DIT, Kevin St, Communications Engineering Laboratory Manual FT221/3 Lab 2: Amplitude Modulation Objective: To investigate the principles of amplitude modulation using a hp generator and to simulate using Pspice. Theory: The instantaneous amplitude value of the carrier modulated by a sinusoidal signal is: vc (t ) = [ E c + E m cos 2πf m t ] cos 2πf c t Volts We may consider the part in the square brackets as modifying the amplitude of the carrier. Expand this equation by multiplying out and getting the following result: vc (t ) = E c cos 2πf c t + E m cos 2πf m t cos 2πf c t Volts Apply to this equation, the well-known expansion formula: cosAcosB = 1/2[cos(A - B) + cos(A + B)] We see that the AM signal contains three components. v c (t ) = E c cos 2πf c t + Em E cos 2π ( f c − f m )t + m cos 2π ( f c + f m )t volts 2 2 In terms of the modulation index m v c (t ) = E c cos 2πf c t + mE c mE c cos 2π ( f c − f m )t + cos 2π ( f c + f m )]t 2 2 Create the schematic circuit in Pspice as shown in figure 2.2. To generate an amplitude modulated signal, three generators are connected to the summing circuit. Set up the three generators with parameters as shown in figure 2.2 (The carrier generator). Create two more but set the frequency and amplitude to a value, which will create an AM with 50% modulation (you figure it out). Copyright Paul Tobin School of Electronic and Communications Engineering 11 DIT, Kevin St, Communications Engineering Laboratory Manual FT221/3 Figure 2.1: Amplitude modulator. Figure 2.2: Generator parameters. Figure 2.3: The AM signal. The outline of the signal is called the envelope shown in figure 2.3, and the upper or lower portion of the envelope has the same shape as the modulating signal. Copyright Paul Tobin School of Electronic and Communications Engineering 12 DIT, Kevin St, Communications Engineering Laboratory Manual FT221/3 Use the FFT icon to display the signal in the frequency domain. The resolution in this domain is determined by the parameters set in the transient set-up. The greater the time axis the better the frequency resolution. We can see the spectral components in figure 2.4 for the 100 kHz carrier modulated by a 2kHz modulating signal. The components are located at the locations given by the above expression i.e. spectral components at 98 kHz, 100 kHz and 102 kHz. Another point to notice from the expression is that the side-bands are not equal in magnitude to the carrier component. The bandwidth for this signal is obtained by subtracting the lowest frequency component from the highest frequency component. Bandwidth = BW = ( f c + f m ) − ( f c − f m ) = 2 f m The bandwidth is 2 kHz. Figure 2.4: The AM spectrum. Copyright Paul Tobin School of Electronic and Communications Engineering 13