Annual day report PDF - Kathir College of Engineering

An ISO 9000:2008 certified Institution
(Approved by AICTE /Affiliated to Anna University)
COIMBATORE – 641 062.
01.04.2014- WEDNESDAY
-Nelson Mandela.
Most respected Guest of honour Sinthanai Kavignar Dr. Kavidasan, distinguished Chief
Guest for today’s function, Cdr. Pauly, Commandant, Rapid Action Force, 105 Battalion,
Coimbatore, Respected Founder Chairman and distinguished environmentalist Thiru. ES Kathir
Secretary of Kathir Institutions Tmt. Lavanya Kathir, Beloved CEO of our Institution
Dr.Doraiswamy, Special VIP Invitees to this function, Principal and Faculties from Kathir College
of Education and Kathir Vidhyaa Mandhir, HODs of all the Departments, Members of the
Teaching Faculty, Management & supporting staff, my dear Students, Members of the Press
and other Media, Ladies & Gentlemen, as the Principal of Kathir College of Engineering, I feel
extremely happy to present the 7th Annual Day Report of our college for the academic year 2014
– 2015.
Kathir College of Engineering, instituted by Thiru E.S. Kathir as Founder Chairman and
Smt. Lavanya Kathir as the Secretary under the Lamika Educational and Charitable Trust,
during the year 2008, with an objective for promoting high quality education for the today’s
younger generation. The other Institutions run by the Trust are Kathir College of Education,
Kathir Vidyaa Mandhir- CBSE School and the Kathir College of Arts and Science to be added in
the list shortly
The college maintains high standards of Education by providing a wide array of worldclass Academic facilities; Employing highly qualified and experienced Faculty Members and
creating an ambience conducive to quality education. The college at present offers 7 Under
Graduate Engineering Degree Programmes, 4 Post Graduate Engineering Degree programmes
besides Master of Business Administration (MBA). The annual intake of the college is 660
students in all courses.
This academic year also there has been a steady improvement in all areas including
infrastructure, academics, extra-curricular activities and placements in our college. Keeping with
the changing scenario in all walks of life, the College constantly looks for new ways to adapt,
upgrade and improve the educational process. Reaching high standards of quality is a huge
task. Sustaining and enhancing quality is equally important. This concern to sustain the
standards set was reflected in all the initiatives taken by the College this year. It is a proud
moment for all of us to see and witness the growth of the institution year by year.
Our Founder Chairman is highly instrumental in promoting a wide range of Educational,
Social and Community services for the cause of poor and the needy people. Through the
institution he has supported Educational, Charities and Medical supports to the poor children
and has organized several welfare activities that helped the people in need. A wide variety of
Men, Women, Children, School and College Students and Patients have been benefitted by
his Philanthropic activities and generous financial assistance were offered to them in times of
their need. To highlight a few activities;
The Ministry of Environment, Government of Tamil Nadu has recognized and honoured
the services of our Founder Chairman Thiru. E.S. Kathir and has conferred him with the
the Individual Category on 5th June, 2014- the International World Environment Day.
This is because of his untireless work that he has rendered for creating Environmental
Awareness and Education, Environmental Protection and Management activities by planting
and maintaining huge volumes of tree saplings in the rural areas in and around Coimbatore and
the neighbouring Districts. Our Secretary Mrs. Lavanya Kathir was honored with the prestigious
award of the ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu, which is an Initiative of Government of India,
Government of Tamil Nadu and Industry namely the “Woman Edupreneur Award” in recognition
of her services rendered in the field of education in a function held at Chennai during February
In Kathir College of Engineering several higher secondary school toppers with a poor
and needy background and having a good academic track have been given full fee waiver for
the entire course duration of Four years. Also, the educational charity assistance from the
Institution is extended for the poor and needy students studying in schools and colleges.
Frequent health camps are organized in nearby rural areas for the aged and needy people and
were given complete medical assistance which includes eye camps, issue of artificial limbs,
Tricycles for the needy people and a lot more.
– ICKCE’15:
During this academic year a 2 day International Conference was organized in the name
“Knowledge Collaboration in Engineering – ICKCE’14” with a theme on enhancing employability
by empowering Technology, in which all the departments of the college actively participated and
presented papers in their field of interest. The conference was inaugurated by the Chief Guest
Dr. Vigna, from Unioversiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia and the Guest of Honor was Dr. Kannan
Jagathala Krishnan, from Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia. More than 500 participants
across India participated in the conference and 315 papers were presented by the Research
scholars, UG and PG students and Faculty from various Academic Institutions.
There has been a steady progress in the academic pursuits of the college and Teaching
Faculty strength of the College at present is 191. As part of the quality improvement
programme nine of the faculty are undergoing Master’s Degrees and five of them are
undergoing Doctoral programmes in various institutions. The Non teaching staff strength is now
46 and other staff such as ministerial, security etc., total 45 in the campus. The students’
performance in the University Examinations has shown marginal improvement during the year.
Kathir College of Engineering in association with IIT Mumbai and Kharagpur organize Faculty
Development Programmes frequently for upgrading the Knowledge levels of the Faculty and
The Department is headed by Dr.V.P.Venkataramanamurthy. Three Invited Lectures
Dhackshanamoorthy has published paper on “A Study on Role of Camber and thickness ratio
on the Airfoil characteristics using CFD software” and Mr.A. Ramesh Kumar published a paper
on “Design of Aircraft Wing structure for static analysis and Fatigue life Prediction” in
International Journals.
Also, Mr.K. Deepan Raj and Mr.R. Elanthamizhan have presented a paper each in a
National Seminar held at Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode and in an International
Seminar held at Thiruvalluvar College of Engineering, Vandavasi. In addition, Mr. A.Ramesh
Kumar, Mr.P. Dhackshanamoorthy and Mr.A.Kuppuraj have presented papers in various
seminars held at different colleges.
Remarkably, students K. Mithra and G. Indumathi of Final Year Aero have presented a
paper entitled “Current Trends in Aerospace Engineering” in an International Conference held at
Akshaya College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore. W.Dishon Ben of III Aero won II
nd place in Inter-Zonal (Kho-Kho) tournament.
The Department is headed by Prof.V.Rajendran. The Department has organized a
workshop on “Remote Sensing & GIS” during October 2014 and also organized a training
programme on GPS from during December 2014.
Moreover, the Department organized four Invited lectures in various themes like Mechanics
of Fluids, Mechanics of Solids, Survey and Pre-fabricated Structure during the academic year
and enriched the Teaching Learning process. A Survey camp was organised by the department
at Chencherimalai for five days during December 2014.
Prof.V. Rajendran has published a book on “Environmental Engineering” with Hi-Tech
Publications, Chennai. Mrs. Srividya has presented a paper on “An experimental study on
concrete, partial replacement of fine aggregate with crushed marble powder” in a National
Conference on Advanced Techniques in Civil Engineering, held at Karpagam University,
At this Juncture, we appreciate and congratulate Prof. Narayanasamy is serving in our
college for three years in the Department of Civil Engineering without applying for any types of
Parallelly, the students of the Department, Bharathkumar. S and Kavitha.G of III Civil
have presented Three Technical Papers in various seminars and conferences at different
colleges. In sports, Vignesh.C of II year Civil has won the II prize in Inter zonal volley ball
tournament. Naveenkumar of II year Civil won several prizes in Cricket tournaments. Kavitha.G
of III year Civil got numerous prizes in various Inter State Yoga Competitions.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is headed by Prof. Subathra.
The Department has organized three national Level Workshops namely R-WEEE (Recyclable
Waste from Electronic and Electrical equipment) funded by TNSCST for two days during June
2014, Cyber Security for 10 days from during July 2014 and Java Technologies during
September, 2014. Besides, the Department has also conducted Two - Week ISTE Short Term
Training Programme (STTP) on Pedagogy for Effective use of ICT in Engineering Education.
The Faculty of the Department Mr. S.Muthu Kumar, Mrs. T.Sakthisree, Mrs. T.S.Usha
Nandhini and Mr. J.Jeyaprakash has published their Research papers in International Journals.
Remarkably, our Faculty Mrs. P.Banumathi has produced 100 per cent results in two PG
subjects namely Advanced Database Management Systems and Software Project and Quality
The students from the Department, Sathya Priya N, and Maria. S III Year CSE, have
presented a paper entitled “Phishing” in a National Level Symposium held at Maharaja Institute
of Technology, and Nancy Prathiba P and Vinitha R, II Year IT, have presented a paper entitled
“Green Computing” held at KGISL Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
The Department is headed by Dr.S.Prabakar. The Department had organized a Two day
International Conference on Knowledge Collaboration in Engineering (ICKCE’15) on 27th and
28th March 2015. Two National seminars were conducted by the Department during the
academic year, namely “ROBOTICS” and “ADVANCED ELECTRONICS”.
The Faculty of the department, Mrs.A.Kaviya has published a paper entitled “Aging
effect of tolerant multiprecision Multiplier” in International Journal and she has also presented a
paper in an International seminar held at Ranganathan Engineering College, Coimbatore.
From the Students side, J.Preethi, III ECE has presented more than six papers during
this year. Besides, the S.Balaji, G.Poornima Ragavi, P.Sowmiya, R.Umayal, T.Ramya,
B.Viveka, S.Ruthra Priya, T.Sahana, M.Naveena,
T.Priyanka, S.Saranya, S.Rubitha,
S.Deepika, T.Subapriya, B.Saffiya, M.Savitha, Y.Nandhini, Priyadharshini Jenifer, A.Prarthanna
and P.Nivetha have presented many papers in various seminars, conferences and symposiums
organized in various Engineering colleges.
Prof.A.B. Vaikundaselvan. During this Academic year the Department had organized Two
National Seminars in the topics on Renewable energy, Power Grid, Power Demands during
August 2014 and Engineer’s Responsibility during September 2014.
A Faculty Development Program was conducted by the Department in association with
Anna University, Chennai from during June 2014. Moreover, an awareness program on energy
conservation was also organized during December 2014.
Mr.B.Vaikundaselvan and Mr.C.S.Subash Kumar have published their Research articles
in the journal of “Applied Mechanics and Materials”.
Mr.T.Sivakumar presented a paper on “Hybrid Power Generation from Vertical Axis
Wind Turbine and Piezoelectric Crystals” in a National conference and Mr.S.Elamcheren
presented a paper on “Simplified Approach on Feed Forward Vector Control of Induction Motor
with PI Controller” in an International conference. Remarkably, Mr.T.Sivakumar has produced
100 % result in the subject on “Power Electronics for Renewable Energy”.
Interestingly the students of the Department B.Mounika, M.Arunaselvakumari,
R.Akilandeswari, Jeslin I Susan and A.Banupriya presented Technical papers in National Level
Seminars and conferences organised in various Engineering Colleges.
Prof. Dr.V.P.Venkataramanamurthy. The department has organised National Level Seminars in
the Topics on “Bio Gas- The Sustainable Energy for the future” during August, “Career
Development Program” during October and “Air Compressors and its Uses” during November.
Further, two Students Chapters supported by the Indian Institute of Foundry Men and Indian
Society of Heating Air-conditioning and Refrigeration (ISHARE) were instituted by the
Department. The Faculty Members Mr.P.Ravi Kumar and Mr.M.Prabhu have published two
papers in the international journals and Mr.M.Prabhu has published a book entitled “Engineering
Graphics” with the Willey Publication, Newdelhi. Remarkably, Mr.M.Arun Pranesh has produced
100 per cent result in “Engineering Graphics”.
From the student’s side, V.Manoj (II Mech) presented a paper on “Bio Scavenger” in the
National Seminar held at KGISL Institute, Coimbatore and bagged the First prize for his
contribution. Students of III Mech B M.Ismail and R. Arun Karthick attended the National level
workshop on the Recent trends in Technology held at the MIT Campus of Anna University,
Chennai. Furthermore, 28 students of II Mech C and III Mech B have presented their papers on
various titles in seminars held at different colleges.
The students of Mechanical Department have proved that they are equally good in cocurricular activities too. R.Soundharraj of III Mech has won First prize in Technical quiz held at
Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College. D.P.Vijay Aravind and R.Soundharraj of III Mech have
won second prize in quiz competition and D.P.Vijay Aravind of III Mech has won second prize in
photography competition held at Sengunthar Engineering College. V.Manoj, M.Nagaraj and
R.Praveen Kumar of II Mech B have won second prize in quiz competition held at KGISL
Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
The Department is headed by Dr.S.K. Latha. The Department has organized a
Motivation Programme for all the First year students during of February 2015. The Science day
was celebrated on 28th February 2015and various competitions were conducted for the First
Year students more than 150 students participated.
Our Faculty Mrs. Angulakshmi has published her research paper on “Optimization of
CVD Synthesis Condition for Synthesis of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes using Response
Surface Methodology” in International Journal of Nano Technology. Mr. M.Muthuchelvam has
published a paper on “Regular Strength of Bipartite Graphs” in International Journal of
Mathematics Trends and Technology. Also, Mrs.R. Revathy presented her paper in a National
Seminar held at Navarasam Arts & Science college For Women and Mrs. Angulakshmi
presented another paper in a National Seminar held at Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirapalli.
Mrs. Angulakshmi and Mrs. Jayanthi have published a book on “Engineering Chemistry-and
Engineering Chemistry Laboratory Manual with R.K.Publishers. Dr. Kannan Nithin and Mr.
Mahalingam have published a book on “Engineering Physics and Engineering Physics
Laboratory Manual” with Inder Publications.
Remarkably, Mrs. Revathy and Mrs. Maheswari have produced 100% result in the
subject on “Technical English II” and Mrs. Maheswari has produced 100% result in “Technical
English I”. Also, Dr.S.K.Latha and Mr. Muthuchelvam have acted as the Resource persons in a
Faculty Development Programme organized by SNS college of Engineering, Coimbatore.
S.Ankit won second prize in English speech held for International Youth Day.
Vigneshwaran of First year ECE has recently developed a Humanoid device and a
Hexapod Robot. Humanoid is a device which can replace human presence by replicating actual
human actions, physical contacts and dexterity of humans with utmost precision. Efforts are
taken to make it more user friendly and affordable. Also, a hexapod robot is a mechanical
vehicle that walks on six legs. He has also designed a mechanical helper arm which is an
Arduino-powered, 4-axis robot arm and can be used for industrial automation purposes. this
helped him to win the 1st prize in the Arduino challenge in the world Arduino Day celebration
hosted by I Qube at the Kumaraguru college of technology on march 28, 2015.
The Department is headed by Dr.R.Karpagam and organized a Workshop on “Tally:
ERP Version 9” in association with CSC Computer Education, Coimbatore during January. The
Department has organized Professional Skill Development Program- “Effective Project
Management” during March. The Department has also conducted another intercollegiate
management meet JEFESS’14” during September for the Undergraduate students from various
Free TANCET Coaching Classes were conducted for 2 days during February for MBA
aspirants. More than 200 students participated and benefited from the training. International
Youth Day was celebrated in the department on 12th August 2014. The students of II M.B.A
were taken for an Industrial Visit to Seshasayee Paper Mills, Erode during September 2014.
Our Faculty members Dr.P.Karpagam, has produced 100% result in the subject on “Project
Management” and Mrs. Geetha has produced 100% results in two subjects namely “E-Business
Management” and “Service Operations Management”.
KCE has an In-house Soft skill training team with 7 members headed by Prof. R. Muthu
Ramachandra Boopathi with the objective of imparting soft skill training to all under-graduate
students from First year to Final year and the Management students to enhance their career
oriented communication skills and personality development. They provide timely assistance to
the students whenever there is a placement drive. Their sincere efforts have proved fruitful and
will definitely improve the soft skills and communicative ability of students in the years to come.
This department is found only in a few engineering colleges’ works in collaboration with all
Departments and the Placement cell.
Mr. Senthamaraikannan, Placement Officer and Mr. Moorthy, Placement Coordinator
takes genuine interest in contacting various companies and arranging on-campus and offcampus placement drives. As a result of continuous effort from the Training department and the
Placement cell, nearly 350 students have been placed in various reputed organizations such as
HP, Infosys, IBM, CTS, WIPRO, TATA BSS, Emphasis, Lucid Technologies, Polaris, Ritika Print
Tech Solutions, Midas Safety, Advanced Auto Accessories Corporation and still several
companies are awaited. In addition, the Department conducted Faculty Development
Programme called “SYNERGIA” for the Teaching Faculty of our College during the month of
Our library is well equipped with 27,789 books and loaded with numerous reference
books and several magazines in all relevant streams of Engineering, Technology and
Our Library follows the Open Access System and is encourages students to browse in
the stack area. The library subscribes for more than 239 specialized journals published
nationally and internationally and it is well equipped with modern facilities and resources
like online databases, e-journals and e-books through open access.
Our Librarian Mrs. Vasanthi has presented a paper entitled “Uses of social networking
websites” in the National level Conference held at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
KCARDS signed Memorandum of Understanding ( MoU) with the following companies in
the different aspects such as Training, Development, Internship, Projects, Placements.
KCARDS Signed MoU with CDAC (Center for Development of Advanced Computing),
Pune, a Govt. of India organization comes under Ministry of Communication and Information
Technology on 24th Febraury 2015. Mr.C.Kulkarni, Joint Director of CDAC issued the certificate
on MoU. MICROCHIP INCORPORATION a leading USA based semiconductor manufacturing
company and Kathir College Engineering developed industrial relations and entered into
Program Partnership (Microchip Academic program Partner (AP-0458)) which is the first of its
kind in South India. They donated development tools and silicon devices for embedded based
system development. This partnership has helped a lot to train our students to train on
Microchip products. The authorized certificate was received in December 2014.
ALTERA is a leading USA-based FPGA/CPLD/ASIC manufacturing company. Kathir
College of Engineering is the first college in South India to become Alter University Program
Partner (ID: 1065699). Under this partnership our students and faculty members received VLSI
based development tools, FPGA silicon devices and training materials as donation. The
authorized official certificate was received in December 2014.
In addition to these, Industrial Academic partnership program was organized on 5th
January 2015. Mr.Ramesh Babu, Country Manager of Microchip Incorporation was the chief
guest and felicitated the function. Employers from more than fifteen companies such as Robert
Bosch, Pricol Technologies, Clancor Technovates, Vaaraahi Embedded, Preci Measure
Controls etc. have participated in Face to Face meeting with our students.
partnership certificates were exchanged between the companies and our college.
KCARDS Signed a MoU with Clancor Technovates India PVT. Ltd., Coimbatore on 17th
April 2015 in order to get help in the areas of internship, placement, manufacturing and training.
In addition, KCARDS Signed a MoU with Vaaraahi Embedded, Coimbatore on 17th April 2015
under Training, development, project and placements and currently students of ECE are
undergoing project.
It is encouraging to see the students of ECE have indigenously designed and developed
PIC18FXX series and ATMEL MCS-51 series and the same being released for commercial
usage by our chairman Mr.E.S.Kathir and accepted by Microchip country manager Mr.Ramesh
Babu in an academic partnership function held on 5th January 2015.
In order to improve the extension activities, the ECE department has conducted a two
month certificate program on Embedded System based on Microchip Platform for students from
Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology and Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of
Technology, Coimbatore. This program is scheduled from November-December 2015.
Moreover, students from Sri Shakthi College of Engineering and Amirta College of
Engineering are undergoing in-house training program on embedded system and PCB based
system design since January 2015.
Vacation Training and Development program was organized from 15th to 18th December
2014 on MCS-51 Microcontroller Based System Design and Programming for III ECE students.
Thirty two students participated in this function and get benefited from the training.
Furthermore, one day “Know More” program on Intel 8086 Simulator and Assembly
Programming was organized for III ECE students on 23rd August 2014. Under add-on course,
the department conducted a five-day Certificate Training program for IV ECE, II ECE and III
EEE students. The main areas were:
Real Time embedded system developments.
PCB design and development using ALTIUM Summer 2008 tool.
Our final UG and PG students initiated the product development with the following projects
RF /IR based home appliance control.
Tracking system based on GPS receiver.
PIC 32 development board/evaluation kit.
Digital Dash board for automotive.
Access control system based on RFID.
6. BMI monitoring system.
All necessary facilities have been provided in the areas of co-curricular and
extracurricular activities for the students to translate their dreams into reality. NSS unit of our
college, started in the year 2009, has 100 volunteers every year from different disciplines of
B.E/B.Tech courses.
Our NSS volunteers participated in a Blood Donation Camp on 24th February 2015.
Our NSS volunteers were participated in the Tree Plantation Camp organized jointly by
our College and Rapid Force Action (RAF) at Rapid Force Action premises on 24th
February 2015.
NSS volunteers had participated a rally organized by the World Tamil Federation on
World Tamil Day on 21st February 2015.
Our NSS unit and Vasan Dental Hospital, Coimbatore Organized a “Dental Awareness
Camp” on 24th March 2015 in our college premises. More than 100 students, faculty and
staff benefited from the camp.
Our college encourages all the students to actively participate in NCC and have
achieved good response during the last academic year. The care taker of NCC is Mr.Prakash,
who is also the Physical Director and PRO of our College.
During the Combined Annual Training Camp (CATC) was conducted in Yuva Bharathi
CBSE, Kanuvai, Coimbatore, the following senior cadets were adjudged the best in their
respective areas during the NCC camp
1. Flight cadet Vivek.S (III- MECH) (BEST CADET)
2. Flight cadet Janarthanan. (III- MECH) (DRILL SQUAD)
3. Flight cadet Sadam Hussain (III-AERO) (HEALTH AND HYGIENE)
Moreover, Junior cadets were also outstanding in the following competitions:
1. SKIT SHOOTING: Flight cadet Tamil mani.C (II-MECH) (BEST CADET AND
2. HEALTH AND HYGIENE: Flight cadet Sathya seelan.P (II-EEE).
The College has provided necessary equipments and playing fields in order to
encourage our students to develop team spirit and personal health. The details of our students
who have achieved in the field of games and sports.
1. Gowtham.S - 3rd Aero has won 1st prize in 110mts Hurdles in Anna university zonal 9
Athletic meet organized in Nehru Stadium Coimbatore.
2. Kavitha.G - of 3rdcivil has won 1st prize in Athletic Yoga and won 2nd prize in Artistic
Yoga on 32nd state Yoga sports championship 2015 organized by Tamilnadu state yoga
association held in Coimbatore .
3. Santhiya T. of 2nd CSE has got 2nd prize in yoga on 32nd state yogasports championship
2015 organized by Tamilnadu state yoga association held at Coimbatore
4. Munish.D of 1stCivil has secured 3rd prize in 110mts Hurdles on “Manbumigu
Puratchithalaivi” Dr.J.Jayalalitha’s 67th birthday celebration State Athletic meet-2015
organized by kovai rural AIADMK and he has also won 3 rd prize in Anna university zonal
9 athletic meet organized by KPR held at Nehru Stadium .
Arun Prabhu.G of 4th CSE has won Bronze medal in State WUSHU championship held
at Jawaharlal Nehru stadium, Chennai.
Vishnu .A.R of 1st mech has won 3rd prize in 800mts Dash in Anna university zonal 9
athletic meet organized by KPR held at Nehru Stadium.
Karthik Babu.N of 4th IT has got 4th place in Decathlon in Anna university zonal 9 athletic
meet organized by KPR held at Nehru Stadium
Our Volley ball men’s team have secured 4th place in Anna university zonal 9 athletic
meet organized by KPR held at Nehru Stadium.
Similarly, our Kho-kho Men’s team have also secured 4th place in Anna university zonal
9 athletic meet organized by KPR held at Nehru Stadium.
Badminton women have got 4th prize in Anna university zonal 9 athletic meet held at
SCAD Institute Of Technology, Palladam.
The Medical and Accident Insurance scheme for students continues to be a great benefit for the
victimised families affected by sudden setbacks in the family.
On behalf of our Faculty, Staff and Students and on my own behalf, my prayers to the
almighty for showering his blessings on us throughout. I thank the Management for the
continuous support, the Founder Chairman for his continuous guidance and support to us in all
directions and our Secretary Madam for her keen interest in our day-to-day activities. I
acknowledge the continuous guidance from our Chief Executive Officer at this moment. I wish to
convey and appreciate the efforts taken by the distinguished guests of today’s function and their
interest in participating and gracing this remarkable event with their august presence.
Finally, I thank the Faculty, the Management and Non Teaching staff for their cooperation and I seek their continued support in the future. Let us all strive and work together to
build up our Institution in to an Engineering College of National and International repute during
the years to come. Thank You.