Registration Guide Cambridge IGCSE 2016 Th is b o o klet is in t en d ed t o g ive yo u t h e ad vice o n h o w t o r eg ist er f o r Cam b r id g e IGCSE exam in at io n s w it h t h e Br it ish Co u n cil Ban g ko k, Th ailan d . Please r ead it car ef u lly; it s co n t en t w ill b e in valu ab le in d iscu ssio n w it h Exam in at io n s Ser vices. Th e Bo o klet is availab le t o o b t ain f r ee o f ch ar g e f r o m Cu st o m er Ser vices (o f f ice h o u r s: Mo n d ay ---- Fr id ay, 09:00 ---- 18:00 h r s) an d t h e Br it ish Co u n cil Ban g ko k’s w eb sit e at h t t p ://w w w .b r it ish co u n cil.o r .t h /en /exam /ig cse To h elp can d id at es an d t h eir p ar en t s in ch o o sin g su b ject s, p lease co n su lt w it h syllab uses b ef o r e m akin g en t r ies. Syllab u ses, p ast q u est io n s p ap er s an d sup p o r t m at er ials an d r eso ur ces co u ld b e o b t ain ed f r o m h t t p ://w w w .cie.o r g .u k/i-w an t -t o /r eso u r ce-cen t r e/ Beco m e a f an o n o u r f aceb o o k p ag e at h t t p ://w w w .f aceb o o m /BCTh ailan d t o g et o u r r eg u lar u p d at es. What is Cambridge IGCSE? The Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is one of the most recognised qualifications around the world. IGCSE courses are renowned for developing vital educational skills, including recall of knowledge, oral skills, problem solving, initiative, team work and investigative skills. The resulting qualification provides a foundation for higher level courses, such as A and AS Levels, the Advanced International Certificate of Education, the North American Advanced Placement programme and the International Baccalaureate. Cambridge IGCSE caters for different levels of ability with a choice between core and extended papers in many subjects. The core curriculum is based on an overview of the subject and is suitable for students expected to achieve grades C to G. The extended curriculum is more challenging and designed for students who are expected to achieve grades A* to C. Grades achieved through either route have the same value. Cambridge IGCSE offers a flexible course of study that gives candidates the freedom to choose subjects that are right for them, whilst providing them with abroad knowledge base and lifelong skills. Who can take IGCSE? Cambridge IGCSE is designed to be taught as a two year course for students aged 14 to 16 years. In some countries IGCSE courses last just one year and there are no formal age regulations. In most subjects there is a choice between core and extended curricula, making IGCSE suitable for a wide range of abilities. Students can enter for the level that is most appropriate for them and this need not be the same across all subjects. Examination Information IGCSE courses take two years to complete and exams are taken at the end of that period. Examinations are held in June and November each year with results issued in August and February respectively. Students must enter for Cambridge IGCSE through a registered CIE Centre. Subjects on offer Please turn to KEY to IGCSE SYLLABUSES inside the booklet Why do some component codes in the entries booklet and timetable not match the component numbers in the syllabus? CIE operates a system of entry codes based on location. In practice, this means that the component number given in the syllabus will not always match up with the component code on the timetable or in the entry instruction booklet. When the component code has two digits, the first digit is the component number given in the syllabus, and the second number is the location code, specific to your administrative zone. Where can students get a copy of the examination timetable? Please see inside for the IGCSE October/November 2016 examinations timetable. Timetable clash It is your responsibility to check the examinations timetable to ensure that your subjects do not clash, and to ensure that the subjects applied for are all available. Please note that no arrangements can be made for rescheduling examinations that clash. What documents are required for registration? Documents required for registration include one passport-sized photograph (2 inches) and a copy of your identity card or passport. Only completed entry form that accompanied by the documents required and registration fees is accepted. How to register? You are requested to fill in the registration form provided by Customer Services at the British Council Siam Square office. Names given on the registration form must be official names, which are identical to those on your ID card. The specifics of the examination(s) which you outline on that form (i.e. session, level, subject code, and subject titles) must be completed. Please submit the completed entry form in person to Customer Services between Monday and Friday, from 0900 to 1800 hrs, the completed entry form must be accompanied by the documents required and registration fees. Upon registration, you will be required to pay the full registration fee. You can pay by credit card/debit card (VISA and Master card).Please note that cash is not accepted. When is the deadline to submit entries for October/November 2016 examinations? NORMAL REGISTRATION PERIOD LATE REGISTRATION PERIOD 6 July to 29 July 2016 1 August to 26 August 2016 What are the examination fees for 2016? Student enquiries about examination fees must be directed to the examination centre as these may differ from the fees set by CIE. You are advised to ensure that you are fully prepared to sit the examinations. Registration fees cannot be refunded, deferred or transferred from one examination to another. The fee is charged per paper; please refer to the list below for the subject fees:Examination fee for the following subjects is 6,910 Baht 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 0452 Accounting 0606 Additional Mathematics 0450 Business Studies 0453 Development Studies 0500 First Language English 0486 Literature (English) 0580 Mathematics (without coursework) 0490 Religious Studies 0495 Sociology 0471 Travel and Tourism 0478 Computer Science 0455 Economics Examination fee for the following subjects is 7,925 Baht 1. 2. 3. 4. 0460 Geography 0470 History 0610 Biology 0607 Cambridge International Mathematics 5. 0620 Chemistry 6. 0652 Physical Science 7. 0653 Combined Science 8. 0680 Environmental Management 9. 0625 Physics 10. 0510 English as a Second Language Examination fee for the following subjects is 10,775 Baht 1. 0654 Co-ordinated Sciences Entry form submitted during late registration period (1 August to 26 August 2016) a late fee of 3,100 baht per subject is applied. What documents would I receive after registration? Prior to the examination dates, an Individual Candidate Statement of Entries, Examination Guide, Examination Venue details will be posted to the address you give upon registration. If you do not receive this, you must inform Examinations Services at least 2 weeks before the session starts. You are advised to inform the British Council of any change of address immediately. Failure to do so may result in you not receiving your Statement of Entry. Important information regarding English as a Second Language Component 52, Oral Communication: the examinations will be scheduled during Mid September to Mid October 2016 You will be informed of your examination date and time for this component at least two weeks prior to the schedule, normally by telephone or e-mail. When will the October/November 2016 examination results be released? A SMS notification of your Statement of Results will be sent to you in February 2017. A SMS notification of Certificates will be sent to you in April 2017 if you have been successful in your examinations. You can collect your Statement of Results and your Certificate at British Council Siam Square office. Please note that after 2 weeks of SMS notification your Statement of Results will be posted by EMS to the address you give upon registration. However, you are required to pick up your Certificate at British Council Siam Square office as your certificate will not be posted. Contact British Council 254 Chulalongkorn Soi 64, Siam Square, Phyathai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 THAILAND Telephone: +662 657 5678 E-mail: Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays 09.00 to 18.00 hrs Disclaimer The British Council and the Examining Boards take all reasonable steps to provide continuity of service. We feel sure you will understand, however, that we cannot be held responsible for any interruptions caused by circumstances beyond our control. If examinations or their results are disrupted, cancelled or delayed, every effort will be made to resume normal service as soon as possible. The British Council’s liability will be limited to the refund of the registration fee or re-testing at a later date. Instructions on IGCSE Examination Timetable OCT/NOV 2016 CIE is introducing two new concepts for November 2012 examinations onwards: Key Times and Administrative Zones. These changes are part of a project to increase the security of CIE examinations, and ensure that the validity and integrity of CIE examinations continue to be valued as a global standard. CIE will identify a Key Time in each morning and afternoon examination session when all candidates must be under full supervision by their Centre. Centres will still be free to choose the start and finish times for their examinations within the periods defined on the timetable, but all candidates must be under full Centre supervision at the Key Time. 1. About the sessions and the KEY TIME Examinations must be taken in the morning or afternoon timetable session as shown on the FINAL timetable. All candidates entered for examinations in a session must be under Full Centre Supervision at the KEY TIME. If examinations timetable outside of the KEY TIME they must be kept under Full Centre Supervision until the KEY TIME. The The The The KEY TIME will be expressed in RED. KEY TIME for the morning session is 12:00 p.m. KEY TIME for the afternoon session is 16:00 p.m. SPECIAL KEY TIME is 20:00 p.m. 2. What does “under Full Centre Supervision” mean? Candidates can be in the examination room, doing their examination, under the supervision of invigilators. If the examinations finish before the KEY TIME, they must be supervised by invigilators until the KEY TIME. During that time candidates can have access to their books and notes, and they can talk to each other. However, they must not have any access to telephones, mobile phones, the Internet, or any means of external communication; and they must not be allowed any communication with anyone not under Full Centre Supervision. Failure by a centre to comply with the Regulations regarding the KEY TIME will be considered Maladministration by CIE and may result in CIE being unable to accept candidates’ work. 3. Where there is more than one paper in a single session In the case where a candidate has to sit two papers in one session (not timetable clash), the second question paper must given out until the time allocated to the first question paper has been allowed and the scripts for the first paper have been collected. This rule applies unless the rubric of either of the question papers gives a different instruction. 4. Time Allowance for Question Papers Any time specially allocated for candidates to read through question papers and to study maps, etc., is already included in the total time allowance shown in the timetable. No additional time is allowed. 5. Timetable Clashes It is a candidate’s responsibility to check the examinations timetable to ensure that your subjects do not clash, and to ensure that the subjects applied for are all available. Please note that no arrangements can be made for rescheduling examinations that clash. IGCSE EXAMINATION TIMETABLE, OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2016 Week 1 (3 - 7 October 2016) Morning start time 10.30 *KEY TIME 12.00 p.m.* Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Afternoon start time 14.30 *KEY TIME 16.00* Time Code Duration Time 0471/12 2h 14.30 - 16.30 Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Duration Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Wednesday • Travel and Tourism Paper 22 5 October Code Duration Time 0471/22 2h30m 14.30 - 17.00 Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Time Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Development Studies Paper 1 Code Monday 3 October Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Time Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Travel and Tourism Paper 12 Tuesday 4 October Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Code Time Duration Thursday 6 October Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Time Friday 7 October Morning start time 10.30 *KEY TIME 12.00 p.m.* 0453/01 Duration 2h Afternoon start time 14.30 *KEY TIME 16.00* 14.30 - 16.30 IGCSE EXAMINATION TIMETABLE, OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2016 Week 2 (10 - 15 October 2016) Morning start time 10.30 *KEY TIME 12.00 p.m.* Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Afternoon start time 14.30 *KEY TIME 16.00* Time Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Time Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Religious Studies Paper 12 Code Duration Time 0490/12 1h45m 14.30 - 16.15 Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Time Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Development Studies Paper 2 Code Duration Time 0453/02 2h 14.30 - 16.30 Code Duration Time 0490/22 0495/12 1h45m 2h 14.30 - 16.15 14.30 - 16.30 Monday 10 October Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Time Tuesday 11 October Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Cambridge International Mathematics Paper 12 (Core) • Cambridge International Mathematics Paper22 (Extended) Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Time 0607/12 0607/22 45m 45m 10.30 - 11.15 10.30 - 11.15 Code Duration Time Wednesday 12 October Thursday 13 October Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Time Friday 14 October Morning start time 10.30 *KEY TIME 12.00 p.m.* Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Religious Studies Paper 22 • Sociology Paper 12 Afternoon start time 14.30 *KEY TIME 16.00* Week 3 (17 - 21 October 2016) Morning start time 10.30 *KEY TIME 12.00 p.m.* Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • English as a Second Language Paper 12 (Speaking Endorsement) (Reading and Writing - Core) • English as a Second Language Paper 22 (Speaking Endorsement) (Reading and Writing - Extended) Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Cambridge International Mathematics Paper 32 (Core) • Cambridge International Mathematics Paper 42 (Extended) Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Environmental Management Paper 22 Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Environmental Management Paper 42 (Alternative to Coursework) Afternoon start time 14.30 *KEY TIME 16.00* Code Duration Time 0510/12 1h30m 10.30 - 12.00 0510/22 2h 10.30 - 12.30 Code Duration Time 0607/32 0607/42 1h45m 2h15m 10.30 - 12.15 10.30 - 12.45 Code Duration Time Code Duration Time 0680/22 1h45m 10.30 - 12.15 Code Duration Time 0680/42 1h30m 10.30-12.00 Morning start time 10.30 *KEY TIME 12.00 p.m.* Code Duration Time 0495/22 1h45m 14.30 - 16.15 Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Time Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Wednesday • Computer Science Paper 12 19 October Code Duration Time 0478/12 1h45m 14.30 - 16.15 Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Time Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Time Monday 17 October Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Sociology Paper 22 Tuesday 18 October Thursday 20 October Friday 21 October Afternoon start time 14.30 *KEY TIME 16.00* IGCSE EXAMINATION TIMETABLE, OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2016 Week 4 (24 -28 October 2016) Morning start time 10.30 *KEY TIME 12.00 p.m.* Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Afternoon start time 14.30 *KEY TIME 16.00* Time Monday 24 October Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • History Paper 42 (Alternative to Coursework) Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Cambridge International Mathematics Paper 52 (Core) • Cambridge International Mathematics Paper 62 (Extended) • Environmental Management Paper 12 • Mathematics Without Coursework Paper 12 - Core • Mathematics Without Coursework Paper 22 - Extended Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • English as a Second Language Paper 32 (Speaking Endorsement) (Listening - Core) • English as a Second Language Paper 42 (Speaking Endorsement) (Listening - Extended) Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Time 0470/42 1h 10.30 - 11.30 Code Duration Time 0607/52 0607/62 0680/12 0580/12 0580/22 1h 1h30m 1h30m 1h 1h30m 10.30 - 11.30 Code Duration Time 0510/32 40m 10.30 - 11.10 0510/42 50m 10.30 - 11.20 Code 10.30 - 12.00 10.30 - 12.00 10.30 - 11.30 Tuesday 25 October Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Additional Mathematics Paper 12 Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Biology Paper 62 (Alternative to Practical) Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Geography Paper 42 Wednesday (Alternative to Coursework) 26 October Code Duration Time 0606/12 2h 14.30 - 16.30 Code Duration Time 0610/62 1h 14.30 - 15.30 Code Duration Time 0460/42 1h30m 14.30 - 16.00 Code Duration Time 0620/62 1h 14.30 - 15.30 Code Duration Time 0610/12 0610/22 0610/32 0610/42 45m 45m 1h15m 1h15m 14.30 - 15.15 14.30 - 15.15 10.30 - 12.00 Thursday 27 October Duration Friday 28 October Morning start time 10.30 *KEY TIME 12.00 p.m.* Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Chemistry Paper 62 (Alternative to Practical) Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • *Biology Paper 12 (Multiple Choice - Core) • *Biology Paper 22 (Multiple Choice - Extended) • *Biology Paper 32 - Core • *Biology Paper 42 - Extended *Biology Paper 12, 22 & 32 or 42 must be sat one after another 15.30 - 16.45 15.30 - 16.45 Afternoon start time 14.30 *KEY TIME 16.00* Week 5 (31 October - 5 November 2016) Morning start time 10.30 *KEY TIME 12.00 p.m.* Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • History Paper 12 Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Mathematics Without Coursework Paper 32 - Core • Mathematics Without Coursework Paper 42 - Extended Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Combined Science Paper 62 (Alternative to Practical) • Co-ordinated Science Paper 62 (Alternative to Practical) • Physical Science Paper 62 (Alternative to Practical) Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Afternoon start time 14.30 *KEY TIME 16.00* Code Duration Time 0470/12 2h 10.30 - 12.30 Code Duration Time 0580/32 0580/42 2h 2h30m 10.30 - 12.30 10.30 - 13.00 Code Duration Tine 0653/62 1h 10.30 - 11.30 0654/62 1h 10.30 - 11.30 0652/62 1h 10.30 - 11.30 Code Duration Time Monday 31 October Tuesday 1 November Code Duration Time 0470/22 2h 10.30 - 12.30 Morning start time 10.30 *KEY TIME 12.00 p.m.* Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Accounting Paper 22 Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Accounting Paper 12 Code Duration Time 0500/12 1h45m 14.30 - 16.15 0500/22 2h 14.30 - 16.30 Code Duration Time 0452/22 1h45m 14.30 - 16.15 Code Duration Time 0452/12 1h45m 14.30 - 16.15 Code Duration Time 0500/32 2h 14.30 - 16.30 Code Duration Time 0455/22 2h15m 14.30 - 16.45 Wednesday 2 November Thursday 3 November Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • History Paper 22 Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • First Language English Paper 12 (Reading Passages - Core) • First Language English Paper 22 (Reading Passages - Extended) Friday 4 November Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • First Language English Paper 32 (Directed Writing and Composition) Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Economics Paper 22 Afternoon start time 14.30 *KEY TIME 16.00* IGCSE EXAMINATION TIMETABLE, OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2016 Week 6 (7 November - 11 November 2016) Morning start time 10.30 *KEY TIME 12.00 p.m.* Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Afternoon start time 14.30 *KEY TIME 16.00* Time Monday 7 November Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Physics Paper 62 (Alternative to Practical) Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Business Studies Paper 12 Code Duration Time 0625/62 1h 10.30 - 11.30 Code Duration Tine 0450/12 1h30m 10.30 - 12.00 Tuesday 8 November Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Literature (English) Paper 12 Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Geography Paper 22 • Additional Mathematics Paper 22 Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Wednesday • Literature (English) Paper 22 9 Code Duration Time 0486/12 1h30m 14.30 - 16.00 Code Duration Time 0460/22 0606/22 1h30m 2h 14.30 - 16.00 14.30 - 16.30 Code Duration Time 0486/22 1h30m 14.30 - 16.00 Code Duration Time 0478/22 0652/12 0652/22 0652/32 1h45m 45m 1h15m 1h15m 14.30 - 16.15 18.00 - 18.45 Code Duration Time November Syllabus/ Component Code Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • *Physics Paper 12 (Multiple Choice - Core) 0625/12 • *Physics Paper 22 (Multiple Choice - Extended) 0625/22 • *Physics Paper 32 - Core 0625/32 • *Physics Paper 42 - Extended 0625/42 *Physics Paper 12, 22 & 32 or 42 must be sat one after another • *Combined Science Paper 12 (Multiple Choice) 0653/12 • *Combined Science Paper 22 - Core 0653/22 • *Combined Science Paper 32 - Extended 0653/32 * Combined Science Paper 12 & 22 or 32 must be sat one after another • *Co-ordinated Sciences Paper 12 (Multiple Choice) 0654/12 • *Co-ordinated Sciences Paper 22 - Core 0654/22 • *Co-ordinated Sciences Paper 32 - Extended 0654/32 *Co-ordinated Science Paper 12 & 22 or 32 must be sat one after another Syllabus/ Component Code Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Duration Time 45m 45m 1h15m 1h15m 10.30 - 11.15 10.30 - 11.15 45m 1h15m 1h15m 10.30 - 11.15 45m 2h 2h 10.30 - 11.15 Duration Time 11.30 - 12.45 11.30 - 12.45 Thursday 10 November Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Computer Science Paper 22 • Physical Science (Multiple Choice) Paper 12* • Physical Science Paper 22 (Core)* • Physical Science Paper 32 (Extended)* 19.00 - 20.15 19.00 - 20.15 *Special Key time 20.00 p.m. 11.30 - 12.45 11.30 - 12.45 11.30 - 13.30 11.30 - 13.30 Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Friday 11 November Morning start time 10.30 *KEY TIME 12.00 p.m.* Afternoon start time 14.30 *KEY TIME 16.00* Week 7 (14 November - 16 November 2016) Morning start time 10.30 *KEY TIME 12.00 p.m.* Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Afternoon start time 14.30 *KEY TIME 16.00* Time Monday 14 November Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Code Duration Time Tuesday 15 November Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Business Studies Paper 22 Morning start time 10.30 *KEY TIME 12.00 p.m.* Code Duration Tine 0450/22 1h30m 10.30 - 12.00 Syllabus/ Component Code Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • *Chemistry Paper 12 (Multiple Choice - Core) 0620/12 • *Chemistry Paper 22 (Multiple Choice - Extended) 0620/22 • *Chemistry Paper 32 - Core 0620/32 • *Chemistry Paper 42 - Extended 0620/42 * Chemistry Paper 12, 22 & 32 or 42 must be sat one after another Duration Time 45m 45m 1h15m 1h15m 10.30 - 11.15 10.30 - 11.15 Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations • Economics Paper 12 (Multiple Choice) Code Duration Time 0455/12 45m 14.30 - 15.15 Code Duration Time 0460/12 1h45m 14.30 - 16.15 Syllabus/ Component Cambridge IGCSE Examinations Wednesday • Geopgraphy Paper 12 16 November Afternoon start time 14.30 *KEY TIME 16.00* 11.30 - 12.45 11.30 - 12.45 KEY TO IGCSE SYLLABUSES (in alphabetical order) FOR OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2016 EXAMINATIONS ONLY: To help candidates and their parents in choosing subjects, please consult with syllabuses before making entries. Syllabuses could be obtained from SYLLABUS DURATION COMPONENT INFORMATION WEIGHTING OPTION NAME AND CODE ACCOUNTING 0452 12: Paper 12 22: Paper 22 1h 45m 1h 45m 50% 50% ACCESS TO GRADES All grades A* to G are available. Option Code AY ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS 0606 12: Paper 12 22: Paper 22 BIOLOGY 0610 12: 22: 32: 42: 62: BUSINESS STUDIES 0450 NOTES CODE 2h 2h 50% 50% Grades A* to E are available. Option Code AY Multiple Choice (Core) 12 Multiple Choice (Extended) 22 Theory (Core) 32 Theory (Extended) 42 Alternative to Practical 62 12: Short Answer/ Structured Response 12 22: Case Study 22 Components 12, 22 45m 45m 1h 15m 1h 15m 1h 30% 30% 50% 50% 20% 1h 30m 50% 1h 30m 50% Components 12, 22 May not be taken in the same examination session as 0653, 0654. Option Code CY GY Core: Grades C to G Extended: Grades A* to G Components 22, 42, 62 (Extended) 12, 32, 62 (Core) All grades A* to G are available. Option Code AY Components 12, 22 CAMBRIDGE 12: Paper 12 (Core) 45m 25% May not be taken in the same Core: Grades C to G INTERNATIONAL 22: Paper 22 (Extended) 45m 20% examination session as 0580. Extended: Grades A* to E MATHEMATICS 32: Paper 32 (Core) 1h 45m 60% 0607 42: Paper 42 (Extended) 2h 15m 60% Option Code Components 52: Paper 52 (Core) 1h 15% AY 12, 32, 52 (Core) 62: Paper 62 (Extended) 1h 30m 20% BY 22, 42, 62 (Extended) 12: 22: 32: 42: 62: 45m 45m 1h 15m 1h 15m 1h 30% 30% 50% 50% 20% CHEMISTRY 0620 Multiple Choice (Core) 12 Multiple Choice (Extended) 22 Theory (Core) 32 Theory (Extended) 42 Alternative to Practical 62 May not be taken in the same examination session as 0653, 0654. Option Code CY GY Core: Grades C to G Extended: Grades A* to G Components 22, 42, 62 (Extended) 12, 32, 62 (Core) COMBINED SCIENCE 12: Multiple Choice 12 45m 30% May not be taken in the Core: Grades C to G 0653 22: Core Theory 22 1h 15m 50% same examination session as Extended: Grades A* to G 32: Extended Theory 32 1h 15m 50% 0610, 0620, 0625, 0652, 0654 62: Alternative to Practical 62 1h 20% Option Code Components GY 12, 22, 62 (Core) CY 12, 32, 62 (Extended) KEY TO IGCSE SYLLABUSES (in alphabetical order) FOR OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2016 EXAMINATIONS ONLY: To help candidates and their parents in choosing subjects, please consult with syllabuses before making entries. Syllabuses could be obtained from SYLLABUS COMPONENT INFORMATION DURATION WEIGHTING OPTION NAME AND CODE COMPUTER 12: Paper 12 Theory 1h 45m 60% SCIENCE 22: Paper 22 Problem-Solving and 1h 45m 40% 0478 NOTES ACCESS TO GRADES CODE Programming All grades A* to G are available Option Code Components AY 12, 22 CO-ORDINATED 12: Multiple Choice 12 45m 30% May not be taken in the Core: Grades CC to GG SCIENCES 22: Core Theory 22 2h 50% same examination session as Extended: Grades A*A* to GG (DOUBLE AWARD) 32: Extended Theory 32 2h 50% 0610, 0620, 0625, 0652, 0653 0654 62: Alternative to Practical 62 1h 20% DEVELOPMENT 1: Paper 1 2h 50% STUDIES 2: Paper 2 2h 50% 0453 ECONOMICS 12: Multiple Choice 12 45m 30% 0455 22: Structured Questions 22 2h 15m 70% Option Code Components GY 12, 22, 62 (Core) CY 12, 32, 62 (Extended) All grades A* to G are available Option Code Components NO OPTION 1, 2 All grades A* to G are available. Option Code Components Y 12, 22 ENGLISH 12: Reading and Writing (Core) 12 1h 30m 70% May not be taken in the same AS A SECOND 22: Reading and Writing (Extended) 22 2h 70% examination session as 0500. Extended: Grades A* to E LANGUAGE 32: Listening (Core) 32 40m 30% Components ***Component 52 Oral Communication (Speaking Endorsement) 42: Listening (Extended) 42 50m 30% AY 12, 32, 52 (Core) will be during Mid-September 0510 52: Oral Communication 52 15m - EY 22, 42, 52 (Extended) to Mid October 2016.*** ENVIRONMENTAL 12: Paper 12 1h 30m 30% MANAGEMENT 22: Paper 22 1h 45m 40% 0680 42: Alternative To Coursework 1h 30m 30% Option Code Core: Grades C to G All grades A* to G are available. Option Code Components BY 12, 22, 42 FIRST LANGUAGE 12: Reading Passage (Core) 12 1h 45m 50% May not be taken in the same Core: Grades C to G ENGLISH 22: Reading Passages (Extended) 22 2h 50% examination session as 0510. Extended: Grades A* to E 0500 32: Directed Writing & Composition 32 2h 50% Option Code Components AU 12, 32 (Core) CU 22, 32 (Extended) KEY TO IGCSE SYLLABUSES (in alphabetical order) FOR OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2016 EXAMINATIONS ONLY: To help candidates and their parents in choosing subjects, please consult with syllabuses before making entries. Syllabuses could be obtained from SYLLABUS COMPONENT INFORMATION DURATION WEIGHTING OPTION NAME AND CODE NOTES ACCESS TO GRADES CODE GEOGRAPHY 12: Geographical Themes 12 1h 45m 45% 0460 22: Geographical Skills 22 1h 30m 27.50% 42: Alternative to Coursework 42 1h 30m 27.50% HISTORY 12: Paper 12 2h 40% 0470 22: Paper 22 2h 33% 42: Alternative to Coursework 42 1h 27% All grades A* to G are available. Option Code Components BY 12, 22, 42 All grades A* to G are available. Option Code Components BY 12, 22, 42 LITERATURE 12: Poetry and Prose 12 1h 30m 50% (ENGLISH) 22: Drama 22 1h 30m 50% Option Code Components AY 12, 22 MATHEMATICS 12: Paper 12 (Core) 1h 35% May not be taken in the same examination Core: Grades C to G (Without 22: Paper 22 (Extended) 1h 30m 35% session as 0607. Extended: Grades A* to E Coursework) 32: Paper 32 (Core) 2h 65% Option Code Components 0580 42: Paper 42 (Extended) 2h 30m 65% AY 12, 32 (Core) 0486 PHYSICAL SCIENCE 0652 12: 22: 32: 62: Multiple Choice 12 Core Theory 22 Extended Theory 32 Alternative to Practical 62 45m 1h 15m 1h 15m 1h 30% 50% 50% 20% All grades A* to G are available. BY 22, 42 (Extended) Option Code May not be taken in the same examination session as 0620, 0625, 0653, 0654. Components GY 12, 22, 62 (Core) CY 12, 32, 62 (Extended) Core: Grades C to G Extended: Grades A* to G PHYSICS 12: Multiple Choice (Core) 12 45m 30% May not be taken in the same Core: Grades C to G 0625 22: Multiple Choice (Extended) 22 45m 30% examination session as Extended: Grades A* to G 32: Theory (Core) 32 1h 15m 50% 0653, 0654. 42: Theory (Extended) 42 1h 15m 50% Option Code Components 62: Alternative to Practical 62 1h 20% CY 22, 42, 62 (Extended) GY 12, 32, 62 (Core) Option Code Components AY 12, 22 Option Code Components AY 12, 22 Option Code Components AY 12, 22 RELIGIOUS STUDIES 12: Paper 12 1h 45m 50% 0490 22 Paper 22 1h 45m 50% SOCIOLOGY 12: Paper 12 2h 60% 0495 22: Paper 22 1h 45m 40% TRAVEL AND 12: Written Paper 12 2h 60% TOURISM 22: Paper 22 Alternative to Coursework 2h 30m 40% 0471 All grades A* to G are available. All grades A* to G are available. All grades A* to G are available. INTERNATIONAL GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION (IGCSE) CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS OCTOBER/ NOVEMBER 2016 PHOTO Affix your most recent passport size photo here (write your name on the back of the photo) Centre Name Correspondence Address LEAVE FOR OFFICIAL USE Centre Number Candidate Number 9 TH001 Name (in BLOCK letters) Last name (in BLOCK letters) Passport/ ID Card No. Email: Home Tel. no. Office Tel. no. Mobile no. Gender (delete as appropriate) Date of birth: Male/ Female Day Month Year NORMAL REGISTRATION PERIOD 6 July to 29 July 2016 LATE REGISTRATION PERIOD 1 August to 26 August 2016 Place a tick in the box against each subject you wish to take or, in the case of a title with a paper choice, circles the appropriate option code. Syllabus Code 0452 0606 Option No Option Syllabus Title Fees AY Accounting 6,910.00 No Option AY Core GY 0610 Extended 0450 No Option AY AY Extended BY 0607 0654 0453 7,925.00 Business Studies Cambridge International Mathematics Chemistry Extended CY Core Extended Core GY CY GY Extended CY No Option (A)Total no. of subject(s) entered Biology 7,925.00 Syllabus Title Fees 6,910.00 Y Economics Core AY Extended EY 0680 No Option BY 0478 No Option AY 0500 Core Extended AU CU 0471 No Option AY English as a Second Language Environmental Management Computer Science First Language English Travel and Tourism 0495 No Option AY Sociology 6,910.00 0460 No Option BY Geography 7,925.00 0470 No Option BY 7,925.00 0486 No Option AY Core AY Extended Core Extended Core Extended BY GY CY GY CY History Literature (English) Mathematics (Without Coursework) Physical Science No Option AY 0510 6,910.00 7,925.00 Option No Option GY 0620 0653 6,910.00 CY Core Core Additional Mathematics Syllabus Code 0455 0580 0652 Combined Science 7,925.00 0625 Co-ordinated Sciences 10,775.00 0490 Development Studies 6,910.00 7,925.00 7,925.00 6,910.00 6,910.00 6,910.00 6,910.00 6,910.00 7,925.00 Physics 7,925.00 Religious Studies 6,910.00 (B) Total Amount (C) RETAKING SUBJECTS FROM IGCSE JUNE 2016 SESSION SAT WITH THE BRITISH COUNCIL BANGKOK? ***If YES, please provide your Provisional Result or Statement of Result TH001/ ……………. YES/NO (D) Late registration fees (Baht 3,100.00 per subject) applied to any IGCSE exams registered during 1 August to 26 August 2016. Place a tick this column (E) Method of Payment (1) Credit card: Master Card/ VISA (delete as applicable), Card No…………………………….. in *** Candidates re-taking subjects from IGCSE June 2016 session may register for re-take subjects until 26 August 2016 without paying late fees. Please note; however, that this only applies to re-takes of subjects sat in the previous June exams at the British Council Bangkok centre provided that the grades awarded were below grade C. The previous Statement of Results must be presented upon registration. *** PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING NOTES CAREFULLY Declaration by Candidate 1. I make this entry according to the provisions of the published regulations which I have studied. 2. I have given all the information required truthfully and accurately to the best of my knowledge and belief. 3. I understand that I shall be allowed to sit only for those subjects and papers for which I have entered on this form. 4. I agree that there should be no postponement or refund of all fees should I decide to withdraw from the examination. 5. I understand that it is my responsibility to check the examination schedule to ensure that the subjects for which I have entered do not clash, and I agree that no arrangements can be made for rescheduling examinations that clash. STATEMENT OF ENTRIES The Statement of Entries, bearing your candidate number and confirmation of the examination dates, times and venue will be posted to you approximately three weeks prior to the commencement of the examinations. If you have not received your Statement of Entry within ten days of your first examination, please contact us immediately. SPEAKING TESTS For English as a Second Language Component 52, Oral Communication, the examinations will be scheduled during Mid September to Mid October 2016. You will be informed of your examination date and time for this component at least two weeks prior to the schedule, normally by telephone or email. STATEMENT OF RESULTS/CERTIFICATES A SMS notification of your Statement of Results will be sent to you in February 2017. A SMS notification of Certificates will be sent to you in April 2017 if you have been successful in your examinations. You can collect your Statement of Results and your Certificate at British Council Siam Square office. Please note that after 2 weeks of SMS notification your Statement of Results will be posted by EMS to the address you give upon registration. However, you are required to pick up your Certificate at British Council Siam Square office as your certificate will not be posted. Disclaimer The British Council and the Examining Boards take all reasonable steps to provide continuity of service. We feel sure you will understand, however, that we cannot be held responsible for any interruptions caused by circumstances beyond our control. If examinations or their results are disrupted, cancelled or delayed, every effort will be made to resume normal service as soon as possible. The British Council’s liability will be limited to the refund of the registration fee or re-testing at a later date. Signature of candidate _____________________________________ Date _____________________ For official use only Date of payment Receipt / Book Number Amount paid Signature of staff member who received the exam entry …………………………………………………………………… Your completed entry form must be accompanied by the following:• • • One recent coloured passport size photograph A copy of your Passport or Thai ID Card Total fee payable in cash or by credit card as shown in (D) above Please submit the completed entry form IN PERSON to Customer relations at the address shown below:British Council 254 Chulalongkorn Soi 64, Siam Square Phyathai Road, Pathumwan Bangkok 10330 Telephone: +662 657 5678 Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays 09.00 to 18.00 hrs We recommend you to make a copy of the completed entry form for your own reference before submitting to Customer Relations. Notice to Candidates This notice has been written to help you. Read it carefully and do what you are asked. If there is anything you do not understand, especially which calculator you may use, ask your teacher. REGULATIONS Make Sure You Know The Rules • A candidate is not permitted to enter for the same syllabus code at two Centres in the same examination session. • You must be on time for all examinations. If you are late, your work may not be accepted. • You may take into the examination room only the materials and equipment which are allowed. You must not take into the examination room calculator cases/instruction leaflets, bags, non-transparent pencil cases, personal TVs or computers, electronic or radio communication devices including mobile telephones, portable music players, or any other material or equipment. Anyone found in possession of any unauthorised material, even if you do not intend to use it, will be automatically disqualified from the subject being taken. • You must not take part in any unfair practice either when preparing Coursework, or when taking the examination. • Correcting fluid/correcting pens must not be used. • You must not talk, communicate in any way with, seek assistance from or give assistance to, or disturb other candidates once the examination has started. • Smoking is not allowed in the examination room. INFORMATION Make Sure You Attend • Know the dates and times of your examinations. • On the examination day you must present either your Thai national ID card or passport as proof of identity. If you do not do this you will not be allowed to take the examination. Your Statement of Entry cannot be used as proof of identity. (Effective from Oct/Nov2016 session) • Arrive at least 10 minutes before the start of each examination. • If you arrive late for an examination, report to the invigilator running the examination. If you arrive after the examination has ended, you will not normally be allowed to take it. • If you miss an examination without good reason, you will not normally be given a grade in the subject. • Leave outside the examination room, or with the invigilator, anything that you do not need or which is not allowed. • Take into the examination room the pens, pencils, rulers and any instruments that you need for the examination. • You must write in blue or black ink except for multiple choice papers that must be completed in pencil (B or HB). Coloured pencils or inks may be used only for diagrams, maps, charts etc. Correcting fluid must never be used during an examination and highlighter pens or glue must not be used unless specifically permitted by the syllabus. • You may not borrow anything from another candidate during the examination. • Calculators, Dictionaries and Spell-checkers • You may use a calculator, unless you are told that you may not do so. • If you use a calculator make sure it works properly make sure the battery is working properly clear anything stored in it do not bring into the examination room any operating instructions or prepared programs • You must not use a dictionary or computer spell-checker, unless you have been informed before the examinations that you may do so. • Examination Instructions • Listen to the invigilator and do what you are asked to do. • Tell the invigilator at once if you think you have not been given the right question paper or all the materials listed on the front of the paper; if the question paper is incomplete or badly printed. • Read carefully the instructions printed on the question paper and/or on the answer book/answer paper. Do what they ask you to do. • Fill in the details required on the front of your question paper and/or answer book/answer paper before the start of the examination. • Do any rough work on the examination stationery provided. Cross it through and leave it on your desk when you leave. • Advice and Assistance • If on the day of the examination you feel that your work may be affected by ill health or any other reason, tell the invigilator. • If during the examination you have a problem and are in doubt about what you should do, put your hand up to attract attention. The invigilator will come and assist you. • You may not ask for, and will not be given, any explanation of the examination questions. • Leaving the Examination Room • For examinations longer than one hour, you are not allowed to leave the examination room until at least one hour after the published starting time. If you are allowed to leave before the end of the examination, you will not be allowed to return. • If you have used more than one answer book and/or loose sheets of answer paper, you must place them in the correct order. Fasten them together before you leave. • You must not leave the examination room until the invigilator tells you to do so. • When you leave the examination room you must leave behind the question paper, your answer book/answer paper, rough work, and any other (used or unused) materials provided for the examination. WARNING • If you cheat, try to use any unfair practice, or break the rules in any way, you may be disqualified from all your subjects. ANY VIOLATION OF THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS MAY CAUSE DISQUALIFICATION OF THE CANDIDATE. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I have read and fully understood all information in the Registration Guide and will follow all the instructions stated. Name of CANDIDATE: …………….….…………………..……………………………………… Signature of CANDIDATE: ……………………………………………………………….………. Date of Registration: …………………………………Examination Session: May/ June October/ November (delete as appropriate)