decrease in VOref (120 to 40 V): (a) M and mode signal 0.2/div and 10 ms/div. (b) IL 2 A/div. (c) VO 20 V/div. 324 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 12, NO. 2, MARCH 1997 amplitude capacitor charging current flows. A design using damping factors close to unity may be preferred to reduce the current stress of the semiconductors during transients. The step-decrease version of the step response is, in this case, a more difficult test than the step increase because it is likely to exercise the zero-crossing nonlinearity. In order to reduce the capacitor voltage quickly, charge must be removed by reversing and entering inverting mode. The sign of the voltage error can be used to indicate the desired direction of and hence the desired mode. However, a mode change cannot be immediately undertaken if is presently nonzero. It must be allowed to reach zero and then the mode changed. A window comparator is used to detect when is close to zero and a delay allowed to ensure zero is reached. This procedure is most easily expressed in software and so the mode selection and controller were implemented on an 80C196 micro-controller. Figs. 10 and 11 show a comparison of the experimental results with the Simulink simulation. The phase voltage was 90 V and the voltage reference was stepped from 120 to 40 V. The step causes a negative voltage error, which signals the desire to change mode and also causes to fall. This, in turn, causes to decrease rapidly. A short period after reaches zero the mode signal changes to inversion mode and turns negative, thereby removing charge from the capacitor. The dc output voltage reduces and returns to zero as the voltage reference value is approached. The voltage needs to fall slightly below the reference in order to initiate a return to rectifying mode. remains at zero until this happens. The step decrease test has established that inversion into the mains is operational and that with suitable mode control a brief period of inversion can be used to provide a fast step down response, a function unavailable in the unidirectional buck converter. Continuous inverting action is also possible with a regenerative dc system as was demonstrated in steady state. Alternative methods of setting the mode based on an explicit current reference have been explored through simulation [8]. [3] K. Thorborg, Power Electronics—In Theory and Practice. U.K.: Chartwell-Brat, 1993, sec. 4.4. [4] L. Malesani and P. Tenti, “Three-phase AC/DC PWM converter with sinusoidal AC currents and minimum filter requirements,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. IA-23, no. 1, pp. 71–77, 1987. [5] D. Ciscato et al., “PWM rectifier with low DC voltage ripple for magnet supply,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. IA-28, pp. 414–420, 1992. [6] A.-M. Majed, T. C. Green, and B. W. Williams, “Low EMI 3-phase AC/DC converter with controllable displacement factor,” in Conf. Rec. Power Quality ‘92, Munich, Germany, Oct. 1992. , “Dynamic properties of a step-down sinusoidal current AC/DC [7] converter under state-feedback control,” in Conf. Rec. APEC ‘93, 1993, pp. 161–167. [8] T. C. Green, M. H. Taha, N. A. Rahim, and B. W. Williams, “Control of a three-phase step-down reversible AC–DC power converter,” in 6th Euro. Conf. Power Elec. and Appl. (EPE ‘95), Sevilla, Spain, Sept. 19–21, 1995, pp. 2.695–2.700. Tim C. Green (M’89) received the B.Sc. (Eng.) degree from Imperial College, University of London, in 1986 and the Ph.D. degree from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, in 1990. He has been a Lecturer in Power Electronics and drives at Heriot-Watt University and, since 1994, at Imperial College, London. His research covers sinewave current ac–dc converters, induction and reluctance motor drives, FACTS, and signal processing in vibration test systems and drives. Dr. Green is an associate member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers. Mohamed H. Taha was born in Lebanon on April 7, 1961. He received the B.Sc. (electrical engineering) degree from Grayounis University in Libya in 1985, the M.Sc. (power electronics) degree from Bradford University in 1987, and the Ph.D. degree from Aston University, Birmingham, AL, in 1992. He has been a Lecturer in Electrical Engineering at the Lebanese University in Beruit and, since 1995, has been a Research Assistant at Imperial College, London. His research covers solid-state tap changers and bidirectional ac–dc power conversion. Dr. Taha is an associate member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers and a member of the Institute of Engineers in Lebanon. IV. CONCLUSIONS It has been shown that a consolidation of two anti-parallel ac/dc buck converters comprising only nine switches provides inversions and rectification through bidirectional dc current. The buck converter’s advantage of variable low voltage dc is maintained. A plus velocity controller was shown to give adequate performance in step response tests and will provide disturbance rejection. The bidirectional buck converter can provide a fast response to step decreases in demand voltage because it can employ inversion to remove energy from the dc side. However, this is only feasible if changes between the inversion and rectification modes can be arranged quickly while maintaining integrity of the current paths. REFERENCES [1] T. Green, “The impact of EMC regulations on mains-connected power converters,” IEE Power Eng. J., vol. 8, pp. 35–43, 1993. [2] R. Itoh, “Steady-state and transient characteristics of a single-way step-down PWM GTO voltage-source converter with sinusoidal supply currents,” Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng., Pt. B, vol. 136, no. 4, pp. 168–175, 1989. Nasrudin Abd. Rahim was born in Johore, Malaysia, on November 17, 1960. He received the B.Sc. (Hons) and M.Sc. degrees from University of Strathclyde in 1984 and 1987 and the Ph.D. degree from Heriot-Watt University in 1995. He is presently a Lecturer with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia. His research interests include power electronics, real-time control system, and electrical drives. Barry W. Williams received the M.Eng.Sc. degree from University of Adelaide, Australia, in 1978 and the Ph.D. degree from Cambridge University, U.K., in 1980. After seven years as a Lecturer at Imperial College, London, he was appointed to the Chair of Electrical Engineering at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, in 1986. His research interests include power semiconductor modeling and protection, converter topologies, and application of ASIC’s and microprocessors to industrial electronics.